
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sociopaths in fiction: Phantastes

But tell me how it is that she could be so beautiful without any heart at all — without any place even for a heart to live in." "I cannot quite tell. . . But the chief thing that makes her beautiful is this: that, although she loves no man, she loves the love of any man; and when she finds one in her power, her desire to bewitch him and gain his love (not for the sake of his love either, but that she may be conscious anew of her own beauty, through the admiration he manifests), makes her very lovely — with a self-destructive beauty, though; for it is that which is constantly wearing her away within, till, at least, the decay will reach her face, and her whole front, when all the lovely mask of nothing will fall to pieces, and she be vanished forever"

--George MacDonald


  1. Replies
    1. if you are the first i must be the best)
      (now were's the mirror..)

    2. To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.George MacDonald

      tell that to a sociopath lol

    3. Attitudes are more important than facts

      A beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast, the less he knows it


  3. This description is a portrait of narcissistic love, which the subject confuses with beguilement and admiration. It reveals the quandary of the narcissist who leans upon her physical appearance to bolster her (false) self-esteem. One would think that any self-respecting sociopath would extract a good deal more than rapt enthrallment out of her partner. We are nothing if not pragmatic. :)

    1. same whore, same dressSeptember 19, 2012 at 2:16 AM

      i am NOT self respecting, so stop assuming shit

    2. so now your a sociopath again alter?

  4. There are the women who understand more than anything else, the real essence of existence. That reason or sentiment without purpose has no place. Just pure unadulterated self indulgence before time runs out.. tick tock tick tock...

  5. Pragmatism is a consequence of limited or degraded options

  6. a sociopath is driven by willpower and "the everlasting itch" a neurotypical is driven by emotions and empathy and the thing they have in common is the the struggle to survive

    1. Hm.. Interesting you mention "the everlasting itch." In my experience, it relates to the further impending urgency I feel to exact & fulfill.

  7. What's the purpose of that definition? It's when they compete for the same "resources" that creates the need to establish their particular propaganda

  8. WOW!!!!! That is a pretty damn accurate description of a female sociopath! Ive only known two of them (and only one was actually diagnosed, the other you could just tell, it was easy to see after dealing with a female sociopath once)and once I saw through them and told them I know they are sociopaths they would run and disappear like pansies! LOL! But their behavior was so much alike, the only difference was one was VERY sadistic and cruel and the other wasnt AS sadistic and cruel but she still was.

  9. Do we have any sociopath women in the house? If so, does this actually describe you?

    This seems more like classic Narcissistic supply.

    1. Sociopath Woman in the HouseSeptember 19, 2012 at 6:33 AM

      No, it does not. Sounds more like a narcissist.

    2. The lack of feeling is a sociopath, in my opinion. The Narcissist had a personal and emotional involvement with people. The Narcissist may be grandiose but there is some emotional attachment, there. This is sociopath, all the way, to me.

    3. You're projecting, Monica, and your opinions on sociopathy are irrelevant. You've proven time and again that you're a worthless contributor with your head firmly planted up your ass.

    4. Sociopath Woman in the HouseSeptember 19, 2012 at 7:01 AM

      Monica, sociopaths do have feelings. I would also agree that your opinions are irrelevant. When I fell in love with someone it was because of what they could do for me, and how I was either excited by them, or challenged. Attraction had a lot to do with it, but I needn't be with someone to be reminded of how beautiful I am. I am aware of that enough on my own, I don't need a reminder.

    5. Well, guys. Maybe, I spoke when I shouldn't. I withdraw my comments and will listen to what you, all say.
      I offer my apologies.

    6. Sociopath Woman in the HouseSeptember 19, 2012 at 7:31 AM

      You can keep your apologies Monica, they aren't good enough for me anyways.

    7. i saw a program that said that beauty contests produce the next wave of borderline personalities.

    8. @Sociopath Woman
      I apologized because I was wrong, not to get your(or anyone's approval)

    9. Monica,
      What is it you were wrong about and who says you were wrong?

    10. I am not a sociopath, Tom. I should not speak from that vantage point.

    11. TNP, you are fucking awesome. I think I love you.

      Also to me it does sound like a narcissist more than a sociopath. I have been guilty of seducing many men. Not to fuck but to make them love me. It gives me a thrill to know how badly they want me, how far they will go for me and what I can get from them before I discard them.
      I know I will not end up alone like the woman in the article because I have no problems getting so deep under a man's skin that I can get away with almost anything. And he is very happy to support me anyway.

    12. I actually agree with Monica on this one and will take her side........ Even sociopaths are Narcisstic a great majority of the time...... But I actually think it may count for BOTH the sociopath and the Narcissist, at least to some degree.

