Perhaps this is somewhat related: I think I also discovered why someone might rape (I didn't rape anyone, just a dream). The lure of rape is fuzzier to me than the lure of seduction, but there is also an issue of power. The victim is actively rejecting you. The act of rape negates this rejection, denies the victim even that small control over you.
The downside to rape, though, is that the focus is all on the rejection. In fact, rejection is necessary for rape -- if there was no element of rejection, there would be no reason or opportunity to rape. To be a habitual rapist then, you would have to either be rejected all the time (real rejection), or be so insecure and paranoid to think that people would reject you all the time (perceived rejection). Neither way sounds appealing, or even easy to accomplish. Do habitual rapists seek out rejection or provoke it, just to create the opportunity? I'm much too narcissistic to be courting rejection all the time like that. I don't see why anyone else would do it either unless they had a masochistic streak. In any case, I would never do it myself, it's black magic. But now I can sort of see why others do.
lol. what is with the doctor doolittle picture?
ReplyDelete(my word verification was JOGGER...wtf?)
Yep. Rape is all about power, and has very little to do with sex.
ReplyDeleteI'll never look at Jerry Lewis in same way again..
it's an act of violence committed by the insecure. does that sound like you???
ReplyDeleteThat rape is about power rather than sex is not exactly news. However, it is interesting that one would have to be predisposed to seduction in order to catch your attention. I would think that the possibility of being granted the unattainable would fit into seduction as a sort of foil to rape. If one is already willing to give you want you want, what seduction is there? Is not seduction a powerplay as well?
ReplyDeleteWell spotted. That's the thing, when you are a wannabe spath you have some requirements that are not spaths requirements...
What are these "requirements", Dr. Jessi?
DeleteC explained it very well, the "predisposed to seduction".
DeleteIf one is already willing to give you want you want, what seduction is there? Is not seduction a powerplay as well?
ReplyDeletethere are different kinds of power. rape involves forcing someone to do something against their will. seduction doesn't.
i can be seduced by the right window display into spending my money. :)
What seduction does is to turn someones will, which is a much bigger sign of power than to force them against their will.
DeleteYes Zoe, but in order for that to work, you would have to be willing to spend money on the product already. Or perhaps that is just me? To me, a successful seduction would be winning over someone who is in all ways set against it. Or, put another way, the person who can enjoy the window display without making the purchase. That's when the clerk comes in casually suggesting how flattering this piece would look on you.
ReplyDeleteyou may be right, c. but can someone who is in all ways set against seduction be susceptible to it? maybe a part of me wants to make the purchase?
ReplyDeletei fought with a guy at work for months until one day with one look he turned it around. on some level i had to have been attracted to him while we were fighting, but i wasn't aware of it at the time.
is it possible to be won over by someone if there is nothing about them at all that appeals to you? the only way i see that working is if they were to consciously change in some way that makes them appealing.
Once said: Rape is all about power, and has very little to do with sex.
ReplyDeleteSex is all about power.
Rape is all about economics (which is also all about power).
Rape is all about economics and has 'everything' to do with sex.
For those who think I say nonsense read this again. I'm not that bad, no?
DeleteAh, fuck off.
DeletePerhaps you are right, Zoe. But that brings about the question of if you can want something without consciously recognizing it.
ReplyDeleteyes. he was married and i wasn't interested. consciously i was neutral, and i think i pushed back or blocked off the feelings of attraction to the point that i wasn't aware that i had them.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I wonder if it really is possible. I've always believed that to want something, you would first need to recognize what about you/your life could be improved and then how the object in question could fufill you. I've heard others disagree but they were unable to describe to me how the process works for them.
ReplyDeleteI don't like it if someone doesn't go out of their way to try to seduce me.
DeleteMarketing is all about creating needs. First you crave for it, second you explain yourself why. Then you buy it.
DeleteI have anger issues with someone, but I don't want to rape him. I want to get in the ring and kick his ass.( Probably because he makes me kiss it figuratively)
ReplyDeleteI have the bag in the garage...
do what you want. boast to us about it when you are done not before.
DeleteSeducing someone into rape sounds delicious. Tantalize them until they lose control, and plead against them as you both attain your desire. And when the act is done, the power reverses, the rapist having lost control and the victim holding the moral high ground.
ReplyDeleteWTF Moral high ground?
