I honestly don't know why sociopaths are so concerned with gaining power. I don't think it is necessarily unique to sociopaths, obviously, but I would say that it seems to apply to the vast majority of sociopaths. Perhaps there is something evolutionarily implicated here, that for the same reasons that sociopaths were evolved to not have a conscience, they were also evolved to crave power?
There's something very primitive about the sociopath's drive for power, like the sex drive, but it can manifest itself in many ways. For instance, I think a lot of sociopaths just want to make people jump, or at least know that they can. Some of them want the classical form of power, for example some political or business position or the money that can buy the power. Some of them, like me, channel the drive for power to include power over oneself, one's impulses and inclinations.
I do think that Machiavelli was a sociopath. There are a lot of people that I sort of suspect are sociopaths, but it's really hard to tell if anyone is without being privy to their thought processes. Anything else is complete speculation. For instance, I got in this idle debate once about whether Angelina Jolie was sociopath leaning. In my mind she had some of the clear identifying factors: creepy attachment to family, volatile, bisexual, and loves Ayn Rand (libertarian leaning politically). The person I was arguing with could not get over her humanitarian work, which to me is a nonstarter because there could be plenty of reasons why she does that. You know? Like why do I write this blog? People always want to know stuff like that, but there could be a million reasons, including accumulating power, respect, being able to influence the dialogue about a particular subject, etc. And with Angelina Jolie, how can you explain the other stuff? Like the fact that she has a look that makes people want to cry and she can be equally seductive with straight women as she is with men? But really I could go either way with her, and without looking inside her head there's no way to know for sure.
There are few people that I would feel confident to say are sociopaths, most of them literary because we actually get to see the "honest" picture of how they think, e.g. Tom Ripley, Cathy from East of Eden, and some others I have mentioned on the blog.
How to learn to think like a sociopath? I don't know, find one to apprentice with? But I would be careful. I think after you learn to think like a sociopath, there is something about you that changes and you can never really go back. I think this is particularly true if you learn to think like a sociopath at a young age and had all of those sociopathic neurological pathways reinforced instead of the "normal" ones.
For more information, please visit our Web Community.
Is this a joke? Why would anyone want to learn to think like a sociopath?
ReplyDeleteIt's important to learn to be as rational as you can be, but to think as a sociopath would mean you cannot love, why would anyone want a life without the ability to love? or without the ability to experience it on any deep level?
The sociopath will never be able to understand certain things and this trend to be like a sociopath is stupid. Learn from sociopaths what is useful and disregard what is not useful.
That's like a sociopaths learning how to be bipolar.
ReplyDeleteI've learned a lot here from conversing with the sociotypes, both about who I already was and who I am going to want to be. I find myself thinking sociopathically quite a lot, but it's not an act.
I have also recently begun to wonder if I am developing bipolar disorder.
Right now I have a hard time seeing myself going back to the person I was even a year ago.
Can't say that I am unhappy about either revelation.
Of course, I'm feeling pretty manic this week....
For the most part sociopaths relationships are a one night stand or long term. The long term partner is based on someone who's useful and valuable. They thrive on confrontation. They have purpose in everything they are doing. They use people. They are not afraid to abandon you coldly and to her face reguardless of how it makes you hurt. Ask anyone in here who's broken up with a sociopath.
ReplyDeletePeople who have low self esteem and abandonment issues tend to have short burst relationships that last till the infactuation wears off. They have commitment issues with men who are not dominant. They have lack of initiative so that is a need they want filled, but they seek men who don't because they are afraid that they will abandon them and leave them hurt. They are right in a sense because they are extremely vulenrable when with a dominant man. This is why they say nice guys finish last. They are afraid of confrontation, and engage in passive aggressive behaviour compulsively. When they are alone they go on a downward deppressing spiral so they need attention.
She said that men cried to her in the break up. This shows the type of men she seeks. Everyone has a type and I'm sure she didn't break her pattern. She tends towards weak men and finds them undesirable in a matter of months. Fits right in.
Another statement was that they would call her and ask her out, and she would lie to them. Why lie? Why pick up the phone at all? She felt compelled to explain why she wouldn't hang out with them. Being unconfrontational she lied to spare his feelings not to make some plot. Its obvious. What else would you gain.
Another statement said she would fake crying if they broke up with her. To what end? The reality was she was crying for real and has rewritten history to delude herself that she's in control.
