
Thursday, February 2, 2012


A posting at recently featured this blog saying things like: "As everyone agrees, the word for getting rid of a whole subspecies is not 'cure'. I’m not quite sure what the right word might be, but it’s probably somewhere between extermination and genocide."

But specifically about this site:

I do not know the name of the person behind “Sociopath World”; doubtless that’s by design.  He or she (actually, screw it; I’m gonna go with he) refers to himself merely as “The Sociopath” on his contact page, as “M.E.” on Twitter, and as when he hands out his address (which makes me doubt that the “M.E.” Twitter handle is an actual set of initials).  No matter.  This is either a subtle and very labor-intensive hoax, or it’s your one-stop-shopping center for the interested empath (they call us “Empaths”, apparently, which I find both more precise and less condescending than the “neurotypical” label the Autistic Spectrum types seem to prefer).  The most popular posts end up on the FAQ list: Do Sociopaths Love?  Are Sociopaths Self-Aware? Am I a Sociopath? Can Sociopaths be “Good”? There are helpful how-to pointers:  How to break up with a sociopath, for example (the illustration to the right was taken from that particular entry; at least we know that sociopaths have a sense of humor). 

There are pop-culture observations: whether the new Twenty-first-century Sherlock really is a sociopath in the world of fiction, whether Lady Gaga is in real life, the potential infiltration of sociopaths into Occupy Wall Street drum circles. There’s a forum, rife with trolls and assholes and deleted posts; but there’s also legitimate debate there.  And surprisingly, it also seems to function as a kind of support group for people in emotional distress. 

You can even, I shit you not, order a Sociopath World t-shirt. 

So. ME is out there, fighting the good fight. He’s getting noticed (at least, his blog gets shitloads more comments than mine, not that that’s a high bar to clear in the wide webby world). He’s showing up on the occasional psych blogroll. So now, I’m going to sit back and see if the neurodiversity community is willing to pick up the torch.  If he is trying to kickstart the Vampire Rights League, though, I think he’s fighting an uphill battle.

Reading the comment section, there is a remarkable absence of people arguing that Aspies and Auties should not be lumped in with filthy, no-good sociopaths.  Instead we get things like: "When I first ran into I thought that’s what it was, evil trying to represent itself as less than totally harmful or at least as something not to be so rightly feared. I’m less sure, now, and we should probably all spend some time reading there."


  1. I feel like I'm reading a quoted blog post from 1999. It would have been amusing in the eyes of the child I was then.

    The worst part is, today's article was not posted with humorous intent.

    1. To be a tiny bit less of a dick, I get that it was selected because of the content it touched upon, but the nature of the post is juvenile.

    2. or maybe just the writing style

  2. There’s a forum, rife with trolls and assholes and deleted posts; but there’s also legitimate debate there.

    Those assholes and trolls, are also the same people that post legitimate debate. Like......are you fucking new ?

    1. are posts deleted here now?

    2. ah yes, by the posters who post through blogger et al themselves

  3. His book seemed really fascinating, but the way he writes on his blog is god-awful. He sounds like a teenager.

    Every time someone brings up the suggestion of people with autism or sociopathy being a 'sub-species' of human, I shudder a little bit. It's somehow dehumanizing, even though I'm certain he didn't intend it to be read that way. People trying to dehumanize people makes me feel ill.

    1. i demumanize and abuse my penis daily. i bet he thinks i'm a socio. but i love to shoot my meat-mayo all over my belly


    2. Sub-species. That just makes me laugh. People with PDs do not have an different genetic composition, just an altered cranial composition. The brain works a little differently but everything else is the same. I think the words he was looking for is 'labeled group' of people.

    3. Yeah, you'd think a biologist would know better, especially one that seems to have taken a special interest in sociopaths.

    4. To be fair, it does make sense that a biologist would use that term. 'Subspecies' isn't a qualitative term. It doesn't mean 'below human' or imply an inferior type of human. it's just a subdivision, a classification.

      Usually the term 'race' is used with regards to humans, but they pretty much mean the same thing.

    5. I know that it's not meant to suggest 'below human' or anything like that, but any time someone suggests that X group is different from the 'baseline' in some way, people use it as an excuse for persecution. Race is a great example of that. I feel a lot of personality disorders and other variants of the mental norm have managed to avoid this to a certain extent lately as psychology has advanced and become more prevalent, but I'm worried that if biologists do start to seriously think about classifying sociopaths, etc. as sub-species, things will take a downward turn. It's a little pessimistic, I know.

