
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Evil = ignorance

"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." -- Socrates

I was watching some science fiction film the other day with a classic good against evil struggle, but more morally ambiguous than most. Characters in the film were picking sides and the audience was tempted to make judgments about who were the "good" guys and who were the "bad" guys. I thought of my own religious beliefs that include "good" and "bad" as concepts, but more in the sense that everything has its opposite. Maybe because I've been trained to think this way from childhood or maybe it's because my brain works differently than most but I rarely have normative takes on morally "good" or "bad" issues. However, reading this quote reminded me that I do take a negative normative stance on ignorance, particularly willful ignorance of the self-deception variety.


  1. that is why stupid sociopaths have a greater chance go to prison.

  2. that is why stupid sociopaths have a greater chance go to prison.

  3. believing there is such thing as "good" & "evil" = ignorance

  4. You fucking sheltered school boy nihilists and your unapplied philosophies are about as meaningful and full of conviction as your bowel movements. Just because you haven't seen evil and have taken good for granted doesn't mean the two don't exist.

    Get fucked.

  5. To say a person is evil is a stretch. The measure of evil differs from person to person. To say people are dangerous or whatever is one thing, but evil requires some kind of established moral, religious sounding code.
    And what the fuck does it matter to you Mr. bad social path with uncontrollable urges. What is evil to you because if I was gonna slap that label on anything, I would bet that my definition would greatly differ from yours.

  6. "fucking sheltered school boy"

    you got me pinned

  7. This has got to be one of my favourite quotes. Along with Oscar Wilde's: "It's absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious." Very much aware of the contradiction, thank you.

  8. Medusa said...
    once I saw a close-up photo on of a guy who got in a motorcycle accident and somehow lost the top half of his head and his entire face, but he was still alive.

    That did make me uncomfortable... Does that qualify as some form of empathy?

    Anonymous said...
    Medusa, if you're not laughing at the guy, I wouldn't worry.

    September 24, 2011 11:44 AM

  9. This whole LUkan-thing (it's a portmanteau, get it?) gets a lot more tolerable if you imagine their comments spoken with a gay lisp, and pretend it all happened because they accidentally wore the same colour shoes.

  10. Luke is scared of Medusa!

    Luke wants to have gay bum sex with UKan!

    Luke is jealous of Misanthrope!

  11. Girls claiming their smarts~September 25, 2011 at 3:04 AM

    Wheat@2:58 and Medusa below,
    You both started to think of yourselves as smart in a weirdly outward fashion. I'd say regroup, let the others be impressed. What a turn off!

    Medusa said...
    Btw I lied when I said my photo is symbolic of my political evolution. It was just convenient to say so after the fact, and it was clever.

    It is intended as symbolic of other things, though.
    September 24, 2011 12:43 PM


  13. SW females getting deeper by the minuteSeptember 25, 2011 at 3:29 AM

    Wheat, Medusa, Eden... Dumb ass girls of SW (Erin not even to be called dumb)

    Eden Ralene said...
    I just used shame twice in the same sentence.

    What could that mean?
    September 24, 2011 4:50 PM

  14. Erin said...

    Welcome Back
    Good to know you do not scare away, easily :-)
    September 24, 2011 7:44 PM

  15. Was Medusa on drugs/alcohol to sound so dumb?September 25, 2011 at 3:45 AM

    Medusa said...
    Aww Erin now you are stealing my chihuahua bit. I'm flattered.
    September 24, 2011 8:08 PM

  16. Almost had my eyes teared... Is TNP caring for UKan now?September 25, 2011 at 4:03 AM

    TNP said...
    You're confusing me, UKan. None of it matches up as
    If you have these urges too, don't be ashamed of them. Theyre part of who you are. There are worse weaknesses a man can have, and far more stigmatizing ones. If all you do is posture your strengths and admit none of your weaknesses without using chaff, it shows a level of guardedness that can be associated with cowardice. I don't think you're a coward, and I don't think you're some kid playing drug dealer behind a keyboard either. But the way you play yourself off, especially recently, all points that way.

    If you can't tell I'm trying to help you, I don't know what else to say. Well, I do, but it wouldn't matter to be frank. I'd just be gloating to no effect,
    September 24, 2011 10:58 PM

  17. I understand you. One minute you say it's killing, the other you say it is catch and release. You are as clear as day and night sweet child. You just have slight imbalance, that's all. I suggest this:
    Go ahead and catch. Then decide off the top of your head to release or to kill. Then tell us, hopefully from behind bars, moron.

    TNP said...
    Sweetcheeks (and to some extent, UKan) I don't give a flying fuck about people.

    My urges are not tied to humanity. There is not hatred or rage towards society. I just enjoy killing. A lot. And I really enjoy bloodshed and strangulation. There really isn't anything else that does the trick for me.

    My therapist has a really hard time understanding this, too. I guess I was wrong about my presumption that you might know what I'm talki about. Luke definitely doesn't, he made that abundantly clear.

    It'd about hunting people, it's about the excitme t, it's about the thrill of feeling alive. Not some fantasy land where you dissect people and throw them in garbage bags. That's not me, nor what I enjoy. I enjoy the hunt. Everythig is about the hunt, and the release. Thinking about wanting to do it doesn't do much for me, and worst yet, reminiscing about past deeds makes the urges that much worse.

    I was really hoping someone out there would know what I go through. I can't be the only one here that does... Maybe I am. But that's not a reality I want to accept.
    September 24, 2011 11:14 PM

  18. You know it's funny that you accuse other people of being internet tough guys when you're the one making little threats and boasts all over the forum and the comment section Luke. Aren't we all impressed when we hear what you THINK you COULD do to us IF this were real life. "I could beat the shit out of you if this were real life yeah for real". "I bet you wouldn't say that to my face in real life". "I'd fuck you up if you called the cops on me". It all makes you sound pathetic because you can't back any of this up. This isn't real life. And you don't know anybody here. What makes it even funnier is that you're a family man/office worker with a few coke head friends. I hate to tell you but in my world thats just not so intimidating.

