
Monday, September 12, 2011

The Diamond Rule

This is a really interesting explanation of the application of game theory principles to ethics. I found this to be particularly useful in categorizing my own behavior and those of others:
The first strategy is called “The Golden Rule.” This strategy basically represents the idea to “Do to others, what you would have them do to you.” So if you were to apply this to the prisoners dilemma, you would remain silent every time the game was played.

Another strategy available is called “The Silver Rule” which is to “Do not do to them, what you would not have them do to you” which is a variation of the golden rule, but in the case of the prisoner’s dilemma, would also mean that you would remain silent every time the game was played.

Another strategy available is called “The Bronze Rule” which is to “Do to them, as they do to you” or as some would say “an eye for an eye” which, in the case of the prisoner’s dilemma, would mean that you would remain silent, if the other prisoner remained silent the last time the game was played, or if they were to testify against you, then you would do the same to them the next time around.

Another strategy available is called “The Iron Rule” which is to “Do it to them, before they do it to you” which, in the case of the prisoner’s dilemma, would mean that you would testify against the other prisoner every time the game was played.

These different strategies were all tested in multiple computer simulated and in real world experiments, and it was found that actually none of these strategies were superior for the long term benefit of both players.

It was found that a completely different strategy was found to be superior, which has been called the “Tit for Tat” strategy, and which I have labeled as “The Diamond Rule.”

This strategy basically states that both players should start out with the Golden Rule/Silver Rule strategy of cooperation with the other player, or in other words, to remain silent each time the game is played. If at any time the other player is to defect, or to testify against you, you are then to “punish” them, by also testifying against them the next round of the game, but then after that round, to forgive them, and to return to the Golden/Silver Rule strategy of cooperation.

In effect, the Diamond Rule states that you should cooperate with others, but if at any time another person is to hurt you, then you must withdraw your cooperation and get justice until justice has been fully dealt, and to then “forgive and forget” and be open to cooperating with them once again.

So that is how the Nash Equilibrium and Game Theory is most readily and easily applied to ethics. In effect, the Nash Equilibrium of Game Theory is a mathematical proof for why things like ethics, altruism, justice and forgiveness are actually most beneficial for every member of the group in which they exist. A mathematical justification for moral and ethical behavior.
I'm not surprised that the Diamond Rule was the most efficient. And longtime readers of the blog shouldn't be surprised to see me assert that I think sociopaths are probably the most able to pull the Diamond Rule. First, you have to be able to punish someone, harsh enough to make an impact and fast enough so you can both quickly move on to the forgiveness stage. Sociopaths are impulsive and ruthless, they would easily be able to pull this part off. Second, you would have to completely forgive them and go back to the way things were before. Normal people hold grudges, but for sociopaths something like this isn't personal, just business. Once you have knocked them around for their misbehavior, if they have any use to the sociopath it would be right back to being chummy. In fact, the Diamond Rule is pretty much my default. I hate the Golden Rule, I think it's idiotic and narcissistically inefficient. I do the Silver Rule, but will take them down if necessary (Diamond Rule). The Bronze Rule is petty and others centered. The Iron Rule is just too inflexible for modern society.

In other news, I'm sort of fascinated and flummoxed by the author of the blog (linked above), "Broderick Boyd" of "The Broderick Boyd University." I can't tell whether he is trying to become a motivational speaker, is a raging narcissist, or what, but I'm curious enough to follow him on Twitter.


  1. "Normal people hold grudges, but for sociopaths something like this isn't personal"

    I hugely disagree, but okay.

  2. You dont need to be a sociopath to use "the diamond rule" or to figure it out
    I guess any average manipulator could pull it off

  3. ukan said...
    Most women I've met that have difficulties orgasming are dead fucks that are sexually repressed victims of molestation.

    nope, your cock was just to small

  4. Normal people hold grudges, but for sociopaths something like this isn't personal.

    The hell it isnt personal....
    It isnt emotional, nor is it pent up bitterness.
    Its the simple fact that someone tried to fuck with me.
    I take that personally.
    I react personally.
    I make sure that they realise that I have taken it that way when I fire up.
    I think a socio could use any one of the rules and work it to their advantage.
    If diamond failed , fuck it, try the silver..and so on.
    If none of those rules work, hey..I know..I have the lead rule! (whatever that might be).
    tried and true are always the best mainstays.
    Simply..if I take it as a slight..its personal. easy peasy.