    6. Subdivision or alternative classification would have both been better words to use without the connotatively questionably implications.

    7. This presumes that one holds a merely biological view of speciation. I don't presume to know Peter's POV, but he does hint at a possibility for Lamarckian inheritance, something that I would agree with *through social rewiring*.

      That is, we cause physiological changes in our brains when we interact and create new memories, socialization, etc. These changes result in measurable changes in behavior, which can then change another...and so on. While biology can predispose or influence, it is not the firm dictator that we seem to think it is.

  4. "Subspecies" lol

    Must have struck a nerve.

  5. Do psychopaths get sadistic gratification by saying things to elicit a look of disgust from an empath? Just to see "that look on their face?"

    1. Some do, some don't.

      That's my final answer.

  6. Can't figure out what picture to use for my blog account. I think opinions are needed here.

  7. Kudos ME You deserve the recognition for a job well done.

  8. No comment as to who the assholes are lololol

    1. ** Looks around the room whistling **

    2. you aren't one of the true assholes. maybe they are talking about the overly serious ones who actually believe they are gods gift to humanity.

  9. I don't get what my reaction should be to this post. Is it bad, is it good? Either ME is managing to make his posts ambiguous regarding the actual effect it has on IT. Or my lack of interest to join a group is acting up. Or maybe I just don't understand the spirit of the situation. xd

    Can someone speak clearly whether it's a bad thing or a good thing that post of that guy?

    1. By the way I still don't get the difference between a narcissist and a sociopath. If the sociopath gets gratification only from physical things while the narc gets gratification from emotional/spiritual stuff too, then I must say, and you should agree, that a narc has advantages compared to a sociopath. If a sociopath is what I understand it is, then a sociopath lives a world without color. And surely you sociopaths must see the way empaths get happy and stuff even though you don't understand it, you have to be a little bit jealous. Cause the happiness a sociopath feels doesn't compare to the joy normal people seem to find. Yeah, it has it's disadvantages being normal, but the perks overcome them. And you can't say that what only matters is the objective reality, cause the subjective one has to have an impact on the overall happiness of a person.

      Think about it.

    2. Sociopaths don't need outside recognition to support their inflated sense of self. Their view of themselves is relatively self-sufficient thought he face they present may differ depending on their surroundings.

      Narcissists are at the core, extremely insecure in their sense of self. They live with an inflated sense of self but they also NEED others to feed into this ego sense in order to validate their delusions and maintain their sense of self worth.

      A sociopath needs noone, a narcissist needs everyone.

    3. Does a narcissist know he needs everyone or does he live in a lie just like with his inflated sense of self? Or does he think that he doesn't need anyone but still searches for the same gratification. I mean, you know what I mean. That kind of stupid individual that says he doesn't do something whilst in the act.

    4. "And surely you sociopaths must see the way empaths get happy and"......... don't give a shit quite frankly and think just how pathetic it must be to live that way.

      Understand now ?

    5. I think that's the point of a lot of ME's posts. He wants to generate discussion by posting articles that are ambiguous, inflammatory, controversial, or humorous. I do wish he would give his personal thoughts more often, seeing how he doesn't actively participate in the discussions. Ah well.

      Is it good or bad? That's for you to decide.

      I kind of feel the same 'pity' for sociopaths. When I first read about ASPD, all I could think was how sad the clinical definition made it sound. But after a lot of reading, I've tried to tone that pity down, because it's a little bit patronizing, even if in my mind I just want sociopaths to experience something I enjoy.

      I think it's like being born blind. I might pity someone who has never been able to see their family's faces, but they're perfectly happy. They might be curious about what it's like to see, but how can you miss something you've never had? They are able to experience the world in a completely unique way that's no better or worse than the way I experience it. Sometimes our dominant senses like sight overpower our other senses, like smell or hearing. They don't have sight taking up all of their attention, so they're able to appreciate those other senses all the more.

      Same for sociopaths. To me, they're missing out on something wonderful, but for them, they lack nothing. They're able to think with a clarity that I can't because one of my mental 'senses' are overpowering the others. If you've been here for a while, you'd have seen plenty of times where sociopaths express pity for us neurotypicals/empaths, actually. Are there times when they're jealous of our emotions? Maybe. I've certainly had times that I wish I could stop caring about others. But that'd be the exception rather than the rule.

