
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Song: Terrible Things

If you dig under my feet
You will find things that you don't want to see
Things that I hide deep down inside
A menagerie of the tragedy I caused and all of my flaws
And my demons are all that can see
Then what would you do if you only knew?

All of the things that I've done
Terrible things you would never believe
Things that I've done
Oh, how you'll run
If you knew a single one
All of the things that I've done

Would my face give me away
I know it won't
'Cause I don't even feel
I just reflect what you expect
So you don't suspect that
I could be exactly who I am

All of the things that I've done
Terrible things you would never believe
Things that I've done
Oh, how you'll run
If you knew a single one
All of the things that I've done

I know that I'm inflected
But who could have predicted
That monster that I've become
I keep things carefully covered
So no one will discover
That I could be the culprit
I'm sorry I can't help it

All of the things that I've done
Terrible things you would never believe
Things that I've done
Oh, how you'll run
If you knew a single one
All of the things that I've done


  1. From yesterday:
    This is fucking melodrama. Yes keep posting to that protective custody forum for victims. They will give the same type of drama stories you do. Like that stupid cunt that let her boyfriend rape her several times, or this dumb bitch who's mum molested her. Or that babbling wingnut who thinks he makes sociopaths.

  2. You are all so very interesting and although it took me two hours to read all of those comments(except for yours, david-insecure much?) I finally have.

    What is with all the dog/puppy references? This is very recurring for you I have noticed, and that is why many people accused you of supporting yourself with anons, as the "you're a dog" thing has come up at least 75 times across the cumulation of your posts.

    I wanted to mention. Did you see TNP's last post? I very much believe TNP is a sociopath. He didn't say, I do bad stuff. He gave us a visceral description of the way it feels when he becomes overwhelmed with the compulsion to kill a person. This is a good writing habit (Show, not Tell) and if he is full of shit he is a fantastic liar. I would be inclined to believe he is a sociopath for this reason.

    I think that is why you are taking so much shit here. Just looking at TNP's last post from yesterday in comparison to your post on the forum-you don't feel TNP is trying to convince anybody insomuch as he is simply showing us who he is. He doesn't need to qualify. Know what I mean?

    It comes off as insecure when one needs to qualify.

    UKan gets a lot of shit for being a dick. He's been pretty harsh. But when he rips somebody a new asshole, he does it by cleverly picking up on their most vulnerable spots and just viscously tearing with his bloody wolfish maw. If nothing else I would like to say he does this quite well, and if it wasn't so effective I don't think everyone would be complaining about it all the time and calling him a douchefuck and an alpha. why would everyone be complaining about his alpha hood if he was not in fact an alpha?

    Erin, I don't know why you are here. I feel like you must want to be hurt. Is being vitimized all you know? I think therapy would do you some good, instead of hanging out around here where people will salt your vulnerability and your you deepest darkest secrets because for them hurting you is fun. What do you hope to get out of this? Closure? Are you just a masochist? I don't think this will help you. I am an empath. I will not come down on you, I actually feel sad for you. I do not think this is a healthy enviornment for you, but it's a free internet.

    Medusa, you said something yesterday about how you cannot help but try and unravel tangled knots, and that the puzzle could not be left unsolved for you. You said also you are obsessive. I identify with this. I don't know, I feel as if this partly why I am here and why I stay-my particular puzzle of choice is people.

    Thank you all again for having such interesting personalities! I get bored otherwise. I have sociopath boy to pick apart, but getting the chance to try and unravel you guys is a new present for my tired insomniatic hours.

    People on the internet are meaner then people in real life because on the internet, people don't have to show their face or look at the people they hurt. On an internet site called, people live video broadcasted their actual lives 24/7. People on the internet commented. One video broadcaster was suicidal. The people on the internet came down on him hard, calling him worthless shit and telling him to just kill himself.

    He did-live, on the internet. While they told him he was fucking nothing. While he killed himself. And these were just NORMAL PEOPLE.

    So you are SOCIOPATHS on the internet-hmm. Dangerous, it seems?

  3. Hi, everybody. Pretty quiet here. Yesterday was another long one with a new comer, enjoyed reading all that despite the fact that it's getting predictable out here. Erin, David, and now Luke sure had their welcome round.

    In the process I learned mafia does not call itself mafia. That's cool to learn, what do they call themselves? Just family? Brother?

    Nikita, you suggested that I sleep with the boy toy once and see for myself if the sex is good and then decide whether to pursuit further or not. I was also tempted to go with that but then came some signs of a narc (as in the dominant dysfunction) and it became clear to me that the very first round could not possibly go well. I opted out with a sweet little dumb excuse a young man would not like but believe. So, who knows maybe in five years or so, there may be another timing check.

    I am curious why the gang did not play interested hard enough with Luke to get to the bottom of the 'moment of empathy in my life' story. Seriously, Luke, I'm an uber empath learning to cool it nice and steady. What was your empath moment exactly? Why do you need to mention something so vaguely and not get to the point. I got the feeling you are female, like Zhawq.

    I learned the word eviscerate from you, had to look it up once you repeated it a second time... Ooooohhh, scary word, Luke (or Lucile).

  4. "what do they call themselves?"

    'our thing'

  5. David's comments from yesterday can be summed up as: "I've not been serious about being a whore, I'm in fact a rich aristocrat, for real guys!" and later when he was drunk "Mis has a smelly ass lolol." Draw your own conclusions.

    And the phenomenon you describe is (informally) known as the "Greater Internet Fuckward Theory" or GIFT. It's been scientifically varified, look it up.

  6. Our thing? They call themselves our thing? I need a sentence on that. Remember, I may be a touch aspie.

    Bluebird, you are so articulate, so aware yet so hooked? Honestly, how long are you giving yourself to get out of the shit you are in and get into something where your obsession will give you some long term benefit? Nothing is worse than spending your life away for someone else, whether it is mom/dad/child/socio boy.

    Other than some interesting sex with a socio boy what does turn you on?

  7. @Wheatley

    I did (look it up). Interesting. I wonder if it is harder to tell who is actually a sociopath due to the exponential increase in doucheness that occurs on the internet anyway. Then again, I suppose there are other signs.


    I know. This guy that likes me came over last night after I saw sociopath boy though and I just treated him like shit because he was so into me and such a tool and it turned me off so much. Like I literally became so cold that I just started fucking with him. And then I felt disguisted. He tried to put his arm around me and I just like pulled back two feet. I was very mean. It doesn't seem ideal-what, do I have to settle for a guy like that? But then I realized it is all about a balance. I will love healthfully someday, there will be a person who is just the right molarity of heatedness and cool, of love and indifference, I just have to leave it all alone and let the world take care of the rest. Or at least that is what I tell myself.

    I am an extreme masochist, as far as what turns me on. Literally, about as extreme as masochism gets are about as intense as my most exciting sexual fantasys are. Probably think what a sociopath's most exciting fantasys are, but I get turned on by imagining myself in the role of the victim. So like vice versa...fucked up? Idk, they are only fantasys after all, telling as they may be, and fantasies are always more intense then what youd want done to you in RL. Besides there is not one fucking thing you can do about what turns you on sexually. Nothing. Sad but true.

  8. Bluebird (will cut it short as BB in the future), very interesting. I have no way of understanding you, don't even know where to begin. But, I'd say you're in luck in the sense that more guys are looking for masochistic women than not. Not sure if a masochistic female could be a long term interest for a socio. You'd be too easy, once he understands that you're actually using him more than he is using you. I'd say pretend to appear disturbed as opposed to you are in heaven if you want his attention in the long run.

