
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Elderly sociopath

A reader relates a funny story about a family member that she suspects is a sociopath -- her elderly grandmother:

I showed your site to my sister (who also has tendencies more than your average person as well), and we both agree that our grandmother was/is definitely a sociopath. It's interesting to see her now, since just recently she was put into an assisted living home. She's in the early stages of dementia, but sometimes when something isn't going her way, I see her mask drop from her face and it takes her just a tad bit longer than usual to recover it. I was tempted over the holidays to whisper something to her about it when her mask fell away, but decided against it. 

I'm sure she has no idea we know her true nature. I'm not even sure she's self-aware enough that she would even know the label (which I think labels are stupid anyway). 

She was definitely high-functioning because as far as I know she was never a criminal. Though I do think there are family secrets about tax evasion. 

A side note though, I recently discovered through a scrapbook of newspaper clippings that she had had a hit out on her in the 80s. Apparently, that was an open family secret and I asked her about it (this was before the dementia) and she didn't have much to say about it. I'd even say she was very nonchalant about it. I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't keep a scrapbook about someone trying to have them killed and when asked about be so blase about it. I have so many stories from my childhood that point to her sociopathy it's not even funny. So yeah, the genetic component is there. 


  1. Another reason to kill myself at the first signs of dementia.

  2. Wow. CBS is going to make a modern reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes. Wonder where they got that idea from. Oh, but it's set in New York, so it's completely different.

    Call me biased, and pessimistic, and conservative, and call my teeth bad, but I don't see this going to work. And not because it's done by Americans, but because it sounds like a cheap cash-in rip-off.

    But... I guess it could potentially turn out to be alright. If Mark Gatiss and Stephen Moffat are going to write this version too...

  3. @UKan W

    What does this video make you feel my beautiful UKan? What would you have done?

  4. I don't doubt most old people are sociopathic. With the amount of arseholes encountered in a day....

  5. Willing to bet that old Cooter has sucked dry a few rednecks

  6. Shut up Anon, it's stupid fat americans like you that fuck this world up with your stupid opinions and beliefs. The USofA needs to die already so we can once again progress as a human race.

  7. That that goes to the other stupid fat USAer's on there. The ignorant socio's and psychopaths that run the USA causing more grief to this planet. Eat a Dick retards!

  8. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 18, 2012 at 5:26 AM

    Theme song for Alter Ego no 5

  9. @MHM

    I hear the muslims are hiring.

  10. don't look at me for violence.

  11. I'm on a hairtrigger violence wise. Introversion helps with getting along in society.

  12. Speaking of violence, anyone here been on psychopathic writings ? A guy claiming to be a psychopath. The site is much like this one. The recent post is about the murders he has commited.

  13. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 18, 2012 at 6:07 AM

    Theme Song for Raven no 3

  14. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 18, 2012 at 6:28 AM

    Theme Song for Aggy no 2

  15. If there is no difference between a sociopath and a psychopath, why do Dr's like hare produce books talking about psychopaths etc ? Who is to say this old woman is not a psychopath ?

  16. There is a difference, the study of criminal behavior involves learning the various mental disorders that can contribute to abnormal behavior. Sociopathy and psychopathy are terms used in psychology and criminology to refer to subsets of people with antisocial personality traits. Neither is an official diagnostic term, in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) each disorder is listed under the heading of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). Many psychiatrists use the terms interchangeably. There is, however, controversy over whether sociopaths and psychopaths share the same qualities.

    Sociopathy and psychopathy share many traits, which is the main source of confusion for differentiating them in psychology. Traits that sociopaths and psychopaths share include:

    ■a disregard for the rights of others
    ■a failure to feel remorse or guilt
    ■a disregard for laws and social mores
    ■a tendency to display violent behavior and emotional outbursts
    Though not all psychology professionals agree on what exactly differentiates sociopaths from psychopaths, among those who believe each are separate disorders there is a list of definite differences. Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are likely to be uneducated and live on the fringes of society, unable to hold down a steady job or stay in one place. Some sociopaths form attachments to an individual or group, though they have no regard for society in general. In the eyes of others, sociopaths appear clearly disturbed. Any crimes committed by a sociopath tend to be disorganized and spontaneous.

    Psychopaths, on the other hand, often have charming personalities. They are manipulative and easily gain people’s trust. They have learned to mimic emotion and so appear “normal” to other people. Psychopaths are often educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they can have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.

