
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Neurodiversity = handicap

A reader sent me this comment posted on this Jezebel article about autistic people having a difficult time finding a job.  She said that it was a good reminder of the sort of "methodically-necessary thinking involved in trying to get through everyday things that many folks take for granted."  I thought it was a good example of how so many things in our society are geared towards the majority.  People will sometimes complain about special accommodations being made for those outside the norm.  Once I heard a blind person say, "special accommodations, like street lamps at night?"  Hilarious.  The comment is really long and boring, but I think it sort of has to be to make the point it's trying to make:

It is so much more than just social issues. Let me go through a day from when I worked at a retail location.

1) Get dressed for work. 
The cheap khakis itch all over, the waistband makes your torso hurt, and you are constantly thinking about sweat stains and panty lines. The polo is itchy, full of static electricity, is either too short so your abdomen might become exposed, or too large so you look huge. The shirt lets too much air through and is so thin that it hugs the lines of your bra, making you ever conscious of it. It is YELLOW so you can't even wear a shirt under it because you do not own white shirts because they are usually sold out of your size. You have to wear closed toed shoes which don't work well with your strange walking style, they're too tight and make your feet hot, and you have to wear socks or your feet smell HORRIBLE. Your sense of smell is strong that if any part of you sweats or is unclean, from feet to armpit, you can smell it while standing upright with your arms at your sides, so you slather yourself in deodorant and keep a bottle of body spray in your purse. You have to debate bringing in your purse, which is very much a comfort item, because your boss will have to search it when you leave, and it's internal organization is precarious at best.

2) Drive to work. 
You have to get in your car which is extremely hot or cold depending on the season. You have to pay attention to everything on the road as you try to remember where your workplace is based on carefully memorized landmarks. Do not speed. Do not run red lights. Do not cut people off. Do not switch lanes when a car is in your blind spot. Ignore the sounds and flashing lights of the other cars. Do not cry when you make a mistake and get honked at. Hope there are no closed roads on the way, because you cannot "make up" a new route on the fly without first going back home.

Leave with enough time to make it to work on time. 
(Should I be early? How early? How bad is it to be late? What is the difference in my watch, my phone, my car clock, and my work place's clocks? Do I have to just be at the building when my shift starts, or is that when I have to be clocked in and at my station?)

Park. Stay between the yellow lines and do not go too fast. Watch out for pedestrians and other cars in the parking lot. 
(Should I park close to the door or far? Do I need to hide my GPS? Can I leave my purse in the car?)

3)Start Work 
Put packed lunch in employee room. If you run into a coworker, smile and say hey. Try to notice them so they do not think they are being purposefully ignored. Try not to smile like a frightened chimp. Try to ignore how hot the entire building is. Clock in, then stand at your register. Say hello to coworkers who come by. Do not tell them what your pets did last night. Do not tell them about cool things in nature or otherwise you have seen lately. (No one cares that you saw a bunny at school or that you had to manually install a new fan for your Wii last night.) Try to respond appropriately to their comments. (Do not say "Oh gosh I'm sorry" when they tell you their wife is pregnant.) Keep your vocabulary simple. (Celerity, facetious, and psyche are not as common as you think.)

4) Work 
Smile like a human at customers. Do not talk through your math at the customers. Do not set money down on the counter before a bank drop. Do not try to warn customers about their purchases. Do not reference obscure British pop culture with the customers. Maintain simple vocabulary to avoid offending the customers. Learn to respond to mispronunciations of your name. Learn to respond to mispronunciations of most words. Learn to cope with improper grammar and speaking patterns. Do not talk to the children. Do not ignore the children. Do ignore the screaming children and their screaming parents. DO NOT say anything about parenting methods. Do not cry when customers yell at you, and do not get upset when they are mistaken but stay mad at you. If customers start conversation, try to respond appropriately. You don't have to go along with jokes you find offensive, but at least humor the bad ones. Do not freak out when customers linger to chat. Do not mention any of your own interests or tastes outside of acceptable mainstream, with customers or co-workers. Do not ask your boss for any schedule accommodations. Learn to yell loud enough to summon a manger when you need one. Do not get upset over what the customers have to purchase for their weekly groceries. Do not offer to pick up remainders if they cannot afford their food.

Do not stim when handed damp or otherwise gross money. Do not stim when a customer's hand accidentally touches yours. Do not attempt passive aggression on rude customers. Notice when a customer is flirting, and politely shut it down. Do not freak out when acquaintances come to the store and want to chat during their transaction. Do not obsess over the sweat under your arms, on your chest, on your feet, around your thighs or behind your knees. Do not obsess over the slight BO smell. Do not obsess over slight dandruff.