DeleteAnon 4:55 sounds sexy as heck. Where do you live?
DeleteThat sounds very sociopatic, indeed.
DeleteYou have been reading too many of those rubbish romance novels
DeleteUKa, you are just so critical because of the "sounds delicious".
DeleteWill you be both my instrument and my muse, Monica? With you I will play a song of violent ecstasy, and I will leave you broken and complete. You will writhe for me, in pleasure or pain I do not care, so long as I have you twisting beneath me.
DeleteAnon 8:31
DeleteYou are killing me :D
No love lost.
Deletewhen did this become a dating site anyways?
DeleteMedusa, whose own reflection is her demise. Is it your incredible beauty that stops your heart and turns men to stone beneath your gaze? Best then that your terrible visage be pressed into a pillow, to muffle both your screams and your loveliness.
DeleteThat was pretty cheesy. Macaroni & cheese cheesy.
DeleteI like cheese, but how about some fondue?
No Im stating a fact. You stupid cunts want that 'right at the edge' feeling where someone's desires are so insane that they just have to have you. You are a bunch of sexually repressed cats, alone but always pushing people away. Someone should rape you just so you know what it's like Jessi. It wouldn't be pleasant, and you wouldn't feel desirable after ha ha ha.
DeleteJessi can have sex with her handkerchief. I ride laundry all the time because I'm such a sexually repressed cat.
DeleteSounds about right there, lass. maybe you two should become rapists.
DeleteIdk I'm probably too weak to overpower anything beyond an unassuming pillow.
DeleteWell you can always hang out on the corner with a short skirt till someone realizes you deserve it.
DeleteThat is true.
DeleteOh, Medusa, so you are a connoisseur? Do you tire of the vapid stares of imbeciles? In my gaze you will find intensity and ferocity, and a well of intellect that matches your own. I will play your game of subtlety, and you will not realize that you are not predator, but prey until my mouth is on you like a savage beast relishing a fresh kill.
DeleteWhy do all bdsm people use the same speech?
DeleteSeriously. melodramatic pulp fiction. fucking losers.
DeleteThis guy can talk just right. Some lady has him all to herself. Lucky her :)
DeleteMonica, a hunter doesn't bring the spears out to play if he isn't looking for someone to skewer.
Delete"you will not realize that you are not predator, but prey"
DeleteNeither dude. Scavenger. D'oy!
"until my mouth is on you like a savage beast relishing a fresh kill."
So you are a pickle monster?
UKan, the comment was from Anon, not mine, and it was about manipulation, not about rape. If the victim wants to have sex with the raper there is no rape, FYI.
DeleteI use handkerchiefs, a raper uses the victim of rape. We use them differently to your surprise.
Thank you for saying nothing in one paragraph. It's not us misinformed about rape jessi. we all know what that is. i think we all know that rape is non-consensual.
DeleteRapists need to rape. It is an itch they can't scratch with nothing else but the squirming body under them.
You've disarmed me and charmed me Medusa, want to cuddle? I bet you're a great cuddler :3
DeleteTheme Series
DeleteTheme for Smooth Talking Anon
DeleteTantalizing Tuesday Themes
ReplyDeleteClassic Theme for sexy, cerebral Daniel Birdick
Deleteah, you also like him, eh? ;)
DeleteTheme for Anon 4:55
DeleteI miss Daniel Birdick...
Rape seems like a quick fix for those that would rather not take the extra time/risk to try and seduce. I don't know that all rapists anticipated a sure rejection, but rather they find their victim's wants irrelevant and too time-consuming to detect.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe they're just delusional and think they can fuck their victim into liking them.
I also think that for most of them is nothing that thoughtful, they just consume, like the taste of it, so they repeat. Then the shrinks analyses what is their complex motivations but that might always just be in the shrinks reports... I highly recommend you the last interview of Ted Bundy.
DeleteIt's got nothing to do with being too lazy to seduce, because seduction is not the point. It's about degradation. A rapist doesn't care if his victim likes him, because his victim is an object of little value.
DeleteDoesn't even have to be about degradation. When I use a handkerchief I don't degrade it I just use it. The goal of degrading doesn't have to be there.
DeleteI believe what I said was that because whether or not the victim wants him is irrelevant, the rapist does not spend the time and energy detecting. I did not say the rapist is too lazy to seduce and I feel I did support the idea that the victim is viewed as an object by theorizing that their feelings are of no matter or acknowledgement.
