
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anders Breivik, Aspergers and NPD

A reader writes:

Hello. I am a recent reader to Sociopath World. I came across a story fitting into one of your ongoing narratives that I don’t foresee getting much circulation in the English-speaking press: One of the psychiatrists observing Norwegian terrorist Anders Bering Breivik has diagnosed him with Asperger syndrome (and also Tourette’s and possibly narcissistic personality disorder, a combination I had never heard of before and raise an eyebrow at).

Here’s an original report in Norwegian (though Google’s translation is surprisingly readable). The CS Monitor buries the claim a few paragraphs down. Wrong Planet’s thread is maybe 60 percent denials and revisionism. Numerous commenters make the point that the diagnosis isn’t “official,” and this might actually be a fair point. Most professional therapists probably can recognize Asperger syndrome “on sight” in an unstructured interview, but for most clinical purposes, a diagnosis based on quantitative and qualitative testing is required. I know when I got tested, I underwent something like six or seven hour-long sessions, and my parents were also interviewed.

As an Aspie, I applaud your efforts to keep up a conversation about ASD and violence. Mainstream neurodiversity advocates’ ignoring or suppression of research on the topic ultimately does a disservice to those they’re trying to help, especially parents of ASD kids. So long as the very real possibility of autistic violence is suppressed, it can only come as a horrific surprise to parents totally unprepared to address it.

I’m also appreciative of your “big tent” conception of neurodiversity. If there are conversations to be had between ASD people and psycho/sociopaths, I wish we were having them.
Keep up the good blog.

I get emails all the time from people on the autism spectrum telling me that I'm absolutely wrong about any connection between autism and violence or sociopathy.  I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I think theirs are a little suspect than mine.


  1. I have a gap between my teeth and I'm self concious about it, would someone be nice enough to stick their cock between them to fill the hole?

  2. My estranged father contacted me a few days ago, and asked me to join him in his business. It's the same business that ruined him, and sent him to prison. I know I should tell him too fuck off......but I didn't. I'm attracted to the danger, and I also want to get to know him. The last time I saw him other than recently I was 7 years old. The last time I spoke to him other than recently I was 11. I'm kind of stuck on what to do. I want the money involved, but I don't trust him enough to know if he's good for it or not. Besides, what he wants to use me for, this "help", I haven't practiced since I was a teen. Even then it wasn't anything too serious.

    He didn't leave me a cell phone number, or any way of contacting him. He told me after our lunch that when he comes back to see me he hopes I'll have an answer. Now that I think about it, I have no idea how he found me. Not even my own mother knows where I live...

    1. That's one good story, Peebee :)
      When you'll meet him, try to find out more about the business, the fact that he's your long gone father doesn't mean that you should follow his orders without thinking. You probably know it yourself, but that's my 50 cents.
      Do you share your adress on facebook?

    2. Sounds like a movie. In the movie you don't do well. But I know better than any life doesn't work out like movies.

    3. Say no and don't have any further contact with him, Piles.

    4. My life could be a movie Missus, so much has happened.

      That is where my main conflict is. It could go either way, good or bad. I am one to gamble with my life, and I don't like to pass up any opportunities. Even if it sounds "wrong" or "bad", my curiosity on how it would actually pan out takes me. I need it to be a fact that it will be a bad idea, and I won't get that fact physically proven until I experiment. A hypothesis was never good enough. are correct in what you are saying. Obviously the reasonable answer would be to deny him.....but I don't know why I won't. I want to talk to him and get to know him all over again, the "new" him, if he has even changed. From what I do remember about him other than his fall was that he was a good man and a great father....then again, I was a child, and all of what he was may have just been smoke and mirrors. I want to gage his character, and I won't be able to if I shut him out. You know what, I just lied. I know why I won't shut him out, I want the money, I want the life, I want the "excitement" and "danger". I'm looking for a faster way to make money.

      I did a LOT of thinking after I posted this. I realized that he already knows my weakness (greed), and that he is already in complete control of this situation. I also took into consideration that whatever he has planned for himself, however far along he is on it, he must not be doing too well if he suddenly needs me. I don't understand why he would, other than a cover. I finally have a legitimate occupation (even though I hate it and it isn't moving at a fast enough pace for me) and I managed to erase the parts of my life that could come back to ruin me.

      Perhaps I should just say no.....

      Mongral, the story wasn't for shits and giggles like most of my stories are. I don't follow anyone's orders, sometimes not even my own. Probably a huge part of my "problems".

