
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Song: Everytime you go away

I heard this song the other day out and about and thought that it was oddly applicable.  Every time someone leaves me, they do take a piece of me with them.  That's why I fight so hard to get it/them back.

Baby, if we can't solve any problems
Why do we lose so many tears?
Oh, so you go again
When the leading man appears
Always the same theme
But can't you see we've got everything going on and

Everytime you go away
You take a piece of me with you

Go on and go free
Maybe you're too close to see
I can feel your body move
But does it mean that much to me
I can't go on singing the same theme
"Cause you can't see we've got everything
Baby, even though you know that

Everytime you go away
You take a piece of me with you
You just don't care


  1. 1st
    h8 tat song
    blows chunks

  2. When we interact with other people we invest ourselves in them, also as sociopaths we like to control others. We feel bad when we loose control even for a while. But that feel is common in normal people too, so maybe we are not so different after all.

    That song would be a perfect example of how empaths, who care about us, feel when we walk away. To me it is just another pop song.

  3. I don't understand how a sociopath is so different if the basic language is the same such as is expressed in music, as is the topic of this article. Using analogies, I think the sociopath/empath would be analogous to the wolf/dog. They are the same biological species. They have a basic understanding. They can communicate. They speak the same basic language. However, there are differences between the wolf and the dog. These differences are quite stark, if one looks closely. People are warned not to get a wolf for a pet. There was a trend where dogs were bred with wolves.People had dog/wolves as pets. This did not work out well. The program was stopped. The wolves could not be trusted. Wolves will attack when they sense weakness. In one story, a man had a cut on his leg and the wolf attacked him.

    This analogy goes only so far. I realize that as I write this. It falls down when one looks closely. Wolves are not made in God's Image. Wolves cannot change to a whole new form of wolf. Man can do that with the New Birth. Hence, I want to scrap my entire post as I realize it is silly.I will leave it as it was a novel idea.

    1. Look up border collies. They are closest to wolves. If they don't have a job to do they will takeover parenting your babies. They also do not like to be told what to do. They will exhaust you with their constant need for mental stimulation.

    2. I did not know that.

    3. border collie + abusive parents = principled psycho.

      Google it.

    4. i am the child of a border collie and a sociopath.

    5. I love my border collie almost as much as my husband. Hes smart so he bores easily, but not exhaustive. We just stay busy and so does he.

    6. psycho border collie:

    7. 832 you feel you are a principled sociopath?

  4. I prefer the lyrics from Paul Young's 'I'm gonna tear your playhouse down' which is what happens when a sociopath gets exposed...r.d.

    You think you've got it all set up,
    You think you've got the perfect plan
    To charm everyone you see
    And playing any game you can.

    But I've got news for you,
    I hope it don't hit you too hard.
    One of these days while you're at play
    I'm gonna catch you off guard.

    I'm gonna tear your playhouse down pretty soon.
    I'm gonna tear your playhouse down room by room.

    You make our lives a stress and strain
    Using the power ploy.
    All you do is pass around
    Hearts you use as play toys.

    You've been playing madly
    With every mind in town.
    So what you gonna do when you look up one day
    And see your playhouse tumbling down.

    I'm gonna tear your playhouse down pretty soon.
    I'm gonna tear your playhouse down room by room.

  5. Jim: So what are you saying, Paul? That one human can have things in common with another human, simply because they are human? Unheard of!

    Paul: That's right Jim. Just now, in the year 2012, we are beginning to find traits that all humans tend to share, simply because they are human.

    Jim: Like what, Paul? I mean, you're really blowing my mind here, with this new discovery!

    Paul: Well Jim, let me enlightened you with a list of things all humans have in common; though I will say, more studies are needed to be sure:


    Jim: Now hold on there Paul. This list is already too unbelievable for me to even bother to hear the rest. You will never be able to convince me that all humans take a shit. I believe sociopaths are a fine example of why I say this.

    Jim: Good-Bye Paul. Good luck with your quack-job theories.

    Paul: Good-Bye Jim. I hope when next we meet, I will have more evidence to back up my outrageous claims, so that you too, can share in this world of the truly enlightened individual.

  6. i want you to do something for me jim
    can you spell newyork?

    1. A knife, a fork, a bottle, and a cork! that's how we spell New York, Jim!

  7. Replies
    1. I actually knew a guy without conscience who's name was Paul Young.

  8. Hmm. M.E. sounds sad, or contemplative. He must be down if he's listening to shitty music like this!

    1. Yeah... my borderline sister listens to crap like this all the time. But she's a lush. She's also 41. They say alcoholics get trapped in the mentality they were in when they first started drinking heavily, and for her, that was the 80's.

    2. Indeed. And what an awful time to be trapped in. Teenage- and in the 80's.

    3. Yeah, big M.E. sounds a little bit sad, but maybe he's just playing...

    4. Oh, I'm quite certain thats a factor here too.

    5. If a sociopath has shallow emotions, he still has emotions. Why are you all so surprised about that?

  9. This song is terrible... I'm at a loss for words. Me. Christ.

  10. @Raven

    Someone once told me that there is no growth - mentally or
    spiritually for users. But we have all relied on something
    for awhile and it was stupid of me.

    1. ^@Raven

      I meant to say that users stay at the age of when they
      first started.

    2. I have always been afraid of drugs as I knew I was screwed up enough without them.

    3. Monica are you the one who talks of the cure by sly and the famiy stone?

    4. You are stuck in the 60s, 70s and 80s all hahahahah

    5. YEP I love all of it, though.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Funnily enough I used to know a conscience-free guy named Paul Young.

  13. Serious question. What makes aspies so dorky and sociopaths so charming?

    1. "A person with Asperger's syndrome

      Web definitions

      Asperger syndrome or Asperger's syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests."

      Get my drift?

    2. What did Laura from the Glass Menagerie have?

    3. Do your own homework, or stop asking questions you already know the answers to. I'm watching a movie.

    4. The Charming AspieApril 28, 2012 at 8:42 PM

      Plenty of charming people are shy. Admitting to being shy is what makes a person charming. I should know.

    5. lol raven. what are you watching? the shooters in the school?

    6. Actually, I'm watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, speaking of Aspies...
      Why are you asking about shooters in a school?

    7. Why speaking of aspies ?

      I watched the school shooting liveleak movie from the forum. I'm not asking about them.

    8. I don't know what movie from the forum you're tas
      talking about. Where?

      Why are there so many people come here now, that will only speak under anonymous? I don't remember this blog being littered with more anons than names before.

      I say aspie because so many people believe that Lisbeth is one. But just speculation. Her character, when looked at as a whole, tells the story of someone who was severely abused not only by her family, but the government. She was also institutionalized for a number of years, so it's possible that she is disordered due to environmental factors.

      Who knows. It's fiction. She isn't a real person.

    9. filthy anons.

    10. I want to c that.


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