
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting what you pay for

I don't know how much we really trick people into doing things they don't want to do or being in relationships they don't want to be in. I think the most we can be blamed for is getting people to want things they otherwise wouldn't want. A good example is when I was growing up, a vacuum cleaner salesman came to my house. My mother sat with him for hours, watching his demonstration and trying out the vacuum. The vacuum was absurdly expensive, the price of a cheap used automobile. She is a little bit of a germaphobe, though, with mild allergies. To her, the hope and promise of the vacuum cleaner as panacea was enough so she bought it. That vacuum cleaner worked ok, I guess, but only for a few years before it was relegated to a closet. Was she manipulated into buying it? Yes, but I also think in a way that she got her money's worth.

Now that I write this with my adult mind I wonder if there was something else going on with the vacuum salesman...


  1. Maybe he was a serial and used the vacuum cleaner to clean the bodies before turning to his necrophiliac activities why didnt you search for human dna on it?

  2. @anon

    but seriously M.E., most, if not all, door to door salespeople are like that.

    He probably exaggerated the cleaning properties of the vacuum, yes. But I wouldn't go as far to say he had to "manipulate" her into wanting it, she was a bit of a clean freak anyway, as you stated.
    I think what's important about sales is picking out what the person is looking for and suiting the product to fit the image.
    For example, your mother wanted something that could clean well, this vacuum is the best at cleaning!
    You have a lot of lounges and bed to get under? look at how easy this is to manoeuvre!

    This is something sociopaths are particularly good at, it's how we "sell" ourselves, our image, to the people around us.

  3. But even if it was the best at cleaning, that wouldn't have made it any less manipulation.

  4. I'm not going to say that all communication is manipulation, because that would be lame and trite (although it is true). But even something is simple as making someone aware of an option they didn't think of themselves or couldn't have known about is manipulation.

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  6. When you are manipulating an old lady or an empath, you should never come on strong and slick, they'll get repelled by your arrogance, they will fall for the humble approach.

    If your target market is shallow and narcissistic, that's when you get slick. You smear the other products and convince them it's garbage compared to the product you are trying to sell.

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  8. "The snake oil peddler became a stock character in Western movies: a travelling "doctor" with dubious credentials, selling some medicine (such as snake oil) with boisterous marketing hype, often supported by pseudo-scientific evidence, typically bogus. To increase sales, an accomplice in the crowd (a shill) would often "attest" the value of the product in an effort to provoke buying enthusiasm. The "doctor" would prudently leave town before his customers realized that they had been cheated. This practice is also called "grifting" and its practitioners are called "grifters".

    The practice of selling dubious remedies for real (or imagined) ailments still occurs today, albeit with some updated marketing techniques. Claims of cures for chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus) for which there are reputedly only symptomatic treatments available from evidence-based medicine are especially common.[citation needed] The term snake oil peddling is used as a derogatory term to describe such practices."

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  10. I always fantasized about becoming a con man. Conning people for a living would be great for the ego.

  11. "I hate people because I am jealous.I want to take away what someone else has and have it for myself.
    I am selfish and self centered,at the core.
    I am vain"

    Now This I can believe about you.

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  13. I love david socio. Whenever I pay him he takes me for an erotic rollercoaster ride. I am under his complete control from the onset, all the way 'till the offset when I cum. Then I pay him and walk out with a smug smile on my face, feeling conned and abused.

    I am a closet faggot and I look down on male whores because I sekritly make use of them on my free time.

  14. Is nobody interested in the sociopath world forum?

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  16. Not eveyone is like you erin.

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  18. "Is nobody interested in the sociopath world forum"

    It'd be more interesting to know what the lifers her would do if this forum were deleted.

  19. Sociopathworld does have a forum now. Ehhhhhhhhhhh......

  20. yeah... I popped in on it yesterday.

  21. and by forum... I meant *if this blog were deleted.

  22. Erin, maybe you should create your own blog, so people who give a shit about how much you examine your life can read all about it on their own time. Suggested as opposed to wasting space and time by babbling about wah wah wah I'm such a bad person wahhh.

    Ugh. Hate whiny people. Go cut your wrists in a dark corner and cry.

    Anyway, I feel like most salespeople learn how to mater the art of manipulation. However, it doesn't make them sociopathic. Sociopaths, on the other hand, have more than mastered the art of selling. And we earn more than just money.
    I always get what I want.
    I'm sure the same is true for you, too.

  23. This forum should be much more convenient than this.

  24. Ooh I just found a dead rat... But who to send it to? Anyone interested in taxidermy?

  25. anyone interested in shutting the fuck up?

  26. @Iltn

    just go back to being bella. she was more interesting than you.

  27. AGREE Anon 9:57
    ltn one is a bore and an annoying bore

  28. If only I were Bella, then I would have the option of not being hassled by annoying little insects all the time. I'm gonna go ahead and choose not to engage with you little blowflies.

    Oh and by the way, since when did TNP not sign in as The notable 'path? I buy tnp like I buy microwave meals... not at all.

