
Friday, September 14, 2012

Take the Test

From TNP, describing the test:

It essentially breaks down all known psychopathic behavior into individual clusters that branch off of a base psychopathic tree. It's an evaluation, which a person can take themselves, to see just where they fall, and what characteristics and predominant in their personality. It takes away the arbitrary binary designation Yes/No to psychopathy, and instead focuses on the type of psychopathic features a person displays.

My academic sources are rooted in the works of Hare, Millon, and the DSM, though I do avoid complete redundancy, and nixed a few aspects that seemed obsolete, or unrelated to psychopathy.

The test itself:

Psychopathic Trait Tendency Assessment (PTTA)

This evaluation measures an individual's potentially psychopathic personality traits. It measures four different clusters of acknowledged psychopathic traits, and has a scoring system to measure if an individual meets enough of the criteria to acknowledge how much their personality is affected by each cluster of psychopathy. The evaluation also makes the distinction between each cluster being a primary personality tendency or a secondary one if indeed an individual displays enough traits for a cluster on a consistent basis.

This test does not evaluate whether an individual is a psychopath or not. It simply measure how their personality measures up to researched psychopathic features. The criteria, thresholds, and clusters are derived from the works and research of Hare, Millon, and the DSM IV.

Scoring System

Each trait has a max score of 4. There is no "3" in the scoring system, due to the severity of difference of a pathological trait, and a learned and utilized trait due to environmental adaptation necessities.*

0 - manifests rarely if at all
1 - manifests occasionally
2 - manifests frequently
4 - is an ever-present pathological manifestation in the personality of the person and is rarely if ever not utilized
*Examples of this would be when a person lives in a life-situation where classically psychopathic traits are needed to survive and thrive. This usually applies to hostile or high-stress work-environments for the likes of soldiers, career criminals, police, emergency responders, doctors/nurses, et cetera.

PTTA Evaluation

Assign a score to each trait based on the scoring system above. Add up the total for each cluster.

Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

-Superficial usage of charm
-Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety
-Lack of empathy
-Lack of remorse
-Underdeveloped emotions
-Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals
-Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers
-Shallow to nonexistent affect
-High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation

Primary Psychopath threshold 28+/36
Secondary Psychopath threshold 20-27/36

Core Antisocial Personality Traits

-High levels of apathy and lack of life goals
-Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others
-Recidivist criminality
-Low levels of impulse control
-Low tolerance for frustration
-Prone to violent outbursts
-Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers
-Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals
-Sexual promiscuity

Primary Antisocial threshold: 28+/36
Secondary Antisocial threshold: 20-27/36

Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

-Highly susceptible to criticism or praise
-Grandiose self-image
-Sense of entitlement
-Delusional and unrealistic goals
-Obsession with self
-Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it
-Easily and often jealous and angry
-Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need
-Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame

Primary Narcissist threshold: 28+/36
Secondary Narcissist threshold: 20-27/36

Core Sadistic Personality Traits

-Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals
-Humiliates or demeans others
-Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons
-Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans
-Usage of intimidation
-Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person
-Highly interested weapons, violence and torture
-Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored
-Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others

Primary Sadist threshold: 28+/36
Secondary Sadist threshold: 20-27/36

Each core personality type represents a cluster of traits typically associated with Psychopaths and their behavior. As these are personality clusters, some are usually represented more than others, but it is possible that an individual would score very high on all clusters, or possibly only high on one if they were somewhere in the psychopathic spectrum.

Each cluster has nine traits, and the thresholds are kept at levels that require a majority of points being pooled into each cluster.

Secondary represents that an individual not only represents most traits to a moderate degree, but has at least one that falls into the realm of pathological.

Primary represents that not only does an individual have most traits to a moderate degree, but that they have most to a pathological degree.

Thresholds are not meant to include or exclude the possibility that someone encompasses a personality cluster. For example, an individual with only three or four traits in a cluster to a pathological degree would probably be represented by the personality cluster, even if the other traits did not appear present or that noticeable. It is rare (but not impossible) than an individual would only have a few traits in a cluster at pathological levels, and not the rest, to at least achieve the Secondary status for that cluster.


