
Friday, September 21, 2012

Human garbage

I found out recently that one of my old school friends has recently been convicted of possession of child pornography. We were pretty good friends, would travel together for work frequently, but we fell out of touch a year or so after I moved jobs. He was very conservative and straight-laced. I think a part of him envied my insouciance regarding all things formal, social, and work. Because he seemed receptive to, even charmed by the cavalier way that I lived my life, I let him see more and more of my real thoughts about things. And he was an interesting guy. I genuinely enjoyed his friendship.

Of course I don't judge him for the sexual objectification of children. If you're sexually attracted to children, there's little that you can do about it. And there is no evidence he ever acted on it. In fact, it's odd that we criminalize possession of child pornography -- seemingly the only outlet for this inclination that doesn't directly harm children (assuming there is a sufficient amount of child pornography in the world such that we do not need to continue making it anymore). Overall, I am pretty empathetic, which is why I haven't been able to stop thinking about the parallels between me and him. I've been talking nonstop with a mutual friend trying to suss out what exactly happened, looking for but hoping there are not further parallels between us and this idea of living separate public vs. private lives and eventually being outted and ostracized.

It's a raw deal, being a convicted sex offender, and his judge doesn't sound like he's sympathetic. Once he gets out of prison, he is basically human garbage, as far as everyone else is concerned. The Woodsman is a really good film that deals with some of these issues. Also this article:

I would like to point out one other thing: our natural resistance to believing the worst of someone.  And "child molester" is the worst.  It is literally the most horrible thing you can do in our society; morally, the child molester sits above only the child molester/serial killer who rapes and kills children.  That makes an accusation of child molesting an extraordinary claim.  And as the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Imagine that your best friend was accused of stealing office supplies from his company.  Now imagine that he was accused of molesting a neighbor's child.  The first one isn't very hard to believe; almost everyone takes a pen or two home occasionally, and most companies go through printer paper much faster than they produce actual documents.

[Y]ou wouldn't need much evidence to believe [your friend] steals office supplies.  Nor would you care much if he did. . . . 

Now if a kid said that your best friend touched their genitals . . . well, if it's true, and he did it deliberately, you're pretty much going to have to end the friendship.  His life will, of course, be completely destroyed.  And you face knowing that this person you thought was your best friend did something indescribably evil.  You're going to want quite a bit of proof.  And if the action is ambiguous--like maybe his hand accidentally grazed the area in question while doing something quite innocent--you're probably going to err on the side of believing your friend (although you might also supervise your kids more closely when they're around him.)

The problem with this sort of wholesale rejection of a person based on one characteristic is that if you really did have a best friend who was a pedophile, there's really no one that he can talk to about it. My friend thinks that, consequently, my pedophile work friend must have been living a completely double life. Whereas my life, he says, is just "complicated:

"I think you have a lot of confliciting issues, a lot of things pushing and pulling you but a double life involves total deception. Like maybe you could have become something like him if you didn't find people who love and accept you as you are because you would've felt a need to hide it and secret indulgence is the most cancerous."

Because I do have friends like this that know pretty much everything about me, because my family is relatively accepting of how I think and what I choose to get up to, because I have found relatively pro-social ways to indulge and incorporate my predilections into a pretty normal life, am I immune to having my life absolutely collapse and being labeled human garbage? I hope so.


  1. Third time’s a charm.
    First! :)

    1. You're still the best. :D Nicely done!

      But shit I didn't know you got prison time for possession of child porn in the US.

    2. gotta hide and delete my shit here.

  2. An empathetic sociopath.


    1. LOL! I was thinking the same thing. He seems pretty perceptive though........

    2. he may have used the word incorrectly.

  3. What are you testing Vers?

    1. It's me,

      Trying to set up a profile that can't be fiddled around with by unscrupulous rogues. I'm not looking at anyone Monica.

      I had an old WordPress a/c that someone tried to convince me of their purpose. I never did get it.

      Unfortunately, I can't seem to change it to Mindless Pleasures with a proper avatar. I'm not the most technically minded.

    2. Oh okay I understand! :)

      That is strange that you cant do it with "Mindless Pleasures" but you can with "Versificator84"........ Hopefully somebody can help you out when they see this.....

      PS- Iam not Monica! lol You probably dont believe me though........

