
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cluster B

A reader gives a theory on the interactions between the DSM-IV's cluster B disorders:

My take on BPD is that it is a fake label, made up by "reformed" BPD's in the field. It's the lowest on the totem pole for the cluster B's, which succeed as follows; BPD, HPD, and AsPD...As for NPD, it does not belong here (although the new DSM is removing this and referring to Cluster B as the "Dramatic Cluster", which in a way it is. But in my opinion, it greatly differs from any type of sociopathy (AsPD). If you think about it, narcissists aim to make you dependent on them through deception and manipulation, while sociopaths seek outright control over someone. Also, Narcissists can empathize but only for themselves, while sociopaths have no ability to empathize at all. They pretty much just follow instinct and thus are “selfish” in their pursuits....A “survival of the fittest” mechanism.

But I feel that with the exception of codeps, all narcissists are horrid people, whereas all sociopaths are not.

Now here is the twist in my theory; AsPD can be comorbid with narcissism…and these are the most despicable/evil humans to walk the Earth (think Hitler…better yet, the embodiment of The Devil himself). Their aim is to have absolute control by any means without regard to any boundaries...societal or personal. But thisnarcissistic comorbidity  can run hand-in-hand with any of the remaining cluster B’s. I.e. Add Narcissism to BPD and that would give you Histrionic.

I am implying is that there are degrees of sociopathy, which can be exhibited in virtually anyone and narcissism is not a high form of it but separate…and when comingled, narcissism multiples the nastiness of sociopaths by a significant degree. BPD's have little narcissism, HPD's much more. AsPD's are higher on the sociopathic spectrum but this does not mean they have a degree of narcissism...add Narcissism to 
AsPD and you have Hitler/ Satan.


  1. Sorta feel like you are trying to stir the pot with this post M.E..

  2. I think he is trying to stir the pot, as am I now. /wink
    I have AsPD and some strong Narcissistic traits. Some people I know seem to think my AsPD and NPD is about equal. I am the motherfucking Devil, lol.

    /awaits the morons to arrive with their dumb ass insults.


  4. Yeah! Let's use the DSM to diagnose evil, not mental illnesses! Who cares about those? From now on, ASPD is called "being Satan", and Alcohol Dependency is "The Devil in a Bottle". That'll really help people!

  5. Oh, oh! I've got another one: beepers are now "Witches"! Brilliant!

  6. The only thing that's certain about Hitler is that he was bi-polar, but even Freud refused to attempt to diagnose him. But the Devil Hitler theory cracked me up. Let's put narcissists in cluster Devil Hitler, then.

    You can consider me biased as I happen to have pure BPD with no other -PDs, and I know too many others to question its existence. Putting two borderlines in a room is like putting two betas in a fish tank, and I can recognize my own kind all too well.

    While I disagree, BPD as a diagnosis definitely needs more legitimate studies... which probably won't happen, since you get degrees by filling in bubbles on a "scantron" test.

  7. I wanna see a beeper fight.


  8. This is pathetic. ALL psychopaths are highly narcissistic, hence grandiose sense of self worth being one of the defining traits.

    Without pathological narcissism, then there's no psychopath. And yes every psychopath is a nasty sob, they do no good. All psychopaths are narcissists, but not all narcissists are psychopaths.

  9. Wheatley, if you disagree that Hitler wasn't a destiny leader, then you are highly deluded. You need to wake your little aspie brain up to reality.

  10. "all narcissists are horrid people, whereas all sociopaths are not"


  11. What the fuck is a "destiny leader", and why do I have a "little aspie brain"?

  12. Was that your twitter?

  13. I find it highly offensive you think I'm such a fucking idiot. I don't have a Twitter.

  14. wolf in sheep's clothing:

    1.)Someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of kindliness

    2.)A person who is "two-faced"
    1-"Hey I just met the nicest girl."

    2-"Yeah I saw...I know her, she hurts guys just for fun, her kindness is fake."

    1-"Jeez..what a wolf in sheep's clothing"

  15. Actions reveal characterJanuary 15, 2012 at 6:27 AM

    In his telling, 'A wolf, dressed in a sheep's skin, blended himself in with the flock of sheep and every day killed one of the sheep. When the shepherd noticed this was happening, he hanged the wolf on a very tall tree. On other shepherds asking him why he had hanged a sheep, the shepherd answered: The skin is that of a sheep, but the activities were those of a wolf.' Abstemius' comment on the story follows the Biblical interpretation: 'people should be judged not by their outward demeanor but by their works, for many in sheep's clothing do the work of wolves'.