      I think that people that want to completely and permanently change who they are suffer from depression or a crippling lack of self-worth. I know I don't want to be a sociopath and as you can see TCO doesn't want to be an empath.

    6. I think more often then not a narcisst lives in the lie. He doesn't think he needs anyone, but when someone presents him with the reality of a situation which is in contradiction to what he wants to believe, his world and self image shatters which is what causes them to lash out. They may not know it consciously, they're not so self-aware most of the time, but that's why they search for the gratification they do.

    7. I am what I am and that's all that I am.....and more.

      Toot Toot!

    8. Haven, you don't know what you're talking about. psychopaths ARE narcissists (grandiose sense of self worth) psychopathy is npd run amok. I'm a diagnosed psychopath and I can assure you that external approval is as important to psychopaths as it is to narcissists, because we are narcissists. Narcissism is at the core of psychopathy, aggressive narcissism.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Go back and read ME's post where he talks about the difference between being narcissistic and being a narcissist. There's a difference.

      To be NPD (a.k.a. a narcissist) you need to have more than just a grandiose sense of self. You can have narcissistic grandiose sense of self without being NPD though, while qualifying to be ASPD/Socio/Psycho

    12. Really Anon ?? You and I share something in common. Although I do have narc traits, I do not have NPD. How do you explain that one Dr ?

    13. Another Dexter fan that thinks psychopathy is one set of personality traits wrapped up together. You do understand ...Dexter... that most everyone here.... is a sociopath, psychopath etc. Who are you trying to kid?

    14. Detectives are given special instructions when dealing with a psychopath, to appeal to the psychopaths ego, because they won't respond if they feel you are talking down to them. Is that not external validation? Psychopaths are all about external validation, because their inside world is deserted and dead. Hence, so many crave power and prestige. You are so wrong, Haven.

    15. If there is no indication that the POI is psychopathic, then the investigator can look for emotional hooks that could be used with, for example, a barricaded individual, an apparently suicidal person, or in an interview. Those emotional hooks are often people who are precious to the individual (i.e., children). If the officer believes that the POI may be psychopathic it is unlikely that the usual emotional hooks will be effective. Police can, however, learn other techniques with a suspected psychopathic individual, including appeals to the individual‟s sense of importance and self-interest.

    16. Why are you asking it like a question Anon?

    17. "Ego Dominant. Psychopaths have a grossly inflated sense of self and are often opinionated and cocky in their presentation. They are quick to extol their attributes and accomplishments. The interviewer/negotiator strokes the ego in an effort to build rapport and bridge the communication gap."


    18. "Grandiose. The need to feel respected by someone who is respected allows the arresting officers or the undercover team to build up the interviewer as “the top dog” or “the boss”. This can set up a desire for the psychopath to want to relate to that individual."

      "Strives for Recognition. A narcissistic and grandiose individual wants to be seen as “solid guy.” The co-construction of a strategy that allows him or her to feel important and to have a degree of control should be the goal."

      "Abrasive & Derogatory. The charm that is often seen can vanish quickly if the psychopath perceives that it‟s not working. It can be replaced by an aggressive and abrasive personality that worked for them in the past. Staying professional and business-like will let investigators deflect the barrage and show the POI that they cannot be bullied."

    19. Psychopaths - No LoyaltyFebruary 2, 2012 at 9:10 AM

      No Loyalty. One of the things that differentiates the antisocial personality disordered (APD) individual from the psychopath is that the former can and often does have loyalty to a gang or deviant peer group. Psychopaths may fervently profess to having intense and everlasting loyalty to a group or code, when it becomes a choice between this loyalty and their own self-interest, there is no contest. For this reason psychopaths often make great informants. Caution must be exercised, however, as the psychopath‟s charm and manipulation can turn a rookie cop or an unsuspecting veteran inside out, with the result that he “works” the investigator. Another caution is to negotiators in the use by psychopaths of third party intermediaries. Having no true loyalty to another person, they may wish to speak to or for the intermediary for an ulterior motive.

    20. Haven, the best you could come up with was "Look what ME wrote about the differences" Admit that you're wrong. I gave you clinical studies from the experts, not opinions from a person who writes a controversial psychopath blog whom we "suspect" of being a psychopath. Get real, to say that psychopaths do not need external validation is vastly stupid.

    21. I thought you said you were a psychopath Anon. Which is it ?

    22. What do you mean? I was referring to M.E.

    23. It's hardly the best I could come up with, but as I actually have a job and don't have the time nor inclination to school you on personality disorders I'm going to continue on with my life and assume you have the ability to use google and any kind of higher reasoning. If not, no worries for me.