  29. ltn
    You suck you fucking bore

  30. When you were here before
    Couldn't look you in the eye
    You're just like an angel
    Your skin makes me cry
    You float like a feather
    In a beautiful world

    I wish I was special
    You're so fucking special
    But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
    What the hell am I doing here?
    I don't belong here

    I don't care if it hurts
    I want to have control
    I want a perfect body
    I want a perfect soul
    I want you to notice
    When I'm not around
    You're so fucking special

    I wish I was special
    But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
    What the hell am I doing here?
    I don't belong here

    She's running out the door
    She's running
    She run, run, run, run
    Whatever makes you happy
    Whatever you want

    You're so fucking special
    I wish I was special
    But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
    What the hell am I doing here?

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  33. What the hell does Radiohead have anything to do with anything discussed on here.


  34. the song is related to what erin said earlier... plus it's a cover version which sounds even more awesome than the original. (;

    here it is again, lol:

    even if it were completely random, you shouldn't be surprised. people post their tunes all the time on here.

  35. I can't relate to that song.

  36. Everyone is special

    Co-dependent---I am not special; you are.
    BPD---I am not special without you.

    Socio- I am SO special.Kiss my ass.

  37. narc - i'm special... right? right? right? right? right?

    sociopath - i'm special, if you don't think so then go fuck yourself, cos i'm still gonna fucking jack your shit and abuse you.

  38. "I want to have control
    I want a perfect body
    I want a perfect soul
    I want you to notice
    When I'm not around"

    That part is Erin

  39. I have been well, very busy. How have you been Erin?

  40. @David

    I see you're working your fantasies about Misanthrope out, on the SW forum?

    You're kind of sick like that, aren't you Davy boy?!

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  42. Credonia Mwerinde was the high priestess and co-founder of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, a sect that splintered from the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda. Mwerinde and Joseph Kibweteere claimed to have witnessed visions of the Virgin Mary. With the new millennium looming, activity by Movement members became frenzied, their leaders urged them to confess their sins in preparation for the apocalypse. January 1st, 2000, passed without the advent of the apocalypse, and the Movement began to unravel. Another date was immediately predicted, March 17 was the new end of the world. When that date came around, over 500 members entered a church in western Uganda and began singing. Hours later, the building was set on fire, with the doors locked and the windows boarded up and nailed shut. Everyone inside was incinerated, including eleven children. At first the authorities thought the church fire was a mass suicide attempt by the cult, but later they changed their minds when bodies began to show up in other places.

    Members wanted their money back when the world didn’t end and the cult leaders refused, so they murdered them all. Bodies were found in wells, latrines, under houses and in gardens. Some members had been poisoned, stabbed or clubbed. The estimated death toll is about 1,000. Although it was initially assumed that the five leaders died in the fire, police now believe that Joseph Kibweteere and Credonia Mwerinde may still be alive, and have issued an international warrant for their arrest.

  43. "@David

    I see you're working your fantasies about Misanthrope out, on the SW forum?"

    Its more likely Jason. The first impersonation today was definitely him. You see his parents dominate him and force him to go to church and hes to afraid to tell them that he's a closeted fag. He has to vent somewhere and that place happens to be here. UKan has been telling him to beat up his dad for months but he wont listen.

  44. I agree with your position.

    I basically think it isn't possible to completely trick people into anything. There must be some wish for exactly that which we give them at some level.

    But I also think it isn't quite as black and white as to say either "They wanted it" or "they were ticked into thinking they wanted it".

    It's one of the big problems with how people think in my opinion, that everything must be either true or false.

    I've given a few examples of how things can be viewed from opposite angles in today's article. I wish it could be understood that we can see things differently without the normal majority and a-social minority group necessarily being completely at odds with one another.

    If we're to survive as a species, it is absolute necessary that we get past the majority vs. the minorities state.

  45. So Jason's working out his fantasies about you and David...

    Even better.

    I love watching people flake out through public role play. It's like watching a B Horror Film.

  46. Erin:

    I cannot have one angry,selfish, needy etc thought without feeling guilty.

    Yes, you can. You, and most other people, do it all the time. You just aren't aware of it.


    don't those guilty feelings never have the smallest flicker of a pleasurable aspect about them? Think it through before you reply.

  47. Poor Zwang. She still thinks people give a shit about her opinion.

  48. Zwacky is another perfect example of watching b horror. The sickos who have to build a pretend world all around them, in order to give their existence meaning... I love that shit.

    Now I'm not talking about the Narcs who build a wall of specialness lies around them either... I'm talking about the ones who make dolls that look like the people they envy, so they can sit at home and make the dolls do things, they wish would happen in real life!

  49. In Zwangs case he made a doll out of the her abusers.

  50. Speaking of dolls... Where's Wheatley?!

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  53. And what kind of fantasy dolls do you think Erin makes?

  54. eden would you date a narcy?

  55. or would you date a guy who spends more time getting ready than you?

  56. "I care about Zhawq's opinion"

    Yes. And as I said yesterday you are a total idiot.

    Erin makes dolls out of women she envies.

