
Thursday, September 1, 2011

The empathy dealbreaker

A reader sent me a link to this article, "Student sues after university dumps him for ‘lack of empathy’":
A 44-year-old man is suing a Missouri university for $3 million after he was dumped from a graduate counselling program for lack of empathy.

David Schwartz received a “no credit” for his practical experience internship after receiving mostly A’s and one C in his course work, said the lawsuit against Webster University in St. Louis.

Dr. Stacy Henning, director of the counselling centre at the university, is alleged to have used three taped counselling sessions to show that Schwartz he “would not make a good counsellor because he lacked empathy,” the lawsuit claimed.

Judging empathy, Schwartz’s lawyer, Albert Watkins, told the Star, “is an extraordinarily subjective assessment.”

If empathy can be taught, Watkins said, the university had a duty to teach it to Schwartz. If it can’t be taught, his supervisors should have disqualified him from the graduate course before he paid $77,000 for tuition, books and fees.
I love this! There are so many weird implications. A court is going to decide whether or not empathy can be taught? In order to limit potential liability, counseling programs will test candidates ahead of time for empathy? Ah, the perversity of making empathy a job qualification.


  1. Good morning. TNP this is the second time you've shown such remarkable restraint in 'destroying' someone. What rubbish. When I make threats I follow through with it, no matter what. When you don't it shows weakness. You blame your hunger for such non sense. Ah, so when you lack food you become a lion and in satisfying that hunger you become a kitten. You were called on your bluff and the only thing you had in your hand was your own cock.

  2. i'm pretty certain that bella is erin? was she the one spamming the place and faking people's accounts, because that was just pointless and irritating.

    what have you got to lose by telling us, note?

  3. Funny post today.

    "You know what, forget it. Exposing you for a little fun isn't worth breaking my reputation for confidentiality via email/chat."

    Doesn't really matter now that your blog's gone does it? I don't really know who this bella person is but it would still be fun to know.

  4. This happened before with that other bird, remember Not Able? When I showed you how much empathy you had? She had also told you to go ahead and throw her shit in the street and you ended up feeling sorry for her. You are such a mushy marshmallow when it comes to these broken hearted cunts, Not Able. It comes from your narcissistic need for their attention. You shown everyone here that you don't have the guts to follow through on your threats. You are nothing but a foam stone.

  5. Oh, shut the fuck up, you blow hard. I'm not another one of your crash dummies to send flying into oblivion for amusement just for your approval. Get over yourself.

    You're just mad you didn't get to see the juicy details. Quit your bitching and get over the fact that I won't disclose it. My reputation for confidentiality is more important than my reputation for being a dick.

    Hell, as stated yesterday, glucose levels affect self-control. Confirmation of research in motion, as far as I'm concerned.

    On topic, I hope this guy wins the suit. Fuck that university,

  6. About Zhawq. I know that he's lying. I remember he once said that he had raped a number of people, and that he was going to write about the first rape on his blog. Now he claims that he only raped one person a long time ago. Which is it? Hm? Do you come here to live out some kind of fantasy life? You claim that it's hard to hurt people like you, so why are you writing fucking articles in defence of yourself? Are you really that fragile? You never answered my first comment a while back either. Why are you so desperate to prove that you're a "good" person? Why are you so desperate to prove that psychopaths can be good?

    Oh and here's a nice little quote from Zhawq:

    "I've not raped and have not unlawfully confined a living person, but I have other details on my record that are "more serious" than his(1*"

    November 7, 2010 7:01 PM

    NOT raped.

    You're a bullshit artist, that's all. I wonder what else you've lied about.

  7. what so is zhawq lying about being a rapist, or lying about not being a rapist???

  8. Oh, so now I should always follow through with my word? How very virtuous of you, UKan.

    Big words for an ex junkie that hits people with mops.

    You are truly a man to look up to.~

  9. Probably the first anon. I pulled that quote from back before he first claimed that he was a rapist. And he can't even remember saying that he has raped people.

  10. Ex junkie? Now you are pulling thin air.
    Threats are only useful, Not Able, when you are known to follow through on them. When you don't follow through on threats consistently they become useless. I make it a rule not to use threats I have no intention of following through on.
    Your glucose levels? Ha ha ha. What are you seventy years old? Admit it you stuck your foot in your mouth. You had nothing. I don't give a shit about bella or your contrived drama. I just like to be there everytime you fail. I like to see you have little bitch fits with these birds and go make up with them over your emails and text messages. Its pathetic. Internet dating is for losers.

