
Friday, September 30, 2011

Traders > psychopaths

As a sometime dabbler in the stock market, I found amusing this Der Spiegel article about traders being not necessarily more ruthless than psychopaths, but definitely more pointlessly vindictive:
According to a new study at the University of St. Gallen seen by SPIEGEL, . . . stockbrokers' behavior is more reckless and manipulative than that of psychopaths. Researchers at the Swiss research university measured the readiness to cooperate and the egotism of 28 professional traders who took part in computer simulations and intelligence tests. The results, compared with the behavior of psychopaths, exceeded the expectations of the study's co-authors, forensic expert Pascal Scherrer, and Thomas Noll, a lead administrator at the Pöschwies prison north of Zürich.

Appetite for Destruction

"Naturally one can't characterize the traders as deranged," Noll told SPIEGEL. "But for example, they behaved more egotistically and were more willing to take risks than a group of psychopaths who took the same test."

Particularly shocking for Noll was the fact that the bankers weren't aiming for higher winnings than their comparison group. Instead they were more interested in achieving a competitive advantage. Instead of taking a sober and businesslike approach to reaching the highest profit, "it was most important to the traders to get more than their opponents," Noll explained. "And they spent a lot of energy trying to damage their opponents."

Using a metaphor to describe the behavior, Noll said the stockbrokers behaved as though their neighbor had the same car, "and they took after it with a baseball bat so they could look better themselves."

The researchers were unable to explain this penchant for destruction, they said.
As continued here:
Faced with a hypothetical choice between co-operating for everyone’s benefit and getting a predictable reward or cheating and possibly getting more for themselves, traders were more likely than psychopaths to cheat, said Noll.

As a result, psychopaths, who broke the rules occasionally, won the most, ordinary people, who almost always played by the rules and who co-operated, came in second, while traders, who didn’t care how their actions affected anyone else, cheated the most and won the least.
Sounds like a violation of the Diamond Rule to me.


  1. It just show the many abilities that can be learned and condition in a human being rather than coming solely from genes.

  2. Number 1, bitches.

  3. Hello my name is a Bob and im a compulsive liar.

  4. did u lie about ur name? did you lie about being a compulsive liar?

  5. That Bob is not me. I do not know who he is. I do not think he is trying to mimic me. Who are you?

  6. As a result, psychopaths, who broke the rules occasionally, won the most, ordinary people, who almost always played by the rules and who co-operated, came in second, while traders, who didn’t care how their actions affected anyone else, cheated the most and won the least.

    Oh I like this.
    My friend's ex while not a trader, is a salesman. HE's in the auto/motorcycle business, and has a hand in re-upping yearly service contracts, inclusive servicing, towing... HE's sold more policies and gets hired and liked right away, making a big splash. But 6 months down the line he's fired for pissing too previously loyal clientel. He becomes a liability to the companies. Other employees end up making fun of him in the end.

    HE takes no responsibility for any of this stuff--brags about his productivity, takes no responsibility-- and it's everyone else's fault.

    This guy is such an asshole. ANd guess what? He's a coke addict.

  7. Holy Fucking Christians!
    Does everyone live in the forum now?

    Drama addiction.

  8. Eden

    I was thinking the same thing. The comments section is fading away :(

  9. @Sweet

    I guess some people can't figure out how to live without the weaklings, who no longer dwell down here?

    I think I'm going to take a break from this joint. If the drama is the only thing keeping this place alive... I just don't see any point to it.

  10. and the same goes for the weaklings who dwell in the forum.

    You guys would have nothing to talk about all day, if you didn't have the "predators", to bitch about, and to....

    I'm going to do some real living this weekend.

    See yous guys later!

  11. this place is gonna be over ran with victims in no time at this rate.

  12. @Eden

    You didn't mind it when the drama was over here all this week though did you? You idiots don't mind drama as long as it's in the same place as you. You don't even like each others company enough to carry a conversation right now without getting bored. You miss the fucking drama being in here. You want abother play thing, eh? Is that why you're bored? Weak bitch.


    Don't make me fucking laugh. You fucking love drama too! You're over at the forum right now stirring up shit. You keep trying to antagonize Erin by asking her questions about last nights events. You drama whore.

  13. so why are you here anon (no balls)?

  14. @Eden

    Predator? Don't make me laugh. You're just another bitch whore over the internet who's currently to weak to strike up an argument because her little friends aren't here to protect her. You want something to play with? Go out and get it you coward!

