
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sociopath or BPD?

A reader writes:
Hello, I am a 18 year old female who wonders whether I am a sociopath or a borderline. Here's my story: I was always difficult baby who constantly cried and refused to sleep and eat certain foods. I was also never amused by the childish games that my peers seemed to delight in. As a child, I often forged and stole from teachers and students. It gave me a thrill, but I covered my tracks as I knew it was punishable behavior. One day, I was finally caught stealing, and my family gave me a long lecture about the severity of my crime. Since I was young, I decided to feign moral ignorance and claimed that I did not know stealing was wrong. I never stole again, though only for fear of getting caught. To this day, one of my favorite social tactics is "accessorizing" with mainstream morals and pretending to be outraged by "unacceptable" behavior. Feigning cluelessness is another favorite, though most people know me as a highly intelligent person.

I was raised in a strict family, and my parents would often physically punish me (and my two siblings) for bad behavior. However, I was the only one who reacted with violent vengeance. Years later, they are now terrified of me, and I rule the household. It is through this experience that I realized the power of intimidation and sheer violence, and I am shamelessly proud of this. However, my family viewed me as emotionally unbalanced because of my violent episodes and suicidal threats, and 2 years ago I was sent to a psychologist who diagnosed me with BPD. He believed I had difficulty controlling my emotions (hence the BPD), but the fact is my emotions are highly controllable; I exploit and indulge in them. In fact, I often practice facial expressions in the mirror, and whenever someone dies I have to egg on my tears. In fact I find myself craving tragic events, because then I have an excuse to practice my emotions (histrionic maybe?) Anyway, I was not completely honest with my psychologist, and in fact enjoyed manipulating our sessions by intimidating him and/or playing dumb and submissive.

Some other miscellaneous traits: I have disordered eating habits; I will binge (poor impulse control) and I will also starve myself (it makes me feel cleaner, superior). I'm also bisexual, hypersexual, and have had many romantic and sexual partners. I occasionally experiment with drugs and alcohol, though I find them to be overrated and simply minor sources of amusement. I also change friends like I change my underwear (frequently and without sentimental complications). I'm very socially adept and a real charmer. In fact, I recently read "The 48 Laws of Power) and was pleased to find that I already practiced most of them. Also, I have a mean streak and have made many people cry (which either irritates or highly amuses me). I also believe (and know) that I am superior to most people, which often leaves me bored with company. A final interesting tidbit: I have always been highly intrigued the morbid, grotesque, and/or deviant. These traits lead me to believe I may be a sociopath, though I was once diagnosed with BPD. I am careful not to assume I am a sociopath, especially since I had the displeasure of dealing with a particular wannabe who openly flaunted and fabricated their sociopathic tendencies. But after reading many of your posts (this blog is truly a treasure) and dealing with the wannabe-sociopath (I played the classic hunted-becomes-the-hunter card), I am very interested in your opinion and those of your readers. Thank you in advance!


  1. Better ask some of the SW women.
    Soon as the guys see the word "hyper-sexual' it will turn to custard.

  2. I think sociopathy is not far from whats up with you socipaths lack empathy and enjoy using people which you havee clearly desribe. it seems like your upbringing may be involed in developing a lack of emotion. your parents were cold and unfeeling, so you never truly learned emotion your childhood affects who you become. Why are you here exactly? I'm curious because sociopaths do not normally care about there behaviour and never seek help for they feel an unwillingness to change. They feel there behaviour is justified. Is it maybe because your smart enough to realize that if you continue acting like his the consequences could be substantial.The only way to recieve treatment is a willingness to change so you would have to seriously commit to working with a psychologist unlike you did in your previous experiances. Developing a willingness to change once your 15 or older if your a sociopath is a hard and rare thing to do best of luck

  3. Dr. TNP's diagnosis: You're a teenage cunt, get over yourself.

    From Yesterday:

    Fantastic! I love tn is back, Bella's fake sociopath alter-ego. And you deleted your laughable blog, Inexplicably Human, and had the audacity to say you never penned it, as if everyone here forgot.

    It almost seems like you want the abuse, Bella. Do you? You gave me permission to oblige, so I am.

    You come for healing? You told me last time that SW was worsening your mental health. Did you leave the institution, Bella, or are you still in there on suicide watch?

    tldr; 'I love tn' = Bella. And no, that isn't speculation. She outright told me.

