
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Social norms


  1. :) Mine too. (Reminds me of myself too, just not at the high dose dramatized level, plus I am not evangelical about my rules, I just don't let others change my rules, no interest in imposing my rules on others)

  2. That man appeals to me as much as grating my testes on a sharpened cheese grater.
    Annoying little fuck.

    I dont say sorry, as Im not sorry about most things. I'll apologize if I get caught out but am so over the word sorry. Even then its "I apologise" not "Im sorry".

    Makes sense to me heh heh

  3. Lycan, how does it feel when someone tells you s/he is sorry?

    I'm not at all fond of hearing 'I'm sorry" or 'I apologize." It actually upsets me hearing these for either it suggests I failed to protect myself or hurt the other party enough when the person was doing something bad against me, or I was not much aware of the shit and now this person is making it obvious that something shitty happened to me and I failed to realize.

    When I say sorry it typically means I am aware that this could possibly disturb you but I am saying it anyway.

    I cannot recall once going back to someone and saying I am sorry or I apologize. This is crazy but I am under the impression I don't do things that I feel sorry for later. I am indeed not a short-tempered impulsive person, but how could I be always right? Sounds pretty narcissistic of me.

    So, really curious. Do you care for hearing 'I am sorry?'

  4. does it really make any difference? their just words...

  5. A quick hello from Eilat to all Americans here on this day of remembrance.


  6. 9/11 was an inside job.

  7. doc - are you good or bad.

  8. it features bob hare.

  9. I think Jim came out of the closet.

  10. Hello David
    Eliat is supposed to be beautiful

  11. I was surprised to see Jim Fallon come out of the Psychopath closet for that show. Overall, parts 2-4 was definitely worth the time to watch them.

    This does seem to challenge the very concept of a sociopath, though, as it argues all psychopathic criminals are developmental, and that even without a bad childhood, having this pre-disposition will effect your empathy levels, affect, conscience, et cetera.

    The trend does seem to suggest though, that even all psychopaths have similar brains and genetics, childhood makes the difference between difficult, criminal, killer, and serial murderer sort of, destinies, paths, what have you.

    So is the sociopath a fictitious entity, just a fancier and less stigmatized word for Psychopath? As much as I would argue no, it seems that's the case. The implications also seem to suggest that Hare's checklist is only a good measure of truly recidivist and hazard to society psychopaths. People like Fallon are out there with psychopathic interpersonal relations but not criminal or murderous tendencies.

  12. I've got a better idea. I'll do whatever I want to say or do, and you can do and say whatever you want to, just as we've always done it. You wouldn't dare break tradition, would you?

    I'm thinking about getting hot dogs, coca cola, and some American beer. Patriotism feels so...

    Oh, who am I kidding.

  13. ......shut up not able

  14. The found nothing wrong with Ted Bundy's brain.

  15. Looks more like someone with a more then above average iq to me..

    they see the absurdities in societies that other people don't even seem to notice

  16. There's plenty more Jasons and zWaqs. We just might have to fade in the backround for a few months like last time till more suckers come in. That guy dexter had such potential for fun, but he came right in the middle of a slaughter and got scared away.

  17. UKan, you still hanging on to my every word I see.

  18. Now hopefully, I'm not being too obvious when I say I'm not an American, but it seems that the majority of people here are.

    My somewhat related question: is the relative quietness of today caused by everyone being taken hostage by friends or family in some kind of grief-ritual?

  19. 12:37 wasn't me. Check the profiles if you can't tell the difference. Why did you bother coming back Jason? Did you think we'd all forget how pathetic you are if you left for a while?

  20. @Jason

    "UKan, you're still hangin on to my every word, I see."

    The way you put it made it sound like you literally saw UKan hanging from all your words.

    Kind of a funny image, though.

  21. To sum it up for any newcomers Jason is the kid who has zero selth worth(admits to being worthless), lives with his parents who contral him, is still a virgin at age 18, and spams this place whenever he has a tantrum. He also likes to impersonate people and humiliate himself by trying to play games, in fact even Erin outsmarted him.

  22. I have no idea if there are actual 9/11 parties or rituals. Today is more of a solemn day than anything else where everyone still acts like they give a shit ten years later.

