
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is your company run by psychopaths?

This blogger asks the question of whether psychopaths are running your corporation.  I actually have wondered how a sociopath would be that much better at climbing the corporate ladder than an empath.  First of all, sociopaths can wear a mask for only so long before there is some sort of slip-up.  Second, some people actually are pretty able to sniff out the machinations and fake charm of a sociopath -- eventually someone might start believing them.  Third, I don't want to say necessarily that sociopaths are inherently lazy, because they are actually capable of a single minded focus that most people are not.  However, sociopaths tend to want to get away with doing as little as possible.  I myself have been fired for that particular character traits, which can become increasingly more obvious the longer you stay at a job.  Finally, there is the boredom.  What sociopath is able to stay at one job for long enough to climb the corporate ladder?  I have never had a job longer than 2-3 years.  I have not even had a profession for longer than 2-3 years, although thankfully for my c.v., I have managed to stay within my general field.  What promise of trappings of wealth or prestige could overome this congenital wanderlust?

The blogger proposes a theory that actually strikes me as being somewhat plausible:

Researchers suggest that these folks are able to rise to the top of companies without being found out because of the chaotic nature of modern corporate structures - especially rapid position-hopping - which makes their behavior almost invisible. They are not in one job long enough for co-workers and superiors to see their problems. In addition, their charm, charisma, and extroverted behavior not only appears normal but ideally suited for today’s global, competitive world.

Boddy also notes that in modern companies it’s relatively easier than in past years to claim success for a project even if you had little to do with it because of all the movement and team participation. “Success could thus be claimed by those with the loudest voice, the most influence and the best political skills. Corporate psychopaths have these skills in abundance and use them with ruthless and calculated efficiency,” he writes.


  1. In my opinion the easiest way for a sociopath to advance in the corporate environment is to get in good with your bosses boss. Then make your boss look useless and at times weak minded...easy to accomplish with the right wording and descriptions from you and even easier if your boss is one who will actually praise you a little. Then you take your bosses job because you are clearly the successor....then start over with the new boss. Focus your daily activities on social stuff of the office because no one ever wants to fire the guy they consider to be well liked, also helps keep people quiet about your slacking off.

  2. The concept of a renaissance man was devised by us, for us.

    I've no clue how anyone maintains interest for longer than 3-18 months. I understand how you can continue beyond that, because I have. I'm up to year six on something, but it has a clear expiration date in a year or two. I can't wait.

  3. Clearly we are renaissance men.

    ^^^ worded so much better

  4. @MHM

    I agree, and its funny that you say 18 months. Whatever I have ever dedicated myself to, I loose interest after 18months, almost to the exact date. And within 2 years, I've cut it out of myself and found something more stimulating.
    I guess it's always worried me a little, even though I've not experienced any negative affects of it. I'm just not sure if the lack of stability does eventually ruin things?
    Whenever I've quit my jobs before, it's always been so recklessly. I tend to have to destroy all hope of turning back on my decision to leave.
    What I'm trying to say is, maybe the day will come that, there won't be anything to replace my old interests. Perhaps not, I'm unsure.

  5. Themes for SW RegularsJanuary 14, 2012 at 7:31 AM

    Theme Song for the relationship between Raven and Caroline

  6. Sociopaths make awful fighters, because they have no heart. If they feel pain, they will quit trust me. Bullies have zero heart, it's all macho pretense.

  7. In other words, they can give it all day, but can NEVER take it.

  8. @Aon 7:51

    Sorry no, you're confusing bullies and sociopaths. A true sociopath doesn't back off just because you beat them up and try to destroy them, trust me. You're talking about school bullies. The ones you beat up and are scared of you after. A sociopath will seek revenge for beating him up and he won't forgive. Some sociopaths even screw their whole lives up just because they wanted to destroy someone.

  9. Lots of school bullies grow up to become sociopaths, you idiot.

  10. @Anonymous said...
    Lots of school bullies grow up to become sociopaths, you idiot.

    What kind of nut place do you go to? I may have met 3 sociopaths in my entire life. The extreme majority of school bullies suffer from anxiety and inferiority complexes, they are not sociopaths.

  11. school bully = sociopath

    class clown = narc

    class victim = borderline

  12. You got to love Kanye.

  13. "The extreme majority of school bullies suffer from anxiety and inferiority complexes"

    hilarious. when do you ever hear of a school bully harming, or killing themselves? bullies don't suffer. a bully feels superior and victimizes lesser beings. bullies lack empathy for anyone other than themselves, feel entitled to anything they want and blame victims. all these are psychopathic behaviors.

  14. A secure person is not out there bullying people. A coward bullies.

  15. OK, Story time:

    Believe it or not I tried my hand in legitimate work before. Two different companies actually. One I got, because it was a condition of my release to get a legitimate job. I hated it. It was telemarketing cold flat and the guy who hired me told me it was something else. The manager was an ex police officer and at one point I was fired for chucking a chair at him because he was being cheeky. Since it was a soul destoying job and nobody wanted it they called me back the next day and hired me back. Me father told me to stick with it, since nobody else was going to give me a shot being a convict and all.

    Two months in I was the top telemarketer making 5k a month. More than I had ever made in my life consistently. The person who was number one had stayed there a year without moving up, because they didn't want to get rid of their top producer. I had different ideas.

    They brought in this new Director of Operations. He was a outside consultant. He was also a coke head. I could tell immediatly from his mood swings and bursts of energy. Everyone hated him. Everyone even the new kids. Not me. I accepted him with open arms. We would have private conversations in his office about the sales floor, and I would give him the general mood out there. I would promote him to the other agents when he was around. I even went to his house and hung out with him. He wanted to be a youngster again and he liked my wildness. We even had a keg party at his house for the whole office (He later got in trouble for that).

    Simaltaneously I also became the hero of the telemarketers. Here was this ex convict that was a trouble maker now at the top, a position held by one person for two years. I would make a show of manipulating the customers saying outrageous things on the phone. The managers would have me do Take Over calls for people when they couldn't close a deal. I would make huge shows for those ones and everybody would watch me. People confided in me and told me how they felt about management and decisions they made. I would feed the mood back to the managers, but not expose names so that the managers would make changes on the floor to make them happy without punishing anyone. After a while they became dependant on me to keep the floor happy.

    At this point I went to the Director and told him I wanted to move up. I told him that I wanted to either become one of the agents we were fetching the leads for or a manager. He told me he saw a lot of potential in me and that this would be no problem. He gave me an action plan and said if I accomplished those goals in three months I would become a manager.

