
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Should a sociopath have children?

A reader writes:

I just happened on this website a few days ago and have been devouring it over the past few days. I have come to realize that I am a "sociopath". I don't like the terminology and its scary the way people seem to think about this term. nevertheless, i have learned from reading the various posts to finally understand what I know was going on with myself for years. language was always intentional to me. I have always felt like the social sphere is work for me. work that I can be good at, mind you, but work nonetheless. i am very promiscuous and have a difficult time being faithful to my partners. etc. etc. My question though is: can i have children? Or the better question: should I have children as a sociopath? One the one hand, I feel as though my strength is that I am very deliberate and intentional in my interaction with anyone and I would be a very deliberate "loving" parent. I worry that the stress of juggling my life along with children will make me vulnerable to some bad behaviors as a parent. I have noticed that impulse control can be a problem but have learned over the years to take time to act on fear and anger or get out of the situation. I usually need lots of time to talk to myself to come down from an angry situation. I don't think a young child would necessarily bring these out in me since I am pretty good at redirecting these feelings. Nevertheless, that is the big question that I have for the group. I am not worried about being a criminal because I am not a violent person and I see the risks of that way of life pretty clearly. I have made moral mistakes at my job in the past and I have learned to lead in the open and with consensus at my job. My relationship, thankfully, is going ok despite the fact that I can't be faithful sexually.  

Anyway, that is my question: should a sociopath have children?

I've also thought about whether I would be a good or a bad parent.  I think the answer is just that I would be a different parent.  I would want any children I have to be around other people who are more emotional, more loving, so they get used to that.  I would still want them to be like me, but bilingual.  Basically, I would want them to be able to turn my way of thinking off and on.


  1. I just gave sweetcheeks a 30 rim job. It totally got rid of this headache I had. We have been talking about having a baby. I will keep you updated.

    1. was it coverd in katfood?

    2. What's a rim job?

    3. When someone licks their partner's ass.

    4. Oh, gross. Why would someone do that?

    5. It feels fantastic.

    6. That's where poop comes from!

    7. Does it really? I would think it'd tickle. And even if it does, who wants to be the one doing it? I guess I have a hard time with all the grossness in that area. I'm still shy with stuff like that.

    8. -poop shoot has the nectar of the gods within-

    9. And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.

  2. ofc couse they are fun to make
    one day i'll make a army of sociopaths and...
    (time to become a mormen)

  3. The reader who wrote in here seems to be concerned for the well-bring of their future children, not out of self-interest, but for the sake of the children. Surely this is a form of empathy or morality, and indicates that this person is not truly/fully a sociopath. Perhaps the reader has some sociopath traits without being a full sociopath, or have I misunderstood something?


    Melissa (a curious empath)

    1. You have misunderstood a great deal. You have underestimated the potency of the maternal instinct, and discounted that children constitute one's sole heritage in a world that is unraveling at the seams.

    2. What heritage? What are they inheriting? To what end? Are you serious? Children are a life long companion at best to an ethical dilemma at worst; and a good hope you at least get to the stage where they'll support you as you grow old through death. Maternal instinct is some justified inner code. Morals if you will. You're no sociopath.

    3. I never claimed to be.

      And I am willing to bet that you never pushed out a ten-pounder. ;)

    4. And why post under the cover of anon? I will be forthcoming with you either way.

    5. You said not a "full-fledged" sociopath, what did you mean? And again what is wrong with the anon title? How is Alterego any less anonymous? Please?

    6. Is that you, "friend"?

      I never claimed to be a sociopath, just someone with traits on the antisocial spectrum.

      How is Alterego any less anonymous? Please?

      If one posts under the same moniker consistently, that persona becomes "known" within the context of SW: a unique frame of reference. You may wish to remain under the cover of anon, but you will most likely be ferreted out, eventually.

      All the regulars post under at least one unique username. Why don't you select one? Do you lack the courage to expose your "identity" here?

    7. That's just it. What is being exposed? Unless you are daft (rigden) no one is exposing anything about themselves. But I have heard this from Kany, others, and now you. Perhaps an identity couldn't hurt, or perhaps I'll just remain an anonymoly.

    8. You should remain anonymous if it pisses people so bad to the point of writing so many words and at the same time, saying so little.

    9. Monica, you are the strongest reason for me to keep record on here, just so you and I could both know every urge I have to kill you.

    10. As an anonymous, you are swallowed into the category of mononymi. If you're OK with being confused with the likes of Monica, then I am OK with lumping you together.

