
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Like father, like daughter (part 2)


M.E.: I don't think a sociopath will necessarily be a bad parent.  Of course some sociopaths have no interest in children at all.  And some have no interest in careers, or animals, or art, or whatever else, but there is a great deal of variety.  I have little relatives that I love.  I definitely have failings when I am around them.  Sometimes I have the urge to choke them, but have never done it in anger.  If the parent associates with them enough to feel like they are an extension of themselves, there's no reason why a sociopath couldn't be a devoted and excellent parent.


Thank you for your insight.

Yes she does.

Her dad and I are meeting with a doctor next week to have her evaluated for ADD. Her dad says children that are medicated at an early age can better withstand the pressure to conform and can learn to regulate their behavior to a socially acceptable level, thus decreasing the need to self-medicate or act out in aggression or violence later. Her dad believes that our society does not recognize and respect that sociopaths are a vital evolutionary adaptation. Because of ignorance, fear, and the need to control, educators begin to ostracize and isolate these children, causing them to internalize a belief that they are flawed, preventing these children from discovering and valuing their uniqueness. Frustration and anger build, exacerbating or even causing behaviors typically associated with ASPD. We of course will only mention that her dad has ADD, not that he is a sociopath or that I have a borderline personality.

My daughter does not routinely exhibit aggression, but frustration. I actually envy her ability not to take on the emotions of others. She does not have a flat affect at all. She is outgoing and charming, but will turn it off if the desired response is not achieved. She lives in the moment and gages value by her satisfaction level. I got called from her Summer camp because a child accused my daughter of hitting her while in the bathroom and bruising her ribs. When asked what happened she, with her ribboned pigtails,freckles, and stoic stare said in a low voice, " I have no idea what you are talking about." It was a little chilling because I could tell she was guilty. So I insisted that the staff should monitor the bathrooms. They agreed. Problem solved.

She does have friends, though she speaks of them as if she owns them, and will discard them if they displease her.She enjoys life. She likes music and art and playing with her brother, if he follows her rules. She loves to cook. She is very task motivated when interested. She does not like rules, but if I am clear that she can do A if she does B, or we do not hit because someone might hit back, then she will listen, if I remain calm and am not critical.

I feel like many of her statements to me are insincere or what she thinks she is supposed to say to get her way or to control my reactions to her. I want her to trust that I am on her side and she does not have to pretend. I don't want to change her, only give her a chance to see she is perfect the way she is and she can accomplish her dreams and simply ignore anyone who cannot appreciate her. She has a natural confidence that I do not want destroyed. I don't want her to have to fight for a satisfying life the way her dad and I have done. I really need to get educated.

P.S. Sociopaths are lifesavers in emergencies. My ex and I witnessed a minivan overturn in an intersection. I instantly started shaking and crying envisioning someone suffering in pain or a child scared. I screamed to stop because we had to help. He said, "Damn! Stay in the car!" The van was surrounded by a crowd, looking at each other.

My ex walked up, calmly told the driver to turn off the engine and unlock the doors. He then opened the rear door, assessed injuries, helped 2 people out of the van, then walked back to our car. He was as calm as before it happened.  I was impressed...


  1. I was totally calm when faced with a massive turd that would not move! I pushed for at least 20 minutes. The worst #2...... ever!


  3. somone wants to play?

  4. another socio + beeper.
    sheesh, there must be some pheromone thang going on between these 2 types.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. @post
    The girl sounds great. You are lucky. I am hoping my daughter will be like her.

    @"another socio + beeper."
    Match made in heaven.

    (fucking delete button)

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  8. Nothing but pussy, cock, ass shit, rape, and pedo here.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't know, but anything is possible.

    2. He sounds more like a depressed narc.

  10. Why do mothers post pictures of their babys or kids on dating sites ? Would any of you sicko pervs here do that ?

    1. Why are you looking at dating sites? Can't meet a mate another way?

    2. No, I'm antisocial. And I live in a town of 500 people. You wouldn't want to date anyone from this gene pool. Trust me ;)

    3. I like when they post pictures when their kids in it. Less work for me !

    4. That is disturbing pedobear, even for me !

    5. So Pedofreak, how would you like your IP address to be transmitted to the appropriate authorities, along with your amusing little allusions to child molestation? You know, less work for them. We sociopaths aim to please. Besides, I hear pedophiles are very well treated in prison.

