
Friday, January 13, 2012

Atheists = amoral?

I thought this was an interesting op ed from the NY Times about atheists and morality.  Essentially the op ed is complaining about how religious people presume that if you don't believe in God, your morality must somehow be lacking (just because religious people derive their morality from their religion and can't imagine there being any alternative source to their own):

I gather that many people believe that atheism implies nihilism — that rejecting God means rejecting morality.  A person who denies God, they reason, must be, if not actively evil, at least indifferent to considerations of right and wrong.  After all, doesn’t the dictionary list “wicked” as a synonym for “godless?”  And isn’t it true, as Dostoevsky said, that “if God is dead, everything is permitted”?

Well, actually — no, it’s not.  (And for the record, Dostoevsky never said it was.)   Atheism does not entail that anything goes.

Admittedly, some atheists are nihilists.  (Unfortunately, they’re the ones who get the most press.)  But such atheists’ repudiation of morality stems more from an antecedent cynicism about ethics than from any philosophical view about the divine.  According to these nihilistic atheists, “morality” is just part of a fairy tale we tell each other in order to keep our innate, bestial selfishness (mostly) under control.  Belief in objective “oughts” and “ought nots,” they say, must fall away once we realize that there is no universal enforcer to dish out rewards and punishments in the afterlife.  We’re left with pure self-interest, more or less enlightened.

This is a Hobbesian view: in the state of nature “[t]he notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice have no place.  Where there is no common power, there is no law: where no law, no injustice.”  But no atheist has to agree with this account of morality, and lots of us do not.  We “moralistic atheists” do not see right and wrong as artifacts of a divine protection racket.  Rather, we find moral value to be immanent in the natural world, arising from the vulnerabilities of sentient beings and from the capacities of rational beings to recognize and to respond to those vulnerabilities and capacities in others.

I think I have talked about this before, but I can't find the link, so sorry if I am repeating myself.  But I frequently use this analogy to explain how being a sociopath doesn't necessarily equate to maliciousness.  Imagine that you are religious and that your religion compels you to eschew killing--"thou shalt not kill."  You believe in your religion, so you do not kill.  One day, you lose faith and stop believing.  You start thinking to yourself, "I really hate how my neighbor mows his lawn early Sunday morning and wakes me up."  You go to your neighbor's house and put a couple bullets in his head.

No, right?  You wouldn't do that.  Just because your religion was a dominant (if not primary) reason constraining your murderous impulses before does not mean that there aren't other reasons that would still keep you from killing, even if your faith failed you.  Similarly, although moral compasses typically lead people to behave like a "good person," there might be other reasons that people would do "good" things besides a firm sense of morality.


  1. Admittedly, some atheists are nihilists. (Unfortunately, they’re the ones who get the most press.)

    I dunno. I never see any press about nihilistic atheists.

  2. That was very funny, Larry. Made my day.

    This post is kind of sweet, no? I'm missing some sort of link to sociopathy, though. Would suit better in yesterday's comment section when the religion debate was going on.

  3. Lame M.E.

    Seriously? Lame. I think I'll be ducking out for a couple of days, if this means more religious debates. I think I actually felt the tumors in my womb grow to twice their original size, after reading yesterday's thread!

    Fucking hate breeder! :p

  4. @ Raven lol

    I think some of the worst hypocrites are in the churches, so I don't go. I can't take it, actually. Some of the most moral people I know are not Christians.

    If one is a true Christian, which is rare, one will strive to follow God. However, the motivation will be love for God, not duty. Duty will fail.

    Love may be the most powerful force on earth. The people who eschew it may be stepping over what they really want, which is true power.

  5. Sometimes I think the anon trolls are ME trying to spark convo. I saw this asked by an anon yesterday. I avoided the convo largely because Ive done the religious debate a zillion fucking times in this life. I dont know what to call my beliefs, and for me thats awesome, because we have enough fucking labels in our lives, and ones core interpretation of reality is sacred, regardless of how devout or nihilistic they are. The experience of perceiving reality is a fucking miracle or accident unto itself. I tend to view it as both. I enjoy holding contradictory beliefs in a guerilla ontological sort of way. Reminds me not to take anything too fucking seriously.

    So if you want a label, I would be a humanist spiritual taoist atheist possibly. With a bit of pagan and hindu sprinkles and a tantric sex cherry on top.

  6. "Rather, we find moral value to be immanent in the natural world, arising from the vulnerabilities of sentient beings and from the capacities of rational beings to recognize and to respond to those vulnerabilities and capacities in others."

    Empathy. I've done a lot of research into empathy lately and this is one of the arguments that people use for atheistic moral standards. We have a moral compass because theoretically we can perceive and connet with how another person feels. Empathy as a moral compass. Not god. That's gonna leave some holes in this place though.

  7. sarah: "i enjoy holding contradictory beliefs". idiot.

    haven, i don't think it necessary to invoke empathy to explain morals. a sense of morality is, i think, simply another emotion - something that the unconscious sends to the conscious as a decision-making shortcut. without emotions including empathy it is still possible to come to a conscious logical conclusion that looks to the outside as if it were a moral decision. i guess it's back to evo-psych and game theory which i've thought about a lot the past few years...
    you certainly don't need god.

  8. Raven, thing is, as we see here first hand lol there are people with broken moral compasses and people who seem to have smashed theirs to smithereens. So we have people like Postmodern (I believe) who is openly nihilist. Maybe most of the amoral atheists, like the amoral christians, are sociopaths and they are amoral not because of their beliefs, but because of their brains or whathaveyou.

    People have always justified rules and laws and really it is for children and sociopaths, because most of us have healthy functioning empathy by adulthood. Mine works most of the time anymore. Ive had to cultivate it. Work to be human. I wanted to fix my broken compass, though.

    Its not perfect. I will never be perfect. Even Christianity admits we are all flawed. Ive made decisions with bad intentions that turned out well, and decisions with good intentions that turned out less than desireably, and all points in between. I just try to not repeat the same mistake. Thats morality for me. Doing the least damage possible while allowing for the fact that damage will be done from time to time.

    Do it again. Wheel turning round and round.

  9. @Res... Oh I agree absolutely. With my dissociation I often go through extended periods with no empathy and I've yet to make any jail landing decisions.

    I think a desire for convenience is almost as good. Cooperation, doing what is best for the group, leads to a wider availability of personal and community resources. It may not be the best of the best outcomes for the individual, but in the long run, the advantages outweight the selfishness.

  10. Ok I will expound. Not because you called me idiot. I dont give a flying rats ass because I am buzzing after a night of yumminess and a catnap followed by lots more yumminess and a morning toke. Bulletproof lol

    Contradictory beliefs. I allow myself to see from various reality tunnels. I enjoy the subjectivity of reality. I like learning how others see the world because it reminds me how sacred and mundane reality is. Total contradiction. That is reality.