    Psychopaths, when committing crimes, carefully plan out every detail and often have contingency plans in place. Because of this marked difference between the method of crimes committed by sociopaths and psychopaths, the distinction between these disorders is perhaps even more important to criminology than it is to psychology.

    Another belief among some professionals is that the etiology of the disorders is different. According to David Lykken, a behavioral geneticist known for his studies on twins, psychopathy stems from a physiological defect in the brain that results in the underdevelopment of the part of the brain responsible for impulse control and emotions. Sociopathy is more the product of childhood traumas and abuse. According to this model, some professionals believe that sociopaths are capable of empathy, but only in specific contexts.

    For example, sociopaths may attach their loyalty to a person or group and will feel empathy for or not hurt those people to which they are attached. Psychopaths, however, have an inability to feel empathy and are just as likely to hurt their family and friends as they are strangers. Other psychologists make these same distinctions, but define them as primary psychopathy and secondary psychopathy.

  17. Lower functioning = Socio

    Higher functioning = Psychopath

    Just like the article says, socio's are uneducated and dumb.

    Sorry Ukan, you are dumb!

  18. These two terms seem interchangeable on the surface because they share many of the same characteristics, they are more like two sides of the same coin.

  19. I am pretty sure Ukan has stated he is a psychopath not a sociopath? I could be wrong however.

    I am a sociopath but I function extremely well in society.

    I think you are the low functioning moron here Anon 6:51.

  20. My life style might lead some to say I am low functioning. However I have removed myself from society, which for me is a win. The less I deal with stupid people, the more quality of life I have. Being on the grid is not for me.

  21. The elderly grew up in a different era. Obviously. Things like having a hit out on you, and having it known, weren't as uncommon then. It doesn't take a sociopath to make someone want to kill you. In fact, if she was really high functioning, shouldn't she have been smart enough to have whatever her dealings were NOT get traced back to her? Mob, mafia, all that stuff was more prevalent back in those days. I don't the majority of those involved were actually socio and just power/money hungry.

    I know a hell of a lot of mean, crotchity old people. They put on a show of being decent so they don't get locked up in a nursing home and forgotten indefinitely. Not because they're sociopaths.

  22. Old people are cool. The ones I know always have candies or chocolate at the ready.

  23. i used to get drunk in front of real people. Now i get i get drnk and anonymous asses get to see it...
    how lame


  24. Low functioning means you aren't functioning properly in society, high functioning is when you do function properly in society.

    With that being said, any one who can't live properly is low functioning, and those who can are high functioning, and this is not segregated in sociopathic terms, I mean with humans, period. The "low functioning" people would technically be those with personality disorders. The ones without are the "high functioning".

    Again though, why segregate it, it doesn't matter.

    Funny comment Roach.

  25. Hiya notme. If it's any consolation, our anonymous asses are very amused by it.

  26. Old people with candies and chocolate just like all chubby people are jolly.

    Notme, are things going badly for you?

  27. Fly, you sound more schizoid.

  28. old people are only cool if they were always cool. I can tell you that nine of my gran parents were ever cool. Delusional relgious idiots. No one in my family was someone I could actually look up to. It made me separate, distanced from all of them, dad and mom included. I felt my whole life like I was on a little raft, trying to find shore. To this day, I am separate from them. And they know it. So do i.

    1. YOU are going to be old in a few decades. What are you going to do when you are you and young punks decide you aren't human? Just stop and think. What are you doing?

  29. *none of my grandparents...

  30. ME, you shouldnt encourage people with a rudimentary understanding of personality disorders to diagnose people (poorly) on your post entries. It really takes away from your credibility with these lame "guest" posts.

  31. Sarah, um, what credibility?

  32. haha haven...

    I wasn't meant to get drunk. But i had some shit few days at my parent's. I'm sorry, but i can't handle that bollocks.

  33. @notme... I hear ya darlin'. Drinking is the only way I can get through a few days with my parents too. You're not alone.

  34. Just a thought anon who wrote the novel on the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. Maybe psychopaths are just older matured sociopaths. A lot of the behavior a sociopath goes through is just immaturity and lack of self control. After figuring out some of their destructive habits can't a "sociopath" become more of the "psychopath" and start forming better crimes, holding relationships, and all that jazz?

    Haven, notme, you can always kill your parents :D!

  35. Lol Piles I should have said it detracts from MEs image as someone with intellect.

    Haven is right. Unless we hear about all the fucked up shit shes done, grandma is just typical of her generation. Detached, unhappy, unfulfilled. Ive seen people with dementia act completely counter to their natural personality, btw. It is common for people who have aways been nice to become mean as snakes on occasion. Its dementia. It is the brain functioning all wrong.