  57. narc = bitch momas boy

  58. a few months ago my therapist told me to join a sociopath meet-up group. I said Really? RRRRealy..... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRReally now you want me to associate with sociopaths. WTF is WRONG with you?
    He was all super proud of himself for being outlandish. I was all "you're fired"

  59. y dos narcassest fear the intimacies

  60. I had a lover who was a narc, for a short time. The idea that someone could be so delusional about themselves, was kind of fascinating to me in the beginning, because I didn't really know what narcissism was.

    So it was fun to test him, and toy with him... because his reactions were so fucking bizarre to me. But he was just a casual lover, and I knew I could never be more than that.

    Now that I know what a Narc is... the novelty is gone, and I couldn't deal. I'm just not that good pretending to believe their bullshit.

    As far as a guy who spends more time getting ready than me.... I don't know, depends on why he takes so long.

  61. well that was tied into the narc questions, cuz they are obsessed with their image

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  63. @Erin

    That's not true. I love androgyny. But if he's pretty... he better still have a giant set of balls. I don't want a guy who takes a flat iron to his hair, and cries if he gets a scratch on his new boots.

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  65. Experiment tiiiime~. ^-^

    Let's see how many people here can write like this.

    It's genetically determined if you're able to or not, so it should come quite natural.

  66. what the hell is that in your pic what?

  67. y dos anons rite lik retard

  68. You can't talk that way to 'y dos' anon, Lycan!

  69. @wheatley.
    I can write like that.

    Wif mi rilly BIG crayon, her her her.

  70. @anon

    Your right, I should have more respect for that poor soul, after all they are probably the dreg child of a hillybilly tryst that went horribly wrong when the gyny accidentally drove the forceps into their fontanel during delivery.
    Please accept my fervent apology and this book on remedying speech impediments.

  71. @Wheatleys errr...Icon

    Nyan cat

    Its a cat in a pink toaster.
    I suspect you are of asian descent

    Are you an asian girl locked in a uni dorm room wheatley?

  72. @Eden

    would it be fair to say that in your experience of the male species, that the really androgynous (pretty) guys cant take the 'damage' of your type of eroticism?


  74. Wheatley, are you one of those delinquent "trolls"? or whatever they call them.

  75. @Socio Resorts

    That's awesome! Did you see that kid eat a heart?


    Nah. I just know shit about 'internet culture'. I used to be into it a lot more though.

  76. "Nah. I just know shit about 'internet culture'. I used to be into it a lot more though."

    And your a psychopath?

  77. @wheatley

    How many versions of angry birds do you have ?

  78. Whealey had zero impression management.

  79. Does no one pay any kind of fucking attention anymore?

    Listen: there are things written/said here, and on other blogs, that I can relate to. A lot. And frankly, there haven't been many things I could relate to before this, so it's kind of a new experience. But I'm being very careful not to hastily diagnose myself with anything until I am at least somewhat sure I haven't overlooked any alternatives.

  80. Nyan Cat is a shit meme for teenagers trying to look weird. Not even funny.

  81. No..noone pays attention..especially if they have to contemplate going back thru blogs to find shit.

    I think your a bored asian girl who has too much time between classes and has sadistic/masochistic leanings that frighten your friends and when you get drunk you act out and abuse your 'girlfriends'.
    Only an asian girl would have a profile pic of a cat in a pink toaster Wheatley.
    Im betting you even have an animated gif somewhere of one of those nodding cats.

  82. I never got all that "fail" shit and "own" or whatever.

  83. But hey...Im just sayin...


  84. @Lycan

    It's very simple really.
    I need a lover who is more dominate than me, or I'll get bored very quick.
    It can't be pretend dominance either. I don't want some knock off, or impostor.

    In order to be more dominate than me though, you have to be psychotic apparently.

  85. you have a pet cat don't you?

  86. Shut up and go get me a beer Eden.
    And..if its not cold...and open...Im going to punch you in the head and hold your hand over the element AGAIN.
    And put that little red top back on, I prefer it to the pink one, the red holds your tits higher.

    lmao..... maybe its a good thing we on seperate continents..hahahaha

  87. Nice try Lycan, but I'm not asian, nor am I a girl. Did all the ^-^'s confuse you?

    Also: not in college right now, I failed my first year and I'm currently trying to find something that 'suits' me. The sadism-thing is not completely untrue, I might have some friends that find offense with it. I've never asked them though.

    Oh and no nodding cats here. I do have the dubstep version of nyan cat.

  88. I think many men (and women) who look good can be lazy about being good or just lazy about making an impression beyond the physical.
    When you're praised for basically nothing, just for sitting there, and you start to believe you're special, you become a narcissist. If you think people are idiots you become bitter about the world. I know a guy who hates what comes with being born goodlooking. It's a pressure for him. Women in school are intimidated or else fawn over him. He's just a guy. Some pretty boys have it just as bad as pretty girls.

    I have a guy friend who gets together with his friends to talk about how he met the pretty girl in school years after graduation and how happy he was that she had a booger coming out of her nose. He felt like she snubbed him in high school. Vindicated by seeing her snot.

