
Friday, September 27, 2013


I thought this was an interesting sentiment that supported a concept that I have long found helpful in terms of directing your behavior for both sociopaths and non -- imagining the effects of your behavior on your future self.

The tendency to live in the here and now, and the failure to think through the delayed consequences of behavior, is one of the strongest individual-level correlates of delinquency. We tested the hypothesis that this correlation results from a limited ability to imagine one’s self in the future, which leads to opting for immediate gratification. Strengthening the vividness of the future self should therefore reduce involvement in delinquency. We tested and found support for this hypothesis in two studies. In Study 1, compared with participants in a control condition, those who wrote a letter to their future self were less inclined to make delinquent choices. In Study 2, participants who interacted with a realistic digital version of their future, age-progressed self in a virtual environment were less likely than control participants to cheat on a subsequent task.

This supports sociopath researcher Stephanie Mullins-Sweatt's assertion that the main personality trait separating successful sociopaths from the less functioning ones is conscientiousness, or an awareness of and distaste for unpleasant future consequences. In other words, a dynamic version of a cost-benefit analysis. As one sociopathic reader described it:

the only reason i don't act upon my urges is the knowledge of reprisal. i don't necessarily fear consequence; i simply acknowledge it as being more inconvenient than some short-lived gratification. as a matter of fact, the inconvenience of consequences is the only thing that holds me back from my desires. the wants themselves run the gamut of importance... sleeping with a woman who isn't my wife is not ethically or socially objectionable to me. overall, the impact on the world because of 'cheating' is incredibly minimal. the risk-analysis of temporary physical enjoyment Vs long-term stability is more effective in decision making than any kind of ethics. refusing to slow down at an intersection, when i have the right-of-way and someone pulls out in front of me, is not ethically or socially objectionable to me. however, going to jail and being locked in a cage seems especially repugnant- not to mention the hassle of repairing my vehicle.


  1. Oftentimes I've tried to think about how my current actions would affect my future self. Most of the time I know that bad (or just not very good) consequences may occur, but the immediate gratification is much more appealing. So throughout my life, I've made some poor choices, but I don't feel much regret because I know that if put back in that situation again, I would most likely have made the same decision.

  2. I'm certain-or at least I hope-that M.E. has some means to discourage
    this Vego person who seems intent on destroying her blog.
    What happened? I thought he had gone away? Most of his fellow
    kindred spirts disaprove of his actions. Is this his way of letting off
    steam? Or does he really want to harm M.E. He should be aware that
    if he does suceed in driving M.E. away, he will have won no victory.
    It will just be a bit more boring. People will scatter to other sites.
    He should work on his mental issues. Join some spiritually oriented
    orginization. Improve his diet. He can't be a happy man.

    1. I'm certain-or at least I hope-that M.E. has some means to discourage this Vego person who seems intent on destroying her blog.

      Like what? Blocking IP addresses? Devoting more time to the blog and its comment section? Give people a "object" button. Write a program that then after let's say 5-10 objections deletes the comment automatically? Are you willing to freely serve as a moderator?

      Most of his fellow kindred spirts disaprove of his actions.

      Who exactly are her/his (Vegitopath) "kindred spirits"? You thought he was gone? Interestingly he re-appeared on a comment thread with not much activity beneath a rather long statement by M.E. Did this prevent people to comment on your well-reflected response somehow?

      He should be aware that if he does suceed in driving M.E. away, he will have won no victory. It will just be a bit more boring. People will scatter to other sites.

      And you will loose some anonymous spritual friends? We all will have to look for a substitute to find new ones or return to old?

    2. Where's my camera? I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.

    3. You are big, Vegito. It's the site that got small ;)

  3. the risk-analysis of temporary physical enjoyment Vs long-term stability is more effective in decision making than any kind of ethics. refusing to slow down at an intersection, when i have the right-of-way and someone pulls out in front of me, is not ethically or socially objectionable to me. however,

    Maybe it would help to define conscience and consciousness. In my case the above scenario is not a little bit connected with conciousness, but simply concerns more or less rigid perceptions of "my rights" versus someone else's.