    Three weeks later they fired him. The CEO took me in the office and told me that he needed me to break the news to the rest of the floor and to make sure people didn't get too upset about it. I guess they had caught him snorting chop in the bathroom. I told the CEO I was promised a position in three months and that if he wanted me to do what he asked he would have to come through on it. He said he would fulfill the promise. I went on the floor and announced it and made sure everyone was ok with the decision.

  16. Long story short three months later I was promoted. The manager in there tried to weazel out of it on the day of and I went fucking ballistic. I jumped across his desk at him and grabbed him by the collar and started yelling. The whole floor could hear it because I left the door open. He had no choice because if he didn't promote me the telemarketers would know that they were in a dead end job and production would sink to nothing. He told me to calm down, picked up the phone and called the manager of the sales agents.

    Two months into my job as a sales agent the human rescources manager came to my desk and asked if I could step into the hall. I thought it was behind me punching the Marketing Director at the christmas party for trying to kiss my girlfriend (I got him fired for sexual harrassment). When I went into the hall two guys in suits asked me if I was . I told them yes. They told me to put my hands on the wall and that I was under arrest. I was taken off in handcuffs on charges unrelated to my work. I lost my job end of story. I later beat the charges, but I sat in detention for six months.

  17. Profile of a Bully

    Boys and girls who bully do not have low self-esteem as was once thought. Bullies, in fact, may be average students or even classroom or athletic leaders. At school, bullies typically tease and taunt their victims repeatedly in a nasty way. They intimidate, make fun of, and ridicule other students. They shove, hit, kick, and push their victims around, often damaging the victim's belongings. It is common for some bullies to manipulate other kids to do their "dirty work" for them while they stay in the background and watch. Youth who do the bullying for others are referred to as "henchmen." In such cases, it can be difficult to see who the bully really is.

    Bullies usually select weaker and relatively defenseless students as their targets. They have a strong need to dominate and subdue other students, to assert themselves with power and threat, and to get their own way. They may brag about their actual or imagined superiority over other students. They may be hot-tempered, easily angered, impulsive, and have low frustration tolerance. Bullies are seen as being tough, hardened, and having little empathy with students who are victimized. When confronted about their behavior, they are likely to try to talk themselves out of situation by denying they did anything wrong. Bullies often to try to place blame on their victims, saying something like, "They deserved it."
    Profile of a Victim

    Typical victims are children who can be overpowered (physically, mentally, or emotionally) by the bully. They are usually more anxious and unsure of themselves than other students. These children often have a negative attitude toward violence and the use of violence in dealing with others. Victims usually suffer from low self-esteem and view themselves negatively. They often consider themselves failures and feel stupid, ashamed, and unattractive. They may come to believe that they "deserve" to be bullied. They are often lonely, friendless, and abandoned at school.

    In his pioneering research on bullying behaviors, Dr. Dan Olweus has described two types of victims:
    The Passive or Submissive Victim

    Is nonassertive and through his actions may signal to others that he is insecure and won't retaliate if attacked or insulted
    Is cautious, quiet, or anxious
    Cries easily and collapses quickly when bullied
    Has few friends and isn't connected to a social network
    Lacks humor and pro-social skills
    May be physically weak

    The Provocative Victim

    Is both anxious and aggressive
    May cause irritation and disruption around him
    Is easily emotionally aroused
    Prolongs the conflict even when losing

    Keep arguing losers!

  18. "A coward bullies"

    Coward is an emotional term. That sentimental shit doesn't exist among sociopaths.

  19. How's your lessons on Day Trading going?

  20. "Coward is an emotional term. That sentimental shit doesn't exist among sociopaths."

    absolutely correct bro. (assuming your a bro)

  21. One of these days I'll tell the story of how I took over the shop I have now. Still not feeling motivated enough, yet.


  22. How's your lessons on Day Trading going?

    Scratched it. I have to read this whole other book on investing. On top of that I have to learn how to get around regualations in the market for money laundering. That's a lot of work.

    I'm thinking of getting a job in some kind of financial industry and learning how it works and then quitting to start my own. I have plenty of money to invest in a business but I don't know how to do much legal stuff. I can't buy a business because I will have to show where the money came from. That's the crux of it all. I told myself I'd worry about cleaning money when the time came I had too much money. When I made that decision I was thinking, HA! What a great problem to have! Now it's not that great of a problem because we are getting too much stuff. At some point they are going to wonder why I have all this shite, but have no income coming in on paper. I think that time is coming pretty quickly.

    Plus Im bored. Im where I wanted to always be in this game, but now that I got here it's fucking boring. I know how I get when Im bored. I start trying to cause chaos and burn everything I made for myself. I have to stay one step ahead of me.


  23. One of these days I'll tell the story of how I took over the shop I have now. Still not feeling motivated enough, yet.

    I'd love to hear it.

    When I got out the second time I actually went back into that industry and made it to top sales agent and then into management by creating my own position. That's a whole other story though. The company went under in the financial crisis and I ended up back in the business Im doing now. I did use all the skills from that industry in this game I have now. I think it gave me the edge to rise up to where I am.

  24. I've always said I wouldn't get cocky once I started making the kind of money I want. Fortunately I haven't reached the goals I've aimed at, to have to find out if I can keep my word. I think I'd get cocky. I get too easily swept up in my quest to experience the best of everything. But then, I don't engage in criminal activities to reach my goals. Which frustrates me to no end because I'll always want to cheat to get where I want to go... but I won't risk losing my children.

    My children. They are the only reason I fight so hard to keep myself in line.

  25. Give me your children, I'd love to take care of them Raven. Those retarded cuties would look fantastic with a dick in their mouths.

  26. My children would be feeding your dick to you for supper. I'm not raising wimps.

  27. Raising children is for the low class.

  28. "Raising children is for the low class"

    Nice try at diverting your weakness.

    If your not capible of something just don't say anything because now we know how incompetent your are at something even the class has achomplished.

  29. Snakes in Suits. Havent read it yet, but Hare seems to think there is a disproportionate amount of psychopaths in the corporate world.

    From what Ive read it largely has to do with what world the individual is raised in. If they come from wealth to begin with, they have more advantages out of the gate. Networking, connections. They can go to Ivy League schools and put in minimal effort and still come out with a MBA. George W Bush, anyone?