    24. Weak.. Stop behaving like a child and admit to being wrong.

    25. What 'clinical studies' or 'experts'? I didn't see anything.

      And are those quotes from Zwang's blog?

    26. Those facts are from Dr. Matt Logan. A forensic behavioral therapist.

    27. Sorry anon, but you are wrong. The npd and aspd may appear to be the same on the surface, but what really differentiates is the internal world. The narcissist has blunted empathy, but they are not devoid. Their self is a defense mechanism to prevent them from being hurt. The psychopath doesnt fear being hurt. They only 'fear' loss of freedom or sense of control.

      The detectives are trained to appeal to their narcissism (which is a component) because it is the most effective means of "disarming" them. It does not mean they have npd. Stop reading Vaknin.

    28. Those aren't from Vaknin. They are from my own experience. Those facts are stated by Hare's colleague. I rightfully claimed that psychopaths do need external validation, as do all ego driven individuals.

    29. lol at the empaths coming to rescue haven after she got ripped apart.

    30. Look at the emotions running high in the Anon! Does it bother you that your opinion means nothing in here ?

    31. Anon 9:37

      "I'm a diagnosed psychopath and I can assure you that external approval is as important to psychopaths as it is to narcissists, because we are narcissists. Narcissism is at the core of psychopathy, aggressive narcissism."

      Let me guess... that was a different anon right ?

    32. ::laughs:: @ Anon 1010 who thinks anything he says matters haha.

  10. Cheers M.E.! Isn't it funny to run into people that find your blog and write about you as if they don't realize you'll be able to find them?

    This has been happening to me more and more lately. People post my articles in BPD support forums. The latest hype was about whether or not I was an actual person and what people thought about my blog.

    I got reactions ranging from, " OMG, I read a little of this blog and I just wanted to slap this self-centered pwbpd. It must be hell to have all this stuff going on in the pwbpd head but that does not make it OK to take it out on other people. Me, me, me, me, me....." which makes me wonder if they actually read anything I write... to...

    "What I find striking about this is the level of insight and ability to articulate what is going on in the person's mind. I doubt that I could do that if I tried. My understanding of BPD is that the person who has it seldom realizes or admits to it. Here is someone who not only has an amazing awareness, but is also able to explain it so clearly. AND she is willing to go public with it, where most pwBPD cover up and hide their emotions. Then again.... Maybe this comes from long experience with therapy and research. Maybe she happens to be a gifted writer. But my first reaction to this was: is she for real?

    But yet it rings true. And although my D hasn't done everything this woman has done (yet) and doesn't have all the same traits, the thoughts and mental processes described here would explain every single thing my D has done to herself and her family over the last few years. It fits better than anything else I've read. It is enlightening, interesting, and thought provoking. I don't know if it will help, but I think I will keep following this blog just to see where it leads. "

    I have a morbid fascination with what people think about me, good or bad.

    1. I think bloggers often post with the knowledge that what they post will be found by the subject of its content and I bet this knowledge affects the post content itself. Anyone running a blog quickly becomes familiar with search engines and tracker logs like statcounter etc.

  11. Is someone allowed to comment here if they have been married to a sociopath for years but is not one?

    1. Comment at your own risk!

    2. Don't mind these guys, they have a hard shell but inside they are soft and puffy like a teddy bear.

    3. Don't listen to them Nicci!! they are all crazy as shit ! No joke!

    4. Bit of a crazy girl here too but just recently realized my ex of 15 years is a sociopath. If he's not then I'm a monkey's uncle as my Dad used to say. I did some research and he fits every single characteristic so of course I'm interested in it for my own sake and of course he would not accept the thought nor consider any sort of help. I'm not here to be a smart ass or pretend I know anything really about it but I do have my own diagnosis of another sort so I'm not a "sane" girl myself.
      Thanks for all the responses.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Everyone.

    Just a self question I guess. Hoping someone in here has a decent answer.

    Why do Ihave an uncontrollable desire to help people? Anyone even to my detriment ? I can not resist getting emotionally involved, and thus causes me potential problems for me ?


    1. Let me tell you exactly why you do things from nothing more than a statement that you do them.


      I'll take a shot in the dark from how your post is written. You worry that people will view you negatively, and you like the validation you get from helping them. It's amusing that you are asking why but not viewing it negatively.

