
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Seducing too well

Everyone wants to be seduced. There are risks to seduction, but the person being seduced is almost always willing to take them—the allure of seduction is too strong. What people don't usually think about are the risks to the person doing the seduction. There are hazards to seducing too well. It's like building a fire: there are a lot of types of fires you can build, from slow-burning, red-hot coals, to flashes in the pan that burn quickly up and quickly out. The type of fire you never want is one that gets so big you burn down your house.

Seductees are subject to the whims of seducers, but seducers are subject to the emotional outbursts and vagaries of seductees, which can often be much worse. If the seducer maintains control over the seductee, these outbursts can often be reigned in. Logic can and will prevail. Seduce too well, however, and terrible things can happen to both sides. Who do you think gets murdered more frequently? Seducers or seductees?

Even if you are not getting killed, there's the risk of major emotional fallout when you seduce too well. People can get so into you that it cripples them. They lose touch with reality. They become a walking ball of emotions ready to spew at anyone who gets near them—your family and friends, your landlord, your neighbors. If they get jealous, you're toast. How will you ever get rid of them? They are unstable, and any attempt to separate from them will likely include you on the collateral damage list.

I recently over-seduced. Part of the problem was that we met once, then didn't meet again for a month or more. Letting that much time elapse is tricky. It's like throwing a match on a wood pile and walking away. When you come back your fire could be thriving, or it could be dead. I planned the activity to be "strong" enough that even if the fire had died out, I could still revive it, thinking I could later temper it if it seemed too much.

The second complication was that during that particular night I was tired and sick and could only bring myself to ask probing questions. I came across as mysterious, intense, and interested. After the night, I was almost immediately assaulted by phone calls and SMS messages. The fire I built had gotten out of control—this person was obsessed with me. I thought about just writing off the seduction attempt as a loss, but I'm a scrapper so I hung in there. I replied, but not frequently. I made and canceled plans. I used my illness and the holidays as an excuse. When we met again, I spoke straightforwardly about the seduction, in a way to keep the person both flattered and interested, but not seriously interested in me.

It was worth it, I suppose. I mean, it's like watching a movie where you already know the ending—the movie may still be good (hopefully it's a good movie), but the thrill is gone. And I'm constantly worried about over-seduction relapses because people are into people who can seduce so well, then talk intelligently about it afterward. So overall, not a complete success...


  1. I’d enjoy seeing this as a multiple post type, though there wasn't the standard indication of it being so. Still, I think that the topic of seduction is ideal to further explore from ME’s view point later on.

    1. WoW! "ME" could be my x "boyfriend". The entire post could have been written by him except that this recent seduction has been going on for a year and a half and was an extension of a previous seduction that had happened many years before. My boyfriend always signed his name "ME". I kind of LIKED being seduced but I have ended the thing. I just got too tired. I don't hate him or find him evil - he's just different. I don't find cats evil for playing with mice. It's their nature. I also realized that I was really only loving myself because I was projecting certain attributes onto him that he truly did not posses. There was this terrible void in his eyes that I mistook for loneliness. But I was wrong. It was simply a void that will always be there. He didn't want me to end it. He was still amused. But it had become like a never ending poker game for me. I started predicting what he was going to do next. It was emotionally exhausting. I would have liked to be his play mate for a lot longer but since I am not like him my emotions clouded everything. I know he was fond of me and I was fun but I was starting to think like him and act like him and it scared me. Plus I got miserable on top of it all. How sad. Wish in one hand and spit in the other. I told him I knew how he was and he said - "so now what?" I said I had to go and get back to real life again. I said he needed someone who was truly like him so they could play the game together. Now I am recooperating mentally and emotionally from this. Wow. He was a mirror that showed me all my imperfections and he never had to say one thing... Don't hate you guys.

  2. Daft,

    Shut UP!
    What the F does it matter if its in one post or multiple posts??
    I came to comment on the post but as usual you've already thrown in your worthess three cents.


    What is included in seduction in your dictionary?

    How do you know that person was as into you as you imply?

    --Devils Advocate

  3. I would also like to know what M.E. means by seduction.

    Does he mean domination by breaking down another? The over-seduction he describes seems to me simply a domination of the will to the point where you adopt the identity of the seducer. If the seducer leaves, then it must certainly feel like a kind of death, maybe even enough to drive one to murder - if I’m understanding correctly, and I’m not sure I am.

