Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gene expression

I think there are many other factors that would affect the way someone with sociopathic genes/tendencies might behave or manifest themselves. I sometimes like to use the example of someone with Down Syndrome. I actually have relatives that have Down Syndrome -- one blood and the other adopted. It's interesting to see the blood relative. He does sort of look like the rest of his family, his siblings and his parents, but he also looks unmistakably like his adoptive sister who also has Down Syndrome. In fact, most people would probably say he looks more like his adoptive sister than his blood siblings -- unless the observer was intentionally trying to look past some of the more obvious Down's markers such as distinctive facial features, body shape, etc.

Down's is an interesting condition. Throw an extra chromosome in there, and it affects the way seemingly every other chromosome is expressed. It's almost as if you take the raw genetic material and put a very distinctive mask over it, a sort of interpretive gloss that takes what was lying beneath and distorts it -- minimizing or maximizing or otherwise twisting it to something else, like when the face of a plastic doll melts.

I sort of think that sociopathy is like this. My personality resembles my siblings' quite a bit.  It also resembles those of other sociopaths a good deal and in ways that are in some ways more poignant because of the relative rarity in the general populace. It's amazing to me how much I can share in common with strangers -- with people who are of different genders, ethnicities, races, nationalities, ages, etc. But I am not just like every other sociopath. From what I have seen of us we are all very different. But there is no mistaking a certain family resemblance.


  1. It is so funny that you say this, ME. I was just talking with a friend about this. How can each sociopath share so many of the same things when they are so different in other factors? We were talking about a few things. One is how the sociopath takes you as "his", mine. This is unique to sociopaths, it seems, but how? The male sociopath is so sexy. How is that? Why, exactly lol

  2. Sociopaths have a sexiness in their ideallic unavailability and general manliness...
    Mine was sexy because of his independence from social anything. Sometimes it can be disconcerting, but always admirable.

  3. If you're comparing sociopaths to down-sydrome mongrels, I'm just going to punch you in the empathy vaj and call it a day.

  4. Wow, thanks TNP. Now I'll be trapped on memebase all fucking day...

  5. Philosoraptor is one of my favorite meme hubs there. You're welcome.

  6. Monica,
    do you think I could make you squeal like a stuck pig, if I bleed you like one?

  7. I, used to be a smartass like you, until I took a meme, to the knee.

  8. Who thinks that there is the general thing that sociopaths have strength due to whatever has not killed them, like a warrior man complex? I'm asking because my ex used to sort of brag about his testosterone levels. *rolls eyes* Then he looked at me funny one day and shuddered saying "you have -a lot of testosterone." I wasn't on steroids or anything, I'm just built with a strong personality, and body. And I began competing with him. That made me somewhat LIKE him. Now I need to keep my curves and femininity for this new guy who likes me soft. I enjoy it, and keep my masculine side in check. I've read in my research that the narc becomes competitive with another one.

    Are there any sociotype/narc females who have had similar experiences?

    I remember Ukan saying a long time ago that when he dated a woman "like him" he felt like he was dating himself. If I'd adjusted my personality to fit his because it made sense, (and he was less than pleased,) would that make me mongrel lol? Or would it just make me smart? I'd started laughing at his showing off instead of feigning being impressed with him. He was not pleased.

    I can't decide if I was making myself unattractive to him instinctually because I was pissed off, or whether I just knew what I was dealing with and started to play. I let things bounce right back onto him, showing him his ugly mirror.

    This really isn't me! I'm a sweet nice person most of the time. But I do feel I am fuckedd up, and didn't actually feel like a victim. The end was simply crruuuel on my part. I got hypomanic.

    Do I or do I not belong here??

  9. Bella, only you can decide. Now you've been here for a long time. What do YOU think?

  10. Sceli, I'm just not satisfied with my own opinions. Please help me determine what is my appropriate plan of action here.

  11. How does it make you feel "not being able to determine" ?? such things for yourself?

  12. This isn't shrinkworld, idiot

  13. Well, Bella, you impersonated a sociopath for six months. What do you think?

    wv: supanon

    Sup, anon?

  14. I was talking to Sceli , And Fuck you cock breath, you give everyone else advice, why not me?

  15. Impersonated, Did I? Or was I a toy? Or was I a toy of the pseudo socios/real socios/fauxiopaths who want to do social experiments to laugh and see if a regular bpd person is capable of/ IS sociopathic? I am genuinely confused.