  89. @anon

    and hence justified in referring to her as a 'snotty' bitch.

  90. Eden

    I can relate. You have to try to train them to be more dominant than you. If that doesn't work you have to kick them to the curb or else you'll end up walking all over them. I hate that.

  91. are you the one who was interviewed on aftermath radio, lycan?

  92. That's the other thing. I do better with people who Don't come from this country.

    Hey, maybe that's my Pd!

    Anti-American Personality Disorder

  93. @anon 3.42

    If you have to train them...then theyre not a true Dom, just an imposter.
    I had someone once who thought they could 'train' me.
    It showed in 30 seconds flat and went very badly from thereon in for her.
    Women seem to get carried away at times with trying to change their love interest to their ideal.

  94. @anon 3.44

    aftermath radio?

    Please extrapolate.

  95. Eden I had a narc boyfriend --mal narc, i think. Prob. Well, idk. He would ask me to tell him what body part of women I look at first.. He wanted me to be a narc WITH him. It was just so out there.

    Then he told me what he looked at with men. It was his biggest asset. REally sad.

  96. @anon mean William.


  97. @Lycan

    I'm not looking to be abused. Someone with real power, wouldn't have to order me around like a slave... Without having to speak, he would be able to dominate me by just being.

    Does that make sense? Some things with me are a paradox.

  98. @Eden
    Anti-American Personality Disorder

    Goddam..I have that TOO!.

    It must be a plague.

  99. I didn't mean train a guy to true Domdom. I meant train them not to treat you like a tiny, delicate flower.

    But ur right. It doesn't work a lot

  100. Anon 3:51

    sounds like he was just into fetish

    don't have to be a narc to be into the naughty shit

  101. @Eden

    actually yes. Makes perfect sense.
    It may be a bit paradoxical, but I think that when you are in the presence of someone like what you describe, you would feel a shitload more secure and not so in need of acting out to test strengths.
    Theres always the fear of losing 'yourself' when near someone like that though.Im picking that youd test your prospective Dom quite thoroughly before you let yourself truly be subbed.
    True?...or reaching?

  102. the 'butt naked' guy in this video is a psychopath, an ex cannibal and mass murderer turned charismatic cult leader.

    watch part 8 too.

  103. I test everyone. Challenge everything.
    I even challenge my friends when I think they aren't playing up to their potential.

    I think if I know someone is living up to their strengths... I don't feel like they have to be challenged. I can just relax and enjoy the ride.

  104. @anon
    The URL contained a malformed video ID.
    Sorry about that.

  105. @Eden..yep I get that.

    Relaxing and enjoying the ride seems to be a rare occurrence these days though unfortunately.

  106. The last guy who tried to date me couldn't believe I was real:

    What? You don't care if I hang out with my boys all the time, don't call every day, or have sex with other women?!

    I told him no, and that it was going to be an open relationship.

    He thought he had struck gold...
    then I told him that means I was going to sleep with other women too... He couldn't wait to tell his boys about the freak he'd landed.

    Then he asked me if I was going to sleep with other men too...
    "Of course," I said.

    He tried to act like that didn't bother him, and that he was cool with the fact that some days, I just didn't have time to chit chat with him...

    But it got to him, and he started acting like a fucking woman!
    That's what always happens... role reversal.

    Now, I could tell that he was a very dominate male, but he still wasn't secure enough in his power to handle mine.

    He obviously believed in my power more than his own....
    so after a million text messages with him freaking out about the conditions of our relationship... I dropped his ass.

    He flipped his shit and started calling me a fake, and saying that I was just hiding under a "tarp", and that when I'm ready to be "real", to give him a call.

    That's an American guy for you. They think they want a freak like me... but they can only handle the fantasy.

  107. Every country in the world has an equal percentage of idiots. For some reason though, idiots have all the power in the US of A.

    The percentage of fat people however really is higher in the States.

  108. It takes a VERY secure man to let what he sees as 'his' be used by other males.
    "You are my woman, so your body is mine to control too".
    What they fail to see is that that line of reason is tied up rather deeply in emotion and in the primal roots of 'protection of ones assetts'.
    Men will fuck who or whatever they please but cry like bitches if its done to them.
    If only they realised that drawing a line and saying 'this is what I will accept , and this is what I will not accept" and negotiate WITHIN those guidelines can be really productive.
    Unfortunately the majority of men dont have the balls to really dominate/retaliate when what has been negotiated gets pissed on by the other person.
    Todays society is teaching men to become like women..and to pander to female traits.
    Consumerism is based mostly around women (in one form or another) and men are just swallowing that shit hand over fist.
    Balls are there for a reason , not just to warm the inner thighs.
    If they stopped wanking on about their feel-good feminine sides, and how well they communicate to women half their goddam problems would vanish overnight.

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  110. @Eden "That's an American guy for you. They think they want a freak like me... but they can only handle the fantasy."