  17. @DD
    Is your self-esteem so pathetically? Did daddy forget to give his son goodnight kisses so now he's looking for attention this way ?
    "I am the motherfucking Devil, lol."The only thing unholy about you is your obesity. It seems your impudence grows with every pound of fat you somehow manage to burn. You're not really so much evil as simply idiotic, the evil one is your mother , for giving birth to such a dimwit. It's funny how even how even the picture of the devil you chose presents him as a handsome fella with abs , not sure if it's the work of your latent homosexuality or what you so dearly wish to look like.

  18. Worst post to date. Its not even that the content sucks, which it does, but the barely coherant writing style is atrocious. It reads like a junior high research paper from a remedial class.

    To the poster, please take some English and psych classes and get back to us.

  19. Codeps!? Oh NO they did NOT! *neck roll, finger snap*

  20. @ Hi There Piles Want to continue on from yesterday ;)

  21. Im not going to address each part of the massive suckage that is this post, but first, how can one be recovered from a disorder that doesnt exist to begin with? Theres one logic flaw. There are more, but I am working and too disgusted by the utter stupidity of this post. I cant wait to see what Haven has to say. Totally retarded, ME. Thanks for giving us someone to flog.

  22. I was serious, you know. I have to know what the fuck a destiny leader is, before I can tell you wether I disagree with Hitler not being one or not(your words, mr. Double Negative-man).


  23. /awaits the morons to arrive

    So you can have someone to relate with?

  24. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 15, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    Theme Song for Missus -----no 2

    The Chorus

  25. Hi Caroline,


  26. K Piles Another time, perhaps :)

  27. There won't be another time Caroline because there ain't nothing to discuss.

  28. Hey anon dissing Piggy, there ain't nothing wrong with homosexuality, and for you to use something that juvenile as an insult makes you pathetically low, just sayin'.


  29. "I didn't have abusive boyfriends, dumbfuck. Out of all my past boyfriends only one of them was abusive..."


  30. Thanks for giving us someone to flog

    If anyone here is getting flogged it's you, Sarah. I break my toys.

  31. M.E. retarded article. Probably one of the worse ones wrote yet. It looks like someone from the forums wrote it. Cheers.


  32. "I didn't have abusive boyfriends, dumbfuck. Out of all my past boyfriends only one of them was abusive..."

    This is a good one demon. They should put it in the twitter. You are such a retard.

  33. So... David finally sent M.E. an article to post...
    How lovely.

  34. @Piles
    Where did I explicitly state that homosexuality is something wrong? You should ask yourself why you felt insulted
    Which is due to your erroneous perception. Hiding something , pe
    rhaps, are we?

  35. @ Raven I may be too much Anne of Green Gables but there is a balance between hard ass and that. Finding it is the key and very hard to do, probably impossible.

  36. To be entirely honest, I had to re-read the post at least four times just to understand what this person was saying. My impression is that, after failing college English, he decided to earn his psychology degree with a diploma mill. He plans earn his fame by diagnosing Hitler, and intends to then decide which disorders exist without actually meeting anyone who is diagnosed with them. BPD will be replaced with Hitler, and NPD will be renamed Devil Hitler.

  37. Why even bring that up is all I want to know? The whole comment was an insult, you mean to tell me that one comment was not part of the package and just somehow ended up being delivered to her doorstep?

    And yes, I am hiding something, but how did you know? I coulda sworn I had all the windows closed last night :(

  38. Monica, you really need to learn when to quit lol

    Just fyi anon, DD isn't gay - it is a she. Yeah, I know its hard to tell.

    Also, hello to the fake Demon. We know you break your toys ;)

  39. Charlotte, the poster is clearly on the Sam Vaknin career track.

  40. Random story, in high school I was in a debate team in my government and economics class (or was it history?), anyway, I was on a team that had to argue that Hitler was insane. I didn't think he was, and that made my team kick me out. Those damn jews...