  11. I knew he was bullocks the minute he stepped in. I know a devil when I see one and that Zwaq guy is nothing but a pathological liar. All his stories change about his past. From rape to prison. When I saw that he claimed he was locked up for downloading illegal music I just couldn't stop laughing. Who the fuck have you ever seen in jail for that? I mean, almost everyone including my mum has pirated music. My wifes mum pirates that shite every fucking day. Why would you even lie about something like that except the fact that you are pathological in your lying. Why lie aboit any of those things unless you want people to think your some kind of violent criminal seeking redemption. Ive seen a few men like this. Square guys trying to look edgey to their girlfriends. They talk about how thry used to be this bad guy back in the day and they got out of it. You've been watching to many movies Zwaq.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. He's lying about being a rapist and being a murderer. Had he raped or murdered someone and admitted it on here he wouldve remembered. When i called him a rapist after he came back from his vacation he was offended and challenged me to show him where he said that. When I told him where it was and that i was on my way home to post the link he did a complete 360 and claimed he raped several people. He should have read his comment, because that is also not what he stated previously, because he said it was one person he raped. Next he said he never raped anyone. He's all over the place.
    Its not something you admit without thinking hard on it. I leave my crimes ambiguous because I don't really want to put to much out there. The ones I have admitted to I gave much thought before writing on them and in most cases I have already been prosecuted.
    With him he said it in context to impress other people. He is trying to play the role of the psychopath gone good so suckers like notme (who used to be in Not Ables court) will read his long winded dribble on his blog. Well zwaq have fun being surrounded by marks. Surely their cheerleading will cushion your delusions enough so you can sleep well in your bed of lies.

  14. Now there's no denying that he's lied but I'm sure he's going to come and tell everyone else that they're delusional. In fact he's still going on about all this on yesterday's thread even though nobody said anything to him then. I think he's always tried to give the impression that he's above arguments on here, but before this it was just random anon's calling him a faggot for no reason. All you have to do is hit his weak spots to bring him down to everyone else's level. What made me laugh the most is that I just realised he wrote an entire article defending himself on his blog. He just can't stop ranting about this. He hasn't stopped bleeding since the first attack, you can tell he's insecure.

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  17. You get nicked for the stupidest things, Dave. Vandalism, internet threats, next you're going yo tell us that you've been hauled in for downloading illegal software...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sure but not vandalism since I was a kid. What did you vandalise and why?

  20. What, real rapists or sexual deviants always confess or boast about their deeds? Maybe he's simply too conflicted to articulate such things. Maybe its not the trophy that you think all dark deeds should be. That's psychologically plausible and non of you are professionals in that field. Your precision and incisiveness is nothing but sports forecasting and you are so clearly using this blog as the Superbowl to flaunt that as as your feathers. Real humanity is anything but that. So here's the question. Outside of SW, the ghetto, the prison yard, the congress and your mindfuckersphere, would you be able to spot the rapist or suicide bomber? Still I think you are cool.

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  22. Thats not the point Gags. He's been proven to have lied on at least two occasions. I don't care about lies or rape, it's the fact that he's lying because he thinks he'll look more dangerous. That's pathetic.

    I thought you'd say that Dave.


  23. you can tell he's insecure

    That's when I started attacking him. I finally read one of his long winded rants on here after him being around for several months and I could see it in his writing how much he tried to compensate for his shortcomings. I decided to fire something his direction and he started unraveling like a old sweater knitted by my blind grandmother. I mean we are talking about a paragraph to every sentance I said about him. He takes each sentance you have and puts it in that italics shite, then writes a whole paragraph on it. It's absurd. That article he wrote was on literally three sentances I wrote about him. Talk about deep seeded insecurity.


  24. Your precision and incisiveness is nothing but sports forecasting and you are so clearly using this blog as the Superbowl to flaunt that as as your feathers.

    Outside this blog is more of a challenge as I deal with people far more devious than some wanna be sociopaths and broken hearted cunts looking for a substitute for the abuse they used to recieve.

  25. David I haven't been caught for vandalism since I was thirteen years old. It was a video store and the only reason I was caught was because my friend broke the window after I had already passed out in the bushes in front of it.

