
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Narcissists vs. Sociopaths (part 1)

A narcissist writes about the differences between sociopaths and narcissists, from a narcissist's perspective:

In "The Sociopath Next Door", Martha Stout describes several varieties of "sociopaths". They have the following traits - let's call the people with these traits sociopaths:

almost no affect (very shallow emotions) - with compensatory faking of emotion to fit in
selfish & manipulative
don't bond with other humans
think they are awesome
treat life like a game (don't take their own lies too seriously)

Some sociopaths have ASPD traits too. So in addition to the "sociopath" traits listed above, they:
take offense easily
love retaliating
are impulsive
tell stupid lies
they don't fear punishment, so they tend to get in trouble repeatedly
don't take criticism from others personally
are glib and superficially charming

In one sense, sociopaths are like selfish, immoral robots (cool and rational). The sociopaths with ASPD traits are hotheads.

Some people assume that if someone behaves immorally and without concern for the welfare of others, he fits the above pattern. That's too simple. There are some very low empathy people with a different pattern. We'll call them narcissists.

have shallow emotions
are relatively unaware of their emotions and thoughts
are full of shame and controlled by it (but mostly unaware of it)
believe their own lies
are selfish and manipulative
fantasize of being rich, attractive and powerful (but may be relatively unaware of this)
love to hear positive things about themselves
deep down, dislike themselves tremendously
deceive themselves about their strengths and weaknesses
create a false "self" and spend a lot of effort getting people to admire it
are hypersensitive to criticism
don't make realistic plans
are glib and superficially charming

Some narcissists have ASPD traits too (take offense easily, love to retaliate, are impulsive and sadistic), making them "malignant narcissists".

Note: we're calling them "sociopaths" and "narcissists" - but other people might just call them "sociopaths" (because they are both very low empathy) or even "narcissists" (because they both treat others like objects). Even medical personnel who specialize in these people don't agree on terms.


  1. I liked this post. Things like this help me order my thoughts, so thanks. I really like the sheep analogy in the linked post too - very well put!

    I have to admit I get tired of hearing about sociopaths as these all-consuming world destroyers. Just because we're better than them ;)

    In relation to the list of traits I've always said that partners I get involved with bond with me really easily but I don't bond with them. It used to be a huge source of frustration before I figured out what I am!

    1. Yes, the essay really did sugar coat the sociopath and
      narcissistic but in NO WAY are they BETTER than the

    2. ^I'm curious, why is my post date and time in purple
      and others in green?

    3. I guess I'm special......

    4. so you know it's you? :)

    5. @Zoe

      Same with you?

    6. it's cause you clicked on the link before, silly

    7. i'm purple, you're green. we're both special, and not.

    8. oh i see!! the little green light bulb in my brain just went purple!

    9. @Zoe

      Whatever - a straight answer would be nice! Maybe,
      I AM the sick one asking for NICE.........Thanks

    10. lol poor anonymous, i wasn't being flippant, just slow.

      it's what the second anonymous said. whatever you click on will change from green to purple (except the reply buttons). by default when you create your own post it turns purple (since you had to touch it to create it).

      by the way, i usually get paid for turning out the straight answers. a smiley will do thanks.

    11. A smiley.........

  2. What the hell are you people talking about? ALL sociopaths are IMPULSIVE, LIARS, glib and superficially charming. There's no such thing as sociopathy with no ASPD traits, it wouldn't be sociopathy dumbasses.

    1. You're almost right I think. However, the ASPD traits they list would be extreme within that group. For sociopaths those particular traits would be on a sliding scale. I don't have any research to back this up of course, as I doubt they have looked into that. It's more just my opinion based on things I see and know about mental health and mental health research.

    2. You add a lot, Julian. I hope you stick around. You are direct and honest. I have already learned a lot from you. Thanks!

    3. Anon@12:27 is correct. Antisocial Personality Disorder is the clinical diagnosis for psychopathy/sociopathy.

      This whole entry was fucking retarded.

    4. Anon@6:32 here, continuing:

      There's a reason that psychopaths and narcissists aren't classified under the same PD...

  3. Ha ha, i fit all the symphtoms of sociopath, so, now what?? :D

    1. Post about it online, clearly...

      P.S. - you're not a sociopath.

    2. How can you tell?

    3. "ha ha"
      "so, now what??"

      You're just a moron.

    4. I believe that I fit some of the symptoms for a sociopath and a malignant narcissist - which probably means that I'm neither.

