
Monday, December 10, 2012


I often tell people that sociopaths are not necessarily malicious. They wonder what I mean by that and I have always struggled a bit to try to explain. While on this recent trip, however, something happened that I thought was a perfect example of what I mean.

I was sitting eating lunch, including some apples and bananas. I was caught up in conversation with a friend and we weren't paying attention when a monkey jumped into our eating area, grabbed the fruit and ran. It was pretty hilarious. My friend freaked out. The monkey didn't get my food only because I acted quickly to throw my jacket over it.

Ever since then she's been totally anti-monkey, considers them devious creatures. She always says things like, "They're staring me down. They're looking for weakness."And she's probably right. But it's not like they are out to get her because of who she is as a person or are even intending to take her stuff for the purpose of depriving her of her property or harassing her. All they want is her food. They are focused only on themselves. The point is not to hurt her. In fact, the effect that their actions have on others is an unintended consequence. If they could get the fruit in a way that did not hurt her, they would probably do that as often as the stealing. They just are looking for opportunities and when they see them, they quickly act upon them with no hesitation, compunction, or regret.

So too sociopaths frequently act based on a spirit of opportunism. They are not necessarily trying to hurt the people they exploit or victimize. They just see an opening and act on it. That's what I mean about a lack of maliciousness.


  1. Looks like the Socie's hit a new low on this one.

  2. To truly be evil you have to be an empath.

    1. "Hey man, I'm just a Sociopath, I was just trying to grab some grub man, why did you have to get all emotional like that?"

    2. pure psychopaths are completely innocent. like babies.

    3. Taking your curse to curse empaths. It simply doesn't work like that. In fact didn't even have to say that because you already know.

    4. LOL Really? I mean, I can get pretty evil from time to time, if I get pissed off enough :)

    5. Gee, Rich have you shown that evil in here?

    6. When the despots and the opportunists are gone, the cross will stand before us and something in us will say, 'That is the real thing.'

    7. Anon @ 8:01- No, I have never shown it here on Sw or have had the opportunity to show it on Sw, AS OF YET ;)

      Mostly because things people say to me on the internet dont usually get me very mad/angry, especially on a site that is very LIKELY full of Personality disordered individuals. It is in alot of their "nature" (not all of them, but definatly a few) to push peoples buttons and want a reaction.

      I can't say that I will NEVER unleash my "inner beast" on here, but as of yet I have not :)

  3. You sound like a total idiot, and now you're comparing sociopathic exploitation to a monkey trying to survive by getting food, which is what all creature need in order to live.

    Have I ever mentioned that a lot of your analogies suck? They do. Especially this one.

    A hungry child living on the streets, stealing food to survive, is not at all the same as a sociopath stealing what ever they can, just because they can, and not because they need to.

    Nothing personal M.E. but you sound like you are trying to wipe your conscience clean with this one.

    1. It's no trivial matter, venturing to understand the Sociopath mind.

      Although I think that you're confusing Sociopathy with compulsive stealing, known as kleptomania, there...

    2. Acting the callous, remorseless brute is so last season, do get with the times.

    3. At the same time, you may have an impulsive person who occasionally must act on their petty impulses (like stealing and lying for no reason) to keep impulses from growing into a compulsion. Once it hits compulsion level (too much boredom), many people become more daring and/or violent. So maybe for a sociopath, stealing your banana or your John Mellencamp CD lets them work on that little itch inside and keep it from becoming a major problem. Could that be considered survival? Or if someone steals from you for a thrill rather than punching you in the face or cutting you, could that be a form of altruism?

    4. To my knowledge, the Sociopath only understands what they call 'power', which is a concept of fear; fear of the undesirable consequence should they resist said 'power'.

      In short, they only understand and respect authority.

    5. I definatly agree with you on this one Raven, well put!

    6. That may be true for the sociopaths who are not fully self-aware. However I find that those who are fully aware of their condition do not follow a template, and come in all shapes and sizes. If you know that you are disordered, you can start developing the tools to cope with your desires and better blend in to those around you.

    7. Yeah go adopt a personality or something.

      Best of luck.

    8. Typical narc. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its really just a sociopath trying to be as cool as you.

    9. I grow weary of all these labels going around.

      Think I'll take a little break.

      I'd rather go talk to my plants.

    10. You do that. You may find their personality more suited to yours ya fuckin stick in the mud

  4. I get what you are saying about the opportunity thing... some people just can't help but take action during a fortunate "break", but to say there is no maliciousness involved is a bit off. Merriam-Webster states for the second relative definition to malice:

    ": intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse"

    Taking the opportunity just because it presents itself may lead one to think there was no intent to be "evil" or to actually "hurt" others with forethought, but malice is still involved. The intent is still to "get one over" on the "order" or "lawful" way things naturally work. There maybe no emotion involved... but the act is still malicious.

  5. :) Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!!

    I just read the "Up From The Sofa" editions about Monica and her premature growth. LOL! Where is the one where I almost kill bluebird?