  11. cont... the Empathy argument I presented isn't an original thought of mine, it was an opinion I came across while doing research.

  12. Thanks Haven. That at least adds an element that relates more to this blog.

  13. As a sociopath (diagnosed) the only thing stopping me from killing someone, or something I do not like, is the fear of prison, or other reprisals. If you are an atheist, yet still do good to other people, then you have a conscience.

  14. sarah, reality is not subjective but emotions are. i think what you mean is that you appreciate that other people can view the same reality but have different feelings about it. those feelings may include the 'meaning' of what happened. i'm guessing you are or have been into new-age spiritualist shit?

  15. What you sociopaths don't seem to understand is that your power games and control games seem pathetic to us. So you may claim empaths are pathetic for not caring about the power we have or not in a relationship, but it really doesn't matter as much to empaths.

  16. Well I havent always done good to other people. Sometimes on purpose, mostly not. I have been pretty awful. I didnt realize my empathy was so blunted. Once I started working through blocks did I start feeling more for others and how I effect them. My morality was more intellectual before, but I still was pretty destructive. I stayed out of jail, but Ive left a wake. It is my desire to not inflict my shit on people now that makes me feel like I have a better moral compass than I did when it was just intellectual and didnt have the empathy backing it up. The concern for others.

  17. With, or without god, sociopaths do not do good things.

  18. Thats not really what I meant. Quite the condescending fucker, arent you? At one point in my youth, yes I have always been a space cadet in various fashions. Its not what I mean. When I say reality, I mean perception of reality. But you cannot separate the two, because while we have machines for measurements, we have no objective reality, only the subjective way each of us interprets it.

  19. Anon 718 that depends largely on your interpretation of "good things". I would disagree that as it is a blanket generalization it cannot be true.

  20. @Sarah

    As a sociopath, peoples wishes, feelings, or needs NEVER enter my mind. I feel no more compassion for my mother, brothers, or pets than I do for any others. I could swindle my mom out of all her belongings and I'd feel proud of myself. People lose their individuality in my presence, because I have no clue what their about. Empathy is not just recognizing someones feelings, but to be driven to aid the person. This is why sociopaths ultimately can't do good deeds.

  21. me: i think what you mean is that you appreciate that other people can view the same reality but have different feelings about it.

    sarah: Thats not really what I meant. When I say reality, I mean perception of reality.

    and you wonder why i am being a condescending fucker..?

    oh dear you are definitely a new-age hippy type believing that you can't know anything objectively and that that gives you free reign to spout whatever. :) do you think that gravity only exists subjectively? perhaps tomorrow you might float into the sky? and yes, i am indeed a condescending fucker.

  22. "also asked me during a Dexter episode whether I was “dead inside” and I said “I guess I am what many would call flat affect”."

    Holy crap! Their everywhere.

  23. haven, i've occasionally read posts/comments here and elsewhere during the last few months but haven't had time to post or comment...
    also there were a few trolls here that kept me away due to their drivel.

  24. I took a break for a little over a month at one point due to some persistent trolling and personalities that I couldn't deal with. Quite understandable.

  25. Awh! That's heartwarming. Such sensitive little creatures.

  26. And there I did it again: I went from completely without energy or motivation to "Jesus, why can't I sit still"-pacing and twitchy excited in the span of five minutes. But I'm still not calling it bipolar, because it seems to be more of a reaction to stuff. I.e: this morning I had nothing to do and just now I suddenly got loads of things to do.

    Does anyone know what that might be?

  27. @Wheatley... I'm not sure that's how bipolar works exactly, usually it's more of a gradual ramping up. But I wouldn't know personally. Food choices? Caffeine? Stimulation of some kind?

    When I'm overloaded with work the stress/anxiety creates an adrenaline response. I feel almost hypomanic in an effort to accomplish everything that needs to get doen. Don't know if that helps.



  30. I dont believe things are subjective to that extent. Although I do believe that there are people who do believe that way. I guess what I am getting at is that beliefs and moral codes ways of navigating without empathy. Since I started actively working on having a connection, I have had less issues with impulse control. Less impulses. Seeing each person as an individual and not just characters. I am not a socio, though. I dont know how easy empathy comes to so called NTs either. I see a lot of apathy. I think it really has to be cultivated. Which is why its just easier to have rules and laws because people are lazy and dont care enough to work on their moral compass so they just borrow someone elses.


    Sarah walked into a pharmacy and told the pharmacist that she needed some cyanide. The Pharmacist said, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" Sarah then explained she needed it to poison her husband. The pharmacist's eyes got big and he said, "Lord, have mercy. I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband! That's against the law! I'll lose my license; they'll throw both of us in jail and all kinds of bad things will happen! Absolutely not, you can NOT have any cyanide!"

    Sarah reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed... with the pharmacist's wife.

    The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, "Well, now. You didn't tell me you had a prescription."

  32. I stayed away due to trolls, too.

  33. sarah we can agree on one thing then - most people are sheeple, looking for a shepherd to tell them how to behave. hence the success of religions in general, and one that sees meekness as a virtue in particular :p

  34. I agree Res. The sheeple must be be punished by the wolves. Humanity is overrated.

  35. "Food choices?"

    I had breakfast/lunch four hours ago, and that's pretty much the only thing I've eaten today. Apart from some sweets.


    Had one cup of coffee three hours ago.

    "Stimulation of some kind?"

    That's pretty vague... But apart from my schedule suddenly filling up (with things I actually want to do), nothing significant has changed since this morning.

  36. Most definitely, res. It is why I hesitate to define my reality because I do not want to subject myself to too much dogma. Keep it simple. I just try not to be a total douchebag. If I am not really hurting anyone than its permissible. I try to extend that tolerance to others as well.

  37. "Love may be the most powerful force on earth"

    Wrong. Electromagnetism is.

  38. wheatley, the strong nuclear force is the strongest, that's why positively charged protons can stick together in a nucleus even though the electric force is acting to fling them apart. if you're gonna try to be geeky at least get it right!

  39. We have stayed too long on the conversation of religion, but that doesn't mean we have to be dictated by the topic. All you have to do is change the conversation.

    The only thing standing between me and killing anyone is whether or not I want them dead enough. I really don't give a toss about law, religion, or the consequences of either. I don't have any drawing urge (Like these muppets like demon, tnp, or the others in the forum falsely claim to have) calling me to go around butchering people. I just do whatever I want on a constant basis. I haven't been within the confines of the law since I was 14. It's gotten to the point where it has just normalized I guess. It is part of my everyday life.

    I'm not sure that's how bipolar works exactly, usually it's more of a gradual ramping up.

