
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Psychopaths in real life

I stumbled upon this pretty bad Huffington Post article titled, "What are psychopaths like in real life?" It sounded promising at first:

Like many films, this one succeeded in depicting violence, and a spine-tingling coldness. But in real life, true psychopaths have many other character traits. In forensic psychiatry, it is our business to diagnose and treat psychopathy as well as a range of other personality disorders and mental illnesses.
It then goes on to state incorrectly that the word psychopath was first used in 1959 as a legal term in the Mental Health Act. Also, it turns out that in real life the psychopath looks pretty much what the movies typically over-emphasize: abused as children, criminally versatile, pathological liars, bullies, parasites, sexually promiscuous, disloyal, unfaithful, and for good measure generally everything else that we might despise in another human being. I'm not saying that these people do not exist, I am sure that they do. But doesn't it seem like a bit of a caricature to define them only in these ways? Is that what people are really asking when they want to know how psychopaths are in real life? They want to hear the same stories about the violent prisoner charming his way to the top of the social order? What about psychopaths that are living a real life, out in the world instead of behind bars?

Coincidentally, I was chatting with a close friend today who happens to be reading "The Sociopath Next Door" who made the following observations: "This Stout lady is so alarmist, like for a scientist." Also, " I hate these sociopath books. I keep on squinting my eyes in disapproval or furrowing my brow. You are discriminated against, buddy." Yeah, welcome to my world.


  1. abused as children, criminally versatile, pathological liars, bullies, parasites, sexually promiscuous, disloyal, unfaithful

    Well, to be fair, that is the diagnostic criteria, criteria which differentiates them from the rest of the population.

    You know, like:

    Q: What does a black person look like in real life?

    A: Black.

    Stupid question in the first place, but no need for cute little personal details outside of the differentiating criteria, which are different for everyone, including within the psycho spectrum.

    Besides, HuffPo is the most annoying publication ever, what do you expect?

  2. But credit goes to the last bit of the article, which I find strange you didn't mention:

    Being a psychopath is not just about anger. It's about all these other traits that Hollywood may not have the inclination to research or portray. Maybe that's because they are not really that glamorous. So for now, it can just carry on its representation of (admittedly very well acted) disturbed teenagers slaughtering innocent hamsters.

  3. I cannot wait to see the movie, though. Haven't been this excited about a movie in years.


    I hope it's not entirely disappointing and superficial in it's portrayal of the child, though I guess the movie is more about the mom than him.

  4. Shit. Four posts in a row.

    Take that, Sceli!


  5. They want to hear the same stories about the violent prisoner charming his way to the top of the social order? What about psychopaths that are living a real life, out in the world instead of behind bars?

    Yeah, some of us are getting away with it.

  6. I don't usually feel discrimination for being a sociopath. I usually have them coming down on me from the destruction I leave behind me living my day to day life.

  7. I'm going to tie you in post count.

    abused as children, criminally versatile, pathological liars, bullies, parasites, sexually promiscuous, disloyal, unfaithful, and for good measure generally everything else that we might despise in another human being.

    I hate to say it M.E. but the shoe fits. The list of traits of a sociopath aren't exactly something that would win a nobel peace prize. I mean if you are picking and choosing traits, which would be silly, what exactly is appealing to the general public?

  8. psychopaths behavior are generally much worse than your average criminal or asshole, if you were to study them closely.

    a non psychopath prisoner can hold loyalty to people, like a daughter or a group. a psychopath would throw their own family under the bus, if they wanted to.

  9. @TNP

    You really don't get it do you?
    I don't think you're sexist, you fucking slow-poke! I only make jabs because I know it gets under your skin. I don't think the other women here are sexist either. I'm not on some feminist mission. What I know of women, is that a great deal of them, do in fact; compete with each other in ways that accomplish nothing. They allow their insecurities to rule their judgement of other women, not their morals, or need to gain insight, as they may pretend. When I see that I am getting under someone's skin with shit that shouldn't even matter, it amuses me, and I can't seem to help but want to press their buttons harder. I derive a sick pleasure from it. The fact that you haven't caught on to that yet, is also amusing... but it's getting old. Why don't you just pretend I'm not here? Should be easy for you... shouldn't it?

  10. You give yourself too much credit and read into non-existent tone through text. Take a leaf from Medusa's book. You're making yourself look foolish.

  11. There's no such thing as a good, law abiding and constructive citizen. Just those who are smart or sneaky enough to seem like they are.

    You may not be Scarface, me, but you're still conniving and sadistic.

  12. take the brashest asshole you know, from your social circle. that person is most likely a sociopath.

  13. I don't need to take a leaf from anyone's book. I will do as I please. As far as looking foolish goes: where is this great audience I'm supposed to be impressing here? The Anonymous? You? I get along just fine with those people here I have respect for. If I look foolish to them... I'm sure I'd be hearing about it. So why should the rest matter to me? We are all fools to someone... as you are a fool to me.

  14. I'm not saying that these people do not exist, I am sure that they do. But doesn't it seem like a bit of a caricature to define them only in these ways?