    I disagree, either you haven't traveled extra muros much, or dated many foreign men, but I believe most men are not into seeing, or knowing their lady is fucking another guy. I truly believe it's genetic. Have your ever read Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene. " His argument nails it for me. But there's nothing wrong believing your own bullshit, it's human nature. JMO Though

  111. I sell vacuums so i'm a socio

  112. Believing your own bullshit enables your mind to stop itself from falling into a dark abyss of despair.
    The ability of socios to be comfortable with greater levels of what the 'norm' see as bullshit is one of the key factors in how they percieve and operate in the big wide world.
    The response by a lot of people is : "I dont believe in bullshit".
    Bullshit is one of those 'relative 'terms.

  113. @Ubermnsch

    I truly believe it's genetic

    I agree.
    Its the whole "having a harem of women to perpetuate the gene pool " thing.

  114. @Lycan
    Not that you care, but you and Eden seem to to be the only genuine people on this site. It's refreshing to know that not everyone in the world is an idiot.

  115. @Mensch

    Did you skip the part where I told the man it would be an "open" relationship? Surely any man who enters an agreement of this sort, and think I am to be only his... is ten times the fool of any average man.

    And I have dated 6 foreign men... they were much more open sexually, than any American man I've dated, or merely fucked.

  116. Eden i have the same problem with men but i wouldn't break it down the way you have.... i thought it was kind of interesting the way you're viewing it...You said something about challenging people, and blah blah it annoys you if someone isn't living up to their potential... Are you living up to your potential? Something to think about. Use some of that criticism on yourself why don't you?

    Also.. isn't there something so very dominant about a man who wants you to himself? Who rids you of your freedom out of his own selfishness? He may be very secure in himself and still act like this. And to the person who said it was genetic... i think you mean instinctual but YES

  117. ubermensch if you don't think eden is an idiot then go read the poetry on her blog. case closed

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  119. Pretty much, sexpuppy. I've seen Vogon Poetry that was less painful.

    I've been in an open relationship before. The woman was older, divorced, and jaded. Good looking and worth it, at least. I told her I hadn't been in one before, so every once in a while she would say, 'I'm going to be fucking some old friends of mine this weekend' or something along those lines, clearly trying to test me. You know that look, those eyes of, are you sure you understand and are cool with this?

    She never did, or at least always said that she didn't afterwards. Not sure if it was guilt, or she was afraid I'd leave her or something. She was very insecure, heh. She could have just asked me to go monogamous with her, but i think she was scared of getting her heart broken again, which I surely would have done. Even though we were in an open relationship, I ended up breaking her heart when I moved, and all this time later she contacts me occasionally and playfully suggests she should come visit me for a sexcation when I have my next break in schedule. Funny gal.

  120. Eden should go to liberia. That might be the only place she can find a man who is as open minded and avant-garde as she is! NOT TO MENTION dominant. Those foreigners you know...

  121. Erin said..
    I feel my body is bad and how it functions is bad.

    I am kind of a walking head. My emotions and passions froze,but my head kept going so I am a disconnected head,in a way :P

    Erin, if you haven't already read Narcissism by Alexander Lowen. this is exactly the sort of thing he describes.. being cut off from the body.

    also, you might want to take a look at Trapped in the Mirror by Elan Golomb. pretty good too

    if your mother made out every "bad" thing you did as "evil" you may have learned to overreact to your own bad thoughts. learn to enjoy them. karma aside, they are a harmless indulgence :)

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  123. Eden is too think to realize that those sexually liberated foreigners only regard her as a Texan trollop, not an actual mate.

    I've run into a handful of these women who think their shit doesn't stink, they're truly special and unique, and that they're pushing the gender envelope. They don't realize that most people just consider them sluts who are too delusional to realize they're being taken advantage of.

  124. does it matter what most people think? i'm not challenging your comments, TNP. seriously wondering though.. does it matter if sheep think you're a slut? isn't thinking that it matters just following to the herd?

  125. It's not a matter of opinion via another person. It's just a simple fact that they're oblivious to.

    That makes it all the more entertaining.

    I've resisted commenting on this idiot's poetry, viewpoints and general conversation since she showed up, waiting for the right moment. Today has just been too rich to keep quiet though. She probably thinks she's a regular Cleopatra. Fucking hilarious and tragic. Mostly hilarious.

  126. @TNP

    They don't think I'm a slut. They know I am. I tell them from the jump.
    And men like you despise women like me, because you need to believe that all women are capable of falling at your feet, and worshiping you.

    The thought that any woman could be so free, leaves splinters in your gut because you loath them. And the women that hate what I am, do so because they hate being slaves to their own need to have a man validate their existence.

    I don't have to take on a sociopathic identity to make me feel like I have power... the difference between you and I.

  127. Eden =1
    TNP= 0

    Nicely put Eden.

  128. You don't know anything about men like me. That much is clear.

    Don't mistake a misogynist with an observer that sees through your bullshit.

    Your tough-girl liberated slut shield is the only thing keeping you from crumbling to pieces. When you become old and ugly, when you lose the only thing that made you whole, you'll shove your face with pills to take a permanent soma vacation, or slit your wrists in your mother's bathtub to make a final dramatic statement, a testament to your empty and lonely existence.