    3. Technically challenged lolol

  4. Most definatly you go to Prison in the US extremity...... The thing about child porn is that most people dont just have one or two pictures/videos and they count EACH FILE as a different charge of "Possession Of child pornography" so you can easily end up doing 10 to 15 years in "Pound me in the ass" prison.

    1. I think counting each file is stupid. when I watch a movie or episode and someone was charged with 100s of counts of child pornography, I think "overkill."

    2. Yeah, it probably is a little overkill, but prosecutors and law enforcement LOVE locking those kind of people up so when they have the chance, they usually take it and charge them with enough time that they possibly wont see freedom again.

  5. Hi Mindless Pleasures
    Stick with it. You will get it :D
    Actually, I can feel your vibe vs the idiot who pretends to be you and other people. She has the vibe of deadness. You have one of life.

    Alter--Did I make a request of you that you ignore, all the time. What gives? Do you know how to have minimal respect for other human beings? I know you are a Christian. Please, check yourself.I would appreciate it and it would be a good exercise for you.

  6. ME
    It is so weird that whenever I hear of someone going down for anything, I, always, think it could be me.

    One professional I knew almost killed a woman with a claw hammer. He and she were the picture of societal refinement. All I could think was "There by the grace of God go I"

    Another female MD I knew went wild when her husband cheated. She ended up committing suicide in jail. When I say "perfect person", it was this girl.

    She was as beautiful as a model, married to an equally beautiful guy with the kids, house etc
    She was genuinely a nice person and a humble person, too, not arrogant. She idolized the man.He broke her heart and she went crazy.

    At any rate, I, always, pray a silent prayer when I see someone go down. Going down is easier than staying up~

  7. I have an interesting link to today's article, but first, anecdotes.

    I'm not sexually attracted to children/minors, but I've known a few people who are, two of which ended up in prison. One got out alive, the other didn't. The one who didn't, raped his own young daughter for several years. No one was too sad when he was killed. Even though child exploitation and molestation is still common-place around the world, there are enough studies on the effects on victimized children to outlaw the practice in the more civilized countries.

    Digressing, I have several dangerous paraphlias. One is blood, specifically shedding it, and the other is even more extreme. They're not even sexual fantasies - it's just that they cause arousal. It's been that way since quite a bit before I ever hit puberty, and is a common trait some of the worst kinds of violent criminals. The kind of excitement they give me is more powerful than anything that's happened in the bedroom, and for most of my life, was something crippling that I had to deal with. Nowadays, they still affect me, but the need to do them is gone, or at least greatly diminished.

    I still have my normal sex drive, and I'm still attracted to women, but that side of me that wants bloodshed, although no longer a need, still exists. It got so bad last year that I actually considered either admitting myself into a ward, or temporary chemical castration just to see if it could control my impulses. Just imagine, as a comparison, being sexually frustrated with no outlet, not even masturbation, and being around the source of that frustration every day. It's absolutely maddening. When you deny or are denied your base needs, it can turn you into a monster.

    1. what's the other one, TNP? Your mom? Your own pussy face?

    2. I know you're trolling, but there are probably a few people actually interested, so I'll answer.

      Murder paraphilias. Namely, hunting, strangulation, dismemberment, and exsanguination. Also, various kinds of torture.

      I'm really glad they're no longer needs.

      Some people like to argue that you can reduce those urges by fantasy, but I found that indulging fantasy as opposed to acting on those urges only made the urges worse. There were methods over the years I'd use to lessen the needs, but killing something is the only way to get actual relief.

      That's why I worry when I hear other people struggling with the same thing that end up getting into BDSM. I had one partner that enjoyed being suffocated during intercourse, and that was an exercise in frustration like you wouldn't believe. At least the sex was great. If I didn't care about her, and have some kind of emotional connection, I don't know how strong my will would have been to hold back. You hear about those things going sour once in a while. I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to the same problem.

      And not all paraphilias are extreme. Some people have foot fetishes, auto-erotic asphyxiation, and other silly stuff like that. It's just that for some reason, a part of your brain decides to associate something not naturally sexual as being sexual. As I said, it's not really too related to today's post, but somewhat relevant.

    3. I admire and respect your honestly, TNP. Thank you.

    4. That’s a very candid and honest post TNP (and interesting topic M.E)

      Very considerate of you also to include a link to the meaning of ‘Paraphilia’. That is what I am finding really fascinating about frequenting this site. I am finding out more and more.

