
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sociopaths on facebook

These are pretty funny, courtesy of a reader, "The 50 most brilliant, obnoxious, or delightfully sociopathic Facebook posts of 2011."  Obviously only some of them are "sociopathic."  For those of you too lazy or unable to click on the link, highlights include crass reactions to announcements of imminent suicide, careless death announcements, revenge, betrayal, emotional outbursts, and pedophilia.  I think the Germans have a word for  the sort of enjoyment of others' pain that Facebook has wrought.  Facebook: by sociopaths for sociopaths?

In other random news, I completely forgot that I recently spent a month being stalked until I was reminded of it today by the person cutting my hair (sideways glance, "you're always so nonchalant about things...").  This hair person is one of those oddly insightful savants of human nature that makes me squirm in my chair.  The only solution is to get her to relate to me the entire plot behind a recent television show.  Today it was "Homeland"--plot points interspersed with the ubiquitous, "I don't want to give it away, but...."  Is it time for a new hairstyle?


  1. That's a pretty shitty compilation. An hour at Failblog would be a better investment 'fer the lulz'.

  2. Those comments weren't funny at all and were more in the realm of mischievously playful, rather than psychopathic.

  3. They were mostly fairly amusing.

    That post has a different goal than a site like failbook.

  4. I need some dry socks!!

  5. People are calling me a sociopath. O just wanted dry socks! What is so wrong about that ?

  6. Yawn indeed. Why are you guys so hyped on hating facebook. You can appear to be anything you want there.

  7. "You guys"

    Sweeping generalization

  8. I accidently posted a few cock pics while loading an album on facebook. My mom was mortified. As if she's never seen a cock before.

  9. Yes, dry socks!! When you sink a fucking ship, things tend to get wet, are you stupid or something ?

  10. I guess not everyone reads the headlines.,1518,809927,00.html

  11. Oh yea. I did hear about that, but it didn't leave any impression on me. I found it boring..

  12. Good Morning SW from Frank

  13. I would have left the ship as well! Me dying doesn't fix anyhting.

  14. ^Psychopaths are known to have Dyslexia

  15. *Spell Check*

    Problem solved...

    Morning Frank

  16. When I was in school I was told I have adhd, I don't believe I did, I think it was just simply lack of interest in the course I was taking.

  17. I seem to be a magnet for sociopaths and vice versa. I think there are mirroring cells, in the baby. If these don't get mirrored, the child becomes a dwarf, of sorts.

    The sociopath can mirror due to his flexible self.
    Hence, the other person can see herself, for the first time, maybe.

    To find one's lost self is Nirvana. It is worth a million dollars. People with millions of dollars have died because they could not find it.

    That is why we, unmirrored people, become so hooked on the sociopath, I think.

  18. TCO I'm so happy to see you. I've been going out of my mind wanting you back here. Please love me as I love you.

  19. Oh Caroline..... my love truely goes deep...deep inside the woman of my focus.

  20. Wow this post was so incredibly lame I can't even be bothered to think of a witty description for just how lame it is.

    Monica. I'm pretty sure those people died because, like those that have found Nirvana (and also died), they are mortal. You're a magnet for abuse, not sociopaths, because you're a victim. STFU.

  21. TCO "Oh Caroline..... my love truely goes deep...deep inside the woman of my focus."


    I love to plunge my cock into women that think I love them back.

  22. Can I be that woman TCO?

  23. Absolutely Caroline.... spread em!

  24. @TCO I need you to love me before I can do that lol.

  25. When I spit on my cock, that is a sign of love... wouldn't want you to feel pain before we fuck ;)

  26. Gonna wash that dirty mouth of yours out with soap TCO, perv!

  27. @TCO, at least you're honest haha.

    Also, I recently started watching The Big Bang Theory. Fucking hysterical.

  28. Haven, yeah... I like the show. SofA is also a decent watch.

  29. @ Haven with all due respect, I am not a BPD, so am steps ahead of you, if I may be so blunt, as you were :)

  30. Anyway, I am not on here to fight, so I won't be responded to Haven, again, or anyone who wants to fight with me :)

  31. What about a fight under the covers...Monica ?

  32. Regarding your shitty bpd commen, Monica, fuck you. If you had a personality, then maybe you would have a pd too, but it does require having a personality to begin with.

    No one believes you have a sociopath gf because you only speak very generally about her.