    In some weird way it might be liberating to be dominated like that and have one’s “self” broken down - to be freed from it. I suppose.

    But isn’t seduction more the winning over of another? Not domination, but a mutual dance of sorts where sometimes the seducer becomes the seduced..

  4. The art of seduction?
    I think this is a tricky one.
    I liken the effects of seduction to be similiar to keeping a person in a constant "drug induced" state by using personnel attributes.
    However i believe when it comes to seducing, its a lot like sex appeal or class.... you either "have it" or you "don't".
    To be able to effectively seduce takes skill, perception, practice, patience and most significantly natural ability. However the actual manner of execution is key to its success. Seduction should be subtle and progressive, so it has chance to worm under the skin and make a lasting impression. i think it takes more than flights of fancy to secure the prize so to speak. There has to be some form of attachment no matter how imaginary it actually is, in order to keep the object hooked.

    I suppose its almost like planting a seed and watching it grow. There needs to be as little imput as possible for the seed to blossom, but also the right amount of attention to nurture it, so as not to tamper too much with the process.
    I think seduction has more to do with the mind than with actions.
    But hey im young, what do i know lol :)


  5. Looks like The Devil is still upset that he is still only second.

  6. The DENNIS approach got me wondering if humor itself plays a role in seduction, so I went on the internet - and found this clown:

    Kurt Spelling tip on using humor in seduction:

    "There are a few seduction techniques that illustrate this perfectly. For example, try using the gag when you point at a girls chest and say “what’s that?”, then tap her in the nose when she looks down.

    You can be sure she hasn’t had a man do this to her since she was ten. And, yup, it’s still funny. Also, you’ve now fooled around with her like most other men have forgotten how. You’re fun. You’re unique.

    Seduction techniques like these will keep your interactions fun and sexually charged. Use them to easily develop attraction with humor"


  7. I’ve been studying seduction as a mild past time and have found endless ways to seduce women, the things that no one really considers when reading up about how to do so is that in order for it to work you have to project yourself into it, you can’t just read some how to book or whatever and then apply it as is and expect it to really work. Those books and online sites are giving a generalized layout and you have to take some from here and there, blend it and mold it with your own self and then apply it.

    Being different from the rest is key and the real trick to this is to project a modified version of yourself to be you as well as the person they want or think they want when seducing. Of course everything is subject to debate when it comes to seduction because what works for someone flawlessly might wind up getting someone else slapped.

    Chris Rock said it best: “Women get offered dick everyday since they were 14, anytime a guy is trying to help you with the door, he’s offering you dick…can I help you with that door, can I help you with some dick!”

  8. You're saying then that really seduction is an art, the seducer an artist.

    But why should the goal always be sex? Cult leaders are masters of seduction in their own way.

  9. It can be an art as well as merely a way to get sex, sure. But then does that mean that any form of art that invokes sexual thoughts is to be considered seductive, even if it was not meant to be? Just because it invoked a sexual response doesn’t mean that was the goal completely.

    Seduction isn't and shouldn't be merely something carnal, at least in my eyes. I think one can seduce for many reasons other then sex. Take cult leaders as you said—they seduce their followers by adhering to the thing that they want most which is something to believe in. But if they play the seducer and thus become the object of desire, then by that rationale, couldn’t the seducer in turn become the seducee?

    I mean, it is possible to be so good at suggestion that you can tempt another person to the point that they truly believe that what they are doing is what they want and not what you intended them to want. I’ve seen it done twice.

    If you were a master of seduction then you would know how to get the other person to do the seducing, which might bring it the standards of performance art.

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  11. Peter Pan said,“Do you know what I'd give to be able to have a real, honest relationship?”

    This is me being cynical again, or at least, that’s what some people will say, but I think that the term ‘honest relationship’ is an oxymoron. I don’t think such a beast exists or if it does, it’s exceedingly rare. I’m guessing an ‘honest relationship’ requires two people who are honest, particularly with themselves. This self honesty would naturally be accompanied by a high degree of self awareness. I’m sure such people are out there and I’m sure some of them have formed unions with each other, but my guess is those people are in the minority. As for the self deceived masses, they muddle along, mate and raise kids in an atmosphere of carnivalesque delusion they picked up from their childhoods and call 'normal'.

    Good luck finding a real woman tho, if that's what you really want.