      Reading the Wikipedia link provided, you could add another item to the American Journal of Psychiatry list of what categorises paraphilia:

      5) All of the above

      That could apply to people from history like Caligula ; )

      But I’m not all about shits and giggles.

      I’m no Ripperologist (actually if someone would be kind enough to write down how to link as in TNP’s ‘Paraphilia’ example, that’d be most appreciated also) – however one of the most convincing book’s I’ve read as to who actually was Jack the Ripper (as his identity was never discovered) is by crime novelist Patricia Cornwell.

      In her book “Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper—Case Closed” she describes the famous English artist Walter Sickert has having the means, methodology and most important of all the motive to commit the atrocious crimes - and that was that Sickert had a disfigured penis and was unable to consummate the sexual act although having all the natural sexual desires of an adult male.

      This, Cornwell contests, was why the murders were of a very violent sexual nature (the sexual organs of some the victims (BTW all were women) had been removed – and yet there was no evidence of any rape.

    5. interesting, I have never heard or thought about murder as a paraphilia. Any time I thought about it, it would be about urges and things connected to ASPD or psychopathy.

    6. I have other paraphilias, but some of them would only be possible to see through if I was Bond villain, like vorarephila.

      The ones I added in my comment can be linked to erotophonophilia, though mine aren't actually related to sex.

      "Typically, fantasies involve one or several forms of paraphilia. The acts are repeated until the offender is apprehended by law enforcement, loses interest, or dies."

      I guess I got lucky and involuntarily lost interest. I had bigger fish to fry, like surviving cancer.

      It's a topic not a whole lot of people like to mention, and even the sociopathic ones are very hesitant to mention their struggles with it in public. Not to mention, it's a good way to get on a Watch List. I've mentioned it in the past when I actually struggled with it, so I'm not too worried. I'm probably already on one.

      My old shrink told me the jist of paraphilias when I first started my sessions with him. They can be absolutely tragic.

    7. Dude

      Looking at your ‘Psychopathic Trait Tendency Assessment’ I thought you were one of the less extreme ones.

      Yet, reading what you’re describing today, one can only dread how some of the other’s on this site manifest their psychopathy.

      Though – I’ve yet to see your results young Monica Moo ; )

      P.S Thanks for the HTML link syntax – I’ll check out how to do it this weekend. Sorry to hit & run today – as much as I’d love to stick around but I’m off – Friday night beckons [I’m just saying this because if there is any future ‘Mindless Pleasures’ posts today they will not be from me – isn’t that right Monica?]

      Have a good weekend peoples.

    8. Awww Thank you Mindless Pleasures
      How considerate.
      Ok I will put up my test but I am shockingly Narcissistic *sigh*

    9. My shrink speculated that many of my paraphilias were caused by struggles in my childhood, especially seeing as they began to manifest as a young child. He felt that given my past and upbringing, the acts/fantasies were a powerful answer to the struggles of being raised in such a restrictive home with a pathological Narcissist.

      He said the strangulation could have been symbolic overpowering something that I could not overpower (my father). The dismemberments were often limbs, teeth, or the head, symbolizing the removal of one's ability to fight back, or be perceived as a threat. The same goes for the torture.

      The hunting is completely rooted in inducing fear. I could actually get my rocks off with that by participating in non-violent ways. I'm not sure how that could be rooted in the previously mentioned ones, but I'm sure they're related.

      The blood paraphilia I think is perhaps the strangest. It might actually be its own creature, and I remember the first time I shed blood. It was extremely exciting. The feel of the warmth, and how it caked on me after it dried was just something else. Just seeing blood, even my own was not enough. It had to be me doing it to something else, or it just wouldn't do it.

      The worst part was how all of these would just go hand in hand. Some of them might have been caused by others, or enhanced.

      In regards to the PTTA, my scores were much higher about a year ago. I've experienced something of a cooling off, or calming effect. As I said, I don't struggle with these urges anymore.

    10. You have been so honest about yourself that I am getting geared up for doing the test and showing my real answers~

    11. That's why I worry when I hear other people struggling with the same thing that end up getting into BDSM. I had one partner that enjoyed being suffocated during intercourse, and that was an exercise in frustration like you wouldn't believe. At least the sex was great. If I didn't care about her, and have some kind of emotional connection, I don't know how strong my will would have been to hold back.

