
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sharing is caring?

Are sociopaths happier for being selfish?  Probably:

Although we are taught the benefits of kindness and altruism, it seems we are happiest when simply told to pursue our own self-interest.

Researchers found the key to contentment is feeling we have no choice but to be selfish.

In contrast, the study, carried out by psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania, found that those who actively choose a selfish path usually have to battle with guilt.

They speculated that because we're taught as children that 'sharing means caring', if we make a decision out of self-interest, we often feel bad for prioritising ourselves over others.

But that frequently means we forego the things we know will make us happy.

That's odd, why would being unselfish not make us happy?


  1. i thought there were no feelings here

    1. Sounds good to me. So when I call you a bitch you should shutup and take it because you can't feel pride.

    2. feel free to call me whatever we dont know eachother, i thought it was a simple enough question i guess you took it personally

  2. "the key to contentment is feeling we have no choice but to be selfish."

    That is a very good tactic.

    I have used.

    "You've left me with no other choice but to be selfish about this..."

    1. Walter White in "Breaking Bad" does this all the time.

      Malignant narcissists are experts at deceiving themselves into thinking, "I had no choice but to protect myself (and really wreck them). And I'm also awesome for how cunningly and ruthlessly I defended myself."

    2. Great quote on Walter White's description that is....

    3. I thought that was like moral effect.

    4. I could see how a narcissist would take it so personal.

    5. Oh good.

      I don't understand my narcissism.

      Take what so personal? I am anon 1238 and 626 and you are no doubt baiting . I am biting.

    6. A narcissistic bitch who is biting....who knew? LOL

    7. Pardon me, i dont understand what you mean.

      I don't care if you are judging or laughing. I don't know what about the series of posts from 12 38 to 1154 are narcissistic.

      What did you think i was referring to ? how do you interpret the content of my posts and my thought processes related to them?

  3. That's odd, why would being unselfish not make us happy?

    People tend to think of these two constructs within the framework of an either/or type of scenario. They fail to realize that the most effective way for individuals to greatly benefit society is not to sacrifice their own most fundamental needs- it is to fulfil them.

    If you are driven by a desire for power, obtaining it is what will provide you with the greatest fulfilment. If it is support and social approval that you seek, a network of meaningful relationships will be the key to happiness for you.

    We all have different shapes. I never mentioned the specific nature of the NPO I established (nor will I), but you can be sure that if "being a hero" meant my being an accountant, the project would have flopped spectacularly. :) When we work within our strengths, where we choose to apply our influence almost becomes secondary, because we are so deeply fulfilled by functioning in a role for which we are perfectly suited.

    I will go on a limb here and say that most people on the psychopathic spectrum hate having anyone telling them what to do, or how to do it. We dislike working for others' agendas and we will quit or commit acts of self-sabotage to ditch even very highly paid positions that bore us, even if it means putting our financial security at risk. (Come on, you know its true.) That's so many of us become CEOs. It may also be why so many of us from disadvantaged backgrounds cause trouble: we are not being given the tools to understand and exploit our strengths. When there is nothing to scratch our intense itch for exciting stimulation, we create the excitement ourselves.

    That is why I appreciated Kevin Dutton's website. A lot of it is just promotion for his latest book, but he is on the right track when he suggests that individuals with pronounced psychopathic traits consider careers in law enforcement, emergency medicine, or fire fighting.

    This is why I think it is wise to notice this personality type in youths and provide them with constructive, challenging outlets. It is only after finding me swinging upside down from our second story balcony above the concrete one too many times that my folks ushered me into diving. Perhaps if I had been given more opportunities specifically geared to my personality type, I would not have been so destructive as a teen, as I would have been too busy to cause trouble.

    Instead of trying to change our shape, we ought to embrace it. The possibilities for *how* we do so are numerous and varied. Ultimately, the choice is ours, and the sky's the limit, so we should make it a point to aim high. :)

    1. And you're a cowardly troll. Good morning to you! :)

    2. you sound like a commercial

    3. My psychopathic spectrum sisters and brothers, for just pennies you can feed baby chong din wala wala for a week. Show you really don't care by caring about people who don't matter. Baby chong din wala wala lost her parents and is doomed to live on the streets in warzaktinkan, but you can be impulse free and feed this baby.