  4. TNP's queening again! Thanks for the gossip rags-o-muffin.

  5. Teenage cunt doesn't want treatment; she wants us to be impressed with how smart and badass she is. And, ultimately, to tell her she's a sociopath. See how many key phrases she can fit in her three paragraphs? Because, let's admit it, no one wants to be borderline. Those cunts is CRAZY.

  6. Seriously, it's like she was reciting from 3x5 cards all the traits she'd think would convince us.


  7. Suicidal threats is actually a ploy sociopaths use to gain more control. It's part of Checkley's checklist.

  8. she sounds more sociopath than beeper, if you ask me.

  9. Bella responded to that post tnp.

  10. lots of pds do suicide threats, esp bpd.

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  12. Did you think about killing yourself when your ex was sexually abusing you Dave?

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  14. Maybe something has changed but I don't actually recall TNP ever shortening his own name.
    I wasn't denying the fact I'd written a blog, just the suggestion that it concerned fecal matter.

  15. You didn't fucking con him Dave:

    "He made countless sex contract (almost on a monthly basis) during the years I spend time on him, he was obsessed with sex. He did the same thing with a minor guy back in the '80's, the family of the minor (who were friends of his family) found out. His brother saved him there, otherwise he would surely gone into jail. In the end he sued me on a contract that had financial and sexual elements. He forged the contract by eleminating the sexual stuff and copying it, hoping I wouldn't have the original anymore, but I did. He was again lucky the prosecutor didn't sue him for this. When my lawyer saw all my evidence his reaction was "the question should be here if you were paid enough"."

    Like I said before, you're just a victim of sexual abuse who was lucky enough to find an angle. You only got something because he screwed up and anyone would have donde what you did.

  16. "When I entered his apartment on friday evening (normally I stayed untill saturday afternoon) he always had a written list ready with things I had to do (most of them sexually)."

    Sounds like abuse to me hahaha.

    "it wouldn't have been a surprise if I killed him"

    Yes it would have seeing as you're incapable of violence. To be honest your ex seems like more of a sociopath than you and you're clearly still bitter about the relationship. You belong on Love Fraud with the rest of those broken bitches.

  17. And I like how you call whoring a con. Think about this, If you're so high priced then your clients must be well off. Burning some cash on a fling with you means nothing to them. They get what they want and you remain bitter from having to fuck disgusting old men all week. They're the one's in control and you're just a novelty item to them.

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  20. Oh, come now, OP - many people feign beliefs for personal benefit, feel superior, and enjoy manipulating others.

    Psycho(il)logical labels are little more than tools that control people by generalising their humanity, and testing it against a dogma of 'morality', to support and reproduce the tenets of the ruling elite.

    Brand yourself what thou wilt!

  21. If he loved you so much than why did he try to sue you? He loved obedience and you didn't disappoint. That's why I find you so funny. You've spent your life doing things you hate to gather enough money to blow on cigars and get tanked all day on wine. But by your own admission you're lonely, unhappy and clearly powerless. In the end you're in the same miserable state as your ex.

  22. You're like a slave saying that he's in control because he likes slaving.

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  24. zeric u r talking out ur ass been a beeper is not as prestigus as been a sociapath so they cannot brand themselfs a prestigus sociapath like me when they r just counterfate sociapaths aka foney loosers

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  27. David is NOT a Narc cuz a Narc could NEVER be honest like that.
    Thank you,David,for being my first case history in the SW Institute for PD's :)

    @Where is my little turnip.Shall I have a go at you?

  28. It's almost as though you don't know what 'con' is short for.

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  32. smile, you're on candid cameraSeptember 6, 2011 at 5:27 AM

    *click click click*

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  34. @David
    Wouldn't that be the same thing as ego reduction?

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  37. You sound just like my ex. She's the reason I started reading this blog, was trying to figure out if she was borderline or sociopathic :)

    I still don't know which, but it was fun while it lasted ;)

    Love the blog though, even though I've never been diagnosed with anything..

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  42. @erin
    Socios and psychopaths can wear masks as well, it's all about appearing "normal". Some narcs won't bother wearing them because they don't need to, they are above that. Others will create a mask because they need admiration.
    That's the key difference, narcs need admiration (want to look badass) and p/s types couldn't care less.