    13. When I first started coming here Monica used uber empath in the context of every post. Isn't that ironic!

    14. I have to agree with SWITH.

      Let's be nice to Monica, ok? She's almost accepted she's a narcissist, and now she has to deal with the reality of how that defines her. Baby steps ...

    15. I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make the connection in my 1055 post about uber empath and Rich the uber empath.

    16. Stop putting everything into neat little boxes and let's be perfectly clear - this is a spectrum.

      In regards to the behavior of this woman, it is highly and obviously narcissistic. She has a *need* for admiration in order to feel accomplished. This is not a trademark of classic staple sociopathic behavior, but that doesn't mean a sociopathic individual could not have it.

      I would be interested in whether or not the goal was simply seduction, or more complex, such as seduction, using the mark, and then annihilating their funds/self-esteem/relationships with friends and family. Essentially, is there a predatory sadistic side, or is this simply something done for one's ego.

      Understanding the underlying goal of the dance to begin with will help in figuring out the type of person you are, or are dealing with.

      I slapped together a test that can help you measure things out. Just make sure to read *all* of it so you understand it. It's not as simple as say, the PCL-R or the DSM.

    17. TNP- Now that pretty much breaks it down perfectly...... Brilliantly said.

    18. "Stop putting everything into neat little boxes and let's be perfectly clear"


      "I slapped together a test that can help you measure things out."

      Are we going to measure things into little boxes?

      I think you are absolutely right about PD on the spectrum... and I too think today's descriptive post would seem more along the lines of narcissistic nature and less of the lines of a sociopathic woman... but to even say this starts the breakdown process of putting labels on things; putting them into boxes.

      I have looked at your test... interesting. To me it looks like just another box to put things in though. I'm trying to get rid of all my boxes.

    19. Monica,

      Never be sorry for voicing your opinion in a public forum.


    20. That's because you didn't actually read it, Tom, you just looked at the test criteria.

    21. TNP:

      What is the very nature of a test?

    22. Read the post. It explains practically everything, including intent.

    23. I know you are intelligent enough to know what my point is. I know you are intelligent enough to know I read the post. Your test is just another test. Be it more accurate or not isn't a concern to me. A test, by its very nature is a categorical tool used to compile qualitative and quantifiable data... it helps put things into boxes. Is that what you want to do? Better analysis something?

    24. Are you testing me about my test?~ This is ridiculous, Tom. Stop wasting my time and actually read and try to comprehend the article. If you have questions about certain parts of it, shoot them on over.

    25. Narcissist.

      This woman's idea of love is merely about how it makes her feel.

    26. TNP:

      You have yet to answer any one of my questions.

      What is the very nature of a test?
      Is that what you want to do? Better analysis something?

      You seem to NOT want to put things into categories am I right? You want to show the spectrum of someone's personality?

      Really the only difference I see in your test and other "arbitrary binary designation" one's is a different way of looking at the boxes. I see your test like this... test results do not say you're sociopath: you're actually this interesting Antisocial-Narcissistic-Psychopathic-Sadist... while that guy he's a Sadistic-Antisocial-Narcissistic-Psychopath... boxes...

    27. No, Tom.

      I'm talking about not polarizing issues.

      The whole point of the test isn't, You are X. It is, how much X are you, and how often?

      Does that make sense?

    28. Yes.

      It's still a label. It's still a box.

      "I slapped together a test that can help you measure things out."

      These boxes or labels might better fit the model you are trying to display. Cool. I just thought it peculiar you don't want to put things in boxes but you want to measure them out... for? To define and be able to put into different type boxes.

      At this time I am trying to get rid of the boxes, remember. Breaking all the structures I have lived within and establishing my own at my design.

    29. Are you trying to be argumentative or something? What's your purpose in this line of questioning?

      It measures clusters of psychopathic traits and their frequencies. The scoring system per value is to measure frequency, and the score thresholds are to measure predominance.

      I really don't understand what you're taking issue with.

    30. By nature I am finding that I am argumentative. However I am not trying to be right now, you interest me and I am a little confused. Perhaps these couple questions will clear everything up: Why the test? Why did you create this test?

    31. I created the test, but not from scrap. Virtually all of the criteria is derived from academic sources.

      The reason was, those tests are medical diagnoses for treating or assigning mental illnesses. That means, it's no good for the regular folk, if you will.

      I wanted something where a person could evaluate either themselves, or someone they know, and see which portions of a classically psychopathic personality they encompass. I needed something that could figure out both prevalence and frequency.

      There also was no designation for in the current diagnosis tests for traits accrued due to professional or lifestyle situations. Basically, "you either have it or you don't", which is grossly inconsiderate when measuring conditional personality adaptations to pathological traits.

      Even the primary/secondary designations are only meant to point out how strongly a person expresses those psychopathic traits.