  19. In your final moments dear TNP...September 25, 2011 at 4:12 AM

    Dear TNP:

    One day as you cross the street a bus will appear out of nowhere, and as you roll under its tires this is what you will remember in your own words:

    " when there's nothing I can do anymore it's like the whole world is shifting. Like all peripheral just fucking disappears, and you're no longer people, or animals, or predator/prey. The ego disappears and it's a moment of bliss where you change life into death before your very eyes, and the release that comes with it is astounding. It's a physical and mental sensation. You feel for a moment, like a god, and that everything around you outside of this glorious moment is meaningless and petty. When it's over, life, and reality crash into you like a wave, like being slapped sober. All that's left are the remains of an unparalleled experience.
    September 25, 2011 12:37 AM

  20. TNP seriously depressedSeptember 25, 2011 at 4:23 AM

    TNP, you got death wish that you cannot accept. I mean, not to kill others, you want to kill yourself it sounds like

    TNP's Story Time - A look inside said...
    I've alluded to what my main issue is a few times here, and at my blog. I'm going to spell it out without giving incriminating details, and hopefully it will be devoid of morbid pride.

    I have a constant urge to murder people. Ever day. Zero discrimination, and often without provocation. It might be as simple as a daydreaming innocent enough fantasy, or on the brink of jumping someone in front of god and everyone. There are times when this urge is not manageable for me, and make no mistake, it's a huge weakness. The thrill of hunting people down, whether they know they are being hunted or not is unparalleled to any other excitement life can offer me. It's like a drug that I imagine no other high can match. It's the only time I feel really alive. I literally have to put myself in death-defying scenarios where I don't know if I will live of die with any confidence to come anywhere near close to that feeling, and those are fleeting and provide no release.

    When I was younger, I got myself into some precarious situations with people where I was the one being hunted, and although it's not quite as pleasurable, the thrill is comparable.

    I'm not some whacked out psychotic serial killer with a basement full of bodies who thinks the Devil speaks to him. I don't have a Dark Passenger like they have in Dexter. I'm always stuck with Me. And being forced to be something so completely different at almost all times, I believe, is what makes me crack occasionally beyond my self-control and lose it. Like the real me says, fuck you TNP. Sit back, relax, and let yourself be you for a few minutes. It will all be over in a while, and you'll feel better when it's over.

    I don't like the fact that I lose control sometimes and need to get release, but I don't hate who I am. I don't know any other Me. It's who I've always been.

    September 24, 2011 12:05 AM

  21. TNP from promotion to depressionSeptember 25, 2011 at 4:27 AM

    TNP, you used to tell us you were so on top of your game at work and you were getting ready for some major promotion. Looks like it was all in your head and now you are having a hard time facing the reality that you are not that big shot business guy, and you're overreacting to failure. Chill.

    "I've felt trapped the last year. Geographically, professionally, and in the last five or so months, this issue has been greatly intensified. My therapist was pushing me during some of my strongest urges and it took everything I had to muster for willpower not to beat him to death with his own lamp in his own office. He told me I had looked like I was anguished, the next session we had. And that's part of the problem. When I get that bad around people and I can't afford to let loose (virtually always) they can see it clear as day, and I scare them. Even my behavior shifts, not just my demeanor and perspective. It's like I'm replaced by some hunter. It's almost unnerving."

  22. "they gonna email me to death? lol. to call the cops with any sort of legitimate story would put their identity at risk and let's just say you don't want me showing up at your house because you called the cops on me"

    -- Luke

    "What I would give for someone from a blog to show up in person and try to say some of the things they pull online though, lol, would love to see the lolk on their face."

    -- Luke

    "no, I've never gotten angry, you just seem so sure of yourself, so full of your beliefs it'd be fun to see the look on your face when you realized they weren't true, as the last of the blood ran from your body."

    -- Luke

    Scrary stuff haha. ~

  23. Anon stop wasting space with yesterday's comments.

  24. :) You're an idiot, Mis, doing the same as I was and telling me to stop. I'm done anyways, and are you gonna keep bringing up further Luke?

    Here I present a middle finger back at you. 8====D

  25. How you being today TNP?September 25, 2011 at 4:41 AM

    Back to TNP. What mood are you in today? Clearly not a day you can meet with your therapist. What sort of bad ass are you paying so much to therapists? Remembering your reference to yourself as a religious person who wants to help bad ass socios to make something out of themselves, to become 'high functioning' ones. Honestly, all you need to do is accept that it's ok for someone like you to have a mediocre job. Let go of the promotion pressure (self-induced, no basis on reality) and relax.

  26. :) Not really interested in you, Mis. You are an emotionally flat dude, boring.

  27. Not good to me? Do die... What a mind set!September 25, 2011 at 4:58 AM

    For those who want to kill others:
    (absence of good coming from people making you wish bad on their presence. Grow up and accept your own reality, stop wanting too much from others, you ain't gonna get it).

    There are two major positions: the paranoid-schizoid position and the depressive position. The earlier more primitive position is the paranoid-schizoid position and if an individual's environment and up-bringing are satisfactory, she or he will progress through the depressive position.
    The paranoid-schizoid position is conceived as the state of mind of children. Although this position develops into the next position, it is normal to move back and forward between the two positions although some people operate in the paranoid schizoid position for much of the time. As one of the originators of Object Relations theory, Klein sees emotions as always related to other people or objects of emotions.
    Paranoid refers to the central paranoid anxiety, the fear of invasive malevolence. This is experienced as coming from the outside, but ultimately derives from the projection out of the death instinct. Paranoid anxiety can be understood in terms of anxiety about imminent annihilation and derives from a sense of the destructive or death instinct of the child. In this position before the secure internalistion of a good object to protect the ego, the immature ego deals with its anxiety by splitting off bad feelings and projecting them out. However, this causes paranoia. Schizoid refers to the central defense mechanism: splitting, the vigilant separation of the good object from the bad object.
    Klein posited that a healthy development implies that the infant has to split its external world, its objects and itself into two categories: good (i.e., gratifying, loved, loving) and bad (i.e. frustrating, hated, persecutory). This splitting makes it possible to introject and identify with the good. In other words: splitting in this stage is useful because it protects the good from being destroyed by the bad. Later, when the ego has developed sufficiently, the bad can be integrated, and ambivalence and conflict can be tolerated.
    Later with greater maturity and the resolution of the depressive position, the ego is able to bring together the good and bad object thereby leading to whole object relations. Achieving this involves mourning the loss of the idealised object, and associated depressive anxieties.

