
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A sociopathic story (part 2)

I am becoming better at my game. Two years ago, I went on a trip with a group of 6 people for four months. Two of the people there were married, and the woman was particularly easy to read. She had so many weak points that I simply couldn't help myself. I seduced her because I could, and I wanted to, and because it made me feel powerful. Her husband made it easy by verbally harassing her, or at least saying things that could very easily be reconstructed in her memory to seem that way.

Currently I completely possess the mind of another woman, but that happened nearly by accident. I would not have chosen her as a target because she is too wrapped up in the social web at the university that I go to, and now I can't get rid of her even though she bores me. I can't figure out how to break the relationship without having to rebuild an entire network of people at this school. I'm sure that I can figure out a way to do this, but I've never really had to. Change of location has always been my go to method for cutting off contact, but I can't leave here for another 2 years.

I suppose my greatest question is how do you prevent yourself from becoming bored? I need to explain that better. I'm never actually bored as I always have my mind and other people's minds to play with. What I mean is: how do you continue to do one job, or make it through a degree, or generally have any commitment that lasts longer than a year? Or is that just impossible for you?

To be clear, I make no claims to the title of sociopath, as I think that is probably quite meaningless in its current state, but there are certain qualities which I share with sociopaths, enough for me to find the concept fascinating. I think I share all of the qualities on the checklist except trouble with the law and violence towards animals (I never understood the draw, my feeling on this is very neutral. I see no reason to either hurt or not hurt animals)

In any case, I will continue to read your blog whether I hear from you or not. Just thought that I would introduce myself.
M.E.: I don't really fight the boredom, I just go from one thing to the next. My attention span has historically been 3-5 years. By the second or third year of anything I am always looking for my next move. Luckily I have managed to stay in a relatively related field, although vastly different types of jobs within that field. My problem isn't even so much boredom, as an inability to make myself do anything that I don't want to do. It's a good thing that I am motivated in part by prestige and money, which I naturally equate with power.


  1. Just because you are bored doesn't mean you shouldn't get something done. Just get someone else to do it for you.

    I got bored of my career so I got someone else to handle it while I'm finding other things to do. I went to college for a semester, joined a business club, got straight A's, and was going to be voted in as next president of the club. I dropped out of everything and went to be a debt collector. Got raided by the cops. Bought a snow board and smashed myself up. Bought a dirtbike and crashed it. Got married. Went to tahiti. I mean this whole fucking year has been unbelievable. I didn't contribute fuck all to the fuctioning of the human race, but I had a lot of fun on their dime. You don't need a fucking degree. All you need is a handful of delusions and a few believers and your already ahead of the rest.

  2. Just make a cult and get it over with already, UKan.~

    How can you possibly stay bored in this day and age? There are too many fucking things to do. If anything, I feel like I'm probably missing out on something I don't know about yet.

    Regarding your Un-girlfriend, what's the big deal about losing a handful of friends, and why do you assume you'll be on the shit end of the stick? Find a way to sabotage the relationship that will make her look like a petty bitch, and get her friends to not only stay with you, but despise her. You're a smart college lad, aren't you? Figure it out.

  3. youre so delusional ukan.

  4. Ahhh the late night crew. Yell at me some more TNP.

  5. Yell at you? I'm your imaginary enemy, now? Had to poof one into existence?

    There's a recent tweet about you, heh. I wonder if you can logic that one out.

  6. Nope can't logic it out. You got me.

    vm and TNP

  7. Funny thing anon is I've lived just feet from where that video is filmed.

  8. Hate how he's ripping of Die Antwoord with the crotch shake.

  9. I don't think you can really rip off the Die Antwoord crotch shake while not being criminally insane South African white trash.

    Also, STOP -- Hatin' is bad!

  10. Speaking of which, I dare you to watch THIS with a straight face.

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  13. Its in yesterdays comments. Apparently I have a big nose and bushy eyebrows.

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  15. If it's any consolation, I thought you were rather average.

