
Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun seduction idea?

One of my work acquaintances has apparently been ostracized by a mutual friend of ours because the fiancée thought that she dressed like a whore at a Halloween party and was worried that her man would stray because of it?  (My impressionable self has picked up inappropriately placed question marks from reading Twitter feeds).

I want to mess with her, but mainly just because she has revealed a weakness (relationship insecurity) that seems too delicious to pass up.

My plan is to "confess" to her in a simulated drunken overshare.  I'll tell her that I have often wondered if I could "also" seduce her fiancé.  Depending on how much she has had to drink and her current level of paranoia, I may have to wait just a bit to let that thought have its full effect on her (which given his varied and prodigious sexual history should be a pretty easy sell).   After she has let that marinate for a while, I will then try to seduce her myself while she is (hopefully) vulnerable from the thought that her fiancé is cheating on her with all of his smarter-than-she-is-work-friends.


I think chances of it succeeding are pretty low, but chances of it increasing her insecurity are pretty good if she's so thrown off by a Halloween party "sexy third world slave" outfit, that's she's basically prohibited him from ever seeing this woman again.  (I wasn't there and there apparently isn't any photographic proof of whether or not a third world slave costume could be considered "sexy" without seeming really grossly imperialistic and in poor taste -- this is just what I've been told).


  1. Sound like a good plan, M.E. Without going into much detail it's hard to say but I can see how a skilled manipulator could pull it off. :-))

  2. We're not here to help your ass, M.E. Keep it to giving useful advice and interesting articles.

  3. I have to ask: for what? why this "plan"? Is this like the Mountain thing, because it's there? I can't say I have ever sat down at thought out a scheme to manipulate in which I didn't get "something" out of it; other than just the personal satisfaction of watching others in an uncomfortable place, but I can go watch person going through the county court system if that's al I want to see. I just don't get spending the energy just to do it... I need something, I'm lazy.

    1. Perhaps that's why you can't manipulate people to save your life.

    2. Kany... sigh, you are so right. I can't. Everything I have attained in my life is on the up and up. I'm just a hard working honest joe who REALLY REALLY wants to be a super badass psycho... now, if you will; I don't feel like playing with you at this time. I'm looking for more intelligent cmopany for now. You can play with me later.

    3. Don't condescend me. If you can't see I not playing I'll let you believe what you want.

      But you're right about being an average working joe. Id even say below average. And what exactly have you attained?? What do you have? You don't even have family. You're leaving with less than you came with.

    4. Troll harder nigger.

  4. This woman is extremely insecure in her relationship, and there is probably good reason for it. To seduce her, you must make yourself an ally against her unfaithful partner. This will have the added benefit of boosting her fragile ego, and perhaps even strengthen her enough to dump the cheating louse.

    By contrast, if you tell her that you are interested in seducing her fiancé, you will increase her insecurity, and she may immediately categorize you as a threat. You will fail to disarm her- but you will certainly throw her off balance, and gain the upper hand in future interactions on account of your boldness. At this point, I would have to ask you to clarify your agenda.

    If you are truly interested in seducing her into the bedroom, you’ll have to invest some time in the project by establishing an intimate relationship with her. Most females are ridiculously sensitive to romantic gestures. If you make her the center of your universe, show interest in every aspect of her life, and compliment her sincerely, she will eventually become as pliable as putty in your hands.

    As you gain her trust, subtly probe her sexual preferences. Delicately allude to your own, and shape them to compliment hers. At this stage, you should increase your physical contact with your target. Rub her back, smooth her hair, stoke her leg. Look intensely into her eyes. All that crap.

    Consider the way in which she over-reacted to a third-world slave costume (HAH! That in itself exemplifies such poor taste that it is comedic gold).

    If she has sexual hang-ups, and you try to seduce her by confessing that you consider her fiancéto be attractive, it may backfire. She may publically disparage and malign you. You risk creating a little gossip who will toot unpredictably to all of your mutual acquaintances what a corrupt little slut you are.

    If she is sexually repressed (again, consider her reaction to the tacky slave suit), you will have to be careful not to come on too strong. The process may be agonizingly slow, but it will be delicious to watch her resistance melt. And by establishing a slow-burn, you will effectively draw out the whole experience.

    That said, I think that if you carefully analyze the situation, you will find that the cost/reward ratio is not favourable. She may taint your reputation, given your mutual acquaintances.

    I therefore suggest, for reasons dictated by personal moral and logical persuasion, that you select a single target who is not in any way linked to your professional environment.

    1. so glad I'm not a female that cares about those big romantic gestures. your plan is good. I enjoyed reading it and wish, that one day, another scenario like this presented itself to me. it is an investment but the rewards are so great. ripping someone's world from within. best game there is.

    2. No. I think that ripping someone's world from within for the sheer sake of it is utterly deplorable. The woman she wishes to seduce is on the verge of making a catastrophic mistake. In this case, manipulating her is a means through which to potentially empower her.

  5. Anon,

    Right on with the whole: "I think that if you carefully analyze the situation, you will find that the cost/reward ratio is not favourable." Where is the juice for this squeeze? Seems like squeezing to squeeze.

  6. (and just to stir up the side bar):

    Medusa: "Yep, and I wonder under what terms he left/is leaving the military."

    No need to wonder. 20 years honorable service, full pension. Yes, I have been beaten, broken, battered, and bruised. I have definitely paid a physical toll for the price to travel the world, see exotic lands, beautiful people, and exciting times. I have done things most only watch on the screen. It has been an adventurous life and I have paid my toll. But that's with anyone. Who is the man or woman they were 20 to 25 years ago. That's just life.

    So, to recap; wonder no longer, Medusa my snake haired seductress, "20 years honorable service, full pension."

  7. So, are you planning on taking them both? It seems like it with that approach.

    1. XD that's what I thought too lmao!

    2. If you want to take them both, I'd have a different strategy to suggest... :)

  8. I would like to be a fly on the wall. The US has those mechanized flies which are cameras. Don't swat any funky looking flies, M.E

  9. Sounds like the boyfriend is already messing with his fiancee's head as well as gaslighting M.E.'s colleague to feel like she dresses too provocatively. It looks like a wasp/stinging nettle scenario to me.