    In the paranoid-schizoid position, the main anxiety is paranoia and hypochondria, and the fear is for the self.
    When things are going well, others are experienced as all benign. However, inevitably when needs or desires are not immediately met the absence of the good object is experienced as the presence of the bad object.
    The bad object is then hated and in phantasie it is attacked. The hated frustrating object quickly becomes persecutory as it is imagined to get revenge in a similar way to how it is being treated.
    It is easier to see why badness is projected outside the self rather than it being felt to be within. It is more difficult to understand why goodness also may be projected out.
    The projection of badness into the object is the basis of racism, homophobia, or any other irrational hatred of another group seen as different from the self, e.g. estate agents, liberals, cyclists, single mothers, Northerners, Southerners, traffic wardens etc etc.

  28. SW LEECH with no sense of shameSeptember 25, 2011 at 5:57 AM

    ERIN receives the all-time LEECH award at SW.

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  32. Anon said


    "Color" is the American spelling of the word.


  33. Run for office, then. That should be fun, no? Come up with some crazy platform, have some radical followers.

    That should definitely pep up your life, but should figure out how to channel money into that.

    Something easier, David? Shave all over.

  34. you're pathetic david
    a bore at best

  35. Here is how to have fun in Brussels, David. Wish I was there for a few days.

    Saw some pedophile remarks, and some over-reaction remarks on your part. Have not read your actual lines. What is the scoop?

  36. This one says:

    Care for an escort?

  37. Good morning Missy. Copying portions of conversation this morning I see-channeling your inner Ukat?

    Those are simple facts Missy. If you'd like to challenge the truth of them, you're welcome to. Until then I'd suggest shutting the fuck up and not doing your best Floyd Mayweather impression since really nothing you can say can disprove those things, and you're too spineless to disprove them yourself. Probably a good point though-only an internet tough guy would invite people talking tough online to back that up in real life. lmao we knew you were dumb but...I wouldn't expect things to be scary online, they're just what they are. That's why you talk shit there right? Again with the checks you don't have to cash. Go beat your children or wife some more, convince yourself you control some people.

    You're right I don't understand that. You describe it here as some sort of animalistic sort of blood lust and you're absolutely right that's not me.
    I still don't get the therapy thing. Or the desire to find someone so similar. You describe yourself as something of a blood thirsty lone wolf, but lone wolves aren't often out looking for packs. I get the motivation personally-obviously I'm here-but just wonder what the reasoning is for you individually.

    @Anons-busy this morning eh?

    @Wheatley-the "LUkan" thing-good stuff on that label.

    @David-then move.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I see. It is indeed the case, when a man seems really fond of someone else's children we all are overly alert. Pedo-hatred is also probably the only common theme across the members of SW.

    I just saw this socio-penguin story in the making, so cute:

  40. That little penguin was a weakling, his parents left him out to die. A month of caring by others, the penguin turns fat and hairy and healthy, and after that his family takes him in. Must be a matter of months for him to kill his parents.

    Known fact: parents don't love their ugly children as much... yikes...

  41. "since really nothing you can say can disprove those things,"

    Nothing you say can prove them either. And unless you're willing to set up some kind of ultimate SW fighting tournament I suggest that you shut the fuck up schoolboy. Would you like to fly out to the UK to fight me Luke?

  42. Rumbling in the Land

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I don't need to prove them Mis. I'd love to, perhaps David can set that up-cure his boredom. He claims to have unlimited resources. I would suggest watching what you wish for though.

  45. For the record that should show more separation than it does.
    Do I need to prove them? No.

    Would I like to do what you suggested? Absolutely. Sounds like a blast.

  46. Well then schoolboy, if you cant take your own badass boasts seriously shut the fuck up because I don't care. All bark and no bite. The truth is that in real life we wouldn't even be having conversation. We never would have met. You come and challenge a bunch of anonymous strangers to a fight and you expect us to take you seriously. Nobody else is as worked up as you you whiney little tosser. This is all fun and games to the rest of us so stop taking it all so seriously. If you're not having fun then stop playing. THIS ISN'T REAL LIFE. If you don't know how to operate in this place stop complaining and get fucked. You cant bring the rules of a whole different game into this one I'm afraid.

  47. Mis--you DID challenge HimSeptember 25, 2011 at 7:18 AM

    Whad up with dat?
    You and Ucunt have been challenging hims since he got here.

    I mean, peeps are watching, Dawg.

  48. Whoo, you don't like being challenged do ya Mis? Go beat your kids some more you fucking loser. Stop getting your panties in a bunch because here you're just the dumb guy, and noone's fooled into thinking you have any control over anything. Shall I scrape you off the bottom of my boot now, or are you getting quite comfortable down there?
    You challenged me bitch. Just because you can't back it up either online or in person doesn't make it magically my doing. Now shut the fuck up boy, thoughts of me smacking you like your daddy used to seem to have you shook.

  49. We're real big when we're online, but mention real life and we shrivel up like raisins. Too much real talk here, we're packing our bags.

  50. @Mis's Balls

    LMFAO and smile

  51. Who's taking it seriously by the way pussy? I'm just pointing out the obvious. Sorry it makes you look like the punk bitch that you are. That seems to hurt your feelings, why don't you tell everyone about it?

  52. Let me know when you've landed then Luke. I assume you've already booked the flight?

    I never challenged you to a fight schoolboy. I don't take this so seriously and I've got no interest in you outside of this place. You're just new SW. The latest in a long line. So don't pretend you've scored some kind of victory over me with your meaningless fantasies and empty threats.

  53. That people in SW think they are such INDIVIDUALS but they act as a pack when a new person comes on. Explain that?

  54. "Punk bitch"? How old are you really Luke?

  55. He was a drummer for a famous band. How young could he be?

  56. right, like I said you just like running your flap online and have no actual ability to back anything up in reality. We're saying the same thing here pussy.
    You think I take this seriously? In America-I don't know about your pussy country-but here, it's not too much to say "hey, care to back up your words?" You think the 17 seconds it would take for my to shove my foot up your ass in real life would even be taken seriously? I wouldn't even have to change out of my suit to put you back down in the gutter where you climbed out of boy. Don't flatter yourself.
    You're a post I make when I'm watching football (yea, the real kind, not that pussy shit you bitches watch) or working. I work at a computer, it's hardly "serious" for me to come here and verbally slap you around a while.