  16. Yeah I feel about the same way.

  17. Are you part sicilian or spanish of some flavor? Dark-ish complexion and hairy... Just curious. I don't know about South Carolina, but NC had some pockets or irish, maybe black irish?

  18. I actually not hairy at all. I guess just on my face. My last name is a pretty common Irish last name. But there's Indian (Native American) on my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. My family has been in America forever though. I'm really mostly mutt now.

  19. I thought you looked like a idiot vm. I also thought you shouldn't put your picture up if you were going to be insecure about it.

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  21. What is all the drama behind Zwaki?

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  23. Yes, so it was confirmed he is not a psychopath ? How was it confirmed ? I read his blogs daily.

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  25. Speaking of eating disorders.

    *puts smarties down*

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  27. I just can't stop most times. I'll eat the entire bag.

  28. I don't get the idea of gift giving. What's the point of spending $20 on something, to have $20 given right back to you? If I spend 20 dollars on someone I want at the least a 100 dollar gift in return. Otherwise it's a waste of time. Who agrees?

  29. vm. Still waiting on that profile picture.....

  30. I bought my mom a dvd she wanted for Christmas. It's the first Christmas time I've bought gifts for people. I used to use the excuse, that I was broke and therefore couldn't afford to buy anyone gifts. I remember thinking people who bought gifts were suckers.

    I gave my mom her gift early. Then I thought about the cash I wasted and decided to manipulate her into giving me the money I paid for her gift lol.

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  32. Or the family could just get together and perform a circle jerk on the women in the family.

  33. Ha ha ha. David you are a puppet. I say jump you say how high. Did you really believe what I said yesterday? I was just fucking with Ami. I thought she would be the only one stupid enough to believe me. You are such a sucker. No wonder the only occupation you could muster was sucking cock.

  34. David, I'm saying that i do not enjoy giving others gifts. I get nothing out of it. If anything it's a weakness, because it shows you thought about the person. Do you buy gifts?

  35. My ex girlfriends friend sucked cock for a living. She made a grand a day.

    What profession allows you to make your own hours, and get that type of pay ? And no experience needed lol.

    I need to become a pimp!

  36. If you're getting a grand a day sucking dick, you're getting enough on the job training to be considered experienced :p

    Frankly, I'm surprised how many women don't know how to give decent blow jobs. I'd reckon it's probably because most guys are too thankful to speak up, haha. It's not rocket science, bleh, I better stop before I go on a rant about BJs.

  37. I like a good Beej myself. I'd like to get a Beej from David Suzuki's daughter.

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  39. Being a whore doesn't require experience, but being a pimp does.

  40. @David

    Humility is disgusting. I'd rather be grandiose than humble, any time.


  41. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some 'business' to do, and as I don't work with associates I have to do it myself ...

    What humors me is that you are proud of this. Like you made some great achievement here, mate. ha ha ha. You don't need an associate for sucking cock? Well, good for you. How independent.

  42. David, there are the wonderful inventions called Smart Phones. They're a type of mobile that allows you to surf most of the web, unhindered.

  43. "nobody cared when you admitted you were Missus Kanney"

    You mean... you... like... what?! You took that seriously? What?! I.. you... what? Why? How? When? Jesus dude. That's just sad.

  44. TNP, are you humble, in person? Do you understand your limits?

  45. Zwaq was a handicapped old aspergered rape victim faking like she was her rapist. It's interesting you followed her blogs. I guessed from the nerdy shite you had going on in your profile picture. He was into that star wars shite.


  46. You mean... you... like... what?! You took that seriously? What?! I.. you... what? Why? How? When? Jesus dude. That's just sad.

    Seriously, I threw it out there for some cheap thrills from Ami even thinking she might not be dumb enough to fall for it and he jumped out and bit it. Too many poppers tonight dave?

  47. Is that a trick question? I mean if you're humble, you can't go around spouting that you're humble and be taken seriously, and if you say you're not humble, that can be taken as being humble, thus invoking the You're Not a PD clause.