  1. I can think of at least one problem with being asked to describe the extent to which I engage in delusional thinking.

  2. i doubt its intended for self diagnosis dumbass

  3. I'll go first.

    Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

    -Superficial usage of charm - 1
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety - 1
    -Lack of empathy - 1
    -Lack of remorse - 1
    -Underdeveloped emotions - 1
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals - 1
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers - 2
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect - 1
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation - 2


    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals - 4
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others - 1
    -Recidivist criminality - 1
    -Low levels of impulse control - 4
    -Low tolerance for frustration - 2
    -Prone to violent outbursts - 1
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers - 2
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals - 1
    -Sexual promiscuity - 0


    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise - 0
    -Grandiose self-image - 2
    -Sense of entitlement - 2
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals - 0
    -Obsession with self - 4
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it - 1
    -Easily and often jealous and angry - 1
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need - 0
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame - 1


    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals - 1
    -Humiliates or demeans others - 2
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons - 0
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans - 1
    -Usage of intimidation - 1
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person - 0
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture - 2
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored - 1
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others - 1


    1. According to this, the entire 9th grade cheer squad is sociopathic

    2. According to this, the entire 9th grade cheer squad is sociopathic

    3. According to your test I'm a primary psychopath, primary antisocial, secondary narcissist, primary sadist. It's twaddle.

    4. We are all many things quack quack!!

    5. Your scored yourself. How is that twaddle? :P

    6. Sorry I'm late. Results after the first attemt of scoring myself:

      Primary: Psychopath
      Secondary: Antisocial, Sadistic
      Below secondary: Narcissistic

      But I still need to do it couple more times to get the math done.

  4. there is no way i will score myself. i did, but i cannot be my own judge.

    how am i supposed to know how superficially charming i am when i am used to using charm? it is like brushing my teeth. And just because I can recognize how well my charm works am I to also say I am cunning and deceptive because I don't tell people? How much am i supposed to put down?

    1. Do the best you can. I'm aware that there will probably be discrepancies between a person's actual score, and their own self-evaluation. It comes with the territory in this spectrum. Just be as honest with yourself as you can when considering the scoring system.

  5. Sorry but this is why I find personality tests/evaluations to be WAY to broad. If most "normals" would be absolutely honest, EVERYONE would be moderately sociopathic. The "normal" person will not allow themselves the kind of introspection it takes to accurately complete this test with an honest outcome. Their need to be "good" will always outweigh the need to be honest. I just think the benefits of such evaluations are only beneficial for people willing to admit to a dark side of self

    1. Which takes me back to labels. Labels cripple people and can cause people that mildly fit the profile to self abandon. (I think you refer to them as wannabes)

    2. You're totally projecting. That, or you didn't pay attention to the scoring system. I didn't even score "moderately psychopathic" for most categories, and I'm not even a regular "normal".

      This test is to identify how strongly you represent clusters of psychopathy. If you're uncomfortable with how high (or low) you scored, don't blame it on the test.

    3. Monica, Anon 3:32

      You can't speak for "normals;" your jealously clouds your judgement.

    4. That was not I. Monica gets blamed for everyone~

    5. Monica, I don't believe you

    6. You think Monica cares about Eden. That old song died. Wake up and smell the espresso, Eden ~

    7. An annoying person who used to be here.

    8. @anon

      i think the key is rarely, occasionally, frequently, ever present.

      however there is a difference between physical acts and mental acts (i.e. changes in attitude), so not sure the tests captures that. as an example does obsession with self mean buying lots of cool clothes etc, or obsessing over how others think you look?

    9. also ever present manifestation is a bit tricky. if it's instantly present when you need it, like a reflex, does that mean ever present? suppose you rarely need it. example.. manipulation.