  41. Probably not impossible, Cow Tits. But I don't come here to show off my perfection. I come because it feels good to kick dreamers like you, back into the waking life. :D

  42. Gross, does she actually have cow tits? Is there a picture I missed or are you just being your regular charming self Raven?

  43. Well, that throws the homosexuality theory out. Everything other stands.Until proven otherwise.

  44. *Cow tits* *Rolls eyes*
    36 C is not cow tits

  45. Now, Piles is interested rolfl

  46. I just noticed the knife Demon has in her picture. Wow, could you get a knife that looks more like a toy? If you want to look intimidating don't use fantasy weapons (that would probably snap at the hilt).

    Anyways on the topic I agree that it is pathetic on most points. I don't understand why the writer likes codependents either, they are just plain annoying.

    "narcissists aim to make you dependent on them through deception and manipulation"

    Is that not having total control on you if they are dependant? Dependant means that they need you, if you use that against them it gives control.

    "Narcissists can empathize but only for themselves"
    How do you empathize with yourself? Does the writer mean recognizing personal feelings?

  47. OH!! Lol, anon, you thought she was a he which was why you went there with the homosexuality! I get it!

  48. Pssst. Sarah. I think that was the *real* beast! Shhhhhhh....

  49. I love flu season! It gives me a legitimate excuse to duck out of so many social invitations! :D

  50. Will the person who write this steaming pile of dogshit please identify themselves?

  51. I am curious why this Einstein thinks that bpd is made up. Its absurd to assert something like that and not back it up with one shred of evidence or observation.

  52. I'm watching 'Pirate Radio' for the millionth time. It's brilliant.

  53. I dont even know why co-d's where brought up. Dependent personality type isnt even cluster b. The whole inverted narcissism thing is a figment of Vaknins delusion.

  54. I still havent seen that yet Raven. I need to check it out.

  55. You really should. It's a blast.

  56. there are no such thing as pd's, because the pd inflicted does not suffer. is lacking empathy a disorder? does empathy even exist?

  57. Thanks for the input, rapeape. You can go back to your cave of retardation now.

  58. "Narcissists can empathize but only for themselves"

    I'm sorry, did someone forget to look up the definition of empathy today? Idiot.

  59. Lol Haven. Yes, just one in a list of many mentally challenged statements.

  60. Dear Writer of today's blog post,

    Congratulations on coming to poorly thought out and half formed conclusions on all Cluster B type disorders. Perhaps in the future you can do more research into major mental illness than reading a two line definition.

    You are an idiot.


  61. when i see you borderlines, with your gadgets, houses and limitless food, it's then that i'm brought to limitless rage. being raped as a child is nothing compared to starvation. take one look at africa, at these children who have nothing and you have the appalling entitlement to complain about your "fit for a king" lifestyle. shame on you.

  62. This post writer is completely inconsistent in his writing. He had half formed thoughts. Began his article as if it were going to go one place: BPD. Switched to narcissism, and then ended up concluding about ASPD. There is absolutely no narrative flow in this write-up. Congratulations sir, you've failed 2nd grade english.

  63. Shut up rapeape. I had a guest poster talk about his BPD a few months back. He was homeless and starving on the streets for most of his life. He had a lot of problems, obviously, and BPD just magnified the intensity of it. Educate yourself a little before making unfounded accusations.

  64. This article is such nonsense. It's like it's written by someone who just learned what a personality disorder is yesterday.

    Like hell BPD doesn't exist. You come live with this crazy bitch off her meds who has been going all Single White Female on me.

  65. rapeape... also, just because there are other people in the world with bigger problems, does not mean we don't have the right to work on our own and try to make our own lives better. Pretentious hipster.

  66. Medusa... there are actually a lot of people that believe BPD doesn't exist. It's one of the myths/controversies that's pretty prevalent out there.

    Does BPD exist

    Obviously I know it exists and think these people are pretty damn ignorant. Just because they don't understand the world a certain way does not mean other ways do not exist.

  67. @Medusa... I take it your roommate has been increasing her crazy lately?

  68. be thankful you aren't living with a narc hehe

  69. "be thankful you aren't living with a narc hehe"

    Been there. Never again.

  70. Just move out. How fucking hard is that? Seriously. How crazy is the person who willingly keeps living with such psychosis? Only children have a good excuse. They don't know their own power yet...

  71. This update sucks.

    Even the history is wrong.