    Quite the opposite, since they're drawing a picture from several different traits, which turns out to be the deep approach. Besides, what Medusa said - it's the bloody checklist, statistically inferred from a certain population.

    Is that what people are really asking when they want to know how psychopaths are in real life?

    I have to agree with you on this one. High functioning sociopaths would be the most interesting ones to understand in real life.

    It would hardly make sense for a sociopath to out him/helself and become an open book about the subject, but he/she would draw attention like a lamp in a dark room full of moths. Like Vaknin, becoming the one open PD is becoming the sole star in the entire universe. I mean, his youtube page is teeming with action.

    What about psychopaths that are living a real life, out in the world instead of behind bars?

    You can't pin these as typical sociopaths, yet, although I think Hare is on this trail. He thinks most psychopaths are the non-criminal types.

    ME, if you keep playing with words like this you'll only draw angsty teens and the average snowflake sindrome prophet seeker.

    You want educated people backing you up, you need to play on the scientific level, with proper academic critique. I remember your constant stabs at a few psychiatrists like Hare, I don't think they landed effectively, but if you want to influence scientific research you'll improve your critiques, or at the very least support the right people who do.

  15. There's no such thing as a good, law abiding and constructive citizen. Just those who are smart or sneaky enough to seem like they are.

    You may not be Scarface, me, but you're still conniving and sadistic.

    Wholeheartedly agreed. It's impossible to water away the machiavellian side of a sociopath, it's like trying to say dogs can be seen as bipeds, but being quadrupleds is one of the very traits that define them.

  16. Eden, settle down. You're not making much sense.

  17. People do not care about substance, only superficiality. This why sociopaths inspire envy. If sociopaths had a soft side to them they would lose the aura.

    We live in a society were superficial means are everything. In narcissistic cultures, lying is acceptable, arrogance is valued and a lack of empathy towards others is admired. That's just the way it is. You either adapt or get forgotten.

  18. "We live in a society were superficial means are everything. In narcissistic cultures, lying is acceptable, arrogance is valued and a lack of empathy towards others is admired. That's just the way it is. You either adapt or get forgotten."

    agreed. this is my point.

  19. 'ME, if you keep playing with words like this you'll only draw angsty teens and the average snowflake sindrome prophet seeker.'


  20. I think some people just have a worse psychopathic disturbance than others. UKan is blatantly more psychopathic then other people here.

  21. Ukan is a low functioning sociopath, for instance. ME is a high functioning one. That point is in dispensable to the story.

  22. Well, your posts always try to push your agenda: 'to remove the psychopath's monster mask'.

    To do that, you presumably play in two fronts:

    Winning everyone's hearts, i.e. being political, egregious etc. You are, this blog is quite the feat on this end.

    Winning everyone's minds. To do this, you have to rationally prove your point, and I think this has been your the weak link on your department. Educated people, so called sociopaths included, always point out the cracks on your speech. They might be compelling, but they lack the rational consistency.

    You have to grow out of your manipulative mindset if you want to achieve ascpect #2.

    Aspect #1 is good, it attracts everyone alike, but the educated ones either fade away or don't take you seriously from then on. They only stick around for the entertainment bit.

    This happened to every single intelligent person in here, like TNP, Medusa, Haven, Kesu, to name a few. No one's on your boat, they're just watching the fireworks from the shore and clapping.

    The only ones that'd stick to your cause would be the 'muppets', to put on Ukan's words. The gullible, the troubled teens thinking they're sociopaths, or the Erin types - people with wholes they're so desperate to fill they'll swallow your every word.

    You want to strenghten your cause and give it serious credit, you need the educated ones beside you (not behind you; that's impossible).

  23. Low functioning makes you less grandiose, manipulative and callous? How do you work that out? Is it because ME is correcting his behavior?

  24. High functioning I mean.

  25. AMoral hows the assburgers

  26. "Winning everyone's minds. To do this, you have to rationally prove your point"

    no you don't. you dimwit. to win everyone's mind you have to put on a show. people don't vote for whatever politician is the most rational, they go for the one with the whitest teeth, best suit, the slickest out of the bunch.

  27. like for instance. if i was to come up against you on a political stage amoral, i'd demolish you. i know what people like, you know what you like.

  28. AMoralBing

    It's all about presentation. You can show someone that you're a monster and they'll still adore you if you do it the right way. If ME focused more on presenting the truth while being charming instead of trying to 'prove' not all Sociopaths are, well, sociopathic, this blog would gain a large cult following for being an unfiltered look into a sociopath's mind.

    A lot more muppets would show up, but you gotta take the good with the bad.

  29. UKan's blog would be huge because he overbearingly arrogant.

  30. "i know what people like, you know what you like."

    amazing quote.

  31. @anon 4:32

    Apathy grows among the bright. If you're winning with looks alone, it's because most of your followers have low intelectual standards.

    That's why you need to keep taking their education away step by step and they keep voting on you as their savior in a vicious cycle. That's the political plan for elite takeover.

    The communist half of the world gradually lost its thinkers to the other side. You need to keep pushing on both ends to make it work.