    4. your an idiot im not a troll

    5. Yes you are. You're just a pudgy, bottom-feeding troll who sells crack to make your fortune, because you dont have the smarts, strength or savvy to succeed any other way. And you even brag about it on the blog of a legal professor, where you dont even possess enough control or influence to delete your own comments.

      You're the idiot, Ukant. I'm the co-CEO of two growing companies. The only place you're headed is jail. Maybe I'll send you a postcard from the top. :)

    6. What is it Monica? Upset that it isnt all about you?

    7. That is not me. I, rarely, use anons.

    8. That wasn't me falter that was another bloke who is tired of listening to your self righteous adverts of yourself. I'm a ceo too. Of a fake fucking front business. Big deal. Any scumbag can register a corporation. Funny that you weren't even the one who started it. It was your husband. Now you have position in the company as queen bee cocksucker and I'm supposed to be impressed. Don't make me laugh.

    9. One he started, the other we launched together. The NPO is mine.

      As a CEO, dont you realize that it would be unwise for a queen bee to draw all her workers from the same hive? :)

    10. Speaking of which, how do you get your jobless wife to entertain *your* clients?

    11. Alterego why is so hard to believe that monica is your enemy as in the above anon post?

    12. She removed it.

    13. Because Monica doesnt refer to herself as Ukan Suk Cok. And ukant is not my enemy.

    14. your an idiot i dont care about your life

    15. Well I don't care that you don't care. :P Whatever. That doesn't even make sense.

    16. Alterego,
      Have to say, I don't entirely agree with your views on the matter. Sure, it sounds very motivational, all this "live your dreams, sky is the limit" stuff. Living out your dreams does not necessarily benefit society. A good dose of reality and some sacrifice is necessary for most in order to not actively be a drain on society.

      There are many people whose desires are not exactly realistic. They might lack the intelligence, social skills, physique, talent, etc. to realise them.
      I have seen many examples of people being motivated by words like the ones you said, throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the pursuit of those dreams. Getting very angry and frustrated after failing spectacularly. Hurting a lot of people and themselves in the process.

      An example: I have several family members whose dream it was to be a great artist. They lack any talent, but were inspired by motivational speakers to not give up, make their dreams a reality. Whilst I agree that almost everything has some beauty in it, that many great artists' works were not recognised in their time, trust me, there is not much to be said for their art. Yet they persist.

      They have become parasites, living on welfare and charity, taking up resources that by all rights should have gone to help those that truly need it.

      They are in their 30's and 40's, yet have never held a job because they feel it would be sacrificing their true desires. They are all able bodied and could have contributed something to society, but choose not to in order to aim high and chase their dreams.

      Many people, especially those with personality disorders, are fickle. Society will pay while they get trained in their chosen field, then they will abandon their career once they see it's not as much fun as they thought it would be. Rinse and repeat.

      Whilst I agree that it would be wonderful to be able to assess their strengths and channel them to make the person happier, I can't help but think how many resources would be necessarily wasted to accomplish this.

      Absolutely, people should embrace themselves as they are. Recognise their weaknesses and exploit their strengths. I also think it would be better to match those strengths to reality, even if it involves sacrificing their true selves to a degree in order to not be a drain on society. Encourage them to pursue their less realistic dreams as a hobby, if possible. At least until they can do something worthwhile with them.

      Also, I have noticed you talking several times about "being a hero" with regards to yourself. Makes you appear rather narcissistic and arrogant.
      But good for you for dedicating yourself to helping children.

  4. This topic is the major struggle of my life. I look forward to what people have to say on it.

    1. Then look. Don't interrupt the look with talk.

  5. well monica lets start off by saying you were worthless the minute your mum sexually abused you and that it was your fault that it happened. just like your sons death was your fault. I'm sick of watching you crawl around here you filthy little slut. you are not getting anywhere and you fucking know it.

    its not a struggle, monica, its a completely one sided massacre. you are more selfish than any psychopath on here and that's a fact.

