
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Earthly delights

From a reader:

This detail from Bosch's curious painting, The Garden of Earthly Delights, reminds me of a dangerous lady whose favourite painting it is. The penetrating beak, the huge mouth, the underbelly being feasted on by hommes moyens sensual who are on their way to self destruction and especially the grasping hands. She is a sociopath or psychopath making a successful career in a big tobacco company. 

The picture she says is "as much about contemporary New York as Holland centuries ago". She has stared for hours at every detail trying to imagine the story behind each figure and to learn as much from it as she can, because sociopaths are only interested in knowlege they can use. 

Everyone in the painting is suffering or will suffer as a result of their weaknesses, except the pitiless satanic creatures who efficiently administer the punishments and are enjoying their task. Victims, the lady is convinced, want to be victims. 

The Satanic agents are the only pure figures, although possessing, one supposes, all the deadly sins themselves.  They are evil yet not corrupt, are in fact incorruptible. They are sociopaths, in fact, who are curiously inhuman. They seem, like the lady in question, oddly to transcend their nationality and social class and even their sex.

I would be informative to know what the painting means for her but all she says is, 'How enjoyable it is to be eaten'. 

She also tells me only bad women are attractive. 

Saint Augustine said
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul. 
St. Augustine was right but he was playing on the opposing team from the lady and he was talking about beauty not sex appeal. 

Cesare Pavese had a germane point when he said it was only possible to love without reservation a completely selfish person because only a completely selfish person will always remain objective and not alter to please you. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thought you were dead. I'm glad you aren't. :)

    2. I just saw your first… target of opportunity, I love it.

  2. next time do your job right or i'll send an assesin after you

    1. you order an assesination and you expect to get the meanest mofo's in the world and they fail???

  3. ofc ellicit is dead
    i cannot tel a lie it is I

  4. You're assesins FAILed!!!!!!!

  5. "Cesare Pavese had a germane point when he said it was only possible to love without reservation a completely selfish person because only a completely selfish person will always remain objective and not alter to please you."

    The shape-shifting sociopath I know is great at figuring out what you want and giving it to you. He will always alter himself to please you, because that's what gets you to want to give him whatever (a ride, your food, your orifices) he wants.

    1. Sociopaths don't always consciously shape- shift in order to manipulate. Sometimes they really can't help mimicking you.
      It's not necessarily part of some devious master plan, as you seem to be suggesting.

    2. it is not conscious for me. it is kind of embarrassing tbh

    3. I didn't say it was on purpose. That's you making assumptions/inferences from incomplete information.

      I don't care why the guy does what he does. I just notice it.

  6. She was going to turn around and kick that rat bastard in the nuts. This time, they would go mano a mano. She could be strong as horseradish, when she had to be. It was never too late. The next time, he called her, she would whip around and say "Yes, you WANTED something?" He would be surprised, but would not lose his game. He would dive for her soft underbelly( because he liked that) She would take out the hidden machete and rip him until he became akin to shredded wheat. She would throw the knife into the river. Then, she would be Rat Bastard free. She may celebrate with a a trip to the mall. It would not matter because any day is a holiday when you are Rat Bastard free. Wouldn't you know it?

    1. Rat Bastard Free is fine, but you still have to live with yourself. I guess it is time she gave it a tune up and lube job( LUBE.) She could take the creaky thing out of the garage and tootle down the road. Maybe, she would honk the horn at a neighbor or someone would ask her in for tea. It has been a long time coming.

  7. ME you bring out the narc in me

  8. Why do people misdeeds disgust me but not when I'm doing it?

  9. Golden globes:

    Best joke by Amy Poehler to say she trusts dir Katheryn Bigelow for Zero Dark thirty bec she would know about torture having been married to james cameron for 3 years !

  10. Golden Globes

    King Narc:

    Quentin Tarantino

  11. Golden Globes :

    Most suicidal :

    Kevin Costner :(

  12. Golden Globes:

    Jody Foster rocks, 'nuff said, gnite

  13. I also enjoy this set. Bosch was a genius, and it's truly a pity that so little else like this exists.

  14. I went to the bank and then out to eat at an outdoor cafe. I had red wine and sushi. I realized, for the first time, that I was an adult. That means choice, MY choice. I am not a rodent who must run on the wheel, eat what I am told and poop and sleep on the rodent turf.

  15. A switch in my head got tripped. I can have enemies. I can act weird. I eat all the hot sauce on the table, until the waiter gives me a quizzical look like I am a freak. (Actually, he bought me more to take home.) When I die, I don't care if they say, "She is so nice" Fuck it. Let them say, " What a weird A hole" but I will be lime green, hot yellow and all shades of passion pink. I will be me and I will be doing a Snoopy dance.


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