Do not gag or obviously rub germ-x on your upper lip when a customer smells bad. Do use Germ-x. Buy multiple good scented varieties and keep two on your person at all times.

Do not get frustrated at slow or quiet speakers. Remember that just because you are not being smiled at, does not mean that the customer hates you. Try to talk like a human.

5) Co-Worker Rules 
Do not talk about pets. Do not talk about fandoms. do not talk about zombie survival plans. Do not talk about grades. Do not talk about TV shows. Do not talk about science. DO NOT TALK ABOUT RELIGION. Refuse to give straight answers on affiliation, political or religious. Pretend to agree with their views using silence. Do not talk about money. Do not talk about children. Do not ask them the questions that pop into your head. Do not offer to share your lunch. Do compliment accessories. Do not be overly friendly with male co-workers, they will assume you are flirting. Never talk about your boss with the co-workers. Do not get upset when co-workers seem not care about helping customers, or about ignorance of food borne illness causes. Do not get frustrated at slow or quiet speakers.

6) Lunch 
Bring your own, it is cheaper and better tasting. Bring your own soda, but do not leave more than one in the fridge. Do not worry that your co-workers think that you eat "too healthy" and nag you about eating "normal" food. Do not offer to let them taste your lunch. Try to keep from appearing as if you are "showing off" your intellect. Do exaggerate a southern twang for sympathy. Do not talk about school. Do not talk about grades. NEVER talk about "bad" grades. Do not clock in from lunch early. Do not clock in from lunch late.

7) Clock out 
Make sure you know for sure when you are leaving. Do not pester the manager for the official end of your shift. Do count your drawer. Do not clock out late. Do not clock out early. Try to work extra hours if your boss asks. Try not to cry before the end of the shift. Do not hate yourself for being so "weak." Do not leave too quickly in case your boss needs to say something to you. Do not help customers after you have clocked out.

8) Closing Shifts 
Clean what your co-worker tells you. Ignore pain in arms and legs. Do not gag at company cleaning supplies. Do help move heavy outdoor displays inside. Do not get upset when closing takes over an hour.

9) Misc 
Do not expect a weekend off. Do not expect an afternoon shift right after classes. Do not ask for these things. Your boss will call during class. Do not expect sick days. Do not go to work and thro up. 
Try to stay employed.


  1. This is great. Can we have the equivalent for your friendly employed harmless neighbourhood sociopath?

    "Do not scream 'Kneel before me, puny mortal!!'

  2. Holy crap :/ !

    Do not tell your friend whose apt burned down you'd love it if yours did, and don't they feel so free.

    1. One of my coworkers was off on a long, boring rant about how his house burned down in a bush fire. Then he said 'the funniest thing is that I forgot to pay the insurance'. I cracked up laughing right in his face.
      I've got to stop finding misery so hilarious.

  3. This is ADD -like.

  4. lol what the fuck. I thought I had issues. This is funny in a way...

    1. This girl has the wrong kind of coworkers. My whole office entered wholeheartedly into a zombie virus outbreak contingency plan, even down to identifying escape routes and potential weapons.

  5. Hi crowd. One of my stupid socio-targeted questions. I'm reading East of Eden (oh my god thank you me for mentioning it) and I've got to like the characters so much I suffer each time I know things are going to turn wrong for them. Any socios here who get this feeling while reading-watching a film-etc? Can one have empathy for fictional characters and not for people? Is empathy a function you either have or not? If you have it for characters from a book does it mean your hardware and software are there, maybe not working in real life for some reason? Any thoughts?

    1. Personally,I like V's 'kneel before me'.
      I just stopped there.

    2. Why thanks. I'd start another forum thread on this one, but the tumbleweed over there is creeping me out. Maybe when it livens up a bit over there ... :)

  6. You would kneel BEFORE ME if you saw me. I could do that. I'd rather have an adult conversation this time of day.

    1. Miss Sharp, you missed the point.I like to 'kneel before'.
      But kneel BEFORE ME is is something that I could only do if I really wanted to kneel before you,any time of day.

    2. Fair enough. Just leave me alone LOL

    3. Damn, I was playing hard to get,just spread

    4. is that you ? zod?

  7. Wow, that is amazing. I can observe two people with some form of these problems. One is s sad, as he really wants to find a woman. However, when anyone is the least bit interested in him, he has no cool, at all. It is sweet how innocent he is, but his prospects for finding someone are small.