    10. Zoe, a "4" is something you can't turn off.

    11. Oh. That adds a different nuance to it. I can't turn off my low empathy, but I do experience a blunted form of it on occasion. Very rarely, it will hit my heart like a sledgehammer right out of the blue. (In fact, that only ever happened once, after I said some nasty crap to you, shortly before you announced your diagnosis, TNP. I'll never forget it. I know you'll think this is stupid, but I really believe it was God correcting me.)

      Now *you* correct me if I am wrong, but I think that obsession with self refers to any form of self-obsession, which could encompass superficial and/or more introspective aspects.

    12. @tnp

      i was thinking situational psychopathy... but maybe that doesn't happen or in that case wouldn't be psychopathy?.

    13. @Alter

      good point. but then the obsessions are so different that just saying "obsession with self" doesn't seem to cover it all. or maybe it's the same thing manifesting differently? such as obsession with health vs. looks?

    14. Zoe, situational psychopathy, as you put it, is explained with the scoring system. I don't know how you could miss it.

    15. my bad. i skipped right to the test. too much text for my brain last night.

  6. Ok. Why not?

    -Superficial usage of charm - 2
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety - 4 (Should fear be lumped in with anxiety? The two are different.)
    -Lack of empathy - 2
    -Lack of remorse - 1
    -Underdeveloped emotions - 2
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals - 2 (The social norms thing accounts for the 2. I consider myself to be a moral person.)
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers - 2
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect - 2 (shallow- as in fleeting. Perhaps you should include that specification?)
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation - 4 (To some extent, I think I am deceptive with everyone, but it really doesn't *feel* that way. I am showing different faces to different people. Am I being continually deceptive because I never tell my friends about some of the things I do and think regularly? When I pretend to have different emotions than I really do? I guess so.)


    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals - 1
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others - 2
    -Recidivist criminality - 1
    -Low levels of impulse control - 4
    -Low tolerance for frustration - 4
    -Prone to violent outbursts - 1 (now.)
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers - 1
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals - 2
    -Sexual promiscuity - 2 (I used to be highly promiscuous, I am completely faithful now. What should I put here? A two, which sort of balances it out?)


    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise - 2
    -Grandiose self-image - 1
    -Sense of entitlement - 1
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals - 0
    -Obsession with self - 4
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it - 1
    -Easily and often jealous and angry - 2 (I'm rarely jealous, often angry. I think anger deserves its own category, perhaps in the ‘antisocial traits’ assessment section. I think the anger issue needs to be treated specifically, as it is pretty universal to ASPD/ psychopathy.)
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need - 0
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame - 2


    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals - 1
    -Humiliates or demeans others – 1
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons - 1
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans - 1
    -Usage of intimidation - 0
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person - 4 (I am controlling. I am trying not to be so much so.)
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture - 2
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored - 0
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others - 1


    1. How can you score yourself with a "2" for sexually promiscuous if you're completely faithful?

      "0 - manifests rarely if at all
      1 - manifests occasionally
      2 - manifests frequently
      4 - is an ever-present pathological manifestation in the personality of the person and is rarely if ever not utilized"

      That scoring system must be rocket science or something.~

      I understand what you're trying to say, but score yourself on how you are now, not when you were a pup.

    2. Lack of empathy - 2
      -Underdeveloped emotions - 2

      Rubbish. You scored 8 on the EQ test so lack of empathy should be a 4. Someone with that along with shallow/fleeting emotions, and such a vestigial capacity for empathy, would have a very high score on underdeveloped emotions as well.

      Grandiose self-image - 1
      Obsession with self - 4

      The discrepancy between these scores doesn't make much sense either.

      Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need - 0

      Although from this it appears that you actually suffer from low self esteem.

      Perhaps TNP will shed further light on these points.

    3. Fine, I toyed with giving myself a score of 4 on the empathy point, but decided I didn't want to accept my pathetically low EQ score. I do possess cognitive and sometimes even affective empathy for children. But you might have a point about underdeveloped emotions. :P So if I accept your assessment (and I respect your level of insight) that is a score of 25 on the first part. Thanks for the input.