    5. Aguess I am :(

  4. Sounds like I'm more of malignant narc, though I certainly don't believe I'm perfect, and have no desire to make others think I am. I could give a fuck what they think.

    Then again.. I think I'm just a bit of both.

  5. "I have different goals for everyone I talk to and it leaves me a wide range of options when I can control how they perceive me."

    "this girl from high society only lets her heart be moved when she has proved to herself with sound reasons that it ought to be moved."

    If you are both these things what are you?

    1. You are a borderline. You do not like to attach but want to. You intellectualize instead of feel. You please others and don't have access to what you want so you manipulate. VERY WELL. You have narcissistic tendencies. How's that?

    2. Sounds good to me. XX. GN . I love you very much sweetheart. You are the love of my life . Don't you forget that, hear? lol.

    3. I fuckin love you, too. Want to make babies?

    4. No thanks, Frankfurt.

  6. that was not i, madam.

    1. She a dude, dummy!

    2. *she is a dude....I fucking hate that. yoyo so I told dude, your a fucking idiot.

  7. The Mal Narc has a lot of shame. That could be the diagnostic fact for a Mal Narc. I guess the sociopath doesn't but I am not sure on that. My experience with sociopaths has been more limited. I have a lot of experience with Mal Narcs, though.

    1. What does shame feel like?

      I'm having a hard time deciding between Sociopath and Malignant Narcissist. It'd really help if I knew what shame felt like. Perhaps I do feel shame often? Perhaps that is the driving force for me? I mean, if it was and I didn't know, then I couldn't know... right?

      Normally I feel completely cold and empty, but I do often get this uneasy feeling in my stomach when I know I might get caught or called out for something, but I almost always rationalize it so that it's someone else's fault and not mine, so I rarely dislike who I am. I mean, I do have a pretty grandiose sense of self and a bit of a god complex, but I do know what self-loathing feels like, and I am completely cool with who and what I am. Would a mal narc be like that?

      I'm also HUGE into introspection and psychonautica. For the past three years, psychedelics drugs, meditation, introspection, lucid dreaming, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, supernatural/paranormal (all of which are directly linked) have been my primary interest. I thought I was an Aspie for a while because I was ONLY interested in mind exploration. I feel like I understand myself pretty damn well, and I've been told I have a mind to understand others, too... but if I am wrong, and blinded by my disorder, then would I be able to break through that barrier and become truly self-aware? Or is my "self-awareness" simply an illusion, a meta-bias?

    2. Hmmm--shame is extreme self loathing. I have it and I am not a Mal Narc. It is a horrible feeling as close to death as you can get, psychologically, maybe. I don't know but it is as painful as you can get, it seems.

    3. Shame is not about extreme self loathing. Where did you come up with that? Most regular people can feel shame. It is a matter of feeling injury over foolishness, or having done wrong. You don't have to hate yourself to feel it. Sheesh!

  8. I love these compare and constrast PD posts.

    I've been getting a lot of questions concerning a correlation between BPD and Sociopathy. I think what people really mean is BPD and ASPD. I get people that try very hard to defend support for a link between the two. While I agree that there are a lot of common symptoms, how the present and the reasons the present are completely different making the two very different disordes. People that have never experienced either thouggh seem to feel a need to classify things into as small a box as possible in order to make their normal little worlds as comfortable as possible. They don't like the idea that there are so many types of people that simply perceive the world differently than they do. All different is bad, therefore all different must essentially be the same. I find this logic faulty.

  9. So.. Do I have this right? The big difference I've seen between the two is that shame piece. Much of what a Narc does seems to be for soothing that guilt. (the sheep article was great) Its like narcissists try to convince themselves they are "good" and will disassociate their bad qualities, or at least live in denial. A sociopath doesn't need to lie to themselves because they do not care. Apathy. There is no guilt to tamper with. Their's no "ego" to protect. (although there is one, its just different) Otherwise, there's a ton of cross-over between the two. Confusing. How can a Narcissist with low empathy "run hot" as I've heard it called, referring to hot-head emotions? Is it that the guilt factor, again? So basically, lacking empathy and having shallow emotions are not a symptom of one another.. Right? You always hear them set together.

    1. Well I am not a narc, but i have a view of life, that i always tried to sustain. For example i always did everything to not be the popular one, or to have any label. I always disliked the thought of being a popular one or any other one. But i always did and probably will always do care about what others say about me. Because i never actually knew who i am, so i listened to what they say, sometimes just to know if i should change/hide something in my behaviour or to now how others see me. Also i always wanted for others to know as less information about me as possible. I can't tell you why i did it, because i don't really know, well maybe because i never thought that i should tell sth about me to others.
      Funny thing is that i don't know if i am a socio, but i probably am.