  36. What hair styles does everyone have here?

    I now it's really fucking lame, but I just have to know!

    And while at it, can someone please diagnose me? Thanks.

  37. and thank you tik, i'm ok, :))) Hope you're well. :)

  38. Got it Sarah.

    I didn't find this story funny at all. I can't stand old folk. They annoy me. They take forever to get out of my way when I am walking, I have to scream at them for them to hear me, and they have an odd smell that stays burning in my nostrils long after they left. As for the candy, it has to be dementia that causes them to forget how long it has been sitting there. I am always fighting the gummy bears in a chewing battle, and my teeth almost always lose.

  39. ''Haven is right. Unless we hear about all the fucked up shit shes done, grandma is just typical of her generation. Detached, unhappy, unfulfilled. Ive seen people with dementia act completely counter to their natural personality, btw. It is common for people who have aways been nice to become mean as snakes on occasion. Its dementia. It is the brain functioning all wrong''

    my only living grandparents did not have dementia. It was a cultural, parochial perspective they held, one that they never changed, and one that I never agreed on. Nothing to do with their age, just their culture and they stuck to it.

  40. anon eight five5

    my hair:
    Long waist length almost black hair.

    your diagnosis:

    It's a disease, sorry. I don't know about personality disorders you could have. I'll get back to you on that. Promise.

  41. haven, please give me your pro advice. My aunt died about three days ago. She died of cancer. It was a schock to me, but i wasnt close to it was ok for me, even her family seemed acceptant of it all since it was predicted....

    But my question is this: they buried her only three hours after she was confirmed dead by the dictor.
    It's in their cultural/religious tradition to bury someone within a few hours.
    Do you think this is wise?
    It scares me. What if they wake up in their coffin? I mean, when is a dead person, dead? Where not there cases in the past when people were buried, assumed dead, only to wake up conscious in their graves???

  42. "Where not there cases in the past when people were buried, assumed dead, only to wake up conscious in their graves???"

    Yes, and they still ended up dead. No loss to anyone, only gain for the funneral peeps raking in the death dollars!

  43. Unless she was given something that would make her appear dead, it is safe to assume that shes dead. Zero signs of life for three hours are a good indicator of being dead. Do you usually worry about stuff like that?

  44. @Anon 8:55

    Really ? Well if you must know, I have a mane like Clay Guida, just longer, and more curly.

    And I think you are a habitual masturbator.

  45. What the fuck is this? We're gossiping about some old granny who supposedly had a hit on her? (spoiler alert: she lives)

    Sherlock is being adapted for America?

    There are three beepers in the room and none of them are going for the jugular?

    Bore. Ing.

    Someone wake me up when something interesting pops up.

  46. @TNP

    Just bang your head off the wall... results are the same :)

  47. @notme... Once you're dead you're pretty gone. Modern technology has come a long way in detecting whether someone is actually and fully brain dead, and not just in momentary heart failure.

    I wouldn't worry too much.

  48. It *might* be a more interesting post if she indicated why she is so positive her grandmother is a socio.

    The thing about her "mask" dropping can be attributed to dementia. It also depends on the form of dementia. If it is vascular, she may be having TIAs or it could be simple memory lapses where she feels utter confusion. Lewy body dementia will make people paranoid and delusional and act very bizarrely.

    If all her evidence is the woman was able to joke about a hit that was on her and there may be some tax evasion, well, that is not diagnostic criteria.

  49. It *might* be more interesting if these kids had any clue what ASPD even looks like.

    P.S. Getting in trouble for tax evasion in the 80's is like getting in trouble for smoking pot in the 60's. Seriously.

  50. Lets talk narc parents. Most of us are here because of them. How do you deal with parents that won't entertain the fact that they are the cause of there little boy/girl growing up with social issues. My parents just shun me, and blame me totally. As if I had control over them fighting and abusing me, and failing to provide, and ensure proper schooling.

  51. Anon 10:13
    I hear you.

  52. Comments are unmoderated. Blog owner is not responsible for third party content. By leaving comments on the blog, commenters give license to the blog owner to reprint attributed comments in any form.

  53. Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring-Boring

    People that post here are prone to bordom.

  54. Fly 5:47

    I hear it's actually a fat chick, no psychopathy, just mental delusions.

