
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Song: The Lion and the Wolf

The lion's outside of your door
The wolf's in your bed
The lion's claws are sharpened for war
The wolf's teeth are red

And what a monstrous sight he makes,
Mocking man's best friend
When both the wolf and lion crave
The same thing in the end

The lion's outside of your door
The wolf's in your bed

The wolf, he howls
The lion does roar
The wolf lets him in
The lion runs in through the door
The real fun begins
As they both rush upon you and
Rip open your flesh
The lion eats his fill and then
The wolf cleans up the mess

The lion's outside of your door
The wolf's in your bed


  1. From a person who adores her sociopath: Thrice-" It's true that you could snap my neck. I trust you'll save my life instead."

  2. Well this song just makes me sleepy...

  3. Your comment just made me sleepy. I've been trying to cure tonight's insomnia. Thanks :]

  4. From a person who adores her sociopath: Thrice-" It's true that you could snap my neck. I trust you'll save my life instead."

    Trust a sociopath? Must be some kind of rock in a hard place relationship or symbiotic, codependent stuff going on.

    Do sociopaths have codependent relationships if they keep the tit for tat rule on the positive?

    I used to see my ex smile big time when he and his non-socio/narc friends were both getting what they wanted from a joint effort. He genuinely felt good about himself for being a "good" person. He liked thinking he was the cause of everyone's contentment. I thought this was transparently narcy. He'd take credit for harmony even though you knew the other person worked harder for the outcome.

    These moments they orchestrated the takeover are delicious. I know I enjoyed the power plays. You either like that or you don't.

    But you just had to let him take credit. It's part of the deal..

    ^That rush is addictive.

    For him the harmony is forgotten 5 minutes later. Fuckin' high maintenance. I can't go out with one more high maintenance fuck. Exhausting and not worth the effort in the end.

    Their appreciation for you is so forgetful.

    Does Ukan's wife get a beating when she pulls this off and he catches her?

  5. i think mothers have these moments with their kids.

    Medusa can this be one reason you enjoy dating the types you do?

  6. you anons are so chatty. Don't you sleep?

  7. Were there any takers on Gag's question below? Gag, yourself, any shot at formulating your own answer?

    GagReflex said...
    detached from dive master buddy in the hull of a sunken warship 25 meters down... I wasn't really that afraid. I was more preoccupied wondering if I should stay in the dark rusting comfort of the hulk until I run out of light and air.

    In my mind, to surface on my own with no compass or watch in the strong under current and failing light would probably just put me way beyond where the dive boat was waiting. Either way, why wasn't I more upset that this might actually be the end?
    September 29, 2011 1:57 PM

  8. I haven't been in situations that were life-threatening like your example (Gag), but I have on some occasions had moments were I considered the possibility of dying to be at least present, and what you described is similar to what I experienced.

    But again; the circumstances weren't nearly as extreme. Wreck-diving seems fun though.

  9. " Either way, why wasn't I more upset that this might actually be the end?"

    it sounds like you don't want to be in control of your destiny, GagReflex.

    The pay off is that you don't HAVE to make a decision. You are floating with not a care in the world. Is this so?

    If this is your status quo, fine. But where is the control? With the current, the other boat? Or with you?

    You are content being helpless watching your life die?

  10. Wheatley, his question is WHY. Answering WHY you think your experience was similar would be more of a response rather than saying you felt similar.

    By the way his situation was not life threatening, it would have been if he chose to succumb to it. One can easily throw away the tank, blow the air in his chest off and come out safe and sound from 25 meters down without any problems, assuming he knew the way out of the ship. Also, wreck diving does not mean that he was in an enclosed section exactly.

    By the way, I'm assuming Gag is male, no idea. WHile a non-diver may not know the realities anyone with any past diving would know what I am talking about no matter how long it had been since his last dive.)

    This topic is of particular interest to me, so my questions will feel thesis, but here they are.

    The question would be why in a certain circumstance we would be tempted to choose to freeze (accept death) as opposed to fight or flee?

    My bringing this back on could be too brainy for the recent culture of SW, who knows. I am still hopeful some sense of sophistication will find its way back in here.

    On a side note, something occurred to me recently. UKan has so much more basic respect for his wife than what the Luke character has for the mother of his child. I think this ties into how much respect one has for oneself. What Erin and Luke have in common is that, zippo respect for themselves.

  11. Comment section= Boring.

  12. The question would be why in a certain circumstance we would be tempted to choose to freeze (accept death) as opposed to fight or flee?

    Is there a "right" answer?

  13. anon 6:53, thanks.

    I'd generate these questions from what you are saying.