  16. Because I want to bone you. Mercilessly. I'm not sure what merciless boning is like, but it probably has a lot of glaring and sneering involved.


    That's my merciless boning face.

  17. Yeah, I "piss" over people like they are mine, Monica. I guess I do it irl. Never thought I'd end up admitting it or even realizing it. And I do feel powerful. I'm just not sure I want to do it, or if I have to because it's in my nature.

  18. who are you addressing TNP?

  19. You're a nutter, AND an idiot. You've given me a merciless floppy.


  20. I don't get you, TNP.

    We're all nutters here. You included.

    You told me you were a mentor once. Help me.

  21. Now who is making up bullshit?

    Progression of the TNP & Bella relationship:

    Bella: Dear TNP, I'm crazy and my boyfriend is a sociopath. Should we hook up anyway?

    TNP: Um... I guess?


    Bella: Also, I'm crazy and I hate you and everyone is out to get me.

    TNP: ...

    Bella: And I'm a sociopath

    TNP: ... -_-


  22. He wants to fuck you, Bella.

  23. Not really. It's hard for me to picture Bella without drool and a straight jacket.

  24. So ok I flirted with him , he flirted back (cuz I shoved it in his face and he played along {my take -2 sides to every story})

    Makes me BPD with the push me pull me and the narc bullshit. I'm so fucked.

    I need the advice you gave Haven last year. I'll take that. You were nice to her.

    That doesn't solve other things.

  25. I have never flirted with you, and you never flirted with me, you crazy bitch. You claimed all the male regulars here were stalking you on a dating site too, like we had nothing better to do than track you down and say, "Show me your titties or I'll stab you, lol."

    You aren't BPD, you aren't BD, and you sure as hell aren't ASPD. You suffer from an acute case of Paranoid Delusional Bitch Disorder.

    Now please leave before you spread it to someone else.

  26. "I remember Ukan saying a long time ago that when he dated a woman "like him" he felt like he was dating himself."

    I am now picturing two Ukans sitting on opposite ends of a table, frowning at each other in awkward silence while in the background some clock is ticking.

    That's a pretty fucking funny mental image.

  27. You've got an over active/strange imagination. Can't blame you. It's hard for me to picture you without a club in your hand ready to explode.

    I'm not that crazy and you know it.

    I wasn't like that when we first made contact anyway. Was I?

  28. Those people have the same writings styles as some of you, one calling himself "Me" and the other calling himself "no easy label" just after someone here talked about me being a psychopath. He is a neuropsychologist.

    They weren't paranoid delusions. Another is a person who supports blogging in order to get books written.

    I'm not paranoid, TNP.

  29. The person who makes up stories about being institutionalized, creates fake boyfriends to give me death threats over something that never happened, thinks that every male sociopath wants to fuck and kill her, and impersonates a sociopath, blogging about her condition for six months, and now made up a make believe relationship with me has the audacity to tell me they're not that crazy.

    Can you hear what you're saying over all the other voices in your head?

  30. I'm bpd and bipolar.. There are just other things that are off, as well.

  31. Oh, someone who sounded like me did all these things.

    It all makes perfect sense now, you're not paranoid, and I'm the bad guy.

    Please forgive my rudeness for ever doubting you.~

  32. I have been institutionalized. Twice in the past.

    I was fucking with you when I made up the boyfriend telling you i was in hospital.. I wanted to see your reaction.


  34. No, I told you that I never figured out who those men were . I reported them to you and assumed you'd put people up to it to "feed my malnourished soul" you said.

  35. I can see it now...

    "If he tries to console me, he's a fucking pussy and I should just end our non-existant relationship.

    If he calls me a crazy bitch, I WANT HIS BABIES! >:O"

    Yes, it's all clicking into place now.

  36. You said Daniel Birdick and Postmodern Sociopath were cyber stalking you, me as well, and you begged me to stop.

    What kind of pathetic worm creates her own soap operas? Oh yeah, Fanatic Narcissists.

  37. This is so fucking pathetic, but it's like a train wreck. I can't look away.

  38. "Impersonated, Did I? Or was I a toy? Or was I a toy of the pseudo socios/real socios/fauxiopaths who want to do social experiments to laugh and see if a regular bpd person is capable of/ IS sociopathic? I am genuinely confused."

    Is this unintentional comedy hour? I think it is. And free admission? What's the catch? Ah, dealing with a crazy bitch?