    Sex is so good when both parties know how to play each other's bodies like a good instrument as opposed to these sado or maso games. But, like anything in life whatever flies your kite. All of a sudden I find your case not as interesting anymore. At a basic level you are like Erin, very happy with the victim role you are in. Enjoy.

  9. @sceli

    This is silly. I am many things. I am the victim, I am the perpetrator. I enjoy what what I find delicious. Like is merely a cake, sweetling. You remind me of my friend S. If bearing a heavyset trunk full of principles is the frosting that tickles your teeth, eat up. As for me, I dance on the wind. I will tiptoe between your round pegs and square holes and become a triangle. Call me a victim if you like, but you may as well call a dove a swan. The genus is all wrong. One cannot be a victim unless somebody is doing the victimizing. You asked about my sexual fantasies, I answered. I am not a socio stripper dancing on a poke trying to draw callous men to my breasts. There is one in my life, and I enjoy him. It is only one small snippet of the multifeathered technicolor that is my life.

  10. No need to get defensive, BB. You just are not interesting to me, that's all. Like I said you're the dram girl for a lot of guys, enjoy. I'm sorry if I failed to see 'many things' that you are. Because so far all we hear is how deeply fallen you're for a socio, and how extremely masochistic you are. That whole thing counts for one, and pretty much equivalent of a victim except in your mind.

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  13. Why is the mind of others any more valid then my mind? I don't think anybody's perception of anybody else is ever valid. Judgements are floaty airy whispy things. My perception of myself is probably invalid, too. I don't see myself as a victim. Masochism is what makes my loins burn. This has been the case since I was a child. No, I was not abused. I was actually born this was. Look into s&m culture which has nothing to do in essence with sociopathy. It's a sexual preference like being bi or gay or straight. Some people get horny when you tie 'em up and whip 'em. I don't thing there's one damn thing wrong with that. Mutual sexual pleasure, its a whole lot healthier than being in love with a sociopath, and you can do it with a sane loving partner FYI. It doesn't have to be a sociopath to engage in kinky sexual fantasies....I don't understand why you come to this conclusion. Sexual subs have a lot of power.

  14. BB, we're saying the same thing to a certain extent. Sexual preferences are yours, whatever flies your kite. When you are in a mutually respecting relationship with sufficient level of mutual care/trust/bond etc. accompanied by your fatasy of maso and his fantasy of sado is cool. But, when you're a late night booty call to a socio you're a victim. Don't mix up different concepts.

    If you are not a victim, call him now, tel him you'd love to see him tomorrow at 3 pm and see what he says.

  15. eeeeewwwwwwwww, david is a pedo!

  16. David,
    You're deleting your remarks too quickly. I miss on the stuff. How have you been? Tight or loose?
    I miss my dinner dates with you.

  17. Bluebird, you can't tell if someone is a sociopath by their writing, you tell a sociopath by their actions.

  18. Anonymous said...
    "My housemate would clean up vomit after her."

    So would I, rather than leaving it there.
    September 20, 2011 5:28 PM

  19. David posted a picture of a little boy last night, told everyone that he'd like to give said boy a 'good rub down', and the he had 'captured his heart', and then deleted his comment later on.

  20. Wells it's 5am here. But he's actually my best friend. We're not fuckbuddies. I fuck him and he is my buddy, but I knew him for a year and a half before we fucked at all and we have been through some shut together. there was a period when I was in high school we spent every day together for eight months. We've had sex twice and before we did I really wanted to, but we'd always just been friends, our relationship was never like that. He doesn't date, either. I used to fantasize about having sex with my sociopathic best friend, who I'd known and spent so much time and life with. and who turned me on when I thought about him. I didn't fall in love with him till over a year and a half down the road. If I called him and asked him to see me tomorrow, he'd probably say yes. We are close friends. And tomorrow is Saturday. Not saying he's always down to see me, he's a wierd guy and sometimes prefers his solitude. But most of the time he is down to hang.

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  22. Medusa said...
    So would I, rather than leaving it there.

    Why? She's not a cat. Tell them to clean up their own vomit.
    September 20, 2011 5:30 PM

  23. The fact that Blue jumps to the conclusion that people are personality disordered from reading a couple of sentences, tells me that her boyfriend most likely isn't a sociopath and she is blowing things out of proportion.

  24. It was more like 9 months down the road I fell in love with him actually

  25. BB, it is not what he says, it's what he does. Go ahead and test it, he'll likely say yes. The question is will he show up at the time he promised?

    You're now changing the story by giving some old friend info that you never shared before. Changes a lt of things. Were you intentionally hiding that side of the story or did I miss a post that you actually had said it?

  26. @ anon
    Who did I say was personality disordered? I don't fucking know. I said I'm more inclined to believe TNP is a socio, but I don't know 100%, obviously. There are simply certain people who seem more sociopathic then others. Obviously I haven't met the guy, he could just be a colorful writer.

  27. Yes, French 6 course will do beautifully? How about Chicago this time? What's his name there, who does this?

  28. Wheatley, you have too much of a sense of humur to be a sociopath.

  29. @sceli

    I did say it, it's on the comments section of part 2 somewhere. You'll find it if you browse a little.

  30. How does he seem more sociopathic than others? Have you read any of the autobiographies of known psychopaths? they write nothing like TNP does.

  31. M.E just posted an excerpt if a specific email I sent him. There were prior ones and far more to the story that was not included in those emails and that he didn't publish-I don't blame him, you'd need a fucking novelette

  32. Notables writing is filled with consciousness and self awareness.

  33. BB, I am yet to read part 2. You are framing a story in a very jumpy fashion, fine for us, but could make your self-understanding a bigger puzzle than it is.

  34. @anon

    It was his last post of yesterday. Go read it. It was convincing to me. Perhaps I am foolish. Idk.

  35. "Perhaps I am foolish"

    I think you are.

  36. David, Charlie Trotter it is, the one in Chicago. Supposedly contemporary American, but for all practical purposes quite French.

    I'm soon having to go offline though. Where in the world are you nowadays? Asia?

  37. He could be sociopathic, but I don't think he's a sociopath, the fact that he is able to admit to personal weakness makes me question if he is one, sociopaths externalize their inner world.

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  39. @anon

    Ok. But that's not very, I don't know. Persuasive. He wrote in depth about the way it feels when you want to kill somebody. His writing of this paragraph makes him appear to have no emotional affectivity on the matter. This seems sociopathic to me. I recant my statement-I think you are foolish.

    It is a detailed story, but I did explain it all to everyone in the comment section of part two and I will do it again if you'd like but not now because I'm tired.

  40. Writing about killing a person is easy, go on to live journal and you'll find hundreds doing it. The act itself is a whole other story. Don't call me foolish or I will destroy you.

  41. OK, will try a new place no problem. WIndow seat is always welcome. Are you the type who likes to see who is walking in? No problem with me because I pretty much never care who else is around, I only focus on my company, and get annoyed only if s/he is looking around excessively.

  42. how the hell is a high amount of emotional activity supposed to be portrayed in a wall of text?

    and what, only sociopaths ever feel like killing people?

  43. Is the anon from the beheading videos yesterday here?

    I just watched this one and this one.

  44. BB, no need to repeat anything. I'll read it all up soon anyways. I just am curious though as to what you call masochistic. Give us something that happened to you during sex that you liked very much and that you consider masochistic.

    Since you are masochistic, I'll insist that you do it now despite being tired.~

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  46. No you won't destroy me. This is the internet. If he's not a sociopath he's a good writer. I admire that too. Most people aren't good at describing the affective state of the compulsion to kill. Even if my impression is inaccurate I give him kudos for the well formed thoughts.