DeleteUsing a handkerchief and raping are not in the same category. If raping was such a low sensation as blowing your nose, people would not rape at all. Rape is about power. Just shut up jessi, because you don't know what you are talking about.
DeleteFortunately you clarify it! Is it not the same category? Damn, maybe then it was a metaphor! Are you another Monica??
Delete"Using a handkerchief and raping are not in the same category."
DeleteWhat if you rape a handkerchief?
Now you are splitting hair here.
DeleteWhat if you use the handkerchief to wipe up the mess after a rape?
DeleteWhat if the rapist decides to use the handkerchief as a condom in a last minute not-well-thought-out decision?
DeleteAnd what if all of the above apply?
DeleteThen what?
I will have to give this some thought, medusa, because these are all very valid points.
DeleteMedusa, i love your subversively absurd comments throughout this thread!
DeleteCourting rejection? ha ha. sometimes M.E. i have to wonder where you come up with these retarded notions.
ReplyDeleteSome of these rapists are don juans when they are not out there dragging some poor bitch behind some rubbish bins. It's not about rejection or lack of will to seduce. It's about degrading someone that has no power. Devaluing someone, destroying their soul, and discarding them. That's the rapists goal. He does it because he sees these women as worthless and it turns him on to see them suffer while he gratifies himself. I hope that explains things better for you.
This is giving much too importance to the victim... I don't think they give them that much most of the times. There are definitely different kind of rapists with different reasons for it. Not all are so weak as to need dominance to feel better with themselves.
DeleteIt's not so they feel better about themselves. They learned to obtain power through sexual violence. The victim is the outlet for that.
DeleteBut those ones are the ones that crave for power as an addiction, a dependence, so a weakness. But other recidivists just go for the sexual release. It is not about power craving, it is just about neglecting the fact of hurting a human being to satisfy their petty whim.
DeleteYou know nothing about this subject next to UKan.
Does anyone know? Are UKan and Jessi rapists?
DeleteNot me..
Oh, a second person (maybe) who thinks UKan is very knowledgeable. Interesting.
Rape has to do with insecurity or being weak. it's the strong dominating the weak. you don't know anything about power jessi. you are a simple minded fool.
DeleteThe above sentence is actually: Rape has NOTHING to do with insecurity or being weak.
Deleteit's the strong dominating the weak.
DeleteYou've got that exactly backwards, my friend.
Yeah medusa, im sure. its the weak dominating the strong ha ha ha. only strong people get raped. ha ha ha. if only strength was based on a moral scale.
DeleteRapists find the weakest people to rape. They pick them out.
example of rape victim: Monica
DeleteHey, medusa, didn't you say that you and monica had a lot of similarities?
If rape is about power, how can a rapist take power from someone that you say doesn't have any?
DeleteHe's dominating someone with no power you stupid bitch, how is this hard for the lot of you to understand.
DeleteYou all are way too stereotypical. I think all rapists have different motives. I should know...
DeleteWhy should you know above others?
To dominate someone with no power sounds very challenging... They also kill little cats as a prove of power? ;)
It's not proof. It's an outlet.
DeleteThen a helplessness outlet, not a power outlet...
What the fuck do you know about power you stupid cunt. You just told me that Power Is Sex. That's probably one of the most retarded statements I've heard this year. Do you think Stalin achieved all he did to get laid? You dumb slut. You can't see anything outside your open legs.
DeleteFor some rape may be a way to externalize the victim within themself for not feeling the pain being victimized anymore. They project the self-hatred due to their own former suffering and degradation on somebody else - the rape-victim. Thus hatred and power are to compensate the lack of a positive self-image or the lack of a self at all.
DeleteThis works also in conversations not only on a sexual level.
You are somewhat right, but it's learnt behaviour in that case not projection. they learnt that forcing sex on someone is a way of achieving power. A lot of violent sexual predators are underachievers. they are powerless in their professional life.
Deleteas long as you have the last word you get the assertion you over-powered me?
DeleteI don't need the last word just the last laugh you fucking muppet.
Deletei'm laughing at you, satisfied?
DeleteI can't keep track of the anons I like.... :/
DeleteI'd say it's equal parts degradation and domination. I once had the urge to rape someone simply because he was no longer being as submissive as he had been. He was wising up to my manipulative tactics and was pulling away. Anyway, I imagine that's why men rape other men in prison. They are all forced down to the same level, so maybe some of them feel the need to assert their dominance and position themselves a little higher above the others in order to satisfy some psychological need.