  39. you have a shitty memory.. I've never talked about PMS stalking me.. I spoke about Daniel's website maybe sabotaging sw by flirting with me. But that's a blurr. But I thought I was being consciencious. It didn't bother me, I told you. I just felt you should know. I felt we were friendly at the time.

  40. You know I'm not crazy, TnP. Coming from someone like you, I find it difficult to start calling you out on your crazy. But I'm not into it. Not right now, I'm not.

  41. *not to start calling you out.

    I'm not into warfare atm.

  42. Holy crap. I think Rick might be trying to tell us something. Especially since the background music was composed by Aaron Copland, who was gay, apparently.

  43. This is that magical time where I get to impersonate Medusa:

    "you have a shitty memory.."


    "But that's a blurr."

    = FAIL

    You thought Postmodern Sociopath was going to do a GRK on you, Daniel was going to seduce you, and I was going to badger you, or badger your badger, or something.

    It's such a blur.~

    You and your short buss best move along to the next stop.

  44. LoL short bus. Stop trying for low blows . It's unimpressive. Ukanish, I might add.

    I don't know a GRK.

  45. You're not into looking like an idiot? That's probably the only normal reaction you've had since Nurse Ratchet let you bugger off into the real world.


  47. "you have a shitty memory.."


    "But that's a blurr."

    = FAIL

    That isn't a fail. It's facts. Or you're making stuff up because you're having fun. I'd help you if you ever felt confused and asked. ALL you want to do is make fun of me.. Huh.

    You aren't helping matters for me. You changed. You used to be someone I looked up to. It's disappointing.

  48. No i'm not into looking like an idiot. I get confused and the I start to act silly sometimes. I havre some fun. But underneath I have some serious concerns.

  49. I have been trying to figure out how to link here. This is a decent documentary. Mostly about Hemp, not so much the smoking of.

  50. I'm the one making stuff up?

    That pause was me laughing, followed by coughing, a little crying, and using a tissue to clean up the aftermath.

    Bella, you are hands down the biggest lunatic to ever grace SW since I've been here. I don't mean that as a compliment. That's me making a clarification so you don't mistake that as a vague allusion that I want to father your children, or any other twisted fantasies get you through the day.

  51. LoL

    I would rather put anchovy paste in my pussy and have the neighbor's cat lick it out than have you fathr my children .

  52. You actually imagined a fantasy of the neighbor's cat eating you out to get to some anchovy paste?

    I rest my case.

  53. What's going on Bella? What games were you playing at? Why be shy about them... here of all places?

  54. I'd rather devein your cock with a clam fork than get near it for presex std inspection.

  55. Hi Eden. I'm not feeling shy today.

  56. So then, why hold back? If you've got a side to your story, then tell it.

  57. *yawn* It's time for my midmorning nap. I'll ask someone else about my- self. Haven probs. She's prob smarter than you. Or Medusa. The men here kind of suck at giving advice, I think. Maybe Zhawq. I'll take one of his/her pieces of wisdom over yours, TNP hands down. I can't stand rehashing in public. It's base. What a waste of a conversation.

  58. That second Monica was not I lol
    I have a question about the sexiness to MK or anyone who had a long term sexual relationship with a socio male. Do you think that, at first, they just boggle your mind with all new and magnificent bells and whistles, but later they are like trained monkeys who learned one task only, on the assembly line, and that is all they can do?

    I know it sounds funny, but I am totally serious and not mocking anyone.

  59. scroll up, eden. I'm not interested in rehashing. This place is a wild ride. Talk later.. Wheatley those are some good links. Funny. And cannabis should be legal.

  60. If you mean they're ultimately boring, one trick ponies, mmmm probs. My ex was.

  61. Key word is "ultimately". I also don't mean to mock.


  62. You just can't give up the fantasy, can you, Monica? What romance novel are you basing your sociopathic love affair off of?

  63. It is a question which is NOT romantic, but the opposite. People have told me that their sociopath ends up robotic, with the bells and whistles ALWAYS the same, in a kind of autistic way, although that is the wrong word. Think of Rain Man, although it would not be that bad, of course, but sexually, they become almost programmed, so what was once incredible becomes the only meal they can make.

    I am asking in a serious way, not to be a jerk or have a fight.

  64. I'm not trying to have a fight either. But this sexual curiosity is steaming from some place never ceasing, with you.... and You know it.
    Do are you curious about what opiates would feel like too? If only you were brave enough to try them....