    I'll tell you what is serious though. I'm hungry. It was like two days ago you swore up and down you'd feed me my words-I'm still waiting bitch. So get your ass in the kitchen, put on your apron, and whip up a main course for me will you? Fuck me, you've gotta be good for something around here don't you? If it's not backing up what you say maybe it's cooking and cleaning?
    Interesting you categorized this as a fantasy...not for me, but makes me wonder what kind of being dominated you're into? You want to elaborate on that a bit? Hop onto SW's metaphorical (too big a word for you?) couch for a few? We can delve into that, maybe in the process we'll figure out where your spine went.

  57. Why? In the UK at some point do you age out of calling things as you see them? Does punk bitch not suit you fairly well? You wear it well, goes well with those running shoes you've got on...

  58. Whatever happened to Daniel Birdick?

  59. I would love to see this shit go down in real life. I mean, sociopaths don't have any fear right? It's not even about the outcome really...

    There will always be a winner and a loser. It's more about who's willing to show up.

    Of course you don't have to be a sociopath to engage in real life battle. Any empathic soldier will tell you that. Hell, since I put it that way... you can feel fear, and still show up.

    I guess either way, you're still not proving who the real sociopaths are. You'd only be proving that you have something to prove, and that you're willing to risk your life, to do so.

  60. Hello Ms. Ann Thrope, how are you doing this morning?

  61. "How old is he?" (God I hope he's young, he reminds me of daddy when he used to slap me around at night. I hope he's not wearing his thick leather belt.) *Curls up in corner rocking back and forth*

  62. @Eden-the real life thing would be a blast. Very funny watching people morph into very very timid and small people once you take away the protection of that anonymity the internet offers. I like screwing around with people online, but there is nothing more satisfying than pulling my knife outta someone who thought they stood a chance.

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  64. Mis you don't have to be scared. Come crawl back out of that corner. Remember, this is the internet, you don't actually have to have a spine here. You can still go home and beat your children, find someone you can actually control. Maybe you and UKunt can go tag team his dog, make you both feel more powerful than you actually are? Now off with's orders.

  65. Oh David you've got it mixed up, it's me that cares so deeply, lol. He's just having fun of course. (Naturally that doesn't work in the reverse for anyone else, it's only true when him and his boyfriend UKunt say it. Ask them, they'll tell you. Tell em Missy!)

  66. Fighting is fine,but it gets old and you want to talk about something real.
    Let it go, Mis.

  67. Haha. I've got nothing that needs backing up Luke. I haven't made any threats against you. You're the one making internet threats but I don't see any action to follow them. Here you go again. What are you going to say next? That "Yor daddy kood beet up my daddy"? Haha. You sound like a bloody child.

    Oh and I knew you worked some dull job at a computer. I guess my powers of perception are more on target than yours. The computer geek who comes on here to play tough guy.

  68. My brother in law was allegedly in with a family, back when he was a teenager.

    I know this second hand.

    He seemed to confirm it only last year, when out of the blue, he told me the story of a task he had to carry out, and how he made a mess of it. I've known him for 15 years, and this was the first mention of it, directly to me.

    He was telling it like a joke. He makes everything into a joke. Has this black and white way of perceiving mental illness though.
    Acts like if my mother, and sisters would just "grow up", they'd be okay.

    I get along with him splendidly, but I know that under that 'fun guy' facade, is a head full of torment, and nightmares.
    He wasn't cut out for it... whatever "it", was.

  69. lmao, hardly. Yes I work "some dull job at a computer" in that there's a computer at my desk. I manage a large wing of a Fortune 500 company-sorry we can't all be ditch-diggers.

    Just because someone has a brain doesn't mean they're a computer geek, but again you're always welcome to prove your assumptions.

    You have nothing to back up? You sound like Floyd Mayweather, you really do. See those are the words of someone who really means "I have no ability to back up", and we know that already Missy, we do you don't have to tell us.

    I'm sorry an invitation to prove your bullshit is too much for you to handle. I'm sorry it's too much of a challenge for you to feel comfortable with and it inspires you to spew on about how you don't have anything to prove. That shit's pretty old.

    You seem to feel uncomfortable without UKat's cock parked deep down your throat. Roll over and wake him up, maybe your boyfriend can defend you a little more successfully than you've been able to thus far this morning.

    (I knew you'd start in with the flashbacks about your father. My guess is that reference is the first of many. Your therapist owes me a commission check.)

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Here comes the part when Mis tells Luke he doesn't do that (based on Mis's experience as a custodian at a small start up company many years ago of course, making him an expert on the subject) 3...2...1...go Missy

  72. Oh good another wall of text. I love how you just had to tell me what you do for a living. Frankly I don't care.

    I'll tell you what Luke. Why don't you post your name, address, and a picture of yourself so that anyone who wants to back up their bullshit knows right where to find you.

  73. Talking about what you "would" do to someone when you can't get attem is pussy shit Luke in america. I don't know how you think it proves anything except the fact that someone made you lose your temper so much that you've sunk to making empty threats. Funny you talk about mayweather because your doing exactly what he did to pacman. Talking loud but ain't saying shit.

  74. Anon 8:07
    That is Ukan

    Maybe Luke will tell us who he is because he mentioned he was the drummer for the Quiet Camels, so maybe he will.

  75. Must have been the presence of the crystal ball, but I could actually see several people furiously searching, copying, and pasting my comment of "Professional hazard" a few days ago to Eden indicating I was a writer, conflicted with my comment here that I manage a large wing, etc. Allow me to clarify before you all go running off making yourselves look like asses again like the adoption confusion.

    I manage a wing of a Fortune 500 company 9-5, well, 8-4. Outside of that I'm a sports editor and writer for a media outlet covering New England area sports. I also write as a hobby. Just to avoid any confusion caused by my lack of clarity.

  76. No need to give you jerk off material Missy. Were you disappointed I don't also push a broom?

    Ukunt-post as yourself you spineless bitch. Or go hide on the forums where bitches like you allegedly belong and you seem to feel there's protection. Leave this section to people using this site productively. Now get along boy.

  77. Luke, now you're posting as anons.

  78. Your backround check shows you've been arrested 70 times. We dont care though luke we trust you. So we have a management posistion open when would you like to start?