    1. UKan, I ain't Monia and in terms of repeating yourself like an idiot you're the chattery shithead anti-Monica.

    2. James, haven't you realized by now that Pillsbury Dough Boy doesnt have the intellect to vary his insults, let alone succeed in the boardroom, where he'd be a laughing stock?

      "Monica! fingerbang! ::sputter:: CUNT! FUCK! BITCH!"

      He's like a spastic retard with a bad case of Tourette's.

      Better wipe the spittle from your chin before you make your next delivery, ukant.

    3. Ha ha ha. Tick tick fingerbang cunt. Tick tick fingerbang cunt mummy train stick. Tick tick.

      You think its really something stuffing some brats mouth with food don't you falter. Doesn't take a genious to do that and your no coporate exec so stop acting like you are cunt. You are just a jobless goody goody living off your husbands business.

    4. James isn't real you dumb cunt. Who starts off by saying they are not monic when they first come here. You idiot nobody had a chance to accuse you yet. Thats like opening the door to detectives and saying.....I didn't kill him!

    5. They're our businessES, and I work part time so I can take proper care of my family. Get it right, shithead.

    6. And you're an even bigger retard than I thought if you actually believe I think that anon is "James". Haaaaa what an idiot! No wonder you're still dealing drugs at 30.

    7. You were just siding with him falter, how can you say you didn't believe he was real? Ua ha ha. Jesus falter you are pathetic.

      Yeah real corporate executives you lot are having to have a part time job to keep afloat along side your husbands failing business. Ha ha ha. Give me a break falter. I'm not 30 I'm 31. You can never be too old to be a scumbag. After all someone has to help create a hostile environment at home for those filthy children you take care of. Who better than me.

      Tick tick cunt fingerbang molest monica mums vagina tick tick.

    8. Geez, retard, havent you figured out who James really is?

      I work part time for one of OUR businesses, and part time at the NPO- and they're all growing. Unlike you, who has to rush out the door like a bitch anytime someone makes a call, I set my own schedule.

      Face it, ukant. You're a slave headed for prison. You'll never have a heritage to bequeath. Someone has to warn you. Who better than me? :)

    9. Alright, I'm out of here for now. Ttyl, ukant.

    10. Yeah hard life mine. I have to leave out my door and go collect money. My wife doesn't have to work falter, she goes to private school. Unlike your loser husband I know how to get paid. I don't have her working part time as a baby sitter to make it through the day.

      I don't care about prison falter. I'm going to ride this train crashes and dust myself off to do it all over again. Unlike you I take chances. And unlike you I know what type of scum I am. I don't play pretend corporate executive just because I formed a corporation.

    11. Yeah, you're so hot that you have to run out the door every hour to cater to low-life junkies in order to collect your money. That means you are on the bottom rung- the dregs at the bottom of the barrel. Ha ha ha! Who's playing pretend, big shot?

      I dont have to work, I choose to. Since your wife doesnt, I guess that makes *her* a useless woman who lives off the proceeds of her husband's "business".

      My husband makes 6 figures because he knows how to use his brain. Unlike you, we arent stupid enough to waste our heritage by acting like jailbait, or buying all of the latest trinkets just to selfishly feed our egos.

      I dont have to pretend to be successful; I already am. You do, because ukant. And if you're still operating at the level of delivery boy at your age, you never will be.

      So long as you waste your intellect and leadership skills on making your bosses' fortunes, you'll always be disposable jailbait, waiting to get picked off as you stare with smug oblivion at your glass ceiling, whilst throwing stones from your glass house- which is as fragile a house of cards as you are.

    12. Another book.

      Falter, I don't run in and out of my house chasing down fiends I live two hours from where I do business. Other people take care of that shite. I work once a week sometimes, mostly once every two. The rest of the time I'm snowboarding and dirtbiking. That's living.