      As for the discrepancy:

      I am rather self-obsessed, but I don't feel I DESERVE better than anyone else. This has to do with my ideological beliefs. I really do consider all humans to be equal in the sight of God. You know I'm a theist. This is also why I put "1" for grandiose self-image. I rather like myself, but I do not have an unrealistically inflated view of my own magnificence, for the above-cited reason.

      TNP, I took my past into account because I read that in taking the PCL-R you cannot simply disregard it. If these scores are meant only to assess current behaviors, I think you would do well to specify it.

    4. Furthermore, I do not necessarily want "the best of everything". For example, I can afford, but will not buy a gorgeous car, because I think that such a purchase would represent a frivolous, egotistical and excessively image-conscious expenditure.

      And I like roughing it sometimes. (This comment is not in reference to the car. Owning *any* car is a luxury, as far as I'm concerned.) It feels good.

    5. Ok. First of all, thank you for bringing this up:

      "-Easily and often jealous and angry - 2 (I'm rarely jealous, often angry. I think anger deserves its own category, perhaps in the ‘antisocial traits’ assessment section. I think the anger issue needs to be treated specifically, as it is pretty universal to ASPD/ psychopathy.)"

      This is supposed to be "Easily and often prone to jealousy and jealous anger", not just anger. Sorry for the confusion.

      Second of all, Obsession with Self and Grandiose Self-Image can definitely have different scores. One implies that a person focuses of themselves to an obsessive degree. The other implies that a person thinks very highly of themselves. The two can definitely be different, but in a classically Narcissistic personality, the scores should be near even. I hope that answers your question.

      Alterego, this isn't the PCL-R, and I didn't specify that the test should be focused on your past, only your frequency. This is not a Psychopath test. All it does is measure your frequency of usage in regards to classically psychopathic traits, as laid out by other pre-existing test criteria. The main difference here is that it's not meant for diagnosis, but simply evaluating how often these traits manifest in your own personality.

      It helps a person understand the severity of their tendencies by measuring out how frequent these traits appear to help them understand how prevalent these personality clusters are for themselves.

      If you have any more questions or input, feel free to chime in. M.E. requested I stick around for part of today to answer questions people may have.

  7. I am just a Narcissist. Lucky me~

    1. What are you scores, Monica? I'm definitely curious.

    2. I didn't take it. Where is the test? Is there a link to it?

    3. Are you a fucking idiot? Read the blog post, dumbass.

    4. Derping Derpenstein diagnoses herself and then asks where the test is.


    5. Why do you have to be so mean, TNP? Ever heard of being nice~

    6. I once met a priest in the desert that spoke to me about the virtues of being nice, so I kicked him in the balls and took his water to teach him the virtue of not speaking to strangers. :p

      (and no, I'm not being serious)

    7. OK TNP :D
      I am easy.

    8. TNP, I had a similar experience while reading "A Canticle for Leibowitz"

  8. According to this I have traits of narcissism and sadism, but I am not psychopathic or antisocial. The difficulty with tests like this is, any symptom could have a wide variety of causes. The symptoms of narcissism could be caused by lack of self esteem, such as being susceptible to criticism. However, some argue that all narcissists suffer from lack of self esteem deep inside.

    My sadistic traits are compartmentalized enough to not interfere with my life. If the traits do not make your life worse I don't think they count as a disorder. Conversely my narcissistic traits make it impossible for me to function normally. I'm self absorbed to a ridiculous extent, my thoughts about myself paralyze me from doing what I want. Nobody knows how self absorbed I am from my behavior, they just think I am shy and kind of lazy. They only know if I tell them, and even then some will not believe me. Occasionally somebody gets mad at me when they figue out I have goals, which I do not like.

    One of my close friends has a lot of psychopathic traits, but he keep crying about his family not loving him. That disqualifies him, right? I don't know what the hell is wrong with him, I have been trying to figure it out but his behavior is too odd. He is diagnosed with bipolar, but he does not have mood swings in the typical sense.