  72. Just fyi anon, DD isn't gay - it is a she. Yeah, I know its hard to tell.

    Ha, if I was gay you would be in even deeper trouble than you are now. Every time you say something in here you are falling yet again for another one of my plans /wink

    /sigh Everyone in here think they know what they are talking about when it comes to PDs. Who knows better than me. Read my diagnosis:

    Patient is paranoid, with co dependency issues, likes to avoid people in the street, but not in swimming pools four feet deep or more where she becomes center of attention, has obsession with knives, vandalizes her toys and the toys of others, tortures insects, has shallow effect (See extroverted pool description), lacks empathy, sympathy, and has aversion to symphony, abusive to boyfriends refers to them as pets, deep seeded hatred of mother, blends in crowd like chameleon when among other biker gothic knife wielding loners, manipulates others to laugh at her and/or point and snicker, cons state into giving her welfare

    They thought I was so dangerous they forced me to live with my mother to keep me under observation. Even though im 40! /sigh

    Wait till they turn their back...I'm going to.....Well you know....../wink

  73. Medusa, give us the scoop on your roomie?

  74. Lol DD/UKan thats a great psych profile

  75. Nice UKan. You make her far more interesting than she makes herself.

  76. Agreed haha.

    Raven, Sarah... Hello ladies =) How're you today?

  77. Hi Haven :) doing well, other than the disappointment at such a fundamentally retarded post. Just trying to stay warm. Its snowing. Looking forward to getting home and settling in.

    Did you go out last night with tech boy?

  78. Ukan, can you take over DD for us so we don't need to listen to her/it? Glad you used the profile pic with the fantasy knife and cheese curdle face, gotta love it.

  79. Awwwww Raven, I think you scared Medusa away ;)

  80. UKan I found some fun for you. Have at em.

  81. No.I didn't. Medusa is an SW veteran.

  82. i doubt ukan will go over there. it's damaging to people like him to acknowledge that there is somewhere he's not the center of attention.

  83. He will get down voted into oblivion.

  84. "He will get down voted into oblivion."

    Why faggot?

  85. @vm

    socios don't become outgoing on the internet. we're snobs in real and that doesn't change online. i barely reply to any email i get, or comments, because i feel above these people.

  86. Hi Sarah, sounds like a comfy day in for you.

    Nah, I cancelled on him and decided to stay in haha. I'm making dinner for us tomorrow instead.

    ::laughs:: it's not possible to scare Medusa. She'll come back when she's not busy.

  87. I think M.E. posted this writer to demonstrate the rampant stupidity and misconceptions that people have in regard to personality disorders.

  88. i'm always suspicious of these people who claim to be sociopaths, yet act friendly and considerate in online discussions. first of all, a sociopath will try to take over the discussion, or blog. secondly, sociopaths dislike criticism, in any form and if you disagree with them, they will berate, degrade and ultimately try to destroy your character.

  89. "I think M.E. posted this writer to demonstrate the rampant stupidity and misconceptions that people have in regard to personality disorders."

    How do you know M.E didn't write it? Your nuts for believing anything that comes from a sociopath.

  90. Anon 2:08.... Who cares? None of the shit that goes on here or is posted here has absolutely any bearing on my life. I take stuff at face value because it's all essentially meaningless anyways. Believing the nature of the post allows me to contemplate something from a certain perspective, or a perspective I may not otherwise have had. That in itself has value to me.

    The there is truth or validity in the presentation is secondary.

  91. Even if ME was trying to deliberately sound like a twelve year old sped kid who just learned what a personality disorder was, I am not sure s/he is quite talented enough to pull off that level of incoherant gibberish.

    I do think you may be right Haven. And like I said earlier, s/he is giving us someone to poke at.

    And yeah it will be cozy now that Im out of work and home in my jammies. Just need to run out for smokes and I will be golden.

  92. Anon 204 you speak like socios are programmed robots incapable of any kind of creativity. If a socio wanted to have fun and dominate a chat or forum or whathaveyou, they do not need to be so blatantly obvious. Subtle manipulations are the best kind.

    You are also taking for granted that the people on here are telling you who they really are. Just like irl, no one has a sign around their neck with their pd on it. I say I have bpd, but for all you know, I am a socio playing at bpd. I am not, but just remember, that there are creative people who might not conform to your little reality boxes.