    I guess some do, but you can tell most do it to be respectful.

  23. I think that Dexter guy might have been on here before. He probably keeps dipping his foot in the water before realising that its still to hot.

  24. Misanthrope, don't you like playing games by alternating between UKan and yourself?

  25. Wow I wonder who that anon could be.

  26. Jason you've already tried to convince people that we're the same person and everyone laughed at you and called you pathetic for wasting so much of your time. Remember?

  27. It was nice talking to you again Mis. It's amazing how wrong I was about people's views about me. I just stopped giving a damn and now I try to charm as many people as possible, and I got people left and right telling me how cool and dynamic I am.

    This place has made me stronger.

  28. "I just stopped giving a damn and now I try to charm as many people as possible, and I got people left and right telling me how cool and dynamic I am."

    Well of course you did! What other cool super wicked stuff have you done jaso?!

  29. Who is the Nigger in your profile picture, Jason? She would make a great slave.

  30. From yesterday:

    The pressure put on women to orgasm during sex now is absurd - society has swung from not recognising that women have orgasms to *demanding* that women have orgasms every time they have sex merely to demonstrate their 'pleasure' for someone else's 'pleasure.'

    I have daily multiple orgasms by myself, and love experimenting with orgasm control, because there's no pressure to perform simply to assuage the ego of someone else or prove *their* sexual prowess.

    Sex without orgasm isn't torture - it just is. I usually fake orgasms during sex, because I have more fun in bed when I'm not concentrating on achieving one, and it leaves the guy feeling good.

    It's not necessary for me to have an orgasm to have enjoyable sex, but too many guys have been brainwashed to obsess about the G-spot, and take it as a slight on their 'performance' if a woman doesn't orgasm.

    What society is demanding women to have orgasms? With the slow demolishment of patriarchy in civilized society men are actually aiming to give orgasms to women, which is a good thing. In some societies they cut off your clit to prevent you from having one you stupid cunt. Now you are complaining about men trying to give you one.
    The fact you fake orgasms is retarded. Who gives a shit about his self esteem. All you are doing is failing to communicate with him on what pleases you to the point where you have to please yourself which is pitiful. The Gspot is a bunch of shite it's half mental and half physical. The fact you hardly get off with a man and fake orgasms tells me you are sexually repressed and insecure. At least you are masterbating so you can figure yourself out, but you need to learn how to communicate that with your partner. If a man only orgasmed when he was alone masterbating and not with a women he would be a wierdo. The same goes for you.

  31. haha Mis.I'm done here for now.Maybe I will come back in a few months, or few years or something.

    And even if you vehemently deny it, you will always and forever be my bitch for all eternity.

  32. The "Lol!" was originally directed towards the Nero-parody, but it applies to UKan as well.

  33. True anorgasmia isn't that common. Some women can't get off, at all. Some can't get off with anything pertaining to penetration, be it a penis or a sex toy. Anorgasmia pertaining to not getting off with men is the equivalent of mentally induced erectile dysfunction. Basically, you need pills or some kind of mental help.

  34. "Maybe I will come back in a few months, or few years or something."

    I'm sure you'll be even more super cool by then Jason!

    Move out of your mums basement, learn to do your own laundry, take the training wheels of your bike, make a bit of cash by yourself. Then consider coming and talking to me about success. Then forget about it because you still wont have any.

  35. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 2:36 PM

    misanthrope.... you are wrong. Most people aren't just pretending to care about 9/11 ten years later to be respectful... I'm fairy sure that A LOT of people genuinely feel that the 9/11 attacks were of excruciating significance and that nothing so horrible (aside from the holocaust) has ever happened to man kind.. You can't blame them though, they've been brainwashed

  36. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 2:37 PM

    fairly* sure... Shirley

  37. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM

    Funny, I could have sworn I just read somebody saying that.... oh well. still true

  38. No I never said that. I don't care about 9/11 though. To me it seemed like the rich brat getting slapped in the face and they're still crying about it 10 years later.

  39. And what's the point of these "remembrance days"? Why would people want to remember their misery?

  40. 9/11 is one of the best things to happen in America.The fact that people all over the world get blown up and shot on a daily basis, and people still get all dazzled over some stupid building being obliterated shows how weak people are in America on an individual level.