    1. The Sadistic Cluster is derived from the Sadistic Personality Disorder, something removed from the DSM due to it being considered sexist, which is silly, but understandable.

      Sadism and Narcissism are actually heavily linked. Some narcissistic personalities are oblivious to their own sadism while others relish in it. Where one might consider what they dish out as punishment, the other would consider it a pleasurable lesson by beating down/subjugating their mark. A common trait of theirs' is making their friends/relatives/lovers feel like they cannot exist without them to support them, which creates a unhealthy dependency. Ironically, this can often anger a person when they see how pathetic their mark has become, and they often resort to abuse and or neglect because of it.

    2. Perhaps he is hoping for an offer of room and board?

    3. Actually I have offered him that, after he requested it, but he has not taken me up on my offer (yet). He alternates between desperation and denial. Right now he is in the denial phase, he thinks everything is fine.

  9. I thought it was removed from the DSM because so many people practice consensual BDSM. The same reason homosexuality was removed decades ago. The harmful forms of sadism are covered by other disorders already, so having sadistic personality disorder just seems redundant. It's the same reason the are going to get rid of aspergers.

    I don't abuse or neglect people I am close to. A lot of my friends are very dependent on me, but I did not do this on purpose. A lot of the people I get along with are screwed up. Mostly my sadism just manifests itself on the internet, with the kind of videos I sometimes watch, also trolling.

    1. That is incorrect. SPD was dropped for two main reasons.

      1. Low prevalence in many settings
      2. It was considered sexist and was predominately diagnosed for males

      "A lot of my friends are very dependent on me, but I did not do this on purpose."

      It doesn't matter if you did it on purpose.

      It's good to see you found a somewhat healthy way to manifest your sadistic leanings, but I wouldn't advise you to indulge too heavily. That kind of thing only escalates with time.

    2. Do you have any idea how to treat narcissistic traits? My obsession with myself is really ruining my life, I can't do simple homework assignments because no matter how good of a grade I get I am devastated by the lack of perfection in everything I do. Everyone claims to have a perfectionist streak but my behavior takes it to an extreme. Others think I lack motivation, but ironically I need much less motivation. I have tried everything to stop myself from being like this but nothing works.

      Is it possible that I have narcissistic personality disorder? Should I bring up this possibility to my therapist and/or psychiatrist, or should I not mention it? Both of them are under the impression that my worrying stems from an anxiety disorder. Do you think this is a possibility?

    3. I think your shrinks are onto something. You do sound like you have some sort of anxiety disorder.

      You have to remember that narcissism does not always equate to full blown NPD. Quite frankly, if you had NPD you probably wouldn't be bothered by the fact that you had NPD, and you'd probably try to spin your traits as advantages, not problems that need to be fixed.

    4. I asked my friend who knows me the best (not the bipolar one) if he thinks I have NPD, and he said yes without hesitation. My friend is not prone to exaggeration and has been telling me for years I am "full of myself."

      For the record I got 29 on the narcissism section, much higher than I got on anything else. That is why I am concerned. I have never tried to hide my weaknesses though, which is one of the traits of NPD. Judging by the blog narcissistworld, not everyone with this disorder is unaware, though.

      Anyway, whether I have this disorder or not does not really matter. The important thing is this test genuinely gave me new insight into my behavior. I used to dismiss people who describe me as "arrogant" and "full of myself," mostly because I am aware of how fragile my self-esteem is, but now I am starting to think I behave arrogantly a lot more often than I suspected. I should probably listen to people who act like I am a jerk.

    5. I'm pretty full of myself, and I didn't score anywhere near you, or Monica. I think it's safe to say that if you don't have NPD, you're way too full of yourself at the moment.

      And don't listen to these people who say you have to be unaware to be a Narcissist. That's hogwash. It's common, but not necessary.

    6. TNP
      If you are still there. For a person who scores high in Narcissism, it is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex, so not really full of yourself, per se.
      Do you see what I mean?

    7. Monica I do not really know what you are saying.

      TNP thanks for all of the input.