      While comparing narcs to socios, i think, that you might want to watch a few movies. A guy in movie "American Psyho" could actually be a narc, because he's always trying to be the best, while Hanibal Lecter is more of a sociopath type. Well i don't really know many socio examples, but the narc one might be a good one :)

    2. I wrote the piece that m.e. put up. you might enjoy narcissistworld.

      My thoughts on your comment:

      "So.. Do I have this right? The big difference I've seen between the two is that shame piece. Much of what a Narc does seems to be for soothing that guilt."

      Basically yes - but Ns have mostly shame, not guilt.

      Shame is feeling bad/exposed/vulnerable about your behavior/traits. E.g. you murder your neighbor's dog because it barks too much, people find out -> you feel shame. Guilt is regret/pain for violating your own code. E.g. you don't look in your rear-view mirror, your dog runs up your wheel well so you run over your own dog. Even if only you know, you feel guilt. You don't necessarily feel shame.

      "(the sheep article was great) Its like narcissists try to convince themselves they are "good" and will disassociate their bad qualities, or at least live in denial."

      Agreed - the sheep article is absolutely awesome. It helped me to understand what an ass I've been.

      "A sociopath doesn't need to lie to themselves because they do not care. Apathy. There is no guilt to tamper with. Their's no "ego" to protect. (although there is one, its just different) Otherwise, there's a ton of cross-over between the two."

      What I don't get: why do sociopaths bother blaming others at all? They do it too. Ns do it because it goes: blame->shame->pain->self-deception->action

      If sociopaths don't feel shame, why do they bother? As M.E. makes clear, sociopaths lie to themselves and have a flexible sense of self (see the sheep article).

      "Confusing. How can a Narcissist with low empathy "run hot" as I've heard it called, referring to hot-head emotions? Is it that the guilt factor, again?"

      Google "narcissistic rage". Blow away a N's delusions and he's in serious pain, because he's habitually hypercritical.

      "So basically, lacking empathy and having shallow emotions are not a symptom of one another.. Right? You always hear them set together."

      I think they are correlated. The self-focus of Ns precludes them from experiencing reality and having typical emotions. E.g. N parents don't connect with the emotional lives of their kids. They read the news and nothing moves them - it is just other people doing things to other people, so nothing "matters".

    3. I think there is a saving grace to having a Mal Narc for a parent vs. having a sociopath. My Mal Narc mother was very scary BUT she could be made to dissolve into a puddle like the Wicked Witch of the West. This dissolving saved my life because when she dissolved she was not scary. She was pitiful.I used to know that if she did not dissolve, I would have been screwed because the lack of empathy is a downright terrifying thing when you are a child.

      I take it that a true sociopath will not dissolve into a shame spiral as my mother did. Am I right?

    4. When I was small I ran hot because I was really really mad a lot. And when I'm in the presence of my immediate family I run hot. I've yelled and tipped furniture. Not recently. But I yell and compose and yell and compose. Then I am angelic. I'm not ashamed of my hotness.

      I stuff my anger down (if I get any)with non family members because it's not cool. I have an inner rage but it gets redirected into depression.

      The only times I have shame to others is when I feel inadequate at something. I have perfectionism, so when i get critiqued on something I thought was good, I have a sensitivity that is not exactly shame. But it holds me back from life goals. It is deep feeling of not good enough. It feels more like borderline overly critical. I do think I am "desirable". It's false, but it lurks, and I know exactly what caused it. It means nothing . I laugh at how silly the notion is. Then I have the borderline attractive thing and mirroring.

      This is all very complicated and my borderline stuff is healing :) . I'm accutely aware of the low empathy now. From this place.

      I do the approval thing, the praise me histrionic thing. It's like a child. I'm learning not to do it, because it's silly.

      The temper I have and the low empathy I have are not something I am shameful about. Is the shame from being bullied about stuff as youngster? Is that the narcissist revenge/retaliation thing? Cause I think I have a bit of that. I'm not ashamed of anything anymore. As a child I was deeply ashamed of a few things.

    5. Cocksucker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    6. anon @ 8:30, how long have you been noticing the motives of others and not caring?

    7. The motives that are against me..

      very, very, very long time.