    Fucking catch-22s, how do they work?

    Ps: I'm being a jackass. Just in case I wasn't being obvious enough.

  48. "Valerie O'Haver (24) died after a battle with lupus."

    Lol. Anyone want to crash her funeral to make an "It's not lupus."-joke?

    "even thinking she might not be dumb enough to fall for it."

    That's the best part: she didn't. Ami didn't fall for it. Think about that for a second, if you will. Ami didn't fall for it. Ami. David did.

  49. Some of these death stories are hilarious.

    Tip: Click "remove frame" in the corner to get onto the dead persons profile.

  50. @David You need to fight back to any bully, here or in your real life, who disses you. That is the only way to break the ingrained "desire" to be bullied, which I think you have. It is called repitition compulsion(too lazy to look up spelling lol ).
    People repeat their past patterns.They, even, BRING them on themselves. It is an unconscious way to play them out again and again, in order to heal them. Everyone does this, whether they know it or not, and most don't.

    It is the mind attempting to find homeostasis. All life, emotional and physical, is built around homeostasis.

  51. "David, I'm saying that i do not enjoy giving others gifts. I get nothing out of it. If anything it's a weakness, because it shows you thought about the person. Do you buy gifts?"

    I don't get it. Gift giving can be a useful tool. It can also show you think of other people, when like always; you're only thinking of yourself. I don't think to give gifts often, but it makes me feel pretty damn good when I do. Suddenly you're the person who just has a hard time showing your tender side, and when you finally do... they eat it up!

  52. What did David fall for? Ukan on his dirt bike? Who fucking cares lol

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  54. I really don't have a tender side. It's not like I'm fighting an urge to be nice to them.

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  56. What are poppers?

  57. "I really don't have a tender side. It's not like I'm fighting an urge to be nice to them."

    Neither do I... that's the motherfucking point.

  58. How are sociopaths so perceptive if they don't have empathy to guide them?

    Is it the pure reason and logic of a sociopath studying the human as a scientist studies a bug?

  59. Since when does empathy "guide" you? All I see when I look at empaths is a person in pain.

    Overall, you make a decent point.

  60. You'd either buy him a pint, or kick him in the balls? Judging by the fact you've never been in a fight, I'm putting my money on the pint.

    What was I supposed to like about that article?

  61. Wheatley said,“Anyone want to crash her funeral to make an "It's not lupus."-joke?”

    Yes, yes I do. It’s never lupus!

  62. "You were pathetic yesterday. Nobody cared when you admitted you were missus kanney because everyone knew, you were only fooling people in your deluded head."

    I apparently missed something. True or False? Or is this still up for debate?

  63. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 6:43 AM

    whatever happened to the james mannion story this story changes every day

    makes me wonder if people in this blog are 100% honest and straight forward all the time its not nice to be dishonest i might become suspicious and untrustful stop believing in people like i used to

  64. People here are conspiracy theorists. I don't think it really matters what the story is as long as there's room for wild speculation. Btw, Elvis is alive.

  65. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 6:51 AM

    elvis is alive i saw a movie about it hes living in old peoples home with jfk fighting mummies

    the funny thing- jfk is a black man

  66. Michael Jackson dyed white. You never know.

  67. "Yes, yes I do. It’s never lupus!"

    My mother had lupus. Apparently there's a cure. It's called: Well, that one didn't work. Let's try something else.

  68. Lupus is the body turning against itself. Louise Hay says it is extreme self hatred.

  69. Caroline that's what happens when you get a dianosis from a holistic hippie.

  70. "Btw, Elvis is alive."

    And doing quite well, actually. Singing, drinking, eating Perfectly Normal Beast rolls and earning enough money to buy Switzerland.


  71. @Haven One must have the scientific method and see if things work actually work, not buy the predigested ideas of the establishment, ANY establishment. Louise Hay cured herself of cancer so she deserves to be looked at, imo.
    How has Western Medicine been treating you, Haven? If you are happy, then it is fine for you.