  79. Yeah... I caught that. That's why I did go any further with it.

  80. are u gonna post ur address luke?

  81. It's difficult to take someone's plan of attack seriously when they made such an obvious, major faux pas. You missed the meaning of release, somehow.

    What was the point of posting my comments again here today? All you're doing is making yourself seem desperate for attention. It's kind of pathetic. Well, you got my attention now. Carry on.

  82. no Wheatley I wasn't.

    Never really convicted of much serious. Expunged record.

    Ukunt-find your spine, post as yourself boy.

  83. That was addressed to Luke, on "Professional hazard".

  84. Luke's interview makes a valid point, actually. And Luke, you were the 'SW crystal bal' and 'Mis's therapist', weren't you?

  85. Well Luke. Go ahead and post those details I asked you for. How else we all the bullshitters find you? It was a serious invitation right? come on Luke, back up your own bullshit this time.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Ukan's New (and Disappointed) WIfeSeptember 25, 2011 at 8:18 AM

    Please wait a moment, I'm bitch-slapping Ukan for not knowing how to finish me off last night-again. What does this guy need? A road map?

  88. Yea, I thought it was fairly obvious that was me Wheatley. Should I sign all my comments if posting under a name designed to give the comment some comical value?

    I've been a lot of those comments, SW Scale last night, etc. Not designed to show support, just some comedy for myself and others. I truly thought it was pretty obvious it was me.

  89. 'SW Crystal Ball' has been used before, Wheatley. Long before Luke got here.

  90. Oh and David, when I called you a paedophile (yes that does have an 'a' in it) I was only showing you a piece of rope. You then proceeded to tie the rope around your neck and tell everyone how well suited that particular piece of rope was to hang yourself with, by getting angry at me. Congratulations.

  91. As for my interview that is a good point, except a BCI (background check here) doesn't actually look up arrests, only convictions. Furthermore, depending upon the public nature of your role, they don't necessarily care about arrests themselves-or even some convictions-just certain types. Such as convictions that show dishonesty, show that you'll steal, that's really all they care about. As long as you pass that drug test even a minor drug conviction isn't a problem.
    That probably wouldn't work if I was the face of the company, or something to that effect but it works fine for what I do. A lot of that's also based on how good you are at what you do. If they want you, they'll hire you.

  92. Ok Luke. Now I understand that you were just kidding and you dont want anyone to come find you. Since you won't tell us where to look that must be the case right? Thanks for clarifying.

  93. Ok lets see here. Your resume says you did a buch of drugs, fucked a bunch of women, worked for the mob, and trafficked drugs. I think you will be a great fit here luke. In fact we just had a management position open and we would like to trust the team with you.

  94. Why don't YOU give your address,Mis?
    If you want Luke to do it,you should be willing to do the same, which you are not. So, shut up.

  95. Why would you like to come by? Wouldn't it be fun to really do this? Tell your wife and kids good bye, that they'll never have to see you again? Go find some half retarded ape to takeover your job for you, then come eat 8 inches of steel via the new hole in your throat? That turn you on a little bit? A little bit of self-loathing there Missy?

  96. @Fortune 500, lol good stuff. No my record/resume says none of that. Again, I'd be happy to define expunged records for you. Good stuff though.

  97. I threaten people on the internet I'm a socio

  98. When Erin posts as Anons, it's a bit like that weird aunt in your family that suddenly doesn't respond to her name anymore because she's doing a funny voice and talking through the means of sock puppets.

  99. Because Erin. I'm not the one making empty threats over the internet. If you actually had my real IP address you would already know where to find me.

    You made me laugh Luke. But you didn't do what I asked.

  100. Dad, don't touch me there.

  101. Eight inches? Isn't that a bit oversized?

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  103. I don't care enough to do that Erin.

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  106. Dad, I'm ashamed of you. So is mommy


  108. come over to Boston though Missy, I'll show you exactly where to look.

    The sad thing about this whole little clique is that the only person with any spine here so far-myself included-as far as I'm concerned is David. He had no problem showing himself, his home, telling people where he lives, etc. He's the only person here who has earned any sort of respect in that manner. Ukunt hides behind his photoshopping, Missy behind his finger (because he's cool) and myself behind almost complete anonymity.
    I came to this site to use it for a productive purpose, which almost requires anonymity. See therein lies the difference. You fags come to this site to start shit with everyone you have an opportunity to. You use the site because like I've been saying, it provides you the chance to write checks you never have to cash, that's the difference. I came here for a specific purpose, you come here to try to victimize someone other than your dog. You use the wall of anonymity for protection from the checks you write and are afraid to cash, I use it for protection from the advice I seek, so don't give me your bullshit.
    That, is where I see a great similarity between TNP and I. Do I fall into the back and forth? Absolutely-apparently he did too for a while. But did we come here for the protection of anonymity so we could start stupid bullshit because we're afraid to in real life? No.

    So go fuck yourself Missy. You started with me from the get-go, and every successive post has shown precisely what I've just said because every successive post no matter what was said was directed at one thing-starting retarded shit while you're protected. You're a pathetic piece of garbage and that's all you'll ever be. You both know both of those things to be true as well, which is why you don't use the site for productivity but rather so you don't get killed by a "bigger dog" earlier than you already will in real life. Because both here and in reality almost every "dog" you pass is bigger than you are, which is why you yap at it. You're like this squirrel that used to fuck with my dog when he was chained to the tree outside on his run. The run was like 20 feet long and the squirrel knew exactly where it ended. He used to sit there and make noises, just try to fuck with the dog knowing the protection he had. I imagine the look on your face should I ever actually knock on the door to your slum would be similar to the look on that squirrel's face the day I added 5 feet to that chain.
    Go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of.

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  110. Guess she/he is gone for now. Oh well.

    Next time you want to re-post all of my comments with little unsubstantiated claims, you Might want to have an overall point to it.

    But thanks for reposting it all at the beginning of today's blog. Someone might have missed it from the other day.


  111. I think 8 inches is good sized for a knife Wheatley.

  112. This is our 69th time arresting this fella. I can't believe he got away with it again!

  113. @TNP-smart money is on Ukan, did the exact same thing with me night before last.