    8. You have disgust for them but say nothing, why?

    9. I have brought this up before and people go knee jerk in their fast and non- thinking reactions. I am not interested in these. My question is if the Mal Narc can help how they are. From my own continuing ascent out of my personality disorder, I think that PD cannot help his thinking. His thinking is kind of a horse with blinders. So, if has children who cannot force him to respect them out of fear, the children will suffer.

      In my opinion, the only thing that drives the Mal Narc off you is pure respect of your power of retaliation. I suppose the sociopath is the same way. What do you think?

    10. What is the point? I don't make a difference in their life, and they make no difference in mine. Isn't that "normal?"

    11. *if he has children*

    12. I believe both my parents are afraid of me.

    13. They picked the wrong kid to pick on.

    14. Monica what was your own personality disorder?

    15. I am a co-dependent. I call it a PD even if people disagree. It will destroy your life and so deserves to be called one imho.
      I have been numb so disassociative disorder. I am these or was, as I am coming out of them but it is slow as hell.

    16. "(the sheep article was great) Its like narcissists try to convince themselves they are "good" and will disassociate their bad qualities, or at least live in denial."

      I know that I am bad because I think bad thoughts. I have no delusions about that. I just don't do bad things.

      I do not respect many people. I cannot help this. But I don't care to hurt them. Unless of course they are trying to hinder me. I rarely do them harm. But I have turned others against them in an angelic way. Because most people see they are asses anyway, and I must preserve my pristine reputation.


    17. You are a lovely person.

    18. ^That was for Monica.

    19. They blame others to get the mass on their side in a war. It's conscious.

    20. LOL Anon 9:14
      Thanks Who knows what is gonna happen in this place? I am waiting for the fake Monica to come out.

    21. You ARE fake Monica. So why are you waiting?

    22. Theme Song for Real Monica vs. Fake Monica(s)

    23. @ Mee- I'm familiar with both films. And I agree that each resemble the two personality disorders. I can relate with much of what you expressed. I feel like the major difference between narcissists and sociopaths is where we want to be. N's like the spotlight and S's like the background. What you said about resisting popularity really made that stand out.

      Anon 8:26- How interesting. I will check that out. Thank you for clarifying shame vs guilt. Sometimes I switch the two incorrectly. I like your explanation of the differences. As far as blame goes.. I really don't know. I make a point to remain in control of everything I can logically control. The things that are out of my control, are just that. I will blame circumstance for things that are truly out of my grasp, but often I'm pretty honest about when I've messed up. It doesn't serve me to lie to myself. I like being harsh and honest with my flaws, because then I can mend and perfect. And I disempower myself when I blame someone for something I had control of. At least that's been my experience. I think I'm always looking for opportunities for control, so handing over the power does little for me. Occasionally, I will use blame to manipulate a person, if I have to. But that's more strategical and inauthentic. I know that I can feel shame, but I don't feel it often. When I do feel it, I want to explain it away, but stop myself. I process it, and make a point to learn from it. Shame never impacts my identity. I just kind of, absorb it. I accept myself as being both good and bad. We are all flawed, so who cares?! I do not look at people as "good" or "bad" - but as a composite of qualities. I suppose when you have no need to view others by their projected identities, your own identity has little reason as well.

    24. That is normal, Grey, is it not??? I am that way. It is uncomplicated and without angst. I live this way for the most part. I like this way.

      This is the normal way.

    25. Monica, I think you are on with your hypothesis about mal-narcs. I stumbled across one recently and my experience was thrilling and uncomfortably revealing. (Lots to this story but you'll get the cliff notes.) Our charms were less effective on each other than on empaths. But I do believe he appreciated the mirroring and the flattery from me. Naturally, things escalated and we had a bit of a power struggle. The reason he backed off was because I displayed consequences. I knew he viewed me as an object, so I changed the object into one he wouldn't like to play with. Hard, immediate results were things he cared about.

      Should you be a child of someone like that, you are at their mercy. Often children who suffer abuses grow up to be codependent or develop disorders or learn how to abuse. Abuse is always a choice, but your brain chemistry is not. Most of the maltreatment I have caused has been deliberate. There are few consequences I consider threatening enough to actually get me to stop. The only thing that has set me on a different direction has been my desire to change. Non-consequence based. But I'm sure this is old news to you, as a recovering codependent. I can see that you are strong and determined to recover. Its not easy. But the people who have the most success have the most dedication. You'll get there.