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  45. @erin
    exactly right, and because they don't see their own mask the cracks are easy to spot.

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  53. @erin
    If they do gaslight, I don't think they would do it on purpose. That seems more of a socio tactic, blatant denial of obvious wrongdoing etc.

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  56. I think gaslighting is really more of a thing for those with sadistic tendencies. I myself cant't go past a good opportunity to really mess with someones head.

    Perhaps your mother was more a malignant narcissist?

  57. This mail is one of the most "real" or honest... how can I say it... that I have seen you publish. It reminds me so much of one of my female psychopathic friends, it could almost have been her.

    It's hard to say what she is, because there isn't much information about what she can feel. Not feeling what most feels most of the time does not mean you never feel strongly. Or that you don't go through the storms of emotions and then on to non emotionality, which is the trade mark of BPD.

    That said, she doesn't mention these things, and since they are central to BPD I will assume she is at least a low scoring psychopath.

    I use the word psychopath because there's nothing to suggest sociopathy in what she describes. There's no "code", no sense of belonging or pride of being antisocial. That goes well with psychopathy, but not with sociopathy.

    If other readers wonder what I mean, there are a couple of good examples among yourselves. UKan comes to mind as the typical sociopath (he hates me for those very reasons).

    Many of the female readers are BPD'ers. Bella, 'I Love tn' come to mind, as do Erin and others.

    This mail is a small piece of treasure, M.E.

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  61. Dave if you didn't care about relationships you wouldn't be so lonely. And all the bullying and the powerlessness and the whoring. To be honest your whole life seems a bit ridiculous to me. Like a bad joke. You can't stand up for yourself so you've found a way to survive through submitting to people and following demands. I'm not going to do sexual favours for dirty old men no matter how much they pay. You should have killed your ex. I'd rather be in control than get paid. I'm not so much disgusted by the gay whoring as I'm disgusted by your weakness. You're completely powerless and happy with your life so what's the point of it anyways?

  62. Malignant narcissist and your run of the mill narc are quite different.
    Malignant narcissist isn't defined in the DSM as of yet, but it's basically extreme narcissism (grandiosity, need for admiration) and sadism.

    Normal narcissists are simply those who think they are better than everyone else and want them to know it. They will take whatever measures they can to keep their fragile self image unharmed.

  63. @Seth
    Could you describe what pleasure you derive from "messing with someones head" Are you fully aware of all your reasons for doing so?

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  67. @anon
    I guess you could say I feel satisfied? Probably something to do with having power over another persons state of mind.
    I do enjoy the planning of it though, the thought of making someone I don't like feel distressed/confused/frightened almost gives me the giggles.

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  70. Dave that statement means nothing. Why do you spend so much time responding to someone who is openly disgusted by you? I do this to amuse myself. Your life story is funny to me.

    "Without any doubt, you're more unsure about your life than I am about mine dear Misanthrope."

    If that's what you want to think then go ahead. Mabye convincing yourself that you're not so alone brings you comfort.

  71. @erin
    I don't know enough about your mother to male any assumptions. Nor have I had any real personal experiences (yet) with anyone who has BPD.

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  73. "To people like misanthrope I feel like I'm sitting in a huge chair smoking a cigare, looking down on that tiny dog that doesn't stop barking. It's funny to watch the chiwawa barking in it's endless anger, thinking it's all strong and in control."

    It's funny because you know nothing about my life. I'd like to see the man whore come into my world and try to talk down to me. You live out your fantasies in this place.

    "In the end I don't care about the chiwawa nor do I even care about my own life, I just enjoy the cigare."

    How profound. ~

  74. @Seth
    Thankyou, i guess you never feel distressed/ confused/ frightened? and i expect you are always in control of your own state of mind ....

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  76. The pleasure is all mine Dave.

    I don't know what to think about today's post. I'm tired of these teenaged rants.

  77. @anon
    I do get confused. I only get stressed, not distressed. And I haven't been frightened since I was a small child.
    There are rare occasions when I am not in control of my state of mind but I try to keep those moments to an absolute minimum.

  78. It's really very simple; David does care about company and/or friends, that's why he's here.


    Who's Turnip?

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  83. My ex showed me glib victimization as well as a delight in things pivately sadistic. he'd datamine freely, almost obsessively, as if he wasn't being observed by me. However, he also claimed to be *antisocial* as well as depressed.