    The terrorists have won despite Iraq. It's like 9/11 happens every year when people start mourning over it.

  41. It's not just the US of A though. The whole western (and to a lesser extent the East and Middle-East) World seems to be a fucking drama queen. Everyone's obsessed with all these issues and all of a sudden everything has to be commemorated. A hundred years ago, something bad would happen and we would just move on. Now it's social protocol to emotionally beat yourself up every year for every bad thing that ever happened to everyone. Building statues because you feel guilty for slavery? Those people would have to be state-sterilized.

  42. Misanthrope you have no idea how dumb you sound sometimes.

    It's almost comical how ignorant you can be for your mediocrity. You are like a child who says the same thing over and over and doesn't know how unintelligent he sounds.

    fuck you.

  43. Hi Dex. Are you the same depression case who's blog I took the piss out of?

  44. You are such an internet warrior Misanthrope. My blog is fine.

    Lets talk about your actual tangible successes.

  45. That should have been: "feel guilty because of slavery." and: "should be state-sterilized."

  46. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:23 PM

    Oh man... where as I love the idea of mass sterilizations, wouldn't it be much more fun (and potentially profitable) if instead we just killed a bunch of people and filmed it? I've got my fingers crossed for a come back of the gladiator thing. Fun for the whole family.

  47. That explains the temper tantrum. Funny how nobody has a bad word to say about me until I turn on them. Would you mind putting your blog up again? You've got nothing to be ashamed of right?

  48. No way! I've had the idea to build colossea in all major cities for awhile now! As long as admission's free, and I'm in charge of the whole operation.

  49. It's funny how the only thing you have to contribute Misanthrope, is the defamation of people on the internet, and the 'pissing' of blogs.

    I oughta give you the noble peace prize.

  50. I think it's funny Dex. I might go back and take another look at your blog in a minute. First tell me why you feel suicidal.

  51. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:33 PM

    Why would you want it to be free!? That's insane.... but very noble.

    At any rate I really do see it going that way.. overpopulation paired with people's love of watching others suffer... it's perfect. Maybe in a couple decades they will pass some laws about it :)

  52. You can redeem yourself Mis by helping me get over the suicidal pain I feel from my childhood abuse.

    I know it sounds so pathetic, but that's exactly how I feel. How could I let him have his way with me. If I had a time machine, I'd machete that old fucker into tiny symmetrical pieces, and feed him to the Somalis.

  53. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:36 PM

    it's the NOBEL peace prize..... Christ

  54. Mis is walking puny shit.

  55. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:38 PM

    Also.. we should use the bodies and scraps of bodies to make art!

  56. Mis is coward crap on two legs.

  57. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:40 PM

    Yes DEXTER... tell us about your childhood abuse. It sounds sooooooooo interesting. If only I had some magnificently painful memories to masturbate to....

    Did you know there is a popular show called DEXTER, DEXTER?

  58. Gee I wonder who that anon could be.

  59. Well, it would be in honour of the 'original' colosseum, of course, which was free as well when it opened. Plus when it's free, poor people will be able to go as well, and, I dunno, it'll be more accessible overal and thus less objectionable? Food and drink won't be free, neither will advertising be. That's were all of the revenue will be earned.

    And we could turn it in reality-TV! You know: following the lives (and deaths!) of different gladiators. Or maybe 'Britain's Got Gladiator' or something; turn it in a talent-show.

    As for the ethical/moral 'difficulties' people might have with it: we'll just contaminate the water with those conscience-morning-after-pill-things, or genetically engineer a virus to do the same.

    I can see some real potential here!

  60. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:46 PM

    By the way, the Dexter from the show has an unbelievably stupid method of disposing bodies... but if he didn't I guess it would be more difficult to move the plot along... Sounds like the kinda guy I want to pretend to be

  61. "This afternoon marked a very new era in my emotionally absent journey through life. I actually decided to hang out with someone. When I first met the guy I still had emotions which is why seeing him today was especially bizarre. I wanted to really test the waters with myself while making a cool new friend in the process. I think I would chart the evening as a success."

    "They socio's are pretty comfortable with social interaction so maybe I'm just behind the curve. Only time will tell..."

    What else do you think that could mean Dex?