Another statement says she would comfort her crying ex. Why? What sociopath can stand the pathetic sound of crying anyway? Maybe if something was at the end of this trail of tears, but no. No, instead we are led to believe it was a diabolical plot to get men to break up with her. Why not say you're now a lesbian? How bout fucking a man while he's walking in? Why make him break up at all? She wants to spare their feelings, and that's the only logical explanation.
Comment for last post since it keeps getting deleted on the other section
ReplyDeleteWow you even delete them out of the other sections? How funny
ReplyDeleteMedusa, ask a dr. before suggesting to yourself you might be bi polar. That's not something you want to mess with by even thinking about. You may have something else going on that's making you angry and that makes you think you're manic. I have experienced this and it passes. Just a suggestion.
ReplyDeleteSomeone said on here that the only way they could cope with the sociopath in their life was to become one. Something to those words. I can understand why someone would say this but it just comes from anger. I'm different for sure, not as naive and that took an innocence away from me. That's gaining knowledge and maturity though. I prefer me the way I was before but I'm sure there is a good purpose for all this. I have to believe that.
ps UK what is going on? M.E. is deleting your comments?
ReplyDeleteI do know that bipolar is very serious, and I also want to say for the record that I know that it is not par for the course to suddenly "develop" it in adulthood, or at will.
The anger comes from when I am depressed, not manic. When I am feeling manic, like right now, it is much different.
I say that I am not unhappy about this bipolar revelation, because I've been saying for a while that I would much rather be bipolar than severely depressed (which has been the case for most of my life). Because then I could at least get some things done. Sometimes. I do know that it is historically a much more difficult "disease" to manage.
I attribute this bipolarness (or quasi bipolarness) to three things:
1. Weed. I don't smoke that much, and I always take time off when I run out. Two weeks on, one week off, generally. When I stop, I become manic. Euphoric. I stop eating, don't sleep all that much, write like crazy, have wonderful ideas, run around getting all kinds of things done, do brave things. After a while it becomes overwhelming, so I have to resupply myself as an antidote. But if I overdo the self-medication, it will make my depression worse. I'm working on my dosage. This cycle has been going on for the past year or two.
2. My life dreams are starting to come true. Granted, this might make anyone manic.
3. When I change a thought pattern, I seem to become a little bit manic. They feel like revelations from on high. Intense. I become very powerful. This is very much related to my studies regarding sociopathy and narcissism and the like. Often this is preceeded by a depression and some kind of rant on this blog, as well as an attempted beat down by Ukan.
So there you have it.
This blog is nothing more than mass suggestion.
ReplyDeleteEverything ME writes is so grey that you wind up seeing the fogged over desired socio view point. It has nothing to do with a sociopath searching for some truth hidden deep within or trying to understand one's nature, since almost every single topic or post ME has ever put up was and is about other people or some research result, with none of it being drawn into a direct connection to reflect ME's thoughts on his or herself.
You all have had your strings pulled by ME.
Also. There is this woman, an internationally very well-known musician. Who happens to have been the biggest influence ever on my musical life. She is known for having the scariest voice in the universe, as well as for her misandry and political fanaticism.
ReplyDeleteI did not know her previously, but his week I have been having some very intense arguments with her. She is insane (to put it nicely), and very very possibly a sociopath. Probably, actually. Definitely severely narcissistic.
She is also completely full of shit. She knows that I know that she is full of shit, and she can't handle it. I have somehow become a huge threat to her. I remain in control, rational, diplomatic and unbothered, while I watch her and her mindless minion clones lose their shit, rant on and on about me, spread lies about me, refuse the drop the issue, and attempt to censor me.
I find this experience to be hilarious and extremely amusing. And it feels incredible. Being in control is amazing. Knowing that I am superior to an idiot excuse for a sociopath, whom I used to greatly admire, and knowing that she knows this (though she would never admit it, of course), is phenomenal.
I am sure that this is also feeding my mania to some extent. Control.
Anon, you are wrong. ME has posted several times about personal experiences and thoughts. Look around the blog a little bit before you make such assumptions.
ReplyDeleteAlso, who ever said that the purpose of this blog was for ME's personal "growth" or is his attempt to "search for some truth hidden deep within"?
ReplyDeleteTo quote the very first blog post:
There really isn't much positive information out there for sociopaths and those who love them. I figured that a blog written by a sociopath who is living a normal life (and not in prison) might help improve people's misconceptions and fears about us.
To learn to think like a sociopath would give you power, as you would have a better understanding of their game.
ReplyDeleteThey like it better when they think you don't know whats going on, and tend to move on when you turn the tables on them.
Iamme, that's been my experience for sure.