  15. Guess I hit a nerve?
    Go back up to your nest Luke, so you can keep bitching with all the other hens. ;)

  16. @Sweet

    Stumbled across this shit hole a couple of weeks ago. Was amazed at your stupidity from the get go.

  17. its cute anon, that you are accusing me of stirring up drama when you came out the safety of your forum to stir up drama out here.

  18. Guess I hit a nerve?
    Go back up to your nest Luke, so you can keep bitching with all the other hens. ;)

  19. @Sweet

    Or why you only join in drama when your whore buddies are around?

  20. so which one is it anon- first you say I am stirring up drama in the forum and now you say I only join in when my "buddies" are around.

  21. Go wash your face- I can smell the rank stench of Luke's pussy all over ya.

  22. Yep, you go to the forum when your buddies are around here to support you. Then you run back here to tell them what's going on. Try keep up.

  23. @Sweet

    Go cry about you Manic bitch. Pop some pills you unstable half wit.

  24. Luke I know that is you.

    I refused to fight with you anymore in the forums and now you are so desperate, you are trying to pick a fight with me out here. Who is really the attention whore. You are slimming your way to even post in the forum desperate for the acceptance you were denied.

  25. @Sweet
    .....Bhahah! Nice try. But so very off.....Honestly, there's a few people here who are good at reading people. But you're not one of them.

  26. If that's all it takes you get you off and make you feel a fluffed up...then you my friend are sad. Anyone can hide behind an anon name

  27. you get a gold star for effort.

  28. @Sweet

    Anyone can hide behind an image of a whore too. Only difference between us is that you put a name to your shitty little messages. That wasn't smart....

  29. @Sweet

    And now I take my leave. But...I'll return.

  30. No anon, the only difference is I have the balls to put a name to my words.

  31. @Sweet

    A cheap unimaginative little nickname? How heroic! See you later....

  32. Actually Erin, it is a nickname I have had for a very long time. Unlike you Erin, I have a very sweet looking face with dimples to kill.

  33. My wife has dimples, I like them. They are they innocent girl next door look.

  34. I don't think Erin knows the word 'unimaginative', Sweet.

  35. Lol^ What's wrong with the forum? Out of curiosity.

  36. it's for the victims, if you wanna be cool, don't go

  37. But there's nothing to do here.

  38. Hey Medusa what are you up too?

  39. I totally called that shit! But yeah, you win :-/

  40. we r witnessing the death of SW at this very moment. if someone does not take control of the forums, Erin is gunna b running this place

  41. uuuummmmm well how do we do that

  42. I'm annoyed, though, that I didn't make the subjects match (himself/themselves). Oh well.

    No, this isn't the death of SW. If that was true, Jason would have killed this place a long time ago.

  43. idk we need to get rid of Erin w/ her info that was posted

  44. Hey sweetcheeks. Not up to much, except being my ol' Mal N self.

  45. nuttin wrong w/forems these guys just get beat on when the go there to start shit

  46. so master puppeteer what is ur suggestion the forums b rocking and this place iz sucking

  47. It's fine. Erin is exchanging emails with the other Erins which is a good sign.

    Penpaling should occupy them for a while.

  48. they dont get beat on they get annoyed 2 death

  49. so master puppeteer what is ur suggestion the forums b rocking and this place iz sucking

    Goatse the shit out of it, apparently.

  50. really u think u are a Mal-N? Honestly, I see you being more intelligent than them.

  51. You don't appear frozen in time or socially awkward which many of them are. You pick up on my sarcasm all the time and a Mal N really couldn't.

  52. I'm just being what others apparently want me to be, and need me to be.

    So yes, I am now a Mal N.

  53. someone is projecting much i see. do you think erin could be a mal n? now that is a fascinating thought

  54. This makes sense...

    "Using a metaphor to describe the behavior, Noll said the stockbrokers behaved as though their neighbor had the same car, "and they took after it with a baseball bat so they could look better themselves."

    In other words, empaths on the stock market aren't driven by a desire for resources as a practical end, and they aren't co-operating with others as a means to reach a goal, what they're really after is social status within the group to attract mates.

    It's not surprising to me but its interesting, because Ive always been aggressive in social circumstances, and I've always been addicted to getting 'more', and realised I need to control that urge. Yet I've never felt attracted to the material goods such as cars that are only valued because they bring status. Ive always felt my selfishness is different from 'regular' selfishness, which is actually defined by other peoples opinions about what individuals ought to want (ie consumerism, sexual freedom etc).