  10. A man recently attempted to seduce me, but I was very uncertain about him as a character.. Aside from that, he was uninteresting to me and I found him physically unattractive. Adding to his other unappealing traits, he was his seemingly unable to take “no” for an answer. He persued me and I maintained my position still - without difficulty. The more he tried, the more I resisted. Finally, I humiliated him in front of a man I knew to be his intellectual superior, I pitied him at that point, though still don’t regret reducing him. I think he deserved it.

  11. Ell
    I really enjoyed talking to you about our mothers. You dissed me on the Forum and I jumped you on the Comment Section. Do you want to call it even ~

    1. Who cares? Just drop it. Learn to let go of things.

    2. Listen, Monica. I didn't diss you in the forum. You can't find it because it isn't there. I will not tolerate your people-of-the-lie bullshit. Accept responsibility for your bitchiness, and apologize to me for attacking without provocation, or you stay the fuck out of my way.

    3. " Rather than blissfully lacking a sense of morality, like the sociopath, they are continually engaged in sweeping the evidence of their evil under the rug of their own consciousness"

    4. OK, Ell, I will find it on the Forum and I am not a people of the lie. That sucks so bad, when I am trying with all my heart, to be honest.

    5. You are a people of the lie Monica, now bend over and take my strapon up your butt, cunt.

    6. I KNEW Raven gone was too good to be true

    7. You really don't play dumb do you? You are really this dumb! I was just teasing you with 'Raven's Echo' I saw it done in the forum which I thought was funny...........

  12. If it's just for the sake of the seduction conquest, then I would take Alter's thoughts into consideration and have some fun.

  13. My take on SW:

    Why isn’t there more sociopaths openly living among us? It seems as though it is the new chic thing. Everyone loved Ledger’s performance as the Joker (even though fictional, the classic psycho) and Dexter (UKan, I got it; Dex isn’t a sociopath. Writers still push the show as such), both have shown much success. Why? Maybe because that’s not the point; to live in plain sight. I think there is something about the deception and living in the shadows that helps fuel the typical socio’s desires. It’s cooler for you not to know the monster behind the mask, until it is far too late and the monster has destroyed you to the point that those you try to call to for help will think you just weak little cry-baby, bitching that they’ve been a victim. Mind you, I know these are just thoughts, but it brings me to this.

    I don’t care what almost any of you that regularly visit this blog have to say (there is one or two I have noticed that have something worthwhile to say). If you really are a sociopath, the odds are you probably don’t give a shit about what I have to say either; and I will notice that by your lack of response to anything I post. The thing is, I would wager that most of you aren’t sociopaths. So why are you here? Maybe you are that wanna be Joker or Dexter or whoever else you seem to relate to as a cool-bad-ass-psycho; in which case I think you have a much bigger issue than anyone else here (why do you want to be something that you aren’t?). Maybe you have been the victim and abused by the “sociopath” in your life; in which case I understand what brought you here, but I’m not sure if you’re gonna really get any answers because the situation you went through wasn’t personal, you just happened to be in the cross fires of a machine-like-self-serving individual and that individual is just that. That sociopath was but one of many and all are different. But at least those coming here for answers are trying to deal with their reality.

    Then there are those that I my jury is still out on. The regulars that contribute nothing about themselves and like to try and take pot shots at other’s through the information they provide. When these characters get loose it can be very hilarious. Their barbs strike emotional soft spots in the ones trying to seek answers and also the ones pretending they are empty. The show can be amusing, but gets boring rather quickly.

    Why did I write all this? It’s my take. And as a self admitted lover of some me, I want to you to hear what I have to say. I don’t care if you care, or you like it, or you love it, or you quote it; I just want to say it, and I usually get what I want (One SW regular will go back and see I stated “always get what I want”; I did say that. I reserve the right to lie and change my mind as I feel like it. To this point I have told only one lie in everything I have said; says the liar, but you couldn’t catch it if you tried). Your reactions or lack of reactions will tell me volumes about you.

    Hope to chat soon.

    1. Yawn.

      You have no idea how many times newbies come in and write that same speech after feeling vulnerable from attack.

      Obviously you missed the Bullshit Bingo thread.

    2. Also, if everyone here belongs to the Dexter-wannabe camp, and you are here as well, then by transitive property then....? Do you follow me here?

    3. I didn't say everyone was a Joker or Dex wannabe; if the shoe fits, wear it.. I'm sure MANY a newbie has posted very similar. Vulnerable to attack? We all are. Standing on ground that you really don't care about means you establish mobile defenses. I'm very well aware of the vulnerabilty to attack.

      I just wanted to speak my mind while there was nothing going on in here.

    4. Dexter wanna be? Ha ha ha. It was you on here defending dexter as a character. Most other people here think he's ridiculous. You are talking about yourself here. The wanna be psychopath. You are just a failure mate. You failed yourself and failed your family. Now youre alone and confused on what to do with yourself. You can't function in life without orders.

    5. Ukan has a point, although I disagree that you are trying to come off as a wanna-be psychopath.

      Gungy, if I were you, I would do everything in my power to try to salvage my marriage. You have children to think about, and kids really NEED a strong, masculine role model- especially boys. (I don't care how politically incorrect this sounds: children NEED their FATHERS.)

      Be the man and take charge of the situation.
      You can start by ceasing to be such a pussy by enabling your alcoholic wife.

    6. Gungy guy, what exactly are you after from the people here? What do you consider to be meaningful or informative? For anybody that wants to see how low empathy people ARE, this place is very good. But they have to be smart enough not to expect the regulars to talk about themselves like some AA/therapy shit. They have to just sit and observe how they interact. The powerplay, the manipulative skills, the charm, the aggresivness and all that. It's all fucking here. What the fuck more do you want? There are people who tear others down, yes, but OF COURSE there has to be some powerplay. There are also others who post sciency stuff. Informative shit for those interested.

      Again: what would you want to hear around here? How would you like this place to be, better than it is?

    7. Please don't prod him on to give us another lengthy diatribe on why he's here. Everyday he tells us why he's here about three or four times.

      He now claims there are no psychopaths here except him. This guy is textbook. The only true psychopath is someone who doesn't believe in freedom for himself and gets used. I don't think so grunge.