  93. I learn about things by getting behind the eyes. With Narc, it is so easy to think of them as "jerks", and they do act that way. However, if you try to get behind their eyes, they, literally, feel that everything is a threat. It is not a mask which can be taken off and on.

  94. Sarah, you know what i meant. Admittedly It was a little generic, but people with pd's are rather strikingly similar, in most cases.

  95. Anon 250 I wouldnt say that is true. While Haven and I share some similarities, I would say we're two very different people. Remember, the pd really just describes generalized patterns. Manifestations of those patterns vary by the individual.

  96. For God's sake; would you stop molesting those poor commas! What've they ever done to you to deserve this kind of cruelty? Jesus woman!

    On another note: the second season of Sherlock has just ended, and I've honestly forgotten why I ever thought the two Guy Richie films were good. Except for maybe Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, but that's about it. Seriously. "The Reichenbach Fall" may be the best... anything I've ever seen.

    I'd go as far as saying that Martin Freeman's performance was heart-wrenching, and that's a term I'd never thought I would ever use to describe anything.

  97. I'm not speaking of tastes and interests, we're talking behaviors here. Stop acting like you are more than your pd, that's your petty idealism speaking.

    Even Sam Vaknin knows his whole being is that of narcissistic personality disorder. He is npd. Pd people have different hobbies and desires, but the personality is mostly identical, hence the word disorder.

  98. Its funny when people conjure up excuses for M.E. to post bollocks as if she is infallible and every move she makes is calculated. Personally M.E. I think your judgement of character is on and off blind, and posting rubbish like this makes you lack credibility. I frankly doubt you are running out of material since usually you are backlogged for at least a week with emails. If you are going to throw this rubbish up at least put a entertaining savage rebuttal destroying the kids self esteem following his retarded article. That would be entertaining. Email me if you want help.

  99. how do you get behind a narc's eyes? by having a staring contest?lol.

  100. Wheat, I assume you were calling Caroline the comma molester?

    UKan, yeah, I kinda felt the same way about that post.

    Anon, I have noticed many distinct differences in Haven and I, and I am not just talking about superficial things. I know that woman earlier talked about having "pure" bpd, but many of us have comorbidities (gawd I hate that term). I assume socios come in as many flavors as borderlines do.

  101. Sarah, could an individual lack empathy, NOT have a fear of abandonment, has NEVER self harmed, or had any suicidal thoughts and has a solid sense of self, but still be borderline?

  102. Also, this individual has no respect for boundaries and if told no, will resort to other measures to manipulate a person. Has never felt guilt, constantly disregards the feelings and rights of others, lies chronically and believes they are superior to others.

  103. I have a friend like this and I'm curious about how you think I should handle him. Leave, or stay?

  104. I agree Sarah. Plus on top of that. Who I am here, is markedly and drastically different than who I am in real life. I like here because it's an outlet for things I can't usually express. In real life, you would never know that I'm BPD. Not until you really, really got to know me.

  105. No, I'd never guess the woman dressed in nothing, but black with complimentary scars covering her arms was BPD. A true beep in sheep's clothing.

  106. Yes I did, Sarah. She's always been bad at language, but it used to be kind of endearing. Now she "takes liberties" with the English language the same way early European colonists "took liberties" with Native Americans.

    And maybe I'm just being petty because I don't like her, but she really gets on my tits when she says crap like: "eyes, they, literally, feel". Three fucking commas in a row? Why?

    And I still don't know what the fuck a "destiny leader" is supposed to be!

  107. "And I still don't know what the fuck a "destiny leader" is supposed to be!"

    Luke Skywalker :D You're welcome.

  108. I'd imagine a destiny leader, is a leader that was meant to become a leader.

  109. I've never seen Star Wars. In fact: I've ne- ...What? Don't look at me like that. :/

  110. Sociopathworld: Humility not welcome.

  111. Wheatly, She is using the comma for dramatic affect and it gets to you, lol. Do you not like showy types of people who feel as if they can't be heard unless they go about indicating their thoughts -like a child jumping up and down in a swimming pool screaming about the entire summer to get their parent's attention?

  112. Yes, I can see she's using them for "dramatic affect" (sic), it's just that that's even more annoying than CAPITALIZING FOR EMPHASIS and she really ought to stop.