  47. For nonsociopaths killing is
    A) emotional. If you can kill while feeling nothing, you are damned well close enough to sociopathic in my book
    B) difficult-they have to teach soldiers with psychological conditioning not to back down from pulling the trigger the first time they kill a man

    For empaths killing is a crime of passion or motivated by vengeance or injustice or insanity. For a sociopath it need not be any of this, and that is the difference

  48. Now, David, I like hearing that, and would be happy to keep your undivided attention on me while pouring mine on you. Then we could leave without even needing to say bye, knowing there may or may not be another round. Ain't life gran, dear?

    Oh, knowing you, I'll have to copy below what I'm reacting to.. lol.

    davidsocio01 said...
    No Sceli, I don't care that much about the other parties in a restaurant, so I'll give you all the attention you deserve ;-)

    September 24, 2011 5:31 AM

  49. As an empath all I need to kill dozens is to see one of my buddies get killed or that I get slightly hurt (assuming combat here). (After this, BB will be sure that I am a man, if not thinking that already.)

  50. Psychopaths kill for personal gain, usually sexual/sadistic, most of the time.

  51. To the Anon who thinks I have a great sense of humour; thanks! :)

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  53. do you want to fuck wheatly like you fucked that other boy, david?

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  57. If I were to have dinner with you, halfway thourgh the evening you'd start talking about ass.

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  59. This looks like a lot of fun to watch, actually.

  60. Where are the punches?

  61. @BB-i don't know about the dog references. They seemed to apply. My gf has a tiny dog that desperately begs for attention when you ignore him. That's what Ukan reminded me of, which is why I keep referring to him as a puppy.

    @Sceli-I did, check the forum posts. No I'm not female, lol.

    Back @BB I did see TNP's last post BB, replied to it just now. I did not originally get on here to have some debate about whether I am who I am or whatever, reactions dictated that, I simply carried on a conversation because, why not?
    As for Ukan, I have yet to see any real evidence of being clever. I do agree with his suggestion to apply TNP's urges...productively. I at least relate with that. As to people talking tough online, let's be honest-that's because they're not in person to take the physical punishment. Their ass doesn't have to cash the checks their mouth is writing, to coin a popular phrase. When you don't have to pay for it, you'll write some pretty big checks.

    Back @Sceli (damn I'm scatter-brained this morning) I have no idea what the mob/mafia/cosa nostra calls themselves these days. I'm not a part of it, so how could I know? Ask Ukan, he fancies himself the expert on all things criminal. Got that gun picture too, so it must be true, lol. All I was part of in my years was a small group of us that employed similar tactics and methods to achieve similar goals (money, power, and having fun).

  62. Anon: "Writing about killing a person is easy, go on to live journal and you'll find hundreds doing it. The act itself is a whole other story"

    I understand why some people write as Anon, but you should take credit for this one, very true. As they say, talk is cheap.

  63. The unexamined life is not worth living.

  64. See Luke? You seem to be doing just fine without the forum now.

    Upstairs is like stepping into the looking glass.
    I enjoyed reading TNP's story, and I enjoyed reading what you had to say in response.

  65. Yeah luke talk is cheap. So when you come in here with all that talk about being a violent drug dealer who grew up in the system, but the first thing you do here is start correcting peoples spelling and grammar, don't wonder why you are seen as a pathological liar. Sceli has a point. Your writing style is like a girl's. Its like a teenage girls writing style considering all of the lol rofl lmao you have to riddle your responses with.
    I'm a violent criminal lol. You guys don't effect me rofl I wont respond lmao. Jimmy dot your i's lol. ^L^, Ive done horrible things btw at least they were horrible imo
    The emote gangster. How much time have you done luke? You didn't tell me.

  66. "See Luke? You seem to be doing just fine without the forum now."

    This comment makes no sense to me. While I was posting on the forum last night I was also posting here. While I'm posting here right now I'm also posting on the forum. I was doing just fine before as well, lol.

  67. "See Luke? You seem to be doing just fine without the forum now."

    This comment makes no sense to me. While I was posting on the forum last night I was also posting here. While I'm posting here right now I'm also posting on the forum. I was doing just fine before as well, lol.

    @Ukan-what makes your opinion important again? I must have missed that part.

  68. that was a weird double post

  69. It's a shame when someone does not have a full reading compression and then they go on about what they miss-read.

    Or maybe they just skip over it so they can quickly answer to make their presence known.

  70. Because I actually do all the shite that you sit around and talk about.
    You were a dope fiend not a big time drug dealer luke. You even admitted it in the stories you told yesterday after TNP came out saying he's the next Son Of Sam. Your telling me that your friend went to jail it is clear that you ratted him out so you wouldn't get any time. That's why he went to prison while you walked the streets doing a bunch of drugs. Low level dealers that get high off their own shite are sloppy undercutters that are just waiting to be turned into a informant. That's not a big time cartel member, luke. That's called a blow hard drug addict with delusions of grandeur.
    I'm tired of hearing the 'I used to be a drug dealer' stories like you were a major player in the game. I hear them all the time out here. I had a guy tell me how to run my business who was begging me for a discount and told me it was all about volume not profit, even though he was so poor he couldn't afford his habit. Just because you are smoking tar in the alley and helped your friend score some more after ripping off some old cunt doesn't make you a drug dealer kid.
    You did time in county? Wow. Big deal. So that means were talking about months and you call that a stretch ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You haven't been nowhere luke and you know it. I've been around criminals all my life and they spend more time in prison (yah prison not jail) than they do on the street. Anyone with this as their career is going to do a few years here and there. All of these wanna bees who claim they have never been caught are lying or they haven't really done shite because it's impossible not to slip in this game. Especially when you are 18 years old to 25 you will be catching all kinds of cases from grasses, narcs, and just rollers who happened to be passing by when you are hustling. The few of us that make it to my age either keep revolving in and out or manage to stay out long enough to make some buffers. But guess what? The reality is that I still haven't quit the game because its in my blood. The used to be a drug dealer story is as old as the movie you stole it from.

  71. Eh... stick around long enough, and you'll understand what I'm saying. Or maybe you won't. You seem to be able to read very few people well.

  72. How much more interesting it would be to hear well formed thoughts and not the ravings of a stunted mind trapped in adolescence.

  73. ya lost me after the first few sentences. So far off base. Your assumptions make the rest of your bullshit useless. If you'd stop assuming that there's some need to impress you you'd get a lot farther. I have zero reason to lie. The reality is that there's no point we're going to agree. You'll continue to think what I've said is bullshit and I'll continue to know it's not. The only way to truly settle it is not possible as we're online, so I just you're just going to have to continue on with your useless assumptions and I'll have to continue on ignoring most-if not all-of what you have to say.

    You somehow think it's believable that you do all the shit I talk about eh? Why? Because when I say it you disbelieve it? Because you once kicked your dog? You're the type of person I crush in real life, I don't worry about pussies like you too much, whether you are what you purport to be or not-which most likely you are not. The very fact that you think people of my ilk have to fit into some ridiculous mold proves that most of your knowledge is likely gained from watching movies and bad tv shows. Your picture of a gun is cute, likely only proves you have more experience with photoshop than actual guns. You like to tear down David, hey at least he's given the group a look at his actual self and doesn't have to hide behind some act of bravado online. Even if you are what you say you are and that gun is real, says a lot more about you than anything else could, the necessity to hide behind a gun at all.

    Anyway, your delusions don't lend credibility to the bullshit spewing from your fingers. Neither does your year of working up the courage to talk and 2 years of blindly attacking others in a George Bush like preemptive act of defense. You're pathetic. Get a life, grow a spine, and try to find someone you can actually intimidate that isn't your dog.