    On top of this he is very non teachable, as he will take no guidance from anyone. He gets very arrogant and defends himself vehemently, when he runs into trouble. Due to this, he can't learn how to modify his behavior, for next time.

    He is very sweet like a baby, but it is sad.

    1. I feel retarded in this land. Who the hell are you talking about?

    2. Then, I know another girl. This girl will take NO suggestions. She bemoans the fact that people don't want to be friends with her, but when you try to give constructive suggestions, that are very different than her own self limiting ones, she gets angry and rejects you.

      I only know these two people, so can't comment on anything more than my direct experience. However, with these two, there seems to be an arrogance when someone tries to offer help, no matter how humbly and genuinely that help is offered.

    3. I'm sweet like a baby too. :)

    4. Monica, are you saying that Miss Sharp is not real?and I have tried to use my best lines for
      nothing? Damn.

      But I am intruiged by your words.Tell me more.

    5. I humbly and genuinely would love to know what you are trying to say. I take suggestions, my pride is not hurt for whatever on earth is going on here.
      Anon your best lines made me laugh, just a little internet-reading giggle, but still.

  8. Actually, it is funny about not learning. I realize that I don't cast people out of my life when it is long overdue. This Eden thing was a mirror of it. I do the same thing in my real life. It is low self esteem that I keep trying to make unworkable things work. I don't think I deserve better.

    Anon 4:00 What do you mean?

    1. Oh monica please I need to know. Are you talking about the eden issue here, about the few early comments between me and anon, I don´t get this LOL don´t do this to me, I feel confused and kind of missing something interesting.

    2. Ok I know two people in my real life with these issues.

      The Eden thing reflects people in my real life that I let stay, when I should have kicked them out at the beginning.

    3. Ok thank you monica.
      You should listen to this more carefully:

    4. Sorry about the lame pictures on the youtube video, I just meant to show you the music.

    5. Great message on that song, Miss Sharp. Thanks!

    6. Oh, thank you, Monica. Thank you. Oh, thank you!

    7. ^I second that

    8. Monica fuck you

    9. Pathetic, huh?

    10. Really, Monica, everyone knows YOUR MISS SHARP?
      What lengths will you go to? Your absolutely tiring!

    11. Monica, you are taking the whole self love thing to a new level of pathetic. You really should stick to quietly masturbating in the bath whilst thinking of Eden abusing you. At least then we wouldn't have this nonsense on here.
      Kudos though, for not posting as a bunch of anons to defend yourself. This time anyway :)

    12. Jesus, seriously?

      Monica, stick around. You make me feel more balanced and normal :-)

    13. I just saw a snake in my bed. It was a fairly good size.

  9. What is with the white box that is apearing over the posted article ? Anyone else getting it ? I noticed this white box on psychopathicwritings blog as well.

    1. What is your story TCO ? You never talk about yourself.

    2. And I see no white box

    3. I never talk about myself. Well, I don't come here to bore others with my "story". Unless there is a book deal in it, I gain nothing from providing you with wank material. The corner store has a porn mag section, knock yourself out.

    4. wank material lol

  10. The White box vanishes after a few seconds now. Strange.

    A few days ago, or even a week ago, someone posted a link to a story about a killer in Canada that has global attention. I think this new fresh story would be a good talking point. As quoted..

    The packages to Vancouver, like those mailed to Ottawa, contained notes, but their contents don’t offer any clues.

    “Why Vancouver, why two schools? We ask the same question: Why Ottawa, why two political parties?” Cdr. Lafrenière said at an earlier press briefing.

    Anyone else been following this story ?

    1. My friend had contact with him, on an online site and was freaked as hell.

    2. Luka likes to create accounts with fake hype for himself. He was on psychforums talking about the video 11 days before he even did it. What was funny is that dumb bitch Demon claimed the video as fake. Citing her experience with chopping bodies and her friend being a snuff film Creator as proof. Egg was in her face when it turned out to be true and the girl she thought was a cop turned out to be the killer.

  11. I find this article response interesting. It's fascinating to me how other people perceive the world and what they feel they have to do to get by.

    Wear normal clothes. Be true to my nature. Find a compromise. Don't compromise my beliefs. Don't openly voice my beliefs. Offending coworkers is bad, even when they're wrong. Especially when they're wrong. They're usually wrong.

    Don't tell the fat coworker that his diet is disgusting and he's an abomination. Tell him that you're worried because you don't want his heart to explode.

    I love it.