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  13. Do own a dog or a cat Peter? If not, consider getting one...and if you do, did you or do you seduce it to invoke the reactions you want from it?

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  17. "I can't help whispering, "I know you can't hear me, but I think I love you..." to a woman I barely know when she appears to be (but isn't) asleep."

    Ugh. Disgusting. Pan, you're such a fucking fag.

    I can't help but vomit.

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  19. That's my mother you're calling a floozy you btich waffle!

    Did he use and alias with your mom too?

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  21. That's weird, I heard he went by "Slide Magnolia" aka “Olive Arch" also known as "Cub Carbonda"....any of those seem familiar?

    I hear he used one for each baby's momma to avoid drama.

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  23. Which is irrelevent since daddy doesn't love me, so I need not dig up old wounds, right?

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  25. I find it interesting that you removed the 'Pan' from your handle and changed to a different account, one that leads to a whole different profile that doesn't have the shell company type blog...are you familiar with the term "red flag"?

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  28. Not paranoid, its quite logical actually...we have a name for that, it's called "suspicion" and when someone goes about getting information with further cyber trails to follow, its logical to become suspicious of said activity. Also, jacksonsdreamworld sounds like a nightmare.


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  32. However I respect you enough to assume that you aren't insane enough to actually do something with that information.

    This wasn't me calling you out either, just my theory of your saneness.

  33. Then again...if you had all that information, my phone number would be in that gathered information.

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  35. My high school and eye color would be sufficient enough for the time being.

  36. Remember, you're baiting me, nothing more right now.

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  38. How do you know my face, picture or in person? Honestly now.

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  41. I imagine it would clear it up. Though, you must admit that the chase is sometimes far more fun then when you get what you're after, right?

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  43. Oh! Ouch, I thought you were trying to get me to chase yours?

    I thought highly of you when you first revealed to know me, because it caught me off guard—but now you seem more like you can’t wait to reveal yourself to me, which is causing me to lose faith in your ability to play such a game.

    Patience is key if you want my participation. A game is no fun when you scare off the other players every time.

  44. Just because you know things about me doesn't mean you can predict me, surely something in that information tells you that.

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  46. I want me to play along with your game, one I have no way of knowing what the objective is, nor the motive or means of which you want to involve me in, that it?

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  48. You'll have to follow one rule, can you do that, follow someone else's rules?

    It's the only rule that I can think of that could possibly make me say yes to this...

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  50. No direct contact or interference with or from outside parties—that means no contacting my friends or family or revealing any more information on public places like blogs, forums, ect.

    This is purely for your and my amusement; there need not be any outside spectators or associates since I don’t know who you are.

    You and me, no one else.

    Can you handle that?

  51. It might take a day or so to make up my mind, but that one rule starts now as a sign of good faith, which I suggest you show.

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  53. Daft and Peter pansy-

    You two are f'ing fags who waste valuable space on this blog.
    Get a room already and bend over.


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  55. “I mean, it is possible to be so good at suggestion that you can tempt another person to the point that they truly believe that what they are doing is what they want and not what you intended them to want. I’ve seen it done twice.

    If you were a master of seduction then you would know how to get the other person to do the seducing, which might bring it the standards of performance art.”

    You said it, anonymous, but reading THIS was worth reading all that. Brilliant, D.

  56. zoe said...

    "You said it, anonymous, but reading THIS was worth reading all that. Brilliant, D."

    i think that was actually daft being anonymous. he does that sometimes.

  57. I thought about it and come to the conclusion that this game isn’t worth it to me since you seem far more interested in me then I am of you. The stakes seem too high and the odds are stacked against me, therefore I think it would be wise if I opted not to play. I think you understand that.

    So that is it for me.

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  59. Peter Pansy-

    You may refer to me as anonymous.
    No need to make connections, points are points.

    Just F the douche daft already, get it over with. Then you two wont be curious anymore..


  60. Oh and Pansy...

    No sarcasm on that last one, either.

    You're a smart cookie when youre not flirting with daft and showing us all how dumb you really are..

    Your intellectual side is much more amusing..

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  62. How did he mess with you?

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  64. if he did something that didn't matter then why fuck with him back?

    the moron might not even know what he did.

    think he wants to resolve it or keep going?

  65. It'd better be something important. Otherwise, you're just a freakin psycho, Peter...

    Flexing your muscles at a shark who's already provoked you out of your element, and into deeper waters...

