I had not been seeing eye to eye with this person (CW) for a while (CW is neither directly over or under me, not even directly affiliated with my employer, but we worked on a project together). CW had been a consistent source of both fun and frustration over the period that we were working together. I ended up terminating the working arrangement, though, due to some irreconcilable differences and my desire to finally move the project forward. By now CW most certainly hates my guts and thinks I am evil. She is actually very perceptive about a lot of things about me that most people are blind to, but interpreted the signals in a paranoid/unrealistic way (conspiracy theories) instead of the normal/banal truth (two-faced and manipulative). Despite being let go from the project, this person still had some materials that I needed to finish up.
Back to now, this person had finally agreed to schedule a meeting with me to discuss the impasse. I did my homework before the meeting. I talked to someone else who was on the project and got her on my side (basically by making her afraid of this person, suggesting that this person is erratic, owned a gun, delusional, etc.).
Back to now, this person had finally agreed to schedule a meeting with me to discuss the impasse. I did my homework before the meeting. I talked to someone else who was on the project and got her on my side (basically by making her afraid of this person, suggesting that this person is erratic, owned a gun, delusional, etc.).
CW came for our schedule meeting and sat down. We exchanged greetings and I waited for her to begin. When she didn't, I said something with slightly condescending overtones that I knew would set her off (she hates that I think I am better than she is). I wanted her to attack me, and she did. Put on the spot like she was, she started spouting out reasons why I was a terrible person and she would never give me the project materials. I started taking notes, which further infuriated her. CW's accusations boiled down to me being completely unethical, would abuse the project materials for my own nefarious (not really) ends, under-compensated her, and was attempting to pass off her work as my own. She left in a huff, saying something about expecting to have a formal complaint filed.
I couldn't have been happier! Armed as I was with these accusations, I shot off an email to my superior, something to the extent of, "I didn't want to have to bother you with this, but I have just received some very serious accusations of which I thought you should be aware." I gave her a quick, straight rundown of the facts leading up to that day. I then painted the accusations in the worst light I could. Finally, I took umbrage--the righteous anger of the innocent and put upon: "I have put up with her atrocious behavior before due to her exigent personal circumstances, but I refuse to be responsible for somehow trying to excuse this completely unwarranted and personally offensive affront on my character." So now of course I am the victim of these outrageous accusations. In fencing, we call that a "feint," one of the most effective moves when timed correctly, and I couldn't have timed it better. I slow played the hell out of that issue, giving in here, fighting back there, until finally the time was exactly right, she lunged in for what she thought would hurt me most, leaving herself completely unguarded.
For various reasons (including potential legal liability for the organization if I was found to have misbehaved), my superior will support me. The accusations are so ridiculous and unfounded that no one would take them seriously. Furthermore, in insisting that these accusations be resolved, I will accomplish my real goal which is to get those project materials back. Almost a year of having to deal with this person and finally my patience will pay off, with the added consequence of seeing her professional life effectively destroyed as she continues to try to sling mud at me and ends up being the only one tarnished.
I couldn't have been happier! Armed as I was with these accusations, I shot off an email to my superior, something to the extent of, "I didn't want to have to bother you with this, but I have just received some very serious accusations of which I thought you should be aware." I gave her a quick, straight rundown of the facts leading up to that day. I then painted the accusations in the worst light I could. Finally, I took umbrage--the righteous anger of the innocent and put upon: "I have put up with her atrocious behavior before due to her exigent personal circumstances, but I refuse to be responsible for somehow trying to excuse this completely unwarranted and personally offensive affront on my character." So now of course I am the victim of these outrageous accusations. In fencing, we call that a "feint," one of the most effective moves when timed correctly, and I couldn't have timed it better. I slow played the hell out of that issue, giving in here, fighting back there, until finally the time was exactly right, she lunged in for what she thought would hurt me most, leaving herself completely unguarded.
For various reasons (including potential legal liability for the organization if I was found to have misbehaved), my superior will support me. The accusations are so ridiculous and unfounded that no one would take them seriously. Furthermore, in insisting that these accusations be resolved, I will accomplish my real goal which is to get those project materials back. Almost a year of having to deal with this person and finally my patience will pay off, with the added consequence of seeing her professional life effectively destroyed as she continues to try to sling mud at me and ends up being the only one tarnished.
In my defense (and in case any of the interested parties read this now or later), I am actually innocent of wrongdoing in this situation, but I also know that true guilt and innocence don't matter as much as playing your cards well.
Lol. I'm sure you do believe entirely in your innocence.
ReplyDeleteCW = Bluebird?
ReplyDeleteI fell prey to that trap a few times when I was young. It took a while to get through my hard head that people can actually be crafty and cunning and set me up. I took a leaf from their book and have utilized it a few times myself.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's an age thing, maturity, or just better self-control, but I've found the older I've become, the more likely I am to collect dirt over time instead of going full bore when I think I have enough. I think between the time I initiate the vendetta to the time when I know my trap is airtight, I've cooled off enough to where I don't feel rushed into finishing the job. Obviously, this isn't always the case and context matters. I'm just trying to figure out the why in the matter. It could be as simple as repitition over time.
Also, when I can tell someone can see right through me and my ways, I feel extremely uncomfortable, threatened even. It's not common as I usually keep a low profile and for the most part appear amiable. So when they see that extra something, and I don't know how, it drives me up the wall. I swear, some people must be able to just sense it.
