
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fan mail (part 3)

From a reader:

How refreshing and incredibly relieving it is to see someone whose brain works in a similar fashion to mine. While a world in which I didn't have to remember to blink and frown when someone is crying would be ideal, it is enough to know that there are others who are out there calculation, analyzing, and interesting every day of their lives. If you're ever in [my area], it would be my pleasure to shake your hand and discuss the general world. You do a great service by presenting a thoughtful and accurate public face for sociopaths.


  1. When I read this letter it brought up the topic of whether what we call a "sociopath" has degrees versus is a discrete entity. I think it can be graphed on the Bell Curve. Hence, I think it has differences in degree. This letter seemed to imply it was all the same. It does not seem that way to me. What do you think?

  2. still at that point of the discussion, Monica? We passed that a while back, did we not?

  3. Sociopathy is not on a bell curve. That doesn't even make any sense.

    You either have empathy or you don't. You either have a conscience or you don't. It's not like, "Oh, I have 43% empathy and 13% conscience, how about you?"

    Last I checked, the PCL-R doesn't allow for "grades" of sociopathy. Either your score is over 30, or it isn't. And it's not like going from 0-30 is like some kind of ramp up. Like if you scored a 25, despite the fact that this scores shows that you likely have some psychopathic traits you can't say you are a 'low-grade sociopath' or some shit, or that you are on the 'spectrum'.

    Sociopathy represents a point on a spectrum, it's not a spectrum in itself.

    1. Have you EVER heard of thinking outside of the box? I specialize in this he he

    2. Have you EVER heard of realizing that you are not anywhere near more qualified than Dr. Hare to define sociopathy?

      You can't just make up your own definitions willy nilly, to suit your own fatal optimism.

    3. Dr Hare is a person and a scientist. I accept that but that does not make him God. People thought the world was flat. They hated people who said it was not. Such is the nature of science. Think outta the box. You are sociopaths, are you not?

    4. Sociopaths think far outside the box, narcissists think deep inside it.

    5. The "nature of science" is most certainly not speculation, opinions, religious dogma, or a layman's unqualified 'insights'.

      Science is based on fact.

      What you are doing is the opposite of science. Nor are you "thinking outside the box", you are daydreaming about how you wish the world would be.

    6. Science is a banner that is based on human interpretation of "facts".

    7. why couldn't you have some empathy? like some vision, some hearing, some sadness, some thinking? why would empathy be the only thing that we either have or don't but everything else is a spectrum?

    8. THANK YOU ZOE. Raises hands in thanksgiving

    9. i think this poster is defining sociopathy as an extreme of a lack of E/C... an absolute absense... perhaps like hearing impaiment vs deafness... though i guess there are levels of deafness even still? perhaps it's a mix of a lack of E and C he refers too as well as other factors, a mix that doesn't happen together evenly normally or often

    10. Yes aspie, that's pretty much what I'm saying.

      And yes, science is a human interpretation of facts, but you still need to have the facts first in order to interpret them.

      But my main problem is with Monica thinking that she is Galileo. Galileo had facts to back up his "thinking outside the box" but the Church didn't like him fucking with their worldview.

      You aren't a genius Monica, not even close. Your "thinking outside the box" is nothing more than daydreaming based on nothing but yourself.

    11. Sociopathy is a point on a spectrum, but that point itself has a spectrum.

      But that point-spectrum doesn't include all of mankind. Only sociopaths.

    12. is blindness a point on a spectrum too? many people who are legally blind have some vision (pardon the analogy). then there are those who have absolutely none. but depending on how you define legally blind, it could be viewed as a point on a spectrum. but it's not.

      with respect to sociopathy, there have been a number of sources stating that some sociopaths have empathy for family members. how can it be a spectrum then?

    13. or rather... how can it NOT be a spectrum then?


  4. Quit trying to understand sociopaths, Monica. You're never going to get it and you're just widening your own internal abyss trying to.

    And from what I hear, it's staring back at you...

    Lest ye become a monster, Monica.

    1. Lol It is Eden again ho hum *yawn*

    2. "Eden" = anything that disagrees with Monica's ideas.

      "I don't agree, or I don't like it, therefore it must be dismissed, and what easier way to do that than to assume it's Eden because Eden is evil therefore nothing that I conveniently assume is Eden is not to be heeded, because evil is not to be heeded."


    3. Attention: There is a new name for Horses Ass. That name is Eden he he

    4. It's not me you stupid cow. If I have something to say to you Monica, I'll say it as myself. You're a lunatic, you know that? It seems like every time I skim the comments section, your yapping about me, and I don't even comment in this section anymore.
      You're boring to me now. Old news, and bad meat.

      Obviously I'm not the only one who can't stand reading your repetitive brain farts. It's just easier for you to believe that only one person here, hates you. Sadly, no one likes you here, and no matter how much you suck on ME's wiener... he doesn't like you either.