    1. Well that train of thought derailed and ended abruptly. I can relate to having to think very carefully about how I have to act and respond to the people around me. Most of DBT and CBT is training yourself to withhold the automtatic responses and reactions that can be detrimental to a productive environment/life and instead developing a more acceptable way of interacting with the world around you.

      I can't tell you the number of times I wanted to tear someone a new asshole and smash their teeth in (like yesterday at the car dealership) but I can't do that. I learn to use the skills I've learned to redirect my responses into a more constructive reaction.

    2. Hi Haven - hope today's been better?

    3. Today is actually going quite well =) I think I got all the horrible out the past couple days so there's just none left for today ::superstitiously knocks on wood::.

      How are you doing?

    4. Haven, are you Vittoria in the forum? The avatars are similar so I was curious.

    5. Nope. I have no alternative avatars and I have never spoken in the forum. If I have anything to say it is as myself. I've peeked in on the forum a couple times but it's irritated me beyond my ability to bother with.

    6. The more I think about this article, it is so sad especially "don't thro up"

    7. If it is an accurate reflection of what it's like to be autistic then, yeah, seems pretty rough. Like Haven said, the only part I can relate to is knowing to keep some of my real opinions to myself.

    8. I find it sad that this person has to change themselves so much because people are so intolerant to the differences of others.

    9. I'm good thanks.

      Elicious, V = Vittoria ( shorthand for "vittoria's too idle to type her whole name into her phone every time she posts on the move) :-)

      I picked the avatar because I wanted something that looked cute but is actually damaged. Haven's cool pic may have influence my choice a bit though.

    10. I find it very sad that this person has to live in their head 24/7 to make sure that they don't make a mistake.

  12. Theme for the Fomentile Brothers----Eric and Franklin

    1. Themes for SW RegularsJune 7, 2012 at 8:27 AM

      Hi Sweetie
      I was worried about you because you haven't been around!

    2. I know. I've had lots of life happening in my life and shockingly I've been extremely productive at work so not much time to play about on the interwebs. Just keeping up with my own blog has been about all I can manage. Gonna try to pop by more often. I miss all the funny drama here.

    3. Hi Haven., I was just thinking about asking you something related to this post. I wasn't sure if I should talk to you on your blog but this post makes me think of bpd.

      Does any of this person's experience in their head resemble what's sometimes in yours? It does for me, but I thought it was maybe my ADD. I've also thought some of it was narcissism, but that doesn't fit.

      Have you ever taken ADD medicine? I saw this guy on youtube talking about bpd and strattera.

    4. Hi there. No I've never taken ADD meds. I'm not ADD. I'm just "different".

      Um, some of the things have a similar feel but it comes from a different neurological/biological imperative I think. This person doesn't really understand why all these things are offensive or off putting, she just knows she should/shouldn't do them to be socially acceptable.

      I know very well that how I dress, some of my thoughts, beliefs, reactions, etc., won't be well received by certain groups of people and I understand why. Having the understanding of what is expected in certian environments allows me to tailor my own actions to achieve the ends I need.

      I don't fixate on every small sensation of every day and have to consciously force myself to think about every action or constantly remind myself of how I need to act.

      I do have to force myself to remember how to act appropriately if I'm in the throws of an emotionally volatile situation but it's not every moment of every interaction.

      When I'm a jerk I know I'm being a jerk. When she's being a jerk, she probably doesn't understand why people aren't receptive to her.

    5. Ritalin is strange. I've tried it a few times and I can't see how it's a stimulant. It made me sleepy and just sit with a smile on my face and be content to do nothing. It's like an anti-boredom pill.

  13. CM (as in committee member)June 7, 2012 at 9:05 AM

    I wish soulful was here to help me out with this one. I'd appreciate it if some of you could try.

    I am in a bind. I am a member of a committee, and the chair of the committee is someone I can't stand her face. She is quite sociopathic, and I played the heroine empath in the past (as in don't press her in front of others even when she dissed me in front of them) but got the picture eventually and started exposing her in competence related issues and she she is truly worried that I'll keep doing this while she also tries to take a stab occasionally.

    Now there will be only four meetings this committee has to go through. I could resign and avoid all that garbage (there is no good that I need from any of these people or the organization). But, I don't want to leave in a weak position so I should learn to go with a happy face and just be, conclude my term, say some nice things (as Americans are so good at this sort of bs) and call it yet another chapter of live and learn.

    Should I drink something before going into these meetings? What should be my mantra? Would you resign or would you go?

    1. I'm no Soulful, but when I'm presented with someone that is purposefully trying to make me uncomfortable or remove me from a situation it becomes funny to me. Don't give this person the power over you. Call her on her actions to her face when she does them and continue to discredit her by being more capable and exposing her own incompetence. She's digging her own grave, you might as well help her out. Is that was a good committee member would do?