  114. "When Erin posts as Anons, it's a bit like that weird aunt in your family that suddenly doesn't respond to her name anymore because she's doing a funny voice and talking through the means of sock puppets."

    I love that she can now put up different faces on the forum, too. It's so cute. She usually picks ones that don't match her sentiment.

  115. haha, frustrated wouldn't cover it. I like it when you post crafty stuff Wheatley. Please do keep it up.

  116. @Eden-the ninja one took me way off guard when she posted it, lol. I didn't know what to think of it. Her explanation actually made sense, lol, but it was still pretty funny.

  117. Perhaps. And perhaps because you really really really really look like one, except without a beard. And Luke is confusing balls with stupidity. David didn't reveal himself because he wanted to, but because he took sleeping pills one night, and decided it would be a good idea to show a video he was on.

  118. i wonder if the germans who rebelled against hitler where sociopath. they couldn't take being second best.

  119. He got me beat, I quit

  120. There were an awful lot of re-posts from yesterday, for sure. Don't think I've seen so much vindictive re-posting around here.

  121. Alright so you admit to being spineless. Good for you.

    "I came to this site to use it for a productive purpose"

    So why haven't you? Don't let me stand in your way. I'm not reading the rest of that wall of text.

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  123. You owe me kid

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  125. Sociopaths look insane, when you look at them from a non egoistical point of view.

  126. "The sad thing about this whole little clique is that the only person with any spine here so far-myself included-as far as I'm concerned is David. He had no problem showing himself, his home, telling people where he lives, etc. He's the only person here who has earned any sort of respect in that manner"

    Well if that's the case, I've out-balled you all. haha!
    I came in here with the actual name I go by... even on my fucking Facebook! But then as TNP pointed out when we had our lil tiff... it must be only because I'm begging to be abused.

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  128. It's amazing how Hitler (a true narcissist) turned a whole nation into brainwashed psuedo-psychopaths.

    He would continuously drill lines into his puppets, such as "show no mercy, pity is weakness"

  129. @Wheatley-didn't follow the first part. I didn't know about a video, I meant a couple nights ago when he was posting all sorts of pictures and so forth. I don't think you were here at that point.
    @Eden-wasn't aware of that, but yes.
    @Mis-you're still talking are you? Your noise stands in the way of everyone here. Go eat a bullet, since you're incapable of feeding words. Maybe you can ask your boyfriend to borrow his beebee gun.
    I can totally picture your dumb ass beating up your kid and taking his slingshot and trying to make that work, lmao.

  130. @David-you were certainly intoxicated when I saw it, and then you went and deleted everything which was weird, but still have to give credit for the initial show and tell.

  131. No... wheatley was here... and Luke, I think you missed the part too, about David being sloppy drunk when he did all of that... then deleted it all before he passed out!

    It's all been while he's inebriated!

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  133. oh lol

    you did catch that! Love it!!!

  134. "Your noise stands in the way of everyone here."

    Including yours. Some something useful about the post or stop complaing.

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  137. bedeep bedeep bedeep spit it the fuck out Missy. Still making noise I see? "Some something, I mean said something, I mean say something, I mean, wait...what was I trying to say again?"
    Have you not received the message loud and clear? Shut your fucking mouth, you have nothing of value to add to this site, this post, this comment thread, this conversation, or this life really. You just haven't come to that realization yet. Maybe if you do you'll 2 inches of spine and do the rest of the world a favor and stop wasting our good oxygen.


  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. Don't appear drunk now though, and there's the video with what I presume is your real name displayed as well. Out the window with the beer balls theory.

  141. hitler was the most evil bastard ever.

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  145. "Shut your fucking mouth, you have nothing of value to add to this site"

    Lol. Well apparently neither do since you let me take up most of your time. I just gave you the opportunity to say something useful and you didn't. How about instead of me shutting the fuck up I just carry on doing whatever I like and you except that you cant stop me. If you cant understand that you're just going round in circles with me while I luagh in your face then there's no hope for you. Do whatever you like. You don't even have to respond to this comment because I really don't give a shit.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Do you think today's society is wiser and more immune to a manipulation on the scale of Hitlers? I mean with the mass murder and carnage. People would be more susceptible now than ever, to taking their anger out on a fellow human, with the financial crises etc..

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  149. Why do you drink alcohol and take sleeping pills every night, David?

  150. So let's see your picture and place you live Luke. I mean you said you consider yourself to have the same balls as David.

    Let's see all the goods.

    I will say this: You don't really know the history of the characters here. I remember when David started posting his pictures.
    It was when UKan and Mis kept blasting him about his being attractive or not. I've also noticed that every single time he's posted a picture of himself, it's directly after Mis or UKan, challenge his vanity.

    Sometimes you don't see things, till you watch the history unfold from the beginning.

  151. To the sociologically interested Anon: check out the film "Die Welle", or the (I think it exists, not sure though) American remake "The Wave".

  152. Wheatley, do you get that feeling too? Like people are just waiting for an excuse to tear each other apart and humiliate their fellow man.

  153. "So let's see your picture and place you live Luke."

    Not going to happen. He cant back up his own bullshit. That's what he's shown me today.

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  155. "coward" is an empaths term, a socio would call it smart.

  156. "Well,it does not make one a wimp if one wants to stay anonymous."

    Well by Luke's logic it does.

  157. Mis typing to you takes thirty seconds, hardly all of my time don't flatter yourself.

    No I wouldn't, you're right Eden and Mis. Again, the difference Mis is that you come here to use anonymity to be tough, I come here to use anonymity to answer questions, etc. I'm just reacting to your stupidity. You want to prove something? Email me and we'll set something up. I believe you can find my email in the forum profile link-at least there's an option to email.
    Doing what you suggest would compromise the entire reason I came here. Sort of like meeting someone here in real life would compromise the entire reason you're here-for the safety of the internet.
    Eden-regardless of the reason, he's still demonstrated a lot more real life spine than anyone else on here-again, myself included. You don't demonstrate real life spine by yakking on some forum, lol. Herego the invitation to figure it out in real life. Again, I came here for the purpose of one question, did not expect to have to defend every aspect of my post as to it's truth or accuracy. I've had fun with it though, and I'm online doing other things anyway so why not have a little fun at the expense of Mis's intelligence or Ukunt's predictability?