You know who's extremely hot, despite no longer looking good at all and is totally bloated?
ReplyDeleteJames Spader.
Dude always plays a sociopath to some degree, right now on The Office.
Now that's a good example of charisma.
52 seconds of Spader
ReplyDeleteYeah they sense it. Heh, I have a friend who is bpd/hsp. A sociopath at her job actually asked her: what is your angle? !
ReplyDeleteI swear she was pleased with herself. She asked me what it could mean. I told her he sensed she was also predatory. So she told him all his secrets are safe with her and she hopes hers are with him..
But I doubt he ever forgot she was instrumental in getting him fired from his last position. She claims she was trying to defend him.
who knows.
--they fucked in the company bathroom on their last job together. They don't want trouble from the other.
He never talks to her. She's relieved.
True story. ^^This is not me telling a story about myself. But I can relate.
Yeah and 'Secretary' with Maggie Gyllenhall as cutter gone determined masochist.
ReplyDeleteHe was so sweet. Made her strong. Figures I like that movie. Delusional romantic weaknesses get me into trouble.
ReplyDeleteMedusa have you ever been like me?
ReplyDelete2:57 of even better Spader.
ReplyDeleteThis scene is the TV version of SW.
Best thing I've seen in quite some time.
Bella I don't really know who you are.
ReplyDeleteI clicked but got nuthin.
ReplyDeleteThat last clip does not work, Medusa.
ReplyDeleteOops, here it is.
ReplyDeleteOh. I meant have you ever been a romantic in your life? You seem more of a realist and not inclined to let yourself give into the chemicals of fake love. I don't know you either but I get a sense you are woman who knows things from experience. -Like getting over the shaman in a few dates.
ReplyDeleteThe sociopath is the walking embodiment of the dark side in all of us.
ReplyDeleteYes, you could say I used to be a romantic.
ReplyDeleteI still am, but my definition of romance has changed quite drastically.
A PD is just being stuck in some part of the human spectrum. What MAKES it a PD is the fact that it is stuck. So, it is different in degree, not kind.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteOne reaps what one sows. Violence tends to boomerang.
ReplyDeleteSo, it is different in degree, not kind.
ReplyDeleteI see this statement so many ways.
Medusa that is unkind to one's self.
ReplyDeleteoh, sorry Anon. I thought you were Medusa.
ReplyDeleteDid you at least have a little fun playing CW like a fiddle? That’s the main question.
James Spader?!
ReplyDeleteNOW you're talking!
Everyone likes a good secret
ReplyDeleteI treasure the ones I hold
ReplyDeleteI think being a romantic is confusing love with sex and courting. In which case l used to be romantic.
ReplyDelete@Missus, how do you define love?
ReplyDeleteOnboard with the James Spader fan club. My first teenage boyfriend was his clone in looks and depth in temperament. And a perfect scorpio to accompany the package. Still is.
ReplyDeleteRomance is an aspect of creativity. Love can be functional as can sex. Romance is courting. It's also setting a creative stage for love and sex to happen.
Regarding the picture on the post . . .
A quote from the potter, Beatrice Wood, "Between men and women, it's good to play chess with the heart."
Yes but the value we put on romance confuses love with romance when you are a romantic. Bluebird is a romantic because she thinks socioboy loves her, and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteAnd OK, I can see the spader crush better than the del torro.
ReplyDeleteBluebird is a romantic not because she THINKS socioboy loves her, she is a romantic because she FEELS her love of him. He evokes feelings which coarse through her system like a drug. Even if one labels it as a projection, an addiction or a delusion, its still a life experience. Remember 19? She is young, has grit and potential. Best she focuses on an education and surrounds herself with people going in a proactive direction.
ReplyDeleteBluebird is a hopeless romantic. The difference being; they tend to be more unrealistic, and are basically just in love with the feeling of being in love. Socioboy could be a flowerpot... it doesn't matter. She can turn everything she touches into gold.
ReplyDeleteRomeo Kill Juliet:
That was a poem I wrote long ago.
I can't handle the fatal love types.
...^and what soulful said^
ReplyDeleteIn adult relationships, love is just another four letter word, other than the biological chemical reaction in the brain.
ReplyDeleteShe is young, has grit and potential
Potential? How do you judge that? The stupid ideas in her head or the fact that she's already pregnant at 19 years old? How old were you when you got your first abortion Soulful?
ReplyDeleteGood to see ya babe..
Lol. Soulful, are you arguing for the sake of argument? Il agree with you that she loves the feeling. And i already conceded that she is young and does have potential. Everyone tells her she's special in her life. She's 19 now and she can start to hear the truth. And i do think she'll be impressive someday. Assuming that she aspires to meet the potential she thinks she has. She could also fall easily into drugs and ideals, though I think its unlikely. But we aren't weighing her by her potential... as we said. So where are you trying to go with this soulful. Try again.
ReplyDeleteShe's going to fall flat on her face and reality is going to hit her like a ton of bricks. She doesn't have potential she just has a bunch of fucking dreams.
ReplyDeleteI think love is past the chemistry. Its a need to be known... deeply. And i think it syncs harmoniously with a need for self actualization... not a need, a sort of yearning in people.
ReplyDeleteyou ready to party?~
It;s good being back
"The dreams of youth are the regrets of maturity."