    Did you intentionally mispell "Wheatley"? It's not hard to find the correct way to spell it, you know.

  113. What about The Matrix? Seen that have you?

  114. Yes I have. And it's not like I don't know anything about Star Wars, Yoda (I've been on the internet), I've just never seen the movies.

  115. You need to spoke something.

  116. M.E. should change SW's motto to "Humility not welcome" It will ward off these self hating borderlines and outcasts.

  117. No Wheatley. I am writing in the dark for one. Sorry to disappoint that I am NOT PERFECT lol. By the way, I don't know how to do italics posting on the blogs. Will you please show me?

  118. Teacher's Aide Position OpenJanuary 15, 2012 at 4:41 PM

    We are looking for that special individual whom likes to correct grammar like other people enjoy a day in the park.

  119. I am also sleep deprived, and am having trouble keeping my anonymous comments consistent lol. I use quotation marks too much, too. I want to make myself self harm and purge food when I do so. (that last sentence was supposed to be humorous, but I don't give a shit whether I'm the only one laughing.)

  120. dramatic "effect", excusez moi, s'il vous PLATE.

  121. What do you mean Raven? That I need to relax? Or have you somehow noticed I'm low on nicotine, because I'm trying to quit smoking for a week?

    (i)text in italics(/i)

    Just replace ( with < and replace ) with >


  123. hello from frankfurt. i don't use capitals because I am a seik.

  124. Please take my liberties away. Grabbing them back is my quest to relieve my boredom atm.

  125. 337
    grain of salt him but don't let him know if you want to stay.

    If you want to leave just do it like the nike commercial says ~

  126. Get in the tub, have this chardonnay you're not drinking and wash your penis.

  127. As a sociopath its hard to see yourself a sociopath most of the time. All the excuses for what you do make sense till someone's finally smart enough to point out that they don't.

  128. It's rare to have that happen, in my experience.

  129. Is she single now, medusa? That must make her even harder to deal with.

    Empathy always make the things that people do make sense. Most people don't have the value system they think they do.

  130. sociopaths have a wayof showing people how little they value, or using the things people think they value against them. I think it's the comedic or ironic approach they take.

  131. Haha that reddit thread.

    The first 50 seconds are hilarious.

  132. It wouldn't be that bad if people's belief and value systems weren't the meaning that they had in their life. But sociopaths like to destroy things.

  133. Vm, I forgot you were there. How are you working out those deep seeded fears of commitment?
    Personally I'd go all in if I were you. Otherwise you'll end up stuck with the borderline and caroline types that seem to be attracted to you In your day to day... Unless your commitment issue was a borderline or a caroline?

  134. Oi... throw some direction my way will you, Mk? I'm is an open mood this evening.

  135. Haha. Great eden. Hm. Open book... Let's see...

    Eden, what do you imagine when you picture a healthy and intimate relationship?

  136. * Anonymous: What age did you kill your first animal? Describe.

    I feel like this is the same anon, but I’m going to answer anyway.

    I have never and will never kill an animal. Animals, in my mind are innocent and adorably cute. Humans are stupid, disgusting and generally cunts.

  137. Wheatley.... did you seriously just say you hadn't ever seen Star Wars? Seriously?

  138. Humans and animals have few differences. The only variable is, i think, a fluke separation of conscious and subconscious... Or faulty programming.

  139. I haven't seen the first three, or, I guess the last three.

  140. "I haven't self-mutilated in two years.

    I’m on the precipice of a vicious relapse for no fucking reason. No trigger, no depression, no temptation. No fucking reason. I just want to hurt. I just want to bleed. I’m in an ink-black mood and I’m debating with myself. Turns out: I’m losing.

    Oh, the joys of being a sociopath."

  141. @Anonymous 5:57

    IMAGINE [being you]

    It's like people with empathy and a conscious would turn in to depraved monsters without one or something, and that's what she was playing in to at the start. It just makes no sense at all from my point of view.

    She goes on to flesh it out well saying all people are different. Some violent, some non-violent. Her personal view just seems all over the place in that video. It goes from trying to frighten people to trying humanize sociopaths to treating her video/book as a warning.

  142. Sociopaths who have compassion for animals lol

  143. and for the record I don't identify as a sociopath and have never stepped foot in to a psychologist's office, but the start of that video hit close to home

  144. eden, cysts or tumors?