  74. You have backed up every liar in here truth, how can you be qualified to give that statement. Why are you even here you bitter old cow? All you do is complain about the content which has been the same for a few years. Long before you got here.

  75. @Eden-so you say, I think I've got them pegged pretty well though. You're welcome to your own opinion, regardless of how wrong it is.

  76. @Truth-you'd have to talk Ukan into trading in his computer, and since that's the only thing in the world that gives him any sort of sense of power, there's little chance of doing that.

    @Eden-it's funny that I'm so wrong about people. Exactly what have I been wrong about? Believe me, I'm right about Ukan. You'll never have the opportunity to see I'm sure, but I'm right. Other than that I haven't said much about other people except that I relate well to what TNP posts, think Medusa and BB are fairly bright, think Mis is not so much-although to be fair I thought at first he could be slightly more intelligent than the average person, so got me there-and that when people say I'm lying they're idiots at best for even suggesting it as there would be no benefit to lying here. I'd love to know what's wrong about these things.

  77. @Ukan
    Blah Blah Blah

    Get some new material, Boy.
    We have all heard that tired shit.

  78. Ukan, you are actually interesting to read when it's about you.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful really, it's just enough sometimes when your trying to pick apart someone.

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  80. @Ukan-you've backed up literally nothing you've said in here and are simultaneously so far off base with what you say about me at very least that it's laughable. Who are you to call out anyone else complaining? All you've been doing is whining about me since I got here because I didn't sit around watching like some spineless bitch ( before my balls dropped and I was able to post my own stuff.
    You're a fucking lifelong anon who figured out that you can actually say inflammatory things-write big checks when you don't have to cash them-on an anonymous forum. What does that make you? That makes you nothing Ukan, the same thing you've been every day of your life prior to discovering this forum, prior to your balls dropping and you putting your keyboard to use as working proof that you're one of the most ignorant fucks on the planet.
    You tell stories about kicking your dog not because you're afraid of some legal backlash should you tell other stories-but because you don't have any other stories someone might not recognize from a rerun of Law and Order or whatever the equivalent is wherever you're from. You pounce on people in group fashion because you're too weak to take them on on your own. You beg for attention because you don't get it in real life. Again, who the fuck are you to criticize anyone else? The smartest kid with down syndrome? The "hero" of this little blog site? Like I said before, must have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel for heroes around here.

  81. @Luke

    I'm not talking about what you've said about people. My observation is based on what you say here vs. what you say in the forum, who you interact well with, and how you interact with them

    Mind you, I didn't dismiss your judgment altogether... I just said you read few people well.

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  83. NPD diagnostic criteriaSeptember 24, 2011 at 8:33 AM

    Let's see how well Luke fares.

    Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    No way to be sure, although he does expect people to be in awe while being extremely vague.

    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    I don't think so.

    Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    It certainly looks that way.

    Requires excessive admiration

    Could be, I've not really seen him get any, so there's no way to tell. He does tend to agree with only those that praise him.

    Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations


    Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    I haven't seen any of that here, so there's no way to tell. But he has said things to that effect himself.

    Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    Same as the above.

    Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

    If he is, he's not being open about it.

    Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    God yes.

  84. @Eden-I would say I don't play well with others, particularly idiots who think they're worth more than they are.

    @Ukan-riiiight. Like I said Ukan, not everyone's a spineless bitch in real life. Now go watch another episode of law and order and come back and tell everyone what you think the mafia calls themselves, lmao. You think you're able to spot people easily? You keep saying that, but you're not, that's the pathetic thing. You have this unearned confidence in yourself when what you say is so far off base it's ridiculous. All I have to go by is what you've said regarding what I know and based off of that, you're an idiot, nothing more and nothing less. You sure do think a lot of yourself though.

  85. Ah Luke... but that's where you prove me right. You see you Are playing well with a few of the very people, you just said you don't play well with.

    One in particular, is a screaming example of you playing well with that type of person... which is why I came to my conclusion.

  86. Well Ukan you were wrong about me.

    I've been reading and on here for 1-1/2 years and read from the beggining every post.

    I have a good memory and a whole over all picture of this place.

    You can call me anything you like, but you don't know me and can not affect my life in a positive or negative way.

    I just call them as I see them. If time proves me wrong, no big loss.
    My ego is not frail.

  87. @NPD-probably mostly fair. I wouldn't agree that I expect people to be in awe of me however. It puzzles me that anyone would get that idea.

    @Ukan that's probably the biggest thing you have going against you. That you would hear anything I've said and consider it brag worthy tells me you've got very little to do with that world. You might wish you do, but you don't or you wouldn't consider anything I've said as possible bragging because it's simply not brag worthy. Most of the people I've known in life do the same sort of thing I've done, it's nothing special, it's very average in the circles I travel in. You would only see it as bragging if you did not travel in those same types of circles.

    If I came in saying I was some sort of drug kingpin, hitman, some crap like that then sure, lol, that's ridiculous bragging. But to say something like "think mob or cartel like" only implies a methodology and category. An illegal existence can mean so many things, and all of those people are very different types. A dealer differs from a rapist, or an arsonist. One would quantify what they're saying simply to give an idea. Almost like someone would say they were a high school student, that wouldn't tell you if they hung out with the "jocks", "nerds", whatever the case may be. If they said they hung out with the "jocks" to others, it wouldn't seem like bragging but if they said that to a bunch of "nerds" it might.

  88. No offense, but you shouldn't call yourself 'Truth' then.

  89. Keep denying it luke. The fact I can throw up shite on my picture in a big UK that's ready to distribute tells you I know what I'm talking about, unless I just have vials, gram bags, and a gun sitting around for no reason at all. The fact you use names civilians use for organizations out here tells me you don't know what you are talking about. The fact that you said you did county time for short termers tells me you don't know what you are talking about. The fact that the first thing you said on here about your story was that you have done 'horrible things' tells me you don't know what you are talking about. The fact that you claim to be raised by the system yet came in here correcting peoples spelling and grammar and using lol rofl and lmao every two sentances tells me you don't know what you are talking about. The fact that you are telling me that you and your friend got raided and they didn't put the weight on you as well tells me you don't know what you are talking about. The fact that you told me that you were out there DOING a bunch of drugs tells me you don't know what the fuck you are talking about luke.

  90. @Eden-I meant to say I don't play well with many others I guess, I play well with some just fine, I just have a low threshold for certain stupidity, while other stupidity I find entertaining.

    As for my perceptive abilities-I make quick judgements, they may not always be spot on but they're typically somewhere in the ball park.

  91. @Luke

    Fair enough. I look forward to reading what you have to say down the road.

  92. Anon 8:43,
    you didn't prove your point.

    I'm not offended, just don't see what your point was.

  93. lol, @Ukan the fact that you have a picture of a gun proves you're some kind of badass eh? Not sure where you're from but here guns are quite common and they mean you're too much of a pussy to handle yourself. You could have gram bags and vials sitting around-or maybe you don't. If you do maybe it's because you're sucking em down yourself, or because you're some low level dealer.
    Interesting you admonished me at one point for saying what someone vengeful might use to have a search of some sort go on in my apartment. You in fact said that disqualified me from being what I was, and yet here you are telling us about all your guns, and grams, and blah blah blah. Interesting how what works for you is a reason for disqualification for someone else isn't it?

    You can read whatever you like into what I've said. It really doesn't matter to me because your opinion is worthless as a whole. Not because you aren't who you say you are-who am I to say? But because again what I know is so far off base from what you assume that I can only assume the rest of what you say is equally ignorant and misinformed. Again, a stalemate with one way to settle and that's not possible as we're online. But if it makes you feel more important or better about yourself, go on about how I'm some sort of fake or whatever. Makes no difference to me.