  5. When you have a huge ego, I would say you are much MORE prone to taking things personally.

  6. Not necessarily ego-based.

  7. I hold grudges. I can just put them off until it suits me to act on them. I'm holding grudges over a few people that call me a friend right now. I'd probably go with the diamond rule. If the other guy betrayed me then I'd take revenge and forgive for the time being. Then in the last round I'd switch to the iron rule and fuck him over to complete my revenge. Then he wouldn't be able to get back at me.

  8. "Not necessarily ego-based."

    With me it is.

  9. I was taregeted by someone i suspect has sociopathic traits. After the initial breakup (of false romantic relationship) natural feelings of hurt and betrayal caused me to react badly, and i did things i regret. After a very breief spell at lovefraud (vomit) i found this place and educated myself. I accept my part in what happened and therefore do not consider myself a victim. The next mistake i made was trying to reach out to him with acceptence and understanding, but fear he holds a grudge for this and my past mistakes and has no good intentions for me ( he denies this of course) I know the only option now is to give up on him ... as sad as that makes me feel.
    I am right in thinking that he only wants to destroy me ??

  10. Arrogant people don't listen or learn.

  11. When you have a huge ego, I would say you are much MORE prone to taking things personally.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. y dos tumblr user hav sleeve tatu

  14. @Anon 3:58

    If you got back at him in a way he thinks was unfair (to him), he will turn it into an excuse to 'even the scales' (or not completely even, in his favour of course), so yeah, your best option is just to avoid him.

    This is just a general observation, I don't know the details of the situation etcetera etcetera.

  15. @ Wheatley.
    Thanks, i do not wish to go into details, i think its in my best interest not to !! I will say that it was not (and never will be) my intention to get back at him as you say ...although i know he views it differently for obvious reasons.

  16. Is it the Narc or socio that backstabs you so that people think badly of you?

  17. For me it is tit for tat without forgive and forget and play chummy.

  18. It't not so much about forgiving them as it just being that once you've punished and, or scared them enough that you know they're not going to do it again, it ceases to matter.

  19. I like the diamond rule.
    Anything that works more efficiently, makes the best sense.

    I see this more and more, the older I get. Juvenile tantrums, and child's play works better for the young.

    But the other reality is attachment.
    When you lack the ability to attach yourself to most things, it only makes sense that you wouldn't remain attached to any emotion driven pursuit. Taking it personal past justice served, is a form of attachment.


  20. Normal people hold grudges, but for sociopaths something like this isn't personal

    I disagree with you M.E., because normal people around me regularly say, "You got what you wanted why don't you just let it go."
    My wife says I am obsessively vindictive and I know it. If someone slights me I will bring down everything I can on them. I look for every opportunity to bring pain and ruin to the person. When they beg for mercy or they are destroyed it is over. However, I don't forgive them after unless they want to work for me (and it was business related). Even then the fact that they are defeated makes me treat them like shit for years (Like one of my employees I have right now). I don't really have a strategy, or rule per say. I just do whatever I feel like at the time and sort out the mess as I go. I guess I just live by the seat of my pants and blind luck.

    Anonymous, I can't believe you dragged some banter that I said yesterday all the way over to this post. You must have felt very personally hurt by it. Are you a dead fuck that was regularly abused? Tell me, what did your father say to you when you just laid their lifeless while he pumped you? Yeah, that's exactly what I would have told you as well: Spice it up

  21. we all know you have a small cock, ukan. that's why u over compensate with the loud mouth/aggressive stuff and brag all the time, just admit it (:

  22. I'm not the one taking a dysfunction we were talking about personally. Like Not Able said, a women not being able to orgasm is erectile dysfunction for females. I understand where it comes from though. It would be hard to orgasm if the first half of your sexual life was being forced on you. Tell me, what did his breath smell like when his sweaty body was jerking about on top of you?