    My ex was bipolar. It was almost a like she was a completley different person when she went into the depressant phase. Nasty bitch. One day I grabbed her by the hair opened the door of my flat and threw her out. I took her shoes and lobbed them onto her head and closed the door. She pounded on my door for hours. I called her mum to pick her up. That was that with our relationship.

  40. Alterego, from last night:

    I don't care whether you try to hijack this place with religous nonsense. You have shown that you will do anything to justify your faith which is undeniably misogynistic. You being a women, it just sounds like one of those battered wives that keeps ranting on about how it was her fault that her husband gave her a black eye. It's pathetic.

  41. I drew this comparison myself not that long ago. I was talking with a friend/ex-gf and we somehow got to the topic of how I've never felt guilty about anything I did to her. Her response was "If you don't feel bad about it then what stops you from doing bad things?"

    It instantly reminded me of "If you don't believe in god what stops you from doing bad things?" There are some key differences, but it's a useful comparison anyway.

  42. Why do you think SW is so addictive?

  43. I have been thinking about something ME said. I think it was ME. He said that irony kicked in, one day. That happened to me, with empathy, I think. I had a shift where I could throw myself in to someones shoes, as a ventriloquest throws his voice. It was a strange happening, as if I fell in a hole, in that it was a shift. It was a shift similar to the moment I learned to read. I remember that moment clearly when I went from a letter reader to a word reader.

    Being able to flip in to someones shoes flip was a switch I could turn on and off.

    In the ensuing years, I lost it. I had many traumas which blunted it, I suppose

    Now, I find it available, again.

  44. @ Raven Are you in your depressive state?

  45. Nope. Besides...I don't have normal depressive episodes. How many times have I explained that here?

  46. "I don't have any drawing urge (Like these muppets like demon, tnp, or the others in the forum falsely claim to have) calling me to go around butchering people."

    Falsely claim to have?
    Nobody chooses to experience compulsive urges to kill. They are caused by aggression. If you're not as aggressive as those of us who are, then it's understandable why you don't experience them and we do.

  47. OK, Raven. I guess Monica has that moniker he he

  48. can animals sense sociopaths/evil? my dog becomes very uneasy and barks when my new boyfriend is around.. he's a very arrogant man. weird is an understatement!

  49. @Rana... your new bf probably kicked your dog when you weren't looking and the dog simply remembers.

  50. @haven

    that's what i initially thought, until our neighbours little dog went hysterical as he walked by! he's never been in their home. animals don't like him.

  51. Maybe... he's possessed! dun dun dunnnn

  52. @Rana

    The most likely reason your dog barks when your boyfriend is around is because he's a stranger and the dog is just a bit wary of him. Dogs have different personalities. Some dogs are friendly and outgoing, others are more wary and aggressive. It really depends on how much they were socialized when they were puppies as to how well they react with other dogs and humans and also whether or not they were neglected or abused at some stage.
    You could be a perfectly normal, healthy-minded person and find that some dogs are still wary of you. I know because I used to own a dog that was wary of anyone she didn't know and I know for a fact that not all of those people were sociopaths.
    By the way, there is a misconception that sociopaths are evil. We may like to control, use, abuse and intimidate other people, but we are not evil.
    On another note... All the dogs I owned in the past would cower when they knew I was angry. Even my daughter told me once that my anger scares her.
    It's the lack of fear a sociopath displays that causes fear in others, including animals. There have been a number of occasions in my past where a dog has come up to me barking and growling and I just stood there staring it it. Needless to say, I've never been bitten by a dog yet. The dog would eventually turn tail and take off. Animals can sense when you're afraid, just as they can sense when you're not.

  53. Well thank you :) I believe dogs are a fabulous judge of character, even better than humans.


  54. Nobody chooses to experience compulsive urges to kill. They are caused by aggression. If you're not as aggressive as those of us who are, then it's understandable why you don't experience them and we do.

    Well that's just it isn't it demon? I don't find you aggressive. I find you to be a poor actor. Badly written like those rubbish short stories you put up on livejournal.


  55. can animals sense sociopaths/evil? my dog becomes very uneasy and barks when my new boyfriend is around.. he's a very arrogant man. weird is an understatement

    Animals love me at first sight.

  56. Edit: I meant to add more to my previous comment in regard to anger, but forgot to for some reason (lack of sleep) and now I can't remember what it was going to add to it.


  57. "Well that's just it isn't it demon? I don't find you aggressive."

    I don't find you aggressive on here either, so what's your point...?
    I personally don't believe you're a sociopath at all either by the way. Just an asshole who wants a label to validate being one.

  58. By the way, UKan, were you actually clinically diagnosed with AsPD like I was or do you just think you're a sociopath?

  59. UKan barely ever says he's a sociopath.

  60. I know he thinks he's one though.

  61. Frank is a Hare Krishna.

  62. Whatever, Ukan. I didn't even bring it up, although I will always defend anyone or anything I truly love. Besides, the debate is enjoyable.

    You should be careful whom you accuse of being misogynistic. My husband has never lifted a finger to me. And unlike your wife, I have never tried to commit suicide because I couldn't deal with the verbal, emotional and physical abuse of a man so pathetic and immature that his idea of a good time amounts to rushing a few off duty cops with a knife, after drinking himself into a stupor, lol. Your lack of self control speaks volumes about how weak you truly are. My life is full, well-balanced and satisfying, and my husband has more *real* strength in his pinky than you do in your entire body. Unlike you, he does not rely on a drug smuggling ASS to contribute to our substantial, *legitimate* income: he uses his God-given brain, just like you would, if you were half the man he is. *You're* the one who hits women, Ukan, so who are you calling a misogynist?

    You have a clearly have a good brain in your head; you should learn to use it.

  63. Were you an abusive person before you found God, Jack? Like, did you ever beat a boyfriend/girlfriend up?

  64. I'm just curious about what you were like before you became a jesus freak.

  65. Ha ha ha ha Go Alterego

  66. @Raven: I had impulse control issues, yeah. I never "beat up" my exes, although I was physically abusive at times (ripping shirts, the occasional, single, punch, that kind of shite.) And I got into plenty of fights with others. I was pathetically weak at that point in my life; completely at the mercy of my anger and impulses. But I grew out of it, for the most part. God saved me- and others- from myself.

  67. Did you use drugs?

  68. I'm curious to know why you came here to learn about sociopathy, now that you're saved.


  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Yeah, I used drugs, all kinds. I still smoke pot to cure boredom, curb my anger, and help me feel things more intensely. I have gone for periods of months and years without it, but it really seems to help me.