  26. mindfuckersphere


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  28. @Ukan

    Outside this blog is more of a challenge as I deal with people far more devious than some wanna be sociopaths and broken hearted cunts looking for a substitute for the abuse they used to recieve

    While lacking in flowery witticisms, that statement is, I have to say, one of the more realistic comments Ive seen on the blog for a while.


  29. @David

    I guess the miami vice suit did its work huh david?
    Please tell me you werent foolish enough to wear brown shoes though?

  30. No I got off with it actually. My friend came back to get me out of the bushes a half hour later to find me being arrested. He charged into the police and they beat him down. They later reviewed the tape and saw I just passed out in the bush and that he was the one who broke it.

  31. 45,000 for painting a jewish star. You are a idiot.


  32. $45.000

    That's a strange amount for someone who lives outside the united states Dave.

  33. Im thinking it must have been a rather large jewish star....

    45000 is a lot of anti-graffitti paint.

  34. Was this your revenge tactic on your landlord?

  35. Oh there you are medusa. Hello, you lurker. are you well?

  36. The Notable Path --Part OneSeptember 1, 2011 at 3:56 AM

    This Episode of "The Notable Path" is about how he approaches woman and more importantly, WHICH woman he approaches.
    Our hidden cameras have seen him in three different settings.
    Sit back, Folks, and watch a Master in action.

  37. So you are riled because he has some as yet unrevealed agenda??!! OK, since you guys are going on about this. Even so, why is that such a surprise? People boast and lie here all the time, some better than others. Its the SW à la mode. And almost everybody has been made pathetic at some point too. Even what you guys are doing is suspect and rife with ulterior motives (or is that a big deal here now?). Stop pretending that this is some great amateur psychological inquest to preserve the integrity of SW and just admit that this is just another opportunity to jerk off some aggression with TNP's and Zhawg's heads as your trophies.

  38. Brobably slashed his lovers tires for going to another whore.

  39. How many ass ramings will it take to make $45,000?

  40. I hope there are decent gaffers and best boy this time.
    Last time they SUCKED.

  41. ukan, when you drop the mask of sanity and show your wife what your real self is like, does she think you are crazy? or evil?

  42. In similar fashion, thank you.

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  44. that question to you also, misanthrope. how do you manage to fit in for a long time, when your whole world view is completely different? do you not get tired of maintaining a mask of sanity?

  45. The Notable Path --Part OneSeptember 1, 2011 at 4:04 AM

    TNP goes to a high end mall. He sees a well dressed woman coming out of Brooks Brothers, the woman's section.

    She is tall, thin and elegant; has a touch of make-up, natural lip gloss and finely coiffed head hair; light brown with sun kissed highlights.

    He approaches her, "Hey, Whaazzz up, Dawg ?"

    She says, "Officer, Assistance Please.
    Do you allow unkempt men who look like they slept under the bridge to loiter in this establishment?"

    TNP spends the evening in jail. The next day, he goes to a lower end mall and sits outside J,C. Pennys

  46. I think Ukan would be rather careful around his wife,
    as the depth of fear that pervades when one sees their beloved in a different light can last a very, very long time.
    As Im sure Mr Ukan knows.
    In fact I'd go as far to say that Mrs Ukan is probably the person whom Ukan is most careful with in that regard.
    Would that be a fair statement Ukan?

  47. that's true, however, i think we get the real ukan on here. i wonder if his wife ever sees that side.

  48. @David.

    Jesus H fucking christ man!.

    Brown shoes.
    You truly are a lost soul.
    report for self-annihilation at once.

  49. No. She calls him a demon all the time.

  50. The Notable Path --Part OneSeptember 1, 2011 at 4:08 AM

    The Notable Path is not deterred from approaching woman.He just lowers his standards.
    He sees a clean, nicely dressed woman leaving Pennys.
    He says,"Baby, how about giving me some?"
    She screams for her husband,"Daddy, get over here. This pervert is accosting me."
    Daddy is a line backer.
    TNP spends his night dressing wounds.

    The next day, TNP sit in front of a Goodwill Thrift Shop.

  51. "Mr. Schwartz feels badly for the lost bear and, having first hand experienced the trauma of loss, desires to emote his empathy for bears the world over, and Hope in particular."


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  53. Ukan speaking with himself?


  54. Stop pretending that this is some great amateur psychological inquest to preserve the integrity of SW

    When has anybody made such a ridiculous claim? This comment section has always dissected articles and commenters. Exposing people is half the fun here, embarrassing them is the other half. How else do you think sociopaths would frequent this site. Why are you jumping to his defense? Did you actually believe that rubbish from the beginning?