    2. Yes those are true! I just find I do the same thing over and over, regardless. I have kids, and I don't want to put them in harms way.

    3. I just can't help but to step in, I stick my nose in everywhere when I think someone is being wronged. I do know I am right.

    4. It's a way for you to avoid dealing with yourself.

    5. Little bit of a Narc by the sounds of it ;)

    6. You were probably neglected or abandoned at some point. You've developed a self-sacrificing coping mechanism in order to get your needs met that has clearly become maladaptive.

    7. Mɵᴅʊsa, MHM

      Those comments do make sense to me. Interesting, as I never viewed it like that before really. Thanks for the different view point.

    8. Very intersting opinion Haven. I wasn't neglected or abandoned, but the rest seems to make sense!!. Not sure how?

    9. I guess I should have mentioned, both my parents were great. I was taken care of as a kid big time. Both parents are Italian Catholic.

    10. Both my parents were great and they still managed to screw me up in ways I hadn't expected. At least contribute.

      Do you feel if you don't give of yourself completely then you won't be worthy of the love those around you give?

    11. If they are Italian anything then they are neurotic and overbearing.

    12. Catholic. Nuff said.

    13. it could be about control. you can dominate someone by establishing yourself as the helper in the relationship.

    14. Do you try to help those that cannot be helped? Do you lose interest in those people if and or when you are able to help? Is it to make yourself look good? Is it to just feel useful? If they can't be helped then its just a long grueling journey of self destruction. If you do help and then lose interest then you never really wanted to help. You just needed a drama fix. Helping also draws attention and makes you look like a good guy also filled with drama.

  14. World’s Most Evill Marriage To Join Cannibal, Vampire

    Ms. Gustafsson is keeping her nickname, "Blood-Sucking Murderess." In her capacity as a vampire, she most famously stabbed single father Daniel Stenman to death, drank his blood, and took a picture in which she held a knife and power saw and in which his vital fluids dripped from her lips. She is currently pursuing a certification in sanity as part of the indefinite psychiatric treatment she in enrolled in. She was previously working toward an automatic life sentence.

    The bridegroom Mr. Jonsson, aka "Human Flesh Eater," came to prominence after slitting the throat of then-girlfriend Helle Christensen, a mother of five. After decapitating her, Jonsson proceeded to eat her flesh. He, too, is enrolled in indefinite psychiatric treatment.

    1. "Mitt Romney could not be reached for comment on whether this will sully the sacred institution of heterosexual marriage."


  15. You may not know this about me but I am the perfect host. An extraordinary cook. A dynamo when entertaining my friends. I give till it hurts, and then I give some more.

    1. You might also find it fascinating that when I see an animal in pain, I can feel pain in the exact location of the injury, on my own body. Usually I've already dreamt about said animal the night before. Animals are drawn to my natural ability to sense their secret needs. I was once a beautiful white rabbit.

    2. Mmmmmm BBQ wabbit !

  16. I said Goddamn I'm having a fucking brilliant day!
    I'm getting 5k or more on my tax refund, even though I paid 0 dollars in taxes... and I just found out my lunatic sister has been thrown in the mental hospital!

    Fuck my noon clients... I'm going to Happy Hour!

    1. Woot sounds like a good day indeed!

    2. If only you knew. Come have a drink with me...

    3. I would love to! It'll have to wait until after Therapy tonight though. She would frown on me showing up drunk.

    4. Tell her that she may consider that drunk you, needs just as much help as sober you. :D

    5. This is a valid argument. The arrest due to DUI me will certainly be demonstrating the cry for help effectively.

    6. I believe so. Stick with me kid... we'll get you to hell more efficiently, than the the road you've been taking. ;p

  17. how was your dinner, haven?

    1. It was absolutely fantastic frankfurt. Food was delicious, wine was never ending, and my company was charming. Thank you for asking =)

  18. you are welcome, haven. you are quite a lady.

  19. Goodness gracious.....this new layout is

    In other news the man I attempted killing a while ago has lost his house and wife, and his children disowned him. Good times. I should finish off the job though...

    1. Dont do that. His suffering will end if you do. Leave him to wallow in his predicament.

    2. sarah, you are a meanie. be like haven.

    3. So you vote for murder, frank?

    4. my name is frankfurt madam

    5. only my friends like haven can call me a personal name like frank f

    6. ::hugs:: haven

  20. Psychopathy: Sometimes it's obvious..

    1. A pedo collecting wank material is not exactly a psychopath qualification. The full story makes it even less likely.

    2. He was collecting a trophy of the young girl he murdered. It wasn't his first victim. He re offended after assaulting a previous eight year old girl. He's a psychopath, no doubt.