  65. @Eden I think it is a legitimate question. We can see if anyone has an answer. If not, they thought it was a stupid question, too.

  66. Don't take it personal Bella. Not Able tried playing high functioning psychopath at first and changed his tune when he saw it got him zero respect here. So now he is playing pretend hard ass.

  67. Psychopaths playing pretend?


    But yeah, don't take it personal. We wouldn't want you to have an episode. Or worse yet, an epiphany.

    TCO, thanks for the documentary link. Decent time killer. Now I want some weed, er, hemp. Yes, hemp, for trousers and such.

  68. I wouldn't mind munching on a hemp G-string right about now.

  69. Tnp wants to be like Ukan and Misanthrope but fails lol

  70. Can't focus enough to figure out those fucking html links.

    You bitches will just have to cut and paste :)

  71. Does being an anon make it burn less, Bella? You sad cow.

  72. Theme Song for SW RegularsDecember 15, 2011 at 7:25 AM

    @The Chosen One
    I am trying to figure out the hyper links, too. In my business, you need them.

  73. Wheatley

    How do you hyper link again? I think I might try it today.~

  74. [less than symbol]a href=""[greater than symbol]Witty Name For Link[less than symbol]/a[greater than symbol]

    In case you don't understand the lingo:

    Less than symbol = <

    Greater than symbol = >

    Quotation marks are actually part of the code, you need both of them.

    If you can't figure that shit out, you're either stoned, or stupid, or both.

  75. I don't think that means what you think it means, TNP. Prepare to die

    "How do you hyperlink again?"

    Waaaay ahead of you. :P My comment from 6:07 is a link to a tutorial.

  76. Thanks TNP
    We shall see if Themes is any of the above, or all, or none, or A but not B, B but not C, A and B, but not E.

  77. Addendum of necessitation:

    There are no brackets. I just put them there so it wouldn't be so hard to read. Here's the pretty much unreadable but more accurate version:

    less than symbola href=""greater than symbolWitty Name For Linkless than symbol/agreater than symbol

    And no, Wheatley. I had you beat by days. Technically, Eden did too.

    But mine was better :P

    That should make your eyes bleed. Hopefully.

  78. Haha! You fell into my cunning trap! I was earlier still, for it was I who taught Eden the noble art of linking in a manner that can be described as being 'hyper'! So unless you are willing to debate causality, I am the master of linking hypers!


  79. Ho ho, you trickster of none!

    I posted how to post hyperlinks here before you poofed into existence.

  80. <"a href="">Home

  81. @Monica

    I don't know who would ever consider taking their mask off for you. Or even letting it slip enough for you to plug your sexually charged, obsessive mind into.

    You are the kind of person I would stay miles away from, or consider ending. You're more dangerous to a sociopath, than they could ever be to you. I'm surprised you haven't been able to figure that out by now.

  82. I'm going with Stoned. Consider that pity.

  83. <"href="">Home<"/>

  84. @Eden Everyone is allowed his/her opinion. You seem to engage me, not vice--versa.

  85. Maybe stoned. However it takes a brilliant person to explain html to someone doing it for the first time. Who is smart enough to show me the way the first time ??

  86. You're so close, too.


    Here's a hint. Copy my very hard to read comment, replace the bolded italicized wording with the symbols, and then save that as a template in a notepad doc or something.

  87. <*a href="">Link Title<*/a>

    Alright, copy that, remove the two *, voila.

  88. Got it that time. You hold the title.

  89. You did it, tiger! You've proven you're a high functioning narcissist and a high functioning stoner!

    I'm not sure that's a good thing. =/

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This is what Dr. Frankenstein must have felt.

    Damn you, TCO. Damn you to hell!

  92. You have no idea what you have just created.....

  93. Someone to find me free porn.


  94. Frank---AdministratorDecember 15, 2011 at 8:49 AM

    Frank, hisself, has accepted the role of Possee Administrator of the Possee which consists of Gary, Harv, Hank and Hairy.
    To save time and trouble, you can just say "Hi Possee" and not name everyone.

    If you care to stay with the old ways, Frank is relaxed about rules, so don't worry yourselfs.

    Members must be male. No pussy in the possee he he

    David is not allowed in, as we say no homo, and that would get confusing.

    If any SW men would like to join, Frank is taking applications. VM looks like a good candidate.