    Brilliantly equated.

    ME could either try to rationally prove a rogue theory, or she could embrace the mainstream movement and share the spotlight.

    Vaknin somewhat accomplished the second one, IMO, to the point his intelectual opinion is taken into account. He's no scientist by any stretch, but he earned some credit.

  32. Vaknin is matter of fact. He doesn't bullshit around.

  33. Good morning back, Me'Dusa. I liked reading all four of them. I'll take'm.

  34. I would rather hear what are they like, than hearing they are not only this or that.

    What are you like when you are not conning or being aggressive? What interests tie you to humanity or nature or yourself? (Asking to the psychopath here, lol)

  35. "What are you like when you are not conning or being aggressive"


  36. The low functioning sociopath would be able to be picked out, quite easily. This has been my experience. The high functioning one could stump you, for a long time. The low functioning one, in this sense, is not as much of a threat, wheras the high functioning one can be a tremendous threat.

  37. unconscious, lol, that's what I thought, sleeping or dead.

    anyway, for those who have some knowledge of how jails work. how easy is it to visit with a psychopath in jail? do I just request a visit? take some flowers to my psychopath, lol?

  38. a sociopath doesn't switch his conscience on and off. it's never there.

  39. Ever since I came to SW my radar for 'glib' has increased significantly. Also for those who appear from the past. I now consciously look for the reason behind their approach and sure enough there is almost always because they want something, yet they are not directly stating it. Loser manipulators.

  40. conscious is different than consciencious, you realize that anon 5:35, right?

  41. Oh, well, can't stay longer again. Will miss you all hunny bunnnies...

  42. Ever since I came to SW my talent for 'glib' has increased significantly. They now consciously look for the reason behind my approach and sure enough there is almost always because I want something, yet I am not directly stating it. Loser manipulator.

  43. It's not a rogue theory, it's just a matter of probability. If you don't have a conscience and you're self-centered with a sense of entitlement, what's the probability you will be a moral, constructive, law abiding citizen? Add in a few more diagnostic traits and the probability further shrinks.

    A sociopath CAN be such, because a sociopath can transform into whatever it wants or needs to be. But why? It wouldn't be natural, and that's a fact.

    Yeah, it's a spectrum, but to be in it certain criteria needs to be met.

  44. "If you don't have a conscience and you're self-centered with a sense of entitlement, what's the probability you will be a moral, constructive, law abiding citizen?"

    Virtually none.

  45. A sociopath will change his own behavior to better his own ends. Not because it affects other people. Sociopaths never get that emotional smack other people get. I think sociopaths are the ultimate survivalists.

  46. yes, and... sociopaths are their own biggest enemy... easy come easy go...

  47. It's easy to make a sociopath show anger. Just treat them like an average person and you will see visible signs of frustration. 'why is this idiot not recognizing my brilliance?'

  48. The give away is a massively inflated ego.

  49. Some don't seem so narcissistic. They are just too mellow.

  50. doesn't overly high testosterone play a part in the sociopaths aggression?

  51. testosterone can affect empathy.

  52. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Psychopathy being part of accepted neuro-diversity, and spreading awareness that we aren't always fucking over everyone we know. But if we take a deceitful or mostly innacurate stand for what we are, then it's a lose-lose scenario.

    1. Anyone with a brain will see past the bullshit and discredit you.
    2. Those who don't will expect most sociopaths to be these idealized, principled, machiavellian, nihilistic ubermensch that aren't predatory because it's below them. See: Just about every idiot bookworm with no social skills that comes by SW. Hell, spend five minutes at the ASPD section of the Psyche Forums. It's filled with 'sociopaths' that don't commit crimes, don't use and abuse people close to them, and who can't talk about their shady past.

    Give the mainstream what they want, give them a gander at the Sociopath freak show. You can package it any way you like to make it less deragatory. You can't take sociopathic out of the Sociopath and be taken seriously by anyone but fools.

  53. As a musician, myself, I wonder can a sociopath write music? Music seems like it is the language of emotions. Has a socipath ever written music which could touch other people in the soul, as good music must, imo.

  54. Monica, sociopaths are not void of all emotions.

  55. @Medusa

    TNP knew what I was addressing, (his comment to me in yesterday's blog) or I'm sure he would have asked me what the hell I was talking about. It's just an ongoing theme in our lil spats. He thinks I pull out "the sexism card", all the time. I think it obvious when I'm fucking with people. Apparently not.

    But enough about that...

    Why are we surprised that most of the information written on psychopaths, paints the picture of a criminal low life?


    The UKan & Misses love story told in full.

    :::::::::::::::Get ready for total domination :::::::::::

  57. You're being silly now. You either don't get me, or you're playing dumb and laughing at your own 'joke'.

    You've had a stick up your ass regarding me ever since I picked on you. Hold grudges much? It's no wonder your oldest is so independant. Someone had to be the adult.

    I don't mind your childish and ignorant tantrums, though. Maybe that's what bothers you the most. You so vehemently have to assert that you're the one fucking with me, and that you have an immunity bubble surrounding you, and that you're never wrong.