    6. Hey Alterego, sorry to burst your policing bubble, but pedo hasn't typed anything illegal. Don't let your perceptions run wild. And, don't you agree the girl in the picture is cute ? Or are you going for M.E posting child porn as well ?

    7. Don't worry Alter, he is probably a Catholic Priest. Your type of people...

    8. No crap, Alterego. That was an idiotic thing to say. Stop taking everything so seriously. You and your vigilantly act. No one here does anything illegal. Here.


      Danger!! BOLO alert!! Pedobear on the run!

      Alterego, do you by chance drive a mini van ? Soccer moms are really annoying.

    10. "with your amusing little allusions to child molestation? "

      You need HELP!! My comment "I like when they post pictures when their kids in it. Less work for me !" is 100% true! I work as an admin on a dating site, and we routinely delete profiles where the person posts pictures of children.

      You are SICK in the head. Seek help!

    11. Something to think about Alterego

      Does eating babies count?

      Does bashing out the heads of babies count?

      Then try some of these.... there are dozens more.

      "And I the Lord will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend." - Jeremiah 19:9

      "Behold, I the Lord will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it." - Malachi 2:3

      "Then you shall eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters whom the Lord your God has given you" - Deuteronomy 28:53

      "The King asked her, 'What’s the matter?' This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him....The king said, behold, this evil is of the Lord." - 2 Kings 6:28-29,33

      "Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open!" - Hosea 13:16

      "And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." - Numbers 31:15-18

      "I defiled them through their gifts, the sacrifice of every firstborn, that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the Lord." - Ezekiel 20:26

      "Then I heard the Lord say to the other men, 'Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all -- old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin right here at the Temple.' So they began by killing the seventy leaders. “Defile the Temple!” the LORD commanded. 'Fill its courtyards with corpses. Go!' So they went and began killing throughout the city." - Ezekiel 9:5-7

      "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'" - 1 Samuel 15:2-3

      "Their roots are dried up, and they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I the Lord will slaughter their beloved children." - Hosea 9:16

      "And Aaron's sons the priests shall arrange the pieces, the head, and the fat, on the wood that is on the fire on the altar; but its entrails and its legs he shall wash with water. And the priest shall burn all of it on the altar, as a burnt offering, a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the Lord." - Lev 1:8-10

      "And I the Lord will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine." - Isaiah 49:26

      "I the LORD told them, 'I won’t be your shepherd any longer. If you die, you die. If you are killed, you are killed. And let those who remain devour each other!'" - Zechariah 11:9

      "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." - Lev 21:9

      I have many more!

    12. Alterego
      Go after UKan. He sells drugs to kids.

    13. Drugs are not the problem, prohibition is

    14. Awww, did I manage to rub y'all the wrong way with my "vigilante act"? Not as wrong as where and how pedo likes to get rubbed, surely!

      Fly, I'll say what I want to whomever I please, and report IPs as I see fit. Pedophiles revolt me. What's *your* reason for coming to the defense of one, even if he is full of shite?

      Smooth comeback, Pedo freak, but your moniker speaks louder than your squirming deflections. So. What dating site to you admin?

      Tco, Im as Catholic as you are Christian. Stick to praising the birth of your throbbing member. It's probably all you're good for.
      Jussayin'. Nothing personal, of course. :)

    15. Alter
      If Eden does that funky Bible Anon stuff, it is not I. You know me because we are Soul Sistas

    16. @TCO: er, the *girth*, that is! But I have to admit that little typo birthed a mental image that made me chuckle. Bad pun intended ;)

    17. Paranoid much, Bible Anon?

    18. Not Paranoid, Eden
      Alterego knows the voice of another Christian, so just giving her the heads up that you are messing with Bible Anon

    19. That wasn't Eden. I can't believe you can't tell who that is. You people are morons. he he

    20. Eden is the person who tries to act so slick but is fucking obvious he he i.e Anon 1

    21. Never said you were a catholic. Need glasses ?

    22. I'm sure Eden is as happy as a pig in shit that you guys keep saying her name every day. She doesn't even have to make the effort now. Keep doing what you are doing. Don't ever change. :)

    23. I am so afraid, of people not knowing, the truth about other people, but not believing the lies I tell to them, and to myself. I want them to believe my lies but see through everyone else. How can I NOT, say something about a lie, when it is someone else telling the lie, about me, for me, instead of me telling it, for myself??