    The last time I saw him I high- fived him in the street! He so wanted desperately for me to see his brand new car coming out of the parking. I was in a hurry, and felt good about not giving him the satisfaction giving him a compliment.

    He was a very interesting person. All his staff hate him yet are used to his shenanigans. Those who stick by him (very few)are very, very strong people who let his personality roll off their backs.

    He says his girfriends always leave him and that he's used to them transforming into friends. One woman showed up at school in nothing but her fur coat. One woman threw a glazed chicken at him, and it flew out the window. He's also dated drug addicts who wanted his money. He told me these things on out first date.

    Further in, he named his faults in pillow talk. I nodded in agreement and listed his nice qualities. He did indeed have some. Such a lovely mess. Never have I met such an interesting person. He's aware of his temper but is a self indulgent child about it. His hidden neediness for closeness is somewhat apparent so we had this in common. He purposely asked how insecure I was. I couldn't answer truthfully because I wanted to test him. I said "very very very insecure." I am both strong and weak so I opted for the statement which tested, not the whole truth, which is that I am both insecure and strong like bull. At the time, I ignored this truth about myself. I am confusing to people in this way.

    This is the cruelty of nature I was trying to explain to Eden. We did not fit properly. Our natures didn't allow for it. But I was indeed getting abused. I witnessed it and left him. He was a pathological liar. In the end I said "what do you want me to do when you lie??" He said tell him about it and he'd own up to it.

    But it became farcical, hurtful, and I acted out and was pretty hurtful. I didn't appreciate his unwillingness to come clean.

    But I was hiding myself as well. I didn't want him to abuse me in a vulnerable state. I was manic and needy at the same time. I hid it to protect from exposing more vunerbility. This is my comorbid bipolar and bpd. The bipolar saved me from getting sucked in and caused me to fight like a tiger.

    I didn't know this about myself till I saw myself more clearly, and I didn't see this about him until I started reading about antisocial and sociopathy and narcissism here. So I have a lot to be grateful for here.

  84. @Eris

    When was the last time you saw your mum?

  85. I don't brag. I am just telling you that I am bpd and bipolar so that some people here, who will be nameless, understand I ain't "crazy" all the time.

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  87. This blog reads like a dating add, for beeper lesbians. She only needs to add her height, hair color, etc.

    "Anyway, I was not completely honest with my psychologist, and in fact enjoyed manipulating our sessions by intimidating him and/or playing dumb and submissive."

    Somehow, I kind of doubt you can intimidate a Psychologist after playing dumb and submissive.

    Now then... back to sifting through today's cat fights. Which reminds me to say @Mis... You must be getting awfully bored with fighting a cat, instead of another dog!

  88. I have both parents and sibling, unaware narcissists, erin. What a mindfuck.

  89. @Lycan


    There... I said it!

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  93. I don't have high expections here Dave. The level of conversation is usually shit. Half the time I'm not even interested in the discussion. We only stay on topic for about 2 minutes here. I come here because it's as easy as sending a text message. This place is mostly just people talking about themselves and their lives, and other trivial bullshit. It's fun to use that information against them and kick up shit storms.

  94. It usually is dogs chasing cats in here.

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  97. If other readers wonder what I mean, there are a couple of good examples among yourselves. UKan comes to mind as the typical sociopath (he hates me for those very reasons).

    Don't even say my name out loud scum. You are a World Of Warcraft nerd pretending to be a psychopath rapist and murderer. You already took a shit all over yourself here and if you had any self respect you would change your name or leave. I can't believe you are going to keep going with this charade even though it's been shown that you've lied on here just to look like your a hard violent predator.

  98. Fallout 3 isn't that different from WoW, UKan. :)

  99. "you are truly the undefinable woman"

    I told you when we first met, you wouldn't be able to read me. Most people can't really pin me down, and for a good reason.

    I don't make plans to be a certain way. Half the time, I don't even see myself doing it, because I'm always switched on. That's the great thing about writing. You can go back and take a different seat. One with the audience instead of the performer.