    2. There is a story in the Bible. I have seen it come true in my own life, many times. It is Esther. Her uncle was a good man( see yesterdays lesson). However, Haman hated him for no reason, just jealousy.

      Haman made a gallows, on which to hang Esther's uncle. Through a long series of supernatural events, Haman got hanged on his own gallows.

      You have to keep your own side of the street clean for this to work, though. If you take any sort of revenge into your own hands, it won't work.
      Test it out. Reply at www.kill-bible

    3. Thank you, Haven.

      When I exposed some of her incompetence it inadvertently exposed an across the committee incompetence, and these are the type of people who like to keep clapping hands after each lousy move. I challenged everybody's comfort, nonprofit organizations have this sort of take-it-easy attitude. I actually ended up sitting in a high-strung, NPD type position at the end, which was quite a surprise and a shock to me to feel that way. Raising standards were only raising discomfort at the end, not only for them but also for me.

      I realize I should have gotten out of it a year ago, stayed that extra year in the name of helping an organization that is run by archaic service standards. At the end everything is truly relative. In a committee run by Steve Jobs, I sure could have been the not innovative enough, or not fast enough. Society and the jobs really do have a say on what sort of PD one finds herself in at the end.

      I hope to find a good match next time I volunteer for an organization.

    4. Yes, exactly like Bible Anon said (thank you Bible Anon). It really did not work in my best interest at the end in terms of kicking her out of there, but the position was no prize so there really is nothing lost.

      I'm trying to decide when to cut my losses. Right away, or after finishing the final four meetings. I am bored to death in these meetings.

    5. Never let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means, without sinning against his own soul. The evil effect on himself is certain.

      Robert Southey

    6. Thanks, Anon. It is not just pie in the sky It actually works in practice. This is because there are spiritual laws that exist and function, whether or not people believe in them. These laws are as real as the laws of gravity. They just exist in the spiritual dimension.

    7. CM - I've been in that situation myself. If you can't charm or win over the crazy, then document everything, all communication etc, and make sure you're always the one who looks like the grown-up when someone else is losing their temper.

    8. You have to decide what you want before you strategize. You're all over the place. It isn't clear that you want to resign because of her/if she weren't there you would stay. Figure out how dangerous she is. What is the worst she can do and if you are ok with it.

    9. The worst she can do is what she does when I am in her presence. Meaning she exists. I have to see her, hear her voice. Yikes, don't really want to.

      I am asking for how to put up with seeing someone? I am not at all scared of her or the others. I am sort of disgusted seeing her, because she is the incompetent, rude, and ugly combo. I mean two of these can be tolerable but all three? Especially when her rudeness has already been directed at me three times in the past. I dealt with the first in a 'what have I done wrong' fashion. In all honesty, looking back I feel really dumb about that.

      I should have been firm and tell her not to talk like that to me again. My position could easily assume that (meaning our relative places in the food chain). But, I always have been too kind to the underdog. Had I realized that she was no underdog in her mind, I would have acted differently. She had gained my pity with her abusive lover and problem child single parent situation. So stupid (my behavior). If one is rude, one is rude period, does not matter they are under dog. Never again. I actually started to develop some contempt for people who try to get my pity (after reading and seeing what's going on here).

      Looks like I should be back there for the remainder just to not give her the pleasure that I ran away. And, who knows she may make some wrong moves and I may get to enjoy some new learning. I have nothing to lose other than tolerate a revolting character sitting acroos the table.

    10. You can learn from all your hassles. Find someone with some wisdom, to talk to. This is rare, so really look lol

    11. I trust many of the regulars of SW in their opinions of matters like this. What we get here is a very different styles of thinking, therefore invaluable.

      Even though I have a pretty good understanding of what an ASPD, BPD, NPD is I can't yet think like one even when I try to. This will take a while.

      Haven's thought on these situations being funny is a good point. Because humor really helps. I wish she said more specific things on that thought. I will definitely talk myself into thinking I will have a humorous evening at that meeting as opposed to a boring meeting. I could go over board with that one, and they could think I am on valium, prozac or something, like most Americans.

      I know one thing, I'll be very happy when done with this committee, and I am blessed that no one in there is paying my salary, and I will try to make the best out of this whole situation. I just wish I heard more on how to do that. UKan could say a few on that one possibly, or TNP.