    8. Well, he's here because his leg is broken and he tries to escape from his kinda sucky life right now. Has he ever said WHAT changes specifically he would want around here? He's just bitter because you guys are at his throat, in my opinion.

      I can't understand them when they come with the same stuff. Perhaps it's a new diagnoses that should be considered for these ppl.

    9. You just came here and started offending people. And you did it after few attacks, I think you should leave, buddy.

      Why isn't there more sociopaths openly living among us?
      Because sociopaths are secretive and they don't feel the need to expose. Dexy and Joky aren't good examples of openly living sociopaths, people like to watch maniacs in tv screens but they would definitely freak out about a sociopath among them. You wrote that you only do things that can benefit you, so what can you get by exposing yourself?

    10. Be loved for who you really are? HAHAHAHA

    11. Alter,

      Just because my marriage may crumble does not mean I will cease to my children's father. I will continue the things I have done to try and raise them as well as I can; they're smart, strong boys/young men. They'll be fine. I would like to know what point you think UKan made.

      I'm not bitter because they're at my throat; like mesquites and much less like wolves. I'm seeing the wheat for the chaff a little better in this blog. When I was screaming for something relevant and meaningful, it was during one of those "You suck [insert name]", "No, you suck more." deals and I was amazingly bored with NOTHING on TV. Today it seems as people (so far) are conversing about so decent shit. With the exception of a few who have come to still do nothing but hurl insults and personal attacks as if their "ob-line's persona meant something.

    12. Wow, dude, this time I really agree with you, maybe you are not as stupid as you seem, bro!

    13. Anon 12:55, thank you very much for the support for the opening of what I posted. NOT exposing yourself is exactly what I was trying to get at. I'm not saying I am a sociopath (you can comb every post and you want find that), I simply said I SEEM to have traits and tendencies associated with sociopathy. I also haven't said that NO ONE here is a sociopath. I just don't think everyone here is what they say they are.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. SO, you're here just for "decent conversation"? But you can have that anywhere, bro. There are plenty of forums on the web for every topic you're interested in. This blog here is for and about SOCIOPATHS. Insults are mandatory. Think about it, man... And yeah the comment section sucks big time, that's why several people mostly prefer the forum. Conversation there seems to me better than here. Well, most of the time...

    16. My now 18 year old son and I have been at each others throats

      This is what you said in the forum, gungy. How can you claim your son will be fine when he is showing this much anger towards his father?

    17. He failed as a person, a father, and a husband.


    18. Just because my marriage may crumble does not mean I will cease to my children's father.

      Why not? You weren't your children's father when your marriage was not crumbling. Or can you not remember that far back?

    19. This is the point I think Ukan has, Gungy:

      "You failed yourself and failed your family. Now youre alone and confused on what to do with yourself. You can't function in life without orders.

      Of course you can still be a decent father if you divorce your wife, but probably not *as* good a father as you would be if you were to stick around and work out your shit.

      Given your preponderance toward irresponsibility and the detached way in which you discuss your children, I would wager that eventually, you find all kinds of excuses to avoid being an involved, engaged father, and that is just pathetically weak. Be a real man and protect your family.

    20. Gungy,

      Most people are not intellectuals. Most are stupid and unwilling to participate in meaningful discussions on a very controversial subject one in which even the experts are arguing over diagnostic criteria, checklists, etc. You might very well be a high-functioning sociopath, I do not know. What I do know is some sociopaths and psychopaths (I distinguish the two and there are further categories within each) just like to mess around with other people and that's their sole purpose in life. Quite limited and easy to achieve in a digital world.

      You want an intellectual discussion with someone, hit me up.

    21. Shut up Houser. There is plenty of intellectually stimulating discussion on this blog, but I haven't heard a single worthwhile contribution from *you*, brainiac.

    22. Ellicit
      You are so shallow thinking. Damn.

    23. You want an intellectual discussion with someone, hit me up.

      Yeah. The two of you can discuss the great works of Dochevsky. hahaha

    24. Monica, you gutless reptile. I want my apology.

    25. I LOVE House MD @@@@@

      *them is claps

    26. BoD, do you normally use dude and bro so much in real life?

    27. House, (Like a House Dr. or Dr. House?)
      Do you have anything on the burner?

      I knew the insults would come, they're actually funny. I just think they're weak when they are used on a regular basis and when that's all someone has to offer.

      I'm told by just about everyone I know he seems just like any teenager. BTW, he and I pretty cool now, I did say "have been". He's also very much his father's son... it's to be expected.

      I haven't failed anything. My wife hasn't left (yet), I'm an honorably decorated Marine of nearly 20 years service, I'm the father of four beautiful, intelligent, and strong young men... Where have I failed? My marriage? Wow, that's a shocker! What's the national divorce rate? You find this rare? And I'm not divorced. I didn't say i wanted one; we'll just see where she goes with this. And a life without orders will be a much welcomed change. It is because I question orders and sometimes bend the rules a little that I have been so successful and lived to see this day.

      You are more than likely correct about me being a better father if I'm in the house; however, what are they learning about relationships with a mother and father who barley talk and mostly argue (before you put words in my mouth UKan I said argue not fight; there is a difference.) As for finding excuses to stay away... Pop Warner Board Member and sometimes coach (when not deployed) for the last eight years. Two years youth basketball... you get the picture. Didn't miss one home game when I was home for my odlest sons High School football career and only one away game... You get the idea?

      i never said my life is a shambles... I said I believed my lies that I was a good person and that got me here; because of various situations in my life, the largest of which is a marriage that looks as if it's about to end, I have come to the eyeopening realization that I wasn't anything like I thought I was. I was everything I said I didn't like. That's that.


    28. Yeah. The two of you can discuss the great works of Dochevsky. hahaha

      Dochevsky, yoda, and zen.

    29. Anon 1:50

      HAHA, no, stupid. English isn't even my first language. But one of my nicknames is "Bird of Drama" around here, so I like to add a lot of dude and bro just for a laugh.


    30. Of course you can still be a decent father if you divorce your wife, but probably not *as* good a father as you would be if you were to stick around and work out your shit.