  158. I've watched David puff himself up more and more, since his arrival. The more he get's challenged on whether or not, he's living the lifestyle he claims; the more he reveals through pictures, and his desperate stories.

    He just sounds like a flaming snob to me... and the fact that he admitted that he thinks Erin, of all people... is the only real person here, speaks volumes.

    She's so fickle she can fit love you, and want to destroy you, in the frame in less than 2 minutes. :D

  159. eden, you don't like snobs, do you?

  160. nooo Mis you misunderstand my statement (likely a result of the second grade drop out thing, strikes again). One who wants to remain anonymous is certainly not some sort of wimp. While showing one's face to a group of anonymous strangers who will tear you apart certainly demonstrates more spine than you (i.e. what David did), remaining anonymous does not make you a pansy of any sort. It's what you use that anonymity for that makes you pathetic. You, you use it to try to act like someone you're not. Like someone tough, like someone capable of picking on others. You use it for protection from the checks your mouth writes. That's what makes you and your boyfriend UKunt pathetic. The fact that in order to even just try to be vultures you have to use the anonymity of the internet, and don't even have the spine to be those vultures in real life with anything tougher than UKunt's pomeranian or whatever little pussy dog he feels so good about kicking.

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  162. My point is, it's all about their vanity, not about their balls.

    Actually anon... I have a friend who's a flaming snob himself... he makes me laugh. It's all a matter of curiosity and fascination for me.

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  164. @Eden-I don't disagree with that, I as much as said that the other night when he was going on about what shoes or shirt he wears, and what kind of cigar he was sucking on that night.

    I just find that when you've got someone that comes in and talks about something and several people immediately jump all over everything anyone says as lying, most often it's because that first person is the one lying about their lives.

    David's not rich (pictures show he's got some money), I'm not who I am (you don't need to know that, but I do so it counts as my second example), I'm sure there are a hundred other things he's accused people here of lying about that they individually know he's wrong about even if the rest of us don't. Just saying, lol, it's like the kid's saying "whoever smelt it dealt it". Obviously a stupid children's saying, but it's often true. Whoever screams the loudest, whoever's pointing the finger and leading the charge is often the biggest offender. Look at all the crazy hard ass Republican senators and whatnot here in the US that eventually get caught in some gas station bathroom with a cock in their mouth. They're usually the loudest screaming against gay rights, etc. I certainly would not be surprised to find the same to be true here, given the fact that by his own admission and by most people's observation (except his gf Missy of course) he pretty much goes after every new person in the same way. Of course he thinks he's somehow sniffing them out, but in reality he's just going after anyone who starts talking, just in case they drown out his ranting and raving.

  165. @Eden-exactly, there's a large difference between using anonymity to speak more freely, and using anonymity to attack more freely imo.

  166. See, I grew up in New Mexico.
    Not much for people to brag about in those parts.

    You won't see people flashing their bling at you, and boasting about the high-life, in Albuquerque.

    It's mostly Indian reservations out there. The education is very poor, and most of the cultural mentality, is just be happy with what you got.

    People with very narcissistic traits, fascinate me... because I was surrounded by a culture of people who have believe very little of themselves.

    So when people come on here bragging about wealth, and how big their brains are... I get curious about what's behind all of it.

  167. Nothing you said relates to anything you told us you would do. You said that you would give people the opportunity to back up their bullshit and prove themselves in person. You failed to give people the details I asked for. You do not want to be found. Your threats were empty. Your offer wasn't serious. Believe me Luke I'm a total bastard in the real world to. Since you've been doing the same thing as me as you got here(fighting) I could also accuse you of using this place to pretend to be something you're not. So that accusation doesn't even make sense since you've been working on the same level as me since day one. You're just a shadow of me in this place.

  168. "I'm sure there are a hundred other things he's accused people here of lying about that they individually know he's wrong about even if the rest of us don't."

    Sure just ask Zwang. ~

    We've been doing thid for a while here and everyone we've called out is a proven delusional liar.

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  170. I think people typically want to blame concrete things (be it people, ethnicities, religions or technologies) for problems. Even if those problems cannot be neatly encapsulated in one word, and even if the underlying causes are much and much more complex.

    Let's stay with the example of World War Two (this post is alread becoming much longer than I intended to...). After World War One, Germany was in some deep shit. Millions of young men dead. The military expenses were through the roof. Destroyed infrastructure. Economical sanctions. Valuable industry and mining territory was given to France. The inflation was ridiculous because the government had to print extra money to pay the fines handed to them by the other European countries (I believe that at one point you had to pay a billion mark for a loaf of bread). Poverty and unemployment were extremely high (I'm quickly runnung out of superlatives), and the future looked grim. Then some guy said it was the jews fault. Why not? They were used as scapegoat numerous times already, they seemed to have all the good jobs (doctors, bankers), they seemed to be hit less hard by the crisis and they certainly weren't Christians. Hitler used Jews to unify the country, setting a goal. And it worked like a charm. He didn't hate them, they were just convenient (if you feel inclined to argue about this last statement I made; look through the archives. A month ago someone else did too).

    Now to the present. Global economic crisis? CEO's of banks caused that. Not because the economical system we're using is reliant on rumours and gossip and everything can come crashing down just because some guy in Mexico decided not to sell his pickup truck to pay his mortgage. Civil unrest in the Middle-East? Al Quaeda did that. (Apparent) Global Warming? Cars.

    I could go on, so I will.

    An oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? A greedy CEO who wanted to cut corners. AIDS? Gay people. Ghettos and poverty? Black people. Earthquake on the east coast? Gay people again. Or Obama (both for making God angry). The Cold War? The USSR. School shootings and riots? Easy one: Grand Theft Auto. High unemployment rate in the US of A? The Republicans or Democrats, depending on who you ask. Or the crisis. Or China. Or gay people. Again. Or terrorism. World War One? Germany. World War Two? Germany.

    Everything I just listed? Secretly the Stonemasons.

    I don't think people are just waiting for an excuse to shoot one another: I think they want to simplify the world a little bit. Which is okay. Stereotypes are simplifications as well, but no one actually thinks all Germans are Nazis; or that all Americans drive limousines and live in either Hollywood, New York or the Whit House; or that all Belgians are made out of chocolate. Well, maybe stupid people.