    5. I realized that he already knows my weakness (greed)

      hmm, Piles. Are you sure about this?

      I want the life, I want the "excitement" and "danger"

      Because this ^ is my real weakness. It's behind a lot of my fuckups due to impulse control too. If my father still lived I'd think he would know just how to play me with it too.

    6. Honestly, I disclosed a lot of my weaknesses to him at that lunch, and it was by failing to tell him to fuck off. What else does that world have to offer besides money, danger, and excitement? I can't think of anything. If I already had enough of it, then I wouldn't have been so "hesitant" with my response. THIS is where he knew what I wanted.

      Do you really think saying no is going to just end this all? Is it really that simple? When I word it this way this almost has nothing to do with him.

    7. Do you really think saying no is going to just end this all? Is it really that simple?

      No. Though I don't really know anything about you, so only have assumptions to go on. Sounds like you're examining your own motives, as well as his, which can only be good.


    8. What else does that world have to offer besides money, danger, and excitement?


    9. Kay, peebers, what is it he wants you in? If it isntnsomething he's good at, why would you need him? I mean, is this money related, violent, drug, etc. Because really, do you have a few "hookups" you can pursue independently and use as leverage? Sounds like a lifestyle you're a bit made for, in some ways... some people are criminals. Your cat killing and your father makes me think you are. But you have to know people to be good at it, and you have to be clever and a step ahead. I don't think seeing the police as superheroes will be a problem for you... hence criminal, so I think this could be feasible for you, but it'd be nice to know more details.

    10. The "hookups" I used to have I lost touch with. I'm sure they are back in Jamaica, I met them in the military. As of now I have none. This wasn't even an idea of mine to begin with because I was doing so many other things.

      I am good at "preparing". He taught me how a long ass time ago, and that's what I used to do as a teen. If he needs me for anything it has to be this. I am very meticulous and I pay very close attention to detail. I don't have to be told something twice in order to get it done. I see it once, and I will remember it forever. He doesn't know me either though, so who knows what he could use me for, that's the first thing that comes to mind.

      I would need him for the education, and the people. I am very aware that I need "connections" in order to make it anywhere. That's how it usually is in any situation. I have an idea on how I want to go about doing this, but it starts with getting to "know" him. I sensed his weakness as well, and if I get more involved with him I think I can use that against him and make it out with something that used to be his. I have to get in to see just how far he has made it for himself, only then can I make my next move. If he is anything like myself though (and I am positive he is, I am HIS child) then he is very clever, and he keeps a lot to himself but probably knows everything.

      One thing I know about prison is that if you go in a criminal educated in one trade, you come out a better criminal educated on all types of trades. He was young and stupid then, I could be dealing with a more level headed psychopath. At this point I literally can't do anything until I get in.

      Police aren't superheroes. My mother is in law enforcement and they are as corrupt as the criminals.

  3. Martin Bryant, the Australian mass murderer, was diagnosed with Aspergers. Wiki revisionists seem to be keeping that little fact out of the entry even though he now resides in a psych hospital.

    The Port Arthur massacre of 28 April 1996 was a killing spree in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. Those malignant aspies sure can flip out. I wonder if James Holmes will turn out to be one too.

  4. Jeez, and people call me violent when i slap a smartass in the mouth.

    1. Slapping a smartass in the mouth is how I made all my friends in grade school.

  5. That twitter quote cracks me up!

  6. The Handbook for SW Navigation--Part OneJuly 31, 2012 at 5:14 AM

    1. Anyone may be an Anonymous
    2.People do get resurrected from the dead( and quite frequently)
    3. Leave your Ego at the door or it will be stripped from you

    1. That's what anonymous means, retard.

    2. Thanks for that ~

  7. When people tell me X movie makes them cry like a baby I think they must be joking. I tell people this movie or that movie always makes me cry and now I feel like I'm in on the joke.

  8. always knew npd's are more dangerous than socio's
    (but ofc socio high on npd traides are ofc even more dangerous)

  9. A combination of autistic traits and NPD sounds ike high-functioning idiopathic psychopathy (without factor 2 traits).

  10. idiopathic why bother using that term? It just makes a smart person not admit they don't know what the hell it is.