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  68. i don't know what to guess since you both have a tendancy to delete comments.

    you said you have all his information and he seems to believe you about that, yet he doesn't seem so freaked out by that. how is that leverage then if he knows you know about him?

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  70. Peter,

    You seem so sure that I have repeatedly messed with you, but I can honestly say that I had no intention of doing so. In fact, I felt like you were messing with me.

    I meant no disrespect, though it seems that I have and to the point that you called a second time while I was drafting this letter.

    I just now returned to the blog and have found that others have stirred the pot and decided instead that I would post it here and not email it.

    You have already showed that you are willing to do whatever you feel you need to do and I am saying that it is completely unnecessary to take it any further.

    I had originally thought it best to just ignore you and let it end that way, but it seems that a resolution of some kind is what you want.

    Regardless, it is best to end this now with no more calls and no meetings, just a plain old cease of contact to avoid conflict.

    I am done with this.

    Daft Cap Wearer


  72. explain that youtube link.

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  74. Like I said...I'm done.

    PS: Caller ID says otherwise.

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  78. So you really didn’t do your homework?

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  81. As of yet your credentials do not qualify you.

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  88. Haha, OK, delete your offer. Hmmm.

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  93. And all this cyber harassment was what—a job interview, a test of my patience and what not?

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  101. And for the record, Daft, you won't hear or see anything more from me other than casual comments on this site. I'm pretty done with this whole thing, myself. Like I said, it was just a joke, meant to be in good spirits. The joke is over now, so I have no special interest in you whatsoever.

    I just thought I'd make that clear for you. :)

  102. HA...HA...HA...HEHEHE...HA!

    I'd appreciate that Peter.


  103. Maybe you should stop seducing people if it's so stressful. What's the point anyway?

  104. "even if you are not getting killed, there is a lot of emotional fallout that can happen when you seduce too well. people can get so into you that it is crippling for them, they lose touch with reality, they become this walking ball of emotions ready to spew at anyone that gets near them -- your family and friends, your landlord, your neighbors. if they get jealous, you are toast. how will you ever get rid of them? they are unstable, any attempt to separate from them will likely include you on the collateral damage list. "

    I only very rarely worry about this. This is where I get my kicks. It depends what I want from the person I'm seducing. If I love them, I'm in fucking trouble but if not then I come out completely on top, with all of that wonderful power.

    Oh don't go, Peter! ;)

  105. You guys are all crazy.. I was looking for some intelligent comments but these have nothing to offer. I am an empath who would rather be seduced by a sociopath and be aware of it than to be as soul-less as a sociopath. At least I have the option to use my emotions or not. It may be hard but if I choose to I can walk away and watch my emotions change with the wind. A sociopath does apparently does not have that option. Power is nothing unless you have it over your self.

  106. FIRST 2013!!!!!!!

    Good Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!!


    1. Hi Rich!

      I hope that you will maybe talk about your own self discoveries more, and about shallow and superficial emotions.

      Because what you said interested me. I am going through changes.

    2. Hey Anon- I will explain what I meant about that......

      I read your reply from yesterday and the exact same thing happened to me after my first serious relationship..... I was broken up for WAY TOO LONG as well, just as you said you were.

      On my emotions that may be "shallow", I notice that after dating somebody for a couple of weeks/months my emotions for them are the same in the beginning of the relationship as they are as time goes on in the relationship. Now, I dont know if it means I have DEEP emotions very soon, or shallow emotions very soon that I think are deep and they never get deeper or only get a little deeper.

      Also, its kinda hard to admit this, but with women in relationships, OF COURSE I have to be attracted physically to them or it would never work. But I find myself to be WAY TOO SUPERFICIAL (all about the surface looks). Now, I would never date/stay with somebody who was gorgeous on the outside but a bitch deep down and in her actions. But I think I put way too much emphasis on looks and it worries me that I may be too shallow/superficial.

      I dont want to admit this, but fuck it, I can fall "in love" with somebody just by the way they look (which means iam shallow and superficial), as long as they also have a good personality as I get to know them and arent mean/bitches my feelings for them will only get a little stronger than when I was attracted to their looks alone, if you know what I mean.........