  30. Low class has achomplished.

  31. You are so awesome, Tik!

  32. "why should we hear about body bags and deaths? it's not relevant. so why should i waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" -- barbara bush.

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  35. Raising children is immortality. If you don't have a vehicle for your legacy your life is useless.

  36. David, you'll never have to worry about that but for some of use we consider it a luxury to have a samily and children and you can't put a price on that.


  37. I praise myself very lucky that my life isn't determined by family, children ... it's a luxury that one cannot put a price on.

    I can tell. Drinking alone in a corner and popping sleeping pills. Who can beat that.~

    Who knows maybe you will be known as the greatest cocksucker in all of Belgium. Then again you might be just swept under the rug of filthy memories people repress like the rest of their mistakes.

  38. It is a good thing you come to eden's rescue all the time ukan lol

  39. "Raising children is immortality"

    Stalin neglected his children and Hitler had none, yet both will be known in a thousand years from now.

    Kids are not required for a legacy, it's up to the individual to acquire it.


  40. It is a good thing you come to eden's rescue all the time ukan lol

    If she needed to be rescued by someone it would have been when I attacked her if we are using your logic. In all reality she was one of the few who repelled it. For that she has my respect.


  41. Stalin neglected his children and Hitler had none, yet both will be known in a thousand years from now.

    Kids are not required for a legacy, it's up to the individual to acquire it.

    You are neither, so I guess you only have one choice left.

  42. Lmao. At least admit I'm right.

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  44. Excuse me pals, but why do you care about immortality? You'll be maggot food. I'd understand if you believed in some kind of god, though.

  45. Extremity, I don't! My immediate needs are what make me smile. I'm hopeless at planning ahead.

  46. Extremity, those that believe in some kind of god, don't worry.

  47. Not entirely true, Tik. It's an ego thing. I get it, but it's work I'm not willing to subject myself to.

    I'm way too lacking in empathy to raise children. They'd be subjected to every variant of abuse and control.

  48. Im not narcissistic enough to want to leave a legacy. I dont have kids. I dont think that kind of life is for me. I dont really judge people based on if they have kids, though. Its basic biological drive and that can be tough to fight. If people wanna procreate, more power to em. Sociopaths come from somewhere, right? ;)

    Not being baby crazy like so many other childless women my age is an advantage I am thankful for. I cant imagine sizing up men for mating potential on every date. That has to be the most dredful type of hunt. The associated stress of finding nothing but unsuitable partners is probably why I see so many stressed out women.

  49. Ukan You are always defending her. You do not defend other people here. I think you just want to protect your biggest follower lol.

  50. Kids are not required for a legacy. Trademarks are for that.

  51. David's dead body would be batting Ukan rolfl @@@@

  52. Anon 11:07, I honestly wish others would make the choice you have.

  53. Theme Songs for SW RegularsJanuary 14, 2012 at 11:16 AM

    Theme Song for Ukan SW's Low Functioning Sociopath

  54. @David

    You should stop reassuring yourself. You're not alone because you want to, David. You're alone because you're scared of something. If you weren't, you wouldn't be here, claiming to be extremely happy and living the good life. You'd just enjoy it and not care about what others think. Last time I asked you why, you said it was boredom. But everytime I'm here, I see you. You're weak. Too weak to go do what you want and instead, you chose to spend your life on a blog, pretending to be someone living the good life. And you call UKan stupid? At least he works, he's somebody out there who does what he wants. He has a wife, a job, friends, money. You despise him, because he's so much better than you and you envy him. You may call me UKan's follower, but I'm just telling you how it really is. Life is all about what you want to do, if you were truly someone who didn't want any relationships and wanted to be somebody's bitch to have their money, I wouldn't have said anything. But you're depressed, alcoholic, addicted to pain killers because you couldn't stand the pain of your loneliness and that old's man dick that goes up your ass.

  55. I'm not saying I'm afraid to have children, because I'd abuse them. No, no It doesn't bother me if I subject them to abuse.

    However, I've thought about raising a child, just to make it into something perfect and sophisticated, like a mini me?

  56. I though Extremity was Raven until he insulted Raven. Now, I think he is TNP.

  57. It doesn't work that way Anon.

  58. It would be either me completely neglecting the kid, or molding it into something exceptional.

    I know the latter might not work, because I devalue others when I see faults in them. If my child was ugly, weak or disabled I'd be ashamed of it and it would be the end of my hopes for it.

  59. "It doesn't work that way Anon."

    How so? I DO WHAT A WANT! :)

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  61. there are some terrifying folk in here *shudder*

  62. If you don't hate me you are not genuine....says everyone who is anonymous. How ironic.

  63. ukan, why are you so modest? your like a modern day kurt cobain rolfl

  64. Have a good time at the pianobar, David. Don't do anything I wouldn't do he he

  65. Piano bar lol. So classy, David. I will let you in on a secret. Trash comes in many economic brackets, David. It is not limited to the poor. It doesnt matter who designed your shoes, David. You are still trash.

  66. Actually I don't announce my life every second, Dave, because I am secure with myself. You and Demon are very much alike except for the fact that she is a lot more retarded. You sit here and pop off every second with some shite trying to play your little role you created in your heads:

    *I'm going to the pianobar to sip wine....Hmph*

    *I don't torture insects anymore.....I torture a bigger prey /wink*

    *I'm sitting in a sauna right now sucking on some exquisite cocks...Hmph*

    *I was trying to put together a little red wagon.....But I break my toys..wuhahahah*

    *I'm over hear sipping my chardonnay in my mercedes benz here's a picture of my benz and my ID and my first and last name and my phone number..YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!*

    *I'm 5'5 and 130 lbs even that picture you saw of me is four years old you fools. I get better with age like David's chardonnay....wuahahaha*

    Nobody here can imagine why you two just can't see how ridiculous you sound.

    I haven't lost anything day trading Dave because I research things before I try them unlike you. You tried daytrading and failed, you admitted it. Me, I gave the book a go and decided it wasn't for me. No loss. That's what I do in business. That's what an entrepreneur is. It's someone who constantly shoots ideas out there, researches them, and sometimes tries them out. In the end some work and some don't. That's why I live in a nice house with a nice car, have a lot of friends, and a beautifal intelligent wife. Because I don't rest on my laurels I'm a fucking go getter. I didn't have to lower myself to prostitution like you to make cash. I don't even have to sell drugs anymore people sell them for me. I just sit around coming up with new ideas to become more amazing. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to crow about myself for a minute, cheers.