    In this context I "believe" in the Shared Space concept. Which means that I do not execute my right without initial eye-contact. This has an arguably selfish reason. Although I attempt to not be distracted but remain in the now in this context and open to all my attention can grasp, meaning no ear-plugs with music either, there is no ultimate garuantee that I will never ever be distracted by whatever is going on on my mind.

    1. ultimate garuantee that I will never ever be distracted by whatever is going on on my mind.

      Rather long sentence, I know, but still something is missing: "and may need someone else's attention at one point in the future."

    2. No chance to delete this. I was in fact distracted by a problem I have to solve. And only scanned the article above. So we have moved beyond conscience and becoming a God or who of us is has more "conscientiousness" in educating his kids. Yesterday's topic. ;)

  4. Instant gratification doesn't lead very far eventually. It took me a long time to recognize that my life of constant adventure, decadence and live-for-today is ultimately limiting. I have had a great younger life, but my older life is pretty lame as a result compared to my friends who did the right thing their whole lives. However, I have memories of more than the tedious slave life they have lived. ITs all about balance and maturity in the end. For example, I would like to be faithful to one girlfriend after a lifetime of infidelity because it's where I have evolved to. I want to love deeper and more honestly. I don't like feeling shallow, I want to really be present for what my potential can be.

  5. And now for something completely different. We interrupt this lively conversation to bring to you a special message from Dexter M.

    1. Thanks, appreciated. Refreshing. ;)

      Has M.E. already outed the respective socipath/s among the Monty Pythonians?

      Well on first impression a message from a lumberjack who desparately would love to join a crew of Dextra Morganas. Or do you feel it's a vision of his own type of future Modus Operandi? A "Dexter/ra" with a split personality disorder in that case? ;)

    2. Haha, love it. Wish all sociopaths were as intelligent and contentious as Dexter.

    3. conscientious...

  6. "Saying sociopaths never feel or love is like saying someone suffering from depression can never laugh."

    THats nice.

  7. love is something i do not feel

    1. Yeah, pretty sure you do.
      Stop trying to make yourself sound like King Badass

    2. you know what i feel more than i do?

    3. Hi there.
      Tell me how it really is then.

      Because I think that everyone feels love. Maybe not the bullshit chick flick love, but they do feel love.

    4. GE, do you consider yourself a sociopath?

    5. Used to. Too many people in my life screaming and crying at me that I am.
      I blame Martha Stout :)

      Labels don't matter to me. I am what I am.

      Much more importantly, do you? And if so, why?

      Also would love if you'd indulge me and say more about you and love.

    6. Thank you GE. i am not anonymous 10:23. I am 7:30

  8. Off topic: I have a question that involves compulsive disorder; do narcissists have this disorder where they are meticulous or is that reserved for sociopaths?

    Many men in jail have this behavior including the "Iceman."

    1. meticulousness is perfectionism, no?

    2. So true. Thanks for answering :)

    3. You're welcome, but ..That's it? we're done? all you wanted to know was whether or not a narcissist has perfectionism? There wasn't sthg more profound on your mind?

  9. If anyone with borderline, narcissist or antisocial disorder feels love- How come they treat their partners and kids like shit?

    Answer please, oh brilliant love feeling people.

    1. Are you trying to say that every "disordered" individual treats their partner and children like shit?

      Awww. Did someone mistreat you, you poor little perfect darling?

      Now, we can continue in this condescending, arrogant way. I'm happy to continue treating you like the whiny, passive aggressive bitch you sound like.
      Or... you can say what exactly happened to bring you here like this and maybe have a normal conversation.
      Up to you.

  10. This isn't about me. This about you and your LOVE

  11. I am really satisfied with this posting that you have given us. This is really a stupendous work done by you. |


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