  62. "For as long as I've known I am a psychopath I have searched for meaning in my life. I have looked for reasons to continue living as opposed to just killing myself. The hardest aspect of this is knowing that I'll never experience pleasure the way I could for the majority of my life. Despite now being emotionally deaf to the world around me I still experience good moods and bad moods. I allow my moods to dictate what activities I take part in and vice versa, much like a normal person but with a catch."

    Intriguing stuff Dex. What do you think would fill your empty self up?

  63. Well he's behind a curve, that's for sure...

  64. Well Mis it was so terrifying that the therapists told me that I had suppressed intimate details in my mind, in order to shield myself from emotional pain. It's like a defense mechanism of some sort I guess.

    My mom was always a hussy. She and my dad use to fight constantly. He finally garnered the balls to walk out on the bitch. From that point onward things just got progressively worse. She took to drinking and started bickering over stupid stuff. Nothing I couldn't handle tho. Eventually it escalated into violent threats, and then into actual physical abuse. She would find any excuse to pelt me with that awful switch. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Then it was the constant influx of boyfriends. Every night I heard moaning when I would try to go to sleep. Despite being a lad, I knew exactly what was going on. It happened 3-4 times a week with a new guy each time.

    Then came Mr.folicker. That's what I called him at least. He was one of my mom's few long-term boyfriends.He was the one that abused me. Unfortunately I can't give you any details because I subconsciously blocked them out. It was too traumatizing.

  65. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    Yes... make people fight for their lives while wearing the mountain dew logo! I love it. Really there are a lot of fun things we can do while ruthlessly killing people. And i guess charging people admission would be a tad distasteful.. We need them to know that we're mostly in it for the fun

  66. @Dexter
    Are you joking or serious?

  67. Ok Dex. What do you remember of the abuse? Did your mum let him fiddle with you?

  68. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:55 PM

    That suppression of memory shit was a fucking fad in the 80's... maybe 70's as well. It doesn't happen that often. Do you know how many people convinced themselves that they were repressing memories? A lot of morons have done it. If your asshole is still in one piece it couldn't have been THAT bad. get a grip man... get a grip

  69. My mom said I deserved it, that it was my punishment for taking her life away. She said she loathed me.

  70. We could make convicts fight with some kind of mascot gear! McDonald's would probably pay big money to have a gladiator wearing their logos beat up Hitler or Mao, don't you think?

    Would be fucking symbolic as well, especially if the Mcdonald's gladiator planted some kind of fake democracy-flag in the defeated dictatorm, while at the same time siphoning petrol from his car. ^-^

  71. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    here's a really funny story about some dumb ass bitch who accused her father of molesting her.... and then realized she made it all up. it's pure comedy.

    I think she even wrote a book! People can convince themselves of some pretty amazing stuff. She was so convinced her dad started to wonder if maybe he did molest her after all. isn't that funny?!??!

  72. @Dexter

    Are you just kidding around? Why don't you use your real account if you are not kidding?

  73. I don't think anything will fill that void except a bottle of sleeping pills.

  74. I think you might just be bullshitting me Dex. Put up your account and tell me what you can about the abuse.

  75. Hiiiiiii everyone =) It's a very drunk Sunday night here. My favorite kind of night lately,Totally diggin in. I miss the mad drama here. I need to find my way back to the internet more. What's everyone been up to?Q?Q

  76. Why would I bullshit the root of my depression. Aren't you here to help?

  77. Sorry that eas insensitive. What kind of things did he do to you?

  78. Put up your account Dex. And why haven't you killed yourself yet?

  79. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 4:05 PM

    dex you can't be mad at your mom for being too stupid to abort you

  80. Aren't you here to help?


    You have to be bullshitting!

  81. Who the F is Dex? Here to help? Really? Did he just stumble on this place by accident? and also know nothing about socios at all?

  82. Well he wouldn't be direct about it. He knew about the abuse I was taking from my mom. He said that if there were any times when I needed to escape, he would be there for me. Our relationship took off after that. He appeared to empathize with my pain. I went to him whenever I couldn't handle my mom. He would take my for a ride in his truck. I loved that truck, as broken up as it was, it was a place to escape to. After a few months of us hanging out I got really close to him, and he said that as a friend he needed me to help him with something. He would drive me in his truck in the middle of the night to the vacant lot by the bowling alley blocks away.