  129. @ Eden..

    methinks you hit a nerve there.

  130. If you were smart you WOULD fall at their feet and worship...That way they love and respect you, while you can turn around and be as much of a 'slut' as you want. Although, it's good to let other women into the bedroom just in case someone gets an infection, they can't blame it on you. Luckily you swing that way right? Play ball Eden. Then you won't have to complain about men not being able to cope with your fierce sexuality... that is if you don't love complaining about weak men more than you love sex

  131. You can't truly appreciate what it is like in life to look at people and only see objects. You're too used be being an object yourself.

    I don't look at people as male vs. female, old vs. young, et cetera. I look at them as objects to utilize for whatever I need or want.

    You call yourself a perfect collection of human trash and have the audacity to try and quantify me into a convenient woman-hating jealous man because it's the only reality you're comfortable with. The fact that someone sees who you are and snickers must drive you into a rage.

    You're just my entertainment for tonight, and I'll use you just like the sweaty hair foreigners used you too. Keep the stereotypical insults rolling that you learned on Law & Order and CSI. Show us your fragile ego and your vulnerabilities.

    Lucan, you're nothing more than a sheep eating from it's down-syndrome master's hand. When you leave your mother's basement, then we can have a chat.

  132. don't forget "poet" somewhere in the "tough-girl liberated slut" shield you mentioned... Believing that's she's an artist gives substance to an otherwise vapid and slightly disgusting costume.

  133. I actually thought her blog a parody on teenage angst. The fact that she takes herself seriously is vomit-inducing.

    She can't comprehend not being the center of attention, and has done everything in her power to stay that way.

    She Actually admitted that she tells her new dates that she's a slut. Hahahahahahaha. What a pathetic piece of shit.

    I'm going to have fun ruining you and your lap-puppy Lucan.

  134. I'm sure I did Lycan... and here's another nerve... my poetry may be bad to the likes of you, but I don't delete it no matter what others say or think.

    You on the other hand deleted an entire blog... and why is that? id you start it hoping it would gain you the popularity of ME's blog, and when it didn't you folded?

    I bet you're really attacking me because no one thought to mention you the other day, while we were making porn.

  135. Eden consider the follwing..Perhaps the reason so many men "loathe" such a "free" woman is because it's VERY VERY VERY easy for a woman to be a slut. It requires almost no effort or skill and doesn't warrant respect in any way.. as you seem to think it does. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but it's certainly no reason for a parade.

    Liberia... Go there.

  136. Just because you don't have the common decency or knowledge to recognize that the poems you write are absolute shit and you should delete them immediately, doesn't mean that you're some sort of beacon of genuine light in an otherwise dark cave of uncivilized and self deluded beasts. It means you're stupid as fuck. I mean really... ^THAT was more poetic than anything you've ever written. Please tell me that you're like 17

  137. @sexpuppy

    You're name alone tells me why I should care to hear what you have to say, on the subject of sex and respect.

  138. Didn't put much thought into it... thought it sounded cute! What's the deep, existentialist meaning of your name?

  139. @TNP
    Lucan, you're nothing more than a sheep eating from it's down-syndrome master's hand. When you leave your mother's basement, then we can have a chat.

    I like the down-syndrome bit. lmao
    Too PC to call them mongols TNP?.

    "you can't truly appreciate what it is like in life to look at people and only see objects."

    Being that way colours your social interactions. Maybe you envy people who dont think that way, maybe you dont. either way though, your bitterness shows through clearly.
    It is stunting your perceptions.

    Dont get me wrong...I dont care, but only a rather insecure person has to resort to throwing a wee tantrum and resorting to name-calling.

    Perhaps I AM a sheep, and perhaps I DO have a mongoloid master, its an interesting concept.
    Your showing yourself up as a bit of girly bitch TNP, but hey..its a socio why not.

  140. its ironic that eden considers herself free from the very gender she relies on for survival. a whore that has deluded herself into thinking that she is a poet and a sociopath.

  141. I can't even comprehend deleting a blog for attention. I had my reasons, and I enjoyed my blog and most of the people who frequented it. It's gone for a reason, and why it's still gone. It's nothing remotely petty.

    You think I lack the mental capacities to understand and appreciate your so-called poetry? Oh my, I can rhyme words, what a novel concept! I must be a poet. Please.

    I love the hell out of your and Lucan's gross stereotypical generalizations to make you think you're dealing with someone insecure. Does that keep you warm at night? 'Everyone is calling me stupid and weak, so that's what they probably are! I'm amazing! They're just jealous!'

    That kind of logic always has me in stitches. The fact that I see through your bullshit has you puffed up and resorting to childish logic and defense. If you can't own up to your own shortcomings, I'll milk your dry of your delusion until there's nothing left but your loathsome reality. Lucan's already starting down that path.

  142. @TNP

    Go cry to your therapist about your hatred of sluts. I've heard it all already.