    11. ^intimidation. ^bullying

      You suck at psychological manipulation. Go back to Ukan for lessons on how to be less transparent.

    12. I actually am not and am never trying to manipulate anything. I could give a toss if you stay anonymous.
      But while were on the subject, you're the one trying so why don't you petition him for advice.

    13. THAT'S IT! That wasn't me Kany. Even if I thought that was your game I wouldn't tell you. An identity I will share.

    14. I don't mind confusing you for anyone. I see the many anonymous as one anonymi... period.

    15. But I need your attention, recognition, and love. Even if you are nothing more than Kan's play thing, I do like you. You need to loosen up a bit though.

    16. Ah. Well isn't that better? :-)
      Loosen up how? m a laid back sorta girl? Part of the joys of being a play thing, wouldn't you think?

    17. Welcome back lovely.

    18. We will have to discuss the pleasures of rim jobs on another occasion :o)

    19. Lol. I guess I find it hard o imagine.

  4. I am an excellent parent. I thought I would be an atrocious mother, but I frequently receive compliments on how well-disciplined, respectful and caring my children are. I do not spoil them; they are expected to work, learn and play together as a functional unit. I am a very consistent disciplinarian.

    Nonetheless, my children have learned to seek out my husband when they hurt themselves, as I tend to react with irritation to their expressions of pain or discomfort. My eldest, who is receiving an enriched classical education that I wish I had been privy to, told me the other day that I would be right at home within Spartan society. I think she intended that comment as a compliment, nestled within a cry for greater nurturance.

    I am trying to be more sensitive to her burgeoning emotions, the vast majority of which are delicate and very difficult for me to fully appreciate, or even decipher at times. I admit that I sometimes feel like an emotional clod when attempting to relate to her; she possesses a subtlety and depth of emotion that I can but marvel at.

    I have one child who is like me. This child is belligerent, manipulative and incredibly strong-willed. Because she requires a firm hand, my husband insists that he be her primary disciplinarian, because I am too impatient and- as puts it- harsh.

    I do not identify as a full-fledged sociopath, but I do have certain deficits. In spite of my insufficiency, I have no problems loving my children. I believe that you will be shocked by the potency of the maternal instincts that will kick in when if and when you have kids, M.E.

    Mark my words: you will love your children with an unparalleled intensity.

    1. I think it's true that hormones impact the female brain. I find human larvae most irksome at the best of times, but after my sister birthed a couple of them I was compelled to take their well-being into account. I have made huge life changes based upon that. They are the sole beneficiaries of my estate too ... vast as it is ~

    2. Good morning and good night, dear Elicit. It's good to hear that you have forged a relationship with your sister's kids.

      As loveable as they are, they are somewhat irksome, even at the best of times.

    3. You are a freakin' narcissist.

    4. The world thought Joan Crawford an excellent mother and I am sure had you asked her she would have told you nothing different. You an excellent mother I would say is honestly a stretch. Good mother at best.

    5. Think what you will; I try my best.

    6. Good for you, Alter. I am a good mother, too. A very good mother.

    7. Monica, you're giving me a real case of the ass already this morning. Or maybe it's just one of my bad days. My children will have so much fun.

    8. Yeah. Once they get beyond the first few years I find I can interact with them and talk about things. The early larva stage is horrid though. My sister knew not to offer more than once to let me hold one *shudder*, but I have friends who have bred and they kept offering when it was all blind and wrapped up in a blanket. The mother ended up insisting on Why don't you want to hold him?. I managed to come up with some nonsense about fear of dropping it if it squirmed.

    9. So if you're the consist ant disciplinarian, why does your husband discipline the hot headed child? If you really were that good at it would you not be the one in charge?

    10. Because he is very level and fair- and better at it wherein she is concerned, particularly. I have a tendency to be firm and unempathetic, which is useful for the application of consistent, dispassionate discipline- but *this* child will respond best to love, nurturing and softness. She requires an extra measure of understanding, and I am aware of my emotional limitations.

      A situation in which two hot-heads confront each other over an issue can rapidly degenerate into abuse. I don't want to make the same mistakes as my father did.

    11. ... the application of consistent, dispassionate discipline ...

      You have such a lovely way with words, Alter.