  171. Wow. It took me almost forty minutes to type that out. Good for me!

  172. Stereotypes for the most, are accurate.

  173. "Of course he thinks he's somehow sniffing them out, but in reality he's just going after anyone who starts talking, just in case they drown out his ranting and raving."

    I have never been attacked by Mis and UKan, the way they go after some of the other people on here.

    They framed me as being Erin, just to fuck with me, when I first got here, and then left me alone after not even half that day.

    I've been here 3 months, and they've never attacked me.

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  175. Stereotypes are only somewhat accurate when applied to populations, not individual people.

  176. that accusation doesn't work in the reverse because the only fighting I've done has been in reaction to those on attack. I told you, email me, we'll set it up. Why don't we get you to come out here? I'll pay your family the $37 in lost wages and bury you in a place they'll never have to see you again. Sound fair? It'll be more than you've ever done for them I'm sure.

  177. "Stereotypes are only somewhat accurate when applied to populations, not individual people."

    It's good to apply it to them individually, as it takes away their uniqueness.

  178. @Eden-I wonder how much did you bait them back? That's why we haven't stopped. Because I have no interest in it stopping either, until they pack their bags for the forums where they think it's safe, lol. God I love that. How have people not been laughing in their face the entire time these pussies have been here? Really? "Go to the forums where it's safe" What a joke.

  179. I never got attacked because I told some Anon to make an account and have an argument with me, and he turned out to be Nero...

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  181. lol Wheatley I did read all of that. First of all-hilarious that you said "this is already becoming longer than I intended" after two sentences and then typed 20 more pages, lol. Just couldn't help but laugh.

    Secondly, that was so random. What spurred that that I missed?

  182. "You're absolutely right that I'm not rich, on the contrary, I'm in debt and will leave Belgium as soon as I've done my community service."

    That's what I thought. Time to start using your brains, David. You can't fake it forever. 34 aint old, but you're no spring chicken.

    You should have been investing that money for the future. Not trying to live a lifestyle you didn't inherit.

    I've never really gone after you before the other night David. You know that to be the truth too.

  183. Oh I didn't even know I had a family of my own ~

    Cut the gangster bullshit Luke. Your a fucking office drone and a part time journalist so it just sounds retarded when you try to intimidate me. Post the information I asked you for or just be quite. And thanks for admitting that you've been on the defencive the whole time. Says alot about you.

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  185. @David-interesting, believable. Makes sense given a collection of everything said (too much sense?) but after watching how my little story has been picked apart and knowing the truth behind it I'm inclined to buy it.

    Erin's actually kind of on point here. Medusa started, but not for the same reasons, I think she just likes to get the pot stirring and watch. Ukan and Mis don't know any better, that's what they're here for. Others join in for fun along the way or are convinced to see legit things just because they've been watching the same old song and dance for so long. Still others sit back, take no real part and only ask and answer questions they really have, often unrelated to the back and forth currently going on, or perhaps partially related to or inspired by it, but they're not there for fun, rather because they have an actual question at that point in time.
    Erin has this thing where she thinks Medusa has some evil purpose, when I think it's more about curiousity and boredom with her. She reminds me of a girl I know in real life, although I don't know her that well her interactions with people are similar.
    No chance you're from New England is there Medusa?

  186. did you copy and paste that from a past post Missy? They look so similar as each other it's getting hard to tell. It's like those apps people have on facebook that tell a certain joke, or give some clever status and they occasionally will post something twice fairly close together, only you're broken and post the same thing almost every time. Do you have a broken "stupid asshole" facebook app Missy?

  187. TNP went after you Eden
    I was the Anon who made him back down.
    Hello :-)

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  189. Na facebook isn't my thing. I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you just did what asked and what you said you would do. If you cant do that then I don't really care about anything else you have to say at the moment. I'm sure that won't stop you though.

  190. we're learning a lot about you though Missy. You follow like a sheep, but think you're a wolf. You're a man who goes by a woman's label "Miss". You say you don't have a family, and you get awfully touchy about being the biggest person physically in a room.
    So a high school drop out qualified to dig deep ditches because he's bigger than the next guy on the chain gang who likes to think he's being an alpha online while still looking to everyone passing by like he's just Ukunt's bitch? Sound about right? Oh yea, you're a leader though, lol, you control all sorts of stuff, really you do. Interesting how you brought that up "I control more people than you do" you said, which of course directly means that you control nobody, and that it's something that consumes you a bit. It's clearly something that bothers you, just as much as the size dispute was. We're learning a lot about you today Missy, any chance you're lying down on your couch?
    As to the defensive, that's how it works isn't it? One attacks another defends. You should read Sun Tzu...actually you know what? You should read like a basic checkers strategy hand book. You can probably find one in the children's section of your local Barnes & Nobles. That's a place they sell books. You know, those things with words in them? Try to get one with pictures so it holds your attention.

  191. Luke said...
    @Eden-I wonder how much did you bait them back?

    You don't have to bait them back... all you have to do is start talking about yourself, and the minute they think you're full of shit, they come after you.

    I've told a lot about myself on here. They have never attacked me on my claims. And with good reason.

    I've never come on here saying everyone on this blog is less intelligent than I, or that I make an insane amount of money, and live a fancy life.

    Never said I could kick the ass of everyone in here(bigger dog), or that I'm a sociopath.

    The only people who have ever attacked me on here are Erin, and TNP. Erin thought I was jealous of her, and TNP thought I was boasting about being a slut!

    What smart American girl, would BOAST about being a slut?! I'm still well aware of the double standard in just about any culture; when it comes to women who sleep around. No one in any place or blog would think that will win them points.

    I'm just fucking honest about me, without being delusional about special powers, traits, or image.

    I wouldn't call that humble because it took a lot of pride swallowing in my youth, do be this honest. But see that's the thing about me... I decided to face myself young... because I was determined not to let my ego control me, or my fear of the truth.

    Too bad all that work has only left me with the balls to tell my story... but no way to change my disorder regardless of how fearless I've become.

  192. I don't know who "Zwack" is, but if he allowed somebody to "do" anything to him on a freaking internet blog then he deserved whatever it is he got, I don't care if he hung himself, sounds like his own damn fault. And good riddance to him as well, that'd take a very weak person and the population is watered down enough already.

  193. I can't even be bothered to read that Luke.


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