    26. Anon, 9:23- What kind of "normal" are we talking about? :) Regarding shame? I guess I can only speak from personal experience. My impression about empaths was that shame affects their identity, at least periodically. Their feelings tell the story of who they are. I am a "what", not a "who" because I'm a sum of qualities. And for some reason I can't make them add up to an identity. I can't view people as people, I view them by what personal trait assists me at any given time. Is that normal? I may be misunderstanding this, but I like to think of empaths as viewing things, like you would look at a painting in a gallery. Each empath sees a portrait or his or her evolving story. When I look at the world, I don't see a scene, I see the type of canvas that was used, the paints and so on. I look at the mood of the painting and try and get in the artist's head. Maybe I am normal. Or maybe I'm not. But for sure, a very shitty art critic. ;D

    27. Thank you, Grey.

  10. narcissist/ sociopath mix.

    oh and hello. I wont ever say much but I float in the background.

    good day.

    1. Oh, APS, how I love every inch of your savory body.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This a tired subject. I'm bored M.E.
    Where's the blog on the music festivities, you recently participated in? Feed us some of that will you? I'm so fucking tired of PD discussions. Is there nothing more to the life of the people who come here?

    1. Nobody gives a shit what you think Raven.

    2. I hope we get to hear about it too. I bet M.E. had some wild times! Party on M.E.

    3. Are you talking about Coachella? That was a huge venue. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. M.E. seemed very excited about going. I'm sure he/she won't mind sharing a little. Good suggestion Raven. Don't listen to these naysayers :)

    4. What is, "naysayers", please?

    5. Heh... I don't give a shit about naysayers. Anyway, I'm sure there's only one person that comment could have gotten a rise out of, and she's obsessed with M.E.

      hahaha! That was perfect for two reasons.
      She probably masturbates all day to his blogs, and hopes they marry one day.
      I should start flirting with M.E. regularly. It'll probably short her tiny pea brain out. :D

  13. You can party anywhere. You can only talk about this shit here. STFU Raven

    1. Try hitting reply on Raven's comment. That is what this new format is for; so that you may directly answer specific comments.
      Who says you are limited to what can be talked about here, or anywhere? I think Raven just means the whole narc vs. socio has been done many times here. Am I right Raven? I see nothing wrong with people making suggestions for new topics of discussion. I would also like to know what M.E. did at the festival.
      You can talk about personality disorders in many places dedicated to them. I would be interested to know why you believe this is the only place you can go? And why you make it sound so black and white?

    2. after fake Monika here comes fake Yellow

    3. That was a fake Monica today? :( You spelled her name with a k.

    4. ME is not going to cough up any scoop so what can you do/

    5. ME--you gonna show us any of your gorgeous self? I doubt it. It is a tease and you know it.

    6. You can talk about PD's in many places but usually there are stiff necked shrinks or shrink types bothering you about it.

    7. AT SW you can free to be serious, crazy, wild, silly, off the wall or perverted. That's why I love it.

    8. Yep yep You can be any way you want here except Raven's way. That goes against nature lmfao

    9. ^That was sarcasm. I meant that if you really can be any way you want here Raven shouldn't bother you so much. Hypocrites.

    10. raven is shit. who fucking cares?

    11. ^You do. You wouldn't be keeping track of this conversation if you didn't.

    12. Anyway==== love trumps. Love heals. Don't hate.

    13. Oh My Fucking God! What the hell are you guys getting so bent out of shape over?? How fucking sad are you to be so sensitive over something so insignificant.

      I told M.E. that I was bored and wanted to read something more personal in his blog soon. God forbid I speak my mind in such a threatening way! haha!
      Is it really my fault your feelings are so fragile?
      I think M.E. can handle a suggestion or two. It's part of being a writer. You don't get very far if you can't handle people's opinions on your material.

      Do us all a favor and leave the writing to people with thicker skin. Yours is too easy too penetrate.

  14. I can't see yellow I'm color blind!

  15. here is my take (such as it is):

    psychopaths care, but don't get it (others)
    sociopaths get it, but don't care
    aspies sometimes care, and sometimes get it

    narcissists think they get it, and think they care (and they do but not in the way they think)

    empaths care, and get only themselves
    borderliners care, and get it - but it's never enough


    1. Zoe what do you mean
      "borderliners care, and get it - but it's never enough"

      Care about what? What isn't enough? I don't understand. What do retards care about?

    2. the same things as you, i imagine.

      by care i meant what is important to you in relationships with others. the more you care the less free you are.