  10. Psychopath 11
    Antisocial 7
    Narc 25 (Have fun, Eden)
    Sadist 5

    1. Finally some truth in all your words.

    2. I decided, I'll be nice to you after all. :) You've made such tremendous progress since you arrived that I just have to respect you.


  11. I won't give my power away to my mother or anyone else, anymore. That is over, as of now.
    I am strong. I am worth standing up for myself. I matter. I have value.

  12. TNP seems quite obsessed with Sociopathy/Psychopathy and tests. He is like stuck in a loop with that.

    1. TNP is also all over this post of ME's. He is answering stuff like it is his job. I get the feeling that he likes the attention.

    2. There's so much you can do when you're sitting in a wheelchair at 70 with cancer and no wife. Give the old man a break.

    3. Uh... this is a psychology blog. Maybe you have some kind of bone to pick with TNP, I don't know, but I like it when people share their knowledge.

    4. it's a sociopath world blog and I was just making an observation

    5. You're an aspie after all, no one can be mad at you for making retarded statements.

    6. Well, you can be mad, but if you are going to do more than whine about it, then come correct and say something sensible.

    7. H-E-Y
      That is not the real, authentic Frank.

    8. Here is the "correction" you requested. It is needlessly derogatory to describe somebody who posts a lot as being "stuck." It is also insulting to say somebodies motivation for posting is a desire for attention, because doing things only for attention is considered bad.

    9. ME requested I answer questions for people, as I drafted this evaluation. I said as much already.

      Good job, Sherlock Aspie.

    10. Thanks Refudiate.

      I don't say that based on him posting a lot. I say that based on him posting a lot on the subject. I didn't say that was his motivation... only that I felt that based on his behavior that he might be enjoying the attention. And I don't mean to suggest that any of this is bad in any case.

    11. well, you sure are one obedient S/P/aspd or whatever the test says about you... thanks tnp

    12. Just further proof that you read pretty much nothing, along with my own posted results.

      You're just a bitter little twat. Find some claws, hand flapper.

    13. I thought you were being intentionally oblivious, now I see that I was wrong. I'm assuming you already know that lack of self awareness is probably the most annoying symptom of aspergers.

    14. Have you ever seen a hand flapping aspie? It's fucking hilarious. YouTube that shit.

    15. refudiate.. I'm assuming you already know that says little is the most annoying.... tnp, are you a stupid middle man bully ?

    16. So wait, let me get this straight. You come here and insult me for things you didn't even check, and I'm the bully?

      Is today opposite day?

    17. how did i insult you? you seem to me to be a little over interested in the p/a/aspd topic with regards to i think you told me you were S and you don't seem to me to be an S.... i say this as an uninterested outsider.... am i wrong? and you do seem to be enjoying answering the questions, today is friday

    18. "TNP seems quite obsessed with Sociopathy/Psychopathy and tests. He is like stuck in a loop with that."


      "TNP is also all over this post of ME's. He is answering stuff like it is his job. I get the feeling that he likes the attention."



    19. ok, maybe i put it insensitively

    20. If you felt slighted by that I'm not surprised you caught cancer

    21. It's a small wonder I didn't get ass cancer.

    22. I have already seen enough arm flappers IRL, thanks to my relatives.

  13. Psychopath 25
    Antisocial 21
    Narc 6
    Sadist 19

    I knew I was normal, fuckers...

  14. I'm back, good to see you all.

  15. Replies
    1. Ami, you're decompensating. Since TNP returned, you have been fragmenting yourself into your various sockpuppets. Why do you think that is?

  16. Replies
    1. *gags* Pop country? Reeeeaaallllly? Your cancer song gave me cancer.

    2. Frank, the real, authentic Frank will fuck your cancer ass right up! Motherfucker!

    3. I don't have ass cancer. Find someone else's cancer ass.

    4. I will sue for the Frank name being used.

  17. The real Themes has his own blog.

    1. Just because you got your own blog doesn't mean you're the real Themes. I took your job idiot.

    2. The real Themes can whip your fake Themes ass.

  18. Does this retarded kid remind you of your son, lovely Monica?

    1. This reminds me of Monica's son.

      Did he die of starvation inside a cathedral or something?