    This is painful for me.

  83. You guys leave him alone.
    Sorry dex, they are a little rowdy. I want to hear your story. Tell me how it happened. How did it mke you feel.

  84. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM

    I'm so hungry. I'm gonna go feed on the flesh of lesser creatures... Wheatley I enjoyed our conversation.

    Dexter your problem is not that you had a bad childhood. It's that you're still thinking and... ugh.. feeeeling about it. If you wan't to get over your stupid depression you're going about it all wrong man. Also getting on this blog and asking people for help? Are you serious? Stop acting like a joke and people will stop thinking that you are one. Maaaybe.

  85. If you remember that you were abused than you've gotta remember some of the specifics. I'm not sure about your story so your going to have to clarify Dex.

  86. Ukan and Mis are trying to trap you because they are fucked up cowards.

  87. In the the truck he would caress my head, then he would work his way down to my legs. I sort of liked it. It was like the loving feeling I never had. Then he withdrew his hand and started unzipping his pants. I was young at the time and did not know what was going on. He told me he needed me to rub him under his pants. I did what he asked because I thought he loved me. After a while he would start groaning and he would orgasm.

  88. Lol Dex you sound like you came out of a child molestation brochure for priests.

  89. Did you ever gargle his balls

  90. What did he say during the abuse? Sounds like you enjoyed it Dex.

  91. He didn't say anything Mis. That is one of the things that bothered me. He would just pant like a faggot and then drive me back home to the abuse like it never happened.

    Mis, how can I move past this without feeling low?

  92. "Mis, how can I move past this without feeling low?"

    I dunno. Kill yourself? OK I'm sory but your story is clearly a load of shit. Do you lie about this stuff for attention Dex?

  93. Some faggot should fuck Mis up the ass to shut him up permanently.

  94. Yah probably one of the worse lies told on here. Why did you bother? Next time make it more subtle. Victims of abuse don't just blab put details like that and they are less direct, more ashamed

  95. I could tell you stopped believeing him as soon as you asked if he gargled balls haha.

  96. Ukans father should have killed him not just hit a bowl on his head.

  97. I exaggerated the sexual abuse because I feel so depressed, so the only way I know how to get better is to vent a falsified version of it for attention.

  98. To fucking bad Dex. I hope your story is somewhat true and we ignore you like your mum.

  99. Erin why don't you tell us your story. Did your mum do the motorboat on you or did she jist fiddle you about.

  100. The truth is, my mom did the abusing. I was just a bit to ashamed to tell people about it here.

  101. There's more truth in that than you know dex. You falsified it for attention alright, but you are not dexter nor are you depressed. Do you think we are stupid or something? You must be 15 years old

  102. martinlutherking of socipathsSeptember 11, 2011 at 4:45 PM

    why is that more embarrassing? cause she's a woman?

  103. "Victims of abuse don't just blab put details like that and they are less direct, more ashamed"

    Unless you're Erin. hahaha.

  104. Do you really think erins story is true? She's making stories to get sympathy for people. She enjoys the victim role. She loves people to pity her.

  105. Yeah why don't you put up your account like I asked you Dex? Because you don't have one.

  106. UKan, are you that stupid not to believe that I am not depressed? Can't you at-least help me out a little? Perhaps tell me how to move on with my life without killing myself?

  107. @Haven
    Yes, true, but I had my purposes, Darling.
    It was to heal by being real, not to get your or anyone else's approval.

  108. Erin's even using her story to attract people to her site.

  109. My story IS me. What do you suggest; a fake story.
    Maybe,I will be you.

  110. @Ukan... no I don't believe her at all. She's like an RP character that's put so many points into Annoying and Obnoxious. The more reactions she gets the more points she's collects.

  111. Dexter are you rezlly that stulid that you think your feeble little mind can outsmart me? Even erin knows your fake. Though she can only tell because she's the fakest one here besides zwaq.
    You don't want approval erin you want pity. You want sympathy. You want attention.

  112. UKan, if you are so smart you can help me move past the abuse, but you haven't. You have been evasive, even when I told you that their was abuse involved.

  113. and everyone is still giving her attention.