    Insecure much?

    You do know what you're acting like, right? Well, probably you don't, that's part of the problem.

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  59. TNP knew what I was addressing, (his comment to me in yesterday's blog)

    Yes I know that.

  60. Well now TNP, you're probably right about me not getting you. You're so damn mysterious and sly. ;) But I'm sure we both can agree that us not getting each other, is not much of a loss. Is it now? It is fun to play with you regardless.

  61. I'm not acting mysterious or sly, and playing with you is a bore and a hassle. I do 'get' you. You aren't the only amoral bipolar weirdo I've come across. I lived with one when I was in High School. You two could have been twins.

    It looks like both of you grew up to be lackluster parents with severe mental disturbance. Maybe you two could hook up some time and trade bottles of blood.

  62. youtube 6:57

    The muppet movie with team Ukan. LOFL

  63. Aw now TNP... if it's such a bore and a hassle for you to play wit me, then stop paying so much attention to what I say here. You have come after me several times, not just once. That's the only reason I make jabs at you every so often. If you didn't keep coming after me, I'd probably forget about you altogether. So since it bores you so much... I'm assuming nothing I say holds any weight with you, and you can just turn an indifferent shoulder to me. I will do the same.

  64. You addressed me yesterday. I replied. You're making this into something that it isn't.

    You want a truce? Laughable. The only conflict is playing in your head with the rest of your delusions.

  65. "As a musician, myself, I wonder can a sociopath write music? Music seems like it is the language of emotions. Has a socipath ever written music which could touch other people in the soul, as good music must, imo."

  66. "I think most people don't know what sociopaths are and that they exist."

    This is true.

  67. There is a full house here today

  68. why dos charles manson have so many fuckin followers the man is a fuckin moran

  69. been two buzy workin, member?

  70. Mabye instead of trying to convince people that sociopaths are good you should try and convince them that you're not a sociopath ME. It's much easier. I hope this isn't the angle you're pushing to people in the real world.


    I'm appalled. The man sings with a soul. Very nice.

  72. what have you been getting up to, mis?

  73. Agreed. When people know you are sociopaths your game is up. Then people will be all like LOOOK AT YOUR GAME GIIIIIIRL

  74. I've been minding my own business. You?

  75. eden is bored and you take her seriously and she likes it.

  76. if u tell ppl u are psycho no 1 will beleive u like in american psycho were he tells his friends he is a psychopath who likes killing people but they laugh it off as a joke, because they are so self centered amirite??

  77. you are right.

    because they are self-centered, though. if a person sees what they want to see, or if a person ignores another's statement, that is self centered. I thought it was just them trying to control their lives. that is self centered, i guess, yes.

    sociopaths do this^ or is that the narcissist, or both?

  78. @Monica

    Lets entertain for a moment the notion of music being an expression of the soul. If this is the case, then not only are the things that the soul cares about very simple minded and, lets face it, mostly sexual, but everyone's soul expresses the same desires. The patterns in music that becomes popular, especially current music, suggest that music is not emotional at all, but is instead targeting our more primal urges, ones that we all share.

    Maybe this is just me being cynical because I personally have never been able to connect with music on any kind of personal level.


  80. this explains what i was talking about

  81. not surprized, diz is y i keep two meself hear

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  84. I always thought about going to a shrink, just to scare the whits out of them with my past actions.

  85. "eden is bored and you take her seriously and she likes it."

    Oh no no! You don't understand. I'm really very serious.~
    Like all the time and I want to change the world.

    Anyway. I've been up for over 24 hours. Must be on my way up the manic spectrum again. I'm pretty wired, and I just realized I haven't even had any coffee today.
    This works out for me in the beginning. I get a lot of shit done without breaking a sweat... but just like with too much speed; I get spun out when I reach my peak, and it's much harder to keep my focus till a task is complete.


    If I was belittling to you the other night, I wasn't doing it intentionally. It just seemed sad in a way I guess. I know you can take care of yourself though.

  86. it's not true loneliness david. just your self pity.

  87. Fletch

    Very interesting. I think music touches primal passion, yes, but primal emotions,too, such as sadness, joy etc

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  90. David said...

    (...)but in the end it's extremely lonely.

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  92. That's what I was thinking.

    I could not see how the shrink wouldn't report me if I told him how I really view the world. I'd have to be especially careful of what I say. My lack of empathy touches basically all of my views on things.

    I think the shrink would pick that up fairly quickly, if he were any way intelligent. Even if I tried to hide it from him.

  93. if people were any way honest they'd tell you your sociopathic traits were an advantage. instead of calling you evil or nuts. unfortunately we live in a world of jealous people.

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  95. Eden

    You and Medusa were right. I get into these beeper tizzies. My moods can swing pretty fast at times, and as fast as they come, they go. I think I was in "bring on the self inflicted pain" mode. Boredom is a nasty thing for me.

  96. "Being a sociopath can give you a life with many thrills ordinary people don't live, but in the end it's extremely lonely."