  100. David you live in a fantasy world where you are not a loser whore getting used by old cripples. Are you really telling me as a sociopath you sat lying in wait for several years giving in to some disgusting lecherous old man's pleasures to pull a con on him? It doesn't even fit the picture you have created for yourself.
    If I assume you are a sociopath you wouldn't even have the patience for something like that. Just taking several months would put you into boredom and the powerlessness would be unbearable.
    The profile of this cripple shows a different story; A man who has a history of being a abuser. Sexual abuser. It sounds like you became another victim of his abuse.

  101. Love the picture Mis. That middle finger one though is classic

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  103. @Erin:

    Sure, I like research. So why not.. :)

    Met her when I started a new job, I was her boss. Bad Ivey. In the beginning everything was platonic though, we were just getting along well, having lunch almost every day, etc.
    She'd tell me she was generally quite cruel to guys, and brag about how she was making the guy she was then seeing cry almost every time she met.. I was highly entertained by the
    discussions. But at the same time she slowly seduced me - when sober it was mainly in terms of flattery and saying how much she liked me.. Then if we were out drinking etc, it was
    more physical.. This carried on for about 3 months and it worked, cause i fell in love and made a move.

    We started dating. But kept everything secret of course, due to our relationship. She'd sometimes go away on trips with other guys, usually exes.. but always claiming that they never
    had sex. I didn't really care either way, so that was fine with me. Worked out really well in the beginning. Funny episode though was when we had a company event, and another girl
    at the company sat next to me at dinner and things got a bit flirtatious. My ex acted quite cool during the dinner.. Then soon as we got alone, she started storming away.. I caught up
    with her, she had a very dissociative look in her eyes. She started by dumping me. Then telling me she had fucked her ex yesterday.. And most funnily, that the girl I knew didn't exist -
    it was just a mask she created to mirror what I wanted. That's triggered some warning bells, we had only been physical for about two weeks. But I managed to smoothtalk her happy again, and we
    went out parting and everything was fine.

    About two weeks later she went away for 3 weeks on vacation. About a week into the vacation she lost all intered in me (before that she was constanly letting me know how much she missed
    me/ how in love she was.) Then it was like someone flipped a binary switch and I wasn't interested at all. It continued when she got back, for about a week - then I started seeing someone
    else (or told her that I was at least ;)).

    Continued in part 2.

  104. The next day at lunch she seduced me and we hooked back up. We stayed together for about 3 more months, then I hooked her up with a better job in another
    country.. Stupid I know, but I like to help the women in my life.. Quite shortly before she was going to move to the new country (the official plan was to have a distance relationship), she
    starts hitting outrageously at her ex that we ran into at a corporate event we were invited to.. I got a bit annoyed because I generally don't care about such antics, but I knew that guy
    and he's retard/loser. So I got disgusted and let her know about it. She responded by disappearing into her hotel room with him. I dumped her by SMS. She panicked and started begging that
    we talk and square things out. We had a bit of sex but the trust was gone, mainly because she kept trying to gaslight me that she hadn't done anything. We broke up about a week after that.
    The same day I dump her she starts dating another guy at the company we worked at (ok he was good looking, but I bet it was still just to piss me off).

    We stayed in touch as friends.. Oddly, about 3 months later when we're going out for lunch she seemingly randomly gives me a nice and quite expensive gift.

    There was also a fake pregnancy just to see how I would react and a suicide threat to get me come see her thrown in there somewhere.. And some general tendencies that I noticed:
    - Constantly comparing me to her exes (when we were just friends she trashtalked them.. after we hooked up she kept mentioning how good they were at various stuff.. to make me insecure I assume)
    - Extremely flirtatious
    - Very focused on dominance and described herself that way
    - Sexually submissive
    - Separation anxiety
    - Very manipulative, often referred to herself as a manipulative bitch.
    - External locus of identity
    - Extremely vain, often speaks about being perfect.
    - Best way to get her in bed is to diss her.
    - Dark and childish sense of humor

    tl;dr: subordinate bitch outplayed me.

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  106. Yeah I'll probably change my picture back eventually. This one started out as a joke.

  107. @UKan

    I your new picture too. You made art out of violence!


  108. She'd tell me she was generally quite cruel to guys, and brag about how she was making the guy she was then seeing cry almost every time she met.. I was highly entertained by the
    discussions. But at the same time she slowly seduced me -

    I love doing this to people. You tell them exactly what you are going to do to them, yet they will still fall for it because they think you won't do it to them. They think you are sharing with them to let them in on the joke. In reality she was playing with him like a cat does with a mouse before it bites it's head off.