    So we believe you are a sad, boring woman with an even sadder habit of making up imaginary friends.

    At least Haven is more authentic to who she really is than you. You are so codependent that you have to have a fake friend to mirror yourself because you have no idea who the fuck you are or what you want.

    You wish you had bpd, because anything would make you more interesting. My sympathy for you and your sad little online persona is over, Cow Tits.

  33. Caroline, why do you need a man to love you (or say he does) in order to fuck? Do you not actually enjoy sex? Is it something you do to keep control over a man by witholding and doling it out?

    Do you see yourself as a cow and you're afraid no one will buy you if you give away free milk?

  34. Humans should drink milk.

  35. ::laughs:: You think you're steps ahead of me? Keep living in your delusional little world.

    Last I checked, my PD didn't define my entire sense of self. Unlike some people that require the PD of others to define their sense of self.

    Logical fail.

    I'm just calling it like I see it. I have no desire to fight. You wouldn't be much sport anyways Monica.

  36. goats milk. Or boobie milk.

  37. You won't respond to me, not because of the truths I tell, but because I'm not ASPD, which is what you require to complete yourself.

  38. Heehee Thanks Sarah. How're you today?

  39. Anyone here survivers of 4 Narc parents ?

  40. Doing pretty well. Working.

    Wasnt trying to fight any battles for ya Haven, just felt compelled to spank that bitch a little. Although, she probably likes it.

  41. Now Monica: you know only one sociopath personally (according to you at least) and she's female. So why do you keep saying "he" and "him" when talking about sociopaths in general? /rhetorical question

  42. Monica has referred to her issues with being suckered in by sex with male sociopaths. For someone who portrays herself as a goody two shoes, she seems to hang out with a lot of drug dealers, con men, theives and such.

    Oh theyre not criminals, Monica? Then theyre not socios. Theyre normal people and seem detached because you are so dependent.

  43. "Oh theyre not criminals, Monica? Then theyre not socios. Theyre normal people and seem detached because you are so dependent."

    What exactly is "normal"? A normal condition of human nature ? What is normal for you is not normal for others.

  44. So sarah, what's your attraction to abuse?

  45. I like it in the bedroom, MK. How about yours?

  46. Normal, as in not socio. Not that I believe in normal, was just typing fast as I work.

  47. @ The Chosen One
    That Caroline was not I, but I think you are pretty cute x o

  48. @ Sarah
    I don't fight with people who have BPD. I feel it is a terribly hard condition to have. I feel a great deal of sympathy for you. I am here to express myself, not to get approval.

    @ TCO *wink*

  49. I thinkI have a PD... sigh.

    Now what ?

  50. @ TCO
    I don't fight with BPD.

  51. My sister is a BPDer, she fights often.

  52. @ TCO I am not saying BPD's don't fight, just that *I* do not fight with them lol

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I noticed that is what you said. But.... Still..... I think I have a PD...... sigh.

  55. That's a stupid reason not to fight someone, Cow Tits. And when you say you have sympathy for them... are you saying it like they are the lesser human? Kind of like saying you wouldn't steal from the homeless? You think you're above them don't you?

  56. Cow tits... Like, as in saucer nipples ??

  57. All this nipple talk, then everyone leaves the convo.... pffft.

    Fuck you all then!

  58. How is the weather where you are ?

  59. ...light rain 3 Degrees C in Berlin

  60. many ppl seem to rag on labels but ive found after labeling myself or at least relating to the labels that apply to me it has been an easier transition! things started to make sense! if knowledge is power then i am much more powerful knowing who and what i am!

  61. How do you socio's deal with the perception that you are always bitter, or angry ? When it is just the way you appear from the outside.

  62. Since so many seem uptight today, wanna play a game? When a socio says/what he really means. LIKE; Deep down I feel I'm a good person. He really means, I'm not in prison and I stopped abusing animals, mostly. What more can you demand from me. We did it once before. Or like, I'd do anything for you, I'd do plenty to keep you right where I want you to be.

  63. Uptight ? Blaze a doobie man! Problem solved!

  64. hello from your favorite sikh

  65. Tik, I think you need to further explain the rules of this "game"...

  66. I love you; I am fond of your companionship and put you above most, but never above me. Consider it an honor.

    Like TCO's, my love goes deep, deep inside the women of my focus.