      He married her because he got her pregnant. Most of those marriages fail. Just because you have a kid with someone doesn't mean you should spend the rest of your life with them. Most idiots don't get that. They want to do the right thing.

      Those kids don't need you as a father. They were probably better off since you weren't there.


    31. And a life without orders will be a much welcomed change.

      I bet, that's why you said if you aren't a marine you are nothing.

    32. You are more than likely correct about me being a better father if I'm in the house;

      Yep. I am correct.

      however, what are they learning about relationships with a mother and father who barley talk and mostly argue (before you put words in my mouth UKan I said argue not fight; there is a difference.)

      Stop focusing on defending yourself and concentrate on my words: I said you need to work out your shit.

      The first step is to cease enabling your wife's alcoholism. Until she can recognize her problem and agree to get help, you will be stuck at this stage. You may even have to walk away for a time, but ensure that you remain in close contact with her. She may be unstable when you leave, and thus prone to emotionally abusing the children. In your position, I would remove them from the house until she concedes to getting help. An alcoholic mother is a terrible role model. She needs you to show her some tough love.

      The second step is to seek counseling together, or at the very least, mutually decide that your marriage is worth salvaging, and set aside a time- daily- to work on issues specific to your relationship. (I am assuming that it is because you said that you love your wife as much as you can love anyone).

      When your boys see you man up, they will gain a lot of respect for you.

      Just my two cents. Take em or leave em.

    33. He married her because he got her pregnant. Most of those marriages fail. Just because you have a kid with someone doesn't mean you should spend the rest of your life with them. Most idiots don't get that. They want to do the right thing.

      A real man will want to do right by and protect his family.

    34. And Alter, (sir? ma'am?) This is what I'm talking about, thank you. The problem is I don't care about her alcoholism or really her very much at all. here is where I start to see the really not "nice" person I am. She raised my sons, she says nothing of importance to me (never has), an she's not the 5'4" 110lb 20 year old hottie she once was. I don't want sex with her and I don't have fun with her. Sex was great years ago (hence all the boys, LOL!), but that's all she and I really had going together; great sex.

      So why work out the shit? I don't care. If she stays I get to stay financially comfortable until the kids leave, then I can leave. if she goes, well... well.

    35. No a real man would have left her when he found out she was pregnant and paid child support instead of guilting themselves into a worthless marriage with a drunk they don't even want to be with. His children are going to be damaged. Drunken mother and loser father that are both fighting constantly.

    36. Those kids don't need you as a father. They were probably better off since you weren't there.

      Bullshit! Unless he is an abusive prick, this is patently untrue.

      There was a time I was much better off when my father left, because he was physically abusive. But Gungy has not confessed to abusing his children in any way other than alluding to partial negligence. He can correct that.

    37. He needs to leave until she gets her act together, that's for fucking sure. But he said he loves his wife as much as he can love anyone. That's not a worthless marriage.

    38. Alter, that supposes I know what love is.

    39. I know how to care for someone.

    40. Love is something else I think.

    41. Because I know how to care for my house to.

    42. The problem is I don't care about her alcoholism or really her very much at all.

      Oh. well if you really don't give a flying fig, they are better off without you. But it sounds like a weak, pathetic cop-out to me. I guess you are a complete failure as a husband, then.

      At the very least, pay child support and insist that your children be removed from the household of a rampant drunk.

    43. Would if that were so easy. She has no arrests or incidents to speak of with alcohol. She just drinks a 12 pack a night. No court will give the angry Marine father custody over the victimized house wife mother. But, if she leaves me maybe she'll stop drinking. She says I'm the problem.

      And I did admit that as a husband I may be on the brink of failure.

    44. Love is demonstrated by your actions, not your feelings. Emotions are irrelevant: you can show your love by your deeds.

      Emotions can be shallow and fleeting. Your commitment should be contingent on more than a hollow appraisal of the feelings you used to have for your wife.

      You want to excuse yourself, go ahead. Just don't let your kids pay the price for your irresponsibility.

    45. Stop trying to make everyone into you, Falter, you fucking narcissist. He's spelled out the kind of person he is already, it's not like he's subtle or able to hide any aspects of himself. He's a socially clumsy loser with a need for people to pump his ego. His family is just there to feed his need for admiration. Now that his wife sees him for what he is there in no reconcile. He's hoping his children will sing his praises to feed his ego, but it won't likely happen. His wife and him will end in divorce and his kids will grow to resent him.

      You are just so caught up in preaching your christian bollocks that you can't see it.

    46. I'm not sure where you're driving this. What I have said is I never had feelings for my wife other than "She's friggin hot! And I want to stick it!" She was a cool chick, we had amazing sex, she was an opportunity for me to get out of the trailer I was in, and she got pregnant. That's what i see now. I told myself about a billion lies to marry her, stay with her, and generally complete the life I have so far... I don't regret it, I just see it for what it is now. Should I have done different; mote point.

    47. UKan Sometimes Say Things Close to the Mark.

    48. Alter, he's right up until the kids resenting me thing. That I do not foresee.

    49. Oh, and he was off about hiding aspects..


    50. That's what i see now. I told myself about a billion lies to marry her, stay with her, and generally complete the life I have so far... I don't regret it, I just see it for what it is now. Should I have done different; mote point.

      Exactly. He should never have married that cunt. It wasn't love it was lust. If you are in a relationship just for lust it's best never to marry her. In a loveless marriage people just fall off and get fat not giving a fuck what the other person thinks of their body. She drinks twelve beers a night to get over her fucked life, and you sold yours off to the military. They should make a reverse romantic comedy about your pathetic lives.

      You need to get your life straight and dump that drunk. Everyday spent with her is a waste of your life. How much longer are you going to let other people decide the life you lead?

    51. I'm not trying to turn anyone into me, you fucking narcissist. I'm just stating what I think is right. You don't like it, choke on it. By all means, continue to feed the man all of the justifications he needs to leave his wife; it's not my problem.

    52. Grungy I can see you clearly and I know the people around you can. You think you've fooled the world, but you only fooled yourself. By thinking you are some master of manipulation pulling the wool over everyone's eyes you feel empowered. It's a false sense of empowerment though, because in reality you have been controlled your entire life and you have been the trick.