      Now, Iam thinking that MOST MEN, and alot of women are superficial and shallow as well, more men than women I think....... But it concerns me that I feel this way because it makes me feel like a shallow person, and since it is true, I guess I am a shallow person.......

      I wonder if my emotions are the same way too, like if I have shallow/superficial emotions and ONLY I think they are deep because they are the only emotions I know...... It confuses me :(

    3. Also, I hope you are feeling better :)

    4. Hi Rich!

      I had written a reply but idk where it went so i'll try to remember what i said.

      i think a lot of people are shallow about looks. It 's what makes the world go round. A good looking person is always going to catch attention. But I do wonder if you being shallow about looks gets you into these relationships with certain women who will view you as an easy mark.

      I dont know about you being shallow . Here though, i have noticed you do a lot of lol based on style of what a person says, not on content, almost like you are watching cartoons. Is that because we are impersonal on line, or you have to do that in order to disengage emotionally from all these disordered people here, or do you process like this irl? If you do it so much in real life, you might lose sight of someone's substance, which makes a shallow response to environment. I think psychos do that. r you sure you aren't one, Rich? ;

      The first part of what you said idk how to answer . it is very interesting to me. How long do your relationships last? How do they end? Maybe you are also dating shallow women...

      I am ok but will go to doc tmrw bec fever is still there. That hydroxyzine really knocks me out.

  107. haha putting old comments to boost the comment count trying to mask that less and less people are visiting this shithole nice one me

    1. that's not nice, babe

    2. Anon 4:08,look at it another way. It takes a while for any blog to pick up and it's a great idea to recycle some of the old posts to give the new comers a chance to comment and the old ones to reconsider what hey said in the past. I see, for example, that Zoe, sees what she had said some time ago and can contemplate if she'd say the same thing today and let us know. Sort of like longitudinal study on human mind.

    3. it feels like work having to read it... :-(

    4. you mean if i would say the same thing today and tomorrow and so on, like a broken record.. :-)

      i'll try to catch up on the weekend

    5. Would you say the same things Zoe?

    6. okay reread it. yes i'd say the same things given the same situation. i was new and fishing for a response. it was all a bit of a black box to me. or rather a black lagoon where you don't what what might crawl out. so a bit overly polite, trying too hard not to show weakness and invoke an attack maybe?

    7. You were pretty cool.

      ((I was in a dept store and i saw "ZOE" olive oil (extra virgin and first cold pressed, btw lol) and I bought it because it has your name.))

      *bats eyes*

  108. Yo! Fucking stupid shits. Fucking ever heard of skype ??

    Fucking this isn't your personal chat idiots.

    Fucking fuck off, nobody cares about your shit. Piss off.

    1. Hi Rembrant
      What be going on with you, on this fine day.

    2. YAY!

      Fuck face is back.

    3. Meant the other fuck face, sorry Monica.

    4. I agree, all of this drama has become a real bore.

      I don't like seeing peoples dirty laundry being aired out in the open.

      E-mail. Skype. Facepalm... Er, Facebook, seriously.

  109. crazy ex hot on your tail?

  110. I used to really enjoy being seduced when I knew nothing about seduction. It was like watching a movie without paying attention to technical details. Now that I am consciously aware as the seducer tries to create a magic and I'm just unable to get into any place magical. Instead busting these artificial seduction processes became where there is some fun, far from any kind of magic.

    Imagine UKan doing the seduction, or Monica, or me, or Rembrant. How hilarious to even think about these, yet so many people claim I actually tried to seduce them. It was completely unbeknownst to me. Had they just asked a few clear probing questions they would have heard it straight that they are dreaming in their own world.

    1. I know EXACTLY what both of you mean as well..... Especially after reading Robert Greene's "The art of Seduction"

      Alot of the time it seems like the same tactics, just different people and they are VERY recognizable once you know them and know what to look for.

    2. It seems as if 'seduction' is about the thrill, the intensity, kind of like a high speed chase.

      Like a continuous game of tag.

      Yup, it's for people who are bored.

      'Seducing too well':
      Someone who expects too much from a relationship. You have to find a way of dealing with your won issues.

    3. I know what ME is saying as well. It sucks dealing with this kind of crazy people. You're like "Hey, I need to break up with you." and they're like all shouting in the phone and crying and shit. I fucking hate it. xd

    4. 'Seduction' for some reason reminds me of some Soapy Drama, manipulating Ice Queen, who's really all alone and lonely inside.