  143. @TNP

    Yes, they are gross generalizations.
    You are correct in that respect.
    I always own up to my shortcomings..if to noone but i dont have an issue there.
    Happily...I dont suffer from delusional issues though Im sure that some of my posts will appear to belie that, but again...its a sociopath forum and truths are a premium item so everything written must be taken with a grain (sometimes sack) of salt.I really dont care if someone takes something a certain way.
    Its always up to the individual to see things how they wish to see them.
    Admittedly sometimes reality can be rather loathesome, but life is what it is.
    That you think I have puffed up and resorted to childish logic is rather amusing .
    What I dont get though is why foolish and mindless banter and its associated stupidity seems to rankle you so much.
    Why would that be?

  144. Hahahahahahahahaha .... Ahhhhh

    You're hilarious. I'm going to enjoy this so much. Here I thought you'd be a passing distraction, but now you're my new Erin. I'll have you in tears and kissing my feet when I'm done with you, thanking me for being so real and honest with you for showing you who you really are.

    You wish being a slut was your major malfunction. It's just part of your armor that you've been wearing for so long. You can't be hurt by men sexually if you sleep around. Did you forget that already? Or did you absorb it into your so-called liberated poet identity.

    You're just another lonely little girl who has hopes and desires she snuffed out by herself, because she lacks the confidence to even try. Hanging out on a sociopath website and expecting companionship, friendship, and understanding? Writing so-called poems and songs for the members here? I understand exactly what you are Eden. The question is, do you even want to know?

    It takes a special kind of fucked up to seek solace in these depths when they're waters you're foreign to. Thanks for coming. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this.

  145. Lucan, people lose a lot of context and tone over text. I've been thoroughly enjoying myself and grinning most of this time. It's like Comedy hour just started, and I'm watching from the front row. If you think I'm anything other than smug and enjoying myself, you're not going to understand most, if any of this via motivation.

    Eden's blood is in the water. You can get out now, join the feeding frenzy, or stay. It doesn't matter to me what you do or what your loyalties are here. You being collateral is just more enjoyment for me.

  146. its ironic that eden considers herself free from the very gender she depends on for survival.she has succesfully deluded herself into thinking that she is both an artist and sociopath

  147. Bring it on TNP. I would love to see you try to bring my to tears and defeat.

    You needed this.

    Here's the reason you won't ever win.

    I don't slut around because I'm afraid of getting hurt. I do it because I tried the commitment role many times, and my boredom always drove me to cheat.

    Not committing for someone who gets bored too easily from never having to be rooted her whole life, is just logic.

    To keep pretending I can be faithful to only one, would be the lie.

    So you just go ahead and keep chasing your tail.
    It takes a lot of energy and time to try to wear me down though... and your hatred only shows just how important it is to you, that you should bring me down.

  148. Stop talking to him Eden. He is just getting you to admit what your real problems are. He is manipulating you!

  149. @Lycan
    Not that you care, but you and Eden seem to to be the only genuine people on this site.


    I've resisted commenting on this idiot's poetry, viewpoints and general conversation since she showed up, waiting for the right moment.


    Lucan, you're nothing more than a sheep eating from it's down-syndrome master's hand.


    She can't comprehend not being the center of attention, and has done everything in her power to stay that way.



  150. I'm not driven by hatred. I'm driven by enjoyment.

    You're giving me permission now? Don't forget what happened to the last person who was dumb enough to endorse my ruination of their identities.

    I'm going to show SW who you are, via You. You're doing all my work for me, just like the anon said, and you're too foolish to keep quiet.

  151. Anon

    I don't care what his mission is.

    Which one of us has written the most winded posts since he began this attack in the first place?

    Let me bask in the warmth of his hatred. It only proves my point further. Men like him, need to see all women to be weak.

  152. Men, women, it makes no difference. I enjoy destruction, and you're my next target at SW. Your vagina has nothing to do with it you idiot.

  153. Keep going then.

    I'll just sit back at let you make your case.

  154. I'm not building a case against you, you idiot. Most of the people here knew what you were since you walked through the door. Now I'm just going to put it on public display, dangle it in front of your face, and create a coffin out of it so you can bury yourself in your own humiliation.

    You'll stick around, trying to prove how tough you are and that big bad TNP didn't get to you, but you aren't kidding anyone. We will all know your mascara is running as you're stuffing your face with ice cream and blasting Evanescence to make the pain stop.

  155. Yeah... that's what I thought. You got nothing.

  156. Tell me TNP, is it hard for you to have your rape fantasies when you can't get the girl in it, to stop laughing at you?

  157. It's called dramatic buildup, little girl. I wave a threat in your face as you're on your guard, and you don't know when I'm going to strike. It could be my next comment, it could be tomorrow, it could be a week from now if you're still around.

    Stay on your toes. I know you're used to your knees instead, but an adjustment would be advisable.

  158. Rape fantasies? Jealousy? Misogyny?


    You have no idea who you're dealing with.

  159. I'll be waiting. But I'll have to pay closer attention not to miss it... even with a good memory, I forgot all about you when we were playing at our production. You just don't stand out.