      Yeah. I sort of hear you on that. I don't think my predilections are as severe as yours, but much of what you have written on the subject resonates with me. There is no denying that there is a gradual escalation over time: a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and soon you're indulging in things you thought would remain sequestered behind "firm" limits.

      Trust is key.

      I know you're going through an ordeal at the moment, but when life gets back to normal, do you you think you'll still be kinky, or will sex be strictly vanilla for you, now?

      Thanks for being willing to share. Not many people are willing to be transparent about this kind of thing, even here.

    12. Hm. Well, if by vanilla sex, you mean a lack of BDSM, then yes.

      I've had plenty of fun and enjoyment with sex that didn't include my paraphilias. Most of my partners never experienced them in the bedroom.

      I'm confident that I'm "cured" from my bloodlust for now, and I don't want to do anything to possibly trigger its return.

      Regarding trust, I couldn't even trust myself. There were times in the bedroom that went past the tapout, but never to the point of the necessity for resuscitation.

      Secretly, I think she wanted to die. It was her request to be suffocated in the first place. Not once did she ever complain about me breaking that trust. That's a sign if you ask me. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

    13. Huh, I tend to channel my all my paraphilias into the bedroom, but I have a long-term partner, so I guess that is a factor.

      Ever consider that she might have simply been in deep subspace? That can occur if your partner really trusts you and feels able to relax and utterly cede control.

    14. If I channeled a bulk of my paraphilias in the bedroom non-lethally, it would look like a crimescene, and would probably be sometime before we could do it again xD Not to mention all the medical supplies you'd need.

      No, my paraphilias cause arousal, but are not sexual, or related to sex, or even desired while having sex. I don't think about strangling someone, or cutting them open when I'm making love. But strangulation or bloodshed would turn me on like a motherfucker.

      As far as trust goes, no. I've always had a viciously vindictive and occasionally sadistic side to me (still have it) that causes most people I get to know intimately at least some level of distrust or nervousness. It's in stark contrast with my normally jovial, upbeat and comedic persona that I display for most.

      I'm definitely not a completely changed man, but I sure have mellowed.

    15. TNP, you are very candid and I admire your honesty......

      So you were raised by a Narcisstic father too? I only lived with him til I was 8 because he is impossible to mlive with and my mother finally divorced him.. But, I came out okay, I guess....... I have very bad and chronic anxiety (Panic disorder) and agoraphobia though.

      Iam just glad I didnt turn out like him or turn into a sociopath, I had to shut my emotions down alot but I never ever shut them off ompletely to the point that they never came back, and I consider that a blessing.

      You seem like you got out okay too, Iam sure you have things in your life and bad memories as I do, but you seem to be living a good life where you are open, honest and kind to others, to me, that is healthy.

      :) Stay strong buddy!

    16. TNP said:

      I've had plenty of fun and enjoyment with sex that didn't include my paraphilias. Most of my partners never experienced them in the bedroom.

      My understanding of the term "paraphilia" is that one must indulge it in order to become sexually aroused, be it for "real" or in the realm of fantasy. Consider the following excerpt from Psychology Today: (

      A paraphilia is a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme. A paraphilia can revolve around a particular object (children, animals, underwear) or around a particular act (inflicting pain, exposing oneself)... A paraphilia is distinguished by a preoccupation with the object or behavior to the point of being dependent on that object or behavior for sexual gratification.

      I am aware that the common usage of this term encompasses a host of abnormal sexual predilections, but you appear to espouse rigorous standards wherein the proper utilization of definitions is concerned. Since you rarely indulge your penchants in the bedroom, does this mean that you were dependent upon such fantasies in order to become aroused, or were you simply using the term conventionally so as to describe your unusual tastes?

      To employ the common vernacular, I am a "switch". I keep my sex life private, and I am really not into public BDSM, role-playing or "fetish gear"; I find such theatrics ridiculous. But I *cannot* get turned on without a power exchange within a sexual context, be it in the dominant or submissive role. In that sense, I guess I am truly "paraphilic".

    17. If you actually paid attention to what I said, the need necessitated those acts to get gratification. "Normal" sex, as you put it, could not substitute.

      The pot is just asking the kettle what color it is.