ReplyDeleteLol. Reality will hit her hard. And i don't doubt that at all. Disillusionment, if she ever reaches it is going to be INCREDIBLY painful for her. But I think she'll get past that stage in her life. And that's when her potential won't matter. It'll be how she handles that that determines who and what she will be
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to understand how someone could lose themselves in the desire to be in love. Feeling in love is euphoric. It's a natural chemically induced drug rush but it's still high. Who doesn't want to feel that way all the time?
ReplyDeleteAh, so you caught my rock star comment, did you?
I see you capitalized your name.
That's why it's better to have goals than dreams. You have to sleep to dream.
ReplyDeleteas we discussed, all the potential in the world doesn't really mean anything. I can see why people would want to see her potential, as I said she isn't that bad for 19. Maybe she'll end up going places. But then, maybe she won't.
ReplyDeleteSocioboy and bb lol
Steve Jobs was told he was "special" look where it lead him.
ReplyDeleteTrue story: As a child when he found out he was adopted he came to his mother and cried "I was abandoned" She replied, "No, not abandoned, you were CHOSEN."
Holding deep beliefs can work their magic over time.
Rimjobs was a huge narc.
ReplyDeleteSo where are you trying to go with this soulful.
ReplyDeleteJust providing another perspective, another voice in this charade.
ReplyDeleteyes ma'am ;) I am not caught up on everything but I did my daily skim through the blog
I have to admit, she reminds me of myself at 19. Or Medusa of herself. But she has a lot of decisions ahead of her... a lot of lessons. Starting with the immediate. And she hasn't been wise until this point, even with her idealism.
ReplyDeleteSteve jobs was definitely goal oriented. Were you put together like his biography writer? You think he wasn't powerful in other ways than ideals?
ReplyDeleteShe is no Steve jobs.
She compared her father to Disneyland. Her father died from cancer. I think I'll rest my case with that... and moving onward.
ReplyDeleteSoulful is one of the few SW woman who have any humanity.
ReplyDeleteted bundy's last words were strange "i'd like to give my love to my friends and family"
ReplyDeletekinda strange when you think of it. all the lesser known serial killers said things like "kiss my ass" "i hate the world"
CHEERS to the freaking weekend!
ReplyDeleteSteve Jobs was told he was "special" look where it lead him.
Steve Jobs was special. Blubird isn't
Steve Jobs was a motherfucking badazz!
ReplyDeleteRimjobs was a complete alpha geek.
ReplyDeleteQueen is playing on the radio.
Steve was a math genius who was historically placed in the right circumstances. Bluebird's self-reverential belief in her specialness is an important compass for developing a strong and healthy ego. Artists and trendsetters do well with big egos some unambiguous self-delusion.
ReplyDeleteTime to read today's blog.
ReplyDeleteit's weird how you can have billions, yet die at the relatively young age of 56. your health is everything.
ReplyDeletehe could have lived another 50 years if he was health conscious.
ReplyDeleteYou're an idiot... Money does not buy you immortality, nor does it change your genetic dispossession.
Besides: Jobs lived far longer than he was ever supposed to, with the rare form of cancer he had... specifically because he was health conscious, and put himself on a special diet from the moment he was diagnosed.
Do your fucking homework, then form an opinion. I'm sure it would still come out retarded with you, though. :D
Did you ever stop to think that we are asking people with ASPD to give opinions when it is a PD, which by definition means fucked up.
ReplyDeleteyou stupid whore. jobs survived 8 years with pancreatic cancer, that is unheard of.
ReplyDeletethe natural route he took made him live vastly longer than the people who take toxic carcinogenic chemotherapy. the people who choose a man made chemical cure over a natural one, are completely lacking in any common sense.
i seen your picture, you don't know one thing about health, considering you are obese and don't have even a basic level of fitness. let me guess you abuse substances too? you have no clue about health.
ReplyDelete"I think love is past the chemistry. Its a need to be known... deeply. And i think it syncs harmoniously with a need for self actualization... not a need, a sort of yearning in people. "
Yeah this is true. It is harder for some to get there if they can ever get there and that's when I think it can become a weapon or a four letter word.
If you don't know yourself, who do you have to share with another person. Sharing equals intimacy.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know yourself, who do you have to share with another person. Sharing equals intimacy.
It's true. I was just thinking the same thing a hour ago.
Anyway, it served Bluebird that everyone shook up some of her delusions. Hard nosed reality checks also serve a purpose. This blog was not the place for her to exercise her hunger for living, her confusions of youth and her future self.
ReplyDeleteEnough said.
"Sharing equals intimacy." Blogs are intimacy zoos.
ReplyDeleteYou like her because she's a hippy muppet like you.
ReplyDeleteBlogs are intimacy zoos.
Not this blog. This is a intimacy dead end.
Dirty damn hippies. I wonder if they even shower before their orgies.
ReplyDeleteIntimacy is knowing yourself and someone else knowing you. And you knowing them... so love, as I said, is to be known. So Iagree that love is intimacy.
ReplyDeleteIts harder for some people to get past the chemistry because they can't know themselves. They scare themselves, and are afraid of people knowing them. That's why Eden, I think you do have fears. I think you think if people know you, especially people you consider to be on your level, that they would go. So instead you choose people you don't have to let get to know you.
Intimacy is scaryfor people who have a history of issues. Intimacy I think is scary in general. For anyone interesting, anyway.
Bluebird is actually a little intelligent.