    2. Hey, that kid is a brilliant banjo player.

  19. I think the old background when it was all black, which I think was a default background, was much better. The mooon kind of kills the blackness.

    1. When was it all black? The moon has been around for years...

      I seem to recall ME changing it once, and the outcry was so much that he changed it back to the moon.

    2. no in like 2010 it was all black.... it was the default template... i liked it better like that

    3. Ah. I arrived in October 2010. Before my time, I guess.

    4. it was great because you just had the white words against the blackness... it made the dialogue so upfront

  20. Anytime monica's son comes up, you know the narcs are craving attention with nothing to say. Redundant much? There is enough raw brainpower hanging around this place to make some serious fun happen. Just a thougbt :)

  21. This monica seems to dominate a lot of topic here. Sounds like she is someone, if she is even "real", that loves attention and loves giving attention to some. She had another name a while ago yes?

    1. She's pretty much everyone here. Themes / Caroline / How To Heal A PD / Frank / Bible Anon / Erin and a shit tons of others.

    2. She is the shadow walker.

    3. She uses Monica when she talks about her fake past and her fake abuse, to get some attention from Kany and Medusa, and then walks around abusing people under different fake names and anons. Crazy cunt.

    4. Monica

      I'm curious, how can people come in hear and have intelligent conversations knowing they are talking to you; a con, a used car salesman?

    5. The fake Monica is Eden.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Here's mine

    Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

    -Superficial usage of charm - 2
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety - 2
    -Lack of empathy - 4
    -Lack of remorse - 2
    -Underdeveloped emotions - 4
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals - 4
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers - 4
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect - 4
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation - 2


    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals - 4
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others - 4
    -Recidivist criminality - 0
    -Low levels of impulse control - 2
    -Low tolerance for frustration - 1
    -Prone to violent outbursts - 0
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers - 4
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals - 2
    -Sexual promiscuity - 0


    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise - 0
    -Grandiose self-image - 2
    -Sense of entitlement - 2
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals - 0
    -Obsession with self - 4
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it - 2
    -Easily and often jealous and angry - 0
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need - 2
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame - 2


    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals - 0
    -Humiliates or demeans others - 0
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons - 0
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans - 0
    -Usage of intimidation - 2
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person - 0
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture - 0
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored - 4
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others - 0


    1. Interesting evaluation scores...

      So you frequently use intimidation and always use people, but take no pleasure in any of it? It's not unheard of, but it is bizarre.

    2. Caesar, you have demonstrated by your posts that you are highly sensitive to criticism. I think that "0" is inaccurate.

    3. @TNP

      Intimidation is just an ends to a means. I take pleasure from the results but not from the intimidation itself. I can't view people as anything other than toys. Trust me I've tried and it's like empathizing with spoons.

    4. @Alterego

      You're probably right.

  24. Replies
    1. If someone were to ask me to describe myself with music very quickly without much time to prepare my answer, I would say this:


    2. Hey me, how about making a link to the test in your blog post? I can't tell you how angry it makes me to see a test described in so much detail but not to find any link to it.

    3. plus on top of that i post to myself

    4. nice song aspie

      it's a manual test. just copy and paste and add your scores, and be happy you don't have to do it with pencil and paper. mine is so low, didn't seem worth it.