      My wife gets shite done at home. She doesn't belong in my business and if your husband had some stones he would tell you the same. You can't sit here and boast to me about fuck all when your husband built the business and let you be co-ceo. That's like a prostitute claiming to run several companies because she sucks a few ceo's cocks.

      Most of the people here last i checked make six figures falter, including me and I'm talking about profit not how much money comes in. Difference is that I earned it by climbing to the top on my own not marrying someone with initiative. You can't say the same.

    13. We built them both from scratch together, but I am not a developer, so I cannot participate fully in that business. We both agreed that I would stay at home when the kids were very young, because we didnt want strangers raising our family. My kids are a bit older now, and more of my time is freed up for other projects, so I am trying to maximize it. Hence the second business and NPO, in which I participate fully. That's initiative.

      Your wife doesnt belong in your business on account of the nature of your work, but frankly, I am sure you would express a similar sentiment if you were pushing paperclips. It is clear that you treat her like a second class citizen. You arent man enough to treat her with genuine respect, which means that she has no real security with you whatsoever. She's your plaything, and when you tire of her, you'll trade her in for a younger, more exciting version. That's not a partnership or a marriage, it's a model of misogyny and abuse. No wonder you drove her to suicide.

      How come you didnt encourage her to slash her wrists like you do all the others who contemplate taking their own lives? I thought you were disgusted by weakness, oh One True Psychopath?


    14. How come you didnt encourage her to slash her wrists like you do all the others who contemplate taking their own lives?

      Because there was no razor handy. I handed her my gun and told her to blow her brains out in front of me. It was a rough patch that. She's all good now though.

      We built them both from scratch together, but I am not a developer, so I cannot participate fully in that business. We both agreed that I would stay at home when the kids were very young, because we didnt want strangers raising our family.

      so basically you are sitting here claiming his glory....and some feed the kids charity bollocks. some achievements there falter. Fucking epic.

    15. My NPO has nothing to do with feeding starving kids. You make too many assumptions.

      Anyway, you of all people should understand that sometimes a division of labour is required in order to achieve a common goal. That's not "claiming his glory"- it's teamwork. Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that babies are usually best cared for my their own mothers, if possible.

      Our second business is young, but it is already thriving. It involves trading commodities so it has the potential to grow fast, with a minimal effort beyond our initial investment.

      Didnt you say you loved your wife? Providing her with a gun so she could blow her own brains out kinda precludes that possibility, dontcha think?


    16. Didnt you say you loved your wife? Providing her with a gun so she could blow her own brains out kinda precludes that possibility, dontcha think?

      everyone loves in their own way falter.

      i don't really care what your npo or your minuscule business does. call me when you have done something amazing. stop running your mouth about what your husband has done. I've known very successful people who's wives were total fools. Just because you suck a entrepreneurs cock doesn't make you a executive.

    17. everyone loves in their own way falter.

      You can't love. Sin has reached its full measure in you.

      When you strip away all of the biochemical layers, the genetic predisposition and the environmental influences, that is what sociopathy boils down to: sin having reached its full measure, as expressed through the channel and shape of a personality disorder. Sin patterns are distributed amongst personality styles, which have many factors influencing their development, but we are all infected. There are myriad ways for it to find expression, but the underlying mechanism is always the same, as is the final outcome. Since you are fond of quoting the Bible lately, I will share another with you, written by James, the brother of Jesus:

      “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.” (James 1: 13-16)

      i don't really care what your npo or your minuscule business does. call me when you have done something amazing.

      If I ever do something *truly* amazing, I promise that you’ll never find out about it. :) Ultimately, all of that superficial, material crap means nothing to me. Life is but a fleeting vapor… A high-stakes game in which each one must ultimately seek their treasure on earth or in heaven. I've made my choice, you've made yours. We both think we're right, and that likely won't ever change.

      Apples and oranges.