ReplyDeleteBi cycle bi cycle
ReplyDeleteI want to ride my
bi cycle, bi cycle
Bi cyclerace!
You say coke I say Caine
Personal shame makes intimacy really hard. The more shame, the harder intimacy is.
ReplyDelete"You like her because she's a hippy muppet like you."
ReplyDeleteYou have such a stabbing (front and back) sense of humor. I am becoming annoying and setting myself up for roasting so I better leave my computer before my muppet fur gets scalped!
I deserve to be called out on my stuff. Why not? A humanitarian on a sociopath blog can be quite obnoxious.
Next time I come on perhaps I will tell a story of how I put leash on an aspie, so you get to know my badass side.
Another time.
on your marks get set go!
ReplyDeletemost average people smoke, drink and stress. they probably eat one piece of fruit a week, if even. when they get sick, they say "oh it must run in the family, lots of us got cancer"
ReplyDeletecan anyone see the idiocy in that? they are quick to blame a "genetic dispossession" never do they blame their terrible habits. you very rarely hear a person say "you know what, i spent my whole life neglecting my body. i deserve this illness"
every disease is preventable, if you live properly.
Every disease? I followed you right up until that phrase.
ReplyDeleteor after. Ick.
ReplyDelete"Every disease? I followed you right up until that phrase."
ReplyDeleteprove me wrong mr cynical.
An investigation by the Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Australia, into the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival in 22 major adult malignancies, showed startling results: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.” [Royal North Shore Hospital Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2005 Jun;17(4):294.]
ReplyDeleteI don’t have to prove you wrong. You have to yourself right. You are the one making the rather extraordinary claim that every disease is a result of people not living properly. Every, as in all, as in no exceptions ever. I agree with your comment in general. Except for that last sentence. It’s too sweeping a statement, that’s all. Cynicism has nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteThe cancer industry is a business, nothing more. Do you actually think they care about your health? They spread vile propaganda to bash any natural form of a cure.
ReplyDeleteLol. I'd call it self confidence issues, but I suppose shame is appropriate.
ReplyDeleteI deserve to be called out on (martyr) my stuff. Why not? A humanitarian (martyr martyr) on a sociopath blog can be quite (martyr) obnoxious.
Soulful you aren't being obnoxious and aggressive, you're being self righteous. Being the only (martyr) humanitarian on a sociopath blog just makes you misguided. You want to feel like a one eyed man in the land of the blind.
eat your greens daniel and get lots of sunlight. stop smoking and being cynical. it doesn't make you look awesome but it will kill you.
ReplyDeleteSoulful IS the one eyed man in the land of the blind, very apt lol
ReplyDelete"Every disease is preventable."
ReplyDeleteShe's right you know. For example: Bluebird's kid won't get sick. Ever.
Are you that same health-freak anon that popped up when I said that the biggest risk-factor for developing cancer is old age?
there is no such thing as disease. it's clear, we live in a world of quick fixes. depression? take a pill. cancer? have some chemo. people have lost the fighting spirit. everything is labeled and packaged.
ReplyDeleteyou get your disease from your bad habits or your parents bad habits. then the doctor pumps chemo through you. you go to the same people who gave you cancer, to cure it lol.
i'm that same health freak anon. who will be laughing at your cancer ridden body.
ReplyDeleteI don't disagree with you saying I have a fear. I do. I fear that if someone stays with me long enough... things could get ugly in a way that would make it hard for me to keep the life I have now.
I won't be telling you more than that, Curious George.
And your hippy cancer beliefs are unbased. Unfounded. And too extremeso they make even your reasonable points seem dumb.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the health freak Anon. The Medical Industry has the last laugh on all of us.
ReplyDeleteEden, perhaps you should find someone who balances you out.
ReplyDeletei love how anyone with realistic beliefs is coined a hippie.
ReplyDeletehow is eating non genetically modified food radical? aren't you the radical one? how is seeking a natural cure for a disease radical? your logic is flawed. it's not your doing. your brainwashed.
you know in your gut that i'm right. the lord of social stigma is telling you otherwise.
ReplyDeletei was lying. every ceo will lose sleep if their product makes you sick. all ceo's have your best interest at heart.
ReplyDeleteHealth food Anon, don't let the small minds deter you.
ReplyDeleteShe's right, though. I say we fuck modern technology, right in its cutting edgde! Abiogenesis and geocentrism were the ways to the future! Diseases are caused by bad air and the only way of curing them is bloodletting and leeches, who's with me!
ReplyDeleteAlthough, in all seriousness, she's right about chemo and radiation therapy are pretty much this century's lobotomy. It might work a bit, but is the collateral damage really worth it?
About all diseases being preventable: fuck no. Of course not! Even when you live in a self-sustaining bubble twenty-feet thick lead, you can get cancer from quantum physics. Good luck trying to prevent that one.
It seems to me that either you're a troll, or you've lost someone 'close to you' to unhealthiness, and you're blaming them.
My cancer ridden body? Well then, I hope your skeleton quantum-tunnels three feet to the right. Cheers.
what would you do if you got cancer? i'm talking to you, wheatley. how would you cure it? pump yourself full of chemicals or take the natural approach?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by "the natural approach"?
ReplyDeletei mean the insane hippie natural approach. you know, eating fruits and vegetables and filling your body with cancer fighting properties.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, I agree.
"i mean the insane hippie natural approach. you know, eating fruits and vegetables and filling your body with cancer fighting properties."