  109. Oh how stunning. Nothing here has actually changed. Some of the people perhaps. But there's still the incessant whining and posturing from people oblivious to the fact that everyone in their presence only wishes they'd shut up.
    And those whose virile abuse only really makes me giggle.

    This site is really one of indulgence. Those who take pleasure in simple abuse have ample opportunity. And those who wish to whine are provided with every scrap of attention they desire.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's delightful.

  110. "I think it's delightful"

    That sounds like a phrase PMS might say regularly too. Imitation of the proper vampire, straight from an Anne Rice novel.

  111. so you're bella, I love tn?

    why don't you shut up then.

  112. Perhaps, Eden, you would like to... broaden your horizons, as far as literature is concerned. Having looked up Anne Rice, I must ask the question, are you a thirteen year old girl?

  113. shut up bella, stupid bitch.

  114. Hardly Anon. And darling, until you get yourself a plausible character and pseudonym. I'm afraid you're worth less than the dirt on my shoe.

  115. tnp should post the the e-mails you sent.

  116. Time has passed, but nothing here has actually changed. There's almost a felling of stagnation hanging about this site. If it wasn't for the thought food, I don't know if I would keep coming back.

  117. Yet here you are so shut the fuck up.

  118. Don't you just love birthdays? Especially when your age is still akin to a number that represents growth and progress, instead of a countdown timer, steadily ticking away the years you spent waiting for life to become what it seemed to be when you were still observing from the sideline . :)

  119. @Wheatley

    I recognize that picture. My 12 year old niece showed me the video on youtube.
    I think it fits you nicely.

  120. "Yet here you are so shut the fuck up."

    I couldn't have said it better.

  121. Yet here you are so shut the fuck up.

    I loll'ed.


    Really? 'Cause I'm childish? :D

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  123. Not "childish"... child like. ;)

  124. @David

    What was your first hint? Yes. :)


    Both apply equally well.

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  127. @Wheat
    Happy Birthday, Baby :)

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  129. @David

    Yup. You do realize that today is 18,617.385,35 people's birthday, do you?

  130. "Having looked up Anne Rice, I must ask the question, are you a thirteen year old girl?"

    Did you look up the copyrights too?

    Interview with the Vampire, was published in 1976... so... many many, girls and boys, read her books when they were 13.

    That's why I used the reference.

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  133. @David

    My blood type is O-negative. You're welcome! :)

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  136. @David

    Two more. :) I went to the play "Waiting for Godot" when I was fifteen and I'm going to have sushi for dinner tonight. By the way: 7 or 8 million? I thought the Netherlands had a population of 15 million? Or were you trying to trick me into correcting you?

  137. @Wheat and David

    The two of you are adorable together.
    You should send him a gift David. :D

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  145. Funny play on words tweet I saw today: The psychopathology of everyday life has evolved into the psychopathy of everyday life now

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  149. slut....ugh...

  150. somebody say something manly to david.

  151. With the type of clientelle you 'serve' david you don't need to worry to much about your figure. Just your appetite.

  152. David's Crippled ClientSeptember 6, 2011 at 12:23 PM

    Stick it in son, stick it in real deep.

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  154. davids fat old clientSeptember 6, 2011 at 12:26 PM

    shit, is that cum or blood? *he says in a gravely voice*

  155. TNP:

    "Dr. TNP's diagnosis: You're a teenage cunt, get over yourself."

    Hm, I disagree. How do you arrive at this conclusion?

    Fantastic! I love tn is back, Bella's fake sociopath alter-ego. And you deleted your laughable blog, Inexplicably Human, and had the audacity to say you never penned it, as if everyone here forgot.

  156. David's Crippled ClientSeptember 6, 2011 at 12:30 PM

    Ok, jump on. It's my turn.

  157. Zeric:

    "Psycho(il)logical labels are little more than tools that control people by generalising their humanity, and testing it against a dogma of 'morality', to support and reproduce the tenets of the ruling elite."

    Indeed. This is why I almost always discourage people when they ask me if I think it's a good idea for them to get an official diagnosis.

    I understand the mechanism, of course, the wish to find some confirmation from an official source. But the implications cannot compare.