  67. The deeper the love...the better ;)

  68. I'm sorry, forgive me; I really do not enjoy that fact that your mood has altered. Please revert back to normal.

  69. Ewww, Tik and TCO are creepy

  70. I think most people here are fake *adjusts social SW mask*

  71. How about,
    I'm not a monster, I'm a human too; I'm trying to seem human, give me a break. It's not like it comes natural for me.

  72. I am the real Caroline. What are you like in real life, TCO?

  73. I'm just being honest; hurting your feelings by saying the truth sometimes amuses me.

  74. tco, why can't you answer straight ?

  75.'s the trama of being forced to eat squash as a kid.

  76. Loser, people like you make me sick.

  77. Sometimes straight answers just don't exist.

  78. TCO is funny, why be serious?

    Is he the only one that understands the game?

  79. Bet not as sick as I was eating that fucking squash...

    Don't feed your kids squash!

  80. And don't feed them spam.

  81. Me and sweetcheeks are having Breakfast. She says hi.

  82. Being too serious is not the best thing for someone like me. Games are fun, keep the mind fresh, and moving. For once in a direction not of my choosing. Interesting and hard at the same time.

  83. I have feelings; I often feel frustrated and sometimes I get really angry and lose my temper.

    I have feelings too; I feel frustrated when your feelings get in my way.

  84. I also have feelings, and the feeling I'm getting now says I better get to the bathroom quick!

  85. I have feelings too; and now that you mention it, I feel like leaving.

  86. I never ment to hurt you; mission accomplished.

  87. What makes you the expert on what they're really saying, Tik?

  88. We did it once before and some of the ones I started with we're used.

  89. How do you know what they're really saying?

  90. Anon 12:49, no sence of humor will affect your bowels.

  91. It's not my fault, really; I'll explain why in a light which I've learned you'll understand best which will easily strech to include you as guilty.

  92. frankfurt does not laugh since he became strict.

  93. Rick Perry is OUT of the game!

  94. Yup Raven, and he's endorsing Gingrich, whose second wife is going to be on tv tonight talking about how old Newtie boy was cheating on her with the woman who became his third wife, and how he tried to get her to agree to an open marriage.

    Ah politics. Its like bad soap operas. And not the fun kind where people get kidnapped by aliens.

  95. @Sarah

    Are you going to watch it?

    About your question last night: People being friendly here doesn't bring out my aggression. It's embracing my true self that is bringing out my aggression, in places where they've never seen me in that light.

    But I needed SW back when I found it I suppose. I don't see myself leaving here for good. I just need to cut down. Get other things done I've been neglecting.

  96. I have to say, and I am not being a total kiss ass here, that Haven's blog entries have been a lot more entertaining than MEs of late. I dont read a lot of blogs. None, really, other than this and that. I used to have a few myself, but I go through periods of extrovertive exhibitionism, but I am having more fun being very anonymous.

    I used to have a blog where I detailed exploits, but it became too popular and I needed some space. So I havent been blogging for awhile. I am having more fun being voyeur. Anyone know any good blogs? Its fun to read when I have downtime at work. And on smokebreaks.

  97. Raven, doubtful. They will play clips in the morning and I am sure it will be on each lcd I pass. I will be busy getting busy ;) unless he wants some selacious republican scandal as an appetizer I would say probably not.

    Well I dont let sw eat up too much time. I just check in on my phone when I have a spare minute or two. I multitask like a motherfucker and I function better when I keep my mind busy somehow. Boredom leads to bad deeds lol ;) idle hands and all that jazz

  98. @Sarah

    I can't blog like that anymore. When I blog about myself, I start getting really cocky, thinking I'm invisible for some reason.

    Before I move almost 5 yrs ago now, I had a blog that was stirring a lot of activity up. And by the time I moved, I was starting to get myself into some trouble. I know I have warrants for my arrest in that State too... but not for anything major. Not for the shit I was up to. I was actually making a very good living for myself then, but only a quarter of my income was legit.

    My ex husband was starting to get suspicious, and I'm sure he was beginning to question my stability as a mother.

    I don't know what it is about blogging my shit that brings out my grandiose side, but I was becoming convinced by the day that I couldn't be touched.

    I have this pride thing that keeps me in check though. Not wanting to prove my ex and his family right about me, when it comes to my daughter. I won't give them the satisfaction of being able to say, "I knew it!"

    So fuck it all. No more blogging for me.

  99. Liking someone just makes people lame and cheesy. Express that at your own risk.

    But watch how people fawn when they think you don't care.