  16. it's all about what you value see? what you care about shapes what you'll feel. while aspies might see objects as friends and feel guilt over neglecting them, psychopaths might see friends as interesting objects. the brain is like this strange and complex vehicle that gets us all places, but not always in the way we want it to.

    maybe deep down the drivers are all the same?

    my zen thought for the day. :)

  17. There's a great book "The Happiness Hypothesis" that makes
    you wonder if its the elephant or the rider.

    1. it sounds like something really good. have you read it?

    2. Yes, but I need to reread it again before commenting.
      Its a hard read. Its about finding modern truth in ancient wisdom. The author Jonathan Haidt's IQ is
      off the charts but he could have done a better job
      at writing this book. A very good book.

    3. ^This book states that "Life is what we deem it, and
      our lives are the creations of our minds. But these claims are not helpful until augmented by a theory of the divided self (such as the rider and the elephant) and an understanding of negativity bias and affective style. Once you know why change is so hard, you can drop the brute force method and take a more psychologically sophisticated approach to self
      improvement. Buddha got it exactly right: you need a method for taming the elephant, for changing
      your mind gradually............

      And in the book he gives three methods in doing so.

    4. the elephant is the mind then? and the rider, consciousness?

    5. The elephant is the animal and the rider is the mind.

    6. We are the rider and we are the elephant, and our mental health depends on the two working together, each drawing on the others' strengths.

  18. Unrelated. I enjoyed reading this.
    "I greatly respect people who don't take flack from me. Who wants a victim when you can have companions."

    1. I wrote that! I'm the retarded elephant in the room!

    2. agreed! excellent quote!

    3. that is a nice feeling. thank you even if you are just faking it.

  19. I can't stay off of this fucking blog for more than an hour when I am near a computer ...especially when doing math.. on the computer. Ugh.
    I'm somewhat surprised that this was posted as one of ME's blogs. The reason I say that is because it doesn't really seem like a perspective at all, rather, someone taking the main stereotypes they found on from clicking five links. The blunt "they think they are awesome" was the first statement that stated me on the discrediting path. Also the fact at least 1/3 of the narcissistic traits could generally apply to sociopaths as well was obnoxious considering her "perspective" was VERY general to the point of providing false information.

    1. I need to stop being so rantly and take a breath... to maybe notice typos and switching between past and present tense... before I hit enter..... Haha

  20. love is something i do to other ppl

    1. It makes sense.

      "Love" is a verb.

      to be sad, to be happy,
      to be angry, to be pensive. All these emotions can be done whilst alone.

      TO LOVE requires another person.

  21. I am able to lie and flawlessly blend into situations, but sometime's I'll purposely act different, (More morbid, a darker sense of humor) just because I enjoy watching people freak out. It's funny.

  22. I am whatever I say I am if I wasnt then I wouldnt be a Sociopath.

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  28. I have mostly dated Narcissists, but recently had a brief encounter with a sociopath and there are definite differences. A lot of websites try to say that most Narcs are sociopaths, I disagree. I felt like the sociopath was MUCH more intelligent than the Narc's, much more secure (no need for validation), and very self aware.

  29. I will take one or two of these over a borderline personality any day... at least if I have a manic episode, they'd be right by my side and the three of us would exploit the shit out of each other. If you yell at a borderline or tell her to shut up because she isn't "mania delusion world material", she does the suicide/pity thing, tells 25 stories ranging from murder to rape, makes up lies to the cops when I have proof of what they sent etc. and THEY NEVER GO AWAY!!!!!!! I have bipolar I disorder though and I usually deal with manic moods and they are the violent, antisocial, sadistic and grandiose types too even though I am funny. I lie so well it is scary when I am like that but when I get like that, my whole being is consumed with it. There is no breaks on that crazy train and narcissists and sociopaths are at least smart by just letting me stay as cool as possible so we can exploit each other... the borderlines I have known, have basically been told I would be caving their heads in. I don't have a personality disorder, when I am manic and hurt someone I didn't mean to (happens rarely), I feel terrible but when it was someone that needed to hear it... especially the more obnoxious and pig headed narcissists or borderline personalities, I act sorry but deep down have a big smile....

  30. I agree with the author of the blog, "Psychopathy Awareness," who said, "[A]ll psychopaths are narcissistic (self-absorbed, selfish) but not all narcissists are psychopathic (engage in game-like behavior, are pathological liars, etc.)." Sociopaths are simply a subspecies of the genus Narcissist.


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