  11. Thus making them ego prone and thus an identifiable weakness to be used to one's advantage :)

  12. Kany
    I appreciate your efforts not to demean me :D

  13. i will never bully an aspie again
    ...i will try
    ...not to much

    death to all aspies^^

  14. Why are nobody talking about his using of anabolic steroids?

  15. I don't think autism has anything to do with sociopathy or being a sociopath either tbh if that's what you're saying. Nothing about the traits, etc, match up, it's as farfetched as the whole autism and schizoid personality thing.

    I also don't see how this is autistic violence? Isn't it just a guy who happens to possibly have autism? I would think of autistic violence as violence during a meltdown or accidentally hitting someone while stimming.

  16. You dear friend, why does the criminal penale system really eksist. Well, every human in the world really naked to the vicious acts of other people. Why, does some people become evil and psycopaths and have to be locked up in prisons. The question may seen difficult. What makes a man like Mr. Brekvik, because wasn't he once a kid. Yes, he was, but his father left him
    at an early age. Now his exampel is very common in Europe, USA and even in arabic countries as well. You see, what makes a mans mind is dazzling question, but modern neuroscience has the answer. Men today erects from abes and the neuroscientists have found similar structures in the brain of an abe and modern men. These structures comprise a primitive system, which will act on the slightest stimulus. It clicks or ignites so to say. But in the normal human brain this system is locked down by morality or the ability to reason. The ability to reason of whether the act is for the worse or for better of your fellow world citizen. Well, how are these locks of reasoning shaped. In childhood by the love coming from the parents. From the accept of the father and the love of your mother. Now, in the case of Mr. Brekvik, the father left him and his mother gave all her love to Mr. Brekvik sister. So he really never got those locks of reason shaped very well did he. Mr. Brekvik starts to play computergames of war, reading history books about crusades in the past. Now what happen yesterday in completely irrelevent for what happens tomorrow. But, suddenly Mr. Brekvik finds a cause in his life. He writes a manifest of how he wants his world to be and he finds an ememy in the AUF of Norway. He builds muscles and uses anabolic steroids. Now a popular steroid is epinedrine, which is an amphetamine derivative. It burns fat tissue, but it also depletes the chemical substance that hold those locks of reason from the more primitive system. And without reason he murders 77 people in Norway and are sentenced to a confined prison with supervision from psyciatric educated staff personel. We hear about people like Mr. Brekvik from the media, we see them on football tribunes, we see them in motorcycle gangs or in gangs in the street of London, Paris, Athens etc. Yes, as the bible says: 'Life is hell for the helpless' but they can get a little salvation in prisons or as soldiers in wars. A lot of people will not miss them, because they ends up in stripes. End of story.

  17. You dear friend, why does the criminal penale system really eksist. Well, every human in the world really naked to the vicious acts of other people. Why, does some people become evil and psycopaths and have to be locked up in prisons. The question may seen difficult. What makes a man like Mr. Brekvik, because wasn't he once a kid. Yes, he was, but his father left him
    at an early age. Now his exampel is very common in Europe, USA and even in arabic countries as well. You see, what makes a mans mind is dazzling question, but modern neuroscience has the answer. Men today erects from abes and the neuroscientists have found similar structures in the brain of an abe and modern men. These structures comprise a primitive system, which will act on the slightest stimulus. It clicks or ignites so to say. But in the normal human brain this system is locked down by morality or the ability to reason. The ability to reason of whether the act is for the worse or for better of your fellow world citizen. Well, how are these locks of reasoning shaped. In childhood by the love coming from the parents. From the accept of the father and the love of your mother. Now, in the case of Mr. Brekvik, the father left him and his mother gave all her love to Mr. Brekvik sister. So he really never got those locks of reason shaped very well did he. Mr. Brekvik starts to play computergames of war, reading history books about crusades in the past. Now what happen yesterday in completely irrelevent for what happens tomorrow. But, suddenly Mr. Brekvik finds a cause in his life. He writes a manifest of how he wants his world to be and he finds an ememy in the AUF of Norway. He builds muscles and uses anabolic steroids. Now a popular steroid is epinedrine, which is an amphetamine derivative. It burns fat tissue, but it also depletes the chemical substance that hold those locks of reason from the more primitive system. And without reason he murders 77 people in Norway and are sentenced to a confined prison with supervision from psyciatric educated staff personel. We hear about people like Mr. Brekvik from the media, we see them on football tribunes, we see them in motorcycle gangs or in gangs in the street of London, Paris, Athens etc. Yes, as the bible says: 'Life is hell for the helpless' but they can get a little salvation in prisons or as soldiers in wars. A lot of people will not miss them, because they ends up in stripes. End of story.

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