      Why don't you get off that bony ass of yours, and get out of your house for a change. Your brain is beginning to rot, ya goddamn shut-in.

    5. What's up, Monica? Got nothing to say to me now that I'm actually here?

    6. "Eden" is actually code for "I know anon is right and/or I'm too dim to actually respond to the points being made so I go for the easy way out."

      Give something a name and you relieve yourself of the responsibility of questioning what it is that's being named.

    7. Oh, I know she ducts out of any debate involving reality. I know she uses me as an excuse to do so. She also has herself convinced that anyone who would attack her here, has to be me, at the same time. I think she's hoping that like her, I have no life whatsoever, and the what life I do have revolves around her.

      No one cares about you Monica. More than half the time you're in here all alone, making sock puppets of yourself. If you were interesting at all, the regulars would still be chatting you up, without you having to say something idiotic first, or commenting (as I am), because you're obsessed with saying their name every day.

    8. That should have been *ducks

    9. I was out in pubic and I died laughing reading your comments.

    10. And there she is, true to form.

      If the "Eden" defense doesn't work, then the "LOL LOL he he he" will, eh?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I copied Eden's comment and sent it to a friend. He said" Jeez, where do you find these people? LMAO

    1. False. You do not have any friends.

  7. Question - how would a sociopath respond to someone getting in your face?
    Like telling you they need you to do something, or that you're doing something wrong? AKA a parent, or a friend.
    Would you hurt them? Ignore them? "Do" the thing to please them, so they're in your claws later on?
    Also if you weren't doing it, for whatever reason, would their nagging/yelling bother you intensely - not necessarily annoy, I'm sure it would do that.. But if let's say they called you 'lazy,' would you ruminate on their comment in anger and perplexity ("why would they say that? I'm not ___")

    tl;dr what's a sociopathic response to someone yelling at them
    just curious. for science; etc.

    1. Martin Michael PlunkettMarch 3, 2012 at 9:56 PM

      Yelling is a sign the other has lost control an opportunity to get everything ye want from them while only doing that one thing they're after I know it sounds manipulative...How mad can they get if they're your friend they'll forgive you, if it's your parent they're stuck with ye haha.

    2. When people yell at me, I am confused first and foremost. Bursts of strong emotion take me completely by surprise, and it takes a second or two for me to regain my wits. After that brief moment, my brain immediately kicks into high gear to analyze the situation: Why are they yelling? What are they saying? Have I done something deliberately to harm them recently or ever? Have I done something they could indirectly assume as harming them?
      When someone calls me out, manages to look past my charming and pleasant mask and react negatively, it puts me into a very cruel and cold state of mind. It constitutes a threat of the highest order, a threat to my carefully maintained persona, and I treat it as such.
      If I decide it is my best interest to passively accept whatever retribution/apology they demand, I do so with the utmost affected sincerity. If I can ignore it, I do, and their subsequent nagging is a mere minor irritation. In the rare occasion that continued contact/antagonizing on their part could compromise my peace, I strike back. I use everything I've learned about their insecurities, their weaknesses, their fears, and I break them. I hurt them so deeply and thoroughly that they are either frightened away entirely or too cowed to ever attack me again. I take great, great pleasure in doing so--oftentimes, to preserve my peaceful existence in the public eye, I have to hold back. It feels good to break others. Very good.

  8. Do other sociopaths feel similarly to the reader? Do/did you feel relieved to know that there are others like you? Do you think that M.E. does a great service presenting a thoughtful and accurate public face for sociopaths?

    1. I think it's always suspect when people come here, read some stuff, and have some sort of "lightbulb" moment, and then praise M.E. for it.

    2. Good point. I notice M.E. has been very short with his last two readers in terms of not much feedback. I guess that says something too.

  9. This place has too many reply buttons.


    1. That is very calming music. TY aspie.

    2. you're welcome anonymous

  10. hello sw from frankfurt f

  11. Hey M.E... Have you heard of the boxer Dereck Chisora? He recently fought Vitali Kitschsko, he ended up slapping him and also spitting water on his brother, Wladimir Klitschko (both of these guys are heavyweight champions of the world). Many people think Chisora is a genuine sociopath/psychopath. Might want to look at that.

  12. You write eloquently, arrogantly extrapolating that you and those with similar irresponsible and reprehensipble personality deficits and brain damage are somehow special. I'll just bet that your favorite movie is silece of the Lambs. The truth about you, and those like you is that you are lazy, self centered, brain damaged and remarkably evil creatures wearing human skin. We should all hunt you down and put you on an island to kill each other. You are not special, nor are you even remarkable. You make it sound as though you have so much more complicated matters we "normals" would not grasp. News flash asshole...we do not grasp because we are not assholes. End.


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