  72. "Lupus is the body turning against itself. Louise Hay says it is extreme self hatred"

    And you believe this shit? Give me a fucking break. Nice scam though. It's basically saying: "I can cure anyone and anything. And if I can't, it's because that person didn't want to be cured."

    But that's bound to happen when people who never swore to "do no harm" start making money from giving advice.

  73. @Caroline...

    Western medicine has been treating me just fine but I don't use it much beyond my psych/sleep meds. I maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. I take care of my body and subsequently almost never get sick.

    However, Am I happy? I'm BPD, no I'm not happy. But I'm happier than I have been in a very long time, in large part to the therapy and medication I've been incorporating into my life.

    Disease is a combination of manifestating issues... genetics, environment, life style. If you lead a life where you treat your body poorly, yes you're going to get sick. If you lead a lifestyle where you treat your body well, you will remain healthy (generally, not always, because some disease is genetically or otherwise beyond your control).

    However your immune system isn't a 14 year old emo kid. Your lungs don't decide to hate themselves and give you lung cancer. You produce this outcome by the lifestyle choices you've made.

    I would also question that you can merely think your way healthy. It may begin with the thougth process, but I'd bet that she also made other healthy steps to change a toxic lifestyle that actually contributed to the healing process.

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  75. @Haven Things are multi-faceted. I agree.

  76. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 8:16 AM

    i think that might be the future profession of me i looked into it and it seems becoming a proper doctor is a lot of work not that i culdnt do it but i dont have the patiensce of going to doctor school for many years

    but there are a lot of fake doctors around maybe i print a diploma from the internet and start my own practise or go work in a hospital not sure yet i think about the details later

    ive read a lot of crap in the internet i culd fool anyone pass for a real doctor

  77. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 8:20 AM

    also ive thought about starting jogging bcause i want to be healthy when i die

  78. @Mike being a fake doctor could have its drawbacks, though like when they called you for surgery.

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  80. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 8:27 AM

    caroline how hard culd it be i wuld just look in the internet what they want me to remove and what does it look like ive heard some peeps fake doctors for years without getting caught

    theres the proof its like any other job if ya put ur mind to it anyone can do it

  81. "because I want to be healthy when I die."

    *tips hat*

  82. @ Mike Sure, why not?

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  84. Why do people lay down flowers and cry on the crime scene of a terror attack while they don't even know the victims? Journalists aks them the question 'how they feel' and they start to cry, while the event didn't influenced their personal life in any way. It's like some kind of mass psychose.

  85. I sometimes think people must be faking it to get sympathy points. Like if they hear that 10 000 people died in Africa they shrug it off. But if they hear that 100 people died a few hundred miles away they might be devastated, even though they didn't know any of the people who died or their relatives. It makes no sense to me.

  86. Hank didn't care, about 9/11. Hank got yelled at, for not being a patriot, by Hank's buddies. They told Hank, to leave the country.

  87. @Hank Frank loves you, Bud.

    hi Gary
    hi Hairy
    hi harvard

  88. @David For me, it is how I would feel if it were I. So, I suppose I am crying for myself, but it "seems" as if I am crying for them. However, I am not sure if this it, totally, correct. It is complicated.

  89. Hank realized, on that day, Hank had to fake it, or society would, reject Hank.

    Hi Frank
    Hi Gary
    Hi Harv

  90. @ David I am trying to be honest. The more I face myself, the more I see how supremely selfish and egocentric I am. I am about 95% self involved and self concerned. This surprises me as I have been lying to myself about what a "great" person I was. I am kind of astounded lol

  91. I think there is much truth in saying that all actions can be reduced to egoism.

  92. Being selfish doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you human.

  93. As long as there are Muppets, there is hope.

  94. Muppet, there you are! Here I thought you were at work and you are hanging out with these Muppets instead?


  95. It's obvious that you're missus.

    The funny part is that you believe this still.