    53. They aren't justifications Falter. They are realities. You don't want to see it as such because of your moral soapbox you like to stand on.

      Save the marriage!

      Save the children!

      Give me a break. His life has been fuck all and now he has the chance for a clean break. You and your fake fucking god can't understand things like that. He spelled it out but you can't read through it without thinking of yourself. Typical.

    54. It is what it is, my man.

      "Why does everything need some end goal? Why can't you just do shite with no purpose whatsoever?"

      There never really was a purpose behind any of the decisions I made except to survive. To tell me to live my own life, what does that mean? I think it means survive. Survive in the best conditions you possibly can. I have a drunk wife, sure; but I have done everything I ever wanted to do except star in a movie! That was the exchange I made with my choices. It's what I bought when I sold whatever you say I did to the military; it was fun!

      So, all we need to do is make that reverse romantic comedy, put me in it as the star role playing myself... and then I will have done it everything I wanted to do. you're a true genius, UKan!

    55. But even you, you genius you, can be wrong. I HAVE pulled the wool over everyone's eyes! I am the "good son", the "community provider", the "honorable war-hero", and to all but the one person who really knows me (my wife), the "great father and husband". You see; her family sees me that way, my peers see me that way, my family see me that way... and they all think here "crazier than a shit-house rat" because I told them all she was. Because I told them. That's all I had to do.

    56. Your smart kids will resent you if she cleans up after the divorce. Which she should because she knows its better for her. The older one will just turn into an alcoholic, a cheater, probably knock some girl up and join the military. It isn't unlikely he'll be abusive. With the emotional investment you have in your kids, they'll be likely to turn to drugs or obsessions and be generally unsuccessful. They'll also take orders and not know how to take responsibility for themselves. You should've left your wife. Shed have been better off without you. The kids would've had an opportunity ata better life.
      When we find out who you are your wife will love to hear these things about herself and what you've shared.

    57. "They aren't justifications Falter. They are realities."

      Our reality is defined by the choices we make, and every day presents us with new opportunities to grow and change. I don't think the majority of wise decisions are made upon the basis of emotion, or a lack thereof.

      Gungy, I wish you all the best, whatever you decide to do.

    58. Kany, she's sitting right next to me.

      As for finding out who I am... go ahead. PLEASE! and then what? My turn?
      Keep in mind I am an Operations Chief for an infantry unit. What that means is I am responsible for the assiting in the tactical planning to accomplish all mission assigned to that unit and the logistical planning required to support such a plan. That means over the past 18 years I have networked with people who can find YOU within the hour if I want. But, I will have to cash in some serious favors and until I see something that I can't handle here on my own, none of you are worth those favors. Now I know that was defencive, but I thought you might like the advisement. You have the advice, do what you will.

    59. Really gungy? And what kind of man are you really? You are one who sacrifices his entire life to protect that image of family man. You are not pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You lived a life of service not vice versa. You stayed in a dead marriage for 20 years. You didn't dump her and run off to live a life of hedonism. You stayed and joined the service to throw your life away for your family. You want to be seen as someone who did the right thing, that's why you got married to begin with.

      It's only here you want to be seen as someone who never cared. You aren't trying to convince us as much as you are using this place as a spring board to lie to yourself and tell yourself that you never cared and that you have always been in control. The truth about your life is completely different. You care you just don't know how to care more about your family than you do about your image and your ego. Your family is the legacy you leave behind and in that you show who you are. Your legacy is a fat drunken wife who can't stand you and children who's father is nothing but a blow hard who can't handle living a life where he isn't being told what to do. A life in service to other people, but thinks he's in control.

    60. Alter. Appreciated.

    61. When you make bad choices Falter you cut your losses, burn everything down around you and start over. Life's about living the way you want to on a constant basis. Doing what makes you happy. If he's in a marriage where they don't even like each other he's wasting time.

      It's too bad you didn't realize the same thing or you wouldn't have had to go lesbian on your husband and have him making you feel guilty later for it.

    62. UKan

      Three's just enough truth mixed with your bullshit to make it almost believable. trust me when I say I take what you have said here in these last few post with as much honesty as I can. I'm not lying to myself any longer. As for the spring board, you are right but it is to get an as many views as to what I'm saying. I get yours, I don't agree. And other's don't as well. Thank you for your opinion. But I don't need you beating your dead drum. Coming with something new or go do whatever it is you do, you genius you. ( you could go practice that shotgun thing)

    63. You stayed and joined the service to throw your life away for your family.

      You sacrificed yourself to do right by your family! That is much more honorable than following your base emotions and seeking a life of pleasure and hedonism. That your feelings do not always match your actions does not make your sacrifice any less honorable.

      Deeds are more important than emotions, and actions speak louder than words.

    64. I haven't failed anything. My wife hasn't left (yet)

      Youve talked a bit about the possibility of divorce and made it sound like she will be the one to make the choice. But it also seems that you don't really want her to leave you, even though you say you've realized you never loved her or anyone anyway. I don't think you're being entirely honest with yourself.

    65. Oh shutup you fucking bible thumper. Look where it put him? Hes not happy with his life that much is certain. I was in a bad marriage for less than a year and got a divorce. When I threw her out the door it was a great feeling. I can't imagine 20 years of bollocks with some fat drunk while I get told what to do by some wanker in the service. He said it himself that he's just surviving. Just surviving is not living life to it's fullest. Just surviving is a miserable existence.

    66. Alter, first time commenting on here. So, there wouldn't be much to choose from.

      Ellicit, don't like his works.

      Monica, House is the shit minus the whole ending to the series.

      Gungy, House from the tv show. was watching it while reading this thread. Decided to use it. Nothing significant on the burner though I wonder, how many of us on here are successful in real life. How well people adapt to the normalcy surrounding them. Successful sociopaths and psychopaths are intriguing. I wonder what each one's methods are of convincing others they are normal.

    67. I never really felt guilty about it. I had manipulated consent out of him prior to the incident, so technically I had his permission; I never outright deceived him. If I had kept it hidden, I would have glossed it over in no time and lost all respect for him.

      It was a poor choice, so I cut my losses and dumped my friend, but I didn't have to burn my marriage down in the process.