  8. That sucks. How was he caught with the pornography? I, for one, am glad that I do not have pedophilia and do not need to deal with this. I can watch normal porn, and not get arrested for doing so. It seems that with strangers though, people like to say "People are more willing to believe the worst of people." Of course with friends you think you know, you are more hesitant to believe anything you hear about them. If it is hard to believe they did something very bad, it's because it seems out of character for them. If you are friends with a mobster, though, maybe it's easier to believe.

    1. My main bone to pick with paedos is when they're unrepentant about it. Not, say, the sociopathic ones, as they don't even have remorse. It's the ones that try to justify their actions, by saying how common it is, or that they did it with a child's consent. It's that kind of rationalizing that bugs me, and why there are statutory rape laws. Then when you tell them about the effects that it has on a child, they take the anti-intellectual stance to say the research is biased.

      I have a lot of respect for the ones that opt for chemical castration. It's got to be a hell of a sacrifice, and the fact that they're willing to do it shows that they acknowledge they have a problem.

    2. You mean the people at NAMBLA.

    3. They're definitely one of the faces of that argument.

    4. It has an effect on children when the children are told what they did is something they weren't supposed to do and are now dirty, defiled, among other things. Or that they were raped. If they are too young to understand, they'll understand later, and feel dirty. Children are fine child to child, so they're fine adult to child, unless you make sure they are not. I'm no expert but I can't imagine any effects it could possibly have (sex is what you make it... it can be like any other pleasurable event, or any other event, unless you make it into something else), and if did have any I'd be a victim of those effects. (Child to child, not adult to child here). It's the same case for other people, they are absolutely FINE. Whatever arguments there are against it probably stem from the same rubbish that whatever that psychologist who says that if a child has any sexual experience at a certain age, they were sexually abused, is on. I'm not a pedophile, and I'm not attracted to children, but if something ever happens with my own I won't try to make them feel dirty just because I can't get over my own personal stigma or thoughts on something.

      There is scholarly research written that indeed confirms that children suffer, or suffer more, when they are told that something awful happened to them. Why not let them live?

      I hear that they're trying to make teen attraction (something everyone has, because a developed person is a developed person. You see the body, not the brain) a philia too, so if there is any "research", it's certainly possible that it was biased.

      I'm sure my opinion won't be received kindly, and it's likely that TNP would rather kick, flail, and thrash than accept or try to think about it, but that's fine with me. I'm just being honest with myself and others. It would be much easier to just go with everyone else and say that,at certain ages, having sexual experiences is "wrong" and does something to the organism, but I won't blind myself and hurt others.

      Anyway, this blog seems interesting. I might stick around, SociopathWorld. I don't know what else to call the author.

    5. In case it wasn't clear, I am the author of the original post. I should make a blog. Or pay someone to make me a blog to sign in with. It's been a long day.

    6. Show legitimate sources with peer reviews, and I promise to entertain the notion.

    7. I am too lazy to go to my sources again. Even without reading the sources, one should know that telling a child that they have been defiled, raped, or abused, is damaging. Parents tell their children that because they don't want them to think what happened was alright, because if they don't suffer because of it, that means that their view is wrong. They have to make sure that their child is suffering and feels bad about the event, and consequently, themselves.

    8. Nope. Your point is completely worthless without backing it up, as its entire merit was that it was based off of scholarly research.

      So provide them, or consider your point invalid.

  9. Will, do you have any off the charts sexual fantasies?

    (and, thank you all for having the trollness to get TNP to tell us more)

    So that it's fair, my off the charts sexual interest is to orgasm while speeding or flying.

    1. make that 'thank ME all'

    2. Wasn't there a movie about people who got sexually aroused by car crashes? That has to rank pretty high in the odd and dangerous paraphilias.

    3. Indeed, thank me that all can see!!!!

    4. Yeah... "Crash" by David Cronenburg. I like him. "Dead Ringers" was good too.

  10. I am glad I only have doctor fantasies ~

  11. according to an article in the newspaper sociopaths have a bad sens of smell???
    i don't by it (but i do have a cold)

    1. test was only done on 79 non criminal psychopaths

    2. I wonder why psychopaths have different olfactory manifestations than other people? Do you think it is their brain? Or their nervous system?

    3. I think it's their brain. Olfactory area covers 5% of the brain, quite large considering how many different areas are controlled by the brain.