    I came here to learn about sociopathy because I was diagnosed with ODD as a teenager, although I probably net the criteria for CD, and I still struggle with related issues today, including blunted empathy reveal half the shit I did to my shrink. I lied chronically, manipulated others, stole stuff, defied all authority figures, got into fights, vandalized the property of others, failed to take any responsibility for my actions, any and hopped from one job to another. I was also incredibly reckless in terms of risk taking, being an adrenaline junkie, and was greatly insensitive to the people I should have cared for the most.

  72. I never abused my wife Alterego, and I don't smuggle drugs in my arse, ha ha ha. Do you honestly believe the ravings of a prostitute and the christian psychic? However, I see that you were one of those insane girlfriends. I would have smacked you in the mouth and tossed you out a window if you raised a hand to me. Maybe you do need some phantom to save you from your madness. Like most christians you use your beliefs as a crutch. Like those ex drug addicts. Me, I walk on my own and find my salvation in freedom not submission to a priest. Your husband isn't fuck all and it shows since he doesn't keep his women silent like it says to do in the bible. Your beliefs are no strength cunt. They are weakness. I would never sing the praises of a god the repeatedly puts me down to the entire world. That is the definition of compliant victim.

  73. * That should read: I probably met the criteria for CD; I didn't reveal half the shit I did to my shrink. I still struggle with related issues today, including blunted empathy. Mobile keyboards muck me up.


  74. I don't find you aggressive on here either, so what's your point...?

    Your opinion doesn't matter Demon. It's the opinion of those around you that determines who you are no matter how much you flip off society. If everybody around you says you lost your marbles, then I'm afraid you are a muppet. I don't run around announcing to people who I am and trying to talk people into validating me like you do. I don't really give a toss. On three seperate forums people have told you the same thing about yourself. The only person who doesn't get it is you. I'm not here to drive it in either. I'm just here to get as many laughs at your expense as possible, because the meat we had here previously has been gnawed at so much there's nothing left (David).

  75. James Mannion and Ciara
    You don't want to go through that shit again, do you lol


  76. Life is such a wonderful thing when you don't 'need' people, but only need them for your own profits.

    Who needs company when one has itself?

    You say this every single day you are here, david. I think at this point you are trying to convince yourself not us.

  77. @Ukan: I explained to you what those verses actually mean. You just don't want to listen because you are not interested in legitimate debate, just in putting everyone, and everything around you, down.

    My husband is weak because he doesn't keep me silent, because *you* think that is what the overarching message if the Bible is?! Bahahahaaaaaaa!

    Im was an insane gf, but you would have thrown me out a window?! LOL! Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?

    You call getting wasted, attacking cops with knives, hitting women, selling drugs to addicts, and propping your weak self up by putting others down "freedom and salvation"?? That is what you think makes you strong? And you say that *I'm* deluded?! LMAO! Congrtas, Ukan. That is the stupidest thing I have read in a long time, Ukan. You are just pathetic.


  78. James Mannion and Ciara
    You don't want to go through that shit again, do you lol

    Actually I do, Ami. You are right that is me. Im James Mannion. Go on my facebook and tell all of my friends and family that I am a drug dealer. Do it for Randy, since I fucked his life up. Think about his poor disabled kid. Someone needs to get me back. Just think, you can be the one to finally take down UKan.

  79. I am not Ami, UKan. I am sick of seeing you fuck with people, like she was, though.

  80. @Ukan: I explained to you what those verses actually mean. You just don't want to listen because you are not interested in legitimate debate, just in putting everyone, and everything around you, down.

    My husband is weak because he doesn't keep me silent, because *you* think that is what the overarching message if the Bible is?! Bahahahaaaaaaa!

    Im was an insane gf, but you would have thrown me out a window?! LOL! Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?

    You call getting wasted, attacking cops with knives, hitting women, selling drugs to addicts, and propping your weak self up by putting others down "freedom and salvation"?? That is what you think makes you strong? And you say that *I'm* deluded?! LMAO! Congrtas, Ukan. That is the stupidest thing I have read in a long time, Ukan. You are just pathetic.


  81. I explained to you what those verses actually mean. You just don't want to listen because you are not interested in legitimate debate, just in putting everyone, and everything around you, down.

    No you didn't. You explained one verse. In corinthians. I gave you verses all over the fucking bible. All over the bible from the new to the old testament. It is said in your own scriptures that you are weaker than me, just for being a woman. So you can't play that card you cut and paste christian.

    You call getting wasted, attacking cops with knives, hitting women, selling drugs to addicts, and propping your weak self up by putting others down "freedom and salvation"?? That is what you think makes you strong?

    No my survival makes me strong. All that other stuff is what I do to have a good time. You are missing out, not me. You used to cop your shite from people like me whore, so have some respect. You are a dope fiend on a different level now. Now you give your money to a priest instead. He's a dope pusher as well, just pushing a bible instead of narcotics. We both sell the same thing: Dependance. And you are still buying. So don't tell me about your strength.

  82. What happens when you beat Ukan up? Are you gonna seek revenge and knife me in the eyes while I'm sleeping?

  83. If you are so tired of me why don't you email all those people like I did to Randy. His poor poor boy. Don't you feel bad for him? Or is your pitty just publicly displayed so you feel better about yourself?

  84. Shut up UKan, nobody's going to buy that you are James. Or is Ami really that stupid? Cheers.


  85. What happens when you beat Ukan up? Are you gonna seek revenge and knife me in the eyes while I'm sleeping

    Either that or we become the best of friends. I've fought all of my friends. One of them is a very very large bloke and he's dropped me so many times I can't even count. He was the best man at my wedding. Big teddy bear that one.

  86. @ Ukan, what is a fucking drug dealer scumbag doing making fun of David, Ami, Alerego, Medusa, Luke, Zwhaq or ANYONE?


  87. Shut up UKan, nobody's going to buy that you are James. Or is Ami really that stupid? Cheers.

    They almost did. We are talking about Ami the psychic here.


  88. @ Ukan, what is a fucking drug dealer scumbag doing making fun of David, Ami, Alerego, Medusa, Luke, Zwhaq or ANYONE?

    What I do 6 hours out of the week doesn't define me. I prefer the term lazy cunt.

  89. @UKanned said...

    They almost did. We are talking about Ami the psychic here.

    You're in a good mood, aren't you UKan? I expected you to attack me for ruining your little game.

  90. I explained all of them. It's not my fault if you can't keep up. And I didn't cop my shite from people like you, I indulged in some psychedelic fun at the expense of a few fairly innocuous teens, until I was old enough to value my brain above a few mindless trips. I knew better than to avoid the hard shite, even back then.

    I don't give money to priests, lol! I would rather spend it feeding the homeless and helping the disenfranchised, because that is what Jesus commands me to do: remember the poor.