    12. i had 2 children, 1 is still with me the other i gave up for adoption because being emotionally there for 1 was all i have in me, and i find it harder and harder as he gets older, but he has everything he needs and wants, i make myself tell him i love him everyday give him hugs and try to show him emotion, im sure when he is older he will figure out im a sociopath and maybe it will help him understand why i may not have been so in tune with how he was feeling at different times, but he is my kiddo and he may have saved my life getting me out the drugs and such so i could focus on him, i think it maay be more draining for us and harder and you will question if your doing ok all the time, i just want him to grow up well rounded and able to love someone and be loved, everything i cant do, just as ever parent wants for there children to have what they never did or could....and yes i was diagnosed as a sociopath around 19, i had my son at 21 and a second at 23 like i said i gave her up. it will be hard, you may find yourself doing things you think "normal people" would of approve just to seem like the perfect parent and maybe thats good for the kiddos, anyway good luck

  5. I will refrain from further comment for obvious reasons, Monica.

    1. What was this comment for then? Either say something or don't say anything at all.

  6. A friend I knew just died riding with his motorcycle, what a fucking idiot haha. Maybe he's going to learn on how to ride up there.

    1. In the words of George Carlin... there is no "up there"~

  7. Writer of the post: you seem to be worried about the welfare of your future kids, about the ethic dimension of the question of having or not... is this sociopathic, kids? Are people who write to ME socios or just different to the norm in some ways, or just self-aware? I don´t get this, people around me are terrible parents, selfish human being, I don´t see them however reading and writing in SW... I'd trust Me or the writer of the post anyday rather than many empaths in my life.

  8. I am going to bring up something sensitive, which may have people angry at me. However, SW is for an exploration of each person's reality( or that is how I see it) This is mine.
    I talked about the stopping point that the Mal Narc has. The Mal Narc can be very cruel but when you are in enough distress and "roll over", he will stop. As a child, I knew about the stopping point( although I knew no psychology, of course) and I thanked God for it. I used to talk to God all the time and ask "Why". However, I thanked him for the stopping point, as I would have been insane without it.
    This is one man's opinion and one man's reality. I don't assume to judge others, so please don't take my reality as a judgement of you( to any sociopath parents or would be parents)

    1. No problem dear, always there for you.~

    2. I'm not sure there was a point to that. That as a child you should learn to roll over and take abuse like a broken dog from a mal narc? Were we talking about "mal narcs"?
      Monica, I think perhaps you've lost site again. The term mal narc is a release of blame for you, as much as speaking in an imperative for other people. Start to really try to use words like I me and mine to take ownership of your past and present.

    3. Well, Kany, as a child, what would you expect me to do, rather than rollover? Fight some bigger than I was, with all the power?

    4. Are you saying people haven't done it?

    5. what would you expect me to do, rather than rollover? Fight some bigger than I was, with all the power?

      Well... yeah. One can at least try.

  9. Urge number 4 just today.

  10. Do or don't. There is no should. -Sith Lord Caesar

    1. Tremendously gay... could this be the gunge?

    2. I am tremendously gay. Let's have a kiki, sometime maybe?

    3. I think you meant kinky. Where are you from Caesar?

    4. No I meant kiki. Like the doors, lower the blinds, fire up the smoke machine and put on your heels.

    5. I'm from good ole Denver although my mom is from California. Go Broncos!

  11. The greatest gift you can ever give is your honest self.
    Fred Rogers

  12. Themes, I'm feeling left out here. Give me something.

    1. Themes for SW RegularsJuly 28, 2012 at 9:45 AM

      I don't know you, Extremity. Themes has to pick up the heart and soul of the person.

    2. Screw you, Themes.

    3. How can you see solicits heart and soul, but not extremity's

    4. I wanna theme too. Waaaaa. Baaawwww.

  13. My ex-husband is a sociopath. He was an absolute tyrant towards our four children, favoured one over the others but still managed to scream abuse at him as well, and did all he could to keep himself the centre of attention at all times. He was a terrible, horrible parent and now that they are all of age, none of them have any contact with him at all. Whether you are a sociopath or not, if you are unable to put your children's needs before yours, don't have any.

    1. Yet you stayed with him instead of leaving him, what does that make you? You're just as horrible, if not worse.

    2. Wow. He sounds like almost as bad a parent as you for letting those things happen to your children.

    3. Once you have kids with someone, the man is the father, whether or not you stay together in the marriage. You will never get rid of him, as the father, until death or the court rules him unfit( which rarely happens)
      Don't be such a big shot, Kany. Your words could come to bite you in the ass, big time.

    4. Says the woman who killed her son.
      As a mother it is your responsibility to protect your children. And if that be from their father, so be it. Send him away, or contain him. You have your children to think of, not your codependency.