    3. "The full story makes it even less likely"

      Assaulting, raping and murdering little girls makes it less likely lawl. How so?

    4. First, he is a pedo. He assaulted one little girl and didn't kill her. After he was free he randomly swiped this little girl, did his thing, and then killed her. In prison he collected pictures of children, and he also clipped out news articles about a large moment in his life.

      I'm not seeing the psychopath part.

    5. ..................

    6. Psychopath is not a generic label to throw out for anyone you can't relate to.

    7. And when did I say that I couldn't relate to him?

    8. I can't relate to pedos. He clearly found children arousing, and that does not register at all for me. It's one of the only things I see as objectively wrong. It doesn't stir up emotion or anything, but anything related to it registers in my head as "Children are not for that".

    9. Why is it "wrong"? We aren't talking about you here. A man who can kill and rape little girls, then mislead the police and not feel guilt for any of his actions, qualifies as a psychopath in my book. What can you relate to?

    10. Again, raping little girls has a lot to do with his sexual preference and other factors. He obviously killed her so she wouldn't tell people, because that's what landed him in jail the first time. There's plenty of non-psychopaths who kill people in a charged situation, and there's plenty of pedos who have done the same and don't fall anywhere near the ASPD umbrella.

      There's no reason to aid law enforcement if you are a suspect, whether you have committed a crime or not. It's never in your best interest. Talk to a lawyer and say nothing. He didn't even consider that law enforcement would knock on his registered-sex-offender door a few kilos away when a little girl goes missing.

      If you want to see someone who raped and killed children due to being a psychopath/sociopath rather than a pedophile, look at someone like Panzram.

    11. Okay, we found out who you can relate to, Panzram is your man. It's a pity you picked one of the lamest unknown killers of them all. Panzram was an impulsive mess, probably borderline. He killed due to anger problems, unlike a psychopathic serial killer motivated by fantasy and sadism. I think that's why you can relate to Panzram, because as messed up as he was, he was still the most humane serial murderer. Also, he wasn't narcissistic, which makes him even lamer and probably why you can relate more.

    12. I didn't say I relate to him. He was just the first person who had raped and murdered a child without it being particularly sexual that jumped to mind.

      I relate to him not particularly caring that he was about to die and maybe his playful words.

    13. You are a psychopath with a strict moral code?

    14. I'm a person who posts on an internet blog.

  21. Can a person have ASPD, be a sociopath with bi polar, and two personalities ?? Possible ??

    1. Sure why the fuck not. You can be whatever you want in your own mind.

  22. Yes. It's called being a covert beeper *bows and curtsies*

  23. Bella when exactly does your grandiosity begin and end? Early Spring to Fall?

  24. ME can we execute this bitch?

  25. Why do you need to ask?


  27. So many people claim to hate me. I know this can't be true. I am the nicest person I know. Envy is everywhere I look.

  28. Raven I'm beyond ready for that drink now!

    1. and why is that love?

    2. Therapy was really hard, really hard. Therapist was really angry, and not at me! Also, Tech Boy just made reference to potential "girlfriend" status. official. WTF?!? my life is ridiculous.

    3. Only because you see it that way. How complicated can it really be though, Haven?

      And by the way... you're therapist shouldn't be displaying extreme emotions during sessions. Did Therapist forget to take her Valium?

      How easy is it to stress you out?

    4. My Therapist doesn't really get worked up EXTREME angry, but she was decidedly firm in her opinions tonight and indignantly outraged that Friend is such a dick.

      How easy is it to stress me out? Hahaha, you're kidding right? When it comes to people I care about and anything that I"m emotionally attached to? Being stressed out is like a pre-req.

      I'm really pretty ok about the Tech Boy thing. He's be surprising me on a pretty consistent basis lately. And in a good way. It was just, kind of a shocker to hear from him.

      It's just been like, one thing here, another thing here, another thing from this direction, and oh yeah this thing you never saw coming? Toss a couple of those onto the pile too. I just want things to be simple.

    5. Simple? No you don't. If you wanted that, you wouldn't keep finding a way to warp things until they are a puzzle.

      And anyway... I saw you going in this direction with Tech Boy from the beginning. You've been making a big deal out of everything he does this whole time. So he's giving you what you already wanted.