    How is everybody today? I had to see my methadone clinic doctor and I was supposed to get #30 xanax from my doctor last month, Down from #60 the month before, but my doctor felt kinda uncomfortable dropping me so fast so he wrote me #45 last visit. I thought my methadone doctor might get mad or bitch at me but he was nice and cool about it :) As long as Iam making the effort to take less pills he is happy, so the visit wasnt as bad as I expected it might be :)

    1. Up From The SofaDecember 8, 2012 8:27 AM

      Meanwhile, Rich had two girlfriends, that stinking, whore Bluebird and Miss America, complete with a fuck me tattoo on her neck.

      Rich had the problem of getting the 2000 dollars, with which to go back to the dentist, but maybe Bluebird would come in handy to solve that problem, too.

      Today was looking up as Rich dressed in a blue hoodie and headed to Bluebird's apartment. No one was home all day Saturday and Saturday night, to boot. Rich was a lucky man, as things were looking dandy.
      Up From The SofaDecember 8, 2012 3:36 PM

      Rich needed to get moving. He was sitting in the car in Bluebird's parking lot. He had his knife, her namesake, hanging from his belt loop. He was trying to strike a casual pose, as sweat ran down his face. Who was this bitch, anyway? Did she have an ounce of fucking self regard? He hated all the clap trap about self esteem on Dr Phil and that fat whore Oprah. But, for Bluebird, she needed all that and more. She needed deep, fucking therapy. Dr Rich, of the Deep Fucking Therapy Center, was making house calls. He rang her doorbell with a smile on his face and said hello.

    2. Up From The SofaDecember 8, 2012 4:07 PM

      Bluebird opened the door a crack. She was wearing her classic blue hoodie, tied tightly at the chin, giving her a "retard at a football game in the cold" look. Rich forced the door open. She recognized him from Establishment B. That was a fucking bad move on her part.She left him no choice, the worthless cunt. Now, he would have to kill her.

    3. LOL OMG!!!! I cant Believe I missed that!!!!! Great writing!!!!! I gotta go back and save these for the last couple of days.

      Up From The Sofa just gets better and better! It sounds like my conscience may be eroding ;)

    4. :) Okay Ive just caught up and saved them all :)

      PS- I didnt see it the other day but Lunar said I sounded fun! Thank you Lunar :)

  6. Can Ӏ just say what a comfort to uncοvеr someone that аctuаllу undеrstands what thеy аre
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  7. Ever since then she's been totally anti-monkey, considers them devious creatures. She always says things like, "They're staring me down. They're looking for weakness."

    LMAO!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA Hilarious!!!! "Anti-Monkey" LOL

  8. So whatever happened to that woman who was dating the Narcissist? Are you still here?

    1. the one who posted his private email? *waves*

      That would be me, Rich!

    2. and i am still here! /i'm spiraling upwards and lathering myself up in a sea of my grandiosity, lying to myself and not giving a shit im doig it.I'm freee free free. I ate raw onions and garlic . I dont have to shave my legs! I dont have to listen to blah blah blah!

  9. Replies
    1. Theme for Mr and Mrs Tom Hill

      Try to get back, together. You have too much invested.


    2. LOL Themes, what a coincedence, I just happen to have Dr. phil playing in the background and he is interviewing Barbra Streisand and Seth Rogen about their new movie.

      I think they may get back together, if she can put down the white wine long enough for it to have any meaning to Virus and establish a new relationship unlike the one they had in the recent past ;)

    3. Up From The SofaDecember 10, 2012 12:51 PM

      Rich pushed his way into Bluebird's apartment, knife first. "Aren't you the detective at my shrinks office" she asked with a look of incredulity. He looked across at her, wearing the identical blue hoodie, pulled tightly at the chin. The looked as if they were long lost twins. He suppressed a laugh that may have become a guffaw and then done a hyena proud.

      Rich shoved BB into a chair, which was matching fake black leather to her couch. It had a tear in the middle, mended with black, packing tape. Rich sat on the couch and said, " Whaazzz up?" Then, he bent over and threw up.

    4. LOL Anon, thank you for reminding me to look back at yesterdays post to catch todays current "Up From The Sofa" :)

    5. sofa you are funny!

  10. Lack of conscience to clearing conscienceDecember 10, 2012 at 7:36 AM

    Monkey analogy is very good at explaining how some of the actions of sociopaths are done without awareness of the coleteral damage before, during, or after the hit. I guess ME is saying her damage to society typically falls in this category of damage, as opposed to well-calculated let's damage somebody and have some fun.

    Raven sure has a thing against ME, can't control herself. Maybe it's just her need to separate herself from the pack, or be the one who says the last word. Sadistic little mommy Raven. Thanks for sharing your isolated views, here they are captured in case you change your mind and delete. Note that ME was pointing out to lack of conscience in the picture, not trying to clean her conscience at all. Reading comprehension seems to be lacking in your note.

    Raven DarkDecember 10, 2012 2:38 AM
    You sound like a total idiot, and now you're comparing sociopathic exploitation to a monkey trying to survive by getting food, which is what all creature need in order to live.