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  56. @david.


    that will learn you not to paint silly signs then wont it.

  57. The Notable Path --Part OneSeptember 1, 2011 at 4:15 AM

    The next day finds our man sitting in front of the Goodwill Thrift Shop.
    He sees a Beeper who has not taken a bath for three weeks.She just won the She Man Contest for Weight Lifting.

    He says" Hey Baby, Can I come home to your place and play with your cats?"

    She hits him over the head with the sofa she is carrying out the door.
    Stay Tuned for Part Two
    "The Notable Path Shakes Down the Woman Who Have Been Foolish Enough to Trust Him"

  58. "that question to you also, misanthrope. how do you manage to fit in for a long time, when your whole world view is completely different? do you not get tired of maintaining a mask of sanity?"

    It's simple really. I just a adapt to whatever situation I'm in and whatevrr people I'm around. I don't know how to live any other way so it's never a challenge. But to be honest I can act like a total asshole one day and get people to forgive me the next.

  59. DavidSocio01 said...
    @anon 357
    Don't even make me think about it.

    Sorry David :(

  60. Hear that faint bashing sound???

    Its the sound of kosher anti-vandal paint being earned.

  61. I never liked the term "the mask of sanity". I'm not insane, I'm just ahead of the current. If other people could do what I do they would.

  62. Medusa, do you point your toes when you stretch your legs?

  63. but most people would call your views "insane" no?

    example -- weak people should be taken advantage of etc..

  64. UKan Troothfully S.A.September 1, 2011 at 4:22 AM

    ukan, when you drop the mask of sanity and show your wife what your real self is like, does she think you are crazy? or evil?

    She saw me as the anti-hero when we first started dating. As time has progressed she has seen me as a demon.
    I can tell her perceptions in the dreams she tells me about. She dreams about me every night only before I would save her from things. I kind of liked it. For a while when she was in conflict about me and she saw me as a shark and other predators in her dreams or I would kill her in different ways. I didn't like that at all because it showed she saw me negatively. After that she had dreams of her killing me! Recently she has had no dreams of me.
    She believes in spiritual shite, so she sees my 'evil' as a balance in the world. She says that our relationship is about the balance between 'good' and 'evil' and that I am the destructive force and she is the creative force. She is sometimes conflicted with who I am and what it means to her. I don't hide who I am with her. It's not what I wanted and in a way I think it has saved her from my contempt.

  65. normals have to call it insane, misanthrope, as you can understand.

  66. Lycan said...
    Hear that faint bashing sound???

    Its the sound of kosher anti-vandal paint being earned.

    Just lol.

  67. Exactly my point. How are we to differentiate the weight of arguments no matter how succinct if, at the end it claims to be just in the name of jest or self entertainment? I'm hardly in any different light and that's the answer to your questions. But at least you are honest about why you are here?? Big deal. Everybody is claiming to be telling the truth about themselves to everybody else who says they're not.

  68. have you ever been a batterer?

  69. She doesn't mind the things I do to people, but the person on here who said she would complain about the animal abuse was right.
    The dog ate my playstation Move controller (this is after eating that other controller I stomped on her for) and when I tried to yell at her for it she ran out the door. I caught her a hour or so later outside and punched her in the face and started slamming her head into the staircase. My wife told me that we should get another dog we didn't fuck up on (She hit the dog once as a puppy and swears it became untrainable after) and see if I can hold my temper enough to be a good father.

    Medusa, don't even say it.

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  71. "normals have to call it insane, misanthrope, as you can understand."

    "example -- weak people should be taken advantage of etc.."

    They wouldn't call that insane they'd probably call it callious. That's because alot of people have emotional barriers that they don't want to break through. I have no rules so I can do what I like. That's why I'm ahead of the current.

  72. @anon

    I know that "just lol"

    Hello you.

  73. I've hit some woman, but not habitually no. I had a girlfriend cheat on me as a young man and I smashed a glass on her forehead, hit her with the butt of a handgun in the back of the head and cheated on her later till we broke up. I had a girl pull a knife on me and I put her head through the drywall. I had a girl pull a long bamboo stick she kept on her wall as a weapon against burglars and I choked her. You have to do something crazy to deserve me beating on you in a relationship and that is the end of the relationship in my eyes. I don't want to become a habitual women beater. I have enough violent tendencies.