  55. The terms sociopath and psychopath are synonymous to experts, whether you are using the PCLR or the DSM. The term high functioning is a self description used by people who have come in here claiming to be smarter than the rest of us. Every single one of them, bar none, got fucked with so badly in here they eventually ran or went to the anonymous graveyard. is another example of this. In fact it was hecause of misanthrope and I that the site now has to have comments go to tye author first before being posted. The reason being that we uncovered her real identity and posted links to her on a aspergers forum and a eating disorder forum talking of ways to deal with her fatness and autism. She also talked about how she was disabled and someone raped her.

    High functioning does not exist. There is just dumb people with low intelligence and smart people with high. Sociopaths are not exempt from stupidity nor are they more qualified to be intelligent. Studies have shown that sociopathy and high IQs are not linked whatsoever. On the PCLR you either score over 30 or youre not a psychopath.

  56. People that claim to know who Zhawq is are just bitter useless turds that can't run a blog site and are jealous. Simple as that really, unless anyone wants to bring forward real evidence, not just assumptions.

  57. Low Functioning Socio1pathJanuary 18, 2012 at 11:15 AM

    If you score under 30, you are just a dumb sociopath

  58. Go to bed with itchy bum, wake up with stinky finger

  59. Shut the fuck up Zhaqw at 11:12.

  60. Haven lol you are very right

  61. i honestly haven't seen one person on m.e's posts which struck me as a sociopath.

  62. frankfurt gave up capitals due to his asceticism.

  63. Apparently my grandfather might be a sociopath. My mum actually told my wife the family secret, even though she never told me.

    He was a traveling salesmen. He apparently had a double life and two families. That's why my mum's family is so screwed up and my grandmother died bitter. He left her for his other family when she found out. I only saw him once when I was five, because my mum never really forgave him. I don't remember meeting him. I saw a picture of him when he was younger and he looks almost just like me.

  64. That is interesting, Ukan. You are so much nicer when you are talking, than going after people :)

  65. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 18, 2012 at 12:16 PM

    Frankfurt's Theme Song no 3

  66. my ex alcoholic and wife beating grandfather has heavy heavy psychopathic traits. a purse snatcher since he was a young boy and spent most of his teenage years in juvenile centers. i wouldn't make the mistake like so many have and diagnose him with a pd, because he is also missing the full package of behaviors. the traits he has in abundance are, callousness, extreme lack of empathy, he's emotionally shallow. however, he's missing traits such as pathological lying, grandiose self perception (he is grandiose, but not in a delusional sense) parasitic lifestyle etc.

    he's extremely charming, any person who doesn't see past the superficial charm, thinks he's hilarious, zero anxiety. he isn't scholarly (he's illiterate), but he could go far in any setting, because of his extroverted charm and humor. he constantly puts down his wife with sly cracks, which is sort of hilarious.

  67. Franfurt has it in his head to become a siek. This fucking life is unbelievable *face palm*

  68. Its Sikh, btw. And I dont think its a fucking lifestyle. Pretty sure theres little to no fucking.

  69. Don't talk to Siek Frankfurt (Peace be unto him) like that you infidel.


    Conversion disorder, aka mass hysteria.

  71. Lol. UKan, my grandmother can't refer to my grandfather by his name, because of the horrible things he did to her in the past. She calls him you, him, anything except his actual name. I visit them regularly and caught him watching porn a few times. He just keeps her around to make his food and clean up. She's just an object to him. It's sad how bitter she is towards him and he's indifferent towards her. Maybe she's borderline. Twenty something years of marriage and the dumb lady is still trying to please a psychopath/psychopathic husband.

  72. thank you for sikh spelling correction. frankfurt was pretty off. friggin sikhs have no sex.

  73. Anon 124 thats not pathological. Thats a standard twenty year old marriage. Really.

  74. Frank to Ukan re frankfurtJanuary 18, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    @Ukan are you interested in joining the order?

  75. Unless grammy was a slut, shes not borderline. If she were, she would have killed him or herself by now. Probably just a woman raised to keep her marriage vows and cant imagine life without her husband.

  76. Is it possible for emotionally shallow socios to love someone?


  77. Is it possible for emotionally shallow socios to love someone?

    I love my wife.

  78. Do you think that's rare for a sociopath?

  79. blair is one of the most thespian skilled sociopaths i've witnessed.