      My husband and I used to be at each other's throats. Now we are the very best of friends. If I had given up when it was rough yesterday, I would have missed out on countless blessings today.

    68. I cannot put myself in Gungy's shoes. Maybe it is best for them to separate. I just want to underscore that such a major decision should never be made solely on the basis of emotion or wanton lust.

    69. Best not to get married in the first place. Between four military buddies of mine they got 10 divorces. Though I would have to say, most of that is due to lack of the spouse to deal with constant deployments and emotional troubles they get coming back.

    70. Yeah, obviously. Clearly the right way to ru n your life is by self sacrafice. As we can see by gungy's example, the successes of suppression do nothing but well for society.

    71. He didn't love her to begin with. He's said it from the gate here. If you had the ability to realize that not every person here is you and that every person that comes here is not yet another opportunity for you to brag about changing your life from a juveneille delinquent into some god fearing wife/quasi lesbian you might actually see situations for what they are and stop shooting the same advice to everyone.

      You keep trying to fit things in the square hole of your life, but we aren't talking about you. For once, realize that. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU FALTER. This is not about you. This isn't you. This isn't you and your choices. How many times do people have to drill these things through your head. This isn't another chance for you to blab on about your fucking marriage and you turning your life to jesus and you making the "right choices".


    72. Best not to get married in the first place.

      Agreed, but that ship has sailed. We are talking about now. He can keep living in regrets or he can move on.

    73. Alter; In the words of Joe Dirt, "Don't church it up". I knew exactly what I was doing for me! In the guise of doing right by the family I got everything I ever wanted. My family set safe and sound in a nice little neighborhood as Daddy went off to travel foreign lands. Daddy was having the time of his life. I've climbed mountains, scuba'd off beautiful Pacific Reefs, been in bar fights the world over, loved exotically beautiful women, and I've been in more than one gunfight. That my friend is L-I-V-I-N Living!

    74. Gungy, get out now if you want, i just remembered this. 18 years in you'll get the pension at 20 if you retire, she'll get a big chunk of pay if you stay with her and end up divorcing anyway.

      Fuck that, you put 18 years in and you've never loved her, she'll walk away with a lot more than you think. I've seen it happen too many times. Support the kids, but cut her off from YOUR finances and career.

    75. House, at twenty she gets half. At twenty it's like 47%. When I think of 1/2 my pension going to her and then child support for three? EEEEEKK.

    76. I meant 18 years she gets like 47%

    77. It's already going to her you fucking jarhead. The only difference is you are living with her and those fucking brats she spat out.

      Iraq, afghanistan, and Haiti are not my favourite vacation spots. You are selling yourself short. You could be fighting, fucking, and seeing the world on your own terms not on some idiot president's like George Bush.

    78. Get a good lawyer then because you'll be paying that until SHE retires at the optional age of 62. Sucks to be you right now. You can think of it this way - kids will be getting the support they need if that's less EEEEKKKing

      Got a Navy SEAL buddy. He got royally screwed by his second wife. He's not allowed to see his daughter because of his "high-risk" for violence bullshit. He'll shoot a haji without blinking because of his training and deployments, so, using that against him, chalked him up as the type to act out his aggression against the family including his daughter. Half of his pension and sole custody of the daughter later, he's legally fucked.

    79. Corfu, Maldeves, and Thailand are vacation spots. It hasn't benn a getting shot at and blown up type of thing every fucking second. In the 90s, before a decade of getting shot at and blown up, we cross trained with other countries and the liberty ports were amazing. Think, UKan, think... you're a genius.

    80. You get it House.

    81. Ukan, there are plenty of great military spots. Germany, England, Italy, Japan, Korea. Italy and Germany are the shit though. Lots of beer, wine and fast cars. Pretty much every corner of the globe our service members have been to, the good and the bad ones.

    82. Thanks, Gung, wish you luck, brother.

    83. Got paid well, took care of the family, and I got the glory and the goods.

    84. appreciated, House.

    85. Not worth it. The military isn't a vacation. Sell that to some wide eyed idiot. You sound like a fucking recruiter. My brother was in the service and it was no picnic. Right now he is divorced and bitter. Exactly where Grungy is right now.

    86. Where are you getting the bitter part; and I am not divorced.

    87. Military is not for everyone and I don't say otherwise. It is a voluntary service. Most people go in for the education afterward, GI Bill. If you sign up for combat arms don't be surprised you're going to get deployed to an active war zone and get shot at. War is no picnic and neither is the military.

      If you don't want to possibly get shot at, go someplace else. i don't need people who are going to piss themselves and cry when the shit starts.

    88. No, this isn't about me, and Gungy can do whatever he wants. He asked for the benefit of several opinions, and I was happy to oblige him with mine today.

      Gungy, I have not read all of your comments here, but I do remember that at first, you claimed not to be aware of what you were doing- that you were blind to your own selfish motives. After a short conversation with Ukan, you claim to have known exactly what you were doing the whole time! You have proved yourself to be very easily influenced- and by someone who most assuredly does not have your best intentions in mind, for all his "genius". Be wary of taking advice from a self-avowed sadist who gets his kicks from watching others ruin their lives, and assisting the process however he can.

      Not everyone will derive abiding satisfaction and happiness from wantonly following every whim and lustful desire, like YOU, Unarc. Some things are worth fighting for. Only Gungy can determine whether his marriage falls into that category.

      Gungy, if *that* is the kind of man you want to be, by all means, live it up. It's your life, and your choice.

    89. Exactly. I was fortunate enough to see a little shit early and know that I was meant to pull the trigger. I have fun tracking down people and eliminating them. "America's prostitute with a gun", I think someone said.

    90. Alter, let me exxplain myself a wee bit better. I did know what I was doing as to the decisions I was making, I just saw self righteousness in what I was doing. I painted my decisions as the right thing to do, people believed it, and worse I did too. That's what I meant.

    91. So the military was the only opportunity you'd ever have to be able to do anything, so you sold your soul for it. Now you're the jar head in hurt locker, pretending to be a hero, putting on a face, when you're really just a coward, too scared to be committed to anything meaningful. At least you got to see some of the third world crumbled places of the world, and fuck foreigners to satisfy the wild oat side of you. Your wife feels like your a trap, and that you should pay her to be with you or she couldn't find the drive to stay.