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  159. You should delete your blog zWaq. Or should I call you spock? Or shark(ha ha)? Seriously you got your name from mixing those two words together? I never read your blog until I decided to twist you up, but now reading it I feel I have only begun to see why you sound like such a tool. I can't believe your on there claiming to have murdered someone at 18. Was that what you did on World Of Warcraft? You role played a psychopathic rapist killer? You are soft zWaq. You don't even have it in you to punch someone let alone snatch up someones soul.

  160. I love tn:

    "Zhawg. Based on?"

    I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. Actually, I'm not sure at all. Could you quote the line?


    somehow I just knew you'd been reading up on Vaknin's articles. He is a great resource, no doubt about that.

    Can I ask you, what made you look up on Narcissism? And how did it lead you here?

    (Sorry I didn't follow through with my questions to you last night. Something came up and I had to leave).

  161. Oh fuck, that wasn't meant to be included!

    ("Fantastic! I love tn is back, Bella's fake sociopath alter-ego. And you deleted your laughable blog, Inexplicably Human, and had the audacity to say you never penned it, as if everyone here forgot.").

  162. Please. I never said I didn't write a blog I said I had never written one concerning fecal matter. You really ought to pay attention.

  163. And now you lack the brains to even pay attention to what you say yourself.

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  165. 'And now you lack the brains to even pay attention to what you say yourself.'

    who are you talking to, tn?

  166. Eden Ralene:

    "Somehow, I kind of doubt you can intimidate a Psychologist after playing dumb and submissive."

    You have some good points and I like the way you write, but in this case you overlook some things. One can only include so much about one's behavior in a short one page mail. The reason I see it differently may be that I actually know someone who fits the same kind of profile and who is indeed a female psychopath.

    But I'd like to think that I could avoid judging people on what I haven't seen and therefore don't know.

    What I'm getting at is this: How do we know what goes on between her manipulative submission and transference into something else?

    I'm a guy, but I was a kid once, and I remember using this kind of technique. No, this doesn't disprove the writer at all, Eden.

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  168. Dear Reader: You sounds like a typical misunderstood, angry, angsty teenager. None of which means you have any kind of personality disorder, just that you need to grow up.

  169. What you are trying to do with your blog zWaq is change the definition of sociopath to your own traits and giving credence to it by making outlandish claims about yourself like you were this terrible person who came to the light.
    I have seen idiots like you before. You remind me of my mother in law's boyfriend. He is a tree cutter, but claims back before he became a christian he was a enforcer for the local organized crime here. My mother in law told me all these stories he told her and said I would get along with him. She said that he has nightmares everynight about what he has done, but she makes the nightmares go away (sound familiar ladies?). One day I met him and he told me that he didn't approve of my life and that he had been there and done that. He said:
    "Son I have done things you couldn't even imagine. Things I'm not proud of."
    I turned to him and asked him questions relating to his 'violent past' and who he worked for and his whole story changed that he gave my mother in law and I tore his past to pieces in front of her.

    You are a typical loser with no history zWaq trying to color yourself with character like we are in the movies. In real life psychopaths that use violence, use it habitually. You don't just drop it like a bad habit. It's instant and without even thinking. It is it's own animal inside you and it's hungry. Your whole psychopath/sociopath shite is a bunch of rubbish, like your high function/low function nonsense. You are just bland, face it. You have nothing to talk about in your past that makes your interesting so you make it all up.

  170. "You sounds like a typical misunderstood, angry, angsty teenager. None of which means you have any kind of personality disorder, just that you need to grow up"

    Also known as bpd.

  171. are fat people more intimidating than skinny folks? i think fat men are more feared than the skinny's.

  172. david, maybe if you put on some weight, you can begin to wear the pants in your relationship. fat men are scary.

  173. UKan,

    dear boy, you still want to talk to me? I was afraid I'd ruined your illusion about own grandeur. But I see you're still going strong. That's good, I couldn't live with your suicide on my conscience. lol

    (Nah, I knew you'd be alright).

    "You should delete your blog zWaq."

    Oh? You don't like what I write?
    But that's no reason to delete my blog. There are others who like it very well, why should I take away both their and my own pleasure just because a silly childish narcissist thinks I should? Grow up, pal. Don't take it so personal. I thought you were tough, that's why I gave you a bit of a talking to. Come on, now, prove that you're the badass socio that we all think you are and love you for being.