  94. and like I said Ukan, your picture only proves you're likely better with photoshop than anything in real life and you've probably owned more pocket protectors than guns. The fact that you think that a picture of a gun on your profile proves anything proves just how fragile and insecure you are that you'd have to post a picture like that to try and hide your true self behind. Like I said, say what you like about David-at least he didn't have to try to hide behind some pathetic picture of a gun. Seriously, only a few things more pathetic than people that have to hide behind guns in real life, one of them is clearly people that have to hide behind pictures of guns online.
    Not that I have anything against guns, they're necessary sometimes. They're not just such a part of me due to my own inability to handle myself that I would feel the need to hide behind them in such pathetic fashion.
    Given the fun bit it makes me wonder if you did actually end up inside for something. (By the way not sure where you're from, but here county is for short timers, state prison is for a year and a day or more). Perhaps you are who you say, you did end up inside, and you didn't have your guns. You ended up the bitch of someone like me-someone stronger than you that wasn't impressed with your bullshit-and that's what lead you to this forum. You wanted to try to find weaker people like Erin to pick on to feel better about your ass used like a drill hole by your cell mate. Eventually you did a lot of that and you forgot what you really are-a bitch that has to hide behind something like a gun or he'll be violated like the bitch that he is.
    Who knows? Maybe that's your real story. Makes a lot of sense.

  95. Luke said (in the forum)

    "Please see exhibit A, the comment section on part 3 there. Do you see how desperate he is for acceptance? I have yet to acknowledge him but he can't help himself, he's begging for attention like some sort of abandoned puppy dog. He goes to a site he can find people who have been torn apart by someone else-people who somebody else has done all the heavy lifting on-and tries to prove to himself he's important by verbally attacking them behind a wall of anonymity online. It's pathetic. He purports himself to be some sort of sociopath, but he's just a powerless person desperate for some form of acceptance, and angry that he can't find it in real life. Just keep watching. It might make ya smile."

    Can some really intelligent person please point out the contradictions in this statement. For my ignorance keeps me from seeing the truth hidden in the smart words of these wonderful intellectuals.

  96. Ha ha, I photoshopped it? Come on luke who are you kidding. And you try to tell me that maybe I'm sniffing all of it up, well that's even more funny coming from a admitted drug addict. As a dope fiend you should know that you wouldn't be able to keep one of those bags to sell let alone several because you fiends are back to the corner for more in the same day. Fiends don't have the money to pick up weight. They don't even have enough for rent. If that was all for me it wouldn't be bagged and ready to go, it would be in one bag and I would have to be a really rich guy with a large drug habit.
    Luke, your not the first to come in here with the reformed notorious gangster story. We just got done with someone exactly like you. @ts rare for people to reform who have been in the system. I know because I still haven't and I've been in juvieneille, county, and prison. There's nothing in there but people like me and we sit around for years talking about what hustle we were pulling out there and exchanging ideas on what we are going to do next.
    Don't think because you moved a eighth of grass to your mate you've known since high school that you can come here weaving some tall tell of violent histories and colored pasts. This is a violent trade but not nearly as violent as people say it is. Violence shuts down business for several weeks and if you uave any spot worth shite that costs a lot of money. If you uave to do thigs to people it doesn't matter its not horrible. Everyone in the game deserves what they got coming to then because we have all done someone else dirty.

  97. If you're only here to support those people you like, you're telling the truth: just opinions. Therefore, don't call yourself truth.

  98. "You ended up the bitch of someone like me-someone stronger than you that wasn't impressed with your bullshit-and that's what lead you to this forum."


    so much dribble, such little time

  99. lol @Ukan-that whole statement is predicated upon me being some sort of drug addict. Have I done drugs? Absolutely. Am I some sort of drug addict? Absolutely not. The two are not one in the same, a misconception likely fed to you by some movie or television series, or a combination of the two. In real life everything's not so black and white.

  100. *you're not telling the truth

  101. what did you serve time for Luke? I just wanna hear that facts and no fluff

  102. truth is bitter like notme when she came back.
    If you have been here for a year and a half truth what are you still even doing here. All the people you suppported got torn down or exposed. You call yourself truth, but everyone you believe in is a fucking lie. You say the same shite everytime we jump on people here. You say the same shite afterward to save face for looking so stupid for believing them. The fact that you have been here for so long tells me you haven't learned a fucking thing. Change your name to Sucker. Truth has nothing to do with what you try to accomplish here. You don't contribute to this blog at all except to complain about sociopaths playing games with people. What I don't understand is why people like you come here and expect anything different.

  103. Ukan has the self awareness of a rock.

  104. @Anon 9:38
    LMFAO and smile

  105. Luke said on forum...
    "Please see exhibit A, the comment section on part 3 there. Do you see how desperate he is for acceptance? I have yet to acknowledge him but he can't help himself, he's begging for attention like some sort of abandoned puppy dog."

    Can you find the contradiction in this statement, boys and girls?

    Some people just can't help themselves.

  106. where are you from anyway Ukan? UK I guess? Can't be this side of the Atlantic, you wouldn't think having a gun is such a big deal. Over here you can't throw a rock without hitting 9 people that own a gun, and 2 or 3 of them that are probably carrying it.

    @sweet-just a couple 6 month bids. simple assault and one minor possession-party I was at got busted.

    (Here goes Ukan on his next spiel about how drug dealers don't go to parties or how being at a party means I must have been some sort of addict, because everyone knows all real drug dealers sit online and act tough.)

  107. Luke

    I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you came in here blasting this shit. Most people that have been around the block more than once know you just don't walk around putting that on blast? You seem either like a liar or very young. Also, from my own personal experience, when you are hanging around "the big boys" in the game, cops don't arrest you for petty stuff. THEY WATCH. I have been in numerous raids and never been arrested in one. Why? They took my name, drivers license and what not and watched and waited. At least that's how they do it in Cali


  108. Throughout those years I tried almost every drug there is, slept with dozens of women and nearly died almost as many times. I was arrested roughly 70 times but due to a legal loophole didn't really serve much time in jail until after my 21st birthday when I served a couple stretches in county of a few months each. The majority of my time spent in lock up was growing up there prior to the age of 18.

    This statement right here tells me you are typical dope fiend and a pathological liar which usually go hand in hand. You got arrested 70 times?! I can honestly say I haven't been arrested more than twenty times and I have had to do prison time. Three years not some county shite.
    I looked up law and order and you didn't say anything about high school statement so I'm going to take a educated guess that you are american. What is the recividism rate there, with your war on drugs luke? Last I checked you guys threw people in prison for life for having three felonies. Not you I guess. You can just run around committing all the illegal shite you want to, 70 times getting caught for it and you only end up in county lockup for a few months. Come on. I guess you were that crafty right? Even John Gotti did prison time in your country and he had the courts paid off. Even in my country with it's lenient stance on drugs (especially compared to your insane drug laws) would throw a career criminal jacket on your case and have you sitting in prison for life for having been arrested 70 times. At least if you weren't getting caught for drug addict shite like you probably were. Petty theft, drunk driving, and possession for personal use.

  109. Just for the record: I was the NPD guy. I wanted to see how Luke would respond if the information he got was a bit more 'neutral'. And I wanted to see if he would correct my 'definately', because that was totally not a real mistake and this is totally not an attempt to make it look like I intended to misspell 'definitely'...