ReplyDeleteMedusa, now that I'm reading your comments I do see the mania. I don't recall you ever sounding this way. I did't realize you had these situations historically.
ReplyDeleteIs weed the only med you take? Would you consider taking some of the new meds they have available now? But then you couldn't smoke. Do yoga. I know that sounds lame but it helps especially during mania. I didn't know you were a musician..good for you. I wish I could have played the piano!
And yes I can understand how these things could make you manic.
It's true that when you begin to look at what motivates someone's actions, be it yourself or someone else, you can then choose to act vs. react and that is very empowering.
ReplyDelete"Is this a joke? Why would anyone want to think like a normal person?
It’s important to learn to be as rational as you can be, but to think as a normal person would mean that you confuse wildly oscillating feelings and never ending stupid human drama with significance, meaning and most importantly, love. Why would anyone want to live without that or without the ability to lie to yourself on any deep level?
The normal person will never be able to understand certain things and this trend to be like a normal person is stupid. Learn from normal people what is useful and disregard what is not useful."
See how that sounds when mirrored back to you?
You just screwed with my mind DB!!!! And it wasn't even directed at me..omg.
I think Angelina Jolie shows signs of Borderline. Her actions seem to thrive off of needing attention and love, and fear of abandonement (her tabloid history and documentaries state as much). Her humanitarian thing could easily be a way to cover up for all the bad press she constantly gets. Her attention seeking wild behavior is destroying her future career, so she needs to refurbish it somehow. Besides, humanitarian work? What is she really doing besides getting tax write-offs and pictures. Her beavior lately is clingy, and desperate to stay in the limelight. She seem more like the type to lie abut being as hardcore as a sociopath, when in reality she cares too much about people not liking her. She screams emotionally unstable, severe daddy complex issues, attention whore than a cold, no empathy for people, or anything living, sociopath...
ReplyDelete@ Jesse you hit it right on the money!!!! those are my thoughts exactly. She aways just seemed to have an incredibly low self esteem to me with the need to get with taken men (billy b thorton, brad pitt) and her antics always seemed as cries for attention from kissing her brother to adoptions and charity photo ops. Ive never been convinced by her charity work.
ReplyDeleteAs for machiavelli i doubt he was a sociopath since when you research him you find that he admitted that he only wrote the prince to get the attention of the royalty at his time.
Medusa said ...
ReplyDeleteWeed. I don't smoke that much, and I always take time off when I run out. Two weeks on, one week off, generally. When I stop, I become manic. .... I'm working on my dosage. This cycle has been going on for the past year or two.
hey medusa, using pot like that, it's like you're stuck riding both ends of a see-saw. have you thought of weaning yourself off it rather than experimenting with the dosage? you may have to just ride one out clean. until you cut it out completely how can you know for sure if you're bipolar or just really sensitive to pot? if you're still experiencing mood swings after being clean for a few months, you can always go back to the pot to manage it.
i experience racing thoughts only in the months of january thru march. my cycle is up to down to manic, not down to up to manic. it's plunging downward that triggers it. i don't consider myself bipolar. these are not swings in emotion, but changes in energy level. since they're seasonal, my mood swings are likely chemical. i like to think they're cause by the insanity of christmas. ;)
you want to use all that energy, not let it use you. sleep more, exercise more, avoid caffeine. introspection is okay and can bring insights, but can make your thoughts spin faster too, and harder to control and stay in focus. if things get really crazy and intense, keep in mind you're like a tourist traveling through a foreign land. it's important to respect the local customs.
I prefer Max Stirner to Ayn Rand, thank you very much. Fucking capitalists. :/
ReplyDeleteThis was from my email, let me clear some things up for you guys.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'm an empath. I'm not trying to "become" a sociopath, which is what some of you seem to think.
I think one of the problems with most people is that they project what they are thinking or feeling on others. This makes it difficult to read people accurately. I find that by learning to think like other people, learning different systems of thought if you will, you can analyze situations much better. The sociopath "system of thought" is definitely one worth learning, based on what I've read here.
Quite frankly, I don't think I'm alone in wanting to learn more about sociopaths for that reason. I might be one of the few that would articulate it, but I don't think that I'm alone in wanting to learn this. The Art of War, The Prince, Robert Greene's books, etc. have sold millions of copies each. What are these books? They are books that teach you to think strategically and not to let emotions get in the way. Basically the same thing that a sociopath would teach you.
Is weed the only med you take? Would you consider taking some of the new meds they have available now? But then you couldn't smoke. Do yoga. I know that sounds lame but it helps especially during mania.