  100. that's *invincible

  101. "We did it once before and some of the ones I started with we're used."

    More like all of them. Does anyone not remember that post?

    Oh yeah, I forgot. I deserve to be strangled because I'm "a little instigator", right? That's why you're ignoring me, right, CT? Because that's the best way of dealing with things that bother you: ignoring it and bottling everything up until your son kills himse- I mean: until you kill yourself. Yes. Definitely that last one. :D

  102. Wheatley, your always throwing tantrums.

  103. Awwww Wheat, be gentle on poor little CT. She's sad because she doesnt have a pd :(

  104. Thing is, I can't help liking people. Even when I know they're flakes or personable nutcases. I don't quite know if that's some kind of subliminal survival mechanism to be socially integrated or maybe I'm actually entertained by my own reactions.

  105. lmao cow tits!

    Hi gag, long time! :)

  106. What do the sociopaths here feel they can relate to eachother the most on?

  107. Please don't ignore me guys.

  108. How you be?

  109. Hello SW. Lets party. Where do you live?

  110. Most of the physical problems a sociopath exhibits are neurologically based.

    They do not have the ability to change the way they are. They may "mellow" as they age, or burn out, but their need to have control over others, the need to be impulsive, their feelings that, even in lying, they never do anything wrong, and their ability to charm everyone they think they need to charm, does not leave them as they age. It's also very hard for someone involved with a sociopath to be able to see what they know is happening, even after catching the sociopath in the lies and manipulation. It's incredibly hard to decide to leave a sociopath, as well as stay away from that sociopath.

    One of the reasons for the above is that people can sense that the sociopath needs something, and they keep trying to give it and the sociopath/psychopath keeps trying to take it. But the sociopath cannot truly take in that healing energy of human contact. So, the sociopath becomes frustrated and instead looks to take unfair advantage. And the caregiver may give until it does him/her damage. This won't help anyone: leave therapy to the professionals.

    Mentally ill people, no matter how much trouble they cause, are sick, not possessed. And, yes, some psychopaths do terrible things, forfeiting their lives in the process. But most of them do not kill. They are, however, bitter and rageful, and often cause deep emotional suffering for others. The BEHAVIOR is evil, however the people are just what they are.

    Psychopaths/Sociopaths are the way they are because, from birth onward, the brain of a sociopath stores learning information in a random, chaotic way instead of in the usual designated places in the cerebral cortex.

    Part of this involves lack of crucial neurotransmitters, but as of yet no one knows whether this lack is caused BY the brain abnormality or is the cause OF it. It's probably the former. Another probable cause is the chronic under-arousal of the cerebral cortex of a true psychopath.

    Since their information -- including emotional information -- is scattered all over both brain hemispheres, it takes too long for the brain to retrieve and process information, and the entire process of socialization becomes so ponderous that ultimately it fails. (See the book "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare, PhD.)

    Since the entire cerebral cortex of a sociopath is almost never at a normal level of alertness (their waking brain waves resemble the waves of a normal person in a light sleep, alpha waves), this may be the crucial deficiency that cripples the developing child's ability to develop many aspects of the human mind. As the child grows, some of the basic mental and emotional skills the rest of the world takes so for granted never develop, and crucial among these is the thing called conscience. That one never develops at all.

    Some people may envy the apparent calm of a sociopath, but their existence is misery. They cannot connect with other human beings, and as babies they are so uncomfortable being held that they fight to wriggle free of all but the most basic necessary contact. Their heartbroken parents often blame themselves or the child, never knowing that what is really wrong with the child is in his or her brain.

  111. Under the almost somnolent calm sociopaths project is a constant sense of restlessness and lack of crucial fulfillment that is in truth nothing other than the basic need all people have to receive stimulation and support from others.

    But a sociopath has no way of receiving this even if it's offered. The endless frustration of this, and a discomfort that they are utterly incapable of articulating or even really understanding, is the source of much of their chronic anger and aggression.

    Plus, since they grow up in constant conflict with authority, they are most often bitterly angry and sometimes violent adults, brittle and combative under a thin veneer of charm.

    Offer friendship, they appear to respond, but quickly discover that they can get nothing from it; they see the obvious pleasure of other people in such contact with each other, and they often seek to "even it up" by stealing what they can -- material goods, or even human lives. They are constantly told how "bad" they are, and by adulthood, most of them believe it. And behave accordingly.