  25. 4,2,2,4,2,4,2,1,4 (secondary pyscho)
    1,4,2,4,4,2,4,4,4{ primary anti)
    1,2,4,4,2,1,1,4,4{ secondary narc)
    4,4,4,1,2,4,4,4,2{primary sadist)

    1. Anyone care to analyse my gift / curse. I'm aware I'm lazy.

  26. -Superficial usage of charm (2)
    -Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety (0)
    -Lack of empathy (4)
    -Lack of remorse (4)
    -Underdeveloped emotions (4)
    -Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals (4)
    -Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers (4)
    -Shallow to nonexistent affect (4)
    -High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation (4)

    -High levels of apathy and lack of life goals (4)
    -Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others (4)
    -Recidivist criminality (1)
    -Low levels of impulse control (4)
    -Low tolerance for frustration (4)
    -Prone to violent outbursts (2)
    -Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers (4)
    -Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals (0)
    -Sexual promiscuity (0)

    -Highly susceptible to criticism or praise (0)
    -Grandiose self-image (2)
    -Sense of entitlement (4)
    -Delusional and unrealistic goals (1)
    -Obsession with self (4)
    -Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it (0)
    -Easily and often jealous and angry (4)
    -Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need (2)
    -Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame (2)

    -Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals (2)
    -Humiliates or demeans others (1)
    -Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons (2)
    -Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans (1)
    -Usage of intimidation (2)
    -Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person (0)
    -Highly interested weapons, violence and torture (4)
    -Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored (4)
    -Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others (1)

    30, 23, 19, 17

  27. Cause all the "cool" kids are doing it, I'll throw my scores in.

    Core Base Psychopathic Personality Traits

    (1)-Superficial usage of charm
    (1)-Drastically lower levels of fear and anxiety
    (2)-Lack of empathy
    (4)-Lack of remorse
    (4)-Underdeveloped emotions
    (4)-Lack of respect or understanding of social norms and morals
    (4)-Impersonal relationships with family, friends and lovers
    (2)-Shallow to nonexistent affect
    (4)-High levels of cunning, deception and manipulation

    Core Antisocial Personality Traits

    (4)-High levels of apathy and lack of life goals
    (2)-Disregard and violation of the boundaries of others
    (1)-Recidivist criminality
    (2)-Low levels of impulse control
    (4)-Low tolerance for frustration
    (1)-Prone to violent outbursts
    (4)-Prone to parasitic relationships with friends, family, and lovers
    (0)-Prone to indulgence of narcotics, alcohol, and other habit forming chemicals
    (0)-Sexual promiscuity

    Core Narcissistic Personality Traits

    (2)-Highly susceptible to criticism or praise
    (4)-Grandiose self-image
    (4)-Sense of entitlement
    (4)-Delusional and unrealistic goals
    (2)-Obsession with self
    (1)-Requires constant attention and prefers to be the center of it
    (2)-Easily and often jealous and angry
    (1)-Wants and feels they deserve "the best" of whatever they want or need
    (4)-Indulges in fantasy of wealth, power and fame

    Core Sadistic Personality Traits

    (2)-Prone to use physical or psychological harm to achieve their goals
    (2)-Humiliates or demeans others
    (1)-Utilizes unusually harsh punishments and lessons
    (2)-Takes pleasure or is amused by viewing or participating in the harming of animals and or humans
    (2)-Usage of intimidation
    (2)-Restricts the autonomy of those closest to the person
    (2)-Highly interested weapons, violence and torture
    (2)-Views others as toys to be played with and discarded when bored
    (4)-Takes pleasure in terrorizing and inducing fear and panic in others

    26, 18, 24, 19

  28. I am primary narcissistic, secondary antisocial and sadistic. Excluding psychopathic traits. Still viewing myself as a good but damaged person.

  29. bored... got a 32,a 3,a 3,& a 24. kthxbye

  30. 28 first test
    29 second test
    21 third
    19 fourth

  31. I am astounded at the score I got on my ex- I answered as unbiasestly (is that a word? LOL) as I could. I tried to be really honest in what I felt the answer would be. I have long suspected he was a sociopath, when I found out what that meant. Now, I am totally convinced. (And, feeling that my having PTSD from that relationship is probably a normal reaction.) I also wonder is there is a genetic component to this? In this case I see the same types of personality traits, to varying degrees in his siblings (all except the youngest, but I don't know her now that she is grown) and their mother (who abandoned her many kids- several as infants)(the ex was not an infant; a teen.) The father of these siblings, who raised them, seems relatively normal and moral.


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