    You call attacking people with knives a good time, eh? One of these days, your preferred form of leisure will catch up with you; I wonder how much fun it will be when you find yourself with the blade buried in your gut up to the hilt. You're just an overgrown, self indulgent brat who throws temper tantrums to get what he wants, and who looks to *Tony Robbins* looks to encourage his sorry self, lol! Tony freakin Robbins, the tooth man himself. How much money did he bilk you out of so you could benefit from his "motivational messages"? LOL! But I'm a pathetic addict for reading the Bible. Im not missing out on anything; you're just a fool who's only fooling himself.

  91. About the dog thing, I think dogs sense things. I dont think it means he's a sociopath, though. He sounds more like a narcissist. My dog seems to react to guys like that, I think its a false dominance they project. Socios project a true dominance, because theirs isnt rooted in insecurity and fear.

    My dog also can sense psychotic people, I think. Maybe its the unbalanced energy. He freaked out on a guy and I came to figure out he was a total schizo.

  92. From my experience animals are just as susceptible to people and their manipulations as most people are. People often ignore their first instincts and impressions of someone. Animals don't. But even their affections can be bought over time.

  93. You can talk about what will happen to me in the future all you want, it doesn't matter. Tommorrow you could get hit by a car and I could be walking around like the self indulgent brat that I am. Life isn't as fair as you might think. I know a lot of good people and they are living in misery while I live lavishly.

    Myself I'm exactly what you called me: a overgrown, self indulgent brat that throws temper tantrums. Guess what, so are a lot of successful people. Go figure. The meek inherit the kingdom of god and we get the earth. Unfortunatly for the meek there is no god so they live a pipe dream until death takes them and I keep pushing people around so I can live like a king. Wiff.

    Tony didn't bilk anything from me. I pirated it. I picked his stuff up because almost every single successful person I have met has mentioned him. Gorbachev himself used him as coach during the cold war. So did Nelson Mendela, Bill Clinton, and Larry King. I guess you are so much smarter than they are. right? Wiff.

    You aren't pathetic for reading the bible. You are pathetic for following christianity, which says that you are dirty and inferior as a woman. It's like being a nazi jew. I study everything I can in life to understand the basic foundations of how people function. I suggest you do the same.

    You didn't explain fuck all yesterday you excused all of the four verses I gave you behind the gossiping cunts in the corinthian church which didn't even exist when some of those passages were written. You further threatned to hijack this forum with your dogma if people questioned your pathetic beliefs. I'm here to stomp out your attempts to spread your rubbish any further.

    wv: tagsting

  94. I used to have a dog who hated black guys.

  95. Haha, I think I remember you mentioning that before Raven. My cat used to like my Evil-Ex. I know they're susceptible to manipulation haha. He would bribe him endlessly.

    also, yay wine.

  96. Yeah. He was the dog I grew up with, and a total nuisance. My father loved the shit out of that dog though. He lived to be about 14 or so... then died mysteriously after eating a bunch of glass with his dog food. Dogs can be so stupid like that. I've heard that some of them even eat rocks.

  97. Oh shit, I should've known that. I feel really dumb now...

  98. Whats that Wheat? About not feeding dogs glass?

  99. Bribe a cat? What a conniving sob!~

  100. Demon, hun, for not being hung up on labels as you claim, you seem to push around the one given to you around a lot like it's a trophy. You aren't one either, so what's your point?

    Hi all, I'm in a freakishly good mood today!


  101. Hi all, I'm in a freakishly good mood today!

    Me too. I woke up feeling amazing!

  102. I should've known the strong nuclear force is stronger than electromagnetism, Sarah.

  103. My moms dog still doesnt like my brother and i think he lives there.

  104. Frankfurt is a Seik. Frankfurt likes turbans.

  105. I woke up feeling terrible, then extremely terrible, then awesome and now the awesome-levels are going down. What kind of party did you have in mind?

  106. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 13, 2012 at 3:48 PM

    Franks Theme Song--------one and only

  107. Yay Party! What's on your menu Raven?

  108. my cat is suceptible to aloofness and always has to prove her superiority and worthiness, in the exception of when people dote on her. Then she discards them.

  109. It's sunny and beautiful where I am, and in a little bit I'm gonna go for a swim, and just chill in the water not thinking of a damn thing. Later tonight gonna meet up with a no strings attached buddy.

    I couldn't be any more content, I have no idea what it is about this day, but it is great. Just felt like shooting some shit before I become one with a lake.

    Wheat, your miserable comment made me laugh.

  110. My cat is super jealous of people. He's very perceptive at picking up on who is a threat to his social ranking. He's friendly with people he doesn't think I'll stay with (and he's always right) though he does have to show his dominance (which is ridiculously cute). But if it's someone he perceives as taking away too much of my attention, he gets very unhappy.

  111. BOOZE! Because of UKan's bad influence on my puny lil impressionable brain, I'm hitting the hard stuff all weekend. YUM! And there's also this new guy...

    I don't make real plans ever. I kind of just let opportunity hit me in the face, or play on impulse.

  112. Miserable? Was it? 'Cos that's not how I'm feeling right now. Glad to have made you laugh though. :D

  113. Yay booze! Oooh a new guy! DO tell. Where'd ya meet? How's he measure up?

    I'm taking the boy out this weekend. Should be a blast.

  114. Alright, pussy talk!

    My sis had a cat once, and her name was Peaches, a black cat with acid green eyes, a total bitch, I stayed fuckin' with her. One day the mom bought a huge microwave, and I made a comment saying it was big enough to fit a turkey in it, then Peaches walked by, and sooner or later she was placed in the microwave. I hit the three which automatically went to three minutes, and watched with morbid curiosity on what would happen, if anything.

    Sis walks by, watches with me, looks at the cat who was meowing and looking at me as if saying "Get me the' fuck outta here!" and I smirked. Sis then chickened out, opened the door on the one minute and 15 second mark, and let Peaches out. After that the cat hated me more than ever, the bitch.

  115. Wheat, I was laughing at how you said you felt terrible. I thought that was funny is all.

  116. Piles, I don't think I"ve ever disliked you until that story. Wow.

  117. Awww Haven, Peaches is fine. She lived for another two years before the neighbors poisoned her because my mother killed their cat first.

  118. Actually he's not new. But we've never followed through with anything in the past. Our schedules don't match up. After a month of us trying to work it out, last year, I told him I wasn't interested anymore.

    Last week he asked me if we could try again... and I figured, why not?

  119. You just earned some of my respect Piles.

  120. I see I see. That's pretty cool. If nothing else it'll make for an interesting evening.

  121. You didn't explain fuck all yesterday you excused all of the four verses I gave you behind the gossiping cunts in the corinthian church which didn't even exist when some of those passages were written.

    Ahhh. Now there's the sweet stuff. :) I like playing this game with you, Ukan, he he. What I did yesterday was provide you with insight into the cultural and historical context in which the Corinthian church was established.