    It also seems to be very bad for your health, as far as it goes with you, David.
    How's your anal health? Do you bleach your butt hole? :D

  97. I just don't know how therapy could benefit me. How could a shrink explain to me that a lack of empathy is a bad thing?

  98. David. I think you would go there to play games and stroke your ego rather than look for real change.

  99. @Sweet

    Ah... okay then. You had me confused for sure. It just seemed a tad out of character for you. At least the character I'm used to here. I really wasn't trying to put you down though. I apologize for the delivery of my reaction to you.

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  101. "How could a shrink explain to me that a lack of empathy is a bad thing?"

    uhmm.. good question. no idea.

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  103. when people try to explain to me that a lack of empathy and compassion are a bad thing, it makes my views even stronger. usually god is brought into it and i tend to laugh at their ideas, most of the time.

    if you strip away religion and the fear of god, what is keeping you from taking advantage of others?

  104. I saw Bridesmaids with my daughter, and they mentioned bleaching your asshole. I thought that was fucking funny! Do you like to make your asshole look pretty, David? Are you picky about what your lover's asshole looks like?

  105. Do you have any decency?

  106. Harv, were you born without empathy or did you lose it, due to abuse?

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  108. "Harv, were you born without empathy or did you lose it, due to abuse?"

    I'd imagine both. I didn't have a bad childhood though. It was actually better than your average. I was the golden child in my family.

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  110. My family is swarmed by mental illness. Very narcissistic and preoccupied with the surface. I'm the most outwardly adjusted out of them all.

  111. You don't enjoy sex, David? My ass is pretty hot actually. It's the vaginal canal that a baby goes through. Not the asshole. Glad to be able to clear that up for you.

  112. "I'm the most outwardly adjusted out of them all"

    says the guy who plays human dartboard with his wife

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  114. Missus

    Regarding our talk yesterday, I wasn't trying to invalidate your opinion, it was my first day back at work and I was swamped and frustrated.

    I am pretty aware of why I do certain things through therapy and I am currently being treated. As far as cold, harsh reality checks, I am no stranger to them. I have never had a cushy life full of pampering and coddling.

    I re-read what you said and if I came across as overly rude, I apologize.

  115. :)

    Apology sessions, I see.

    Funny... Uncharacteristically sweet...

    David, based on what I hear vaginal canal stretches to a point that things tear down all the way to the ass-hole. That's why married men are not happy as much with what they are about to enter after a few babies.

    Do you have any tears? Have you given any tears?

  116. I can be very sweet and snugly TNP.

    As far as tearing and popping out babies, it depends on the woman's body and how many kids a person has. You can actually heal up tighter after having a baby, but after too many it can be destructive to that area.

  117. You can't heal up tighter. WHo wants to rub on a scar tissue?

  118. Not everyone rips and tears. There are many factors like age, health, delivery time and how good the doctor is.

    If you wait too long to have sex after giving birth, a guy can barely get it in.

  119. No David. I'm doing quite well in the ass department. It's a bit of a bubble butt... always has been. But I think my body still looks good after having children due to the fact that I had no body, before my first pregnancy. I was so thin and flat, that in my punk days; people couldn't tell if I was male or female at first glance. I've always looked pretty young too. I'd like my boobs to go back down to a B cup though. Not that C is huge... I just like them smaller. No offense to the big breasted women of the world, but I think big tits look like cow utters! Oh lord, I've had my coffee now!

    I noticed you didn't touch my question to you about liking sex. Do you have a issues with sex?

  120. Oh joy, I have an imposter now.

  121. too much talk about pregnancy and sex quick someone quote hitler

  122. y dos socios like people who break law?

  123. hi guys. was i missed? I didn't miss you much if that helps.

  124. “The Ten Commandments have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention, it is a blemish like circumcision.” - Hitler.

    “The earth continues to go round, whether it’s the man who kills the tiger or the tiger who eats the man. The stronger asserts his will, it’s the law of nature. The world doesn’t change; its laws are eternal.” - Hitler

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  127. That doesn't sound narcissistic David. It sounds kind of Aspie. Who knows though. I'm no expert on Asperger Syndrome.

  128. No it sounds schizoid and narcissistic.

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  130. does your self confidence constantly fluctuate? you sound like a narcissist starved of admiration (supply)

  131. i think you would find it very hard to admit these faults in real life, david. i can tell you would rather not.

    if you are a narcissist, the best thing to do is never reveal your feelings. if you are thinking of doing it, stop. if you are beating yourself up after showing your humanity, then you are a narcissist.

  132. "As mentioned here so many times, so many overlappings"

    Well, I guess I wasn't very interested in what you had to say about your sexuality before. It must be a lot harder for you to be a prostitute than you've previously let on, if interacting with people on any level, is so difficult.


  133. I have problems with the intimacy of someone being able to look into my eyes.

    That shows shame and disgust.

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  136. Who is the Kao guy? And how did he get all these groupies?

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  138. y iz narc so wierd?

  139. i am mastirbate

  140. Gee David... Now you sound OCD. What a mess you are. Wouldn't it be interesting for you to get diagnosed.

  141. mastirbate to narc?