    5. Kany
      You are a piece of shit. I thought you had something on the ball, but boy was I mistaken. I am not gonna be fooled again. That Anon has your number and he is heads over you in intelligence and acumen. Why don't you answer him, instead of trying to bully me, you stinking piece of drug dealer garbage.

    6. Monica, I'm not pretending to be your friend. I want to help you. And if you think you can get off handing out parenting advice with a son who killed the self then you have another thing coming. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you do that. That's a big fail on your part, and that's another thing you have to own up to in your life. You can't say what a witch I am every time I say something that hurts. If it hurts, it isn't my fault, that's your pain.

    7. Oh, and because he doesn't hurt me, Monica. Perhaps its time to Introspect. When do things people say cause us pain?

    8. Urge 5 and 6.

    9. Kany
      Lets put aside me, for a minute. Wise Anon said you were married to a psychopath, which you are. UKan is a drug dealer who has no compunction selling drugs to kids.
      How well do YOU make choices?

    10. But why put you aside Monica. Kany is happy.

    11. Deflecting. And that isn't something you can judge as we're both alive, and making what we do work for us. In what way did your parenting work for your son?
      I don't mind if we don't talk about it Monica, but you chimed in with advice in that area. If someone wants advice on marrying a sociopath I could currently give it as I have successfully done that. Have you successfully mothered? Losing a child to suicide is a fail. Especially with your alleged psychology background.

    12. To be fair, you are in an endless game and haven't succeeded in anything with your relationship with the demi-god known as UKan. That's what you bought when you got in bed with a devil. Now, Monica, please shut up and go away before urge 7 hits.

    13. Ok, if that is you, Wise Anon. You can have her.

    14. I'm going to have to start acting like "wise anon" and "gungy" once I'm in need of a good and clean blowjob.~

    15. I prefer rim-jobs.

    16. You say game like its no fun at all.

      Monica, you're running away again. I don't think you understand that in order for you to follow through on all the psychology you recite you're going to have to go through a lot of pain. I'm not trying to be nice to you and I'm not trying to be your friend. I'm trying to help you to face that pain, so you never feel it again. But to do that you have to willingly go headlong through it. And I can't help you by putting it in front of you until you step forward.

    17. Rimjobs are boring and tickle too much- I love straight up cunillingus- face riding even, delicious- I can eat a chick every day and never get bored. As for socios having kids I think it's very possible with the self awareness some of the regulars here have. Borderlines are another story unless they have bottomed out and rebuilt themselves- maybe with DBT

    18. Kany, I'm sure it's a fun game. I'm still trying to see who's getting played. My money is on you but it would be funny to find out you were the bigger psycho all along.

    19. I have to say I think my husband and I will make great parents. Separately either of us wouldn't do terribly well, but I think I'm able to balance out his emotional density, and he's able to balance out my inattention and softness. Parenting is an effort for a relationship, as the point of a relationship is to balance out faults for the benefit of a mutual goal... in our case parenting, among others.

    20. You have gungy's manipulation talents. I told you who's getting played. I'm cool with that. So why are you still obsessing. Seriously, its annoying! I'm not telling you fuck all, and you've tried this tactic several times already.
      Hey man, I'm just giving you the chance to say it isn't you that's under histhumb. That you aaren't just being maniulated, that's all. I know you want to feel important too, and now you can tell me you are. You can tell me what your role is, cause I'm open minded. I mean, it'd just be nice to know UK an isn't holding all the cards,.. I'm on your side. What are you, a fuckin bluebottle? This feels more and more like an interrogation room... we know your partner was the mastermind, we just want to hear your side so we can help you out.
      Seriously, you really do suck at this. Don't quit your day job.

    21. That was beautiful. I'm patient. The truth will come. No manipulation, just rattling your cage. I thought gungy was a flaming narcissists, I can't say I saw where he manipulated shit either (perhaps that's what you refer to). I would rather we drive Monica to commit suicide herself! Seriously though, what are you here for to "help" those who want it? Is that your kicks here? Just curious. Other than your sexual inhibitions, I like you Kany.

    22. Aw, flattery, too. What's your project?

    23. I'm unrattled.

    24. As noted, and posted. Love ya.

    25. Kany
      I will leave Anon to deal with your issues. I would like to hear what you have to say about me. Thanks.

    26. Why don't you ask what I have to say about you? I'm not shy.

    27. Oo! Oo! Can I say what i think?

    28. Kany
      I need truth.In my regular life, no one gives me truth. I come here for that. People are "too nice", you could say. Maybe, it is too afraid or too shut down. However, I will heal when I can face the truth about myself and my life, so I am opening myself up to you.