  74. I find the little society you guys have here highly amusing. Especially TNP threatening to "expose" Bella. And UKan's attempts to catch zhawq in his lies.
    It's kind of like an Internet soap opera.
    I assume most of the people on here are some kind of "path". So lying, cheating, exaggerating and intimidating is expected.
    TNP, I don't think Bella will care to much if you expose her "over arching schemes", this is just a blog afterall.
    And UKan, we get it, you think zhawq is a pathological liar with a computer, same with half the others on here too.
    Your schemes and plots are amusing in a kind of pathetic manner, can't you find a more productive way of spending your time, like engaging in some real life manipulation?

    Alright I've said my piece now.

  75. Seth I find it even more amusing that you read shite you find pathetic. People who come on this forum, read all the comments, and talk about get a life are ridiculous. You are entertained and you need to admit it or you wouldn't be coming here. Shutup, sit down, and enjoy the show.

  76. who else here has beaten on women?

  77. why does sociapaths take photos of short chicks on there phones

  78. No anonymous, our turn:
    Why are you so interested in women being beaten?

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Oh I'm definitely entertained, but I'm just saying if I didn't have school commitments/age restrictions I would be doing things other than this haha.
    By all means continue, this is a good procrastination mechanism.

  81. Oh that makes sense it's Erin trying to figure out if her sociopath "boyfriend" (who she's not with and never slept with) is going to beat her and control her. Don't fool yourself Erin I'm sociopath-lite compared to a lot of the people I've met in my life. Chances are he is going to not even let you leave the house and when you talk all that psychic rubbish he's gonna give you a good smack to knock some sense in your head.

  82. Oh Lycan, you beat women?

  83. You do have a good point Seth. I think I'm going to go swimming. I will catch you guys later tonight.

  84. "why does sociapaths take photos of short chicks on there phones"

    It's part of their preydar system, Anon.

  85. "It's kind of like an Internet soap opera."

    Yeah it's true in a way but so what?

    I've had a few crazy women in the past. One of my girlfriends threw paint on my car so I hit her in the neck and bent one of her fingers back which caused some kind of ligament damage. Later on she got her fingers caught in her dogs coller which made even worse. I punched one my first girlfriends when I was young after she stole money from me. I beat this other girl after we whent on a date because she threw my shoes in the toilet because I accidentally smahed her TV with a cork. There's been s few other incidents but I think there's more of a reason to batter men than women, most of the time.

  86. @selene

    I will hit a woman if I think I am going to be injured by her.
    I will hit a woman who is pushing my personal space ludicrously too far.

    I hit my ex-wife when she was shaking my son, badly. I kidney punched her to make her drop him, and knocked her out as she went down and I caught my son as she was collapsing. It was literally a matter of life or death.

    I have hit other women for various self preservation reasons.

    I do not make habit it from it, nor do i get my 'kicks' from it.

    But if i have to hit ANYONE, I hit them very hard. Women or men.

    If you define that as 'beat', then that is your view :-)

  87. lycan, why can't you just beat up a woman, for fun?

  88. why do you have to make up excuses to hit a woman?

  89. ok thanks anon i seen a few preydar systums now btw i am starting a fb group pretening to take a foto of ur friend while u are really taking a foto of a short chick

  90. Lycan, how old is your son?

  91. Sounds like you have limits to your violence Lycan. Ukan and Mis sound like they hit women out of anger, which is typical of abusers. They hit their women and manipulate them into thinking it was their fault. Shameful stuff, but what can you expect from true cowards.

  92. @anon..lmfao!

    If I turned to beating women for fun, I would be locked up rather quickly i fear.
    To me, doing such a thing shows a loss of impulse control, and a lack of personal control on a large level.
    I know my strength is rarely matched by any woman, and really dont feel the need to prove anything to them by beating the shit out of them.
    I dont have to make an excuse to do so.
    I have personal lines that if crossed by ANYONE, man or woman, I fire up.

  93. @anon


    hmmm..perhaps on certain levels yes.

  94. actually, it has nothing to do with a loss of control, it's about dominance and bullying. the abuser feels superior by making the victim helpless.

    wife beaters are barely ever exposed, as the victim is put into a constant state of fear. it sounds like you'd feel guilty about doing such a thing, lycan.

  95. @Sam

    Vampires, my friend, vampires.

  96. @selene
    I have 3 sons.