      Conquest completed. :)

    6. ::laughs:: I think conceptually I like the idea of what 'simple' represents. But yeah, I'd probably get bored out of my skull in approximately 3 minutes and burn down my neighborhood.

      Oh Tech Boy. Me: "I'm strong-willed, opinionated, with something of a fuck the norms attitude, not exactly the stuff dreams of the lady-like are made of."
      Him: "Yeah, you're not like every other girl. That's why I like you."

      ::sigh:: I never have any clue what I want from guys. I wish there was a fast forward sneak pre-view button so I could see ahead and be less of a nutjub. There's so many little mindfuck games that drive me battier than I already am.

    7. My stalker was silent for a week or so. Now she's back at it. Wanting to know when I'm going to stop playing hard to get...

      Some complications are real, Haven. They are clear in their threat to our quality of life. This woman could very well be the killing kind... Murder from passion, could be on her list of ways to make me understand just how far she's willing to go.

      But I'm not stressed.

      I'll start stressing the moment she shows up at my front door, with a gun.

    8. That's a good point. Hm.

      I'm an idiot. Get rid of the asshat. Enjoy the hot sex and appreciative guy. That shouldn't be too difficult. Right?

    9. You tell me?
      What's so hard about it if that's what you're ready for? People only ask the questions when they want to control the outcome.

    10. What I know and what I feel are always at odds. How I feel is more forceful though what I know makes approximately a million times more sense.

      Emotionally I'm rarely 'ready' for anything. It's so much easier for me to act impulsively and deal with the resulting feelings after. This isn't technically "healthy" though.

    11. Knowledge and Feeling. Two very different things that share a common purpose. If things were simple (your claimed desire) then feelings would alone suffice. But things are not simple... so knowledge can assist. They work together for a favorable outcome as long as what you want is really what you need.

      But you have to know for sure what that is, don't you? And in youth we never really know these things. That's why they say that youth is wasted on the young. All that marvelous energy squandered on trying to figure out all the shit that matters the least.

    12. Who would stalk you Raven? She must be mental.

  29. On paper, sociopaths and narcissists sound similar. In person, the difference is pretty substantial. There's also subtypes to consider. When you talk about living the lie, fanatic Narcissists take the cake is the subsections.

    1. TNP! That's the point I was trying to make earlier, but I didn't have the patience to really get into it.

    2. I always thought the subtypes were a joke. Paranoid subtype, fanatical subtype.. Pd's can be any of those at different times.


    4. I love to be obsessed. It feels awesome.

    5. I'm obsessed with someone too. Can you tell?

  30. I have a million dollar head and a nickel heart.

  31. I have nothing and everything. i should probably kill myself. I can't go on too many more years like this. I'd never kill myself, but I should. No one knows how bad it is but this blog.

    1. David? I hope so... ;)

    2. I hate myself but I have always known it. I have told some people. And they tell me how absolutely ridiculous it is because I have everything going for me. But I can't escape from myself. I'm not suicidal, just a miserable person on the inside. On the outside I'm very shiny. it is an act.

    3. So is this. From what I can tell.

    4. What. Tell me what you think you can tell.

    5. That you're putting on some kind of an act. Either that.. or you're over-dramatizing the truth about yourself. Why would you come to a site like this with your vulnerabilities? It makes no sense.

    6. No I act ok here but I'm not. I really shouldn't be here. I got used to it though. My upbringing caused me to respond favorably to being around hostile people. It's the most stupid thing.

    7. What are you after in this conversation?

    8. Detective Raven on the CASE

    9. An ear, attention? I thought about whether I wanted abuse, but I don't think so. Maybe I just want to tell someone. I guess that's what. It's complicated. Idk. I look for people who are harsh to make me feel better? See that really sounds like I want abuse, I know. But I really need love and you're very right, this is not the way to go lol.

    10. I said it wasn't the way to go? Oh... right. I said that.

    11. You seek abuse, Sweetheart, because it is what you know. People do it, unconsciously. You don't have to be ashamed of it. Everyone does it, but few admit it. It takes courage to admit it.

    12. What is your personal definition of abuse, David's fan club?

  32. I understand everything. Nothing escapes my attention ever. I am the one everyone trusts with their secrets. I am the only one who really listens. I never speak out of turn.