      If people are naturally attracted to you, then I'd say that you've got something good going on.

      Without any conscious effort on your part.
      And not about appearances.

    5. I am listening to people who like the chase (seduction)to relieve boredom, I agree.

      Parental coaches say parents need to know when to reward a child. Says too many parents out there don't know when their kid is "good enough" It's like the opposite of what you see today with the giving of trophies for every little thing.. I don't know what is worse.

      The need for excessive stimulation and boredom, not being happy with what is right in front of you , needing more more more challenge to chase down the "good enough" feeling they did not get as kids over and over. I am a bit like this. It is very weird to not know how to relax when chase is over. I finally feel good enough, but then who cares? I may create situation to cause me to then try harder for the person. Then they tthink I am too giving. BS. They don't know i do it all in my mind and it has nothing to do with me liking them too much, or it being about pleasing them. No, I am just doing the dance. THey get mixed messages.

      Creating this drama has nothing to do with the other person who is normal, just wants a glass of water at the bed, goodnight kiss, dinner and movie once per week, cuddle by fire, always together nice nice nice. It is make me suffocate so i create ways
      to do chasing so there is enough stimulation within the relationship.

      Does anyone here know how to explain to a mate that they are not loving them, they just need to continue to love them by having less boring time with them???

      THis is different than the couple who needs to do hangliding together or go do exciting skiing to mix it up. Cannot be solved by this. I can do that. I can do that well. But I cannot spend more than 2 days per week with them . 2 day in a row and i am wanting to get out, feel like air out of balloon, even imagine they are soon going to leavre me, panic, any number of self created delusional shit.

      It is all self generated drama. I sometimes project they are getting bored with me, too. I ask and they will say "no how could anyone find me boring. I'm like really ??" Compliment does nothing to correct this. I look and say oh maybe it is them. It is usually me just being antsy, wanting freedom

      Last time I told a guy this they said :Oh i see . So you're kind of like the guy. I thought that was cute.I thought that is fine for him to feel like that.

      Is anyone going through this and can have suggestions? I think it is related to the seduction.

    6. Yes, I suggest you focus on what turns you on, clearly it's not guys. It's the activities you like. Stick to the activities, let guys come and go as you wish. don't worry about them.

    7. Hi Sceli. Thanks. I am going to try that. I do not want a man to come and go. I want them to stay even though they are 2nd to my passions/career. All my earlier life i knew they would be second to career. Maybe I set that up purposely because it is the activities that fill me more.

      Too many times i see relationships fall apart when a woman's attention shifts too much to herself. It disgusts me.. For me i am hyper aware of losing (getting left). I do not want to end up feeling like I had to blame my activities (bullshit) for the fact a mere man needed a babysitter. I do not want to pay any more attention to abandonment issues.

      Thank you, Sceli.

    8. Anon 9:35

      I think it is your "formless/amorphous self, screaming at you. If you want me to explain more, I will.

    9. Monica, yes, please tell me how you see this. thank you.

  111. On the floor of the canyon, she called out. She heard her voice come back. It came back twice, three times. It seemed so tinny. It was not the voice of a "how are you" man or the sound of a manicured preacher, who told you you were going to Hell. You believed him. His voice had that kind of authority. Hers sounded like a waif. If you saw it, it would be vapor, or almost.

    1. Inside her was the key. She had yearned for it so much, you would think it was a lover, one who loved her once but went away, spurned her, probably, but she never forgot him. He was her one and only, that kind of love, not the cheap kind where you wake up next to someone and say "Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom."

      She may never retrieve the key. She may die with it hidden, as if she swallowed a nickel. They can see it on X-ray, but they can't get it out. They say, live with it.

      The key has fog all around it, as if it is in a dream. Sometimes, she can move her hand close, as if she is touching it, but the merry go round never stops. She thinks she may reach it, the very next time. She tries to force the idea that it doesn't matter. She would be alright, if she died and someone inherited it, a beloved ancestor, but she knows it is a lie. She wants it in her cold, clammy hands when she dies. Then, she wants to be buried with it. Someone can open her dead hands and put it in, like they do with the wedding rings of husbands and wives.

  112. fucking idiots peter pan and daft.

  113. removing posts is that...
    i can tase it

  114. Oh. The retarded slut is back

  115. peter pan. ha ha. i remember that idiot. i think his heart got broken by a sociopath girl because he used to go off on rages and fantasies of killing/raping a sociopath women.