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  68. I tested my parenting skills on my pittbull. At first I was really cruel to her. I stomped on her and kicked her everytime she did something bad. Not once either I would go to town on her like I was stomping out one of my enemies.

    After a while I figured it out. How to use positive reinforcement and all that. It was either that or have the bitch keep eating my playstation controllers. Now Im a good father. She is a little damaged from her childhood, but she will recover. I give her a lot of attention and I even push my wife to go with us to the park every day for at least 45 minutes to play.

    Yesterday I took them to the primary school to play, my husky and pitt. As I headed to this windy incline where the entrance was I let the pittbull off the leash and her and the husky raced around the corner. I heard this kid scream and say, "Daddy they scared me." When I came around the corner this fucker with a mustache was angry. "Hey you!" I just kept walking. Hey said, "HEY! HEY!" I turned and said, "What?" He asked me why I thought dogs were not allowed on school premises and explained that they shite and piss all over where his kids play. I told him, "I don't give a fuck" He tried to call the police but they never came. I don't like when people talk bad about my dogs.

    I think now learning a small bit of raising something I can raise a child and be a great father. With age comes wisdom.

  69. Right Dave. I suppose I'm M.E. too right? What's the list so far? I'm M.E., Medusa, TNP, Eden, Missus Kanney, and any other account on here. You are so retarded. I tricked you one time and I have you crawling walls with paranoia. What a dunce. Go sip on your cheap wine you cunt. You can spend your buzz in here like last time praising me. You know it's funny that you get all sentimental about me on here when you are drunk. I guess the true colors show after a bit of drink. The reality is you fucking love me. You are just mad that I return your love with abuse.

  70. Ukan stalks Davids every move. I think Ukan is a latent homosapien.

  71. Man there is a lot more anon shit talking than usual today. I think the anon that made that dumb ass comments about borderlines and codependents just taking it has a bully issue. Someone fuck with you one too many times anon?

    And are we really still on this UKan has followers deal? He doesn't have any. I haven't seen anyone kiss his ass. And if they did, I'd figure he'd bash them for being pathetic enough in not having any of their own original thoughts.

    Caroline, I truly want to gut you, and I am not saying this because I hate you, or specifically want you dead or anything, but gutting you would make me really really happy.

  72. Rant continued:

    Demon is a fuckin' idiot, I almost can't take it. I figure she thinks she is doing me a disservice by ignoring all of my legit comments when in reality all she is doing is making it obvious she agrees with me. Stay silent Miss Piggy. You want to banter with Ukan, but coward whenever I approach you. Btw, your comment on when people correct others because they are usually wrong, it doesn't count when what the person is "wrong" about is an OPINION. There is no need to correct opinions when opinions don't matter. You didn't notice the failure of your comment, did you, idjit.

    David, I truly do for the first time in my life feel genuine sadness for you, so thanks for helping me feel that. I have never read about someone so pathetic as you. I have seen many come close, but your delusions truly do control you, and it's a pity that I can't conquer a challenge of making you see how stupid as fuck you are. But I think at the same time part of you does know this. It's why you keep going along with this If I build it they will come mentality. I have never wanted to help anyone as much as I want to help you.......well, maybe it isn't genuine help as it is a narcissistic need to be proven right about yet something else.

  73. @Piles Why do you want to gut me?

  74. And I quote myself:

    but gutting you would make me really really happy.

    I'm still in a good mood, so I'll give you my attention for the time being. It's obvious you want it, so why not. Let's chat :D

    Warning, I get bored very fast, and may need to jet relatively quickly, so whatever you want to chat about, post haste it.

  75. @ Piles I am SO sorry, but I have to go. If you could just list the reasons you want to gut me, I will respond when I get in.

  76. "Try to imagine a life without children, the amount of freedom you would have compared to your life now would be encridble.

    I praise myself very lucky that my life isn't determined by family, children ... it's a luxury that one cannot put a price on."

    How interesting. You know David, you're kind of funny to me lately. For the past week or so, it seems like anything you direct at something I've said about my life, has this: "I'm a better sociopath than you," feel to it. Like you're trying to compete with me now.

    Could it be that I get the respect from UKan, you could only wet dream about?

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. "Because trust me darling, in real life I'm sure you should be more afraid of me than some desperate virtual ukan character."


    David, just my life with my father, and the violent life I chose for myself in my teens alone, has assured I would never be afraid of the like of you!

    I was staring down the barrel of a gun at 17... held by a skinhead twice my size... because he insulted my psycho boyfriend.

    You've got no life experience in that area. You wouldn't last 2 seconds in the life I come from. Go get your nails manicured, and think up some new lines to feed us.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. "Yeah Raven I'm sure we should all be extremely afraid of you"

    I'd like you to quote where I've ever said people should fear me. I said I would never fear You, David.
    You're a pussy to the highest degree.

    I don't have fantasies of making people fear me like you, and Demon. I learned a long time ago that you accomplish more for yourself, by gaining admiration than fear.

  81. David, I think the wording Edens quoted line from you is a Freudian slip on your part. Raising children is, in fact, a luxury one cannot put a price on, isn't it?

    Regarding my husbands parenting skills, he surprises me daily at how much he improves with his emotional intelligence, and i have veryhigh hopes for his parenting abilities.

  82. raises children.

    coldest fucker on sw.

  83. Ukan as a parent---------BARF

  84. MK, how could he accomplish that without empathy? isn't it an impossible task? if you don't care for something, how can you treat it properly?

  85. Hello and good day to all here at SW.

    In regards to the post, well I'm clearly not a psychopath. I have next to no interest in climbing the corporate ladder. I don't like managing more people than I have to and dealing with people outside of colleagues is tedious. I like that I'm something of a lab rat. I head a half dozen major projects at the moment and I work with my team on various programs. It keeps me busy and helps me retain my focus by having multiple things to do at any given time. I can't think of anything more boring than to just manage people all day. Bleh.

  86. stares down barrel.

    next pol pot.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. sociopaths don't like all of that work, we want to sit on our asses and get huge sums of money for nothing.

  89. You'll enjoy having children, Mk. I've enjoyed motherhood even though I never thought I would.

  90. the only reason i'd have children is so they could fetch me some oj. my private slaves.

  91. Unless I find a partner that is very determined to have children I will probably maintain my anti-children stance. I have to many concerns about passing on my genetics and my ability to not fuck up someone completely dependent on me.