  114. Great for you,Haven.
    I hope you have a great life as a BPD.

  115. I won't shutup until I can get past this. Help me.

  116. Throwing a few stones at her corpse is not attention.

  117. Honestly,Haven,I can't lash out at BPD's cuz it is pitiful.

    One girl really did me dirty. She was a BPD.I let it go.I feel sorry for her.
    I am glad I never became one, and cannot hurt anyone who suffers from it.

  118. Jason you can get past it when you finally beat up your father.

  119. Is anyone going to help me with my depression?

  120. UKan said...
    Throwing a few stones at her corpse is not attention.

    It is for her.

  121. ::laughs:: Erin, shut up. Don't talk to me I don't care hahahahah

  122. OK
    Back track, Peeps
    Haven attacked me.
    I have never attacked a person, unprovoked.
    I won't.I will defend myself, if I feel like it. I may ignore, too, but get on the case of the person who brings me out of my hole K?

  123. I guess this one of Jasons amazing characters that never get figured out.

  124. @Haven
    BPD is a bummer. I mean that, seriously.
    I am numb which is bad enough but BPD is worse.
    You sound drunk or high, anyway.

  125. oh gawd you guys caught me, I am jayson. how did you guys figure it out. I bet sherlock holmes couldn't have done a better job.

    Seriously do you guys want to hear my real story of abuse? Even if it's for your entertainment?

  126. I wouldn't listen to your story if you paid me to Dex.

  127. Hah Totally drunk.

    Alright Dexter let's hear your story. It'd be for entertainment for sure but I'm curious for real.

  128. Piss on my blog again if you dare.

  129. In that case, I've never attacked anyone unprovoked either. I only retaliate when someone provokes me by, you know, saying hello or... Existing, or something. I mean they're really asking for it.

  130. @Haven
    Why don't you talk? Tell us about you.

  131. Talk? What do you want ot know Erin? Just because you're new doesn't mean I haven't told my tale before

  132. @Haven
    I don't know your tale at all. How did you grow up, would be my first question?
    What was your childhood like?

  133. Holy crap I'm bored just thinking about that. My childhood was fabulous as far as inner city childhoods go.

  134. Well, tell what you want to tell.This is old lover's week,so join that trend.

  135. Erin, why don't you just shut up. You're making me sick all over my nice new shoes.

  136. I've been dreaming about old lovers this week. The worst from so long ago. I don't understand why the subconscious doesn't let things go. It just keeps bringing the worst of all the bad memories back at night.

  137. Well, I want to hear if you want to talk. Were you ever with a Socio?

  138. @sceli
    So, really curious. Do you care for hearing 'I am sorry?'

    It irritates the bejesus outta me to be honest. They should have been more thoughtful in the first place.
    I will accept an apology though to save being earbashed and having to listen to someone wank on about their mistake.
    I prefer to make someone sorry for their settles me .

  139. @Ukan
    ou guys leave him alone.
    Sorry dex, they are a little rowdy. I want to hear your story. Tell me how it happened. How did it mke you feel.

    A 'popcorn' moment..I just fuckin know it.
    I think I'll just nip out and get some potato chips too and kick my heels up and lurk..lmfao.

  140. @Dexter

    May I suggest toaster therapy?
    Its VERY effective in depression cases.
    Ask erin, it helped her immensely.

    errrr Dr Ukan..there seems to be some buttons missing from your white coat?

  141. @Lycan
    If I had toaster therapy, would I be here to tell the story? You are slipping, Darling :)

  142. @erin


    Ummm no..I think not.
    The mere fact that you have come back after being chased away by the 'loving' folk of SW proves beyond doubt that my Toaster therapy works and can be applied across a broad spectrum of fucked up people.
    Using a plastic knife doesnt count!

  143. @Dexter

    I suggest getting your 'abusive' dad to use toaster therapy.
    Substituting his pecker for a knife will have results beyond your wildest dreams.

  144. I love tn, you are like the toned down feminine version of Misanthrope, with more intelligence that you actually know how to use.