    Sociopaths rarely feel true happiness. If they do, it is usually in the condition that some kind of intervention -- such as one of the small number of medications made for other conditions that may also help somewhat with theirs -- has taken place, and it will be fleeting. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description.

    There are stories of people diagnosed as sociopaths who did improve to some degree, with the most ceaseless and diligent help. But since the vast majority of this huge body of people (there are more than three hundred million sociopaths on Earth) cannot get that kind of attention, they turn to abusing those they envy, and often to crime. It is certainly vengeance: "If I can't have any of this, why should you?" This is the real reason sociopaths lash out at strong and kind people. No matter what they say, they know that inside, they are always empty and damaged beyond repair.

    Only in neuroscience is there true hope for these incomplete people. The key lies in awakening the cerebral cortex of the brain, which is risky because sociopaths are much more prone to seizures than the rest of the population, and that -- an uncontrolled blast of electrical discharge spreading through the brain and causing violent convulsions -- is likely to be the first response from brain pathways that, after years or even decades of silence, are suddenly flooded with impulses.

    But if the devices of neurosurgeons can be tweaked to avoid this shock, and all else related to this idea is workable, it's feasible that small electronic devices planted in the brain (these already exist, but are not yet being used for mental illness) could open up a closed connection.

    That leaves us with the problem of whether a lifetime of scattered information can ever be set into order. Probably the best that could be hoped for would be a kind of retraining -- like what is now done with stroke survivors and head injury patients -- that would be both intensive and compensatory.

    One of the things that would be necessary would be to try to socialize the person whose congenital birth defect made such a thing completely impossible before. With no knowledge of how to cope with the emotions the rest of the world has been dealing with all their lives, the recovering sociopath would be rendered as vulnerable as a baby. A person thus treated would never be fully normal, but the human brain is amazing in the way it adapts and continues to develop all through life. And given the utterly joyless and meaningless existence a sociopath leads, any improvement is better than none.

  112. Under the almost somnolent calm sociopaths project is a constant sense of restlessness and lack of crucial fulfillment that is in truth nothing other than the basic need all people have to receive stimulation and support from others.

    But a sociopath has no way of receiving this even if it's offered. The endless frustration of this, and a discomfort that they are utterly incapable of articulating or even really understanding, is the source of much of their chronic anger and aggression.

    Plus, since they grow up in constant conflict with authority, they are most often bitterly angry and sometimes violent adults, brittle and combative under a thin veneer of charm.

    Offer friendship, they appear to respond, but quickly discover that they can get nothing from it; they see the obvious pleasure of other people in such contact with each other, and they often seek to "even it up" by stealing what they can -- material goods, or even human lives. They are constantly told how "bad" they are, and by adulthood, most of them believe it. And behave accordingly.

    Sociopaths rarely feel true happiness. If they do, it is usually in the condition that some kind of intervention -- such as one of the small number of medications made for other conditions that may also help somewhat with theirs -- has taken place, and it will be fleeting. For all their frantic racing around, they are really very dead inside, and this is tragic beyond description.

    There are stories of people diagnosed as sociopaths who did improve to some degree, with the most ceaseless and diligent help. But since the vast majority of this huge body of people (there are more than three hundred million sociopaths on Earth) cannot get that kind of attention, they turn to abusing those they envy, and often to crime. It is certainly vengeance: "If I can't have any of this, why should you?" This is the real reason sociopaths lash out at strong and kind people. No matter what they say, they know that inside, they are always empty and damaged beyond repair.

  113. Only in neuroscience is there true hope for these incomplete people. The key lies in awakening the cerebral cortex of the brain, which is risky because sociopaths are much more prone to seizures than the rest of the population, and that -- an uncontrolled blast of electrical discharge spreading through the brain and causing violent convulsions -- is likely to be the first response from brain pathways that, after years or even decades of silence, are suddenly flooded with impulses.

    But if the devices of neurosurgeons can be tweaked to avoid this shock, and all else related to this idea is workable, it's feasible that small electronic devices planted in the brain (these already exist, but are not yet being used for mental illness) could open up a closed connection.

    That leaves us with the problem of whether a lifetime of scattered information can ever be set into order. Probably the best that could be hoped for would be a kind of retraining -- like what is now done with stroke survivors and head injury patients -- that would be both intensive and compensatory.