    5, 19 and 21

  97. The girl I left alone in the sea had a crazy scar on her right knee.She said that it was from an operation to repair a torn ligament from a skiing accident. But she seemed uncomfortable and uncommunicative when I probed for more details. I wonder if she was an abuse victim or if she thought maybe I could be safe with and didn't want to freak me out with her bad experiences.

  98. you aren't a socio, lycan? or yes?

  99. Your nose is to close to your ass Sam.

  100. Beating a woman to feel powerful or controlling is pointless. You wouldn't feel powerful because it wouldn't be a challenge to beat someone weaker than you. And having "control" over a broken, scared woman is just no fun at all.

  101. @anon

    No I wouldnt feel guilty.
    I would be disappointed in myself that I lost control of my temper to the point of bashing a woman for no reason apart from fun.
    I pride myself on the control Ive worked hard at installing in my socio mind. False pride perhaps, but mine never the less.
    I had to do that to prevent being locked up.

  102. you don't have to lose control to beat someone up?

  103. @anon.
    yes, I am very much a socio.

    I even eat socio toast made in a socio toaster every morning.

  104. lol selene *pats your winged steeds*

  105. you aren't callously lacking in empathy.

  106. I enjoy hurting anything that pisses me off. The facts are that if somebody throws paint on my car I'm going to hurt them. How would the rest of you react to something like that? I bet you'd like to whack the person even if you don't go through with it.

  107. @anon

    No, I dont have to lose control.
    I have been employed in some rather nefarious businesses during my lifetime and some of them required certain skill-sets that I possess.
    If my lines are crossed..I react, violently and with targeted aggression.

  108. lycan, that sounds like most people. sociopaths are bullies.

  109. It's true, lycan. all the 'paths here are at least somewhat sadistic.

  110. @anon.
    I read most types of empathy rather well (part of said skillset).
    I learned the hard way not to show my hand until the trap was ready to spring.
    It is more of a "if you dont fuck with me, I wont fuck with you" attitude".
    simply, sometimes being a bully or a poorly controlled wanker is bad for business and bad for a reputation. No more to it than that.

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  112. @anon

    Grins widely.
    depends on what you view as violence :-)

  113. @Erin
    That applies almost everywhere.

  114. If someone threw paint on my car, I would have to run them over.

  115. @anon

    In my experience, while sadism can sometimes be very enjoyable , it can also waste a lot of time and compromise things. It can be a weakness.

  116. do you take care of your kids, lycan?

  117. @anon

    If you mean do I do what i can to make their lives ok and guide them with things I know wont fuck them up and will make them better people(subjective) then yes.

    If you mean are they literally in my care..then no.

  118. I have never hit a woman because I've never let them had that much control over me. Do I think its wrong? I think anybody is capable of abusing others both mentally or physically if you hand too much power over to them by letting them know your demands or showing your needs too obviously. But hey everyone makes wrong calls from time to time. Defending your ground or diffusing a threat in retrospect with whatever means you are capable off is not such a hard thing when you come to realize that there is no audience or supporters. But I'm more with Zhawg or TNP on such stuff. ie. Don't see the point to talk about the deeds.

  119. "If you mean do I do what i can to make their lives ok and guide them with things I know wont fuck them up and will make them better people(subjective) then yes."

    why? sorry about the questions, but the socio i knew was the complete opposite of you.

  120. you sound like a pretty average dude, lycan.

    mis, i'm sure she threw that paint for a reason, i guess you forgot to tell us that part, huh?

  121. personally, i don't think you are a sociopath, lycan.

  122. @erin

    I have kept my word and shown good faith with the 'picture'.

    quid pro quo

  123. @anon

    If I can pass in general pop for average and not be seen as a sociopath I am extremely happy.

  124. yup.. i'm just a little interested in sociopaths.

    well, from reading without conscience, i think you'd be more likely to hear about a socio smacking their child off of a wall than putting them through a nice college...

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. @anon
    That's because what you read was sensationalist propaganda.

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  128. 'That's because what you read was sensationalist propaganda."

    Of course, what Rob Hare writes about psychopathy is sensationalist 'propaganda'.

  129. i'm sorry seth, but how can you call a person with average qualities a sociopath? it does not make sense, at all!

  130. @anon
    dont pigeonhole.

    We are NOT all little clones of a queen sociopath.
    There is a lot more that I havent written, than what i have.
    I do not have my kids with me because im quite well aware what an nasty motherfucker I can be at times , and they dont deserve to be treated like shit just because they have a socio father. I protect whats mine viciously...and my kids are mine.