I agree with hippy anon for the most part.
ReplyDeleteToo many sweeping statements though, with a slight bit too much conspiratorial paranoia.
It's like fat people blaming their genes for being fat, which is quite popular these days. And depression! I can't stand it when people say it's a "chemical imbalance".
The Medical Industry is the biggest scam foisted on people. Once you see how stupid it is, you can never go back.
ReplyDeletei'm not a hippie medusa. i'm just sensible.
ReplyDeleteI know, it's just shorthand.
ReplyDeleteWe need disease. I don't care how you look at human life, or what death is to you. With science trying to keep us all from dying... there won't be resources enough for us to survive. Well... there isn't enough as it is. I see disease as a part of nature. Anyone who doesn't imo, is afraid to die, or feels we are just too "special", of a species to deserve to.
ReplyDeletenext time any of you go to your doctor. tell them you are not eating a sad anymore (standard american diet) i guarantee you he will tell you your a crazy person for eating healthy. if nobody was sick would there be doctors?
ReplyDeleteHippie anon makes sense.
ReplyDelete"We need disease"
"We need disease. I don't care how you look at human life, or what death is to you. With science trying to keep us all from dying... there won't be resources enough for us to survive. Well... there isn't enough as it is. I see disease as a part of nature. Anyone who doesn't imo, is afraid to die, or feels we are just too "special", of a species to deserve to."
ReplyDeletethis is the kind of mentality i try to avoid.
We need disease.
ReplyDeleteThat's the reason I'm not behind this whole "every disease is preventable" statement, nor do I think that would be ideal, anyhow.
Disease is part of the natural order of things, Mr/s Naturalist.
medusa would u take chemo?
ReplyDeleteI'm not talking on such a personal/individualistic level as Eden, though, or any 'fear of death'. Though she's right about humanity thinking they should be immortal gods.
ReplyDeleteI'm just talking about basic symbiosis.
Would I take chemo?
Very unlikely. Everyone I knew who took it died from the chemo and complications from it and not the actual cancer.
Both your options involve chemicals. Fruit is made from chemicals because pretty much the entire visible universe is made from chemicals.
ReplyDeleteEven so, I'd take my chances with the chemo. I haven't seen any evidence saying that fruit actually cures cancer. Obviously a healthy life style dereases the risk of getting cancer significantly, but it doesn't actually cure it once you've already got it.
You're not one of those orthorexic-types, are you? "Everything natural is good by default, and everything artificial is bad by default." Putting aside that both those definitions are given using arbitrary and narrow-minded assumptions about what is normal and what not--if the universe is infinite, it's a mathematical certainty that there is at least one planet, where MRI-scanners grow on trees and the indigenous life forms have to build factories to produce apples--it's just not true. Anthrax is all-natural. Hell, AIDS is.
Do you think this might actually be a cultural thing? I don't live in the US, so I wouldn't know about the Medicine Industry over there. I don't think it's that bad over here.
I agree with the mentality thing. People don't take responsibility for their own health. And yet they still whine when they get lung cancer. You should just (in an objective manner) make people aware of the risks involved, so they can choose for themselves. You shouldn't force life style changes on them.
@Rainbow Bright:
ReplyDeleteRealistic and hippie don’t belong in the same sentence.
Thanks for the health tips though at 11:13. In fact, be a dear and shoot some positive thinking rays over in my direction using your third eye. I can use all the realistic help I can get in the ongoing battle against the dark forces of reason and science.
medusa, every disease is preventable.
ReplyDeletethe ones who die are the people who follow edens ideology. that's the natural order.
notice how eden said "science is trying to keep us alive" even after i gave her the abysmal chemotherapy results. people like eden will die young, they pass through the system. that's the natural order. come to think of it, maybe that is psychopaths role in society? to cut out people like eden?
@sheep in wolfs clothing aka darth birdick
ReplyDeletewill do dear :)
"the ones who die are the people who follow edens ideology."
ReplyDeleteHun, eating 'healthy' has, at some point in history, been a completely new idea. So why are all the current new ideas and ways of thinking bad, and all the old new ideas and ways of thinking good?
Thank you Rainbow! I can feel those warm vita rays now! I think I’m going to run out and tell the world you’ve solved the riddle of cancer at last! Who needs research and peer review and double blind studies when they’ve got the untapped power of wheat germ, grass and hope on their side?
ReplyDeleteWait a minute Rainbow… Are you a shaman? That would explain everything!
"Why are all the current new ideas and ways of thinking bad, and all the old new ideas and ways of thinking good?"
ReplyDeleteThis is why:
1) everything that's already in the world when you are born is just normal;
2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and creative and with any luck you'll make a career out of it;
3) anything that gets invented after you're thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it's been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really;
Douglas Adams, "How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet."
I suppose Eden is right, you are afraid of death. Or are way too arrogant in your apparent humanism.
ReplyDeleteTell me, what about the animals that die of natural disease? Or are they unnatural/stupid because they haven't all figured out how to be medicine men and gather herbs for every issue?
"you are afraid of death"
ReplyDeleteas are all healthy creatures.
Anon gtfo. Your too sane for this blog.
ReplyDeleteThere is a difference between fear and cowardice.
ReplyDeletecowardice is just a word, like morality. it doesn't hold any value. being called a coward doesn't bother me in the least.