    If I freeze, would that mean
    1. I am contempt being helpless watching myself die, and/or
    2. I don't want to be in control of my destiny, and/or
    3. I enjoy not having to make a decision, floating without a care for the world, and/or.

    Let's say that you have an end-stage cancer, so flee is not exactly an option. The options are freeze as is, make the best out of what you can or get into fight as in chemo/radiation/surgery, all nine yard).

    So, if you freeze are the above mentioned questions still relevant? Or, is there something more meaningful that you are making a certain, calculated choice?

  14. anon 6:57, there is o universal right answer. but, better to question the self before the shit hits you and you start questioning the situation at your already weak point.

  15. Allowing death is not proactive. It's passive.

    If you're passive in a relationship, the other feels unimportant .. If you're passive about your own death, you are essentially saying you don't care whether you live or die.

    Lack of long term goal
    comes to mind.

  16. better to question the self before the shit hits you and you start questioning the situation at your already weak point.

    patch up the roof before the house is falling down?

  17. yeah anon 7:04, cut your balls off because you might get prostate cancer one day ~

  18. I was trying to be positive. My metaphor is depressing nonetheless lol

  19. I need a nap.
    Thanks for the food for thought.

  20. For me the question is: would I regret making a decision that causes me to stop existing? No, I wouldn't, obviously. That doesn't mean I want to die, I just don't see what all the fuss is about.

    That and I am generally pretty passive, and I enjoy not having to make decisions. Status quo is God, right?

    I'll be back in a few hours, I'll think about it in the meantime, see if anything new pops up.

    Oh and the comment section may be boring, the forum is just trolls, Erin, narcs, robopaths and Erin. Looking for something intelligent in there is like diving for a diamond in Lake Victoria, if the lake was filled with shit. And the diamond is shit too.

  21. There are two major reasons for the passive attitude that you are defining, Wheatley, those are being lazy (perception of high cost of movement) or being hopeful that some better alternative may arise any moment (if nothing else, someone else may solve the problem for you).

    But the general attitude is not what we are talking about here. I could be very proactive and assertive yet choose to freeze under certain circumstances. What could make the freeze right is the question we're pondering in potentially approaching death where we know of some possible ways of fighting but choose not to take any of those.

    Yeah, I second the situation at Forum. I see Medusa piled some shit in there trying to kill the place (I hope that's why she was doing that), so it looks like a sewage. Certainly does not make SW a better site, despite ME's intention and offering easier format.

  22. The same could be said about the comments page. There might be some interesting debate today, but that's a one off.Looking for some intelligence over here is like wandering a watseland in search of some life.

  23. So...that makes Medusa a troll too then.

  24. Comments page may occasionally get out of hand, but has never been anything like the Forum. At least every day there is some fresh water/air coming in the form of ME's posts.

    The action debate today is definitely tied into the post in case you did not notice. The lion outside, the wolf inside. That is a shitty situation to find yourself in. On top, the wolf opens the door to the lion. That is exactly what chemo/radiation is doing to a lot of people. Too redundant, yet I'll spell it, wolf the chemo, lion the death. Chemo leads the path to death and cleans up the situation for you.

  25. "The action debate today is definitely tied into the post in case you did not notice."

    I did notice. That's why I said that, "There might be some interesting debate today..." Duh.

  26. Glad you did. Was not obvious from your remark. Your duh is cute (unnecessary, but cute)

  27. Sceli has cancer sux for u

  28. forget about the codependent in bed...the lion and the wolf are a match made in heaven.

  29. "I am a man, man, man, man
    Up, up in the air
    And I run around, round, round, round this down town and act like I don't care.
    So when you see me flying by the planet's moon,
    You don't need to explain if everything's changed
    Just know I'm just like you."

  30. anon 901 wolf or lion?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Chemo leads the path to death and cleans up the situation for you.

    so sometimes having chemo is passive, in your opinion?

    you're at the mercy of a drug that will kill part of your strength. Who would NOT be frozen with this kind of decision. In this case whatever doesn't kill you does not make you stronger. It's poison medecine.

    You really have cancer, Sceli?

  33. Luke, in other words, the lion and the wolf, if left without weaker prey, will gnaw at each other for sustenance? It's shame they're both carnivores ;

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. it's a beautiful dance between the lion and the wolf...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. No, I don't have cancer. Lost a buddy who took cancer on as a big war and chose a fight-it-at all-cost attitude and the wolf opened the door to the lion in two months. He was told if he did not do anything he could have lived two more years. I just observe deeply when people make some tough decisions and like to think of different scenarios just in case. That song is a perfect match in my mind to most cancer treatments available today.