    12. Not sure on what you would want us to say. Like someone said above you don't have any clear defined goal, so its hard to advise you on such. You are basically asking if you should quit or stay and that is not a decision anyone can make but you. The only thing I can advise you on is how to take over the group, cause division, or create conflict.

  14. According to the owner of this blog, sociopaths are a minority worth protecting but then he also says arms traffickers are sociopaths; half of the song writers in the english speaking world speak about sociopaths, Pinocchio was a sociopath puppet, Buddhism is great for sociopaths, if you are easily bored you are a sociopath, believing in God is a good solution for sociopaths; art is the best activity for sociopaths, most interesting characters in literature are sociopaths, violent people and passionate lovers are sociopaths, people that feel no impulse to be violent or that can’t fall deeply in love are also sociopaths. Intelligent people are sociopaths, cunning individuals are sociopaths, beautiful girls had better be sociopaths, psychopaths are quite near sociopaths, attention seekers are sociopaths, cool reserved guys are sociopaths, good sellers are sociopaths, careless buyers are sociopaths, people who “know” they are sociopaths are sociopaths, but people who don’t know they are sociopaths are sociopaths. Thinking about all this I had an idea, maybe it’s time for a post where it was conveniently explained who couldn’t be a sociopath. It might be a short and concise post: I humbly propose the following text: “nobody”.

    1. Shut up, Jose, you ruin this blog for me. He's not saying that anyone who falls into any of those categories ARE sociopaths, he's saying that a sociopath might be able to relate to those ideas. The point isn't to classify a sociopath as all the "cool guys" all the "Buddists" all the "arms dealers" but to make a comparison, to help a person relate ideas and to allow for community discussion. You, however, never add to the discussion. So shut it.

    2. I humbly propose that you are kind of an idiot.

    3. Kind of? Maybe entirely..

    4. I think I can see the problem now, jose. Your reading comprehension skills are off. Do you use a spell checker for your posts? Is that why your learning disability just reflects itself in the content of your posts and not the spelling?

    5. Jose, your mask is down. For a while you really did sound like you knew something. People sort of waited it out. Being a beginner you were scared to respond to negative remarks and we thought you are just cool. Well, not anymore. Last few days you lost that cool to a point I even thought we had some fake Jose thing going on all the way (some were, but not all dumb essays were fake Jose, I now agree with Medusa).

      I am very curious about you now. It is possible that you are some old man in an assisted living facility with Alzheimer's. Nothing against people with ALzheimer's but it is hard for them to keep it straight.

      You seem disturbed that science (history/psychology/etc.) and society choose to use classifications and labels. I have the suspicion that whatever you are labeled with has hurt you. If you leveled and figured out the root psychological reasons for your arguments you would have contributed significantly to all your types. Why don't you do that, let us get to the bottom of this Jose character, you learn some harsh truth, and then at that point you can create a whole new name and come back as that person, without anymore of this Jose stigma around you.

      I will then let this Josita character go away too.

      By the way, SW, Josita is not Monica, never was. There has been no fake Josita so far either.

    6. People who don't believe in labels are generally people who want to believe they are different and special. The reality is most people can be categorized and labeled.

      That being said theres another group who seem to think everyone can be pigeon holed into personality disorders, which is eqally untrue.

    7. UKan Make a Good Point Every Now and ThenJune 7, 2012 at 4:45 PM


    8. Jose you still haven't figured out what a sociopath is and that seems kind of ridiculous considering you came to a site for sociopaths. Humour the theory that psychopathy exists since numerous studies you haven't read or contested with your own research have been proven already in a span of at least 4 decades by psychlogists who's experience most likely dwarf even your age.

      Humour the theory that the only sociopaths that survive on this forum are actual sociopaths, because the environent is so hostile for people claiming to be so that only actual predators can make it here. Discard the theory that you are the sole special person that ever came here and that you are better than everyone else because you clearly lack the charisma to make that a reality among others.

      It doesn't matter who you think you are. It doesn't even matter who you are. It matters how others perceive you. Many great men died before being recognized for being extraordinary because in life they could not make an impression.

    9. UKan Get Shit BackwardsJune 7, 2012 at 5:09 PM

      It doesn't matter what people think of you. It matters what you think of yourself

    10. Yeah sure. Tell that to jose, luke, zwaq, or any other delusional freak thats thought they were special.

    11. This Paragraph Sounds Like JoseJune 7, 2012 at 5:34 PM

      It doesn't matter who you think you are. It doesn't even matter who you are. It matters how others perceive you. Many great men died before being recognized for being extraordinary because in life they could not make an impression.