ReplyDelete"Thank you Rainbow! I can feel those warm vita rays now! I think I’m going to run out and tell the world you’ve solved the riddle of cancer at last! Who needs research and peer review and double blind studies when they’ve got the untapped power of wheat germ, grass and hope on their side?"
ReplyDeleteI recommend you watch the documentary forks over knives, the research from this documentary was spearheaded by Cambridge university. Eating a plant based diet significantly reduces rates of cancer. The research for this idea is prolific. It is not some fuddy-duddy
New fangled idea
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLook up wheat grass and cancer.
ReplyDeletecowardice is just a word, like morality.
ReplyDeleteThat's the stupidest comment of the day. Congrats.
No one has an issue with you saying eating better means better health. That's just obvious common sense, who needs to spend money on some Cambridge dudes to tell you that?
The issue is that you make blanket statements like "every disease is preventable", and infer that 'natural' automatically means 'healthy', with nothing to back this up.
Cancer is not just our diets, its cellular mutation, and those mutations can be caused by anything, plastics, mercury, pollutaants, hormones, those additives they add to things like shampoo, asbestos, etc. Almost anything causes cancer, like the polyeurothanes and offgasing in carpets and new homes. And they say the things you expose your children to have a higher effect than foods. Developmental stages are being overwhelmed by chemicals that they're trying to determine cause autism and other issues. Like the lead paints, high voc's etc. The green movement has more of a health angle than anything, and that carries down to foods, bu thtose aren't the only things we're putting in our lives that cause cancer. You can try to be healthy to alleviate cancer, but illness isnt purely mental or personal. There are more millions of types of bacteria than there are animals on the planet to give us diseases, and now cancers are just another of the health issues listed among those not caused by bacteria, but inorganic exposure to unhealthy materials.
ReplyDeleteI'm not focused solely on this so I hope that made sense.
I'd agree with all that.
ReplyDeleteCancer, to me, is like when you get the Blue Screen of Death. Some shit goes in your body one way or another, and your body is like "wtf is this weird shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this crap, I'm not programmed to deal" and then it's all 011100001111110001111 ERROR 23499.23449 x 239880944982
Like how oysters make pearls.
This explains the documentary in more detail.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious though: besides "Forks over knives", are there any other reasons you believe its message? Are you living on an all-plant diet since seeing this film? And are you sure it's true, because you haven't gotten any cancer in the, almost, seven months since its release?
Saying that one, and only one, diet is the way to go is the single most arrogant and single-minded statement I've ever heard. This week. You do know that the only reason mankind has become intelligent enough to wonder about things like this is because we started hunting and eating meat. By your (and the movie's) logic, all those hunters should've died from cancer, long before humans became hunter-gatherers.
It doesn't matter what kind of diet you follow; as long as it's balanced.
yeyy, back in the US.
ReplyDeleteI have had a crush on Spader for quite a while too.
Playing catch up with the posts.
"and infer that 'natural' automatically means 'healthy', with nothing to back this up."
ReplyDeletelol. everything in mk's comment backed my argument up.
Hmmm, could fall easily into ideals.. Could you expand on that one?
ReplyDeleteMissus Kanney said...
Lol. Soulful, are you arguing for the sake of argument? Il agree with you that she loves the feeling. And i already conceded that she is young and does have potential. Everyone tells her she's special in her life. She's 19 now and she can start to hear the truth. And i do think she'll be impressive someday. Assuming that she aspires to meet the potential she thinks she has. She could also fall easily into drugs and ideals, though I think its unlikely. But we aren't weighing her by her potential... as we said. So where are you trying to go with this soulful. Try again.
October 28, 2011 9:34 AM
UKan Sandman said...
ReplyDeleteThat's why it's better to have goals than dreams. You have to sleep to dream.
October 28, 2011 9:40 AM
I think we've been trolled. -_-"
ReplyDeleteYou're still not getting it.
ReplyDeleteIt's more complicated than 'just eat stuff that grows out of the ground'.
You can eat only organic free-range spinach for the rest of your life and I wouldn't call that healthy.
You can eat a raw foods diet but eat peach pits for desert and I wouldn't call that healthy. In fact, you'd die.
And to take it even further, I wouldn't doubt that those two scenarios might in fact cause cancer, if the arsenic from the peach or the stroke from too much Vitamin K doesn't get you first. Who's to say.
Jobs felt abandoned and had a lot to prove till the day he died. Had he ever managed to feel CHOSEN he would have at least been curious and said yes to meeting his biological father.
ReplyDeleteSoulful, for you to think that he came to where he did because he was told special is far too off the mark.
He had major issues. Why do you think he chose to go to a very expensive college knowing well his parents did not have enough money to support such schools?
He was a good combo of deep insecurities, brains, sociopathic traits, and major detachment.
Soulfulpath said...
Steve Jobs was told he was "special" look where it lead him.
True story: As a child when he found out he was adopted he came to his mother and cried "I was abandoned" She replied, "No, not abandoned, you were CHOSEN."
Holding deep beliefs can work their magic over time.
October 28, 2011 9:42 AM
Yikes... STeve was not a math genius. He only knew how to let others work for him. Read how he screwed Wosniak in reducing the number of chips for Atari toys (and right after coming back from his soul searching trip from India). Must have learned the art of lying from a nation who thinks it should be their national sport.
ReplyDeleteSoulfulpath said...
Steve was a math genius
October 28, 2011 10:05 AM
Wow this rational anon really struck a nerve with all of you.