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  94. I don't asses risks the way you do Haven. I didn't plan my children.. and I've had many abortions. I am the 1% who has gotten pregnant on every birth control imaginable.
    I also thought I'd never have children because I figured I'd be one of those mothers who would kill her offspring.

    But I don't look before I leap most of the time. I don't sit around calculating the risks I may be taking.

    I just fucking live. That's how it's always been for me... and probably always will be.

    I've managed to surprise myself along the way too. I should have been dead a long time ago...

  95. It's funny. I've been told I"m very good with children but I just can't picture it. Medically it turns out that I"m going to have a more difficult time conceiving even if I wanted to so who knows.

    I can be VERY impulsive about so many things in my life. However I also know that I'm pretty selfish and you just can't be selfish when you have kids. I think they'd inhibit how I want to live. Plus considering the problems I have with relationships, the last thing I want is to accidentally tie myself to someone I can't tolerate any longer haha.

    I for one am glad your decisions haven't lead to a premature ending =) You make life around here much more interesting.

  96. As far as raising children go. It doesn't have to be work if you know how to network, and get a whole group involved in helping you do it.

    People love to help single mothers in as many ways as they can. I can tell that my eldest daughter has low empathy from having be her primary caregiver... but she is self sufficient, and has developed her own way of viewing the world, along with some valuable social, and adapting skills many parents with empathy don't set their children up with, because they're too busy trying to protect them from getting their feelings hurt.

  97. how can one place so much value on a child? all are worthless and there are so many of them..

    it's like saying MY iphone is greater than all other iphone's.

  98. Anon 1:43

    You have no empathy. Explaining is pointless :)

  99. And lastly Haven... you can't know if you would still be as selfish with children, as you are without them. It's just not something you could possibly know, because you can't understand how nature can take over... do what it's suppose to do... and therefor change an aspect of our lives forever, we thought for sure would be impossible.

    You look at your life and think: I will always be disordered, so I'm going to tailor my life around who I am now.

    I didn't look to my future wondering "what if"... and I refuse to except that I will always have the same limits, as I do now.

    I've lived long enough to see all the many changes that can happen, without your permission.
    It's enough to have me convinced that our we only set who we are in stone, the moment we decide that nothing more can be done to aid in change.

  100. "=) You make life around here much more interesting."

    The feeling is mutual.


  101. Compared to most people I'm a creepy socio/narc fucked up guy they should be very careful with.

    Ha ha. Why? You have said yourself you have never committed a violent act, Dave. Why would anyone be afraid of you fucking panzy. Missus Kanney has more of a stomach for violence than you do. You hid in a closet your whole childhood from bullies and let some old man abuse you throughout your adolescents. It's good you don't have children. At least the world is spared one more damaged coward.

  102. Really now David, what was that about needing to put others down being a weakness? Hypocrite.

  103. Ooh nice, I got the 108th comment today. How Samsaric.

  104. My grandma checked out today. The funny part is it's my mum's birthday. Her brother died on christmas.

  105. Why do you have to have empathy to care about things?
    And I think we be very calculated parents. We won't hit our children, and we'll lavish them with luxuries. Their pridewill make themincredible, daunting, and powerfully confident people.
    Ourchildren will believe our dogs. I know that sounds silly, but my dog takes dramatically after me, little attention whore that he is. And his dog after him, resilient and motivated girl that she is. She's rude, and he's very passive, but generally they're very well rounded. I think dogs area glimpse ofhow you do raising larger more intelligent animals. We learns lot about our ownstyles fromthem, either way.

  106. Gravedig LOL

    @ Piles I will be off and on, if you want to tell me why you want to gut me.

  107. Caroline, you're easy to desire to mutilate.

  108. Can you imagine them as parents. Raising their children like their dogs. *BARF*

  109. Same shit, different day, hey guys.

    And the circus goes on...

  110. What would be wrong with my maternal skills? I'm no sociopath. Won't my empathy make me a naturally wonderful mother? As ideally, that was the logic.

    Wv lamen

  111. Oh goody. Demon. I've been hoping to catch you so we could finally get around to that questionnaire. We can trade.

  112. What is up with this questionnaire bullshit you insist on having with me.

  113. ideally wasn't the word I used there, but now I can't remember it. Apparently, perhaps... In all probability, I think.

  114. We're we not supposed to trade? You've taken a generally and distinctly defensive stance since you're soopen when you firstcame here. So I agreed to anexchange whenyou became more standoffish, yet you've not lived up tomorrow end.

  115. Grrr. If it's not one thing its another. Silly keyboard. I have to develop slower keyboard habits.

  116. Fine. Ask your questions. I'm bored shitless. Nothing better to do. Well, for a moment I do, but I'll be back.

  117. Who do you live with, being my first?
    Do you disappoint your mother, or is she just blatantly aggressive?
    Why do you feign violence such as implying you've killed people?
    And why do you prefer to be ambiguous? Why do keep aspects of yourself hidden when you find them starting to come forward?

  118. Missus Lets not get started on how a woman who sees people as objects is going to be a as a mother, but I don't have the energy to start with that tome he he

    @ Piles I am interested in your POV, though.

  119. Do you think I see my mother as an object? Or my husband? My grandmother? My teachers?
    You see, caroline, the difference is that I've learned who to care about in my life, and who to discard as not being valuable for me to impress, sympathize with, or in other ways bend to. You still go out of your way to make everyone around you happy. And what have you found that it's gotten you besides no where?

  120. @ Missus I was trying to ask you some questions about your life, but and you and Ukan ran away, so it seems you are afraid to answer questions, although you can analyze other people, with few qualms.

  121. "Who do you live with, being my first?"

    My daughter and I live alone.

    "Do you disappoint your mother, or is she just blatantly aggressive?"

    I really don't give a shit if I am or not a disappointment to my mother. I don't live my life to please other people. My mother is not an aggressive woman (I take after my father in that respect), but my mother can be very manipulated, unemotional and cold-hearted.

    "Why do you feign violence such as implying you've killed people?"

    I'm not feigning violence at all. I've been in a lot of violent situations throughout my life. Not only was I raised in an abusive household, I've been in numerous fights over the years, mine and my daughter's lives have been threatened in the past, I've had a gun at my head on more than one occasion and I've threatened other people's lives. Shit happens you know.

    "And why do you prefer to be ambiguous? Why do keep aspects of yourself hidden when you find them starting to come forward?"