    I have no desire to be bullied. Just because Ukan rants towards me? He does it to everyone. It's just a game to me, in real life I would buy him a pint ... or kick his balls, depending on the mood I'm in. You're trying to hard to play 'shrink'.

    In real life you would do what you have always done in the past with bullies, david, you would hide in a closet and hope I went away.

  96. Muppet, get your adorable, blue fur butt into the car. We are going to pretend, this never happened.

  97. What I wanna know is why folk are still on this Missus is UKan trip. Who the fuck cares? Will it damage anyone here that much to know they were had on a SOCIOPATH site. Be glad it isn't being had with a bad investment or a name brand Gucci outfit that turned out to be Cucci.

  98. On topic kinda with the flowers on crime scene areas, I was once driving past a used to be crash site, and saw a clean giant teddy bear. I was heading to my cousins house to pay tribute to the second bastard she pushed out of her twat that she condemned me with in knighting me the god parent, but I had no gift. So I pulled over, jacked the bear, and looked like the most awesome godparent on the planet when I showed up. Go ME!

  99. "In real life you would do what you have always done in the past with bullies, david, you would hide in a closet and hope I went away."

    I'm not 7 anymore Ukan, I'm 34. Anyone trying to screw me in real life these days would get and got a knife in the back (and no you don't have to take that literally).

    Btw I would be dissapointed if you would leave, you have a high fun factor, and although you're delusional you're intelligent in some fucked up way.

    Don't know if I would want to meet you in real life, as a latent homosexual I'm sure you would want to kiss me once you're drunk (wouldn't you, you naughty bear). And you know I hate romance and affection, unless it pays off in some way.

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  101. @Piles the bear 10:57
    I guess that story is made up but it still made me laugh.

  102. Piles Appreciation SocietyDecember 14, 2011 at 11:05 AM

    Anonymous Piles the Beaver said...

    On topic kinda with the flowers on crime scene areas, I was once driving past a used to be crash site, and saw a clean giant teddy bear. I was heading to my cousins house to pay tribute to the second bastard she pushed out of her twat that she condemned me with in knighting me the god parent, but I had no gift. So I pulled over, jacked the bear, and looked like the most awesome godparent on the planet when I showed up. Go ME!


  103. David, you want Ukan to fuck you so bad it's pathetic.

  104. No Ukan wants to fuck David.

  105. "David, you want Ukan to fuck you so bad it's pathetic."

    For all I know he's a fat bully with questionable hygiene habits who hides in the bushes of his local park, so no thank you. Btw I make money through sex, but aside from that I'm as sexual as your 70y old grandmother.

    Now if you'll excuse me I have an extremely difficult dictation exercise in my native language so I can get confirmation again that my language skills are close to perfection.

  106. You don't know what I am, David, or what I'm doing. You keep saying the word delusional, but I don't think you know the meaning. Delusional is when you think that some tramp with no history of violence in his entire life is going to do anything to save himself now that he is over 30. You are becoming weaker david, not stronger. That's why you jump on traps meant for retarded people like Ami. You were never clever. Sucking cock is not clever. Being buggered for years by some old sexual predator is not being a con artist. It blows my mind how far gone you are from reality and how deep you are in fantasy world.

    You do want me to fuck you david. You want me to fuck you so so badly. In reality I would abuse you, strangle you, and dump you on the side of the road like the worthless whore you are.

  107. Who wants to fuck Whom? I go for Ukan wants to fuck David he he

  108. I come here for the fighting and fucking.

  109. Its weird when you say something and no one responds.

  110. @vm
    What did you say that no one responded?

  111. I was talking about sc comment. Lets listen to some Daft Punk Samples.


  112. I've always really liked this song Tribe sampled for electric relaxation.

    Mystic Brew

    Electric Relaxation

    Feel like letting out my inner Aspie.

  113. Yes. But what do you really come here for, Sweets?

  114. I have to kill you vm. You need to die. I'm asking for your blessing.

  115. The Chosen One

  116. vm

    LOL It was just a random comment I thought I would drop before I went shopping.