  95. Ouch, vm. Are you just gonna sit there and take abuse like that?

  96. There is no better way to start your day than with a cup of coffee and Squidbillies.

  97. Don't play stupid with me Monica. You know exactly why I "engage" you. Always have. I'll give you props for finally admitting to yourself that you're no better than any of us... but nothing past that.

  98. Eden, today ME put me in the Twitter. Some people value me. If you don't, don't engage me.

  99. Of course ME put you in the Twitter you fucking socio junkie! It's called a fucking ego. You're words are a constant cock stroking fest...
    Any swinging dick with a black hole for an ego, would swallow you up like cyclone; bones and all!

  100. You like the last word,huh, tnp?

    does being an anon make it burn less? Make what burn less?

    Just bec I don't have a google act I'm an anon?

    If that's the case, tnp, so are you.

  101. Eden

    I saw him in concert and it was so much fun.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Man, and I thought I had problems (just catching up on the catfights). It's always amusing to regain some perspective =)

    "It's almost as if you take the raw genetic material and put a very distinctive mask over it, a sort of interpretive gloss that takes what was lying beneath and distorts it -- minimizing or maximizing or otherwise twisting it to something else, like when the face of a plastic doll melts."

    I like this. BPD is kind of like the emotional mutant of the personailty disorders. But not like the awesomely useful Professor X type mutant... more like the Morlock Leech, all I can do is not go out in public, mutant. Hm

    I think I had a point... somewhere... meh, I'll find it later.

  104. Monica, I'll give you some advice!

    Like any human who has sex with a certain person over a certain amount of time will get robotic. They will understand the person's body already, what buttons to push, and how to make them shut the hell up. Sometimes it even becomes less about pleasing the other person and more about how they get their rocks off, and they get to the point, robotic and all, super fast just to spill their seed, spazz for a bit, then pass out. It isn't about him being robotic or being too in tune with his "sociopathic tendencies" than it is you suck ass in bed and he is bored and just wants something warm to stick it in for a few minutes without having to work hard at attracting some other chic.

    In essence, if it gets robotic it is because you are boring, and the sex is boring. It is not some deficiency in his lack of emotional connection. Try making it interesting for yourself, why the hell does he have to do everything? You ain't nobody special, and he more than likely knows this, hence the robotic boring ass sex. Sex is not difficult, and it is even less difficult to make it interesting.

    End advice/tangent. Hope I helped!

  105. Sugar cheeks, I fuckn' LOVE squidbillies, and Eden, I agree she is a danger to sociopaths, and she'd have to die. Getting away would result in some serious stalking and more fantastical dreaming. She's the type that would find taking a shit and funking up an apartment with the ungodly scent "magical".

  106. Piles


    Robotic isn't that bad in compared to hysterical.

  107. *that bad compared to

  108. Yeah.. well it's a good thing she's so skinny. It'd be too easy to make kindling of her for a campfire. Do you enjoy camping, Monica? I love camping. God can be found in the woods. Let's relive the days of the Bible together. Kane and Able is one of my favorites stories.

  109. ^^^ I am loving that idea.

    Thanks for the link Cheeks. Good, and offensive, stuff!

  110. Harv, hisself, nominates Frank for Administrator

    Good ideas, Franklin

    Hi Possee

  111. Hank, hisself, nominates Frank, too
    Hi Possee

  112. Piles

    ;) That shit is hilarious.

  113. I am cracked out on youtube videos today.

  114. That Frank person stole my identity This Possee shit is not Gary.

  115. @Piles what is your ideal woman like? A blow up doll?

  116. Hank is looking, for Hank's boots.

  117. The robotic ism you're talking about is where he stops physically being excited and starts depending on an emotional connection and or intimacy to be enjoyable sexually. One of you isn't intimate if it occurs and its time to open up or leave.

  118. MK, Hank can't find, Hanks boots. Hank lost his boots, where Hank lost his, marbles.

  119. @MK What do you mean, one of you isn't intimate-----emotionally intimate?

  120. Alright I’m gonna try to respond to some of the stuff form last night.

    First off, I know I was overreacting. I’m not making excuses for myself, and I know this behavior is not ok. That’s why I’m in therapy. To try and change this shit. I don’t think this place is going to ‘save me’. I’m working on doing that myself. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the ass when I’m being stupid and I know it. Hence my saying I needed a cold dose of reality. Which is what I got.

    Tech Boy and I have been seeing each other for like 2.5 - 3 months now.