    I've shared a lot of things about myself on Psychforums. Well, not a lot, but no more or less than the majority of the other regulars there. Sharing them here as well seems kinda pointless when it seems that many of you here have already taken a distinct disliking to me. Besides, I see no reason to share every intimate detail here. For all you know I could be lying about everything anyway.

  122. Edit: my mother can be very manipulative.

  123. "Missus Lets not get started on how a woman who sees people as objects is going to be a as a mother,"

    I view other people as objects and yet, I've managed to raise a child. Mind you, I hate being a parent. I don't like spending time with my daughter and never have. So, while I'm neglectful in that respect, I'm not abusive though. I do like to taunt her occasionally as a joke, but I don't physically or verbally abuse her.
    I do feel like I own her, like she's a possession, but at the same time, I do see her as a part of me. My mother once told me (years ago) that I should put my daughter up for adoption and even the welfare committee at school advised I put her in foster care temporarily just so my daughter and I could take a break from each other. I don't know what the fuck for though.
    My daughter has been diagnosed with ADD and ODD and has had a lot of problems at school (not participating in class, being rude to teachers and getting into fights - she got suspended from school twice for fighting the year before last).
    Last year there were some improvements. No more school fights, but still trouble with teachers and being defiant. She's got a group of good friends who she's been friends with for years who support each other.
    I may not be the best parent, but I know I'm not a bad one either. I honestly would never, ever want to go through raising a kid again though. Kids are a fucking nightmare to raise, I swear.

  124. By the way Caroline, I'm aware your comment was to Missus kanney, not me. I just wanted to respond anyway and share my perspective on parenting, considering an I am AsPD parent who views others as objects.

  125. @ DD You seem as if you have some genuine humility that Missus does not have, though.

  126. Caroline, where did you get that from? She has shown no humiity thus far.

  127. are socios born trolls?

  128. Anon
    Honestly, I have not been keeping up with her as I don't go to the Forum where all the drama started and I don't want to get in to any new drama, as there is enough with the old.
    She just seemed more humble in that last statement.

  129. Trolls arent born. They are made. They come from a lifetime of disappointment, fear, boredom, and loneliness.

  130. @Caroline

    Please learn the definitions of the words you use. Being frank about some aspect of your life, is not the same thing as being humble.

       [hyoo-mil-i-tee or, often, yoo-] Show IPA
    the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
    1275–1325; Middle English humilite < Latin humilitās. See humble, -ty2

    lowliness, meekness, submissiveness.

  131. i mean, because they view people as objects and don't see the world through empathic eyes, they are bound to put emotional and sensitive people through pain and hurt, in a similar way to a troll. most trolls get into character when they are under that persona, most of the time it's not the true personality, but a sociopaths lack of compassion is real, which will piss people off.

  132. Theme Song for SW RegularsJanuary 14, 2012 at 4:36 PM

    Frankfurt's Theme Song

  133. @ Raven You got a point lol

  134. Frankfurt's ConfessionJanuary 14, 2012 at 4:43 PM

    I am a Siek because I like the turban.

  135. Caroline you calling demon humble is just another example of how worthless your opinion is here. You never miss an opportunity to look like a absolute fool. Theres a saying: its better to close your mouth and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    Its almost as good as when you thought my wife was a sociopath.

  136. Your wife said that she sees people, on here, as objects for her amusement.

  137. i love honing my lying abilities in clubs and bars. to invent phony persona's, names, addresses, accents. just deception in general. many people know my face, but don't know who i am.

  138. So do a lot of us, Caroline. That doesnt make us sociopaths, just able to distinguish this from real life. How we interact here has little to do with reality.

  139. With people like you and demon on here, caroline, its hard not to.

  140. @ Sarah I was not trying to be contentious. She said she uses people, on here, for her amusement. I don't think that non sociopaths see things like this. I don't think you, Medusa, Haven or the other woman see people as "objects" for their amusement.

    I was commenting on that difference, as I think there is one.

    I wanted to hear about her life. I have no stomach for useless fighting. I am too busy to bother with that, as it is silly and a waste of time.

  141. I see other people as objects to be used and abused, be it online or off. It's why I prefer to be a loner. What is the point in 'friends' who are of no use to me. The mug I drink out of has more use to me than most people I know. People like UKan for example are worthless and insignificant to me. He likes to have his little friends because people like him can't make it on their own. He needs friends to boost his low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

  142. What do you know about making it demon. You're a fucking welfare mother. Ha ha. You say you like to use people, but you have nobody to use. People line up to work for me in my life. You can see how my charisma is even on a comment section of a blog that's not mine. Imagine what kind I have outside of here. Don't talk to me about manipulation when you just admitted you are a broke loner with a daughter on a road to being a poor slut like you. My influence is even infecting you. Yesterday I had you talking like me. Not the first time I did that to someone look at tnp. Deep down I'm someone you want to be like demon, that's why that happened to you.

  143. "These are 'unusual' things which those of us who have sociopathic or psychotic tendencies. Here are some of our more interesting things which are not usually found in 'red flag' documents...

    1. Often attributes others to saying things about them "My mother says that I have the most lovely hair."

    2. Has an abnormal 'startle response' (doesn't jump or startle when we would) This is documented by professionals, but not well known among the public.

    3. Abnormal sense of smell or may not smell things we can or not as well . Excessive use of colognes/aftershave/etc... more prominently evident in males.

    4. Normal people may sense or feel the presence of 'evil' which seems to permeate from them. We may react with nausea. We often say "Oh, he doesn't mean that." It is often intangible and something we can't really define.

    5. May show an odd fascination with fire, weapons, drugs, alcohol or all of these.

    6. Throws out items normally kept or hoards junk. Has no items or discards any with only 'sentimental connections'. May make odd comments on emotional attachment to objects, such as failure to show emotional attachment we might expect them to show.

    7. Homophobic (angry protests about gays)

    8. Unusual fascination with body function of bowel movements/products/flatulence.

    9. Low heart rate, blood pressure.

    10. Failure to ejaculate in a normal way.

    11. Appears almost too willing to help us out in the early stages.

    12. Will say "Trust me." "Believe me." (which normal people seldom do) They seem trustworthy as s/he targets us."

  144. My sociopath g/f has changed my life. I took Nothing Man's warning to heart. What held me to the male sociopath's was sexuality. That is not an issue, here.
    With her, I can be myself. I can talk about anything. Normal people would shut me up. They would not understand that things are not like you would like then in your perfect world.

    Things go outside of the lines. Normal people want to shove you in to the box which makes them safe. The sociopath has no such box, by definition of their flexible self.