    I do find useful nuggets here; however, the sexual content mixed in with aggression keeps me coming back.

  117. @Sweets

    A trip to the woods. Right?

  118. "You do want me to fuck you david. You want me to fuck you so so badly. In reality I would abuse you, strangle you, and dump you on the side of the road like the worthless whore you are."

    People, come and read this! Irish sophistication. No wonder the Titanic sunk.

    Why do you fantasize about strangling a 'whore' ukan? Did the last one charge you too much?

  119. You'll have to get in line after TNP and UKan Hunter.

  120. Frank, hisself, is the sexiest man alive.

    Hi The Chosen One

  121. So that's a yes?

  122. I like how I've become so polarizing because last week I felt kinda ignored. A pic usually stirs up people.

  123. Eden


    Speaking of nuggets, I am mulling over some serious thoughts regarding infatuation at the moment. Once I get the thoughts sorted, I will share.

  124. You may think i'm a pussy with bushy eyebrows and a big nose but I will fuck you up. So yeah lets mix it up.

  125. VM What's your deal? like autobiography?

  126. Pleased to meet you. I have been called a pussy, too.

    hi hairy

  127. I wonder how long it will take me to reach your jugular, if I use one of your stupid records to cut you open.

  128. You would never reach me I would just have my boys stomp you out.

  129. Done with the fictitious internet fighting. I feel dumber just by engaging you and I am trying to curb these kinds of thought.

  130. vm

    If we were to hang out in real life, I have a feeling there would be a big wake of destruction.

  131. You're boys? hahaha

  132. Frank to vm( two non pussys)December 14, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    Glad to have you around these parts. My homies, will come out, soon, to say hello.

    Gary, Harv, hank and Hairy---We have a new guy to greet.

  133. I don't derive any pleasure from violence at all. Its not fun to beat up or get beaten up. Much less kill someone. I must be sociopath lite. Cause I would rather not sit in that shit.

  134. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 14, 2011 at 2:01 PM

    vm said Its weird when you say something and no one responds.

    if ya think thats weird ya must not post enough i feel it weirder when some body does haha

  135. Hi vw I got a 5 on the empathy scale. I must be the Guinness extra stout of sociopaths.

    Hi Frank

    Hi hairy

  136. Hola vw
    Frank told me you were new around here. Welcome, I am a cop when I am not shooting up people he he

  137. Hello, old men and new man.

  138. Gary and Frank

    Stop it with the Hola already. That's my thing ;)

  139. You are too fucking easy.

  140. Sorry, Sweet. Frank did not know that. His pants are too tight and impairing his function.

  141. Early day, early night, enjoy the cockfighting.

    Bonne nuit

  142. I prefer the calm and idyllic.

  143. You'll jump on any trash that walks in here and whistles at you.

  144. Who You talking TO Hunters Moon?December 14, 2011 at 2:41 PM

    Thems fighing words.

  145. @Storyteller:

    The easiest way I've found to unhook someone is to first convince them that they love some sort of taboo sexual act. F.ex. masturbating with an object, acting like an animal while violating one's self, incest, bestiality, etc. Let your imagination run wild! Basically anything that would be super embarrassing for a woman if it was made public, and something that you could say "sorry that's too much for me".

    This tactic does 2 things, first gives you an awesome excuse for breaking off all contact, and second; depending on how well you spread it, will alienate the subject from her current circle. Or if nothing else no one will blame you.

    Several different ways to carry out this plan, here's one example:

    Convince her, in the oh-so-recognizable rationalization, that you think it would be amazingly hot to see her with another woman, or even just to see the results of her flirting with another woman on those social sites. Drop some hints, the kinkier the better. Maybe mention the very thought of her sending some sort of kinky video to another woman, even if you don't get to see it, makes you hard for hours on end. This keeps your attention on her, so she shouldn't get jealous. Maybe it will convince her this is what is required to fully commit to a relationship with you. Then create an online personality, contact her through her social media. Flirt it up, convince her to "try new things with her new girlfriend". The fact that you wont be meeting face to face will keep her at ease and ensure your identity is unknown. Then convince her to send you one of those taboo videos, or even save a nasty conversation. After you have the goods on her you can beg for a meeting to do it in person(this really isn't required but I like having scapegoats and motivations, without this bit she may suspect you), she will probably refuse or make up an excuse, giving your girl personality all the motivation a crazy bitch needs to spread that evidence alllll over school/the internet.