    Anyway, that analogy was distracting from my original question of why Gag would consider letting it all go when underwater in that shipwreck. I sure hope he sees the question and comes back to us with some of his thoughts. I am curious if he found certain romance in leaving the earth that way. I wonder if he does have some underlying death wish and thought why not then. He apparently liked it down there, losing air completely down there appeared better than struggling long hours at the top and possibly being eaten up by sharks. Maybe he has shark fear, who knows. I was curious.

  38. @11.02 Luke

    Says the anon posing as another person.

  39. No Luke, they are not rivals. They work together beautifully, don't you see?

  40. sweetcheeks, I read that you thought it was funny to get advice on how to raise a child on SW. I thought the child would think it was sad--no offense.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. in a pride of lions, it's the females who do the killing, not the male.

  43. anon 10:38 asked
    "so sometimes having chemo is passive, in your opinion?"

    No, I don't see taking chemo as passive unless the decision is deferred to the doctor or anyone other than the person who will be having it. The decision not to have chemo is also not a passive thing in my mind. I like the attitude of being at peace with death and trusting the body. I also am a bit of a stay away from the doctors as best you can kind of person.

    Given the majority of deaths in the US are caused by handling mistakes in the hospitals (no joke, more than any other particular disease category) and the infections one gets in there, I'd certainly minimize getting treatment and focus on laughing as much as possible.

  44. Yeah, I once called a man lion thinking I was complimenting him, and he got offended thinking I suggested lazy male attitude. Go figure. I did not know male lions just waited to be served.

  45. I'm heading out. Will leave with yet another unlucky female animal in terms of cooperation by the male.

    "While there appears to be extremely competitive and enthusiastic courtship from a male Humpback whales he is not a good father, the male Humpback whale will approach and follow females for sex. Actively harassing them to the point they will try to hide underneath boats to escape the male’s attention.

    Humpback whale sex is a rough, tumble and quick affair, the male has no regard for a calf and will squash it and push it out of the way to get at the female.

    Once the male has mated with the female Humpback he goes his own way. He does not stick around to be a father. He heads off to find another female to mate with."

  46. just want to say that there is no difference between the forum, and the comments column. i was just up in the forum, and saw that there was a post put up by luke, on today's blog, and there were no comments, and it was put up 2 hours ago. The only posts getting attention are the ones trying to provoke the comments regulars up to the forum, or the ones provoking the forum regulars to fight, and even those are not doing so hot.
    luke only brought his thoughts on today's blog down here, because no one cared to comment on it in the forum, where he says all the people who really care to have intelligent conversations go, to talk about the blog posts.
    if the ones still trying to provoke one another can not see how you are all acting juvenile in the very same way, then you are all delusional in the same way as well.
    ive never see a group of adults act so childish in all my life.
    it's one thing to want people to face the truth about themselves, or to have a crack at each other, for the sake of a laugh, but you guys are embarrassing to watch at this point. i can't believe any of you are over 12, and that you can't see you have all sunk to erin's level now.

    -long time blog lurker

  47. :] responding from the top- I normally do not comment, but I read this site to get a better understanding of the many sociopaths in my life- most of the men in my family, and many male friends. I've dealt with sociopaths from day one. He's the only one I know who is actually diagnosed and has taught me a lot on what I didn't know I had been programed to be able to love starting from childhood. Dealing with this type of person is all I know. I am extremely independent as well. I know to never depend on a sociopath, or anyone for that matter, to find happiness with myself, although he is high functioning and more dependable than any person I've ever met. He's a beautiful person, and I'm enjoying the company for however long it lasts. I don't get too attached to anyone that comes along. Not only do I know a sociopath's interest doesn't normally last forever, a "normal" person who promises another love and support forever turns out to not be truth. I don't promise that, nor do i expect that from him, or anyone else. I'm happy without him, but I do find additional happiness with him in my insane life.

  48. hi peep! just some friendly commentary i would like to share. i see a strange division since the forum went up, and it seems to have lowered people's maturity levels.
    my opinion is that there is no difference between the two. i have been to both, and see that as much as the forum people want to think they are doing something different, i only see them trying to provoke people from here, or gossiping with one another. the comments section is doing well today, by not taking part, but i don't think it will last long. i saw a couple posts put up in the forum, that remain neglected. the ones where people could complain about people down here, were the most popular.
    i see no evidence that people who frequent there more, are any better than the ones down here.
    i understand why some people are starting to take time off from these childish acts. i think the smart one are the ones who are keeping distance from both.
    hope no one takes offence. i mean no harm. just think everyone here came for the same reasons. have a happy weekend!!!!!!!