    I’m not clingy. No one has ever accused me of being clingy. Wanting to be treated well does not translate into being clingy. Also, I write about everyone that affects my life, b/c my blog is about… wait for it… my life. Weird. I know.

    Missus… Control is a huge issue for me. I don’t like feeling like someone has control over me. I am also confused, frustrated, and probably projecting some other issues onto this relationship. I need to work on this. None of the abusive relationships I’ve been in ‘have been my most successful’, just the longest.

  121. Medusa… you’re right. I need to accept who people are and not expect, or hope, that they’ll change just for me. Even though I know this is what my ego wants for reassurance and validation. You’re also right that I really just have no clue what a healthy relationship is about. I’m unsure of and confused by how I am ‘supposed’ to act, and how I am ‘supposed’ to be treated. I don’t have a healthy model to base my actions on. I don’t know what is poor treatment, what is normal treatment and what is good treatment. Maybe if I did I would be able to temper my reactions a little more appropriately.

    Ukan… I’m not asking him to give up time with family or friends. I would never do this. All I want is some time set aside for me as well. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. I do agree that my behavior would be a red flag for anyone though; hence why I don’t express it externally where he can see it. I know this, I’m actually trying to change it, because it is crazy and that’s not how I want to be.

    Numby … I don’t simply expose all of my being to someone whom I do not know. You allow someone to get close to you gradually. You get to know them, learn what kind of person they are and then begin to open up if they are trustworthy and accepting. I’m not lying to him, I’m choosing the speed at which I put myself out there. There’s a difference. < --- Bella and Medusa are right here. Also, I’ll respond to your e-mail eventually.
    Red Flags = 1.) believing medication for mental health is a detriment to society b/c it perpetuates defective genes, 2.) trying to tell me that abuse is a 1st world problem and perspectively implying that my issues aren’t that bad < ---- this statement is just wrong… abuse/rape are probably more prevalent in 2nd and 3rd world countries where women don’t have rights and are often treated like property. 3.) He enjoys being a jerk. I’ve dated enough abusive assholes, these are things I should be paying attention to in relation to the kinds of people I allow into my life.

    If I wanted to be babied, this would be the last place I would come. I needed different perspectives than my own. I got them.

  122. I am accountable for my actions. My initial reactions do tend to be out or proportion. This is a problem. I am working on it. I’ve been doing much better with it. Yeah last night I flipped out, but I’m not continuing to do that today. Today I am trying to make healthier decisions.

  123. Also, Missus "I may have missed something from not keeping up with havens blog, but since when was this guy that much of a red flag ffrom anyone but havens crazy perspective?"

    My crazy perspective is the one that matters when I'm trying to determine if a guy is healthy for me to be with. Red flags for me, are not necessarily going to be red flags for someone else, but that doesn't negate that they are things that I should be paying attention to if I want to cultivate better choices.

  124. And in the end, tech-boy doesn't like crazy women (see: you)

    Good luck with that.

  125. haven, didn't you say that he went out of his way to make sure he was going to spend time with yu before he was gone for the weekend? But all you want is for him to make time for you? But you don't want him to be head over heels for you.... but you do for your ego.

    You should realize what it means when Medusa says you expect someone to change, or be perfect. I quoted you yesterday on what your dream guy is. And by your description he's either an undeveloped high school student with no real personality to speak of, or he's a sociopath playing into your hopes on Mr right. Currently what you said you're looking for doesn't exist. You want the best of both worlds oon every plane. Artistic yet scientific, in control, yet liberating, manly, yet sensitive. In the real world you do have to choose which of each of those you actually value.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Marble House

    We should prolly post some metal videos before it get weird in here.

  128. This afternoon I met a woman with Münchausen. She had convinced a large number of people she had ovarial cancer, even going as far as shaving her head. I thought it was pretty entertaining seeing her run around in circles, trying to get as much sympathy as she could, but my parents were really creeped out by her. They really couldn't understand how and why someone would go to such lengths just to garner sympathy.

    My point? I spend too much time 'around' crazy people. -_-"

  129. Dude have you ever heard Karen Finley. I mix this in at booggy clubs sometimes to fuck with people subliminally.

    Tales Of Taboo

  130. better than icp that is

  131. Hank found Hank's boots. Hi Frank, Buddy. What is Frank, doing, today?

    Hi Possee

  132. Frank Hissself as AdministratorDecember 15, 2011 at 1:57 PM

    Hi Hank

    Hi Possee
    Where has Hairy been?
    Gary seems like he thinks he is better than we are. Did you catch that, Hank?
    Where is Harv? He thinks he is Mr Socio *rolleyes*

  133. Hank hisself, wonders about, Hairy, Buddy. Whats his game?

    Frank, Hank thinks Gary, will come crawling back and Hank believes Harv, is in jail,again.