  12. Gee, Monica is thanking ME in about 10 posts.........why? Oh, it could be that she is running people out of here.

  13. Monica,
    What are your doctor fantasies like?

    When I was a teenager I used to have robber fantasies. Someone quietly getting into my room and meaning business. That is a typical good girl fantasy, forced sex-taking the guilt away.

    On a cruise once a man I had dated in the past sneaks into my cabin and wakes me up to some good treatment. Did not have the will power to say no, and enjoyed every second of his soft breath and tongue.


    1. They are just super professional ~

    2. Your fantasies are lame Monica

    3. Your fantasies are lame Monica

    4. Weird, use to be sent 3 users, now only two.

    5. Weird, use to be sent 3 users, now only two.

    6. Weird, use to be sent 3 users, now only two.

    7. Weird, use to be sent 3 users, now only two.

    8. Now 4.....must be appealing to my inner narcissist lolol

    9. ^^Another characteristic of a "Covert Malignant Narcissist;" they love to fight and argue. Right, Monica?

    10. All those people are not me BUT I have been listening to what you say about a covert Narcissist, but I am not Malignant. I come on SW to face the truth of myself, so I take what each person says, to heart.

      I am trying to gear myself up to share my scores on the Narcissism section of TNP's test. Then, you guys will have a good laugh~

    11. Good gosh I was kidding.....

    12. Actually, I have Ellicit and Eden going after me, all the time, that I am a Narcissist. Then, I took the test and got 4 on several of the questions.

      I looked at myself and realized that I have strong Narcissistic traits but I feel freer in that I am facing them and feel by facing them, I am letting them go, a little ( Still haven't shared the scores, yet ~ )

    13. Monica 1:32

      Sorry, to deflate your ego but I'm not interesting in test scores. Here are a few reasons why:

      1) The narcissist, incapable of empathy doesn't understand the question.

      2)He is convinced that everyone is just like him.

      3)He is convinced that he has the godlike power to transform anyone.

      4)He is convinced that he has the godlike power to force anyone to do his bidding.

      5)He is convinced that he has dominion over (and dominates)all things, including human beings.

      6)He is convinced that he is successful in all his ventures.

    14. Sounds like a S I know

    15. Mindless Pleasures asked me to take it and show my scores, so I don't really care what some Anonymous thinks, with all DUE respect *Sigh*

    16. No worries Monica, meant for me not you ,,,,you are too kind

    17. I reacted too strongly and defensively. Sorry!

    18. Monica 1:32

      "So, I take what each person says to heart."

      Monica 1:58

      "I don't really care what some Anonymous thinks."

      *You are fucking crazy!*

    19. I am obviously the CMN from hell....I started wearing horns as of yesterday. Kinda goes with my whips and chains theme though, so as long as I match, it's all good

    20. Damn guys!!!!! Ease up on Monica!!!!!!! She is nothing but honest and respectdul to everybody!!!!!! Show her that same respect!!!!!!

      PS- Hi Monica!!!!!!

    21. Rich is like a dripping faucet

    22. Monica ~

      I hope karma comes to you........

    23. Rich, I never liked you...I only liked you liking me. I love no man....only the love of men......many many men

    24. Thank you, Rich, Sweetie.

    25. :) No problem Monica! Forget them ANONYMOUS haters, they are just here to troll and hold back your progress as an individual!

      :) I hope you are having a great friday and have a FANTASTIC weekend!!!!!!!

    26. Anon 2:20 (Monica)

      You have been wearing horns since day one. Oh, sorry!

    27. Anonymous- If you dont truly like me, than I will never truly like you........

    28. Ask me if I care?

    29. I do care.......I care....l love you Richie....please don't hate me...I NEED you to like me.......I can't live without your like

    30. Eden is mad that Rich and Monica are friends.

  14. what's that supposed to mean?

    THat you turn on by super professional men? Is it the outfit?

    I actually find them quite nonprofessional once you start communicating in a way you are their equivalent career-wise. They start talking nonsense. It could also be that they are turned on and fucking up, not knowing what to do when the woman is clearly not turned on by their 'professional' status.

  15. Peter PanSeptember 15, 2009 11:29 AM


Being heterosexual, if I absolutely had to choose, would I suck a dick or take it up the ass? I don't want to do either, and the thought of answering is awful, but I think I'd rather take it up the ass than have another guy's cock in my mouth. That's where things I like go. Things I don't like (AKA shit) spend their time in my ass.