    92. If you don't want to possibly get shot at, go someplace else. i don't need people who are going to piss themselves and cry when the shit starts.

      I don't exactly have a job where that doesn't occur. When something happends it's on my terms not on some goober president's. The american military are not the masters of courage. They just go into places where the enemy is weak and they have superior training and weapons to knock the odds down 10:1. As soon as they are crying and pissing their pants they send in a airstrike. If you want to give respect to someone give it to the terrorists. It takes real courage to give up your life for your beliefs.

      This is about freedom to do what you want when you want, not being tied to some shite family you are stuck with and joining the military to escape them and escape having to live your life. It takes real courage to take your life into your own hands and make your own choices.

    93. Yea, yea. (catching the condensension) I got it awhile ago when UKan was spouting the was shit. You have your view and I am looking for any and all, but your's Mrs. Kany I don't agree with, don't care, and have had enough off. Coming with something new or be gone.

  14. Gungy, most of the regulars have told quite abit about themselves in the archives if you want to look. Some of us just came here to get some idea of what we're dealing with.
    Has it been helpful? Yes at times.
    Some use it as a power-play or playgound.
    You seem very thoughful and insightful, thats what makes you a target and you said you came to the realization you have sociopath traits. Maybe thier just testing them out.

    Not really a welcoming bunch. So keep posting some of us aren't skipping over what you have to say. I would assume this is the one time you've been able to be almost completely honest.

    1. TIK, it's sad you only speak when there's someone around who you think will lead the revolutionary holy army for you. It has nothing to do with Grungy as a person, or anything he's really saying; it's only about the fact he's oppositional, and that you are afraid to ever say anything otherwise.

      Nice job with the preemptive ego massage, though. tik for tat.

    2. I feel sorry for you Medusa so i'm not going to bite.

    3. You hit the nail on the head TIK. I am hear to see what I'm dealin with. I have gone through and read some's history and as I said a few regs have had meanigful things to say. I might not have liked all the things they had to say but they were meaningful none the less. But, there ar a few that I can't find much history about and they have almost nothing of substance to offer it seems, just attacks at the most superfical level. Don't get me wrong, I'm not above that game either; but I don't feel like playing that game until provoked.

      Thanks for the reply, TIK.

    4. Tik and I are the Born Again Christian brigade :P

  15. Yawn, are you doing this for practice or to what aim? It seems you are quite careless and I doubt you are really placid. Most sociopaths I've met are incredibly smart, 4.0 not careless and very well spoken. How do I know that they are sociapaths, because I am encredibly observant and more than half my language is body language. in general I've noticed that the people would never do something like this and risk blowing their cover. they go to church every week, have girlfriends, visit family etc. they are also very good about hiding amongst the nerds, nerds can be emo but these people see the goucheness of engineering a good place to hide. They follow rules, standards and try their best to copy what their parents did. They pick out a girl from the crowd and decide to marry her. This is the true sociopath. They don't go around killing junk or harrassing people. Maybe you are emo and just angry. Anger will make you feel less sympathetic and hurt others. In general people without these feelings don't do anything without al benefit.

    1. Mr/Mrs/Miss Incredibly Observant,

      What or who was that addressed?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Gungy what do you plan to do after your leg heals, are you going to finish up with the military in the States?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Does that mean you'll be sent overseas again?

  20. There's a chance, but small.

  21. My nephew just came out of the Marine's less then a year ago, he didn't see any war. he was stationed in Japan in a motor pool. My other nephew is in the Army and was stationed in Iraq.

  22. Haven, I liked your comment. Why did you delete it? You made an excellent point about the trench.

    Anyway, I thought I should add something that I failed to mention explicitly in my first response. I thought it was obvious and so left it unstated, but one should never assume, and it is a very important component of the strategy I outlined, so I will go into greater detail.

    During the seduction phase, while you are actively gaining her trust through *subtle*, persistent flattery, you must simultaneously undermine her fiance by planting seeds of doubt concerning his faithfulness in her mind, always under the guise of being "concerned for her best interests".

    M.E: "So how are things with so-and-so?"

    Lady X: "Not bad, but to be perfectly honest,sometimes I suspect that he is interested in Lady Y"

    M.E: "Really? Why is that?"

    Lady X: "Well... it's the way he looks at her, blah blah blah blah blah. (She'll go on for some time. Let her. It is during this phase that you must exploit her vulnerability by undermining her partner. The more you listen quietly, and offer only terse comments encouraging her to share, the more she'll spew.)

    M.E: "You know, I think your concerns may have some merit." (Let it hang, allow her to probe you for more information. Act as though you are reluctant to convey information that will disparage someone else's good reputation.)

    Lady X: "Why?? Do you know something I don't??"

    M.E: "Wellll..."

    Lady X: "What? Tell me!"

    M.E: At this point, use any fodder you can without lying outright. Employ hyperbole or level very subjective (and thus non-provable) accusations concerning his fidelity, such as:

    "Have you ever wondered why he spends SO much time at the office?"

    "The other day, I caught him looking at so-and-so legs a little too long"

    "Have you seen the way Lady W shamelessly flirts with him?" (Use someone with an established reputation for being a cocktease.)


    After you drop the bomb, you will have magnified her insecurity a great deal. She will want your advice on how to handle the situation. At this point, you should begin actively undermining the relationship, whilst being very careful to emphasize that your primary concern is to safeguard her emotions. This will be easier if you awaken in her novel feelings that will both confuse and sweep her off her feet.

    I was initially reluctant to offer this advice because I am not convinced it is morally tenable. (If you had stated that the woman was married, I would not have been this forthright, because that would really go against my principles: the situation would be black and white.)

    However, in this case, it looks as though the woman in question is about to make one of the worst mistakes of her life. If you can spare her the agony of marrying a cheating asshole, you will have done her a favour, so it is manipulation for the sake of empowerment. That you should profit from the situation at the same time is just an added bonus.

    Still, because of her professional connection to you, you must handle this very carefully.

    Good luck.

