
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fraudster tips

Pretty entertaining and educational -- "People don't want to appear silly, that's why they don't want to ask questions."


  1. 1st best and biggest dick

  2. "The best way to cure a sociopath, is to for them to meet a better one. Eventually they will kill each other."

    1. do lions kill each other
      or do they look for prey to kill?

    2. Actually no. Sociopaths recognize their own kind. Promote their own. Contempt is reserved for others.

    3. narcs on the other hand i wanne distroy
      so i will stress them untill they selfdistrucks
      (so they can say i didn't win they did)

    4. I went out with a narc last night. I H A D to. She decided somehow that I don't threaten her and somehow I make her look good. She likes to make me a wingman. Blegh/boring.

      Then she asks me why this why that. I read her and tell her she is incessantly full of herself when it comes to catching a man (I make her have a sad face for a few seconds for some reason. But It doesn't end. She says yes, "it IS all abt me" and lol)

      Then there's a lovely friend in love with npd guy. She has been checking in with all her friends, rethinking him . They are engaged.

      She decided that bec I didnt invite her to a small get together that it is uncanny how she invites people into her life where gives her all, and they do not appreciate her (lie) and I cannot relate.

      I ask is she mad that i told her that her bf makes me want to hurl. She says no. i believe her. -She has heard it from enuf friends. She will never leave him and I dont care. But she still is wanting me to love her and go out with them. I can't stomach it, and i am a bit disappointed in her. I think they also get off on me. I think she is probably an inverted narc, given all her past bfs.

      I dropped my narcissist friend who has me for a sidekick.

      I have decided that these people are all tools. I put them down. But I can pick them up. But I do not like to touch them.

      I always want to learn how to decline invitations from narc #1 and the idiot couple without "making them feel rejected" Inverted narc always has to have her bf come along. He is rubbing on me all the time, putting himself as my equal in too many ways. He carries his mensa card and shows people his wallet. it's revolting. He gets sad looking for "making him feel sad" too. I barely do a thing and he starts trying to objectify me. I ignore or change subject skillfully/ turn things away from topic all the time. He is pouts. Peeuw

      But they all cannot lay off me. I smile and nod. I do this with all.

      What is wrong? Where do they come from? Why me? I do not need validation from any of them. They all want to have a nonthreatening sidekick but only when they wont have a sad face??

    5. I have a socio/narcish friend. He will do anything for me. As long as i appreciate him. He asks all the time "Girl, whhhaaaaaa? Are you trowin' me a flower, right now!"

    6. I look at him straight on and put my face in his. We do fist bump and say goodnight.

    7. Your stories are so booooooooring. Why do you tell them?

    8. a) to impress you?

      b)bore you?

      c)to poke you with a stick?

      d)to make you come out to play?

      f) I'm bored mutherfucker?


    10. Since i am not a native speaker myself, i don't wanna say too much, but, anon11:08, your english is really hard to uderstand.... if there's any content that can be understood.

    11. I'm sorry, MyMind. I don't know if a native english speaker would be able to decipher some of it for you. Most can make out content, even if there are run-on sentences and shit grammar.

      THey might also be able to figure out what they do understand and what they do not understand. And then if they're still interested in knowing, they will say " Hey, when you said blah blah blah, what did you mean?"

      Feel free to ask me which parts you didn't understand. Though you probably don't care now and that's cool. It isn't really important.

      I just reread it myself, and i agree. It's awful.

      Sometimes when I am excited, I have trouble laying thoughts linearly. It took me a very long time to learn how to write papers in school. I could not do an outline . You know this thing they teach you:

      Opening statement




      My narcissist mother was ashamed to let me fail so she wrote my papers.

      ALso, when I am near non native English speakers such as yourself, I start to speak in a very, very slight broken english manner, or else with a very slight accent. Or both. Foreigners might ask where I am from. When I tell them, they might not believe me, and sometimes they think I am ashamed to tell them where i'm ReALly from.

      I must want to communicate with you that badly L O L .

      Just trying to figure out where these narcissists fit in to my life.

      I have concluded today, that maybe I search, in them, for someone who won't judge me badly. I gravitate to them (ofc they enjoy attention) and maybe I crave they won't judge me. I guess I want to see that I am ok on their face.

      I thought I was an inverted narcissist like Monica. But I do not CRAVE judgmental people/narcissists. Oh shit, are you also a narcissist, Mymind??

  3. Replies
    1. Your a bunch of assholes. Real sociopaths dont contemplate or feel. Phonies

    2. That's sweet, Themes, thank you.
      But I thought you had figured out who I really am.

  4. M. Brig is Monica

    1. Yes, she is Brig........

    2. ^ She's spending more time in the Forum as other alias

    3. ^ She really sounds like the Barbie13 cartoon character.

    4. I can asure you guys, that M. Brig isn't monica.

    5. how would you know that?

    6. Because MyMind and I know each other

    7. Perhaps she's both.

    8. They think I am everyone around this place~

    9. you're mymind and m. brig

      you can't hide yourself so why even try?

  5. "They do not understand the concept of saving money."

    Oh, i think that's wrong, i understand the concept of saving, and i am pretty sure anyone does, because its nothing you need to be intelligent for.