ReplyDeleteYep, just weed. I would never ever consider hardcore drugs. Well I have considered them (anti-depressants), but have never taken them. I also seem to feel better right after I decide taking them might be a good idea. Maybe partially because I don't really want to be on them.
Oh, almost forgot, I do take 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine when I feel myself slipping downward. Over-the-counter stuff which I find to be pretty effective. Sometimes they may push me into mania, though, but it's not a big deal because you don't have to wean yourself on or off them.
Super hardcore stuff like Lithium scares the shit out of me. I don't have enough control over my diet and such for it to not fuck me up. And compare the side effects and costs of legal prescription psychiatric drugs to weed, and I see a clear winner.
Yoga is not lame at all Grace, and it's very good advice. I do it every once in a while; I really should do it more regularly. I have no doubt that it would help.
hey medusa, using pot like that, it's like you're stuck riding both ends of a see-saw. have you thought of weaning yourself off it rather than experimenting with the dosage? you may have to just ride one out clean. until you cut it out completely how can you know for sure if you're bipolar or just really sensitive to pot? if you're still experiencing mood swings after being clean for a few months, you can always go back to the pot to manage it.
Hey Zoe, I thought you might have something to say :)
I have stopped smoking for a few months at a time many times. Not in the past year or so, though. It is a test to see how long I can go every time I run out, but it doesn't last long anymore. I have an appetite problem (maybe partially caused by weed usage), and without the weed I would disappear. But you are right, I do wonder if my brain balance is a bit messed up due to the weed.
But this has been a very intense year for me regardless.
PMS: Another anarchist. I always knew that lot was a bunch of sociopaths. Max Stirner's ideas implemented into action in society would be a disaster, but for yourself would make sense. He still has followers now and they are a silly bunch of self righteous knobs. They are morally opposed to organization, which they see as authoritarian. They refuse to call their group a organization, which it very much is. There is no leader of course, so the power vacuum is filled in by whoever can speak the loudest in their meetings. They vote by total consensus which is easily manipulated. Ive never seen such a pack of wolves with no teeth. They theorise all day and get nothing done, except fighting over power. Anarchists fighting over power. What a site they are.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesnt anyone advocate Stalinism I wonder. He was very practical. He turned Russia around to where it became one of two superpowers in the world. I thought he was very practical.
since they're seasonal, my mood swings are likely chemical.
ReplyDeleteI notice my mania begins to peak in the fall. This time of year exactly. My depression is at it's worst in the early summer. It's like a delayed response to winter greyness.
It's true that when you begin to look at what motivates someone's actions, be it yourself or someone else, you can then choose to act vs. react and that is very empowering.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. More gratifying than I would have expected. I used to think following one's emotions was the best way to live. It's useful and necessary musically, but in my personal life it is a disaster.
Inner compartmentalization is helpful with regards to personal control, and takes discipline.
act vs react
This is key.
(Sorry about all the multiple posts. It's not my fault, I'm manic! Heh.)
UKan: Many Stirnerites misinterpret his work. I have no problem with organization, as long as I control it explicitly or implicitly. Egoism practically encourages the enslavement of weaker individuals. If you can control them, you deserve to control them. If you have the power to take something and keep it, it is yours.
ReplyDeleteStirner himself was certainly not against short term alliances of egoists.
The problem, as I see it, is that finding a true egoist is nearly impossible. Most anarchists are motivated by some greater good that requires them to be ineffectual little pussies. I only work towards one thing: total freedom. Not world freedom, not freedom for my "compatriots". Freedom for me. To do what I damn well please. The world can burn for all I care.
Yeah fuck the world!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to share a comment by an anonymous reader from the second blog post on this site, that I found last night.
ReplyDeleteHere is a Message from an Empath, with genuine compassion for YOU - someone who I see is much like my lost Beloved. I really DID learn SO MUCH from someone very much like you - Thank you... I sincerely wish you well on your journey to greater self-understanding and acceptance.
Sociopaths are the most profound training programs for those with great empathic ability and sharp, clear minds.
Having been in a close intimate relationship with an S for over two years, I am now able to see what he sees, perceive the world and other people the way he perceives them, and yet I have lost nothing of my ability to feel everything. Not only can I see and comprehend who and what he is as well as the world as he knows it, but I am able to truly experience it and understand his locus of awareness.