  145. Ive found that a four slice wide holed toaster is the best.
    The extra width allows various parts of the anatomy to be inserted without hassle.
    For the more 'robust' of disorders that doesnt respond to the toaster , a small bucket of water with the left foot immersed in it will help things along nicely.
    This can also be used with a little ingenuity to create a rather pleasing burglar trap just inside your window.
    Place bucket just below the sill, connect to toaster and run a couple of extra wires along the arm of a chair placed in close proximity.
    That way when they collapse from the initial zap they will reach for the chair for support.
    No point in doing the job half-arsed.

  146. You should have been an electrician,Lycan.

  147. more thing....
    be sure to turn the switch off BEFORE you rifle their pockets and toss them back out the window.
    It wouldnt be a good look to have the cops find you smoking on the floor with whats left of your hand stuck in some thiefs pocket.

  148. i love tn never has anything to say, let alone anything intelligent

  149. Two people who are as worthless as they come are Ukan and Mis.
    These are two cowards.

  150. @anon

    and you come on here without an account posting under anon?

    You'll have to come up with something a bit more robust to attack those two with if you want a reaction or comment.
    Otherwise you just another troll. (yawn)

  151. why do u bother sayin that anon??
    like they or anyone else cares...

  152. Blind in darkness

    will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
    I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
    I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
    I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie

    Does it suck your breasts for milk, golden honey, dressed in silk
    Does it feel your patient care in your dreadful glassy stare
    or does it feel your true emotions in its scars and bruises burn
    Do you really think your lies will tear open cloudy skies?

    Feel my fingers in your wound while my eyes ascend the gloom
    Questions wasting all my time - I see your eyes detesting mine
    Sick of a life you never had, in dead motion, you look so sad
    I could care less if I'd like - I let you go into the night

    Is my ignorance my fate, or is my love distorted hate
    Is deliverance my mate or am I sleeping while awake
    Is this place that we call home adorned by devastating foam
    Am I mortal, am I god - Am I brighter than you thought?

    I will never beg for mercy - I will never kiss your feet
    I will never ask forgiveness and all of that I want to keep!
    I will guide the blind in darkness though I cannot see myself
    I will whisper in a deaf ear while I know you cannot speak

    And I hear rumours about angels…

    Im quite partial to that song.

  153. Anonymous said...
    Two people who are as worthless as they come are Ukan and Mis.
    These are two cowards.

    is that you erin?

  154. anyone could be a coward, ukan and mis could be two schoolgirls
    neither of em sound like the type to scare easily but who knows?
    you can't tell a sociopath on the internet

  155. UKan said...
    What society is demanding women to have orgasms? With the slow demolishment of patriarchy in civilized society men are actually aiming to give orgasms to women, which is a good thing. In some societies they cut off your clit to prevent you from having one you stupid cunt. Now you are complaining about men trying to give you one.

    this made me lol

    actually, being prodded at one end while being scrutinized anxiously at the other is not at turn on.

  156. You can tell how people are on the internet, you just need to know what to look for. In all honesty the people that can't figure out who's who and what's what on sociopathworld are the same ones who can't figure it out in the real world either. How many fakes have made it?

  157. I don't know what country you women live in but I hardly see the lot of you as being prodded into orgasms and if that's the fucking case you are a spoiled cunt for complaining. Why even waste the time having sex if not for a orgasm. If you can't communicate how to get you from point a to point b, or the man can't figure it out then its not a compatible relationship. You should have a orgasm everytime you have sex. Most women I've met that have difficulties orgasming are dead fucks that are sexually repressed victims of molestation.

  158. Tantric sex requires no orgasm at all, as it isn't an end goal.

    Same can be said for many women.

    The issue is that often men want women to get off for their own egos, as much as if not more than for the woman's pleasure. If they can't get you off they feel like failures.

    But it really doesn't matter that much to the woman. Other stuff about sex besides orgasms is just as if not more important. Women generally have better orgasms on their own, anyway. Now matter how much you 'teach' the man what to do.

  159. y dos all sociapath look mesican

  160. Medusa said..
    The issue is that often men want women to get off for their own egos, as much as if not more than for the woman's pleasure. If they can't get you off they feel like failures.


  161. Zoe (da complaining spoiled cunt)September 12, 2011 at 5:55 PM


    who said anything about being prodded into orgasm? just prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded *yawn* prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded proddedprodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded prodded OOPS



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