    Anyway, what I meant by "expecting everyone to be in awe". The way you said "think mafia... think cartel" is exactly the kind of specific vagueness that people who are aking stuff up tend to use, because it sounds convincing enough to be true, yet vague enough so you can still pretty much go everywhere with it. I think that when you tell people a little less distrusting than the ones you typically find here, they'd believe you without asking too many quedtions. What also doesn't help is that you basically ended your introductory post here with: "I have a vague and troubled past, but I don't want to talk about it, so don't ask any questions.", which is reminiscent of those people that every time someone dumps them or their cat takes a shit on their shoes post on facebook: "I'm really upset, BUT I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT LEAVE ME ALONE." Actually: if you only came here to ask if feeling some kind of empathy all of a sudden happens now and then, it would have been sufficient to just ask it. Everyone would have automatically assumed you were a sociopath, without you telling us. You could even just have posted as an Anon. If they post legitimate questions, 99 tout of 100 times they're taken completely serious, without suspicion.

    Speaking of Anons; I went to all that trouble of watching those executions, just because you asked me to (well, that might be exaggerated, I would've done it regardless) and when I'm ready to give you my opinion, you're nowhere to be found?

    And UKan. You have to admit that showing a photograph of how many drugs you have is a clumsy attempt at trying to impress people, to say the least.

  110. I'll make it easy for you Ukan, only copy and paste where I truyed to save face. I know your up to the challenge.

    And why have you been on here so long?

    Maybe mines is unfinished business.

  111. In wheatleys languageSeptember 24, 2011 at 9:55 AM

    "And UKan. You have to admit that showing a photograph of how many drugs you have is a clumsy attempt at trying to impress people, to say the least."

    u jelly brah?

  112. @sweet-walk in where? some anonymous board where there are zero real life consequences? Yea in real life you would never do that. The point on an anonymous board (for me) is not to act like you would in real life. The point is to use it in a manner that you wouldn't use any real life situation for. In my case, talking to people on a very real level. Additionally, what did I say that was "putting that on blast"? Seriously.
    "In your experience?" Have you been the target of a raid? Sometimes when cops can't get you after multiple tries they like to fuck with you and throw you inside for a bit just out of frustration. Sometimes they just feel like busting the people at the party. I've been at many parties that have gotten broken up, and a few raids, etc. At some of them people have been arrested, at others they haven't, really depends on the mood of the cop. The last raid at my house they arrested anyone they could for anything they could because it was literally the 9th time they'd been there in the space of a few months and every other time had been to turn up empty handed and be berated by myself. They were pissed and bound to arrest anyone as soon as they got a chance. Like I said, it really just depends on the cop and the situation, there are blanket rules but they're not followed the same way by everyone-as with every rule. Also, the arrest for possession was in a smaller town I happened to be in, the smaller the town the more they tend to arrest people-well strangers anyway.

  113. It doesn't matter so much whether UKan is or is not right about you, Luke.

    Same with Mis saying that half of what he says doesn't make any sense and he just 'does stuff'.

    They have both been very effective in getting you to respond to each and every one of their comments, and they've gotten you to say the same things over and over and over again. That in itself says a lot.

    Who's the one in control here, ask yourself that.

    I'm sure you will say you didn't come here seeking control, and that you are not interested in the power games of some random internet site filled with angsty acne-ridden teenagers.

    But if that was true you would have ignored them a long time ago, and wouldn't be so obsessive about setting them right on the facts. And you would have engaged more with me when I was trying to discuss your empathy dilemma but clearly the power dynamics are more interesting to you. Even Blue has pointed this out.

  114. Your right truth you don't even try to save face. Instead you shamelessly move on to cheerleading the next liar. You obviously have a agenda here truth. It's to promote anyone fighting with the sociopaths you hate in here. Why else would you bother sticking up for people that everyone in the room tells you is a liar over and over again.

  115. partying with buddies at your moms house with the neighborhood cop busting in does not count as a raid my dear.

  116. About the post: that song is really good, actually.

  117. I think truth is one of those born agains that like to hang out here for whatever reasons... the morality police who think it's their duty to control others' lives by teaching them right from wrong.

    When usually it's just some internal form of revenge, due to a feeling of lack of control in their lives.

    Missionaries are just about down there just as low as groupies.

  118. Im not trying to impress anyone luke this is about you. I'm showing you so that you know who you are talking to, so you will stop thinking that you are actually going to prove something to me with all your stories. You think people in here are impressed that I'm some low life drug dealer, ha ha ha. No that is a assumption that YOU had when you walked in here, which is why you were trying to impress us with all your tall tales. I can admit that I have no job skills, and no education. I will probably be in prison or dead in a few years. Who cares Im living for the moment anyway if tommorrow comes its all the same to me. For you to come in here boasting about being someone like me is ridiculous. It just tells me that you lack any real life experiences so you have to lie about being a dirtbag to try to seem like you have been somewhere in life.

  119. @Wheatley-intent was to be vague enough to not have it used against me in court should the opportunity ever arise, but to convey the proper direction of thought. Whether you believe me or not is your choice.

    I don't know how you see the vague and troubled past but don't want to talk bit. Just looked up my first comment, it ended with something about beating an innocent woman and child. In fact I'd said pretty quicly that I had a question regarding something and wanted people's input. I just didn't need the bullshit aside from it and considered it worthless as anything but entertainment.

    As to your spelling correction of definitely, no why would I? The grammar I corrected was of someone trying to show himself as such a smart individual to show up another one, but typing like a retarded first grader. I'm not the grammar police, lol, just not going to be talked down to by someone incapable of spelling simple words or typing basic sentences without pointing out their near retardation.

  120. Medusa that's exactly what I was thinking. Morality police with a bone to pick with aggressive men.

  121. I am watching this dog fight.Give up,Ukan.
    Luke is more man than you could ever be.
    Know your place. Luke has been here one day and he owns SW.

  122. I don't beg for your attention ukan and I'm not jumping on the cheerleading squad LOL. Their all yours.

    My adgenda I haven't figured it out yet, would suck if I don't have one, wouldn't it?

    If I'm so insinifificant it doesn't matter what i say, does it?

    But don't think it passed by that you couldn't give any examples of my being fooled.

    Oh by the way I have backed you before, when you were right.
    Find those.

  123. Actually: if you only came here to ask if feeling some kind of empathy all of a sudden happens now and then, it would have been sufficient to just ask it. Everyone would have automatically assumed you were a sociopath, without you telling us. You could even just have posted as an Anon. If they post legitimate questions, 99 tout of 100 times they're taken completely serious, without suspicion.

    This is pretty much what I've been trying to get at.

    No need to tell us all what you are as a preface. In fact, that makes it more likely that you are full of shit.

    Like the narc/socio/bpd/junkie/whatever dude I knew, who would always go around saying, "I'm a good man! I'm an honorable man!". While nothing in his actual actions bore this out.

  124. Really luke? because I have been raided and the court documents showed exactly how they did me. They got a snitch, they followed me around till they saw what I was up too and who I hung around. They followed them around to see what they were up to and who they hung around. They sat around and put everything they possibly could together and then they struck our homes. The police don't just come crashing in some party looking for drug dealers. They put everything they can together and go up as high as they can in the chain before they make a single arrest or seizure so that we don't catch wind of it and switch up. If you were involved in the distribution of the drugs in that house they would have snapped pictures of you doing a hand to hand or did a buy bust on you and you would be implicated in the conspiracy. Sell the story to someone else. Either you ratted on your friend (which is what we usually think if everyone is arrested but one person), you are exagerrating about some house party getting shutdown, or you are just plain lying.

  125. Medusa sets people up and then does a "Gottcha"
    Watch out SW People

  126. Oh god, now we have an IRC channel?

    For fuck's sake, we might as well really all be wearing pocket protectors now.