  49. :] - and Thrice is a good band. It's just a lyric from a song on that album, not my own words.

  50. Get listenng to some apocaltyptic folk lol

  51. To the anon from 7:41

    You're right, but, dropping all pretence of modesty, if you were to ask the same question at both the forum and here, I think you'd get the most constructive and helpful answer here.

    When it's a little busier...

    You can bitch about the quality of the conversation all day, but if your only contribution to said conversation is said bitching, you have only yourself to blame (that was not directed at you personally).

    And Luke, your metaphor only works if you know nothing about lions nor wolves, since they both hunt in packs. If you'd replace wolves with foxes, and lions with crocodiles, it would be more fitting.

    Lastly, M.E talking about captchas made me wonder; do you think she ever posts as anons?

  52. It's like how a raven leads a wolf to the kill.

    The wolf can tear open a hide that a raven cannot. They are not necessarily friends or allies, but they use each other to get the job done when the opportunity presents itself.

  53. I don't know why, but I keep seeing a lot of relation to this whole group and the posts. Maybe ME writes them up that way, or intends it to be that way or maybe it's just my perception.

    I've noticed a similar thing.

    I doubt he necessarily writes them up that way (although sometimes he does to some extent), it seems more likely that he has a backlog of stuff he wants to post, and finds the proper opportunity to do so.

    Wizard of Oz.

  54. Sceli said...

    sweetcheeks, I read that you thought it was funny to get advice on how to raise a child on SW. I thought the child would think it was sad--no offense.

    It was sarcasm you dumb piece of passive aggressive useless shit. No offense? Ha! I smoke weed legally as my medicine prescribed to me by a doctor as some fuck decided to want to post their concern about my child.

  55. Wheatley you crack me up. You are so logical.

    I think the song is beautiful and saw two predators working together for a common goal. I don't think this is that rare. I have heard before that people with BPD and socios are made for each other so to speak and that's what I saw in this song. Of course there can be different variations though.

  56. Luke said

    "Just keep all the stupid on the comments section and let the intelligent people talk here. I kind of think of the comments section as the kids' table at Thanksgiving."

    what brings you too the kiddie section? you just can't stand to be away from me for too long huh.

  57. It is slow today. I was wondering if there was any reason in particular that you guys all refer to ME as a she. I have personally always thought of ME as a he, but is there some detail that ME has let out that makes you assume female?

    I have always considered ME somewhat removed from the social group here. Obviously ME reads the comments or those delightful twitter updates on our posts would not exist, and yet. I doubt somehow that ME takes any active interests in the unfolding drama. It might be strange if it were the case.

  58. He could either just be sitting back and watching, rubbing his hands together pleased with what he has created, or stoking the fire (or having a normal discussion) every once in a while under an anon or even a username. Or both.

    Maybe he's some psychiatrist/sociologist doing some kind of study via creating the blog and playing the role of existential sociopath.

    Who knows.



  61. the forums CAN be fun



  64. .....Anyone seen any good movies lately?

  65. I read these comments and I am moved for the music still plays in the back of my head. Suddenly I sense a harmony between empaths and sociopaths, a symbiotic relationship.
    In this sense, sociopaths can be precious because they trigger many normal people to explore the world, themselves and others in a more profound way.
    Emotional pain stimulates creativity in many people. I for one, start writing poetry. I normally dont feel like writing poetry when I feel fine. Sociopaths hurt people which lets people feel emotions which makes people experience life and grow and evolve.
    Pain and pleasure are symbiotic too.

  66. Yes, all my poetry is inspired by the tornado which is my lover.

  67. What up SW! Who be the kitties, and who be the wolfies?! Can't all of us be either or... got'a have the prey too.

  68. This reminds me of the time i helped my cousin to bug his wife's cell phone and computer and at the same time hired a male escort to seduce her so we can have evidence as he prepared for his divorce.

  69. angry much? your image is not one of a mother but a legs up and open sweetie pie? that's what our socios want to see here, keep it up, oh, sorry, keep them up.

    sweetcheeks said...
    Sceli said...

    sweetcheeks, I read that you thought it was funny to get advice on how to raise a child on SW. I thought the child would think it was sad--no offense.

    It was sarcasm you dumb piece of passive aggressive useless shit. No offense? Ha! I smoke weed legally as my medicine prescribed to me by a doctor as some fuck decided to want to post their concern about my child.

    October 1, 2011 4:23 PM

  70. @ Sceli its sad that you keep bringing up posts about me from the day prior.

    I am guessing you are one of those fat, ugly bitches that is easily threatened by a women who embraces female sexuality.


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