    One of the things that would be necessary would be to try to socialize the person whose congenital birth defect made such a thing completely impossible before. With no knowledge of how to cope with the emotions the rest of the world has been dealing with all their lives, the recovering sociopath would be rendered as vulnerable as a baby. A person thus treated would never be fully normal, but the human brain is amazing in the way it adapts and continues to develop all through life. And given the utterly joyless and meaningless existence a sociopath leads, any improvement is better than none.

  114. Thank you Anon
    That is very profound info.

  115. You are welcome. It was something I had not seen before.

  116. Raven, though labels are pointless, I have to ask, do you see yourself as a sociopath? Or are you just someone empathetically challenged, but do feel for people at times.

  117. Just curious. You seem to fit the bill, and from what you have stated lately about your family, and all the things that MK mentioned about two sociopaths not being able to date, I just was wondering.

  118. After 37 years of me not wanting to hear what anyone had to say about me, including doctors; you can hardly expect for me to own to it.

    Not much penetrates my head in way of opinions about who or what I am. But we all know when we've met someone just like us... and for me, that just happens to be a sociopath. So, I suppose just this once, I will own to knowing that I do indeed "fit the bill", and that it really doesn't surprise me.

  119. Very honest of you, thanks for that. I wasn't exactly sure how to approach this (you), so I just figured ask instead of guessing. From what you say, and the way you explain life situations, you seem to real too be fake, if that makes sense. You were the only person that confused me as far as personality types.

  120. Leave them be! Psychologically or socially defunct people are a fact of human existence. Depending on your point of view, or how popular information is organised and disseminated, some of these non conformist, anti social characteristics and frustrations have made possible "great" contributions to human kind.

    Random sampling; Jesus, Nietzsche, Alexander, Shih Huang Ti, Gandhi. All loners, all compulsively driven to restore or prove some profound equilibrium as a consequence of some particular awareness somehow triggered by their special "imbalance". All managing to attract enough believers to manifest or test their reality.

    I think the contention lies with the elasticity of tolerance and acceptance when there is perceived or potential value in particular circumstances rather than some infallible neuro-scientific criteria for humanness. Actually this is also true in scientific conclusions. We all know that scientific breakthroughs are by and large the product of successful procurement of research funding.

    Hi notme! ;)

  121. "You were the only person that confused me as far as personality types."

    This doesn't surprise me either. I was being defiant when I first came. Even here, it's hard for me to just switch off the need to throw people off my trail.

    Alas, someone who frequents this blog was kind enough to let me know my efforts were futile... so I decided there was no point in being so defiant in a place I shouldn't have to be.

  122. I never understood the need to be defiant on an anonymous blog, but I guess it's natural for certain personalities to be that way. Has this freedom here helped at all in real life?

  123. I wasn't very anonymous when I first came here though.

    It's helped me connect the dots. I no longer have questions about why I do the things I do. I think this is key, because once you know that, you know what pursuits to give up on, and which to capitalize on.

    My focus will be on a different path than before. Like a great deal of clutter has been removed, so I can now see what space there is to utilize in a more productive way. As productive as I'm capable of, anyway.

  124. But don't get me wrong. I am not opposed to vigilance. I'm not exempt from being prejudiced towards someone who could cause me or my world harm. But I guess that would be on a personal discretionary level. In my case, I can still operate with a relatively lower level of vigilance than perhaps most people.

  125. Anonymous said...

    I never understood the need to be defiant on an anonymous blog

    There is no need.

    Maybe some interpret certain comments as being defiant when the commenter is just saying what they want to say.

  126. You were the only person that confused me as far as personality types.

    You think to much.

  127. It seems something good has come out of the comments here after all. What you explained sounded like a good outlook for you. Again, thanks for clearing things up. Best of luck to you.

  128. Anonymous said...

    It seems something good has come out of the comments here after all. What you explained sounded like a good outlook for you. Again, thanks for clearing things up. Best of luck to you.

    Is that you, mum?

  129. Yes, it is boxers. I thought I put you to bed already.

  130. Yes, it is boxers. I thought I put you to bed already.

    C'mon Mum. You know you gave me the choice of staying with you or moving 3,000kms to live with dad and I chose dad.

  131. .. and in all honestly. Giving me that ultimatum at the age of 10 just because I occasionally fucked off to the park or grabbed your wrist when you were disciplining me is no excuse.

    Alas, I'm aware of and comprehend your messages. How is working as a shrink working out for ya?


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