      Each individual trait is a measurement, Tom, not simply the score. For example, it's not about whether or not someone is a secondary Sadist. It's about what kind of sadistic behavior they exhibit, and how often.

      The boxes that you see are the ones you're creating. You need to go trait by trait, not cluster by cluster.

    32. You are a little defensive about your test and that is understandable. I have gone trait by trait and I get the point. These are the boxes YOU are showing me. By taking your test I create a box that makes sense to you. If it is labels you are trying to get away from, you are creating new ones... if it was new labels you wanted, you are well on your way.

      TNP, I don't want to fight with you. Keep up the good work.

    33. So now every single trait is a box?

      When did observing behavior become too mainstream?~

      You're being nit-picky and ridiculous, Tom. Whatever point you are trying to make against it is lost one me, and there are certainly valid points against it (as illustrated in the comments section). You haven't raised any, though, other than standing around and saying, 'Look at all these boxes! Break free from the boxes, bro!'

      Do you seriously not understand the value in understanding one's behavior and how often it manifests?

      There is no High Score to shoot for. It's about figuring out your behavior.

      And this is where our discussion ends, unless you have actual questions that aren't addressed in the blog post.

    34. Hi Tom

      If it’s any help Tom, I can fill in one of the boxes for you:

      - Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need [5]

      I hope you know I’m kidding. I’m just trying to get you back for that Howard Jones song link you sent me for ‘Life in One Day’. I now can’t get the fucking tune out of my head ; )

    35. DAMN TNP!!!!! You are like the fuckin Robert Hare of "Sociopathworld"!!!!! Nice explanation on the test and the reasons you made it!

      I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot :)

    36. Which foot would that be then Über-Rich – the one with the sock on it or without?

      : )

    37. TNP is awesome, Rich.

    38. Wtf - it's like being gang-raped by the Muppets.

    39. Definatly Monica, Im beginning to see that. He may have come across as harsh to me at first but I truly believe it was only for my own good.

      Monica, do you mind me asking how old you are? You made me sound young because iam 24 (Not that I mind LOL, I dont wanna grow up) but if you dont wanna answer I understand :)

    40. LOL Mindless Pleasures have you read any of Robert Hare's shit? He was like " We needed a valid construct to measure psychopathy than=t is currently accepted to predect recidivism and shit- (Please forgive me, Iam three martinis down in an hour on my 4th, if I sound kinda off)

      But TNP made it a test anybody could do on themselves, family, or friends. Kinda reminds me of the P-Scan test, but more personalized and easier to understand with more personality features and structures.

    41. I’m a tad uncomfortable about discussing psychology with drunk puppets. I’m not Mel Gibson.

      However, surely, this would be the perfect opportunity for you Über-Rich to share your results.

      Y’know they say – you’re more truthful when your drunk.

    42. Yes, as your inhibitions are lowered quite a bit....... I'd answer any question thrown at me..........


    43. Honestly Iam an Uber empath....... I didnt score high on any of them, not even enough to be "secondary".

    44. Rich
      I have a son who just graduated from college :D

    45. Could you wait while my dealer brings me around some more coke. I think I have to be extremely high to continue this conversation ; )

    46. NICE Monica!!!!! At least your son has been to college!!!!

      I have also graduated from college...... I have an associates degree and went for Private Investigations :)

      Mindless Pleasures- Dont boggart that coke, give the drunk man a couple lines!!!!!! LOL

    47. :)Iam glad you are being nice to me now TNP, I have always liked your posts, I hope to expand my time on Sociopathwoprld and get to know more about you and myself! I also would like to learn about Monica!!!!! She is SOOOOO interesting to me!!!!!!!!!

    48. How can you self evaluate when your whole self awareness is a delusion of your act. Are people your pawns? Are you going to put ANYONE before yourself when it's GO time? Game On? Love to play? 1st? Winner?

    49. Get a room. Oh no, let me guess, you already have one.

    50. Who/what/why are all these white lines ^^^

      Get a sock-drawer

    51. Don't be so cynical, Mindless Pleasures. Sometimes, things are exactly as they seem.

    52. What – a half empty bottle of Saint-Rémy Authentic VSOP French brandy, £60 quid’s worth of mid-week coke I don’t need or particularly want to do and I have to go back to work in T minus 5 hours.

      Well, you must be the life and soul of any party.

    53. Yes, perhaps so

    54. Oh stop, you're breaking my heart here. I was only teasin' you. I'm actually really wasted and having a good ol' time - for what's it's worth.

  10. Man, that is breathtaking writing!

  11. It's okay Anon @ 11:15, Iam new here, but I will always post under the name "Rich the uber empath"

  12. "at least, the decay will reach her face, and her whole front,when all the lovely mask of nothing will fall to pieces, and she be vanished forever."

