
Monday, April 9, 2012


A reader sent me this interesting article discussing how most of the individuals diagnosed with "antisocial" disorders, including oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, anxiety disorder, also happen to be anti-authoritarian.  The argument the author makes is essentially that the psychology professionals doing the diagnosing may overly value submissive attitudes based on their own path towards becoming credentialed:

Gaining acceptance into graduate school or medical school and achieving a PhD or MD and becoming a psychologist or psychiatrist means jumping through many hoops, all of which require much behavioral and attentional compliance to authorities, even to those authorities that one lacks respect for. The selection and socialization of mental health professionals tends to breed out many anti-authoritarians. Having steered the higher-education terrain for a decade of my life, I know that degrees and credentials are primarily badges of compliance. Those with extended schooling have lived for many years in a world where one routinely conforms to the demands of authorities. Thus for many MDs and PhDs, people different from them who reject this attentional and behavioral compliance appear to be from another world—a diagnosable one.

I have found that most psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals are not only extraordinarily compliant with authorities but also unaware of the magnitude of their obedience. And it also has become clear to me that the anti-authoritarianism of their patients creates enormous anxiety for these professionals, and their anxiety fuels diagnoses and treatments.

I agree completely about the credentialing process.  I have even noticed the slightest tendency amongst sociopaths to sort of reify credentials into something that actually means something.  I don't know why they do this.  Maybe for the same reason I follow traffic laws?  It's just often easier to follow things that you may or may not understand...?

The only F word that I would hate to be called is fascist.


  1. I'm a malignant narcissist. I hate rules and authority figures, although if I was running the show, you can bet I'd enforce them with the cruelty of Lazar Moisievich Kaganovich.

    I'm pretty sure I'd scare the therapist crowd, if I could stand to be on the couch. I've just got such murderous and cruel impulses.

    I'm grandiose (and capable) enough that I don't respect credentials, especially if there's a "technical" issue that concerns me. Becuase before I go in to talk to the doctor, lawyer or other professional expert about my problem, I'll study up on it. I've met lawyers and cited case law in reference to my issues, which definitely took them by surprise.

    I'm OK with being labeled fascist. Once I was on a team, and we got to punish people, and say I was just following orders. I loved doing that. Ego-syntonic aggression is so ridiculously fun.

    1. I have to fight a summons soon. The cop wouldn't or couldn't show me a badge when questioning me. I asked nicely twice.

      He proceeded to get angry with my fear because I do not trust cops without ID at 130 AM in a secluded area. He decided to have a little fun with me and showed me his cuffs asking "Is this enough ID for you" Then he said he'd have let me go had I not given him a hard time. He never did show his badge.

      Then he tells me how I should fight it in court and he may or may not be there.

      What I'd like to do is get this guy fired (or have someone hold a knife to his throat at 1 AM in a secluded area.) But he has my address and he looked like a drunk nutjob. I can smell a sadistic, rapist type.

      What I'm told by other cops is that in order to preserve his record, he had to give the summons because this gives him the opportunity to up my charge and "defend" himself. So I get this. He felt threatened. -He actually blamed me for making him give it to me. He never showed his badge.

      It's a lot of money I can't afford, but I can live with it if I don't win. What I can't live with, is if I have to pay the fine AND let this fucker go without lodging a complaint against him. But I'm scared of him. He has my address.


    2. Knife to the throat at 1 AM.

    3. That's what I'm thinking. THanks!

    4. Read the "Hagakure".

      Then be like a samurai; accept your inevitable death. Decide that you want to die with honor. Live the rest of your life accordingly.

    5. I'm OK with being labeled fascist. Once I was on a team, and we got to punish people, and say I was just following orders. I loved doing that. Ego-syntonic aggression is so ridiculously fun.

      syn-tonic. i learned a new word today. thanks narcissist.