  134. Frank as President of PussyDecember 15, 2011 at 2:09 PM

    Good point about Harv. He has a trust fund but that fucking sociopath could screw up a wet dream.

    Hairy may be gone. Hank, YOU be the Vice President to President Frank.

  135. Frank as President of PussyDecember 15, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    *President of Possee*

  136. Hank Vice President to President FrankDecember 15, 2011 at 2:17 PM

    Hank hisself will, wait for, Harv's phone call.

    Frank, Hank got the memo, that vm, joined the possee.

  137. President of Pussy--Frank HisselfDecember 15, 2011 at 2:22 PM

    Memo to Hank
    Did vm join the pussy?
    Congratulations vm.
    *Frank gives the secret handshake*

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. Hank Vice President to President FrankDecember 15, 2011 at 2:27 PM

    President Frank, Vice President Hank thinks, Frank, has pussy, on his mind.

  140. Frank Hisself President ot PusseeDecember 15, 2011 at 2:28 PM

    Why, Hank?

  141. i believe some children grow up to be nothing like their parents. these people are called "generation curse breakers" these children are usually highly gifted and may be narcissistic.

  142. just talk to me here until you find it

  143. Hank needs ladies, Frank, should share with Hank.

  144. Ok Hank, you can take Haven. Just keep Eden away from me he he

  145. i'm really run down right now. make this easy for me will you?

  146. ann :) same thing you did (na)

  147. Hank will treat Haven right.

    Hi Haven

  148. @Hank, just remember, there are no females in the Possee. Keep them in the bedroom he he

  149. Frank is with Piles. Piles thinks woman should be shut up and treat the man like a cook. Frank agrees. Piles, want to join the Possee?

  150. Hank loves the ladies,Haven.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Frank will forever live in Harv's shadow.

  153. @Missus ...

    Let me explain something. When I get emotionally overloaded I have lapses in my logic center and I'm clearly not always the most rational person when it comes to dealing with people.

    Frankly I don't know what I want from a relationship with him or anyone. I'm still trying to figure it out. I'm fighting myself because I want to be intimate but I also want to protect myself. These issues work in opposition to each other.

    Just because you have an extremely limited interaction with cultured men doesn't mean I do. I know A LOT of men, and women, that are both highly creative and highly intelligent. I am one of them. Just because you can not fathom someone that is dominant without being dominating doesn't mean that kind of person doesn't exist. Clearly by the choice you made with your marraige these things are the same thing. It is very possible for a healthy person to be in control of their life without needing to control the lives of everyone around them. Personally I'm not attracted to super effeminate people. I don't need them to cry on my shoulder, but I do need them to treat me well. And yes, I have met people that are all of these things.

    Does my 'perfect' match exist for me? Maybe not. But are the things I'm looking for impossible to find? No, not at all. Don't limit me, by the limitations of your own life.

  154. Harv, Buddy, where have you been? Frank and Hank, thought Harv, was behind bars.

  155. @TNP... I don't actually harbor any illusions that this will be a long term thing. Hell, it may not even be a short term thing.

    He wants someone with different qualities than I am able to provide. I want qualities that he doesn't possess too.

    I don't have a plan here. I'm trying to make better decisions though. And ultimately I do know that it means I have to make changes.

  156. Just because you have an extremely limited interaction with cultured men doesn't mean I do


  157. I don't understand, Haven. Why are you waiting so much energy on someone you could give two shits about? You're strung out. Find a new hobby.

    In other words: I hope this hits a nerve with you, so we can have mind blowing make up sex, later.

  158. more than one of those. picture?

  159. @Eden... That's the thing. He's an alright guy. I like him as a person. I don't think he's right for me. But I like having him around. I'm always a bundle of contradictions when it comes to people. Maybe it's the whole while I wait for Mr(s). Right, at least I have Mr. Right Now. I'm angry and lonely, and my therapist thinks I'm acting out on these feelings instead of focusing them more productively. I think she's right. I'm working on it.

    and btw...all you had to do was throw me on the bed ;)

  160. no pic now i can if needed

  161. sending request. you'll know.

  162. vm what do you want to talk about?


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