  33. Same old same old here it seems.

    1. Really? Cuz I think the layout changed just a smidgen...

  34. that's true, I was referring mostly to the content and discussion, but yes now people can reply to individual posts and the posting area is different

    1. damn i didn't post right, i feel like such a noob

    2. Give us a song for old time sake, aspie.

    3. well, I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment but here is one:


  35. Helps I'm bleeding and I can't get upFebruary 2, 2012 at 9:15 PM

    The most common sources of xenoestrogens include:

    a. Commercially-Raised Animal Products:
    b. Plastics & Canned Goods (many have plastic lining)
    c. Personal Care Products (makeup, lotion, & perfumes)
    d. Oral Contraceptives
    e. Pharmaceutical medications
    f. Food Additives & preservatives
    g. Styrofoam products
    h. Laundry & Dishwashing detergents
    i. Household cleaners & air fresheners
    j. Pesticides & Herbicides

    To prevent or eliminate fibroid tumors it is essential that a woman minimize her exposure to xenoestrogens. Additionally, she must reduce her intake of sugar, caffeine, vegetable oil, hydrogenated oil, alcohol, & prescription/OTC medications which all have powerful estrogenic effects. Elevated stress must be dealt with since it wears out the adrenals and leads to impaired production of progesterone.
    To effectively stabilize estrogen/progesterone levels one should consume a diet rich in vegetables of all kinds, sprouts, berries, grapefruits, free-range & grass-fed meats, coconut, avocado, lemon, & extra-virgin olive oil. This diet should be low carbohydrate, moderate protein and moderate fat. This will stabilize the blood sugar and help the body burn through fat stores and detoxify estrogen more effectively. Cruciferous vegetables are preferred due to their high content of Indole-3-Carbonyl which powerfully enhances estrogen metabolism and detoxification.

    It is critical to take a high quality omega 3 supplement with over 1.5 grams per serving of EPA & DHA. Borage & Evening primrose oil are rich in GLA which is important for hormone function. Additionally, liver cleansing herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, & turmeric should be used daily to support estrogen metabolism and detoxification. Drink a gallon of clean water with fresh squeezed lemon daily to boost anti-oxidants and remove wastes from the body.

  36. the serious reduction of alcohol and esp caffeine (and sugar though this will usually follow with from reducing the first two with their appetite stimulating properties) along with keeping a food diary to suss out individual intolerances should be enough to clear many issues, you don't need some crap easily made rancid oil or heavy use of crucifers which negatively affect the thyroid or heavy use of water which causes sodium and potassium issues, start with the poisons, often, it is enough

  37. I would sooner kill myself than give up my make up, lotions, or perfume.

    1. "...xenoestrogens interrupt gonadal configuration causing complete or partial sex reversal. Sperm concentrations and motility perimeters are reduced in male fish exposed to xenoestrogens in addition to disrupt stages of spermatogenesis. Moreover, xenoestrogens have been leading to vast amounts of intersex in fish. For example, one study indicates the numbers of intersex in white sucker fish to be equal to the number of males in the population downstream of a waste water treatment plant. No intersex members were found upstream from the plant."

      So I think your plan is good, keeping using that crap and we can finally get rid of all the men!

    2. I had an ovaric cyst once that vanished. Someone told me to read Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization and I would imagine all the good nutrients going to it, and all the toxins going away, and all the fresh new young cells replacing the old.

  38. Haven, I gotta say, your last three tweets taken together is like the epitome of the BPD thought process.

  39. Happy Birthday, Haven!


  41. I don't like this new posting format... it's tedious scrollin up through hundreds of posts to see who's replied to what. The posting window and profile selection process itself is better imo but this replying to individual posts i think kills the flow and sucks because this is a high volume blog comment section area (not a forum) and even just reading a linear line of posts is difficult, forget about each one (possibly) having it's own thread, but that's just my opinion, good luck with it!

    1. You get kind of used to it.

      I recommend just scrolling up a little to recent things you think will have an active conversation. There's no point in checking every comment for new replies.

    2. I agree you don't have to check every comment for replies but that is not really the issue.. it's when you post in threads with comments growing that these threads can become separated far apart with lots of scrolling required. Sometimes the active conversations are all over the place. But i guess one can become use to anything if it is worth it.

    3. I should say, the interesting active conversations.

    4. aspie, you have good tunes.

    5. thank you anonymous

  42. Iguanas have 2 penises. One can break off in the female if there's a disaster while having sex, like if there is a predator and he needs to dick and dash.

  43. google image search "bifurcated penis"

  44. I saw that human one sliced in half the long way. wtf?



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