    That the Corinthian church existed and that Paul communicated with them is well documented, historical fact.

    Now, the vast majority of ancient cultures were to some degree misogynistic. There are notable exceptions, because it is true, that in terms of our idealized core, women are neither submissive nor dominant over males: we are both created in God's image and are one in Him. However, we live under the yolk of the fall. Woman did sin first; this is symbollically typified in the Book of Genesis. As a result, she bore the greater burden of the curse. We see evidence for this all over the world today. But remember, the Biblical concept of strength is not akin to its worldly counterpart; there is great strength in the sacrificial giving that only women can give. Paul acknowledged this when he mentioned that women can be saved through faith and child bearing.

    The oppressed Greek women had started taking advantage of their newly emancipated status. The rules for orderly worship were given in accordance with specific issues the church struggled with, and were provided as *guidelines*, not laws, as you mentioned yesterday. These guidelines reflect the truth that women are created to be the helpmeet of their spouse. For a woman to belligerently usurp the authority of her husband in church is rude and unseemly.

    That I am called to be my husband's helpmeet does not mean I am called to be his slave, or that I should put up with abuse! It means I am to demonstrate the strength of character to support and assist my husband, even at the expense of my own needs, on occasion. Sometimes I do this best by resisting him, because I perceive something he doesn't. That isn't pathetic or weak, its beautiful, and equitable.

    The practice of self-discipline, self-denial and sacrifice makes one STRONG, over time. The practice of self-indulgence makes one apathetic, slovenly, weak, or even cruel, depending on the psychological make-up of one's character.

    Is a captain ecessarily superior, in anything other than rank, than his first mate?

    You further threatned to hijack this forum with your dogma if people questioned your pathetic beliefs. I'm here to stomp out your attempts to spread your rubbish any further.

    No, no, I was just being cheeky. :) I will respond to attacks on my faith, each and every single time. I was merely stating a fact. Stomp your feet as hard as can. Puff out that chest and beat upon it as hard as you can. I'm not going anywhere. :)

    If what I am saying spreads, GOOD. How do you think God works? Through His children. I may be a black sheep, but I am one of His fold, and it makes me very proud to say so. My life is a testament to the Truth that is is me. *Your* life is a testament to the lack of it, in you. Wanna compare notes?

    Damn this is good! Like freakin crack, this SW shite.

  122. "Piles, I don't think I"ve ever disliked you until that story. Wow."

    why are you conversing with a bunch of sociopaths then? i'm sure every one of us has a history of abusing animals.

  123. Well fuck me sideways and call me Sally anon! Your comment just made this great day even better! I was always concerned about gaining your respect!

  124. It's like a train wreck. Just can't look away. And I have plenty of my own crazy besides.

    Morbid fascination and all.

  125. You showed great strength that day Piles. Embrace that kind of behavior and you'll go far. You have a future.

  126. Bible Anon can sit back and let the big gun run the show he he

  127. Thanks Jon!

  128. Oh, I'm not seeing him this evening. But I AM drinking regardless.

    And Jack.... you should just drop the 'Alter' off you're name already. You definitely have the biggest one here

  129. Jon, what did you mean by us?

  130. People are so silly. They tell me the most wacky and personal things. Blogging for an extended period of time is a little creepy in some respects, but kind of neat in others.

  131. baby in a microwave - hilarious

    cat in the microwave - great tragedy

  132. woman in a microwave - mega lols

    hitler in a microwave - sheds a tear

  133. 'Yahweh, Yahweh, God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, forgiving sin, yet letting nothing go unchecked, punishing the children and grandchildren for the parent's fault to the third and fourth generation!'

  134. That's *your name :D

  135. @Raven: Thanks! That means a lot, coming from a vulture. :)

  136. the bible quotes were actually from me who have been studying the book further and now i claim to be the authority of it

  137. Yep, Anon, that's called a generational curse, ya know, like sociopathy. :) I believe they have genetic underpinnings as well as spiritual ramifications. He gave me the task of rooting it out if my family: the buck stops here, and starting to defeat it in my character is a process that has made me a lot stronger. Check out the other side of the coin:

    Exodus 20:5-6

    I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

    I am already watching the curse lose it's hold.

    God, who IS love, is both just and merciful.

  138. Any time Jack. So, are you interesting in any way... or is it all prayers, Bible study, and Bake sales? btw... your husband must feel like the third wheel to your new love affair. How does he feel about you snorting SW up your nose the better part of the day?

  139. @ Raven
    You get an A plus in being annoying lol

  140. Okay, how about this story (Leviticus 10):

    Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them, and added incense to the fire.

    They then presented the unauthorized fire before Yahweh.

    And fire came came out from the presence of Yahweh and swallowed them up.

    And they perished before Yahweh.

    Moses then said to Aaron, 'That is what Yahweh meant when he said, "In those who are close to me I show my holiness, and before all the people I show my glory."'

    Aaron remained silent.

    The nephews of Aaron, Mishael and Elzaphan, came and carried them away, still in their tunics, outside the camp.

    Moses said to Aaron, 'Do not show signs of mourning, else you will die, and Yahweh's wrath will come upon the whole community.'

  141. Caroline. Piss off. You're just being antagonistic yourself now.

  142. I'm annoying to you Caroline, only because I spit at your heroes, and embrace your enemies.

    In that respect, you are more of a child than me. I don't stop liking someone just because I disagree with them, or because they don't get along with someone else I like.

    That's one of the things I will never understand about your kind. You're so fickle when it comes to what you stand by, and for. So easily won over... and just as easily lost.

  143. @ Raven I don't understand what you are saying. Please, elaborate.

  144. Well isn't that just the other thing about you, isn't it? Perhaps you don't like me because you can't understand half the shit I say.

    But if in two weeks I started talking sweet to you again... you'd remember to understand me, and cease to be annoyed.

  145. Shes saying your loyalty sways with the wind of perception.

  146. @ Raven
    How is your loyalty different that mine?

  147. RAven, haha, you should do it just to see how the tides turn.

  148. LOLS the cat takes the hits with the stick like it's nothing.

  149. I have Haven. Several times. How do you think I can say it with such certainty?

  150. People seem to compare narcissists and sociopaths when narcissists are extremely sensitive to rejection. Criticism. Being called weird/evil/ugly. And so on. They can get extremely depressed by all those things. Sociopaths just don't give a shit. Sure, it can frustrates them if it stops them from their goals, but it doesn't get them depressed. Narcissists are weak, pathetic and extremely sensitive. Narcissists are extremely scared of being judged.

  151. but narcs don't give a crap about anything, only themselves. does this not make them strong in the eyes of the strength favoring socio ?

  152. This story is one of my favorites (Genesis 29):

    Yahweh saw that Leah was hated, and he opened her womb while Rachel remained barren. Leah became pregnant and had a son, and she named him Reuben. She said, 'Yahweh has seen my misery. Now my husband will love me.'