  131. do you want erin's e-mail adress, lycan?

  132. @erin

    trust is entirely up to you.
    I have shown good faith. the choice is entirely yours.

  133. @seth

    anons trolling for a rise, and doing rather nicely :-)
    Most socio's and psycho's start to wind up at being labelled as average.

  134. what you are expressing is empathy. you have the ability to see the situation through your child's eyes, a socio wouldn't care.

  135. So are the fruit loops!

  136. Its based off his studies on the sociopathic population in prisons. The sociopaths with poor impulse control end up in prison, they are the "failed" sociopaths. Of course he seems average if he's only talking about one aspect of himself over the internet. Sociopathy isn't about violence or woman bashing or how well you look after your kids. It's about empathy and remorse.

  137. do you want my e-mail adress, froggy?

  138. that is true seth, however, taking care of your children is a sign that you are empathic.

  139. Anon 5:57
    I ain't even mad, just stating facts so as that anons leave here feeling a little better informed.

  140. 'The sociopaths with poor impulse control end up in prison'

    Idiot, all sociopaths have poor impulse control. it's a vital trait.

  141. @anon

    I am perhaps more 'just' than some other socios.
    I dont wish my kids to suffer abuse at my hand.
    My lifestyle is NOT conducive to children.
    It has nothing to do with empathy.
    I do not look at it from my kids point of view, I look at it from the point of view that my life would be made hugely more difficult by having children in it on a permanent basis and I simply see no reason for them having to suffer the lifestyle i lead. quite simple really.if you see that as empathic...then you need to read a little more.

  142. @internet soap opera

    That's exactly the reason I decided to indulge in this blog myself.


    Why do you refer to ME as 'she'? Do you know something we don't?

  143. ME is either a woman or a gay man

  144. @anon
    Idiot, all sociopaths have poor impulse control. it's a vital trait.

    Its a trait that can be controlled.
    You are generalising .....again.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. you seem like an empath, lycan.

  147. Oh sorry, I meant 'Eris", of course. ;)

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  149. @anon 6:03
    Impulsivity isn't a necessary trait in the diagnostic.

  150. ok...I seem like an empath.

    Happy now?

    shall I write something a little more 'edgey' and socio-like?.


  151. 'Its a trait that can be controlled.
    You are generalising .....again.'

    perhaps on some level, for a few sociopaths. That doesn't mean it's not present.

  152. 'Impulsivity isn't a necessary trait in the diagnostic.'

    you Stupid shit.

  153. @anon.
    I said it can be controlled. NOT eradicated.

    I have to work hard to keep mine at a dull roar. You seem fixated on it as a diagnostic marker, which in the ultimate sense, it most certainly is not.
    Why is it that you see impulse control as such a strong indicator anon?

  154. i think the impulsivity stems from lack of empathy and guilt. Empaths would probably think longer and harder about the consequences for others not in the least out of fear for feeling guilty and/or harming others, whereas a socipath wouldn't.

  155. Only stating the facts here anon

  156. put my kids through college so im a socio

  157. In fact (now that I think about it); ,ost of the criteria in the PCL:R can be seen as just being effects of the emapthy/guilt-thing.

  158. I agree wheat
    I don't want to go to jail, therefore i don't commit crimes. And if I do, I don't get caught.

  159. I'm not impulsive and only hurt people in self defence, so i'm a socio.

  160. @wheatley.

    socios consider consequence, if it is going to damage an investment of theirs.
    Theyll consider consequence if it means they are going to gain in some way.In those senses they will consider others in the final analysis, but it will usually be because of a return or deficit directed at them personally.

  161. i don't commit crime because i'm afraid of the consequences, so i'm a socio.

  162. Lycan, show us your other eye.

    Not a brown on either, had to say that just incase your mind wandered in that direction, as you do have a thing for ass's.

  163. @anon are deluded and being deliberately pedantic and gunning for the troll.

    you stupid shit.


  164. "i don't commit crime because i'm afraid of the consequences, so i'm a socio."


  165. @selene

    other eyes same as that one. (except on the left side)
    My enjoyment of a nice ass is limited to the fairer sex, and displaying my chocolate starfish isnt really up my alley (pun intended).lol

  166. I need to see both eyes, so i can look into your soul.

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  168. "I do not have my kids with me because im quite well aware what an nasty motherfucker I can be at times , and they dont deserve to be treated like shit just because they have a socio father."

    that's empathy... or mabye you're just making excuses for being a deadbeat.