  145. Two people of a common thread. They understand and accept the more difficult, of each others mechanics. They balance one another out, or at the very least; challenge each other to progress. Trust, I suppose, makes all the difference in the world.
    And they make it past infatuation, still wanting to be with each other, without wanting to buy a gun.

    I of course can only say these things based on what I've read, seen, or heard. It sounds so good in theory... but my reality doesn't work like that. So I guess I should have said: I don't have a clue. ;)

  146. So to clarify Episodes IV, V, and IV are the important ones.... Episodes I, II, and III are the ones George Lucas should be hanged for. ::sigh:: They had so much potential.

  147. So in your past relationships did you have com. On thread?
    What about openness? Do you value exposure and vulnerability? What have your relationships been like incomparison to that picture you have in your head? Or in contrast? Did you enjoyed ones closer or farther from that definition?

  148. I've see the new ones. I, ii, and iii. I like the third, I thought. They were immemorable.

    I'm actually currently incredibly disappointed in George lucas for his creation email approach for some of his recent endeavors. I'd call myself indirect opposition to his creative beliefs and values.

  149. eden, I'm really sorry to hear that. I expect the necessary surgeries will be an incredible inspiration for you in many ways, though, and later your life will be highly enriched by the experience. Retrospect will elevate you.

  150. just one of the many reasons why I hate humanity.

    A while ago someone had shown me a video recorded by the american military in afghanistan, one guy holding the camera to record, and two (or three) other men (I can’t remember exactly it was a while ago) and they had come across this dog who looked like it was starving and needed food and water.

    The one soldier goes up to the dog, and the dog starts to wag it’s little tail and starts to become happy and licks the soldier. The soldier then lifts the dog up, walks over to the cliff, and throws the dog over. He then starts laughing histerically while the guy behind the camera says “Oh man dude, why did you do that?”

    I just remembered the video today, and I just started bawling. I would do anything for an animal, even die for one. I love my dog with all my life. I could care less if the soldier threw another soldier over the cliff, but a dog?

    I really wish I could have been there to push him over and save the dog. I fucking hate humans. All of them.

  151. So in your past relationships did you have common thread? What about openness? Do you value exposure and vulnerability? What have your relationships been like in comparison to that picture you have in your head? Or in contrast? Did you enjoy the ones similar or distinct from that definition?

  152. That's way too many questions at once.

  153. people are just animals. Sometimes pitbullsplay with animal intestines for amusement. It's just whatanimals do. The distinctions people make between humans and animals are irrelevant.

    That being said, my dog is by far my favorite animal of all time. Including over most of the people I've ever met. He impresses me more within general benevolence and amiability than most. But he accomplishes few things, and has low ambitions and drive. So he's just different, even if he is my favorite.

  154. Sorry. That's my train of thought. Mainly, how do your relationships vary from that picture. And where they do, do you prefer that variation.?

  155. Ugh, George Lucas is really screwing the pooch lately. He has the same problem as Tim Burton right now actually. No creative temperance. No one to tell him to tone it back and keep the crazy in check ;)

    Forget you ever saw Eps 1-3. Watch 4-6. Those are the ones that matter. He tried to do waaay, way too much with the first 3. If he'd kept it to one story line of how Anakin turned into Darth Vader it would have been a very compelling story, however, well, you saw how those turned out.

  156. For example, we're you and the addict on the same thread? Did he complete you or did you help each other grow.

  157. I disagree. Crazy suits Tim Burton. George lucas can't make it work for him.

    Tim Burton becomes more elaborately genius and out there in controversial ways. George lucas is more bound by his own thinking and it hinders his genius.

  158. I never find people interested in helping me grow. They aren't even interested enough in their own growth. So I get spun out on opening them up to themselves, and in the process, I begin to see them as pathetic.

  159. Hmm. So why are you drawn to such stagnant partners?

  160. Addict? Never been an addict of substances. I have always had trouble with fleeting obsessions. But as I get older... I only obsess over financial goals.

  161. Nono, sorry. I meant the guy that turned into an addict. Not you.
    I imagine you're a binger. You like things only as long as they can stay novel and exciting. As long as the feelings are new.

  162. "Hmm. So why are you drawn to such stagnant partners?"