    "Or should I call you spock?"

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Hare also called psychopaths for Spock-like people minus Spock's goodness. Hah!
    I've gotten used to it by now, you've gotta come up with something better...

    Maybe something you don't copy from someone else will do?

    "Or shark(ha ha)?"

    *shrug*. That's my nick in some circles.

    "Seriously you got your name from mixing those two words together?"

    Uh... nope, not exactly. But others seem to make the association. (Hey, hint: You could go and read my description instead of making up half-misunderstood misconceptions that are so easily disproved *wink*).

    "I never read your blog until I decided to twist you up,"

    Until you decided to what?!! LMAO You've gotta be fucking kidding, right? ...Oh, I forgot, you're a narcissist. You're too self absorbed to see any humor and you never kid.

    "but now reading it I feel I have only begun to see why you sound like such a tool."

    Keep reading, you may actually get past the beginning, learn and understand something new!

    That's what I do. I'm not afraid of learning from others, whether or not I think I'm more bad-ass than they are. :)

    "I can't believe your on there claiming to have murdered someone at 18."

    Oh? Why not? Is there an age limit for when this is possible? There was a 14 year old kid who killed both his father and an uncle in the same sitting in one of the prisons I was in. Go figure.

    "Was that what you did on World Of Warcraft? You role played a psychopathic rapist killer?"

    As far as I know there's no criminals in that game. It's a video game, I know someone who plays it. Judging from your mentioning this game you probably know what it is about too. You're trying to make people think what you want to make them think = you;re not interested in the truth, not about me, not about yourself. You want grandeur, even if you have to create illusions to get it.

    It's in the nature of your condition.

    "You are soft zWaq."

    And yet I manage to tear you all up. ;D

    "You don't even have it in you to punch someone let alone snatch up someones soul."

    UKan has become so accustomed to people feeling intimidated by him, that everybody submits to whatever UKan says.

    I think not, silly boy! ;)

  174. silly silly little hot head lol

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  177. Wheatley,

    Happy Birthday!... '^L^,


    "Why do you think I am BPD? Honesty is,always, wanted."

    Well, I think you display some of the typical symptoms. It's not a diagnosis, just my impression of you.

    I've known many women with BPD, and I like them very much. In fact, they're often those I get best along with. So don't take it the wrong way. :)

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  179. y dos sociapath bully

  180. "you're a narcissist. You're too self absorbed to see any humor and you never kid."

    You said earlier that he was a sociopath.

  181. Erin:

    "I am interviewing you for a professional position at the SW Institute for PD's at which I am the Administrator."

    It's actually a funny idea.

    Yeah, I know. I'm calling UKan unrealistic and so on because of his blown out of proportion view on self, but I'm not completely without my own visions, and I can think of many potentially great possibilities for what M.E. can use this website as a platform for something more.

    I truly believe it will be for the better of everybody if some of us (who carry these diagnoses) got involved more also on an official level.

    Well that's my own personal vision of grandeur (on M.E.'s behalf). ^L^

  182. ASPD or BPD?
    The whole amazing spectrum of the human brain reduced to two labels where is your "out of the box thinking"?

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  184. Lets talk about something productive.
    What skin cream do you people use?

  185. Okay, that was spammish-like. I apologize to our host.

    (Sometimes silliness has that kind of effect on me. It takes me along and I tend to just go with it because it's such fun. I don't mean to have fun specifically on UKAn's expense, it just came that he handed it to me that way.)

  186. Well Dave I already proved that Zhawq lied about rape, and writing whole articles in defence of yourself is a reaction.

    Whats your excuse for reacting to the aggressive shit?

  187. I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

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  189. "You constantly throw all this agressive shit at him and he hardly reacts to you."

    Extremely long winded responses and explanations, not to mention that he's starting to take up as much space as Erin...

    But you're right, that hardly qualifies as a reaction. ;p

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  191. "Extremely long winded responses and explanations, not to mention that he's starting to take up as much space as Erin...

    But you're right, that hardly qualifies as a reaction. ;p"

    Exactly. He wrote two whole articles on his blog in response to a comment by UKan and then a comment by me as well.

  192. Erin, you take up a lot of space on here. I'm just stating the obvious.

    Now give a kiss and we'll make up good and proper.


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