However, although I have been able through my reserves of empathy found a way to enter and transfuse with his world, he will never be able to enter mine. He helped me very much to harness my extra-sensory perception and supernatural radar; he helped me become a stronger and more objective, detached channel - capable of filtering out so much emotional static so that I am now a kind of hybrid - truly the best of both worlds!
Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now advances a theory that "ego" can be transcended; interestingly enough, my S helped me along that path - the S (unlike the dreaded N) is really without an ego. Unfortunately, he is also without the apparatus that makes transcending the ego an activity of becoming a Master - the ability to feel.
As an empath who experiences a greater sensory bandwidth than the average human, my S actually helped me break ground into a great liberation from the “sheeple-hood” of the matrix-like programming of self and personality, while retaining an ability to converge and mingle with emotional nuances that will forever elude him.
His mind can only infer the Platonic Forms beyond the dim shadows cast upon the dull cave wall; I, however, am now able to not only recognize them as he does, but I can transfuse completely with them.
The true empath has the ability to take all unto themselves and yet, are strong enough retain a center, a core of being capable of great tensions - we are Towers that cannot crumble or fall because we do not oppose anything, we accept everything into ourselves and make it a part of us - our inherent unity of being can incorporate infinite multiplicity - and having now been schooled in the detachment and objectivity of the S. - I am feeling a freedom unknown to ordinary mortals.
Unfortunately, I could not help him although I tried tirelessly - I could not take him with me on this journey to full actualization of human potential. It is no less tragic to me that he cannot see how ironic the one-sided nature of our relationship really was - the irony being that he served me, yet all along believing I was serving him - yet in truth, there was nothing ever that I could give him - despite how much I desired a reciprocity of true shared identity and being and despite how much he tried to exploit that desire to serve himself.
There was nothing on his end to transfuse with, no foundation to the iceberg of his soul. As much as he tried, he was incapable of taking anything from me, and only left me great blessings…
I think this post is brilliant, and is what every intelligent empath should be striving for.
The best of both worlds, indeed.
Medusa: I couldn't agree more!
ReplyDeleteThe world can burn for all I care.
ReplyDeleteOh, PS, you're such a sociopath! :D
No one: OH MY GOD, I know, right? I'm so dark and brooding. So totes socio! ^_^
ReplyDeleteMedusa, I'm glad you found that and re-posted. There are some good things in that post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBlegh. Oh, sorry. That's the wisdom of a fully actualized human potentiality. Or something like that.
ReplyDelete"...and having now been schooled in the detachment and objectivity of the S. - I am feeling a freedom unknown to ordinary mortals."
ReplyDeleteWait till you feel the consequences. Thats where being an actual sociopath actually pays off.
I see where she's coming from, but she thinks this sociopath was trying benefit off her in some emotionally unlocking experience, and I find it hard to believe. Becoming normal is not a likely goal for him. I think she is projecting what she would want if she was him like most empathetic people do with sociopaths. "They want to be like us." No they don't.
I like the comment though. It's showing how emapathetic people can learn how to benefit in a relationship with a sociopath. Thank you Medusa. You get a good girl star.
I see where she's coming from, but she thinks this sociopath was trying benefit off her in some emotionally unlocking experience, and I find it hard to believe. Becoming normal is not a likely goal for him. I think she is projecting what she would want if she was him like most empathetic people do with sociopaths.
ReplyDeleteI think you are misreading.
It is not implied that her sociopath is trying to become "normal" or empathetic, or that she believes that this is the case. It seems to me that she is saying that the sociopath was benefiting from her in the regular way that sociopaths do. Which I know I do not need to spell out.
"I think she is projecting what she would want if she was him like most empathetic people do with sociopaths. "They want to be like us." No they don't."
ReplyDeleteThis. I don't know whence that belief comes. Maybe they're just unhappy with their own existences and they insist that everyone else must be, too.
I once 'thought' I couldn't 'feel' - you know, I don't even know if these is remotely relevant to what anybody has said so far - spent a lot of time lingering and thinking- but, I once spent time with this all 'thinking' v 'feeling' shite. I did bad things without conscience, I didn't believe I didn't have a 'conscience' I just believed I didn't matter enough to have 'effect' and without matter you are inconsequencial. 20 years on and I have thought about this alot. I did 'bad' things to 'good' people and now I miss those people, I really do. I see what I did, no excuses, pure nastiness, and I don't know why it came back to me - you know - 'feeling' but it did and now I know what 'suffering is'. Just a warning - the emptiness may disappear, are you ready for what is waiting when it does?
ReplyDelete@Above anon:
ReplyDeleteStandard anonymous commenter metaphysical masturbation. Thank you, I'll pass.