  23. admit you have a small cock, then i'll start talking (:

  24. ukan's cock is so small, his dad can suck it while having a conversation with him

  25. UKan, do you feel the same way if someone ignored you? Like if you posted something on here and everyone didn't respond to it, would you take that personally? Are you hypersensitive?

  26. So you admit you were abused and that is why you can't have a orgasm. Good enough for me. I dont need you to give the details I will just use my imagination. Meanwhile you can imagine the size of my cock.


  27. UKan, do you feel the same way if someone ignored you? Like if you posted something on here and everyone didn't respond to it, would you take that personally? Are you hypersensitive?

    Why, has it happened to you? I've never had that problem.

  28. i'll tell u the gory details if u admit you have a small cock (:

  29. You already gave up too much about yourself anon. Game over. Go to a therapist so next time someone is fucking you, so you won't be laying there lifeless.
    That's why you are on here taking something I said personally all the way from yesterday. I put it there yesterday hoping for someone like you to pop out of the woodwork. Fortunately you dragged it over to today which tells me it itches like the herpes your father gave you. You are obsessed with my cock. You don't seem the type to be a cock fiend though. You hate sex because it makes you feel ashamed to have any kind of desire. You had to surpress your desire for your safety. Sex makes you feel dirty and used. How does it feel knowing that other women are out enjoying themselves and being seen as sexy, while you are just some corpse people sleep with once like a well painted blow up doll?


  30. I was taregeted by someone i suspect has sociopathic traits. After the initial breakup (of false romantic relationship) natural feelings of hurt and betrayal caused me to react badly, and i did things i regret. After a very breief spell at lovefraud (vomit) i found this place and educated myself. I accept my part in what happened and therefore do not consider myself a victim. The next mistake i made was trying to reach out to him with acceptence and understanding, but fear he holds a grudge for this and my past mistakes and has no good intentions for me ( he denies this of course) I know the only option now is to give up on him ... as sad as that makes me feel.
    I am right in thinking that he only wants to destroy me ??

    What's the whole story. This is extremely vague.

  31. i'm not taking it personally, don't read into it so much. i'm just trolling u (:

    do u have a degree ukan? :D

    now admit u have a small cock

  32. You trolled yourself when you responded directly to my statement about sexually abused women, idiot. Next time wait for something I say that's unrelated to you.

  33. ukan, ur cock is so small, bacteria laugh at it

  34. ukan, maybe if you water it, it'll grow.

  35. And how do you think bacteria laugh, dipshit?

    According to an article just I read, 73% of New Yorkers (not all New Yorkers, only the ones asked) said they saw live-footage of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center... The fuck?

  36. it was a joke wheatly, r u an aspie? do u always suck ukan's little cock? :D

  37. I forgot to mention why that is so unusual.

    There was no life-footage of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center.

    Only the second crash was broadcasted live, and that was just because they were filming the north tower and the south tower happened to be in the shot.

  38. Let me answer your question with a question: do you think that whoever (or whatever) molested you still gets of on it?

  39. @UKan
    Like i mentioned before, i think its in my best interest not to diclose the whole story ... sorry for being vague.

  40. i was raped by a clown at my 9th b day party, can u send me a check so i can hire a pi to find him?

    i want him to fuk me again (:

  41. anon = notme, erin or zhawq.

  42. I always wondered that too. I wonder if they sit in the middle of the night thinking of their victims. Then again I can't even remember a lot of the past times I've had sex with people.
    That being said how does that make you feel anon? The fact that even the rape wasn't someone lusting after you? They already forgot about you and here you are so fucked up behind it you are able to be baited into the open with ease?

  43. actually i was raped by a mutated hillbilly, they told me not to go up in those hills

    do u know him ukan?