  116. I get pretty guarded if someone is trying to seduce me. I feel like they are trying to get power over me.

    1. Yes, they are definitely trying the power game, that's the whole point of these seduction games, along with seeking some narcissistic supply. It's so easy to identify and twist these around as you must have already figured it out. How do you deal with these once you understand what's going on?

      I choose to mirror some in subtle ways, like if they are showering me with gifts I choose to act surprised that there was any need for it, plus I act as if the whole thing did not happen, meaning no need to return any favors, or feel like I owe them anything for their spending money for me. I am talking about just meeting someone and getting a gift the next week kind of thing.

      Then there are times I really like someone and feel like doing something for them and I get treated as if I am trying to seduce them, idiots. This rarely happens, but still it has happened twice (two different people) and I don't ever need a third time. I also withdraw significantly if anyone tries to position me as if I'm trying to seduce them. That's another power game people way in my mind.

    2. 'play' not 'way'. What the heck!

    3. do you get the feeling that I call 2 too many when it is about something I don't like? If you do, you're right. The exaggaration of the risk of undesirable outcomes is a known fact, I guess my attitude is somewhat similar in this regard.

    4. seduction = weakening one at the knees.

  117. I've recently became extremely interested in seduction after just being completely seduced myself. I never saw it coming. This person was a PRO! They had me following them around like a puppy and doing anything they wanted. I even started wanting to dress like them. Now I look back and see what happened and I am amazed. It was very subtle and progressive. So much so that I couldn't really put my finger on exactly what happened. Even though it's just a game and a power trip for the seducer, I was surprised that someone would spend months of their time seducing me. I guess they felt like it was worth all the effort when they saw how they got me to act. They made me want something I didn't originally want and then backed away so that I would try to become the seducer. This is all fairly new to me and even though I don't like that it happened, I kind of find it fascinating.

    1. This person... or, they? How many? How did you get seduced? What did s/he/they used as bait? Any specifics?

    2. Sceli, I used my eyes. They have all the power I could ever need in ventures such as these.

      I'm usually seduced by things I "can't" have, or by people completely not interested. Being a female it's almost too easy to seduce a man. It doesn't take much, men are suckers.

      Piles, the "Seductive" Beaver

    3. :) exactly. They are eail seduced, but not by 'you' as an individual per se, but because you're just another woman. I mean no insult here, tthat just is the way guys are. So, any quick no at the beginning and they'll move on with no problem. It's good for a woman to learn not to take these guys' seduction too seriously.

      You know what guys say:
      The problem with women is they have all the pusy on earth.

  118. What a great post!!!! I imagined many responses to this one!! This thing "seduction" is a very dangerous proposition. It can be very lethal to the seducer/sociopath, I have seen it happen!!!

  119. I convinced a guy just today that he'd been seduced by a borderline who will now track him down and murder him. Now he owes me twice: first for the unqualified "diagnosis" and then for refusing to pay whatever I demand of him when I figure out what it is,exactly, that I want and threaten to give the girl his address.

  120. She dove into the water, years before. It clung to her like octopus arms with tentacles that suctioned and held on. She was held as princess of the underworld. No one came to claim her, so she stayed. One day something stirred in her. It must have been love because love is what stirs things. Love reached down in some or other funky form, which was the shape of a human. The problem was how to loosen the tentacles which had enclosed her, like a museum piece, under glass. After several decades, she surfaced like an astronaut in those funky vehicles that fall in the ocean from space.

  121. It was a new world. The other had gotten old and died. This one was harsher, but easier to navigate because it came with rules. Rules make things easier. That is why we have them. She had to stand on top of the table and shout, but the bad people went away and the kind ones, remained, so she had a new rule, one she made herself, not one she was made to swallow like bubblegum flavored castor oil. They told you it was good for you, but you knew they were just trying to mess with your head.

  122. Standing on the table, you are dictator( or king) You made it to this precipice, your own corner of the world, moving the chess pieces. You won the game, just because you are playing. If you understand that, say Amen.

  123. ME makes a valid point here. Obsession is not a thing to be taken lightly. I, for one, found being obsessed about interesting at first, irritating when it continued and, in the end, an experience to be valued, but not repeated.

  124. "If you are willing to bend, you are capable of being exploited."


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