  23. On the topic of todays post, If ME plays it either way the mutual friend won't be a friend of his any longer.

  24. Tik, I think M.E is a woman wishing to seduce another woman. She won't lose her "friend" if she plays this right, unless she chooses to unceremoniously dump her after getting what she wants. Either way, the woman is better off not marrying someone who will eventually cheat on her and make her miserable, especially given her level of relationship insecurity. It is utterly foolish to marry someone you doubt, and this woman does not appear to have the strength of character, logical competence, or emotional security to recognize this.

    1. unless she chooses to unceremoniously dump her after getting what she wants

      Like you did with your Christian girlfriend, eh Alter?

    2. No one lets anyone forget anything on this place.

    3. That's 100% correct, Elicit. Although I wasn't fully cognizant of what I was doing: I had plenty of built-in justifications to rationalize my behaviour at the time.

    4. ME gave their sex away recently in a post- very sloppy. I think this post was an intentional diversion to cover that-

      good job, but it's not the end of the world I know if you are M or F

  25. School teaches one a lot about life, but never in the way they intend.

    Great Forum comment

  26. Also, on the subject of the day, TIK; M.E. said acquitance. I'm presuming "friendship" isn't of a concern to M.E.

  27. Is the person ME wants to seduce a man or a woman? I can't figure it out

    1. "I want to mess with her, but mainly just because she has revealed a weakness (relationship insecurity) that seems too delicious to pass up."

      WTF? ME's post is full of feminine prons when talking about the person she wants to seduce. That username is wisely chosen lol

  28. I believe M.E. is deliberately obfuscating this information, Dumbass, but one may conclude, via logical deduction, that she is probably female.

    1. Logical deductions, like reading words like "she" and "her" and deducing ME's talking about a woman... :D

    2. Bahahaaaa! You know what birdie? That didn't even register! For some reason, I read the above comment as "is M.E. a man or a woman"? (In this instance, I guess that makes me the dumbass, lol!)

      That'll teach me to read comments instead of merely scanning them, prior to responding. I'll excuse my negligence by appealing to my rampant ADHD. :P )

  29. Sensationalist anti-moralism aimed at acquiring nothing in exchange for your energy?

  30. Uh... She gets to seduce a woman in exchange for a modest expenditure of energy. Are you dumbass, perchance?

  31. Why does everything need some end goal? Why can't you just do shite with no purpose whatsoever?

  32. ME if you're a woman trying to seduce another woman, take it from the woman here who's done that before to several married women - test the waters out first.

    Assuming you wiggle your way in, never allude that you think the spouse is good looking, focus only on her. That's what she's lacking and you have to fill that void. Normal women need affection, attention, caring and steadiness. Be consistent in being the consoling friend first and then, one night, after much laughing and drinks, compliment her in some fashion. Lips, hair, eyes, legs, personality, whatever. Do it in a bashful way, like it's wrong to compliment her. That's the cue that you want her that way.

    Bring up kissing and how you've never done that with another woman and always wanted to try. By then, it should be solid. Unless she's completely straight and then you're just screwed and not in the good way. Ran into that problem before - completely straight woman and loved choking on penis too much not to try muff diving.

  33. How does a man suduce a man?

    1. See, he is a real doctor. He said penis.

    2. Muff diving and penis choking. How revoltingly coarse. That you, Piles? :P

    3. Dumbass, alcohol. An asshole feels like an asshole regardless of gender. though a reach around is quite different as you can imagine. and you got all that hair to deal with.

      alter, i forgot to mention how much she loved the feel of a nut sack too.

  34. UKan B Stupid


  35. UKan't Be(at) Me!

  36. You are going to be my greatest fan grungy. I see it already. Chant my name!



  39. Replies
    1. I doubt that gungy. You've said my name everyday you have come here.

  40. Gungy, you are really boring. I don't come to this page to have some say-nothing dude try to make himself the center of attention.

    Try to stay on topic.

    You said earlier "I just wanted to speak my mind while there was nothing going on in here."

    try speaking when there is actually something going on in that head of your.

  41. Did you miss the part where I don't care what you want?

    Scroll up and have some fun.

  42. Replies
    1. Abigail Autie

    2. Ohmygod! It's you! I kinda forgot your name... But you sure seem to think you've remembered mine! How precious; I made an impression!

  43. Gungy, what's your rank? I find the whole military ranking hierarchy fascinating.

    1. What fascinates you about the military rank structure?

    2. It's intricate, for one. For two, it's an actively enforced cultural honor system which I find interesting. Everyone has their title, their forms of address, their uniform. It's neat and tidy in a way I find pleasant.

    3. Post, Chat with some Special Ops - SEALs, SF, Rangers, Force Recon, etc.

      The structure there is fascinating. The less care there is for formal titles and more for what you bring to the unit, what kind of person you are. They don't take anything but the best especially specialized units like Delta Force, SEAL Team Six.

    4. I actually know a few SEALs. Those guys are neat.

  44. I bet you do. E8 is all I will tell you.

  45. But, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Good Evening, Postgraduate.

  46. So that puts you as Master Sergeant, if you're an Operations Chief. Fascinating.

  47. Very good. There's only a few of us here at Camp Lejeune.

    1. Wasn't there some big spouse appreciation event at Lejeune recently?

    2. Know idea... might have been. If it doesn't deal with bullets and guns in a training area, I tend to not care.

  48. Gungy, it's a bit unfair and ironic to pay so much money for 18 years of marriage, when you've spent a big part of that time away from your wife. How much time did you REALLY spend with her, year wise? And when was it that you came back from your last deployment? I have a friend who always goes through tough marriage times after he comes back home. Is this your case? His family affairs get better after a while.

    1. Last deployment, a few years ago. TIme from home... you'd have to give me a few if you truly want to know. I'd have to think and add (hard for dumb grunt).

  49. Gungy, I don't know if you've mentioned your age explicitly, but I know you're in your forties. If I could make a guess, I'd like to say 42 going on 43. Unless your birthday was recently. Am I close?

    1. No no, Clarice. Quid pro quo. You mentioned being a writer, but you will not tell what you've published. How then are we to believe such a statement?

    2. I'm afraid we're playing a different game today, sergeant. Your belief is not required, only your head.

    3. LOL! Then we're not playing anything.

    4. How about this: I will tell you my age if you'll tell me yours. That's quid pro quo by definition.


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