    6. It's a lot of money I can't afford, but I can live with it if I don't win. What I can't live with, is if I have to pay the fine AND let this fucker go without lodging a complaint against him. But I'm scared of him. He has my address.


      let it go

    7. Yeah, I guess. Waste of energy not to. :)

    8. Zoe: The only reason I am mentioning this is because I keep seeing it.
      Instead of taking space to quote an above statement or continuously chiming in with what are essentially empty statements on many blogs… in order for you to feel purposeful/"part of the club" maybe add a humorous and meaningful remark too, or simply put "^lol" and leave it (if you MUST be included) ... or! go on where people enjoy the simple repeated jokes from people that don't (…not can’t) truly think for themselves.
      Basically: filler comments are a waste and are not appreciated on here because (surprise) they are recognized as a waste.
      This is overall a refreshing site for me because I get to see writing from people of actual value in the sense that they, well, are realistic. .......I mean how often do you encounter people that would agree with that reader's entree about the "shame/sociopath thing" in an instant and how many people do you encounter that needlessly repeat the funny/mean things they hear about?
      Grow out of high school then come back.
      Again, the ONLY reason I bothered was because you repeatedly take space and other’s time. I hope that the others that do what you do see this too and learn to be …significant. And if not, then go to the mall to gossip and shop etc.
      Anyways, the reason there is redundancy is so you don’t miss the point. YES often you are distracted by simple side things rather than focusing on the point (…which should be the simple thing considering it is the topic) …which is unfortunate, but normal. ---Believe it or not …I hope to see you improve so take my time I gave to you as a compliment and with that please focus on the MAIN point, because anything you have to say beside it is, well, beside it and I don’t really care UNLESS what you offer/say is constructive – but in this case I don’t see that possibility.
      Point is: stop the consistent filler crap here… go on Facebook.

  2. i'm not pro or contra what ever fits my needs

    1. some can be charmed (allies) some must be dominated some distroyed

  3. oppositional defiant disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder are made up so they dont have to diagnose kids with adhd and add if they realy know they have somthing more sevear (like aspd but cannot be diagnosed with untill 18)

  4. i was born with out tears and i'll die with out regret

  5. Given that "fascist" is used in the same way that "sociopath" and "psychopath" are, by people that have no clue with the word entails I could care less if anyone calls me a fascist.

  6. I just noticed that Zhawq's latest blog post is authored by Puzelle. I wonder what finally prompted that admission. The lulz!

    1. If you google Puzelle you don't find anything anymore.

    2. Peeple who make fun of other people have low self esteem

    3. What about mimicking?

  7. I know plenty of well-educated people who are very suspicious and/or resentful of authority. I think less educated people are more likely to love authority, not less. People who are incapable of doing their own research often rely on authorities to do it for them.

    Having a knee-jerk angry reaction to being controlled is not the same thing as having a philosophical repulsion to authoritarianism.

    1. I'm reminded of Medusa's roommate.

      If you're fucked up and incorrectly perceive lots of people as authorities and you hate them, won't you feel unnecessarily victimized?

    2. Or unnecessarily paranoid.

    3. They're the same thing. They both put you where you feel cornered or powerless. I don't give a shit what people say. I'll make my decisons based on all the information I can gather and then and only then will I deem a person worthy of my respect. Otherwise they can fuck themselves.

      SW, oh SW, my authority figure, do I have Oppositional Defiance Disorder lol?

    4. My Mingya questions my authority all day long. HTat's the highlight of her existence. Them she licks the peanut butter out of my mouth. What is her diagnosis?

  8. trusting somone(/thing) is all about know the motevation
    (everyone has an agenda)

    1. would u like 2 take another shot at saying what u mean?

    2. would u like 2 take another shot at saying what u mean?

    3. What I meant to say was:

      When you're clear about what the other wants, you can choose to trust them, especially if you conclude their agenda takes no skin off your back.

  9. It makes logical sense to be a libertarian. First, in my heart of hearts i know that the chances of me ruling the world is not high. I also know that anyone who has that much power would seek to get rid of all competition that means other ps types. Call it hedging my bets. I would rather have a system where sheep is allocated by merit via the free market than by someone's whim.

  10. i used to live in a street where there was a building that was essentially like a nursing home. beside the main doorway there was a large sign saying "do not park in front of this doorway". there were no road markings and it was a public road. i always parked there. if it had said "please don't park in front of this doorway in case ambulance access is required" then i would only have parked there if nowhere else were free.

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