  44. anon = notme, erin or zhawq.

    All women who've had fucked up sex lives, and who are now not getting laid. Don't worry we don't EXPECT you to have a orgasm. We already know you can't. After all how can you when every time some guy is on top of you, you can still smell the vodka on your fathers breath.

  45. Do you actually believe this moron was raped, Ukan and Wheatly? Or are you just humouring him while he trolls you?

  46. y does sociapath so predatory

  47. okay, here's the real deal, my hymen broke while i was riding my bike to school in 7th grade, i've never had the courage to confront that infernal contraption

  48. You already gave up too much about yourself anon. Game over. Go to a therapist so next time someone is fucking you, so you won't be laying there lifeless.
    That's why you are on here taking something I said personally all the way from yesterday. I put it there yesterday hoping for someone like you to pop out of the woodwork. Fortunately you dragged it over to today which tells me it itches like the herpes your father gave you. You are obsessed with my cock. You don't seem the type to be a cock fiend though. You hate sex because it makes you feel ashamed to have any kind of desire. You had to surpress your desire for your safety. Sex makes you feel dirty and used. How does it feel knowing that other women are out enjoying themselves and being seen as sexy, while you are just some corpse people sleep with once like a well painted blow up doll?

    Oh my, UKan...

    What an exquisitely poignant gem of a sonnet!

    Thank you :) *blushes and curtsies*

  49. okay, this is the real scoop, i got a bat case of camel toe last year and it chaffed my pussy raw, my dad had to wipe it clean for me

    i never got over it :(

  50. I like the one about the bike. It made me :)


  52. brodericks a bit of a douche

  53. What do you think happens when a sociopath falls prey to psycho?

    What kind of affect do you think torture would have on them?

  54. Maybe you can make a comic book on it and all your stupid questions can be answered in a flurry of flashing superpowers

  55. 75% of women don't achieve orgasm by vaginal intercourse alone.

  56. I have had two vaginal orgasms. They were strange.

  57. Boring day ameright?

  58. How many orgasms does it take to make an ice cream sandwich?

  59. do socio like mac and cheese?

  60. do socio drink bad milk?

  61. do socio wear tight pant?

  62. socio like to pull mac and cheese out of their ass.

  63. I have never found the Golden Rule to be neither useful nor logical. Why would I treat others in accordance with how I want to be treated? Others are not me!

    I go by the Diamond Rule, always have... at least generally speaking.
    There have been times when I've retaliated far beyond what was necessary, it depends on many things. But usually I have far too many other interests than pursuing random people just for the fun of it.

    So yeah, I generally go by the Diamond Rule.

    Another thing, you've noticed the same thing as I have: Psychopaths (I call this group psychopaths) do not take things personally and have no issues with moving on once things have been put in order, set straight, so to speak.

    Normal people hold grudges but often apply to the Golden Rule and therefore stop because of moral issues.

    Those who have most problems with this are people with emotional issues. They can't get past whatever wrong they think somebody has done to them - or get past a failed attempt at defeating someone else (not for retaliation purposes, but because of pride).

    When normal people get into the line of fire from these kinds of individuals, they face hard times.

    Psychopathic individuals, and often also sociopaths (the more intelligent and experienced ones) don't react to this kind of thing the way we are expected to.

    I think somehow it can fuel anger even more. But what can you do? Other than sit back and watch and wait until the fire burns out, which it must at some point when there's nothing to fuel it.

    Boyd Broderick Seems like an interesting person. I'll check out the link and the article!... '^L^,

  64. do socio use straw?

  65. ugh, zwak, why do you still embarrass yourself by coming here?

  66. do socio have fingernail?

  67. do socio hate pooping?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. do socio see number 3?

  70. Oops
    do socio act like monkey?

  71. do socio take bath?

  72. do socio wear prosthesis?

  73. Shut up, Erin.

    Zwigi Zwaga Zwahq, you can go F yourself, nobody cares what you say anymore

  74. do socio feel hammer to head?