  142. i am mastirbate to woman rape

  143. uz said da majik word

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  146. People cheering because Conrad Murray was found guilty... As if I needed another reason to dislike the US of A...

    Anon somewhere above this: excessive testosterone does not cause violent behaviour. In fact: it's quite the opposite.

    Soulful? This is a bit of a late response, but I was going to answer the 'why?' in more detail. But it took me over an hour to type part one, and by the time I'd finished, it was past 1 AM. I could still write it, if it isn't too late.


  147. I also have it when having regular (non paying) sex.

    Something you have shown equal contempt for.

  148. Tnp, you're still dumb.
    David sounds like a pretty extreme case of loser. Probably intimacy issues, low self esteem, low self worth, I'd bet bullied to an extreme, etc. I don't think he has any psychological issues associated with uniqueness, although I think he'd like to.

  149. David is funny, says he cons people, my eyes roll over and i see the following

    Selling ass = money
    selling - sales man =/= con man

    People who have money pay you to get some pleasure you're conning them bro
    why wont you give them pleasure? lol

    How have you been David?

  150. Regarding the post, I can see your frustration with the negative picture, but facts are facts. Perhaps you should try to portray them as if you're trying to be better.then people will try to give you purpose and help you in all of your aspirations. Say you struggle with your demon nature if you want to be seen differently. But the Hollywood psychological picture of sociopathy is generally pretty unarguable.

    Personally I think they should try harder todiagnoseityounger, like16-18 and start to try to use people with noempathy and give them more direction. I personally love having my husband around. He does all the mean things I can't.

  151. I personally love having my husband around. He does all the mean things I can't.

    Until he does them to you.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. bonne nuit mon amour
    faites de beaux rêves

  154. Pretty spot on analysis, Missus. Now let's take it to the locker rooms where our muppets are getting ready for yet another round of Self Loathing. Jimmy?

  155. We just got done talking with the champion muppet Zhwaq who's proven pound for pound that he is definitely the one with the most issues. This guy is bat shit. Eating disorders, gender identification issues, identifying with her rapist, and aspergers this gal has got it all.

  156. I'm pretty confidant that I will hold on to my title. I've read Erin's posts. I've studied her tactics. I know I can be twice as annoying and way more off the wall. They will have to carry me out in a straight jacket. '^L^,

  157. But what do you have to say about M.E. naming Erin as the most annoying person ever on sociopathworld, do you think that will impact your shot this year on being the biggest muppet?

  158. It's not over yet. They can't ignore me forever '^L^,I have walls and walls of text I can throw at them. Erin can't even show her face anymore. Me? I have no shame.

  159. You heard it hear first. These guys are really gearing up in there for another round of window licking, Ralph. Real good stuff coming up.

  160. why is this place excrutiatingly repetitive? thought for the day.

  161. Hello Beautiful Sweet Cheeks, don't listen to the people who say my feelings for you don't matter. They do. How are you, today? Don't let anyone talk badly to you, ever.

  162. Because everyone is trying to control it and at the end of the day the thought of the night is oh shit it controls me
    a martyr falls on the forest and nobody was around to hear it
    does it make a sound?

  163. I bet, Jimmy. And I hear we have another contestant, David. A whore who has delusions of being a european millionaire adventurer extraordinaire. This guy is a piece of work Jim. Apparently he suffered sexual abuse for several years from a elderly client and eventually stole a meager sum of money from him and got in trouble for it. Worse yet the old man walked away having got away with manipulating David for sexual favors, and David got handed down charges of fraud. David gets drunk every night and takes sleeping pills to get to sleep, because he can't live with himself. He also can't look people in the eye when he is having sex with them, because he is so disgusted with himself. He is aiming for the championship as well, having sabotaged Ami's rise to the top by publishing her information.


  164. why is this place excrutiatingly repetitive? thought for the day

    It's not us it's you. Trust me.

  165. Which regular is Ralph? TNP

  166. I'm standing here with a new write in canidate, named uh, what was your name again sir?

  167. Right, easy to forget. Jason considering you have lost at everything in life what makes you think you have a shot on being the biggest loser?

  168. No, I have never been a closet homosexual.

  169. Good, Gary. I let you sleep over.

  170. When i was very little i told my father it would be fun to skin a rabbit and light it on fire to see how long it would keep running around or something like that.
    He told me people who did that would go to hell, i didnt understand.
    I later learned that skinning living things wasn't as easy as i thought it would be.

    Moral of the story: Dreaming is easy, but dreams are not real they are just your brain pushing your imagination after being asleep for over 90min.

  171. Boys, can attend the sleep over, too?

  172. 'why is this place excrutiatingly repetitive? thought for the day

    It's not us it's you. Trust me.'

    oh baby, did i offend you?

  173. prove your sociopathy. Burn all niggers, castrate all fags, throw acid in the face of every retarded child.

  174. Miss K

    Why do you put TNP down like that? What did he do to you that would make YOU treat him like he is dust on the bottom of your shoe?