    29. And there is urge 7!!! I'd like to open you up old girl...

    30. I don't really know how to do this, so we will just let it take it's own course. If it is meant to be, it will open up the way, of it's own accord.

    31. Kany
      I just read you talking trash about me on the Forum. If you want me to open up to you, you are going to have to stop doing that, as of now.

    32. Who the freak are you, Lil Boo?

    33. No one special. Just here to entertain. And help where I can.

    34. But you don't go to the forum.
      And I didn't say anything I haven't already said to your face. You're delusional, like a dope fiend. You're one in the same mentality. That's why I consider you a challenge. What else would you like me to say to your face? I think if you were ever able to accept the facts you write over in your life you'd have potential to be a moderately interesting person. As of now I see helping you as a project and a challenge. This is not news to you Monica.

    35. Actually, I didn't say anything that you didn't just say.
      I'm not pretending Monica. You say that's what you're looking for and then you turn around when I say anything you find offensive. I'm not her to lie to you and the truth hurts.

    36. Kany
      If you truly want to help, as you say, then please talk respectfully to me, and about me. If not, your help is not wanted.

    37. Monica, respect is something you earn. I'm not obliged to go around feeding people's delusions of their personal martyrdom and blessed superiority. If you want respect from me you have to face your fears and the pain you ignore. But it isn't respect you're looking for, its sympathy, and I can't oblige you there either.
      I won't be put out if you don't talk to me. Its your loss and your decision. I do hope you will talk to me, because I know I can help you and I hope you want to be helped. Otherwise you choose to stay at this level you're at now, and you don't currently earn anyone's respect. You've fallen, Monica. And you've let yourself be this person. And no one can feel sorry for you if you don't pick yourself up.

    38. What is it you needed to say, Monica? Begin where it feels best.

    39. Monica, are you looking for me to be your friend?
      The best part about me is that you have complete anonymity and detachment so you can let everything about yourself go. If I were a friend you'd have to care what I think.

      Let's not fool ourselves. I'm interested in you as a challenge, you're interested in me as attention. So please feel free to go on... I'm listening. :-) and you can trust me because you know my motive is to help you. Even if I don't have your feelings in mind. Really that makes it more trustworthy because if I had your feelings in mind I'd lie like everyone else in your life.

    40. Kany
      I don't want attention. I want truth. I knew when you posed this that it would feel right or not feel right, as it went on.
      It doesn't. I need someone who has a basic level of respect for me.
      I always follow my gut and this does not feel right but thank you, anyway, for the offer,

    41. I do have a basic level of respect for you. What you want is to run away again. Of course it doesn't feel right. You're terrified, and that is why I can't respect you. Don't you see that your gut feeling is just fear? More fear. For your whole life. You run trembling at every chance of seeing yourself. And if you want to change you have to crash through that. If you want me or anyone to ever respect you as something more than a human, you're going to have to grow up.

    42. Well, don't use my name as a slur for things, around here. You need to have more respect for human beings, as God made everyone and you are not God. I really want to face myself. I truly do, but I don't want to be a stupid ass baring my underbelly to a predator.

    43. Kany
      Did you have an abortion?

    44. I know exactly what you mean. My father was like that - a vicious, sadistic person who treated his wife, children - and even the pets! - atrociously, yet expected to be adored. His wife was desperate to leave him but he would never allow it, had her certified "insane", even, the better to maintain his control over her. The only way she was able to escape was by dying of cancer (although she did make at least one suicide attempt, to which he reacted with embarrassment).

  14. Is the new Monica account Eden? I can't think of anyone else who could fake her so well. Jury is still out as to whether she's actually her.

    1. It's Monica, for sure.

    2. I hope it is Monica. Then Kany will not lump me in with her as I remain anonymous.

  15. Replies
    1. You are owned, Bitch.

    2. Oh, that. Well, I'm a slave to the man.

    3. This anon gives me another reason to think an identity wouldn't be so bad. Hate to think you might confuse me with this prick.

  16. Serious question kany. What does ukan do to you when you don't do what he wants you to do? and when you displease him?

    1. He beats me violently, so I'm sure always to please him!

  17. I'd like to have kids, at some point. I don't especially worry about what effect I'll have on my children. If anything, I hope they never understand or accept failure. Opportunism and resilience are valuable qualities. Other than that, what's to worry about?

    Though if they're retarded or something I'll just drown them.