    My mind goes in a million directions with this questions.
    When I'm being honest with myself, the top answer has always been, that it's easy to control the direction the relationship goes in.

    They don't see themselves, their goals, and they can't see me... so I start shaping their perceptions as I see fit.

  163. Except for alcohol. You always find amusement I alcohol.

  164. Hmm. So you burn them. Why do you fear them being in control? Or is it a need?

  165. Why do you not find people who can see you?

  166. "I imagine you're a binger. You like things only as long as they can stay novel and exciting. As long as the feelings are new."

    Yes, that's very true. But not much is new and exciting with people anymore. I've "binged" on them so long... it all the same now, and I get bored much quicker than I did in the past.

  167. "Why do you fear them being in control? Or is it a need?"

    I guess it's a need because until a year ago, and my cousin started telling me how he sees me; I never thought of myself as a controlling type. I'm subtle about it. I don't come out and just start barking orders. I like for people to feel like they got to choose the direction, the relationships goes in with me.

  168. My husband used to have idealistic dreamy eyed followers that all fantasize they could change him and make him feel. They could never see the demon, so they could never see the strengths he had. They painted good and evil over his traits. That's why he values me. Though sometimes he tries to paint goodness onto his own traits, I can only ever see the function, and the value in the functions and abilities he has. So he still keeps cs tool over our long term goals and plans, or the direction of our relationship, but i can see him, and help him to get to those places.

    It's hard to find people that won't paint onto you their own ideals... Like the caroline. But it's impossible to respect them, or even do anything but find uses for them because of how blind and ignorant they are to themselves, the world, and to you.

  169. that's the manipulation. If people know or feel it they get rebellious and try to get out from under your grasp. My husband is learning subtlety. It's harder for longer closer relationships.

  170. If you do it right, people will never get to that place where they look back and wonder how did I get here? And start devising ways to break free. Or ways of deviating to meet their own needs. You'll have already met them.

  171. Mind you... I have my moments where I get outright demanding when I've been refused something I think I'm entitled to. But by that point their mind is so twisted up... they believe that they owe me.

  172. I know now it's useless to be in a relationship like that. Once I start seeing them as pathetic... it's all over. No exceptions.

  173. How long have the two of you been together?

  174. Lol. I know that spot. The sociopath relationship is a delicate web. I am much too submissive of my husbands demands, and dismissive of my own needs. I can't blame him for that, though. That's my own stupidity. He just capitalize on that. It's in your nature to always be self serving.

  175. Two years, seven months.

  176. You just have to find a smart enough submissive person. Then you can use them emotionally, but they can see you well enough that you respect them despite that fact. You won't ever be in a relationship where you aren't fulfilling your own wants and desires first and foremost.

    Wv nessess

  177. Pathetic is a turnoff. What is it exactly that makes you think pathetic? Is it submission, blindness, delusions, or subjection?

  178. I think I need to find someone smart enough to let me have a double life. :p I see what you're saying though.

  179. Lol.
    Smart enough to consolidate your double life.

  180. Well that's just the thing that makes it a losing situation for both. Pathetic, is anyone who isn't their own. And yet I feel an uncontrollable urge to buck everything, if I have to be the submissive one. I think I'm looking for someone I can see as my equal... but somehow I wonder if I'm capable of seeing anyone that way.

  181. You'll find that when you do, you'll grow to caredespite yourself. Someone understanding you will be a surprising and invaluable ego boost. It'll be a sort of godliness you haven't yet felt.

  182. I can fully agree with that. But first I have to learn to resist that fierce stranglehold my own armor has on me. It almost has a mind all its own. No one can see me irl. As soon as I make my mind up to let anyone have a peek... some invisible switch gets flipped, and it feels like I just can't do it.

  183. You'll always think you're better. But you have to be in control, so you'll always feel that way. It's a need you have. But when you find someone you can respect in their submission, you'll open up things you never thought you would. And it'll surprise you by how enjoyable you'll find it.
    The hard part for you is to respect submission. You don't value it currently. And most people are too submissive. Too caroline. It's a delicate balance. Anyone with too much independence would see you as a monster or an exciting movie character. Like the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind. A geeky boy chasing you around hoping to add some excitement to his life. But some submissive people aren't looking for you to be their savior from dullness.


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