  75. Lycan:

    Its the simple fact that someone tried to fuck with me.
    I take that personally.

    This is about a game. Not about a serious wrongdoing in your private or working life. There's a difference.

    If wronged in important areas we certainly can become even more than usual outraged.
    That said, there really is a tendency for us to stay outraged shorter than other people.

    In fact, I have business partners (two of them) whom I once was absolutely set on destroying for a couple of years. That is, I didn't think about it daily, I was furious during a period where we had some bitter battles, then they disappeared out of my immediate sphere for almost two years, where upon we met under new circumstances, and I realized things had changed, there had come up new circumstances which could be lucrative to all three of us if we cooperated.

    So I decided to make a sort of peace with them, arranged for meetings and gatherings so that we met, and within less than a month we were on speaking terms and had dinner together.

    This would not have happened with a normal (empathic) person.

  76. do socio smell corn?

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. do socio use nasal spray?

  79. do socio have hairy nose?

  80. do socio cuddle with death?

  81. I just saw you delete that comment, Erin. (:

    LMAO, Zwahhq is still trying to lie to everyone, why are you still here, ZwiQh? Who are you foolin'?

  82. do socio scratch self?

  83. do socio eat pig feet?

  84. Seriously, could you please stop it, Erin?

  85. do socio eat with hands not washed?

  86. do socio like farting?

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. do socio sing happy song?

  89. do socio play in sandbox?

  90. do socio read backwards?

  91. do socio have a tan?

  92. Oh man, UKan, you just can't help yourself.

    You just have to twist people's words. Seems to me it must be because you can't answer directly to their statements. That's not strength in my book. I'm not saying this to make you look bad, you've already forced yourself past that point. It's just... ah well. I'll not say anymore.

    I said this in spite of myself, knowing it won't matter shit, because you'll behave like you do... on my website and elsewhere!... no matter what I write or don't write here.

  93. Funny text conversation I had with my wife. Some parts I had to black out so use your imgagination:

    "You need to be more careful."

    "With your ****. You've been getting really careless."

    "About what?"

    "What?! I've been more careful. I used to drop them all over the place, now it's hardly a problem."

    "Those were supposed to be in the same text. I don't know what happened."

    "Its not like the police will EVER search you. They wont even give you a speeding ticket."

    "Lol. You've been getting more careless. Every once in a while you forget they're illegal. Like the **** on the backseat. In plain site. Or the **** you left in the center console. What if I get pulled over.

    "Lol. If they dont have to because your **** are just lying on the back seat it'd really be shitty wouldn't it. What are you doing throwing them around or something?"

    "I have no idea how it ended up there. I throw my bag back there but it's hard to believe they are flying out of the bag."

    "They're flying out of your bag now? This is getting ridiculous!"

    "Oh and the **** that fell out on the floor the other day. would eat those."

    "And die."

    "Get off my back. I'm not in the mood to hear ur complaining."

    "I'm not complaining. The ridiculous thing I was kidding about."

    "I'm just reminding you again they are illegal and harmful."

    "Oh I forgot. Thanks."

    "You jest but you seriously forget every couple of months."

    ":* I think its cute. So I just post the reminder when you start to get more careless."

    " 'Hey honey, remember youu (sic) sell ****, not cosmetics. I know they're similiar but let's remember we're law breaking gangsters and for some reason the rest of the world frowns upon that.' "

    "Yeah they frown on it, but half of them are on it, and the other half is on a legal form of it. Even the police. Besides I'm a consultant not a gangster."

    "Lol.:*maybe that's why you forget it's illegal."

  94. do socio wear wedding ring?

  95. Stop being a bitch just because nobody likes you, Erin. I saw the comment you deleted, I know this anon is YOU, how old are you? You oughta be ashamed.

  96. do socio play well with others?

  97. do socio paint funny picture?

  98. do socio listen to rules?

  99. do socio like rainbow?

  100. I don't think anyone cares about "your book" Zwang. And I think that deep down you know you're the town idiot around here. I'm glad you're still here though. This way nobody will forget what how pathetic you are.