    12. Let me guess, UKan Get Shit Backwards , you're also a believer that 'real beauty is on the inside', that 'size doesn't matter' and that if you just wish really hard upon a shooting star, all your wishes will come true.
      You're so very cute. Like a retarded squirrel.

    13. And you sound like Falter Ego. Get stuffed you sore bitch.

    14. Jose reminds you of your mortality, Ukan. You think you will have an eternity with which to shape your destiny, but you have the great unknown to grab you, UKan. Can you win a fight against It?

    15. UKan Contemplate, Elaborate and PostulateJune 7, 2012 at 6:26 PM

      But can you cogitate?

  15. Every day it becomes more obvious that our friend Jose's ego led to him being burned by a sociopath.

  16. I work at a grocery store and many of these things are totally not necessary. Its really not a job where a lot is expected of you or else you'll get fire, this person stresses too much. That being said, there are a lot of unrealistic expectations society places on people.

  17. Theme for the Chosen One and his.................ummmm

  18. Hi everybody. Today's post was indeed interesting. I now have a better picture of what autism must be like. The advice on don't tell people about your pet, they are not interested in hearing that is something I could use. Except, they ask about it, so I answer. The thing is I give the long version, they probably are just asking to hear a fine, thank you, kind of answer. I like story telling, and a pet always has a story to tell. You must have noticed I don't tell as much anymore. I became like Ben Kingsley telling himself not to talk much about himself in his sociopath role in Sexy Beast. That really is the best depiction of a sociopath. Such grandiosity and impulsiveness. Pretty low-functioning, though. I decided to use a different term for low-functioning, and that is relying on imposing fear with threat of violence as opposed to intellectual intimidation or very subtle intellectual manipulation leading to dominance. Barking versus not barking.

    Elicicous... Is that a guy or a girl?

    Wee or Mee... Talking about Dexter was so cute. Must be young, slightly autistic too. Gotta watch the Sexy Beast. Is that also a guy or a girl?

    What happened to the woman who was Eden's buddy? Forgot the name, sweet something?

    Eden's sadism used to get to me. I find it kind of artsy now. Still would not want her do my hair, though. The thought of a sadist hair dresser is pretty scary, lol.

    Mr Javier. You must be new sir. How are you handling the attacks?

    Kesu, is he still around? Jason? Post? TNP?

    Themes, are you the aspie?

    I missed this place.

    1. Hi Sceli. Welcome Back!

    2. Thank you, Anon. Hi, Elicious. Just realized misspelled your name, sorry. You are one D away from Delicious, that's what I can remember.

    3. For Sceli. Listen to the song

    4. That's really sweet. Thank you.

  19. I went into hiding, a bit. I needed to coalesce some of the changes I have made. Now, I have something more to say. I don't talk theory. I talk what I go through. Theory is bullshit. Anyone can talk theory. You have to experience these things. Then, you have diamonds, but look how long diamonds take to form.

    Anyway, that is my way of saying that I feel insecure to share these things but I must.

    I think the root of empathy ( or no empathy) is if you can feel it for yourself( or not) You probably don't know if you can't feel it for yourself. However, if you have self loathing, you probably can't.

    I think that saying "You will treat others only as well as you treat yourself" comes into play, here.

    I think empathy toward the self is the root and the key to empathy for others.

    1. I had to come up with a practical definition as well, and that is do you tell yourself when making decisions that you are not only thinking of yourself but seriously assuming that you are either proposing a win-win or putting others' interests on the table significantly. It is your perception really, because even when you think you're empathizing you may be completely off, but at least the intention and the perception is there.

      If you are not an empath, you comfortably can tell yourself 'screw them, this is all about me.' SO, I'd have to agree there is something very simple, clearly-defined, and honest about sociopathic thinking as opposed to empathic.

      Empaths seem to put others first and then when the others fail to meet their expectations turn against them easily. Pretty useless. Empaths should learn to empathize with themselves better, and put themselves ahead of others to not fall for sociopaths or other empaths.

      Empaths may be doing all this out of need for control. Controlling the situation in the name of helping others. Let them be. Take care of yourself.

    2. By the way, I was sharing what I keep telling myself. I am a recovering empath.

    3. Thanks How to heal a pd and Sceli.

  20. You work for someone else because you are stupid, obviously all sociopaths are stupid, since they just cant comprehend not fucking an underserving person over. - duh.

    1. And what is it that you do, oh wise one?
      Sociopaths comprehend quite nicely who to fuck up and who to leave alone. The weak and silly get fucked up. Besides, what's your definition of undeserving? There are no truly innocent people, except children. Everyone else might not be guilty of the particular crimes they're accused of, but it doesn't mean they are as pure as the driven snow.