    But she has been dead for a long time and this reminds me that this is true for the narcissist; they are dead inside, the walking dead.

  13. @ Monica Moo.

    As much as I agree with SWITH & VITH - you seem like a very nice person but what is your end-game Sweetheart?

    I have only been posting on this site for a week – and when I go to send what I have written I highlight ‘Name/URL’ – there is a small 'Edit Profile' drop-down box with just one name there - ‘Mindless Pleasures’. I click on that – job done.

    I can’t imagine what your drop-box must look like – but I’d take an educated guess that it’d be longer than a dinosaur’s dick.

    What’s with all the Sybil-like multiple personalities and mind-games? Why do you want to mess with everybody’s heads?

    Surely you’re far more intelligent than that and have better things to do with your time?

    Not to mention that anyone can do it back to you – and who wins that game of blink? Not humanity, that’s for sure.

    ********SPOILER ALERT**********

    Iam actually Monica

    1. Goddammit, Moriarty. Go back to playing with Sherlock.

    2. When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth ; )

    3. LMAO!!!!!! I honestly dont think Monica would go under another name to take up for herself! I havent known her for long and have only been posting for a couple days, but I have been a lurker here for awile. Monica seems sane, nice, and sweet to me.

  14. Theme Song for the Light bulb in the head of Mindless Pleasures

  15. I’m feeling positively schizophrenic.

    If I have bizzaro dreams tonight about John the Baptist being played by John Travolta having his hair cut by Rita Hayworth – I’m going to hold you personally responsible little Miss Monica.

  16. This just in: tom hill is monica!

  17. And apparently the cops found Ukan's bail money he had stashed lol

  18. Thanks Anonymous. Keep us posted. I'm switching on BCC International 24hour news in case there's any updates on this side of the pond. It's 3 A.M here.

  19. You have to find the part of you that you cast off. For some, it is their soft side. For others, it is their hard side. Whatever slice of the human experience you have jettisoned, you have to get it back.

    You threw it away because you had to. You had little choice. It was a survival mechanism.

    However, you lost part of your human 'experience", shall we say.
    I lost the ability to be "weak". I was ridiculed and humiliated. Hence, I threw this part away, even though I was weak and acted weakly. I hated myself for it.

    In reality, we all are weak. If you don't accept this, you are dyslexic to the human condition.

    We, humans, are weak, strong, loving, cruel, hateful, tender and all the rest.

    How to heal a Pd is finding all of yourself.

    1. Haven't you posted this already?

    2. Coming out of a PD is not an absolutely linear process, friend ~

  20. Narcissist or sociopath? Who really gives a shit! They are both delusional!

  21. I am a sociopath. Where my heart should be, lies a mass of coal. Instead of transmitting kindness and empathy towards others, I send hate and emptiness.

    People are fools. Victims. That's what they are. They serve no purpose for me other than pure entertainment. I do not need food to satisfy me, for I eat my victims for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. No one sees me coming. I move as swiftly as the wind. And only when the guards are lowered, do I attack. My victims are in such a daze that they do not know what has happened. They do not know that they have been devoured. For I, devour. I am a devouring creature. God help me.

    1. All that devouring...

      You must be a fatty.

    2. Fat is in the eye of the beholder.

    3. Have you thought about attending G.A (Gothapotamus Anonymous)?

    4. Give him time. He's still wading through da Nile.

    5. Thanks for the set-up TNP

      Da Nile is not a river in Africa

    6. You think you are funny, but you are not. You do not know what it is like to live in a place of darkness. I try to search. I try to find meaning within the abyss of my being, but I do not. Thus, I must prey and find victims to fulfill my appetite and boredom. It is tough, but you do not understand because you do not care to understand.

    7. Au contraire – I know exactly what it’s like to live in a place of darkness. I live in England ffs.

    8. I know what it's like.

      You're still a fatty.

    9. I have dated fat men. One, may know, one is fat and still get, the girls. Being fat, is like being old. No one cares, if you don't.

    10. I once got set up on a blind date with a really fat guy (150kg+) with coke bottle glasses who lived with his parents.
      My fucker friend swore to me he was gorgeous and great to be around. I found him to be extremely repulsive. He was smart and funny, but constantly trying to brag about being a ladies man, which was pretty sad. He ended up stalking me for half a year.
      He's now married to a woman who matches him pound for pound and they still live with his parents. I'm pretty sure he was a virgin when he married her.

    11. That sounds like Frank

  22. I don't need time. I am here. I am always here.

  23. Yes, it sounds pure narcissist!! Sounds like me!! :)

  24. This is sociopath it never says she needs the man it just simply states she loves the feeling of having a man in the palm of her hands

  25. Valuable very touchable information. I would like to thank you for sharing your great facts. |


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