    1. Perhaps we will meet one day.

    2. Little Boo, judging by your picture, your kids will probably end up drowned.

      a friend

    3. That last thing you said resonates with me. I'm a faggot so I'll have to adopt but my worst fear is having ugly or retarded children. I would have to find a way to get rid of them. Subpar people just don't vibe with me. I want beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed children.

    4. Anon 5:03pm, I would like to think my exceptional genetic make-up will prevail and I might have excellent children. But, alas, you are more than likely correct.

    5. I wish I had a way to undo the notion of failure.

  18. Made me laugh! :)

  19. I'm pretty sure it was in "The Mask of Sanity" where it brought up the case of a psychopathic woman and her partner, I think the partner might have killed her kid or maybe just the life of the children was at risk and she just said something like "I could always have another" and you could tell that children meant nothing to her.

    The "reader" who wrote in is obviously not a sociopath, as are most on this site... I have a feeling the real ones are all out in real life running amok.

  20. I think you are about right.

  21. I think it's a matter of individual and personal choice.

  22. No sociopath should EVER have children.

    My father was a sociopath. I cannot adequately explain the misery and emotional harm he wrought on everyone close to him.

  23. You should never have children. I had children with a sociopath (unknown to me at the time). He ruined their lives. They have been in therapy for years. To normal people having a parent that has no love, no compassion for you is devastating. They see kids with a normal father and cry because theirs doesn't love them. They despise him and he has no idea why.

  24. This comment makes ME wonder, do Sociopath species consider Human Beings to be like children, and do they love or hate their children? Does that affect whether they are good or bad parents, or is that a "Different" issue? Do "Different" people have Different languages, sort of like a bilingual? Does that mean Sociopaths aren't indiginous to this planet, and if so, what exactly are their intentions? I sure hope they love their children.... Thanks again for your valuable time and energy, and thanks again for your blog :)

  25. Replies
    1. would you know about sociopaths? Are you yourself one?

  26. I have children. The first one at fifteen and the next three each four to five years apart. The first I gave up for adoption, she's an adult now and demonstrating the same destructive behavior I did at her age. The next two I abandoned, in part when my lies, anger and promiscuity ended the relationship with each child's father. The last I've been raising for five years and hope I can stick with. I absolutely should not have reproduced, on part because I'm a selfish, manipulative bitch b

  27. I am not a sociopath. I am very confortable in my life at 23years old. On occasion I fall prey to emotions when it comes to the jealousy through the open relationship I choose to be in with the man I care for. Every now and then pictures of cute things or animals tugs n my heartstrings. On a day to day basis I am very stable, optimistic and happy.
    Either way, I don't want kids. I think they're cute as hell since they are not mine, but the commitment is just too great and has an impact on way too many people.
    I believe that if a child has to come into the earth, a family should be complete, able to afford any childhood activity, be able to teach the child responsibility, and most of all, to show it love as a positive reinforcement when it enters society.
    I feel like if I had a child, my devotion would be amazing, and a kid would turn out great if it was developing in a healthy way.
    Unfortunately, there are way too many failed human beings and tragedies that just make everyone elses life a burden.
    Most importantly, I want to keep my body in the shape its in and don't want to lose precious time of my own life to raise a child that may be hurt or vice versa.
    From what I've read, sociopaths don't have the immediate benefit of others in mind. Children with normally developing emotions need a responsive, loving and caring mentor, parent, etc.
    If a great number of non-sociopaths can't raise a child and see the negative outcomes in that, sociopaths shouldn't consider have children either. It would probably be more of a hassle anyway.

  28. Hello all,

    I did not read the post above because honestly, it is a waste of time. I am a sociopath and I have a child. I am a part time single parent and am working on becoming a full time single parent. Being a parent is interesting. My child is no sociopath but I can see in it characteristics that I posses(i mean that is what children do). I feel as if my only duty to this child is to assist it in making proper decisions through the choices presented to it and the choices it harbors because let me tell you, there is an infinite amount of choices to be made on every platform. I parent with logic and I practice empathy(sometimes in the mirror). I feel a connection with my child but not as a caretaker but as a possession... a representation of my skill, I would even go as far as to say, my child is a block of wood I am carving into a pinocchio or mallet of sorts. This journey as a parent is very interesting, sometimes very exhausting. I am always in the shoes of a child, it has altered my way of thinking in a multitude of ways. I have learned ways of looking at the world and in turn I have learned to master a different type of control over my environment. I think if you are a sociopath and truly want to see how great you are, have a child. It take a lot of skill to balance an egg on a spoon while driving 100mph. I will choose to answer some questions.


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