ReplyDeleteWell, there is a wide range of motives why people rape. Sexual incontinence has obviously few to do with the prison raping. Rapers might act because of insecurity, assertion of dominance, sexual crave, anger release, addiction triggers, ...
DeleteUKan's explanation is accurate and far exceeds Jessi's wide range of psycho babble.
DeleteI agree with Anon 9:24. Jessi, you can't keep up with people on here. Listen more and yap less.
DeleteNobody cares who you agree with. You will never understand why your mum stuck that dildo in your pooper.
DeleteYou sound so much as soulmates...
UKan and I are soulmates. SW has not been this much fun since the Fomentiles.
Deleteyes you love the abuse don't you. ha ha ha. it's sick really monica. you fondling yourself to fantasies of your mother fucking you. you really do get off on this kind of malice.
Deletethis cunts been waiting for me to come back so I talk to her like this; talk to her just like she fantasizes her mother talks to her.
that's right you are not sexy
ReplyDeletei just want power over you
rape is about forcing someone to have your babys so they can bring more evil in the world
ReplyDeleteRosemary's Bebe
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd say this, but I missed you UKan, great to have you back. Your April 29 remarks were true to your form. I am curious how different people react to your remarks, what sort of emotions you are able to raise in them. My reactions have changed significantly over time, and at this point I seem to have no emotional reaction other than enjoying your not-having-changed, your form. How is Missus, by the way?
ReplyDeletepeople usually get mad at me at first. then they project their overbearing father onto me and we go from there.
DeleteI have been posting as Anon for some time but always enjoyed UKan's sense of humor and insight. Maybe, we get so little truth in life that it is refreshing to hear it in exact form. Hat's off to you, UKan.
overbearing fathers, fuck them..
DeleteWhere's there "from there" ?
Thanks you all of my adoring fans. You are far too kind
DeleteI see in UKan just an angry version of Monica. Yawn.
What a perception there jessi. keep going. i don't think we have given you enough credit.
DeleteHa ha
DeleteMy laugh for the day~
I see Jessi as an annoying, arrogant ditz.
DeleteDear god woman, you are seriously unbearable. I try to skip your comments, I really do. Must be a masochistic streak in me that makes me read them.
For someone who keeps saying over and over again that she is here to learn, you sure as hell spend a lot of time yapping like a retarded chihuahua. "Wannabe!" "Place a nick" and ignoring any advice people actually cared enough to give you.
Not only do you assume that you know enough about sociopaths to diagnose someone off a single post, but your sense of entitlement blows me away. You really do expect those you deem worthy of your attention to jump at the chance to help you manipulate a man who quite clearly wants nothing to do with you.
Get over yourself and seek professional help. You desperately need it.
While your mouth is open do me a favour.....
DeleteThat's the best you got, Jessi?
DeleteYou are even more pathetic than I thought.
Ha! Not worth it, UKan. That idiot would yap away even during a blowjob, then come back here wanting advice on how to manipulate you into wanting her.
i like jessi's comparison between monica and ukan. keep going jessi, let all the jerks show off their self-hatred and demons of their over-bearing fathers.
Deletefine ill just toss myself and shoot it in her face
DeleteHa! That's the spirit.
DeleteI guess if you use a ball gag on her it might not be so bad. But she's still pathetic enough to stalk you afterwards.
men are disgusting
DeleteWhat makes you think I'm a man? The talk of blow jobs and ball gags?
DeleteOr was that just an opinion you had to share?
felt so disgusted just needed to share that
DeleteI'm curious, what exactly disgusted you so much?
Deletethink i am most disgusted by myself reading and commenting all this shit...
DeleteI'd be disgusted too if I had encouraged an idiot like Jessi ;) Are you the one who was saying about rape being about making evil babies?
DeleteAlso, nobody is forcing you to read or comment. You want to play, so you play. Why not walk away when you've had enough, rather than stating that men are disgusting?
You're so inconsistent, Anon 1:37. What's all that love / hate going on inside your brain?
DeleteHow am I inconsistent exactly?
One day you're hating people, next thing you know you're sucking their asses and stroking on their shit. Get over your issues, cunt.