See? It's not very hard, and it gives you insight into the way my mind works.

    1. And your point is???

    2. So random, please help me understand

    3. laugh mother fucker, laugh...

    4. what kind of person, was Peter Pan, exactly? sociopathic????

  16. Interesting - so there are certain things you can't do in the virtual world (even if it the desired end is nothing more than self gratification) that have consequences in the 'real world'. Harsh.

    Years ago, I told a close friend that one day in the distant future, some sort of virtual reality 'game' should be developed to mirror reality as closely as possible so people could do whatever their little hearts desired as a way to vent, if you will. He said that was a horrible idea, that people would develop and taste and probably be unable to resist the temptation to just go ahead and do it in the real world. So is ignorance and/or suppression the alternative?

  17. Not laughing was just confused with asses and dicks and shit and where it goes and not goes and you must have something up your ass to be so hostile

    1. A covert malignant narcissistic sociopath with passive aggressive bipolar and borderline tendencies that likes ass fucked and sociopathic men who degrade and humiliate while I eat Bon bons

    2. ^What's wrong, Monica, you're not running the show? Poor thing........

  18. "You're generally fairly humble for a sociopath, or at least you act it well enough that I don't feel like arguing with you.

  19. AnonymousSeptember 21, 2012 3:03 PM
    Not laughing was just confused with asses and dicks and shit and where it goes and not goes and you must have something up your ass to be so hostile

  20. Hello peoples

    If you’re reading this now or even from the future (FBI, CIA, SW (ir)regulars, assorted on-line cyphs, digital archivists etc. Take note) - it is now Saturday 22nd September 2012 – 12am (GMT) – I’m back home. All the pubs are shut tight as a nun’s cunt on Christmas Day.

    I’m as pissed and stoned as a motherfucker (i.e I’m passed the point of caring for an Über-empath neurotypical like myself). But I’m in no mood for fools, idiots or arseholes.

    Can I get a raise of hands of who is around in this forum and what it is we can do to take this to the next level? I’m here for the long haul for what it’s worth.

  21. Didn't know you were gone but welcome back!

    1. OK Anonymous.

      Can I ask you a question?

    2. It's an important question. I don't want you to be flippant.

    3. It's an important question. I don't want you to be flippant.

    4. Did you pay for your haircut?

    5. Did I get a haircut?

    6. This is like waiting for Monica's narcissistic test results and when she would have to leave the room but "She would be back with the answer." lol

    7. Socratic method by default....try another?

    8. Why? Everyone, is in agreement that knows you....

    9. Haha...A posse of sociopaths diagnostic labratory experiment here

    10. "it wasn't me" haha

    11. Anon 449

      Expand on your post? Or are you in thought and be back soon? haha

    12. "it wasn't me" haha

    13. I'm pretty certain the "kindness" shown to me was more about you than it was about me....I'm sure I intruded on a family affair

    14. Nothing worse than a lovesick OCD

    15. That wasn't invited to the masquerade party

    16. Ah, don't tell me who is under the mask - I already know - some uglies!!!!!!

    17. As if you don't know Hackers

    18. And I reported you

    19. I am not surprised but also not scared. Truth sets you free

    20. Anon 519

      That last sentence sounds like a monica. Duly noted..

    21. How can every person be Monica? You think she is here all day, or something.

    22. ^And reported to M.E.

    23. Anon 508 and 519 reported to M.E.

    24. Well guess what, I reported my problem also, so thx for backup

    25. Mine is going further than M.E.

    26. Mine already did

    27. Now, if you would kindly quit fucking with me, likewise. There is no REAL threats either way....just STOP

    28. Now, if you would kindly quit fucking with me, likewise. There is no REAL threats either way....just STOP

  22. Sociopaths are the human garbage, they're the pedophiles and the bitches in prison.

    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  23. Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

    -Superficial usage of charm 4
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety 0
    -Lack of empathy 1
    -Lack of remorse 0
    -Underdeveloped emotions1
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals 0
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers2
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect 1
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation 2

    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals 0
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others 1
    -Recidivist criminality 0
    -Low levels of impulse control 0
    -Low tolerance for frustration 4
    -Prone to violent outbursts 0
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers 2
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals 1
    -Sexual promiscuity 0