    Will this put to rest Hare's conspiracy theory that 'paths are the cause of stock market disasters?

  55. we need to take over the forums

    ne one have sum torches

  56. Ben Dover and I'll give you a big surprise!

  57. all i have is these matches

  58. matches! u r useless Salty. i shouda killed u off a long time ago

  59. i got some razors we can use the matches to lite the razors on fire and slit there necks

  60. we need to pray to Ukan. hopefully he can drive erin to kill herself already and take down the forums barehanded

  61. **summoning ukan ** hear our prays

    take down she bitch and flush the cockroaches outta their while ur at it

  62. A little advice, anon. You are being much too obvious.

  63. Yes, let's pray to UKan, our God. Let us not have other gods. Bless me UKan for I have sinned.


  64. Ukunt,is, trash.
    He's the Devils Butthole .

    UKunt is, goatse.
    That,is my new name for him.
    Here, goatse goatse!!
    Come here ,boy
    Like a good little goatse.


  65. OK u get one guess WHO AM I i will tell u if u r right

  66. Oh no, someone BLASPHEMED the holy name of UKan! Sounds like a violation of the DIAMOND RULE to me.

  67. "OK u get one guess WHO AM I i will tell u if u r right"

    Dad, is that u?

  68. Ukan is our god and Mis is our jesus and we thank them for our salvation

  69. medusa what is the deal with that gross pic on the forum? it's so gross!!!!

  70. medusa is the holy mother of mis inceminated by ukan

  71. sweet is the ass they rode on bahahahaha

  72. "OK u get one guess WHO AM I i will tell u if u r right"


  73. WRONG u r getting warmer but still WRONG


  74. Internet EneMeme.

    You heard it here first, folks.

  75. @Medusa

    You crack me up! I dig your style... ;)

  76. Medusa got owned by M@. LOL.

  77. medusa is our new god hip hip hooray from henceforth we shall call her goddess

  78. Medusa could never be "owned". That's probably why you guys have such a problem with her.

    It's interesting to watch the obsession that unfolds on this blog.
    It reminds me of Lord of the Flies.

  79. jealous jealous eden. we shall henceforth refer to u as satan

  80. maybe satan was too much. u have been promoted to goddesses lapdog

  81. Ukan is no longer worthy he has abadoned us

  82. Eden isn't stupid enough to succumb to flattery.

    I am though, however.

    GODDESS, yes!

  83. Medusa got owned.

    Eden's stupid.

  84. Hail Goddess Medusa!! The fate of SW is in your hands.

  85. I hate these cocksucker anons. Just be a regular anon who says random stuff now and again. Or hates on people. Cause we do that good too.

  86. anon just got owned by anon

  87. lets play a game since my fantasy land of Ukan and all of his glory came to and end

  88. @rusty

    Fantasy land?

  89. i will start with a word and changing one letter only, you come up with the next one


  90. Medusa, you must be pretty interested in all of these forum people addressing these topics specifically to you. It sounds like a good opportunity to have some fun with everybody. You know jumping back and forth between the comments/forum is a little overwhelming. A lot to catch up on. That was a really gross asshole that you posted. I saw it and figured I would not peek at all the other forum spam...just in case...

  91. @Bluebird

    Don't flatter her please. Only TWO people dedicated posts to her. And they were both to ask why she's such a bitch at times. Nothing to get a giddy about my friend.

  92. feet

    its not over bitches

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Looks like I won...

  95. Why does Medusa and Sweet bitch about all the people in the forum then two minutes later they both bitch IN the forum? I never did get that....

  96. Eden, you're avatar picture sucks balls.

  97. Oops, that didn't come out right.

    Let's try this one again:

    Why does anon bitch about all the people in the comments then two minutes later bitch IN the comments? Anonymously? I never did get that....

  98. meat mother fucker MEAT

  99. @anon

    Ok. Maybe erin doesn't count ;)
    She addresses forums threads to everyone-everyone sociopathic, that is. I don't think she cares about the females on this site, either

  100. Dear M:E.
    Your site is totally fucked up now.
    Do you think it's time to take control?

  101. @ Blue

    so far you are right. it seems she has an agenda and truly doesn't care about the victims she reaches out too. i m not a socio so she has nothing to do with me. she hates me because i attacked luke.

  102. Oh come on, are you kidding me?

    He loves this shit. And he gets to be the Wizard of Oz.