    Even if she claims to do it for you, as long as you didn't specifically request the act that is evidence, you can say "yeah.. but I'm sorry I simply meant a little bondage or nipple clamps, this is too much and I don't want to be publicly associated with it".

    She will probably be so embarrassed that she wont even chase you.

    Also.. things like this are a great way to "get past boredom" without losing public face and having to start over.

    Btw, maybe you aren't a sociopath but a psychopath.

  146. This stress, will drive me, to the bottle.

    Hola Frank
    Hola Harv
    Hola Gary
    Hola Hairy
    Hola vm

  147. @hunter moon who are you addressing there is too many like that around here

  148. Someone aching to get her neck snapped. I just need to leave for a while.

  149. Someone aching to get her neck snapped. I just need to leave for a while.

  150. That's four red flags already. Possibly five.

    Speaking of red flags: what happened to Hannibal? I think people didn't start worshipping him fast enough.

  151. Frank, Hank knows, Frank's not homo. Hank is trying to prove Hanks love to Frank, at the same time trying not to worry Frank. Hank is not good, at this. Frank is special to Hank.

  152. Hank, if Frank were in prison, Frank would be a homo sapien, only.

  153. Numby is not Zhawq.

  154. "I like how I've become so polarizing because last week I felt kinda ignored. A pic usually stirs up people."

    This is one of the reasons I don't post pics.

  155. Hey hey! Slow down buddy. Who said anything about Zhawq? Or Numby, for that matter? I was talking about... postmodern imperialism... yeah. Postmodern imperialism. Totally.

  156. you really believe that?

  157. Themes for SW RegularsDecember 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM

    Wheatley If you stay on good behavior, you can have a new non aspie song.

  158. stucky will kill slim, so forever for slim.

  159. But now that you mention it: there are some similarities. To name a few:

    - F.X. (or F.ex.). I honestly don't know anyone else who uses this nonexistent liter... illiter... that thing that's not an acronym because it's not a word. Check.

    - Long winded? Check.

    - Unnecessary pedantic when differentiating between sociopaths and psychopaths? Check.

    - Apparently, being a female psychopath means your username must end in a 'y' (bad news for MK and me...). Has already been done. Check.

    - Verbal diarrhea blog? Check.

    - Direct link to "my favourite psychopath blog"? Check.

    - Capitalizing certain nouns mid-sentence as if they've got some kind of special meaning in the eyes of the author? Surprisingly, I didn't notice any.

    - Profile picture of a mask? Check.

    - Lots of images accompanying blog posts? Check.

    You draw your own conclusions, anon. I'm not sure what to think yet.

  160. ahhh wheatley I was just thinking that sounds like the long winded way of just saying i'm not into you. Seriously if its that bad just change your number and move. Thanks for bringing the feel good.

  161. nothing lasts forever physically. what we share will be forever inside our minds.

  162. Ahh fuck! Initialism! That's the not-a-word-acronym-thingy I was looking for!

    vm: I have no idea what you mean by what you just said.

  163. Or maybe it's an abbreviation... I'm not sure...

  164. Of course it's zhawq. Her autism is so apparent, in the sense, that she has no clue how to manipulate.

  165. how do you even know you are talking to the right person?

  166. It was positive. I was referring to you calling the post by Numby long winded. I agree its long winded. Convoluted. I thought your post was funny and accurate.

  167. WHO is Zwhaq? Vm?

  168. i know because its obvious when one of us is gone. freaky mental connection thing

  169. I have no idea. Before my time.


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