    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise 4
    -Grandiose self-image 3
    -Sense of entitlement 4
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals 3
    -Obsession with self 4
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it 3
    -Easily and often jealous and angry 4
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need 4
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame 3

    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals 2
    -Humiliates or demeans others 2
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons 0
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans 1
    -Usage of intimidation 2
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person 1
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture 0
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored 1
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others 1

    1. Don't you feel better now young Monica Moo - that you've shared?

    2. Well, I feel embarrassed, but I am here to show my true face, Mindless Pleasures x

    3. Please, those that disagree with her sadistic score, be heard!

    4. Y'know, for a neckless lesbian dwarf - you're not half bad.

    5. That was not the score you posted originally, Monica. You reduced your score in narcissism for that post. By these scores you are malignant. Will you be referring to yourself as a Mal Narc, now?

      MP, why do you refer to her as "Monica Moo"?

    6. Get fucked Anonymous. Monica is a 1,000 times the person you could ever hope or aspire to.

      Bottom feeder scum

    7. I fudged one or two points.
      What a good memory some of you have~
      Monica Moo refers to Eden's talking about breasts

    8. There are no 3s you fucking idiot.

    9. Why are you attacking me MP? The question was not asked with malicious intent. It was observation/curiosity based. Why do you feel so defensive about Monica? Are you intimate with each other?

    10. 3's LOL
      You shouldn't be so confusing, TNP ~

    11. Answering that is really complicated when it comes to the narc and sadistic inventories. There's a lot of duality and situational complications for me.

      How do you answer when it's true, but the situation is not common or something you seek?

      How do you answer when one of the parts of the "and" is true? Like "jealousy and anger" if it's only anger?

      Does highly susceptible imply that you get annoyed/angry over it? Praise annoys me and occasionally makes me angry, and criticism (as long as not invalid) is something I am indifferent to and take in to account.

    12. Monica, go back to the blog post for it, and read it, word for word, from start to finish.

      Then copy the test and take it again.

    13. Are you able to go a day without speaking the name, "Eden", Monica? Be she an unrequited love? Are you the Romeo to her Juliet?

    14. @ Anonymous September 21, 2012 5:18 PM

      No, I meant literally – she’s a 1,000 times the person. Hell, she could be you for all I know or care. [Sorry for cussing you out, I was a slightly inebriated]

    15. Thank you Mindless Pleasures
      I feel the same about you. I can tell you from the fake too. Your intelligence shines through and your wit. The fake can't imitate that~

  24. TNP (the voice of reason) is right. There's no 3's you fuckin' muppet ; )

  25. Mindless Pleasures
    Why don't you take the test? I will take it, again, tomorrow per teacher TNP's instructions ~

  26. Rich
    Why don't you take it, too.

    1. :) Sure, I will take it and post the results tommorow as well! Cause Iam about 6 martini's down, so I dont think I should/could answer them right now......... But tommorow we shall see BOTH of our results.......... But I dont think I score high in any of them, I will try my best though :)

      Goodnight Monica and Sociopathworld! It's time to go to sleep for me!

  27. I've taken it already darling.

    Über Rich is just a figment of your very creative and vibrant imagination.

  28. And you're talking to someone who actually likes the dude

  29. Admittedly he can't spell 'definitely' and has difficulty separating the 'I' from the 'am' but other than that he seems like an ok sort of guy.

    1. LMAO! Well I will admit I have trouble spelling "Definatley" and "My Spelling" usually leaves out the e at the end LOL!

      Maybe I have some form of "Semantic Aphasia"?!?!?!?

      LOL Just Kidding, Maybe iam just a shitty speller! lol

    2. Ease up on the martini’s. That shit’s rocket-fuel


  31. Monica Moo. What are you like?

    1. I can’t explain it. From an outsider’s perspective it must seem so strange. Honestly, I mean never turns out that well.

      I know you’re trying your darndest to understand what a basket-case I must sound like most of the time.

    2. Oh, please. Don’t insult my intelligence Monica. I’m above all that sort of lurid, demeaning bullshit.

      I accept you for what you are – I just wish you could reciprocate that same respect. I think you’re wonderful– I don’t care for what any bottom-feeding, know-nothing troll thinks.

      Just keep on being your wonderful self (but without all the bat-shit crazy nonsense – you’re much better than that)

      Be a better friend to yourself Sweetheart


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