    She became pregnant again and had a son, and said, 'Because Yahweh has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also.' She named him Simeon.

    She became pregnant again and had a son, and said, 'Now my husband will become attached to me, because I have given him three sons.' Therefore his name was called Levi.

    She became pregnant again and had a son, and said, 'Now I will praise Yahweh.' Therefore she named him Judah.

    Then she stopped having children.

    Rachel saw that she was bearing Jacob no children, and she was jealous of her sister. Rachel said to Jacob, 'Give me children, or else I will die.'

    Jacob's became furious with Rachel and said, 'Am I in the position of God who has kept you from having children?'

    She said, 'Here is my slave-girl Bilhah. Have sex with her so that she may give birth on my knees, and I will obtain children through her.'

    Rachel gave him Bilhah her slave-girl as a concubine, and Jacob had sex with her.

    Bilhah became pregnant and bore Jacob a son. Rachel said, 'God has judged me, and has also heard my prayer. He has given me a son.' Therefore she named him Dan.

    Rachel's slave-girl Bilhah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a second son. Rachel said, 'I am battling my sister in a mighty struggle, and I am winning.' She named him Naphtali.

    When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her slave-girl Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a concubine.

    Leah's slave-girl Zilpah bore Jacob a son. Leah said, 'What good fortune!' and she named him Gad.

    Leah's slave-girl Zilpah bore Jacob a second son. Leah said, 'I am happy, for the women will call me blessed,' and she named him Asher.

    During the wheat harvest, Reuben went out and found some mandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah.

    Rachel said to Leah, 'Please give me some of your son's mandrakes.'

    'Very well,' said Rachel, 'Jacob shall sleep with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes.'

    Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, saying, 'You must have sex with me, for I paid for your services with my son's mandrakes.'

    Jacob slept with her that night.

    God heard Leah, and she became pregnant, and bore Jacob a fifth son. Leah said, 'God has rewarded me for giving my slave-girl to my husband.' She named him Issachar.

    Leah became pregnant again and bore Jacob a sixth son. Leah said, 'God has endowed me with precious gifts. Now my husband will honor me, because I have given him six sons.' She named him Zebulun.

    Later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah.

    Then God remembered Rachel.

    She became pregnant, had a son, and said, 'God has taken away my disgrace.'

    She named him Joseph, saying, 'Yahweh adds to me another son.'

  153. No they're pathetic. They can't stand loneliness. They constantly need attention from others. They're extremely insecure. Sociopaths don't suffer, narcissists suffer a lot when they go through life. What do you do with a narcissist? You criticize them, you manipulate others in order to hate them. A narcissist wouldn't survive in many situations that a sociopath would perfectly control. They're extremely weak compared to sociopaths.

  154. @ Raven
    I am not a follower. I cannot follow someone in a group. I see people, like you and Wheatley follow Ukan. That is incomprehensible to me. I have, always, been a leader in any group I have been in. I am very, very loyal to those I love. Why do I love someone? I don't know. I just do.

  155. Your word won't spread here, cut and paste christian. You are a hypocrite and you don't even believe the word you preach. You mismatch and take whatever suits you from your so called holy book. In reality you do not practice what you preach. Christ was weak and so are christians. They are no better than the drug addicts littering the streets. Religion is the sandscreen for the strong to dash into the faces of the weak as they get trampled on.

    Last comment on the subject. If you believe this verse:

    I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.

    you are a self loathing cunt being a woman and all. If you don't, you are going against the word of your god. So your own scriptures snare you and your dogma is dead here because no self respecting woman would subject themselves to such rubbish. I will attack your faith as I please, just as I attack anything else I feel like. Nero had it right when he impaled christians and made them into torches to light his gardens. The weak deserve no less.

  156. Right. If someone likes me they are following me.~

    I don't understand the logic of the fleas here. I guess it's better to think of everyone blindly following me instead of seeing it as everyone seeing you as pathetic, caroline. Ill have you know that Eden thought you were a muppet before I even noticed you existed so technically I jumped on her bandwagon.

  157. I am not a follower, Caroline. I have like Ukan since I got here, and I'm so confident that I'm right to like him, that nothing he ever says or does, will change that view.

    You choose to think of me as a follower because you despise Ukan, and feel like because you despise him, everyone else should to... or they are a lower life form than you.

    So both of us are stubborn in what we believe to be right with one exception: I don't look down on people just because they don't despise who, or what I despise. That makes me more of a leader than you.

    You will keep making your decisions based on your emotions and hurt feeling, or good feelings... and I will base my decisions on a strengths and weaknesses. Simple as that.

  158. ...and P.S. Caroline,

    You've never been a leader here.

  159. Perhaps I have a skewed perspective because my entire view on someone is based on my previous interaction with them. But if you like something that someone has said in a specific instance, and agree with it, that doesn't make you a sycophant.

    I have known people that I despise, that have committed great atrocities against me, that I can understand and agree with their perspective on certain issues.

    Just because I don't like someone or how they conduct their business doesn't mean that everything they have to say is invalid.

  160. How about this, Ukan:

    Lot settled in the mountains and lived in a cave with his two daughters.

    One day the older daughter said to the younger daughter, ‘Our father is old and there is no man anywhere to have sex with us in the normal way of the world. So let’s make our father drunk with wine and we will have sex with him so that we may preserve our family line.’

    That night they got their father drunk on wine.

    And the older daughter had sex with him.

    In the morning, the older daughter said to the younger daughter, ‘I had sex with my father last night, so let’s get him drunk with wine again tonight. Then you will have sex with him so that we may preserve our family line.’

    They made their father drunk with wine again that night.

    And the younger daughter had sex with him.

    In this way, both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father.

    The older daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab, and he is the ancestor of the Moabites of today. The younger daughter gave birth to a son and named him Ben-Ammi, and he is the ancestor of the Ammonites of today.


  161. Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them, and added incense to the fire.

    They then presented the unauthorized fire before Yahweh.

    And fire came came out from the presence of Yahweh and swallowed them up.

    And they perished before Yahweh

    It was love fire. God burned Aarons sons alive in front of him with love fire. That's how God used to show his love. By engulfing his followers in fire in front of their own father.

    Moses said to Aaron, 'Do not show signs of mourning, else you will die, and Yahweh's wrath will come upon the whole community.

    See this is showing how much Jesus loves Aaron. Jesus loves Aaron so much that if he showed aaron all of his love, Aaron would die.

  162. Yo! Bible thumping Anon. No one gives a shit. At all. Regardless of your biblical justifications not a damn one will matter in the slightest. Just stop. No one cares. You are a worthless piece of shit and a waste of everyone's lives.