Deleteit's like shadow-boxing, maybe i am the one who deserved the "cunt" but who can tell?
DeleteNow I'm curious about who it is that I supposedly hate one day and "stroking their shit" the next.
DeleteYou will remain curious, then. Enjoy it.
Deletei didn't say anything about making evil babies. and i still like jessi, nothing disgusting about that.
DeleteThat just makes you sound like you're throwing around bullshit and not backing it up. Sad.
DeleteDon't get me wrong, I am a cunt. But I'm a pretty consistent one in my views and treatment of people here.
Start posting with your account and we'll go from there.
Deletethere are at least three of us...
Deletei am afraid of you, i will not post with my account
DeleteThis anonymous game is fun, huh? All us cunts playing together..
DeleteThe evil babies comment was retarded. And as for Jessi, my opinions of her are pretty obvious, but the winky thing was supposed to tip you off that it was a joke.
So what did you comment that made you disgusted at yourself then?
Agressive people without a reason are so boring... They all sound the same. Same words, same speech, ... Yawn.
Who said there's no reason? You annoy the hell out of me.
Deletedisgusting is me playing power-games with strangers, though it is fun, yeah, all us cunts playing together
DeleteWhat a pathetic life you must lead to seek power through a comment section.
Deletewell, it's mostly watching others to seek power. i am more for the fun and distraction
DeleteOh the irony of Jessi talking about pathetic... delightful.
DeleteYou stink and you are worthless. Yawn.
Ha! More irony... you are a laugh a minute, Jessi. I'm laughing at you, not with you though. Just to clarify, since you're obviously not the brightest.
DeleteTell me about your mother.
DeleteNo thanks. Not a fan of shrinks or their bullshit. And I've already said all I wanted to about my family before.
DeleteYes, blame their bullshit instead of yours. Easy way of never learning anything and remaining the same fuckup you were before...
this comment section is really fun, shadow-boxers, ventriloquists, shrinks. what next?
Deletedon't know how many Jessis are around, but i still like her
DeleteThere you go showing your ignorance and arrogance again, Jessi.
DeleteYou don't know anything about me, except that I really don't like you, shrinks, or whingers and yet claim I was a fuckup. Tisk Tisk. Judging to make yourself feel superior again.
I like being the cunt I am. I'm very good to those that matter and that's enough for me.
Not really getting what is all kinds a sociopathic about this blog, but the comments can get funny as hell. I love the people who say "rape is all about power" "rape isn't about sex". Power is about sex. Control is about sex. Sex is about power. Sex is about control. Sometimes people give you power control. Sometimes you got to take it.
ReplyDeletePower is about sex. Control is about sex.
You should have sex more, so you don't think it's such a big deal mate.
Power is power in and of itself. sex is only a means to an end, and that end is seldom power itself.
Whatever. Maybe your not fucking right. Sex is power. Maybe you should have sex more.
DeleteMaybe to you slut. Most of us don't have to fuck their way into someone's pockets or to get somewhere in life. You are nothing more than a prostitute justifying your your worthless existence.
DeleteI hope you are both just teens...
What is your age, Jessi?
Delete21. she sounds like she just got in the club scene and thinks manipulation is getting a guy to buy her a drink
DeleteI wonder if Jessi and T UA are the same people? Something tells me they are. But haven't seen T UA since she juggled chain saws and drank gasoline. hahahahahah
DeleteI had such great fun with her.
Wow, you're an observant one, aren't you?
DeleteTUA is Tom Hill/Virus.
He is absolutely nothing like this brain dead freak Jessi.
I don't know who Tom Hill/Virus is or followed his posting - asshole!
DeleteSee, I knew you were observant, you even know my name :)
DeleteTom said he was TUA at least once. And if you know nothing of him or read his posts, then what makes you say that him and Jessi are the same person?
tom hill is brain dead. he's a complete sucker like the lot of you
DeleteMaybe that other guy is a teener, I'm a male whore who understands the power in sex and the sex of power. Fucking to get into someones pockets or get ahead in life is the oldest and most effective way going. Getting someone to crave your sex and expect your sex can be manipulative to the bone. But you have to be able to control it. Sex is all about control.
Delete@UKan Skank "justifying your your worthless existence", that's what your doing here. Got it. Keep eating up the attention from your sdoring fans, all 6 of em who are tucked away nicely in this little corner of the internet sucking each other off and throwing absurd barbs at the ones you don't have there dicks in your mouth. What's the point of your existence fag?