    18. I appreciate you, a lot, Alterego. I can feel God in you and that feels really nice.

  6. Replies
    1. Because it never happened did it monica? You made the whole thing up to get sympathy, didn't you?

    2. Ukan has seVEre dissociation. He is out of touch so bad :(

    3. Ukan Have Your Tail Up Your AssJanuary 8, 2013 at 4:08 AM

      My asshead has a little voice, which I can't help. I have no choice.
      My asshead rages, until I rant.
      I wish I could help it, but I can't
      If you see me, don't turn away.
      I will be back, later.
      Have a nice day.


    4. I look forward to seeing your donkey head and pinning tail on it.

  7. Theme for SW's Most Delusional Member UKan

  8. :) Good morning my Sociopathworld friends!!!!!

    1. Hi Rich! How are you?

    2. Iam well Anon, feeling pretty good today. I took a long nap and now Iam having a few beers and some wine before bed!!!!

      How are you doing?

    3. come see come sa.

  9. UKan, sweetheart, you had been so quiet, what happened for this return to take place? Is Kanny still at home? Or, did she dump you already for a better educated or a better drugged man, or a woman?

    1. James it sounds and appears you're jealous of UKan. Give it a rest.

    2. What man uses terms like sweetheart monica you are a complete waste. Your mum must have been extremely disappointed.

    3. UKan B Delusional AssheadJanuary 8, 2013 at 9:03 AM

      Who wants to go against me? Monica asshead? Aterego asshead? Ellicit asshead or Medusa asshead. I can wrap each ass around my forefinger.

    4. Bill Mahr calls idiot men sweetheart a lot. It's extremely effective. Sweetheart.

    5. The only ass you're wrapping around your forefinger is your own, and you clearly never wash your hands, because I can smell you from here.

    6. That's monica again you pinhead. Seriously how can you not see this shite when its clear as glass. Go ahead tell me you knew it all along ha ha ha.

    7. Ukan B Delusional Asshead is Monica?

      Lmao, sure, keep spinning those wheels, sweetheart. You're pretty when you fail. :)

    8. Did you really think that was me falter. Wow, that's pathetic. When you get put together by that retard you have serious problems.

    9. Ri-iight. Because monica is much more apt than you to say that she is wrapping asses around her finger, LOL.~

      If it wasnt you then it was probably Ellicit or Medusa. We all know how much respect they have for you. :)

      You're the moron for thinking it was monica. I guess even she can make you spin around in circles, eh ukant?

    10. not really falter. you are the one playing guessing games here after looking like a fool and believing that was me.

      trust someone that knows falter. nobody else is as retarded as monica. you can't even fake that level of ingrate. she says the same thing over and over when you get her agitated. like she went full spaz. VULVA! ASS FACE! I've been doing it to her for over a year now and have been getting the same response everytime. thats how I knew it was her.

  10. This is what UKan makes his money on:

    What a low life, scum bag, UKan is.

  11. I thought you might like this.

    Up From The Sofa

    The world is formless.I put it into a mold, like a bundt pan. Food is fascinating when it takes on shape, like mazipan, which looks like doll house food.It was art work that you could eat, but it tasted terrible. I suppose it was because it was old lady food.

    My grandmother was a doctor, long before woman went to medical school. She had every gag in the joke shop. When she came to your house, you could expect the canned nuts, with the snake flying out when you opened it, the wine glass with the colored water under plastic so you expect it to spill red wine on you, and the fake dog poop, which she would put in the living room, to be found by some unsuspecting person.

    She told me that all things die, that it was the nature of things but she screamed for her mother, when she was dying.

    She took care of me when I went to the hotel buffet and decided I would take a bite of everything. The table wound around the room twice. I told her I wanted to throw up. She ran and got the bedpan. I thought she would hurt me because I was bad and sick, but she didn't. I didn't understand why, but it felt good.

    She called me kitten and monkey. I love when people call me pet names, like the sociopath who called me chicken wing, until I found out what it meant.

    1. Ukan pick on your own sizeJanuary 8, 2013 at 9:50 AM

      I like it, sofa. It is beautifully written. I like marzipan. I will eat anything, even if it is sickeningly sweet.

      I do not usually like pet names. I like to be called my full name by my father, who never called me a pet name.