  127. Well, I was being very sarcastic when I said that it was totally serious, and not a way to make it look like I made that mistake on purpose.

    And I didn't say anything about me doubting you, just that people that are bullshitting tend to formulate things the way you do.

  128. Erin, you have no integrity whatsoever. Even less than the sociopaths.

  129. lol @Ukan-so your picture is to prove to me that you're some sort of tough guy degenerate? lmao, yea but I'm the one who is bragging. I have gone out of my way not to be detailed but I'm telling stories somehow? Maybe if I were some little pussy I'd feel the need to post some pathetic picture like that, what you're doing is demonstrating insecurity Ukan, that's it.
    It's great you're able to admit those things about yourself. Self-awareness is key to someone who has such a lack of outer awareness. Just because you're that much of a pathetic little inconsequential piece of dirt doesn't mean that everyone who's ever been a part of your supposed profession is or was. Some use it as a means to an end, not everyone comes out dead or in prison for extensive periods of time.
    You're so clearly trying to impress people from the first time you read my name and any comment I made you began salivating about how you might impress people. When I told you you weren't worth recognizing and then ignored you for hours on end we laughed at you on the forums. Your predictability and need for attention was so pathetic it was hard not to laugh really. You began becoming so desperate to impress people-to live up to this claim some made of you to be some site hero-that you began inserting yourself in other posts, and then outright copying posts from other unrelated threads and using them as the second part of the conversation you needed so desperately to prove you were worthy of.
    Your picture was there before I came along, don't pretend it's for me, it's for you to hide behind just like that gun-if it's real and really yours-is in real life. To overcompensate for obvious weakness that anyone with half an ounce of strength can pick up on right away.
    I needed to spend more time before I started talking? It didn't take but one post of yours to see right through you and see what you were all about. Watching you beg for it, well that was just too much fun.
    By the way Ukan, I'm just so flattered it's all about me. "Im not trying to impress anyone luke this is about you" you said. So you're trying to impress me? I guess you can sense the bigger dog in the yard. Good nose.

  130. Erin, you are getting more pathetic by the minute. I'm now fairly certain it isn't someone just pretending to be you either, because you haven't complained about our accusations yet, and from your posts (on the forum and on here, especially the ones on here, now that I think about it) it is very clear you're still reading the comment section.

  131. Doesn't matter to me truth, and as you said you are insignificant so why would I bother looking up your worthless cheerleads from the sidelines. The only thing you've added to this site is your commentary from the bleachers which have proven to be worthless. You have backed me up half ass when I am walking the line you can agree with, which is trusting liars and leaving people like Erin, luke, and zwaq alone. You don't need to figure out a agenda, truth, just keep wasting your time trying to talk sense into people on a sociopath site.

  132. You're real slow Ukan. "The police don't just come crashing parties looking for drug dealers" Really. You're a fucking idiot. So what then, they only crash parties drug dealers aren't at? If they roll in and happen upon one they just leave? What if they don't know him because he's in some small town he's never been to before?
    Ooh, what if they'd searched his house 8 times previously and were waiting on a reason to get in there when they were almost sure he had drugs on him so they waited until a party was happening and then claimed that there was a noise violation so they were allowed to search without a warrant?
    Seriously, you're real fucking stupid kid. You not only have no job skills and no future, you don't have much of a present either, you spend so much time trying to show how much better you are than other people you over read into everything and end up looking like a dumbass in the process. I've never seen someone so far off base in my life.
    Although on the other hand yea, it's a real stretch my life story isn't it? Adopted from violent family at age 6, spent a few years then got into shit and got locked up basically til he was 18 except for a few months during which he did some other stupid shit and got himself back locked up. Came out, got into business with people he'd previously been locked up with. Was smart so eventually left that business when he'd put himself through college, got a good job, and no longer needed that risk.
    You need the risk because you have no job skills, that's why it's so hard for you to comprehend that I'd voluntarily leave-I no longer needed the risk. I do have job skills, I do have an education, and therefore I do have options. That's the part that really confuses you, because none of the rest should, it's all pretty straight forward.

  133. When I told you you weren't worth recognizing and then ignored you for hours on end we laughed at you on the forums.

    Take a look at the 'we' of which you speak. It is two members of the born-again morality police with victim mentalities.

    Aside from that, whenever someone uses the 'we' like this, 'we think this and that' it shows you can't stand on your own two feet behind what you say.

  134. Medusa, if you thought you had apoint and it stung, you're wrong.

    And ukan, you play a very cute cheerleader to medusa.

    I'm starting to wonder if everything you say ukan about yourself is true, since you call all other's a lier. Maybe your judging them by your own standards.

  135. If you don't mind me asking, Truth, why are you here?

  136. My picture is a work of art.

    You ignored me luke? Like you are right now? I wouldn't call posting five walls of texts to me on the forums ignoring. Did you think it was ignoring because you talked about me in third person Luke? No that is just you being a coward. No, you ran like a little bitch to the forum because you didn't want to face me. I just sat here and played you like a fucking playstation getting you to come on here and respond to me. It wasn't difficult either. Luke you can laugh about me with the other people on that forum all you want, because everyone here on the main site knows that the people in there are a joke. I find it hilarious that you are actually talking about posting in there and relating with people like it's something to not be ashamed of considering all of them ran from here because they got humiliated so many times. You went straight there. Well for someone who talks about knowing their place so much I guess at least you do.

  137. @Wheat
    I think Ukan is boring.I don't care who is anyone's bitch.

    If anyone wants to talk about real stuff, not stupid fighting, that can come find me :-)

  138. @ Luke

    to answer your i was never the target of a raid BUT when I mean a raid, I mean cops busting in yelling GET THE FUCK DOWN with guns pointed to the back of your head. And these never to place at a party. No one was friends there- it was all buisness. It might have been a big thing where you live...but you should come to LA. I can show you how we play.

  139. Truth if you have been here a year you would know that me and medusa go a round every few months. Unlike you she is observant. I have to respect that. Even if she is a bitch. The little club you people think exists here is all in your head. Every single person here has gone at it with the other and we just found out it went no where. Put it all together you cunt. There's certain types in here that get attacked: Weak people

    stop standing up for them

  140. And Luke, if you were smart, you'd understand my digs at you also double as good advice.

    That's how we do.

  141. @Medusa 10:36

    LMFAO and smile

  142. What IRC channel were you talking about? Did I mis something again?

  143. Ukan, Stop trying to bait me.

    All I have to say Medusa is, Psychofant's with tee-shirts.

  144. Out on bail fresh outta jail, California dreamin
    Soon as I stepped on the scene, I'm hearin hoochies screamin
    Fiendin for money and alcohol
    the life of a west side playa where cowards die and its all ball
    Only in Cali where we riot not rally to live and die
    In L.A. we wearin Chucks not Ballies (that's right)

  145. Your story isn't a stretch luke. It is regurgitated. I have heard liars like you so many times I can't count. Why do you think I knew you were going to say you reformed yourself before you even said it. Funny because US prisons have a over eighty percent recividism rate. That means that over eighty percent of americans that are in the system never make it out. However, you really expect us to believe that someone who got arrested seventy times beat the odds. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to, I'm a grown man. Only a imbecile would believe such rubbish.
    Your telling me that the cops waited for there to be a party with a lot of people to do a raid. You know nothing about the police. They are crafty. They are looking to take you down with the least possible resistance, not put you in a situation where there are several exits, a crowd for cover, and distractions so you can destroy evidence. They can't search your home off a noise complaint unless someone is in danger.

  146. You are that same woman who can't type plural nouns without turning it into a possessive noun, with commas in random places. I know you.