    2. The undeserving is the person who actually makes an attempt to be an honorable person, and sociopaths are too stupid to understand this. Stupidity is proved by posting daily in this forum for the last 2 years.

      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    3. Dumb faggots.

    4. You didn't really answer my questions, you just continued your rant. A person 'attempting to be honourable' should be off limits, is that it? No matter what horrific crimes they have committed (like Monica for example), as soon as they claim to be trying to be good, everyone should kiss their ass or leave them alone?
      My idea of honourable, is a person who's strong enough to do the right thing, no matter the consequences. They don't fuck up like that to begin with.
      People who are evil, weak and pathetic (like Monica, once again) like to hide behind the idea that as long as they 'try', they should be beyond reproach. As long as they keep being the sniveling, self centered cowards that they are, sociopaths will continue to prey on them.

      Your little drawing is cute, though. Thanks :)

    5. "The weak and silly get fucked up."

      So after I slap you sociopathic ass silly, seems I get to fuck you up then.

    6. Oooh, you're starting to get a little interesting.

      Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me ;)

    7. "honourable, is a person who's strong enough to do the right thing, no matter the consequences."

      Obviously, and then again they regret fucking up previous.

    8. Regret is highly overrated, my dear anon. Whether or not you can be considered honourable highly depends upon what you do with your regret.
      If you become a bible thumper and do nothing but denounce everybody else's actions in an attempt to make yourself feel better, then you haven't really achieved anything honourable have you?
      If you took responsibility and used your regrets to do something genuinely benefiting society, then you will be a much stronger person. Then, you'll be far less likely to fall prey to the bad ol' puddy tat sociopaths.

    9. This ^ is a perfect example of how sociopaths benefit society & the people around them. The lesson learned by the 'victim' is stirred up from the depths of their soul. Beauty in the breakdown.

  21. "If you become a bible thumper and do nothing but denounce everybody else's actions in an attempt to make yourself feel better"

    This describes the opposite of the person I an talking about.

    1. Then tell me what this person has done to be considered honourable

    2. Sociopaths suck major cock, they delight in hurting others, so shoot them.

    3. How very empathic of you darling, to want to slaughter thousands of people simply because you are too weak to make something of yourself. Something strong and honourable that sociopaths will not be keen to fuck up, that is.

  22. There is no person who is completely honorable, yet there are people who deeply try to be, and regret hurting others before. That being said, will I steal from the rich? Of course.

    1. Words and regret are meaningless, actions are the only thing that count.

  23. Regret makes you want to repair damages you caused.

    1. So tell me what you are doing to repair the damage you caused, then. Simply saying you regret something without taking proper action is useless.

  24. "So tell me what you are doing to repair the damage you caused, then."

    And why do you ask, Bitch?

  25. how cute that you've resorted to juvenile name calling.
    I was trying to give you a way to prove that you are indeed honourable, but alas, 'tis not to be.

    1. Well, nice talking to ya' you fucking skanky ass ho', your're lucky I'm even saying goodnight to you. So goodnight, sweetie.

    2. Good night, sweet prince!
      I will forever treasure our time together.
      Shame it had to end so soon with you running away, tail firmly between your tender thighs.

  26. You mean ending so soon as you liked my pumping my cock up your ass, then into your pussy, but I'll let you keep using the code you and I have for that. :)

    1. Oh, you kinky thing, you!
      You know I'll always love you and you only.
      I love being able to brag about my steamy imaginary affair with the world record holder for smallest penis.

  27. You people are all self-centered egotists in love only with yourselves. Do fuck off.

  28. Oh honey, did somebody upset you?
    Tell me all about it.
    Maybe we could cuddle up in a snuggie, gorge on ice cream and tell each other our darkest secrets afterwards.

    Or better yet, if you don't like the way sociopaths behave, then perhaps your sensitive self would be better off someplace else? This is Sociopath World, not your local knitting circle.

  29. "If it is an accurate reflection of what it's like to be autistic then, yeah, seems pretty rough. Like Haven said, the only part I can relate to is knowing to keep some of my real opinions to myself."

    This person is more severely autistic than me, but a lot of it does sound like back when I was trying to fit in at school so I wouldn't be bullied. I've since decided that if I can't be myself in a particular setting I will avoid it as much as possible - it's just not worth the stress. Instead I look for settings where being autistic isn't a problem, such as university. (If you talk on and on about your major in university, you're just being a regular student.)

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