  80. Each person, socio or not, has their own concept of what love is. People who tend toward lower empathy tend to love more possessively, from what Ive experienced. It can be a battle for me to not think of lovers as property. Especially after basically being property and knowing how stifling that is. But thats where the empathy comes in. I dont like feeling possessed like that (well, I am usually property in the bedroom, but thats my kink) so I dont want to make anyone else feel trapped. That possessive love is more volatile.

  81. "tend to love more possessively"

    I'm sure that's opposite of love, Sarah. It's control and nothing more.

  82. Ok anon so tell me your definition of love. This is something that has fascinated and perplexed poets and philosophers and artists for centuries. You got it all figured out?

    I am not even certain that love exists. It is no more real than anger or sadness. People like to assign mystical qualities but there is lust, fondness, empathy, appreciation... there are better, more specific words to use than love, but we seem to go back to each persons individual view on love and how can I know if the love I feel is greater or less than the love someone else feels and can I judge them for that when I am not really certain what love is? How the fuck do you know about love?

  83. Ask a beeper about love, silly...

  84. Lol Raven. Would you say the only time you have loved anyone is your child?

  85. I believe love is the unconditional acceptance of the other for who they are, without forcing your own worldview onto them. Control and abuse are the antithesis of this version of love, sociopaths are incapable of it. I'm sure even a rare sociopath like UKan who can appreciate his wife, will struggle in this area. Anyone lacking in empathy will ultimately fail in every aspect of my version of love.

  86. No. I've loved, if by my own definition of love. That definition is subject to change to be sure. Just as my definition of hate has changed with age. Both definitions making you more important to me on either side, than anyone else will ever have a chance at.

  87. I'm not sure asking a beeper about love is a great idea. Admittedly I didn't read anything previous to that comment, but some of us have some rather disheartening theories on it.

  88. "I'm not sure asking a beeper about love is a great idea"

    It's surely better than asking a sociopath.

  89. Thats what I was talking about, Raven. Love is a totally subjective thing. To say that someone cant love is basically saying "your version of love isnt up to my standards", which isnt a loving or empathetic thing to say from the so called "love should be unconditional" how can you love so tolerantly but be so intolerant of others concepts of love? I am refining mine, and mine has grown more detached and empathetic at the same time. Basically its better for everyone if I behave and that requires space and lots of it. I dont want to be a controlling bitch, so I actively fight it. I do not own them and I do not want to because I do not want to be owned.

  90. Do you have pets, Sarah?

  91. Hi Haven :) its a slooooooooow day in the nuthouse. Another bad post. So now we talk of love.

    Next, dancing unicorns.

  92. I have a dog. Ive had dogs and cats my whole life. I love my dog, but sometimes he gets annoying.

  93. Do you feel like your dog belongs to you (ownership), or does loving him make you feel like he should be free to be anyone's dog, should someone else want him? ;p

  94. I have a cat. I love him to death. He wouldn't leave me if I kicked him out, and tied a can of tuna to a fish house. Our love is mutual.

    And now rather disturbing.

    Love is such a pain in the ass. I think I'd rather be a sociopath.

  95. sociopaths and abusers like to intimidate their pets.

  96. @ Haven
    Did you say that you saw all the PD's on a spectrum of disassociation, more then discrete entities?

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Different things make people feel loved and people love in different ways. There's no right or wrong way or every realtionship will be the same. If you don't want to someone to be possessive don't date a sociopath. Simple as that. People want to date certain personalities with the intention of changing them. Its an insecurity thing. "If he loves me he will change. I will be the one to change him because he will love me that much!."

    I had girlfriends like that and I would just laugh at them in my head. I had little respect for them because in reality they would be the ones changing. In the end I would become more disrespectful abd I would devalue them because they didn't know who I was at all. The aspects of me they admired were a facade that everyone else would fall for and consequently I would just see them as a part of the everyday sucker. Worthless. Eventually they would be disappointed and bitter and I would just leave them.

    For me to feel loved, admiration is almost number one on my list. Not just any admiration. Admiration for who I really am and all of my tricks I play on people and all of the genius that I put into winning in life. Not some sychophantic admiration, but admiration from someone intelligent that I can respect and someone who sees the entire game.

  99. I'm actually very liberal with my dogs, but i am possessive. But that's commitment.
    My neighbor tried to steal our dog because he assumed I couldn't be a good mother if my dog kept going back there. Really he has a foxy little she dog that my dog was quite fond of. (he likes things that look like him and she was a Germany shepherd). I obviously stole my dog back. I opened the door while he was interested home and got him back cause someone told me he was there. That isn't being possessive, that's protectingwhats mine. At a certain point inrelationships, people become possessive, and healthily so. You protect your relationship from the threat of invasion. And when it's mutual, it's sort of athird person thing. At that point each member protects the relationship as if it is a third person... Or the relationship is in that case protecting the people. Sometimes, especially in love, possession is healthy. If a relationship fails because of it, it's a different kind of possession.