ReplyDeleteHello Wheatley. Not including forks over knives, I have been living on this diet for seven years and have read up on food processing and the change in the American diet extensively. Marion nestle wrote and excellent book and won a Nobel for her work in nutrition. Micheal pollen has written two books that extensively detail the dietary problems with food in America. We have so severely processed and distorted what we eat it can't really be called food anymore. It's totally not what our ancestors ate :) :)
ReplyDeleteJust because we like debate doesn't mean any nerve has been struck.
ReplyDeleteEr, wait, I forgot, sociopaths and their ilk fucking HATE spinach and the thought of it makes them violent and full of rage.
ReplyDelete"So when they see that extra something, and I don't know how, it drives me up the wall. I swear, some people must be able to just sense it."
Do you mean insightful and observant people in general? Or a selection of the predatory types you cross? Because I'd think 'paths would be good at spotting angles because they're always in game mode and getting honed; otoh, insightful people are not in game mode and spots are made spontaneously. I'd be curious to know.
Anon 2:39
ReplyDeleteIt's not the processing part that's killing. There's nothing wrong with breaking down food into separate nutrients and rearranging them conveniently for modern life style. It's the stuff they add as substitutes for some of the elements, also the enhancers (for flavor, consistency, volume and whatnot).
Hippy-anon seemed to be arguing that meat causes cancer, even if it's not altered in any way and that anything 'natural' is per definition better than anything 'artificial'.
ReplyDeleteSome people here seem to think it's either the SAD or completely vegan. As if there's no middle ground.
hello everyone!
ReplyDeleteHappy almost halloweeeeeeennnnn! :)
Ah, ok then. I don't know if meat causes cancer, but I heard it before. Even if it does, that doesn't mean we should stop eating it. Eating could be understood as a trade-off balance.
ReplyDeleteA vegetarian diet has its merits, but meat is essential in some cases. Vegan seems more ideology than nutritional results, is my impression.
Somewhere up there an anon said I was supporting his argument... or maybe sceli. But by that theory all of the plastics and hormones I was referring to have unnatural foundations, but as Medusa was saying, there are good and bad things for us throughout nature. With the creations of things like plastics, we just haven't adequately adapted as our environments have changed so quickly. Our environments are still natural fundamentally, we just shaped materials from places to meet our other needs, and as a result, our bodies must react to different elements accordingly. I bet you use a cell phone. Those cause cancer too, right. I also bet you watch TV, own a DVD player, and live in a home not made out of haybales. So before you start preaching the everything causes cancer angle, what are you doing besides depriving you body of diversity it needs to be healthy to offset the influx of adverse environmental effects? Its your body's job to respond to the elements you subject it to. Going back to the Indian lifestyle won't help us, because we have more people to sustain than can be done by that level of inefficiency. By your argument, people would starve everywhere. Would you prefer a global famine so people don't die of cancer?
ReplyDeleteI was a vegetarian for 6 years. Its a healthy and sustaining diet, but its relatively inefficient in general. I ate dairy products, though, and eggs, so protein from milks are completely adequate. And i was healthier then than now, but I still wouldn't recommend everyone to cut it out of their diet completely. I would recommend that people cut out preservatives and packaged or processed foods if they want to be healthy. Fast food restaurants treat their meat with amonia for example, which I imagine to be incredibly bad for your body's cancer fighting abilities.
ReplyDeleteThere are moderate alternatives to "cancerous " foods. the whole world doesn't have to go vegan natural or die. Then theyd all die anyways from insufficient resources.
yes. we should revert back to the very basics, if we want to be sure of a disease free life. we know that's not going to happen and people will continue to get sick. it's the price of indulgence.
ReplyDelete"people like eden will die young, they pass through the system. that's the natural order. come to think of it, maybe that is psychopaths role in society? to cut out people like eden?"
ReplyDeleteWow. Do you wish death on everyone who has a difference in opinion than you? Or do you just have a soft spot for me?
Eden, you just have that way about you that makes people wish xxxxx on you.
ReplyDeleteOur digestive systems have evolved over millions of years; Plastic was born in 1862.
ReplyDeleteprotein is useless to the human body. the body doesn't need protein or fat. if you eat fat you get fat, unless you calorie restrict.
ReplyDeleteamino acids are what build muscle, not protein. you will never get fat from eating fruits and vegetables. it's impossible.
Anything(GM, engineered foods, additives) is fine if judged to be several generations into the population-- Problem is, what is added or leeches into food has is not always subject to meaningful review.
ReplyDeleteMK 3:50
ReplyDeleteSpot on.
I bet you're wrong about that anon. I'd wager only a couple people here wish death on me. A few may wish me harm... but any and all of those who do; have more problems with themselves, than they do with me.
ReplyDeleteOh well if fat is all we were talking about here then forget my whole argument. I thought we were actually talking about health.
ReplyDeleteFat bottom girls you make the rockin world go round
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeaaaaaahhhh bitches!!!! I cram quarter pounder into my big fat mouth while driving 100 miles per hour through a medow in my douchbag yellow humvee then i take both hands off the fuckin' wheel to light up a two cigars at once and crush a redunculous number of plants and wildlife cuz i don't give half a bucket of shit about cancer or safety then i crash into a tree drop one of my cigars and burn a whole fukin' forest down and start laughing cuz I don't give half a sack of cat crap about the environment either haha then i go back to my job as the CEO of a pharmaceutical company after I pork your ugly wife while your sisters watching yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnytime anyone feels hate for someone it is an inward issue. Hate is a strong emotion, and such passions are always self centered. People are indifferent to things that don't relate to them personally.