  103. @anon

    You obviously didn't read the comment. Why bitch about a place and then go to that place? I never bitched about the comment section, so I'm quite happy to be here. But I wouldn't bitch about the forum and then go over there. Anonymously? Pot, kettle?

  104. I don't see them bitching about the forum I see them bitching about specific people.

  105. They say the forum's for the 'weak'. And that it should be destroyed.

  106. Yeah. talk about black kettles!

  107. They say the forum's for the 'weak'.

    I challenge you to find where I said anything even resembling that.

  108. I bet the anons are Medusa and co. They've went quiet.

  109. 'They' was addressed more specifically to Eden and Sweet who DID say that.

  110. I never said the forums are for the weak. I don't think I have ever used that term here ever. What I do think is it is silly for people to hide there to avoid coming to the comments section.

  111. @Sweet

    A quote from Sweet- "this place is gonna be over ran with victims in no time at this rate."

    Would you like to elaborate on the use of the word victim? Also, maybe people feel like the forum is more branched out? Makes sense.

  112. Isn't the comments section supposed to be for commenting on the posted topics?

  113. A quote from Eden- "I guess some people can't figure out how to live without the weaklings, who no longer dwell down here?"

    There's the other one.

  114. @anon

    Sad thing is, nobody does. They make a few comments on the post and then.....that's it. Usually one of the ring leaders begins their assault soon after.

  115. And that's just for starters on the quotes.

    Anyways, bedtime. I need some shut eye.



  118. I get it now! the comments section is for instant attention, for people and their bullshit comments.

    Kind of makes Sociopaths look like real dumb fucks.

  119. anon 917 u win! cant think of one word from vial

  120. @Rusty


  121. Awww someone was really hurt by my comment. :( I feel so ashamed of my accuracy.

  122. @anon 9.19

    Exactly. All about attention and trashing each other.

  123. no it was already said earlier - no repeats

  124. @Eden

    I just think it's pathetic. You're quote shows you for the pathetic piece of trash that you are. You claim you're not sociopathic, well, that just makes you an asshole then. Digest that.

  125. y does anon come to comments bitching about comments that bitch about forum, by bitching

    is anon sociopath?

  126. Are there any Sociopaths here, cause all I see are attention seeking know it all tough guy Narcissist's.

  127. Pretty laughable if you thing Eden is insulted or surprised by being called an asshole.

  128. @anon 9.29

    Evidently you don't need to be a bitch to be a sociopath. Just look at Eden.

    @anon bottom 9.29

    Most of them aren't socios.

  129. Let alone trash.

    Apparently you've never read her bio.

  130. @Medusa

    I'm not surprised that she's not surprised. I imagine she's used to it.

  131. i had the worst menstrutal cramps yesterday. i nearly went to the freaken ER!

  132. @Anon

    So I'm an asshole... easily digested.
    I will say however, how surprised I am by how much you care (sarcasm), because my opinion shouldn't matter, if I'm the one who's pathetic?

    I made that statement this morning, and then went on with my whole day... you on the other hand, just can't let it go, many hours later.

    I'd say that just proved my statement right there.

  133. Man, menstrual cramps are THE worst.

  134. She has nothing else going fo her.

  135. Anon's are kind cute...even when their nipping at ur heels

  136. Fuckin right they're the worst. I bled through two super pluses in 45 minutes!

  137. Delusions of grandure?

  138. @Eden

    Kind of how you can't let it go when other 'weaklings' come into the site, eh?

    "I guess some people can't figure out how to live without the weaklings, who no longer dwell down here?"

    You see, you contradict yourself because you wont stop going on about them. Almost as if you can't live without them.

  139. no no delusions of grandure there ,,,,,, fuckin grand ass cramps with heavy blood currents .

  140. None of yous would let the Luke thing go.

  141. Eww, blood currents.....

  142. @sweetcheeks

    Lets be friends.

  143. Inferiority complexes much.

  144. Hey luke? Can I ask you a question.

  145. Wow, which is it? Inferiority or delusions or grandeur?

  146. y does sociapaths so round the ben -ish?

  147. y does sociapaths so round the ben -ish?

  148. @anon 9.50

    Who says i'm Luke?

  149. It's your mother , no your sister, no your mother, no your sister. slap , ---slap slap...slap

  150. Don't answer questions with questions.

    round de bendy

  151. @Medusa

    Yeah, it's all right there, on my front page... yet they just keep tying.


    I'll just leave you to work all that out with yourself. Obviously you need to more than I do.


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