    24. Christ comma queen! Erin/Monica lol

    25. @TCO: Uh, you said, and I quote: "probably a Catholic priest, your type of people."

      All that pot is starting to affect your memory, big boy. You might want to cut down a notch. Tell you what. Send me your stash, and I'll take care of it. No charge... this time.

      And seriously, "need glasses" is as pathetic a retort as they come. You're out of your league, Spock. ;)

    26. Oh darn it all to heck. Both of the people I idolize, are, not, getting along. What side to take?? I wish everyone I love, would love, everyone I love, and hate, everyone I hate. *sigh*

    27. "Don't worry Alter, he is probably a Catholic Priest. Your type of people..."

      The don't worry Alter part, I guess you missed that huh ? YOUR type of people, being "theists"

      I can see that you are trying really hard to get an argument going. Good luck :) Ad homs are painfully boring.

    28. That's why we love you TCO, calm under fire

    29. Awww "Monica", what makes you think we aren't, getting, along? You neurotypicals have no appreciation for fine antisocial banter. Narcy Narc understands. He's one of "my people", after all.

      Speaking of which... Your little "dont worry Alter" clause serves no purpose other than showcase your feeble attempt to save face, as it certainly does not clarify your initial statement. After all, lumping all theists together is about as useful for the purposes of acquiring legitimate information as my comparing myself to the likes of you, hunny buns :)

      C'mon now. Stretch that grey matter and show us what ya got, Sir Cocks-A-Lot. :D

    30. Where's Sarah? She usually calls me on my lack of appropriate impulse control.

      What anonymous bush are *you* hiding behind, sweetie?

    31. Oh alter, you're so special.

  11. Theme song for BizyLizy

    1. Dizzy or not, that made me smile. I love the Beatles - thanks!

    2. Bizy
      I did not mean you were dizzy. I just love the song :)

    3. I've never heard that song by the Beatles. Truly, thanks for sharing. Eh, sometimes I do get dizzy...but no harm is ever done. Usually. Ha!

  12. I'm starting to notice a trend at SW. When the deviants are away no one has much to say. :-(

    1. Pussy Anon's and a god fearing wingnut, what is there to say ?

    2. I love that word. "wingnut". It's my kind of word.

    3. I love you TCO, but you know it, Baby.

    4. They like to maintain an element of interest by being overtly controversial. Sociopaths are destructive for the entertainment value and everyone else eats it up despite themselves. You love to hate people with strong opinions. Really, it's gratifying.

    5. Missus
      Call me a prophet. Is Ukan quiet because his stoopid mouth got him in real trouble?

  13. if Medusa is so ugly then why does she make men hard when they look at her?

  14. Uhhh how do you get that, when we don't see her?

    1. Are you that ignorant, anon? Lookup Medusa on wikipedia.

    2. Medusa was turned ugly by Athena. She hated men and tried to destroy men. They were not attracted to her. Quite the contrary, Big Shot he he

    3. I guess you idiots don't understand double entendres.

    4. lol, finally.... ;)

  15. People who despise child molesters are usually victims of of pedophiles. One of my best friends is a convicted child molester and it doesn't bother me.

    1. Are you saying Alterego was ass fucked as a kid ?

    2. Gross Eden, why are you such a turd?

    3. Eden IS a turd. That is why she is a turd.

    4. Eden is a turd's turd and that is why she is a turd.

    5. Here is Eden's problem. She is bitter like Peggy Lee in the song "Is That All There Is?"
      She wants to bring everyone else down to her level he he

    6. Please don't flush me. I am the best part of Eden.

    7. Peggy Lee. Lol. I told you Themes was Ami.

    8. LMAO I love you guys! I hope you run Eden out of here for good! LOL I will help you.

    9. If Themes is Ami. You one one creative bitch.

    10. Shit loads of pedos were pedoed. I guess if there was a pedo convention they'd all be poisoning each other. Unless they were all really glad they were pedoed.



    1. ...If by socia you mean whiny bitch ..

  17. Can someone please explain co-morbidity to me? Do sociopaths sometimes have that?

    1. Yes. Sociopaths have 9 lives, like cats. So they have more than one morbidity.

    2. You mean like do they like fat people for company?


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