      Do you know what my ass antisocial/giant narcssist told me?
      One minute he said you have a strong personality, right?

      The next day, he looked at me and said, You're so very ..diminutive. I looked at him like orly? He got off on the look. Then he said: What? What? All diminutive means is small in stature. Rrright. That's what he meant. uh huh~ I hit so hard you would not believe it.I horded up his insecurities. He did not return. I did what he did to me and loled my fucking ass off. TO HIS FACE.

      It is very difficult for people who grew up squashed to go toe to toe with a fucker like Ukan.

      They take you and twist you when they see you strong. They MUST put a person down for raising their back. THey like to see the result. Ofc, they should pick on their own size, but they resort to try to stick it to people getting strong. They cannot TAKE being in the same room as a stronger person.

      There is no way to hit a person back on line. BEcause you cannot see them get their face all twisted up into a baseball mitt. You would be able to see it on Ukan's face if we were in person. -There is nothing quite as delightful!

      let's everyone practice on the donkey, yes? Come on. Rich??

      TNP used to do it. It was WAY more interesting than watching UKAN try and spar with Monica. No offense , Monica.

      Every person has a long memory for insults that are very subtle. Especially the paranoid. One does not have to be a narcissist to be like this.

      The sociopath is paranoid. SUre, he will horde back, but who gives a fuck.

    2. Beautifully written? You don't read much. lol

    3. L.A
      I wanted to tell you something, the other day, when you said you had a relationship with someone and were showing them who you were.

      I thought that that person is damned lucky to have someone who is so cerebral and so sexy, at the same time. Any girl could only hope for that <3

    4. People my size don't spend time looking for fair fights. They look for corners to cut and victims to crush. get used to it. the world isn't fair.

    5. Today a man stood between the doors of commuter train blocking said door. He is like 7 feet tall. He said no when i politey asked him to sep aside I could not get by him. He ARGUED with me that he was not in my way, not the cause of my not being able to get out of door. Politely I asked again no, i cannot move. WOuld you mind? I could not squeeze by. I am like 5 foot 2. He said no. I sqeezed through and said Ok How do you like this? and I poked him with giant napsac slung over short shoulders and told him i guess he likes this. THen I stepped on his knees with me knees and said how do you like??

      THEN He raged and said How about id I punch you in the nose and I said How about you go fuck yourself.

      THen I told friend about above incident and they said to be careful who you talk back to.

      If I saw a giant douche like the UKAN-smell-my-ass brigade I would probably have my ass kicked and I would not change a fucking thing, I would come after you again and again and again with broken bones and on crutches, come to your house set it in fire, sell your kids to the witch in the gingerbread house and rob you of all drugs and also the cash next to your homemade anal leekage muffins in your stinky freezer.

    6. I guess you have a point there.

    7. Thank you, I know.

    8. ok. I'll be sure to look out for that, mate.

    9. you mean i am fragile?

    10. Beautifully written? You don't read much. lol

      Absolutely. It is simple. People do not realize how much beauty there is in simplicity.

    11. People do not realize what it takes to distill a concept so it is palatable for all audiences. Or specific one.

    12. Fake UKan (9:50),
      Good for you for hitting back, but there is still mostly bravado in what you said.
      Malignant narcissists can be quite cowardly when confronted and will back down. The two I knew tried to deny everything, then resorted to passive-aggressive and pity seeking behaviors before withdrawing altogether. Pathetic, really.

      Many sociopathic people would not back down from a challenge, but might give the illusion of doing so. Gives them time to gather information and find the most effective method to crush you. And they will not play fair. It's true, the world isn't fair. The strong will crush the weak, but even the strong can get crushed by the cunning.

      Don't make the mistake of underestimating sociopaths like UKan. He does say outrageously silly or nasty things to provoke reactions for his own amusement and lets his narcissism run wild, but underneath that, he is clearly highly intelligent and insightful.
      I have seen him use this to help or tear into people, depending on his mood. Can be hard to get past the trolling for a lot of people, but I feel he has a lot to offer.