ReplyDeleteProteins are made from amino acids, so saying you only need one of them is just stupid. Fat (in 'normal' amounts) can actually help prevent diseases, and is considered to be an organ. Like skin.
ReplyDeleteLastly: food additives aren't bad for you. Meat isn't bad for you. Polonium isn't bad for you. Too much food additives are bad for you. Too much meat is bad for you. Too much polonium is bad for you. The only reason you think polonium is poisonous, is because the amount needed to kill is very very small. The only reason you think, say for example, vitamin C isn't poisonous, is because the amount needed to kill you is quite large (about 7 pounds will do the trick).
Unhealthy doesn't exist. It's just too much of a healthy (or neutral) thing.
@Missus, with all the people Ukan hates, you are gonna have to talk fast to get yourself out of this one he he
ReplyDeleteI don't have to talk at all to get myself out of anything. Your the 1 with the weight of personal issues and your too scared to come out with a name and admit them. Try again
ReplyDeleteMissus has all the answers he he he
ReplyDeleteI bet it's pretty emotional for you, anon. You're hatred of me. Does it bring you to tears at times?
ReplyDeleteI hate when people make generalisations. I really really really don't like it. It's like it discounts a large part of the population who aren't representated by that generalisation. Oh look what I did there. Idiots. People who make generalisations, are by defintion, irritants. And human. Therefore humans are irritants. Who would have thunk it?
ReplyDeleteDo you think about it before you go to bed?
ReplyDeleteDo you read every 1 of her comments, and cringe?
ReplyDeletelol Missus has a lot of hatred he he
ReplyDeleteI'll be taking that as a yes...
ReplyDeleteThat's going to ruin your weekend I bet.
The witches cackle he he he
ReplyDeleteu guys are boring. Can't we talk about something fun??????
ReplyDeleteIntroverts tend to generalize.... seriously.
ReplyDeleteMissus, what you on about? Seriously? Elaborate if that's in reference to my comment. Like I said before, you need to cite who you're addressing.
ReplyDeletenotme, I seem to recall you saying you're only interested in one person here. So what difference does it make, what the rest of us "irritants", have to say?
ReplyDeleteNotme, are those anons with 'he he he' you?
ReplyDeleteDo you want to talk about beepers? I realize more and more my mother is one. Amazing how she thinks of herself as a great mother. I used to think she has a lot of narcissistic traits, now it looks more like a beeper with narcissistic traits.
As of Oct 2011 I have decided to free up all that guilt she's been inadvertently dumping on me. It is amazing how she does that in such an innocent ant caring way, except I see her bs now immediately and tell her 'focus on what you receive not what you give." There just is no satisfaction to the level of receiving the woman gets. I used to feel sad that she's missing so much in life. Now it's more like 'suffer baby, you deserve it, and I love you with your suffering anyways, just keep the whining around me in check." Yeyyy, works wonders.
Oh, Eden. I have mo death wish upon you in case you were curious. I got a kick out of your projecting your irritation unto me. Also your explaining how SW got hold of your daughter's and it had nothing to do with you. I'd say think two steps ahead of people. What you should defend is how come SW had your facebook address (that's where the protection of your family starts) not how SW moved unto your daughter from your facebook. Anyways, I hoe you at least changed that 'can't look straight to your eyes' picture of yours. And, don't be irritated, you don't bug me at all. My own mother still may once in a while.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletenotme is too sweet for you witches. That is why you bother her.
ReplyDelete'notme, I seem to recall you saying you're only interested in one person here. So what difference does it make, what the rest of us "irritants", have to say?'
ReplyDeleteI've only spoken to one person here in private, yes, it's true, and I like them. The majority of people here are shadows. I don't process people by text alone, it's incredibly difficult for me. Unless I've talked to them one on one for a long time, or i can see their facial expressions, poise and behaviour irl. The rest of you are shadows. Can't get my head around you. I've known medusa for the longest but i've developed no understanding or closeness whatsoever of you she is. I guess some people are just way harder to 'gel' with through text alone, right? Plus the fact that 80 percent of the comments here come from idiotic trolls with too much time on their hands, then no, it doesn't make a very reassuring or verifiable experience. You get me?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't curios at all thanks, but it's interesting how you keep up with me so thoroughly. I'd say that's a personal problem with you. I never even thought much about you till you kept bringing me up nearly every chance you got. Truth.
*of who she is
ReplyDeleteI get you. I like your lil episodes though. You're funny. Can you "gel" with that?
And the one person you do like constantly messes with you and you don't even notice...and there's always been idiotic trolls and aloof gals here, and you've been here for a long time...
ReplyDeleteSo, are you Erin lite?
"Anyways, I hoe you at least changed that 'can't look straight to your eyes' picture of yours."
ReplyDeletead you're keeping up with my fb as well... can I at least call you a creepy fan?
Eden, yeh, if you're not pulling my little leg that is. :)
ReplyDeleteintroverts generalize because of their tendency toward inward thinking and the way they perceive the world in relation to themselves. Its complicated to explain so feel free to Google it.
ReplyDeleteKarl Jung. I can recommend a book for you.