Mate the real trick is not fucking someone and leaving a lure of sexuality. However, all of that is moot. These are all means to an end. It's not power itself which is the ultimate goal in anything that I do personally. Sex is not power. power is power.
Deletei have fans even though I insult every person here. that's power mate. i don't even have to pander to people like you do or try to be likable. im just a cunt and they come running.
DeleteThat's a big part of your charm, UKan. You being an asshole.
DeleteThat and the fact that you crack me up.
that's power at work. people feel the urge to come running. look for love not for power. that will make you feel happier.
DeleteHa. That's me dude. The pandering glad hander looking for validation through the eyes of others. How did you know this about me. You got a crystal ball or something like that. You should get that thing fixed. Maybe your not using it right. Maybe your looking into that crystal and only seeing your reflection. By the looks of this blog, just today you have posted non stop adolescent shit in hopes somebody might defend the words they posted against your mildly humorous rants designed for accolades of the rest. Sad. Get a life.
DeleteGlad to hear, tate. My goal is to lower the pasuedo-intellectual level of the conversation here to bring blowhard nobodies who think they have things figured out back to reality. by the looks of it people were already tired of your pretentious nonsense.
Deletei don't need a crystal ball to figure you out, mate. you walk around with a fucking billboard announcing who you are as it is.
You have been successful. Now you should raise your bar and at the very least try and be a solid turd instead of the spray of shit you profess to be. Pardon me for the billboard I walk around with, I wear this trick to see who believes the horse shit written on it. Looks like I found another gullible punk. Interested in buying a bridge already built and highly trafficked.
Deleteyeah tate. you must be trying pretty hard with playing the fool because I certainly am buying it right now.
Deleteit must be your mask wearing skills. the ability to blend in the rest of the idiots.
It's OK fool. Don't get too down on yourself. There's always next year to achieve the level of a Real Shit. Hold consolation your still a spray of shit and not a constipation pain. Be warned though, degradation is the other possibility to progress for you. By the way, it's a billboard not a mask. You got it right the first time. Stop second guessing yourself.
DeleteI find I have masturbated more since visiting this site regularly
ReplyDeleteVery Cool.
DeleteWas it to rape stories or my words in particular?
DeleteI don't fap and tell.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to make him beg for it?
DeleteBut he's put on such a nice show today and everything...
ha earlier I was asked if I'm going to make Jessi beg for it. I guess everyone wants a nice slice of Chet Covington
Deletejk that was stupidly presumptuous of me
I'm sure UKan has bitches at his feet
and Jessi is still obsessed with that one fake sociopath
no one's got the time for a gender ambiguous gay soap opera star named recluse
except my comforter...
You're pretty, Chet. Will you scream for me like Medusa wouldn't? That unassuming pillow of yours may yet see some action, provided it can suffer your bite and not drown in your tears.
Deletelol if you want anything from me you can message me on mygirlfund so I can get paid for my services.
Deleteanother prostitute. ha ha.
DeleteIt's either that or college and why would I go there again?
DeleteYou go to college to learn skills to earn money. You already got em. No reason whatsoever. Have a retirement plan. Old Ho's make no dough.
Deletemost of these slags don't make it to be old. they get fucked into the ground and eventually some deranged sexually abused psychopath that strangles them and throws them into the rubbish bin.
DeleteMeh I've only made $5.00 so far, partly because they take 65% initially, partly because I suck at making myself cum, especially on camera.
DeleteI also write, but it needs maturing.
I may return to college in a few years to be a mortician, but presently I am trying to make another hundred or so to relocate to New England.
Your going to relocate to New England with $205? Have fun.
DeleteI already have about $300 in my bank account. I have a place to stay with friends I have there. One of them needs a publicist.
DeleteO. $505. Much better. You got a place to stay though and a built in money box should you need to pick up money once you get there. Stay away from truck stops. Bad ju ju.
DeletePlanning to fly or if need be take the Greyhound
DeleteToday's post has been a real wake-up call for me, seeing into the psychological dynamics involved during this gross crime.
ReplyDeleteIt leaves the victim powerless, broken, defeated and the worst of it, is that it goes almost unnoticed, a blind eye is turned.
Were you a victim or has your eyes been opened to the ass you have been.