  175. Diagnostic criteria for 313.89 Reactive Attachment
    Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
    A. Markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relatedness in most
    co ntexts, beginning before age 5 years, as evidenced by either (1) or (2):
    (1) persistent failure to initiate or respond in a developmentally appropriate fashion
    to most social interactions, as manifest by excessively inhibited, hypervigilant,
    or highly ambiva lent and contradictory responses (e .g., the child may
    respond to caregivers with a mixture of approach, avoidance, and resistance to
    comforting, or may exhibit frozen watchfulness)
    (2) diffuse attachments as manifest by indiscriminate sociabi lity with marked in ability
    to exhibit appropriate selective attachments (e.g., excessive familiarity
    with relative strangers or lack of selectivity in choice of attachment figures)
    B. The disturbance in Criterion A is not accounted for solely by developmenta l delay (as
    in Mental Retardation) and does not meet criteria for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
    C. Pathogenic care as evidenced by at least one of the following:
    (1) persistent disregard of the chi ld's basic emotional needs for comfort, stimulation,
    and affection
    (2) persistent disregard of the child's basic physical needs
    (3) repeated changes of primary caregiver that prevent formation of stable attachments
    (e.g., frequ ent changes in foster care)
    D. There is a presumption that the care in Criterion C is responsible for the disturbed
    behavior in Criterion A (e.g., the disturbances in Criterion A began following the
    pathogenic care in Criterion C).

  176. 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder of
    Infancy or Early Childhood
    Diagnostic Features
    The essential feature of Reactive Attachment Disorder is markedly disturbed and developmentally
    inappropriate social relatedness in most contexts that begins before
    age 5 years and is associated with grossly pathological care (Criterion A). There are
    two types of presentations. In the Inhibited Type, the child persis tently fails to initiate
    and to respond to most social interactions in a developmentally appropriate way. The child shows a pattern of excessively inhibited, hypervigilant, or highly ambivalent responses
    (e.g., fro zen watchfulness, resistance to comfort. or a mixture of approach
    and avoidance) (Criterion Al ). In the Disinhibited Type, there is il pattern of diffuse
    attachments. The child exhibits indiscriminate sociability or a lack of selectivity in the
    choice of attachment figures (Criterion A2). TI,e d isturbance is not accounted for solely
    by developmental delay (e.g., as in Mental Retardation) and does not meet criteria
    for Pervash'e Developmental Disorder (Criterion B). By definition, the condition is associated
    with grossly pathological care that may take the form of persisten t disregard
    of the child's basic emotional needs for comfort, stimula tion, and affection (Criterion
    CI ); persistent disregard of the child 's basic physical needs (Cri terion C2); or repeated
    changes of primary caregiver that prevent formation of stable attachments (e.g.,
    frequent changes in foster care) (Criterion C3). The pathological care is presumed to
    be responsible for the disturbed social relatedness (Criterion D).

  177. Miss Kan puts everyone on the bottom of her shoe until someone strikes a chord with her shit. Then, she runs and gets UKan to defend her LMFAO

  178. 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder
    Diagnostic Features
    The essential feature of Antisodal Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard
    for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence
    and continues into adulthood.

    This pattern has also been referred toas psychopathy, sociopathy, or dyssociaJ personality
    disorder. Because deceit and manipul ation arc central features of Antisocial
    Personality Disorder, it may be especially helpful to integrate information acquired
    from systematic clinical assessment with information collected from collateral sources,
    For this diagnosis to be given, the ind ividual must be at least age 18 years (Criterion
    B) and must have had a history of some symptoms of Conduct Disorder before age
    15 years (Criterion C). Conduct Disorder involves a repetitive and persistent pattern
    of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal
    norms or rules are violated. The specific behaviors cha racteristic of Conduct Disorder
    fall into one of four categories: aggression to people and animals, destruction of property,
    deceitfulness or theft, or serious viola tion of rules. These are described in more
    detail on p. 93.
    The paHern of antisocial behavior continues into adulthood. lndividuals with Antisocial
    Personality Disorder faU to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behavior
    (Criterion AI). They may repealedly perform acls thai are grounds for arrest
    (whether they are arrested or not), such as destroying property, harassing others,
    stealing, or pursuing illegal occupations. Persons with this d isorder disregard the
    wishes, rights, or feelings of others. They are frequently deceitful and manipu lative
    in order to gain personal profit or pleasure (e.g., to obtain money, sex, or power) (Criterion
    A2). They may repeatedly lie, use an aJias, can others, or malinger. A pallern
    of impulsivity may be manifested by a failure to plan ahead (Cri terion A3). Decisions
    are made on the spur of the moment, without forethought, and without consideration
    for the consequences to self or others; this may lead to sudden changes of jobs, residences,
    or relationships. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder tend to be
    irritable and aggressive and may repealedly get into physical fights or commit acts of
    physical assault (including spouse beating or child bea ting) (C riterion A4). Aggressive
    acts that are required to defend oneself or someone else are not considered to be
    evidence for this item. These individuals also display a reckless disregard for the safety
    of themselves or others (Criterion AS). ntis may be evidenced in their driving behavior
    (recurrent speeding, driving while intoxicated, multiple accidents). They rna}
    engage in sexual behavior or substance use that has a high risk for hannful consequences.
    They may neglect or fail to care for a child in a way that puts the child in