    Have I ever mentioned that a lot of your analogies suck? They do. Especially this one.

    A hungry child living on the streets, stealing food to survive, is not at all the same as a sociopath stealing what ever they can, just because they can, and not because they need to.

    Nothing personal M.E. but you sound like you are trying to wipe your conscience clean with this one.

    1. I actually think Raven had a good point. Stealing to survive and stealing just to deprive somebody of something that you dont really need or even want is completely different, to me at least.

    2. Maybe it's just her need to separate herself from the pack, or be the one who says the last word. Sadistic little mommy Raven.

      Or maybe... and I'm sure this is a real stretch for your own comprehensions. Maybe it was my real opinion, based on my own observation, and has nothing at all to do with M.E. or some "pack".

      My opinion stills stands. Don't take it so personal.

    3. but you called him an idiot so it was more attack than opinion.

      the assumption was that the monkey was stealing out of opportunism not survival.

  11. I think today's post is making an interesting and valid point. Not only that, I was having lunch in a tourist spot one time when one of the monkeys (that were the main attraction of the place) jumped out of a tree, latched it's arms around this guys neck and sunk its teeth into his shoulder and wouldn't let go. I couldn't stop laughing as people were trying to beat the little fucker off him. They seemed equally dismayed by my response as the monkey's.

    1. LOL! I probably would have done the same thing!!!!!! Unless it was me, than I'd be pissed :)

    2. This was on a little island in SE Asia and I'd just got back from a little jet ski visit to a smaller outlying island where some Buddhist monks ran an opium den and weed bar. I'd had a few bongs and was completely spazzed by the time the monkey attack happened. For the next hour I kept doubling over in hysterical fits of laughter every time I looked at the blood streaming down the poor guy's arm.



  13. FULL BLOWN VEGITOPATHDecember 10, 2012 at 7:30 PM



  14. FULL BLOWN VEGITOPATHDecember 10, 2012 at 7:31 PM



  15. Is the vegitopath Raven?

  16. To Literary Anon with Gratitude and Appreciation
    Up From The Sofa
    Door Number 8

    Door Number 8 was the size of a door that a muchkin could walk through. A full size person could go through if he were thin, nimble and got down on the ground and slithered.

    Monica found the opening to door number 8 when she blossomed into adolescence. Her mother bought her a bikini at Bonwit Teller, the store which screamed W.A.S.P from the time you opened the door, until you rode on the elevator( operated by a black man in a white suit) until you entered the departments where a lady with an insouciant Vassar accent and a bored look would ask if she could help you.

    From the time Monica could wear make-up, she had perfect make up, bought at Lord and Taylor. She would leave with the shiny package, filled with exotic treats and feel that there really was love out there, if she could, only,look good enough.

    Today, Monica was waiting in the dressing room in Bonwits, while her mother was bringing in clothes. Her mother brought in a blue gingham bikini with tan lace, that was made of a kind of rope material, adding a rustic look to the gingham and making it an all around cute look that screamed sweet and not sex pot. Monica had large breasts, still, but the rest of her body had grown into them, by now. She told her mother that she felt cheap, displaying her body like that, but her mother said that was silly, so they bought the bikini and walked out.

    Then, they had lunch in the 3rd floor dining room of Lord and Taylor. They had chicken salad sandwiches, made from white bread and mayo. The sandwiches were squished down, just right: WASP food.

  17. Monica wore her new bikini when they went away for the summer. She walked on the beach and men looked at her, some with surprise because they knew her as a little girl. That summer she decided that her father was a pussy and her mother was crazy. She had to figure out how to navigate life and she better learn good because there was craziness out there and craziness was scary. She still did not know what her mother did to her because it was repressed, outside of consciousness, but her body knew. That is why she felt like she would throw up whenever boys looked at her.

  18. Back to Door Number 8. Monica walked through it, that summer. It was a truly, beautiful door, infused with fresh, spring air. True happiness is quiet moments with yourself, when you are enough. You don't have to be the MOST of anything, as that is impossible. You can be ENOUGH, and that is just fine. That summer had many of these moments, when she would walk on the beach and all of her would be there. She was not fragmented like a beautiful prism from hell. She played the piano, not great, not the best, but good enough, fucking good enough. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? She was pretty, but not the prettiest. She was smart, but not the smartest. She was popular, but not the most popular. It was all good and it was all wonderful until too many things hit the door and it closed smaller and smaller until it was midget, midget's door, too small to squeeze into, even if you were young and thin and flexible. Furthermore, it grew bars and then you could not go in, even if you could crawl through.

  19. "They are just seeing an opening and acting on it."


  20. When you find God, you think, "WHY?" Why did you let me go crawling through the mud, like an invertebrate? How could you love me and let me die the death of a thousand cuts of humiliation? HOW COULD YOU LET ME GET TO THIS, GOD? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? Where the fuck were you, God?

  21. Well said. May I say that many agree with you?

  22. John Tucker must die too LOL


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