  163. @ Raven One has to be at peace with oneself. That is the goal. Who is a leader, here? Ukan?
    Who, with anything on the ball, wants to follow Ukan? To me, the followers of Ukan are the ultimate in losers. So, if that is what you call a leader, then our terms are too different to discuss.

  164. Seriously. I fucking hate christianity. I've read the bible multiple times. I don't care what the fuck your justifications are. If you believe that bullshit you're a weak minded fool that needs your life dictated to you or are too afraid to face the fact that there is no greater purpose for humanity at large. Just quit. No one cares. Take your religious bullshit elsewhere.

  165. "On three seperate forums people have told you the same thing about yourself. The only person who doesn't get it is you."

    What strangers say online about someone they know nothing about is hardly relevant, UKan. The fact that you think it is makes you not only naive and stupid, but it goes to show how sensitive to others you truly are. You're pathetic.

  166. That Anon is not I, just for the record he he

  167. @Raven: Believe it or not, it doesn't snort up the better part of my day to write prolifically like this; it sort of comes easily. In any case, I'll do it when I want and can, and stay away when my responsibilities are such that I cannot. Unlike you, there will be days when I do not spend any time here at all. Enjoy those! But don't hold your breath; I lead something of a charmed life. ;)

    And my husband respects me enough to not question or criticize how I spend my time. We have laughed together over some of this shite, and prayed for you too. :)

    @Anon: I love the Rachel and Leah story! I will be back to comment later. Keep reading and researching the Bible, it'll do you more good than you realize :D

    @Ukan. Gah, that was a really weak response. Isolating that verse out of context and disregarding all the good points I made about the nature of gender equality and the definition of strength. I am frankly disappointed; last night you raised the bar for yourself.

    But, as is consistent with your general tactic, your post reads as such: "Blah blah blah you suck, I'm the best, you're a weak cunt who deserves to be impaled, now what about this verse again: "Women be silent in church when your husbands are teaching", you self-loathing misogynist whore! LOL! And this, coming from a self-professed woman beater! Come on. LMAO

  168. Caroline... UKan isn't a leader here. He is a participant. Just like everyone else here.

  169. I was telliung that one yesterday. I had it mixed up with Noah for some reason. I guess I must have mixed up one god sent apocalypse with another. It wasn't after god murdered the entire human race by drowning them all. It was after god burned every man woman and child to death in a city. Oops. It's hard to tell one act of love from the next with ol' Jesus.

    Lot is like Edens father. Getting drunk and fucking his daughters. What a man of god. No wonder the catholic priests are out there buggering little boys.

  170. I didn't say UKan was a leader. Why does everything have to be so black and white with you?

    I simply said that YOU Caroline, have not shown yourself to be the leader type here. In fact... didn't you go on for the longest time about how you are a co-dependent type?

    Co-dependents are not leaders. You are a liar and a fraud.

  171. And that other post was a fake Alterego explaining the Ahab story from Leviticus was a fake. Also, I already explained what happened to Lot and his lineage: it died out. He had a history of being sketchy; God never approved if what he did.

  172. Ha haa Haven and Ukan, you are both dumber than I thought. I'm an atheist myself, I just brought some pieces I found ironic here in display. Like throwing pearls to pigs though.

  173. Stop stop stop! Borderline crazy! You do not want this on your shoes! Enough of the bible bullshit. Friday night. Take a break. Have a drink. Quit with the religious pscyho crazy.

  174. Anon, wtf? Srsly, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I have not met a single person here intellectually more intelligent than me. Emotionally, well that's a given, but whatever. STFU.


  175. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.

    Oh that is out of context. That really means that woman should be silent only if they are gossiping to much. Women gossiped a lot back then. Men didn't. You just don't understand. I don't even know how you think a verse like that is sexist.

  176. "intellectually more intelligent than me"

    there are many types of intelligence. so your wrong. and i haven't witnessed any real wisdom on your behalf.

  177. @ Raven I knew you would say that about the co-dependent but people are multi-facted. I don't know how or why I am the way I am but I have never been submerged in a group. I am strong in that way. I am not saying I am strong in all ways. I am not, at all. I have a giant wish list for myself. However, I cannot see how someone would follow someone like a Ukan.

    I have never done that. That is all I am saying.


  178. Ha haa Haven and Ukan, you are both dumber than I thought. I'm an atheist myself, I just brought some pieces I found ironic here in display. Like throwing pearls to pigs though.

    I know what you are doing. Don't lump me in with her I was playing along you idiot.

  179. It's obvious that you don't understand irony, Haven baby, so STFU.

  180. ::laughs:: Anon whether you've witness it or not it doesn't make it not true. I like it here because I can vent my emotional impulses. I have a genius IQ and multiple degrees in what is considered rocket science. You people give me a good laugh most of time. I am so utterly unconcerned with what you think of my intelligence because you've never seen the extent of it. Carry on.

  181. I know that you were, Ukan, I just wanted to get a reaction from you too just for the hell of it. :P

    Fun night.

  182. I tell you what though, Caroline... how 'bout I show you to yourself, by truly kissing UKan and Mk"s ass the way you do your magnificent TCO *bats eyelashes*

    Then you'll be so sick, you'll be begging me to go back to being real.

    I'll start with this:

    UKan... You are the smartest person on SW... and the only TRUE sociopath. Everyone here should feel so lucky to be in your presence! *Sigh* You're SOOO smooth!

  183. Caroline your statement @610 was surprisingly relate-able. I can respect that for sure.

  184. @ Haven Daniel and Post are equal to your exalted self he he

  185. UKan is probably the wisest person here judging from his outlook and opinions.


  186. But, as is consistent with your general tactic, your post reads as such: "Blah blah blah you suck, I'm the best, you're a weak cunt who deserves to be impaled, now what about this verse again: "Women be silent in church when your husbands are teaching", you self-loathing misogynist whore! LOL! And this, coming from a self-professed woman beater! Come on. LMAO

    I don't mind smacking a woman at all Altered Ego. It doesn't matter to me what gender you are if I feel like using violence on you. We aren't talking about impulses or morals though. We are talking about self loathing. Personally if I read something like that in a book reguarding my nationality or my sex I would burn the book right there. Not follow it. That is what is pathetic about you. You come up with excuses for it like a battered wife. To me someone with so much self loathing is most definately deserving of the title: Weak.

  187. Thank you, Haven. People are not black and white. I am very weak, in many ways I do not like, at all, but I got stuck that way from my father being an alcoholic and the fear in my childhood.

    I feel I have to be perfect to be liked. I feel I can't make mistakes and I have to please people, in order to have worth. However, I won't follow an ass to be liked he he. I guess that sums it up.

  188. UKan is probably the most self-centered person here judging from his outlook and opinions.


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