  101. do socio want ipad?

  102. The anon wasn't me zWaq. For lack of better conversation I was printing the above because people were bored. Thank god you came back so we can really start having fun.
    Let me ask you, when that guy raped you on the way to the store did you hold a grudge? Were you already crippled and fat when he raped you? I know rape isn't a lust thing, but even so I would imagine they would look for attractive targets. I guess I was wrong. Maybe this guy could only overpower fat autistic cripples. Wow, he must have been at least close to as pathetic as you. I have morbid curiousity sometimes about rape. Let me ask you a couple more questions about it, please answer honestly as you know we can tell if you are lying from past experience: Did you scream, or did you just silently take it? Did he rip off your underwear and spit on his cock like in the movies or did he do something different? Did you kind of enjoy it or was it torture?

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. do socio smell pretty flower?

  105. @UKan

    Now I'm really fucking curious what '****' is...


    Stop it.


    Why do you even bother? Psychopath or not, it's not like pretending it never happened does anything. And why did you delete my comment? I wasn't naming, flaming or trolling. I was genuinely curious. The fact that you deleted it is actually very suggestive.

  106. do socio like rape story?

  107. Hahaha. Do you think he still gets off on the rape Zwang? I bet he had to get a friend to hold your layer off flab up while he got busy.

  108. Wife:
    "Oh and the **** that fell out on the floor the other day. would eat those."

    Who would eat those?

  109. do socio blame wrong person for anon?

  110. do socio feel paper cut?


  111. Wife:
    "Oh and the **** that fell out on the floor the other day. would eat those."

    My dog. I deleted my dogs name.

  112. do socio make pee pee wee wee?

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.


  114. I said this in spite of myself, knowing it won't matter shit, because you'll behave like you do... on my website and elsewhere!... no matter what I write or don't write here.

    Are you denying that those accounts were yours zWaq? Honestly? They had your fucking profile picture and your fucking name and your fucking writing style, and your fucking ^L^ at the end of it. There is no possible way you can deny it. None.

  115. i play world of warcraft. im a socio

  116. @Erin

    How the Hell did you fit three lies in one short sentence?

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Don't run now zWaq, explain yourself. Explain yourself and stop running from me like a fucking coward. You owe it to your readers and to this forum.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.


  120. my real life experience, right here, with you,all

    She thinks this is real life experience. How funny.

  121. Since when does being cyberbullied constitute as 'real life experience'?

  122. Erin is just starved for attention. Ignore her.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. This place has been a drag all day. It was on stall. Nothing gets the place going again like childish stupidity! The fact that you guys blame Erin, when it was me in the beginning, is what made it funny!

    How dare you put up silly lil socio posts on our precious blog thread while nothing is goign on!!! ;p

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Nothing the fat version of Marilyn Manson tries to do to anyone is real.

  127. I wasn't doing it for you, Erin. I did it because sometimes people on here make retarded assumptions, and are big babies over the dumbest shit! :D

  128. Yes the fat version of Marilyn Manson is the dumbest shit.

  129. LMAO, I saw your deleted comment, Erin, and everyone knows it was you, why do you act out all the time? Act your age for once.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. LMAO

    It wasn't Erin at first. If you saw her delete a comment that was like my anons, it was because you caught her playing monkey see monkey do...

    Try again.

  132. This place gets really dull when the United Kingdom goes to bed, and Americans work too fucking much!

    I get a lil mischievous when I bored! It did the trick, did it not?

  133. What're you talking about? I'm still up. I'm just "waiting............."


  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. When it's noon here, it's 6 in the morning UK time.

  136. I'm NOT a He, Erin!

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. @Anon

    I don't think that's actually possible. Noon where?

  139. It's possible Wheat. I know you got this!

  140. Wait nevermind. When it's noon in UTC+6 of course. I though you meant it was noon there right now.

  141. all eat and no play makes wacky zwacky a fat boy!