    The problem with that is, having 10.000dollar at the bank, doesn't make you happy. Spending these 10.000dollars on stuff that you want, makes you happy.
    I only save money, when my current amount of money isn't enough to buy what i desire.

    1. Exactly. But then again, it isn't actual happiness, it's just satisfying your desire for a certain material thing

    2. I know, but you got my point.

    3. it's not only saving for stuff you need right now, but saving for stuff you might need down the road.

      i know a guy who threw out all his winter clothing, including socks, during the summer because it annoyed him or something to have it around, against everyone's advice, then ran out of money just when the weather turned cold.

  6. This video is entertaining? Seriously? Who do you see floored laughing?

  7. How do sociopaths recognize their own kind? As was mentioned above?

  8. you ether feel good or bad about yourslef and if you feel really good about yourself they call you a narcissist
    to me a narcist is someone who needs a verry specific supply.

    1. sociopaths are addicted to the game narcs to the rewards of the game

    2. how i differentiate...

      sociopaths use your weaknesses. narcs get annoyed by them. to a narc you're like a piece of clothing, a certain look they're after. any frays, holes or pilling on your part makes them look bad.

    3. at 8:34

      can narcissists read people extremely well??
      One of my narcissist friends thinks that if a boy talks to her, he is interested in her. Then, she gives an invitation out for her birthday (all the narcissists I know throw birthday parties for themselves) and invites him through another friend. The boy asks the mutual friend if he can bring a girlfriend along..

      I give her all sorts of scenarios, including "maybe he uses this as a tactic because he could tell you were interested and wants to send the message that he is not"

      My narcissist friend will pout and say "I dont understand men at all! One day they want one thing, the next something else,. and why would he ask if he could bring someone!"

      I say to her "maybe he was flirting with you and that's all, and he has a girlfriend." She says "Well he must have JUST met her" I say "it doesn't even matter! Just because you thought he liked you and he flirted didn't mean he wanted to have a relationship with you. Get over it. you think you are always the most attractive person in the room, and that everything is all about you. Sheesh"

      She then starts to have a far away look in her eyes, and looks out the widow. OR, she says "yes heheehee, It IS all about me heheehee, and she does a clapping for herself inside her mind"

      She is the victim of my "insult"or she disses the guy, or thinks she's adorable for having such confidence. She will just move on to the next person she thinks she can seduce.

      Do you think this girl is capable of reading people ? Do you think she is NPD? Or do you think she is just a silly narcissist.

      About every one of my boyfriends she meets, she tells me "I had/have a bad feeling about him." I have figured it out. 1)They look at her. She has enormous breasts. Everyone does. She thinks everyone wants her.

      2)she cannot be happy for me.

    4. AnonymousMarch 16, 2013 at 8:35 PM
      sociopaths are addicted to the game narcs to the rewards of the game

      ZoeMarch 17, 2013 at 11:59 AM
      how i differentiate...

      sociopaths use your weaknesses. narcs get annoyed by them. to a narc you're like a piece of clothing, a certain look they're after. any frays, holes or pilling on your part makes them look bad.

      Will someone give examples??
      I know that I have narcissism. I have to. I cannot figure in what way. I like both a game and I like the rewards if i win . But I laugh only to myself when i win ANd I can read people extremely well.

      I do not want to want my narcissistic supply, whatever that may be.

      WHat kind of questions should I be asking myself?

    5. I thought it must be the approval thing from another narcissist and it was inverted. (I do not want them to judge me badly.)

      But I see the negative when it is not there anyway. With all. It is the borderline thing, where I am effected MORE on the negative face then on the positive one.

      It is not a big deal.I am clearly borderline. I just get very confused.

      It's clear every day. I just forget.

      Hi Zoe and Anon. Sorry to interrupt.

    6. Even the silences do it. I understand . So clearly borderline. ty

    7. Anon 12:44 PM

      Who are you?

    8. I'm Fake Medusa and others.

    9. @anon 12:23

      the narcissists i was referring to expect certain behaviour, and snipe at you if you step out of line. you can't outshine them. you're there to add to their image and be their audience.

      do you want close friends to share activities with and thoughts, or ones who make you look better and/or give you stuff. do you let them talk or do all the talking? i'd start with that.

    10. eek i'm already squinting :-(

    11. I am the second paragraph. I have weird energy and interrupt because I get excited. I sometimes need to hush my impulse to blurt. It makes me feel like a narcissist, but i think it is mixed with something else.

    12. Zoe let me back up. I am the first sentence of the second paragraph. I have trouble concentrating when I am feeling anxious.

      I let them talk. i prefer them to talk, most of the time. I dont want them to give me anything. they do and i appreciate them. I give back what i can give. What i can give is enough for them. there is mutual appreciation.

    13. I have an appointment i have to keep now. Thank you for explaining, Zoe. I hope to talk to you tomorrow.

    14. i will try. nice talking to you anon :-)

  9. blinding white background!!

    ME how about soft grey if you must get away from the black? the white is what i stare at all day at work. i had to put in some overtime a while back and ended up with "snow blindness". the effects of the glare were brutal after a couple of weeks.

  10. Sociopaths do not ponder feelings you fakes


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