  147. Psychofant = Portmanteau of Psychopath and Infant.

    Tee-shirt = An T-shirt with a picture of a golf tee on it.

  148. It's Psychophant, and its psychopath + sycophant.

    Aerianne's t-shirt idea.

  149. By the way if your friend is supposed to be so cunning as to stay one step ahead of the law at all times why is he making a mistake some guppy would make like throwing a party with a bunch of people in the spot he holds his weight at? Believe me, if anyone is that dumb the police don't need to pull extra legal moves and sacrafice their tactical siuation in order to make the arrest.

  150. Ah well. I assumed she consistently misspelled sycophant.

  151. 'truth' = 'wish i knew'

    I also play my role, if he call's me a fucking whore I tell him I'm his whore.

    Sometime's I can turn his anger into a smug smile, then I feel good and then it doesn't bother me.


    "maybe we need to be punished"

    Now that's where I expect a S/P to step up and take over, LOL.

    That's the part that get's me hooked to the twisted game of a relationship with one.


    Also you said in an earlier post, you have times when. You let go verbally on your gfreind, he does that to me. Try's to verbally beat me down as low as he can.


    I'm submissive also.

  152. God I feel so fresh meat today. i need something to send me into another manic episode

  153. That's where she sounds familiar. 'WishIknew', ha ha, well you know now don't you. I can only assume that since you are sitting here all bitter and changed your name to 'truth' that you found out what you were wishing you knew.

  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. David, tell me: what was it about the Nick Berg video that made you feel disgusted? The only problem I had with it was that it took five fucking minutes before something actually happened (and you couldn't just skip ahead because the video would just reset itself), and during that time some annoying dude (whose name reminded me of 'Zhawq', by the way) drones on monotonously. I mean come on! He could have at least put some feeling or effort into it.

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. Lol, sorry no cigar or cookie for you two.


  158. 'WishIknew', ha ha, well you know now don't you. I can only assume that since you are sitting here all bitter and changed your name to 'truth' that you found out what you were wishing you knew.

    Fuckin lol. Sometimes I forget that you do actually have a sense of humor.

  159. The screaming? That was hilarious! It was just so stereotype-ish; these masked middle-eastern terrorists, shouting 'Allahu ackbar!' before beheading someone online. And you saw practically nothing of the actual 'butchering'. That kinda ruined it for me.

    That said, the other video I posted a couple of hours ago has a guy square in the foreground with his throat slashed open, still alive so you can hear him breathing through the hole in his windpipe. That was at least somewhat disturbing.

  160. @Wheatley
    It is unheard of,to me, that a human being would not be very distressed from seeing the Nick Berg video.
    I truly cannot fathom how you felt nothing.I say that,in all seriousness.
    I wonder what other people on here would feel when they saw it.I would be very interesting in knowing.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. Nice try, 'truth'.

    wv: Babill, as in Tower of if truth were to try to spell it, and number of usernames.

  163. ^^ I had a friend that would watch that video over and over just to feel something.

  164. I wonder if truth is that nutty "Truth Teller" lady. It would make sense since she's probably still pissed about that argument before.

  165. i could not handle that...I still haven't seen it. Just hearing you guys describe it grosses me out

  166. I could eat my fucking dinner whiles watching a be heading you soft mother fuckers.

  167. Truth Teller said...
    Erin, I didn’t see your other comment. You and tik could be right. I don’t want to say your boyfriend is a sociopath because I don’t know him and frankly, a rotten behaving boyfriend does not prove that he is a sociopath.

    Your 11:56 comment though does shed light on part of the problem that many deeply self centered people have. They don’t know how to make some things work in their lives because they don’t want to do the things necessary to make them work, like honest effort, empathizing, delaying gratification, cultivating integrity and so on.

    Lol, sounds to me like she is describing Erin. Funny dat.

  168. Sex and kissing and romantic shit on film makes me way more uncomfortable than gore.

  169. If you're going to watch the video, be prepared to sit through five minutes of extremely tedious chanting.

    And Erin. I'm not sure you're questioning my humanity, or wether I've seen the video.

  170. @ Medusa

    so you would rather watch I Spit on Your Grave than 50 First Dates hahaha

  171. "Sex and kissing and romantic shit on film makes me way more uncomfortable than gore."

    Same here.


  173. Sweet, she's talking about REAL fucking gore.

  174. 3 guys 1 hammer.

    watch it

  175. @Wheat
    I truly cannot conceive of a person not being moved by that video.
    Maybe, you were born with a lack of empathy. Did you have bad abuse?

  176. Well, I was talking generally.

    But for example, once I saw a close-up photo on of a guy who got in a motorcycle accident and somehow lost the top half of his head and his entire face, but he was still alive.

    That did make me uncomfortable, but it was more like a "man, if that was me it wouldn't feel too good" kind of thing. It wasn't so much that I felt for the guy. Does that qualify as some form of empathy? Also it just looked weird, because I'm used to seeing people who still have their face.

  177. I am a wimp when it comes to gore- real gore that is. If a kid has a loose tooth I get the heebee jeebees for christ sakes. Hack films aren't my thing but I can tolerate it if the movie has a good story line. But then again I don't care much for bodily fluid stuff anyway. Spit and snot grosses me out just as much. If I see a kid with a runny ass nose coming near me I cringe.

  178. Medusa, once your not laughing at the guy, I wouldn't worry.

  179. I'm the same when it comes to other peoples snot etc, but seeing there blood doesn't bother me, I just find other peoples germs unbearable. I even hate being touched.

  180. The sight of blood doesn't effect me at all.

  181. Well Erin, I think your statement from yesterday made it pretty clear the only reason you cared, is because your narcissism tells you you should make some kind of "we have to something people!" statement so you can look elevated and considerate and have some form of global awarenesd, to make you look better. Not because some guy gets a very immersive anatomical lesson.

  182. @ Medusa

    "Does that qualify as some form of empathy? "

    No, I don't think so. I don't think it has so much to do with empathy unless you feel something for the person. Being grossed out by someone giving birth has nothing to do with empathy either as an example. I feel empathy to some extent but even the thought of someone giving birth makes me want to hurl

  183. I feel weak when I see my own blood, I cut my finger like a week ago and went pale white after seeing it!

  184. I feel month when I see my own blood.

  185. @Wheatly

    tell me if you are affected by this:

  186. @Medusa-have I not said multiple times that I don't see what you write as attacks? I don't think I could have possibly been more clear.

    @Ukan again, you're an idiot.

    @Sweet-never been out west, if I make it that way someday I'll let you know.

  187. Once I was in Penn Station when I was very young, maybe 13, and there was a dude laying still in a huge puddle of blood in a rather public area. I think it was near the concessions area. I assumed he was dead and was like "okay, well there's that".

    Everyone in the station seemed to be ignoring that there was a possible dead body there, let alone all the blood, with the pool of it just growing.

    Weirded out though, because here I am alone at 13 in Penn Station who here is gonna grab me and try to stab/rape me, but it was mostly a passing thought, there was not really any fear involved.

  188. "Also it just looked weird, because I'm used to seeing people who still have their face."

    That made me lol.

  189. '@Ukan again, you're an idiot.'

    'you are an idiot' does not a valid argument make...

  190. Luke

    did you see the video I posted of you making dinner yesterday? just in case you missed it, here it is

    is this how a real socio makes his food?

  191. I'll look at it when I get the chance, Anon. Not being supportive of flash right now.

  192. I didn't lol at the link, but I'm gonna assume it's the death metal pad thai guy.

    Btw M.E., I appreciate you posting the lyrics this time.

  193. @Anon-just as valid as any argument he's made, lol

    @Sweet, no, not real interested.


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