  142. I'm an overweight, unemployed, unmarried, disabled, depressed, autistic, sexually abused woman from denmark who likes to play world of warcraft in between my time spent pretending to be a psychopath, so I'm a socio.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. Where's my finger Erin?

  145. That last Erin was Erin.

  146. UKan makes me so HOT! I want to fuck him til his eyes pop from his skull!

  147. Where Is My Finger PsychicSeptember 12, 2011 at 3:45 PM

    I am looking in my crystal balls.

  148. I want Misanthrope to film us!

  149. Zwacky can eat chicken in the corner, and watch us! :D

  150. I don't think Puzelle's black, anon.

    Whatever happened to Nero, now we're on the subject?

  151. SW can sit in a booth and hold up score cards!

  152. Wife:
    "With your ****. You've been getting really careless."


  153. Don't be mean to Zhawq :(

  154. Erin can take notes on positions, and skill!

  155. This place gets really dull when the United Kingdom goes to bed, and Americans work too fucking much!

    Not everyone here is from the UK or USA anon.
    If your getting so bored , try toaster therapy. (refer previous thread for instructions)

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. Medusa can be the director, and frown at us a lot! :D

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. Anonymous said...
    do socio want ipad?

    Have one already...

    vastly overrated, overpriced and under-functioned.

  160. My bad Lycan. It gets dull without you too! Now cut me and let's make up! :D

  161. @erin

    Boy your fast today! (rolls eyes)
    Its kinda fun watching people try to scream when theyre getting the ect though. It comes out like a demented donkey braying.

  162. Eden can write the dialog in between moaning and pumping! :DD

  163. Sure anon...
    The face is too obvious in a public scenario so pick your spot.
    And if you let out one little eeep..
    it goes to the bone.

  164. Electroshock-therapy is soooo last century.~

  165. Sceli can try to analyze why we chose disco instead of techno!

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. Soulful can be the sensual narrator!

  168. @wheatley

    Draconian torture is your friend.
    if it hadnt have been superceded by other means, those ragheads wouldnt have been flying planes into tall buildings.
    Not that I really care , just saying :-)

  169. @erin


    thats really hilarious actually!

  170. Lycan can be the trade off guy! :D

  171. notme can throw tantrums about it from the window!

  172. erin, that was honestly hilarious. why did you agree to take their blood if you had no training?

  173. Anon can post comments about the size of UKan's junk!

  174. wheatly can get refreshments and change mis's camera lense?

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Hey! That's NOT your call Anon 4:10

    It's MY show!

  177. @Lycan

    Seconded. Nowadays everything has to be 'ethical' and 'humane'. I'm actually in favor of this development, it's just that the West still hasn't really dealt with its imperialism-fase, and now suddenly 'ethical' and 'humane' are mandatory for the rest of the world.

    I really hate people forcing their own beliefs onto others under the guise of helping or 'democracy' as if they have a monopoly on the truth.

    Or the West just wants to handicap China, whichever works best.

  178. Mania can fall asleep in a chair!

  179. "I use to pray to God and stick the needle in."

    I'll admit that even made me laugh.

  180. I'm probably too young to get fucked, anon. :D

  181. The title will be 'I Make Porn So I'm a Socio'!

  182. No one's too young to get fucked Wheat! :D

  183. what will eden do, anon?

    and how about an sw action movie?

  184. uhhh see above^

    I already said what Eden would do, dick!

  185. In Vatican City, you're legally allowed to have sex with a twelve year old.

  186. Now let's make a movie fuckers!

  187. Reality or soap opera would be a much better format.

  188. How about 'SW, THE MUSICAL'?

  189. @anon

    I dont do tradeoff well.

    My tshirt reads " Doesnt play well with others".

    Im going to be the director.
    which means YOU are the tradeoff guy AND the donut dolly.

  190. I think it should be titled...

    "Unhappily ever after"

  191. David should be the fluffer (google it).

    And the title should be something like: 'Greater Internet Fuckward Theory' (google that too)


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