  160. Stop talking to him Eden. You are only making him enjoy this more. He is a psycho and a sicko.

  161. Oh man... I guess I did miss what you're playing at. You're trying to stand out cuz I always overlook you.

    Silly narc. You almost had me!

  162. Shut up Anon. If this stupid cunt wants to be my plaything, let her, and keep your mouth shut.

    Oh, Eden. You'll remember.

  163. Oh darn. I better start deleting stuff.

  164. Eden is bipolar. truth.


  165. tnp's impersonator is an idiot

  166. So what if she is bipolar? She can only get pleasure when she can. What do you care how and with whom, tnp?

  167. Care isn't part of my equation. Anyone who thinks otherwise sets themselves up to fail.

  168. What is your equation?

  169. You cannot stand a grandiose person, tnp. You hate it because it is so clear to you.

    When a bipolar person is high, grandiosity is part of their equation. They know it.

  170. Creating things is one of the beauties of the bipolar nature.You are demeaning her art? ?

  171. Art? You call this art?


    He shower you with complement
    He love love love you
    He make bride of you.
    He make you feel like queen

    Me cringe when read his letter
    Me want to smash his face in
    Me run like no tomorrow
    Me want the dick no love


    I'm demeaning the fuck out of that art.

    It's no wonder your site is so neglected. Anyone who enters runs away by instinct.

  172. it seems as though we need an irc channel...

  173. Tnp said...
    "Eden's blood is in the water. You can get out now, join the feeding frenzy, or stay. It doesn't matter to me what you do or what your loyalties are here. You being collateral is just more enjoyment for me."

    You sound so stupid, TNP, and you clearly ripped that line from whoever last said it on here. You've never 'exposed anyone', stop pretending as if you know what you're doing... nobody is going to jump in and help you.

    TNP said...
    "I'm going to show SW who you are, via You. You're doing all my work for me, just like the anon said, and you're too foolish to keep quiet."

    Uh, okay, now you're just copying Ukan and Mis.

  174. Hah! TNP's decided he wants to be one of the 'cool' kids.

  175. You hiding behind an anonymous ID to take stabs at me will just make me enjoy this that much more.

    What, no comment on Eden's amazing high art via her special bipolar-ness? You didn't think "Lovedick" was a masterpiece? Did you forget to delete that entry before your lashing begins?

    You have some much material... where to begin? When to end? I'm going to enjoy this for a while.

  176. Yeh, Eden is the only person here who thinks you're a dumbass, i must be her... lol.
    What are you trying to prove, TNP? If Eden were going to be 'exposed', it would have already happened by now, and we all know that you wouldn't have been the one to do it.

    you're making yourself look very desperate and sad.

  177. Ah hahahahahahaha!

    It's not about exposing Eden or proving something. It's simpler and base.

    Your desperation to hide her sad form and protect her intensifies the pleasure of the hunt.

    An anonymous appears to conveniently save Eden from me, then protects her art, and tries to back me off her with some of the worst defense and insults I've seen in months.

    What a fucking coincidence.

    Too slick for me, no doubt.

    I almost wish it wasn't Eden. Then I'd get to find out who worships the ground she treads and destroy them with her. Two for one! It's a price slashing special at Sociopath World!

  178. I'm protection her 'art', here poetry is mostly garbage, some of it is hilarious, but I really don't think she cares if you say that it's garbage.
    you're attacking weaknesses that aren't really there, and you're doing it in an attempt to make yourself look better, and fit in.

  179. *not protection here 'art'*

  180. I didn't see Love Dick, Eden!
    I love it!

    -Last night I got stoned with this dude, he was fucking the shit out of me and I shouted "I want to fuck myself with your dick" LOL . NExt time I 'm gonna say "with your love dick"

  181. TNP said...
    "Don't forget what happened to the last person who was dumb enough to endorse my ruination of their identities."

    Well, that's the thing, you told everyone about Bella, and nobody cared. I love tn is still commenting. You're really not ver good at this exposure stuff, are you.

  182. ^TnP is baiting himself^

  183. i agree with the anon. not able is just copying ukan and mis so people won't think he's a boring faggot anymore

  184. You're such a delicious hypocrite, Eden. Oh, the things I've found out.

    I'm really going to enjoy this.

    I can't wait to see if you'll scitter away first. It would ruin the fun but verify your cowardice. So please, stay, after all this so-called narcissist needs his attention.

    You wouldn't dare deprive me, would you?

  185. Oh The things you've found out, on a blog of poetry that I've not kept hidden the entire time I've been here. What a clever detective.
    A real Sherlock Holmes, you are. What else you got on me?

    I can't believe you resorted to acting like Erin... with you're whole guessing all the anons are the person you're obsessed with.

    Some people go to bed. Even bipolar people have to sleep.

    To the anon who liked 'Love Dick'
    you're welcome. It was a tribute to the men on dating sites, who ask you to marry them after 2 weeks. :)

  186. ... I'm really noy Bella you know....

  187. In my humble opinion,Edens poetry is fantastic and Lycan can take any man around here.


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