      You might talk about seeing his face twisted up into a baseball mitt, but I have a feeling that if you were in the same room, you would not dare speak up against him. Would do no more than indulge in fantasies of taking him on and showing how strong you can be. I am detecting more than a hint of fear from your words.

      I don't think you're right when you say they take you and twist you when they see you strong. More that they see through the bravado and attack the weakness underneath.
      If you were genuinely strong, I highly doubt that an insult would have affected you that badly, no matter how paranoid you are. Hell, I am very paranoid myself, but would not start foaming at the mouth over something like that. You are showing how deeply insecure you are and that is irresistible to a sadist.

      Very well written. I have been very busy, but catching up gives me great pleasure these days. I hope you will continue writing.

      Thank you for what you said to me. Yes, this person is truly exceptional. Strong, intelligent, beautiful. I had been a lying, manipulative misanthrope, hiding behind a mask of sweetness. I am who I am and it feels wonderful that they can accept this side of me. They can calm my rage, help me see beauty, make me stronger and happier. I consider myself to be very fortunate to have met them.

    13. Thank you LA.

      I like to pose here for letting loose. It is just nice to fantasize. **

      "Malignant narcissists can be quite cowardly when confronted and will back down. "

      "Many sociopathic people would not back down from a challenge, And they will not play fair.The strong will crush the weak, but even the strong can get crushed by the cunning."

      My ex did the first and tried to threaten with the second.

      Ukan was very helpful to me a long time ago, the first day I made a comment. I have yet to put what he said into practice. I want to, but I am scared I will fail. I agree, he is very helpful.

      I understand you and I appreciate your advice. Thank you.

      **I do tend to try to poke at people bigger than I am. I do not know what is my compulsion. I am like a kid going up to a giant and throwing cherry pits in his eyes to see if he will flinch just for fun, then scampering away.

      Sometimes think it is flirting or else I just want attention from "the powerful". Or I want their power. Idk. There is a transparency, sure. i try not give into those impulses. Powerful people I am drawn to. I think they like me too. It is usually not because they want to hurt me, though. I would sense that and leave the scene irl.

      I understand the difference between a powerful person, and a disordered individual. I do not want to mess around with danger.

    14. If you were genuinely strong, I highly doubt that an insult would have affected you that badly, no matter how paranoid you are.

      I was feeling my back was against the wall. He was threatening leaving me if I didn't agree to get pregnant. Considering this made me realize just how strong my abandonment issues are. Any borderline would have kicked the shit out of him for calling her diminutive.

    15. How wonderful, L.A. I bet she feels she found the same in you!
      I hear what you say about UKan, in that the true psychopath is fearless. I had a friend who was an undercover drug cop, who was working both side..He was confronted with one of the top drug guys who was going to throw him out a upper story window. He stared the guy down and the guy let him go. My friend told me he could do anything because he had no fear. He did all sorts of crazy things until he found Jesus and became a minister, but you can still see the crazy glint in his eye~

    16. Anon 11:26
      Thank you for your honesty. I apologize for taking so long to reply, but haven't been coming to the site very often lately.

      There is nothing wrong with indulging in fantasy. However, you have to be careful not to indulge to the point that you manage to delude yourself into thinking it's reality. Then it becomes a weakness that will be exploited by the disordered, who will be able to see straight through it.

      I too feel a strong attraction towards powerful people. Personally, these days I prefer to charm them, so I may learn something and/or form an alliance of sorts with them.

      From what you said about throwing cherry pits into the eyes of giants, it sounds like you are doing everything to hit back at an authority figure from your past. Were you the one who spoke a while back about chessboards?
      Sometimes it can be extremely tempting to "poke the bear", even if it does seem self destructive.

      Growing up with a domineering parent(s) takes away any semblance of personal power. Hitting back at them does not seem like a viable option, so a deep resentment of those that seem like a powerful authority figure can arise. Leads to wanting to fight them in order to feel some measure of control.
      I have been there and gotten myself into a few tight situations. Try to overcome this desire, you will only get yourself in unnecessary trouble with the wrong people.