    'hey it's not my fault i didn't pay the child support, i'm a sociopath!'

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. Lycan, you don't have to prove yourself to the immature.

    If what you say doesn't teach them anything about living a successful life outside of jail then screw them.

    And they piegion-hole themselves and try to do it to everyone else.

    If looking for highly emotional people on the verge of a breakdown and pushed into psychotic outburst and then complaining about what they did to them is a socio's idea of success then they are more psycho then their victim.

  171. is that what people without a conscience are called these days? immature?

  172. @Lycan

    I'm not saying that socios don't consider any consequences whatsoever, just that their priorities are somewhere else (themselves), so they seem more impulsive when they don't consider consequences that the obsever finds important.

  173. @anon

    Errrr...wipe your specs a bit. I think they have a little bullshit stuck to the lens.

    You see what you wish to see, and base your views on what is written.
    If some of what I wrote is bullshit, then it would follow that your reasoning is also bullshit. ;-)

    Your kinda amusing though.

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. Lycan, where are you?
    I'm going to find yooouuu.

  176. @tik

    Im actually quite enjoying watching the angles anon is coming from.
    Some of the reasoning begins to be plausible, then degrades again, which is a shame because if that anon studied socios a bit more they would actually be quite adept at their trolling ;-)

  177. I think the child support thing was a joke, this guy is trolling you.

  178. @selene

    Im right here.
    come find me.

    we can play.

    I have some new razor-blades.

    and i promise to smile while you bleed.


  179. Thats real nice Lycan, but i would not be the only one bleeding.

  180. Most of the ones on here are trying to make a point that other's will jump on and follow to feed their ego's. They don't have any sence of who they are and why they do the things they do other then to say they are socio's.

    So if someone actually has a life it shows them as being less.

    On the spectrum of S/P I have seen on this blog that one end just can't learn, they don't have the capacity.

    Their like a totally color blind person making little explosions of color, saying look what I can do.

    When I hear someone like you that has wisedom and they try to beat it down, it gives me a headache.

    Like a bunch of little monkey's.

  181. "I have seen on this blog that one end just can't learn"

    O, and who are they, pray tell?

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  183. Anon 7:17, I see the arrow hit the bulls-eye.

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  185. UKan said...
    This happened before with that other bird, remember Not Able? When I showed you how much empathy you had? She had also told you to go ahead and throw her shit in the street and you ended up feeling sorry for her. You are such a mushy marshmallow when it comes to these broken hearted cunts, Not Able. It comes from your narcissistic need for their attention. You shown everyone here that you don't have the guts to follow through on your threats. You are nothing but a foam stone.

    September 1, 2011 1:58 AM

    The only thing i see from you is spot a mistake or error and try to mirror it to the person, as if people, normal people , didn't already know that they are not immune to mistakes and error that's a way to improve them self's, you just sound like a little child that knows if starts making a scene to get something even if he start crying, witch is what you do constantly in a desperate way to get attention. Crying in metaphor way of speaking.

  186. Tnp, mis, ukan, they're all mad dogs who were let off the leash. .

  187. Erin said...
    @The Ones Who Can't Learn

    Ummm...... tired, need more time to think. Those three just popped in to my mind, fast.

    September 1, 2011 7:21 AM

    They are trap in they own mind, they don't live they exist . They don't have the full experience of life , and they don't get help from us. We still have faith on them , after all they are human , they just have a mental disorder . And people that don't have this , many of them glamorize this mental disorders, they don't know how awful can be existing, maybe they don't even care. People know about this disorder , but they put it aside of the society, they hide them under the society closet.

  188. @Wheat
    Well, ME feels female.

  189. i think those three are the only real sociopaths here (that's not a compliment). they all have zero insight.

  190. Erin said

    I can't feel. I can't think. I am frozen. I can't learn.I am stuck,childlike,it feels.

    Erin said

    @The Ones Who Can't Learn

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  193. Sorry to take up so much room.Miss Gas, you get one whack at me, K?

    Here is where the BPD part comes in. I feel like I am bad,have to be punished, and worthless.

    I feel this huge sense of bad that I carry around as a homeless person carries his shopping cart.

    Anyway, I am not trying to hog this.I know there are some Anon's and others who try to help, so I am glad you do.
    Thank you.


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