    I can never thank her for what she has done to me. She wants to show someone her face and she has chosen me, as the one.

    I hope I may be worthy of it.

  145. @UKan

    Yep, I'm a welfare mother because I chose to con the government out of money, the very same money the government is stealing out of your pocket, loser.

    "You say you like to use people, but you have nobody to use."

    No, see that's the beauty of living in society - I have a whole society of people to use when it suits me.

    As far as your so-called charisma goes... don't kid yourself. You're not charismatic. You're just a deluded asshole who thinks he's more than he really is. Unlike the gullible morons who probably think the sun shines out your ass, I see you for who you really are - you're just a narcissistic loser with low self-esteem. That's why you're such an asshole because you need to put people down who are clearly superior to you in order to make yourself feel better. You're pathetic. A joke. You're just the shadow of a real man. I have no doubt in my mind that even David has more fucking balls than you.

    "My influence is even infecting you. Yesterday I had you talking like me."

    I called you a muppet once just to throw the word back at you and suddenly you're influencing me? LOL. You're far more deluded than I imagined. My sense of humor is really improving just being here and trust me when I tell you that it normally takes a LOT to get me to laugh.
    I would never want to be like you, UKan. If I were anything like you I'd have killed myself a long time and I'm not even fucking suicidal. So, that's saying a lot.
    Losers like you make people like me look damn good. You're a failure at life. Even your family's a fucking failure. Your mother couldn't even successfully abort you before you were born. You're just a walking abortion. Nothing more. I'm surprised you haven't put a gun to your head already.

    Oh, by the way, I know how hard it is for you to think up something you consider to be an insult. You haven't succeeded in insulting me yet, so I completely understand if you ignore this post. I mean, there's only so many times you can fail at something before you realize you'll never succeed.

  146. Sorry for my typos. I am tired.

  147. Is everyone here a fat leach that shuns the thought of finding a job?

  148. "You're just a deluded asshole who thinks he's more than he really is"

    My life story lols.

  149. monica, what you interpret as compassion and understanding is probably just her curiosity.

  150. Yes, Anon, I think you are right, but I can be free to say everything and the lifting of the burdens is like a miracle.

  151. i'd be careful, if she is a sociopath, then she does not respect you. trust me. sociopaths get repulsed when people express what they deem "soft emotions" and they have lots of respect for people similar to them.

    also, rather than comfort like an empath, a sociopath will use those frailties to dominate, or use you.

  152. @Cow Tits

    Why do you repeat the same shit about your made up gf, over and over? And fyi: when you talk about her you sound over dramatic, and overly romantic. Like you just stepped out of 'Anne of Green Gables'. Who the fuck talks like that about anyone?

  153. @ Raven You crack me up.

  154. @ Raven FYI Monica MOO got on the Twitter, today.

  155. Wheatley?

  156. Do fuck off DD. You're embarrassing yourself. And if you won't fuck off, stop saying 'I have ASpD' at every given opportunity. You don't, its blatant. You are courting approval too much. I just don't get why you are here, annoying me. And telling everyone you profess to dislike how alike to them you are. Next time you say you are going, please actually do it. You are a twat.

  157. Monica:

    Oh Fake Sp Gf, though hast hast taken my dark world, and turned it into radiant light! You kissed the rotten fruit, and made of it a bouquet of cherry blossoms in Springtime. I cherish the day our souls touched, and our minds became a vast field of endless understanding! To you I give my whole self. To me you give your cold heart as you have never! I am as ever, your emotional slave to do as you please with. Thank you forever, my dark angel!

    Fake Sp Gf: Sure bitch. Whatever.

    Monica: You crack me up FSG!

  158. @ Raven
    ME liked my Anne of Green Gables spiel, as you call it.
    I am the one talking about ice skating :P

  159. Is that Wheatley? Check out the account name and he's following M.E.

  160. Wheatley is a girl named Abigal.

  161. How did you find out?

  162. The guy cthulhu keeps re tweeting sociopath world. Here's a quote from him.

    "cthulhu3142 sean heath
    times like these i just wish school would turn out like columbine, so i can go out as a hero, or at least be a victim of circumstance"

  163. That feels better. But she won't listen because she his ASpD so she doesn't care about anyones opinion. And I'd better watch out or she might, like, teach me a lesson or some shit/wink.

    Am disappointed in the fact I lurked for so many years and then went ahead and wrote here just because of that wanker, but hey. I boiled over.

    Good site, save a few dickwads posturing and victims holding each others roughmarriagetoaSP scarred hands.

  164. I'm undaunted caroline. I've given more about my life and myself than you have. Ask me your questions.

  165. Sociopathworld is officially a midsummer nights dream. The part of _______________ will be played by monica.

  166. ukan, have you checked up on randy? how's he doing? ha

  167. Nah. As soon as I fucked him over I moved on to someone else.

  168. I like Wheatley.

    Yes Monica. I realize M.E. is like God himself to you, and retards like you. I myself have several quotes up there, even just recently. But that doesn't make me John the Baptist. It holds no special place in my heart, or changes my opinions of you or of myself. I'm not as narcissistic as M.E., so I don't care about the love sick spoutings of juvenile reality.

    In fact... I care so much more about my own opinions, I am willing to say fuck M.E. for posting such stomach turning garbage up, when it's so obviously the ramblings of a fool.

    Kudos for remembering that he hates aspie retards, though. :D

  169. ukan, do you think that's wheatley's twitter? he could very well be the next victim. by the looks of it he's suicidal, easy target.

  170. @ Raven You are such a tough girl :)

  171. @Monica

    I just see through you. It's very simple.

  172. Ok Monica, I am curious. Your friend, how do you know shes a socio? Does she sell drugs or steal or kill? Is she cruel for the fun of it? You talk about her taking off her mask... what exactly does this consist of? Did she confess her sociopathy to you or is this something you came to on your own? If this is your diagnosis, how do you know her well enough to diagnose her?

  173. @Sarah

    She's fabricated. Monica has no such girlfriend. You're wasting your time.

  174. Since when do anons try to lead UKan to new prey? David?

  175. My g/f is the real deal. She was born a sociopath. She did not get to be one through abuse. She loves her mother and has a strict code for her actions, out of love for her mother, in large part. She has shown her sociopath face to no one, before me.
    I am special to her, due to this. She is special to me, for the reasons I cite. I don't care if people laugh at me, about it.
    I need a place to share what I am going through. Some people seem to appreciate me on SW.