      I am glad you stood up to the lowlife who tried to manipulate you into getting pregnant against your wishes. You are well rid of him.
      I'm curious though, do you have a history of getting together with these kind of men?

      Thank you for your kind words. This person is extremely dear to me. Have helped me in ways you cannot imagine and I truly cherish our friendship.

      Your friend sounds like a fascinating character. The perfect example of someone who does the best with the hand life dealt them with regards to personality. Accepts their darkness and uses it for good. I have a lot of respect for anyone who can do this.

    17. Hi LA.

      It is ok with me that you dont get back right away. I think on what you say and what I have said in the interim.

      I spoke about chessboards. What you said about the domineering parents is right on the money for me. It is exactly "who the fuck do you think YOU are?"

      I do what you do with powerful people too, aligning and learning from them.

      Yes, I tend to attract men who like a bit of a tug of war, a challenge. Not like the douchebag above. He was unbelievable. Men like me because I do not let them try to control me. THen as we progress it shifts around and power plays ensue, and then I'm off on the typical borderline push pull if i like them very very much.

      I have been with the controlling personalities, yes. It seems I cant lay off showing them their face in the end. But If I like them and I keep head cool, it is different.

  12. there it is monica. you and your little freak show in here are all upset. not because I talked about your mum fingerbanging you, but because I questioned if it even happened. how interesting.

    how many lies, how many stories have you spun on here monica trying to win grief? its pathetic. you spoiled bitch. your mum gave you everything and you spat in her face, didn't you? you are worth less than her piss. you will never hold a.candle to your mothers greatness. she made it to being a therapist. you? ha ha ha. a wanna be nuthouse wet nurse. sad that. isn't it monica?

  13. reminds me of a photo as a kid on a tresurehunt me running off with all the candy lol

    1. Yeah, when you're dealing with a "disssociative" personality that can happen. I imagine you believe THAT also. Sad

    2. i don't get it explain it to me
      but slowly

    3. Explain yours first

    4. And why slowly?

    5. Slowly? What's wrong with you?

    6. so i'm not just greedy
      cause that's just too obvious right?

    7. what's wrong with me
      let me check with my shrink

    8. we had a medical at work today i asked the doctor about the rumer that he made a suicide attempt. he answerd he known some dark times. I told him i think that's interesting couse i'm the opposit of him

    9. Oh, hell, you have had 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows like everyone else.

    10. i'm not SPECIAL?????


    11. Explain yours first

      Because she doesn't even know what that is. she learns a new word and blankets everyone she doesn't like with it.

    12. show me some love nigger

    13. oooooh, bad joo joo

  14. Replies
    1. The Multiple Orgasm Series are Theme's Best Picks

      Theme for UKan ( SW's Most Delusional Regular)

  15. For L.A

    Under the covers was a glint, like new life. It had never gone out. How? I am not sure. Life has a tenacity, usually. Once that tenacity goes, you do, too, it seems. Human beings are tensile, like an old tree, bearing it's roots into the ground. It can blow. God made it that way. It can bend. However, it can despair of everything, too. The human heart is tender. You need to know that you are not just a hunk of flesh, which is dispensable like another body thrown on a mass grave, in the war movies.

    The man who is so strong that he cannot shatter is not strong. He is like the hollowed tree, which is waiting for the next big storm. Then, it will not have the strength to sway and bend because it never let in the small glimmers of light along the way.

    1. This is absolutely beautiful, Sofa. I feel honored to have it dedicated to me.

      Just out of interest, have you considered writing poetry? I enjoy poetry and there is some rather powerful imagery here that speaks to me. Words like these could make one hell of a good poem if you were so inclined.

    2. Thank you, L.A. There are no words to say that means to me. I have not tried poetry.

  16. That is very lovely.

  17. Well, if we act selfishly, we often make other people unhappy, who in turn make us unhappy. So maybe for that minute that we act selfishly, we feel happy, but in the long run others will make us suffer for it. Trust me,


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