  179. Individuals wi th Antisodal Personali ty Disorder also lend to be consistently and
    ex tremely irresponsible (Criterion A6). Irresponsible work behavior may be indicated
    by Significant periods of unemployment des pite available job opportunities, or by
    abandonment of several jobs without a realistic plan for getting another job. There
    may also bea pattern of repeated absences from work that are not explained by illness
    either in themselves or in their famil y. Financial irresponsibility is indicated by acts
    such as defaulting on debts, failing to prmride child support, or failing to support other
    dependents on a regular basis. Indiv iduaJs with Antisocial Personality Disorder
    show little remorse for the consequences of their aels (Criterion A7). They may be indifferent
    to, or provide a superficial rational.ization for, having hurt, mistreated, or
    stolen from someone (e.g., "life's unfair," "losers deserve to lose," or "he had it com·
    ing anyway"). These ind i\riduals may blame the victims for being foolish, helpless, or
    deserving their fate; they may minimize the harmful consequences of their actions;
    or they may simply indicate complete indifference. They generally fail to compensate or make amends for their behavior. They may believe that everyone is out to "help
    number one" and that one should stop at nothing to avoid being pushed around.
    The antisocial behavior must not occur exclusively during the course of Schizo-phrenia
    or a Manic Episode (Criterion D).

  180. Associated Features and DisordersNovember 8, 2011 at 5:33 PM

    Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequentl}' lack empathy and tend
    to be callou s, cyn ical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others.
    They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g ., feel that ordinary
    work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their
    fu ture) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display
    a glib, superficial chann and can be quite voluble and verhally facile (e.g., using technical
    tenns or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar wi th the topic).
    Lack of empathy, inflated self-appra isal, and superficial charm are feahlres that have
    been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy thai may be particuJarly
    distinguishing of the disorder and more predictive of recidivism in prison or
    forensic settings where criminal, delinquenl, or aggressive acts are likel}' to be nonspecific.
    These individuals may also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual
    relationships. They may have a history of many sexual partners and may never have
    sustained a monogamous relationship. They may be irresponsible as parents, as evidenced
    by malnutrition of a child, an illness in the child resulting from a lack of minimal
    hygiene, a child 's dependence on neighbors or nonresident relatives for food or
    shelter, a failure to arrange for a caretaker for a young child when the individual is
    away from home, or repeated squandering of money required for household necessities.
    These individuals may receive dishonorable discharges from the armed services,
    may fail 10 be self-supporting, may become impoverished or even homeless, or may
    spend many years in penal institutions. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder
    are more likely than people in the general population to die prematurely by violent
    means (e.g., suicide, accidents, and homicides).
    Individuals with this disorder may also experience dysphoria, including complaints
    of tension, inability to tolerate boredom, and depressed mood. They may have
    associated Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders,
    Somatization Disorder, Pathological Gambling, and other disorders of impulse control.
    Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder also often have personality features
    that meet criteria for other Personality Disorders, particularly Borderline,
    Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. The likelihood of developing Antisocial
    Personality Disorder in adult life is increased if the indi vidual experienced an
    early onset of Conduct Disorder (before age 10 years) and accompanying AttentionDeficit
    / Hyperactivi ty Disorder. Child abuse or neglect, unstable or erratic parenting,
    or inconsistent parental discipline may increase the likelihood that Conduct Disorder
    will evolve into Antisocial Personality Disorder.

  181. Specific Culture, Age, and Gender FeaturesNovember 8, 2011 at 5:34 PM

    Antisocial Personality Disorder appears to be associated wilh low socioeconomic status
    and urban settings. Concerns have been raised that the diagnosis may at times be misa pplied to individua ls in settings in which seemingly antisocial behavior may be
    part of a protective survival strategy. In assessing antisocial traits, it is helpful for the
    clinician to consider the social and economic context in which the behaviors occur.
    By definition, Antisocial Personality cannot be diagnosed before age 18 years. Antisocial
    Personality Disorder is much more common in males than in females. There
    has been some concern that Antisocial Personality Disorder may be underdiagnosed
    in females, particularly because of the emphasis on aggressive items in the definition
    of Cond uct Disorder.

  182. The overa ll prevalence of Antisocial Personality Disorder in community samples is
    about 3% in males and about 1% in females. Prevalence estimates within clinical settings
    have varied from 3% to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of
    the populations being sampled . Even higher prevalence ra tes are associa ted with substance
    abuse treatment settings and prison or forensic settings.

  183. Antisocial Personality Disorder has a chronic course but may become less evident or
    remit as the indi\'idual grows older, particuJarly by the fourth decade of life. Although
    this remission tends to be particularly evident with respect to engaging in
    criminal behavior, there is likely to be a decrease in the fu ll spectrum of antisocial behaviors
    and substance use.


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