    As for your questions. She works in a regular job. She does not bully. She does not steal. She thinks people like Ukan are stupid idiots and has no interest in SW because of stupidities like that.

    She was born with no empathy. She wants to make peace with who she is, as I do. She has been one of the most special things that has ever happened to me. Yet, I hold her in my out stretched hand. When/if she goes, I will celebrate what I had, but not look for more. You can't hold anyone in life, much less a sociopath.

  176. "You can't hold anyone in life, much less a sociopath."

    Here you go M.E.
    You're next exquisite Twitter quote.
    You should just let me pick them out from now on, since I'm on to your taste. Then you won't have to do so much work looking for such gems. :D

  177. You still dont say what her showing her face means. Is it her admitting she has no empathy, but she still cares about you and her mother...?

    This person you describe sounds more like an aspie. Also, how do you know she was born that way? That is still debated in scientific circles... how are you able to make that determination? Just because she seemingly loves her mother, she wasnt abused? Also, you still dont say how you know shes a socio. Was she diagnosed? She must have done something "bad" to get the attention of a shrink in the first place if she was diagnosed.

  178. I don't know if it's true that sociopaths cannot love. I cannot draw from my personal experiences because I identify myself as a person with sociopathic traits (I really believe it is a spectrum), as opposed to someone with a full-blown PD, but this business of either-or/black-white seems a bit sketchy to me. People rarely fit perfectly into the boxes we attempt to stuff them in.

    I see this kind of statement all the time here: "A socio would never this", "a socio always that". It's really silly; sociopaths are people, not robots!

  179. Thank you for including me..

    *suckling on alterego's large six- nippled chest of teats*

  180. "sociopaths are people, not robots"

    sociopaths lack a key component in which makes humans, human, empathy. a sociopath has no conscience, they can bully, manipulate, or kill without guilt or remorse. there are sociopath traits for a reason, they are there so we can distinguish who is and who is not a sociopath. if you don't act like a sociopath, then you aren't one.

  181. I agree with Sarah, she doesn't sound like a sociopath in the least. She strikes me as being more empathic than most people I know.

  182. I am not a socio. I do make a concerted effort to be more empathetic than what comes naturally, as it is the best way to keep from being a raging bitch. Empathy is admitting that it is not my right to subject everyone around me to the bs that is in my head. Ive gotten excellent at being genuine and truly allowing myself to care when appropriate. Again, I am not a socio, have just had blunted empathy which seems to be resolving itself.

    That said, Monica, I have stolen and sold drugs. Ive been involved in s&m as a switch and have physically and emotionally abused people throughout my lifetime. I am not proud, and I am not bragging. Im not here to show off as a badass. Im a pussycat nowadays. A really horny perpetually in heat one, but I am saying that I sound more sociopathic than your friend, and I am not.

  183. So maybe Raven is right, Monica. Your story still has huge gaps. It doesnt really make sense.

  184. Monica has probably gone to bed by now. She rarely stays up this late. But you can probably check this thread again, around 5ish in the morning... and you might find her response.

  185. "I do make a concerted effort to be more empathetic than what comes naturally, as it is the best way to keep from being a raging bitch."

    Ha! This strikes a chord. Being empathetic doesn't come naturally for me at all. I have to make an effort, all the time. Often I do. Sometimes I don't. And if I am repressing annoyance or displeasure about something, it tends to leak out in all the wrong places.

    In fact, most of what you said sounds familiar, lol. But I am not a borderline.

  186. "sociopaths lack a key component in which makes humans, human, empathy. a sociopath has no conscience, they can bully, manipulate, or kill without guilt or remorse. there are sociopath traits for a reason, they are there so we can distinguish who is and who is not a sociopath. if you don't act like a sociopath, then you aren't one."

    Does this mean you think sociopaths are sub- or non- human, anon?

  187. sociopaths lack a key component in which makes humans, human, empathy.

    So sociopaths aren't humans? Good. I'm glad we cleared that mystery up.

  188. Does being turned on by someone you want being turned on count as empathy?

    Joking aside, I feel a kind of pain empathy at times while watching movies. Never had it happen in real life, but for lobotomy scenes and things like smashed hands it is like I am living it. It is happening to me. It's not for general violence, pretty much just hands/brain.

    It's a combination of "I hope this feeling goes away" and a unique enjoyment. It's kind of compulsive and odd, and I think I might be able to stop it from happening but I've never really tried. I know for sure that intentionally going back and watching the scene stops it from happening, too. I've done that to try and recapture the moment.

  189. People seem to link lack of empathy with an ability to care bout people. You can care for someone without understanding how they feel at given moments. And vice versa. I have an extremely high empathetic ability. I can feel what people are feeling at any moment and don't care at all about them. A great example being my aunt, or my unclear Christmas my uncle had a daughter in the hospital, and i could feel and understand all of his emotions... And I did not care at all. For example, before he left I asked him if he got everything he wanted, knowing the emotions it would draw... And it drew them, so he bowed his head and was silent, and i went on my merry way to finish saying my goodbyes cheerily.

  190. "Do fuck off DD. You're embarrassing yourself."

    I'll fuck off when it suits me, not you and as for embarrassing myself, lol... I certainly don't feel embarrassed in the slightest. You're perception of things, is entirely your own. I'm quite content in how I express myself here, but thanks for playing, whiner.

    "And if you won't fuck off, stop saying 'I have ASpD' at every given opportunity. You don't, its blatant."

    I'm not going to argue over a label on the internet with a stranger who doesn't know jack shit about me. I know the truth. You believe what you want. It makes no difference to me.

    "I just don't get why you are here, annoying me."

    So, I'm controlling your emotions now, am I... If you're annoyed it's because you made yourself that way, dumbfuck. You wanna bitch and whine over what's said on the internet, that's your problem.

    "You are a twat."

    Even that makes me 10x better than you still.

  191. I'm alMost jealous of your ability to change the world just by your own perspective. It's amazing how many people's opinions you can manipulate to fit your own perspective.

  192. I definitely have a morbid fascination with dark things. I never experienced "pain empathy" as you describe, but watching someone's brain being probed makes my thumbs feel funny, lol!

    I feel empathy when I am subjected to images of sick, dying children, yet I can watch many forms of graphic violence without flinching.

    And I thought I might orgasm just by watching the intense, gorgeous battle sequences in "300". :)

    I think we all just have our triggers.

    Hi TweedleDeeDum! /wink!


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