  100. Love is easy. It's a feeling people get that promotes the perpetuation of the species. People sync on a sort of symbolic wavelength. Their mannerisms match, and also their personalities in a way that maximizes the use of their opposing skills. Ie people tend to love people that can do things they cannot. Not only does this promote the development of any offspring, but it maximizes the chances of survival and forces the members into self actualization by bringing out their faults. It promotes variety in opinion and functionality on a social level. Humans fall in love because they're social creatures, and it perpetuates our species. In all varieties of it. Emotional people tend to glorify that with all the magic emotional talk, but i think it's profound enough all on its own. Why dramatize such a beautifully functioning human interaction with so many floral projections. It obscures the natural beauty of what love really is.

  101. Seeing the entire game isn't the hard part. Respecting it is. Admiring the handiwork of a cartoon villain isn't very rich and satisfying long-term. You're asking for charity.

  102. Rationalizing, whatever works for you Missus.

  103. We love Tik :) :) :)

  104. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 18, 2012 at 6:21 PM

    Theme Song for Tik <3

  105. I guess I feel posessive toward my dog. I would certainly get pissed if someone stole him.

  106. MK isnt marriage fucking with the natural beauty of love? Silly romantic nonsense making a bunch of promises that wont be kept, most likely. If you're not the emotional type, why bother with a manmade institution like marriage?

  107. Raven, what were you wtf'ing?

  108. lol there are just too many shit documentaries around. Ones that end with no resolution whatsoever or worse, conclusions that totally negate the entire hour long show you just watched. For heavens sake...Stuff like, 'Ooooh what is this mysterious monster that has been, let's go's just a big eel. Not a monster after all'
    For heavens sake, why make the bloody programme in the first place? I get all excited, and all for nothing. I want to see a real goddamn sea monster! Oh and i watched one in the wee hours last night about whether Odysseus was a real person. It turned out to be nothing ABOUT whether he was real or not, and it was just a bloody synopsis of the story itself. For heavens sake, what IS the point of these things???

  109. Notme are you mentally cutting yourself by watching bad tv programming? Masochism in the modern age. Dont watch that crap. Rot your brain.

  110. lol Sarah, very true. But in the small hours when I can't sleep, you have no idea how masochistic i can be. It just astounds me that these programmes get commissioned...Boggles my little mind. But tbf, occasionally there's a goodun, just not too often, and not in the middle of the night when you're the only person in the world watching. :P

    BUT, i was happy with the last Sherlock episode. Lovely production...Awesomnessssss. I just need to watch the final episode of the series now....YAY! I still don't understand why they make it so blooming hammy though. I just, don't get why they didn't make it gritty. Meh, I've probably been watching too many gangsta movies...

  111. Can I be a sihk and still eat frankfurts?

  112. "Did you say that you saw all the PD's on a spectrum of disassociation, more then discrete entities?"

    This is what my Therapist believes.


  113. Seeing the entire game isn't the hard part.

    For you it is.

  114. @Haven That makes sense to me, too. Does it to you ?

  115. Does it matter? People are what they are.

  116. "Raven, what were you wtf'ing?"

    Nothing of importance.

    I really need to start cutting down on my SW time. I'm starting to show more a lot more aggression in my life away from this place (work). Like I'm regressing back to my teen years.

    I think Post might have made a good point when he said, people are getting a little too friendly with each other around here... something to that affect anyway.

    I'm not good at quitting something I still enjoy, and I do enjoy this place very much... but I'm starting to wonder if coming here so I can indulge in being myself, does more damage than good.

    I might have to break my notebook. :D

  117. Ok now Im confused. All the friendliness is bringing out hostility in you? Or the acceptance of your deviant nature is making you worse?

    Anyway, I enjoy the perspective you bring. Please dont go anywhere!

  118. Seems like everyone's run away.

  119. many ppl seem to rag on labels but ive found after labeling myself or at least relating to the labels that apply to me it has been an easier transition! things started to make sense! if knowledge is power then i am much more powerful knowing who and what i am!

  120. I wouldn't kill myself even if I had dementia. It's only embarrassing and a pain for those care about me. I wouldn't have a clue by then would I?


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