I wrote the above bag of shite and I'm very ashamed!! Such bad english!! I know these things matter and yet I didn't use etiquette, sorry, sorry sorry, and I bet I got stuff wrong in what I just said - see, this conscience/doing the right thing really gets you by the throat and when it happens late in the game you lose your mind to all the things you once closed it to
ReplyDeleteI didn't believe I didn't have a 'conscience' I just believed I didn't matter enough to have 'effect' and without matter you are inconsequencial.
ReplyDeleteNot quite sure how this is relevant either, but I do completely understand this.
Nah, it's not relevant, but I'm glad you understand
ReplyDelete"Unfortunately, I could not help him although I tried tirelessly - I could not take him with me on this journey to full actualization of human potential. It is no less tragic to me that he cannot see how ironic the one-sided nature of our relationship really was - the irony being that he served me, yet all along believing I was serving him - yet in truth, there was nothing ever that I could give him - despite how much I desired a reciprocity of true shared identity and being and despite how much he tried to exploit that desire to serve himself."
ReplyDeleteI think what she's saying is in plain words, Medusa, guessing games aside on how the sociopath is trying to exploit the situation. You do need to spell it out, because I know from experience that sociopaths have many ways of benefiting. They are not all the same you know.
Ukan. I think you are correct in pointing out that she wanted to "help" him, when most likely he felt that he didn't want or need to be helped.
ReplyDeleteI do not know this particular sociopath, so I cannot say what it was in particular he was gaining from her. However, I think it is safe to assume that it has something to do with power and control.
An Anon, I think what you said above is probably true for a lot of people who want to think they are sociopaths, but really aren't.
Anonymous you are a REAL muppet now arent you. The apolagist with no conscience. At least you are entertaining.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Ukan, I think she knew he didn't want to be helped. In fact, this is the crux of her whole comment.
ReplyDeleteThe sociopath is incapable of wanting to...um, I don't want to say "helped" as that is arrogant. I'll just say incapable of wanting to learn what could be learned from an empath, aside from using such knowledge to further his sociopathic goals.
To do so would require empathy.
Ukan, I think I may be right to assume that this was addressed to me.. erm the 'anon without a conscience' do you think you could elaborate?
ReplyDeleteSee, I'm here to learn too, I didn't feel and now I do, simples!! What do you think are the possibilities? Can we go further than 'muppet' Please? Thanks and good wishes and all that nice stuff
I agree. However she obviously didn't know or she wouldn't have tried.
ReplyDelete"yet in truth, there was nothing ever that I could give him - despite how much I desired a reciprocity of true shared identity"
Anon, I think that was Ukan's tough love way of telling you to stop apologizing for yourself.
ReplyDeletethanks medusa and I can see why you say that, but still, you know, trying to learn, I do not understand what he meant, could he explain it to me slowly, you as if to an imbecile?
ReplyDeleteLol. Ukan generally doesn't lower himself to speak the imbecile language.
ReplyDeleteWhich, incidentally, I think might be a useful skill for him to learn. Though he has no reason to, as he has nothing to gain from you except in the beating-you-down entertainment.
My conspiracy theory is that every anon is Daft in his shamed form after everyone made too much fun of him last year.
ReplyDeleteoh ffs, I try to be all clever and that and then I go missing out words all over!!!! when I said 'you as if to an imbecile' I meant ' you know, as if to an imbecile'!! yeah I know this makes me look fucking baddddd to budding sociopaths and the 'bina fides' but, you know, I don't really care about all that 'here you feel bad' 'no, here you feel bad' stuff, just talk to me? This is new to me, perhaps to you Ukan, cause this is coming to you one day, you know?
ReplyDeleteSeriously this is great!! I'm loving the little warnings and things!! lovely, so excited!!! Please, again, tell me Ukan, what it is that I need to know? I know that you know what I need more than I, all seeing empath that I have become, need to know, but, please? Tell me?
ReplyDeletehey great post. thanks for reviving that, Medusa. :)
ReplyDeletehonestly, I haven't felt so alive in ages, I suppose I should give myself a name, though then again, why the fuck should I, I know what sort of nasty little fuckers (or should I say 'would be fuckers'} lurk here - i used to be one and again, tell me, Ukanbewhateveryoulike@you're as anonomousasme.com
ReplyDeleteI will say that I bet that Ukan is actually smarter than I give him credit for, and actually appears to be a pretty nice person in real life.
ReplyDelete"appears to be" = "behaves like"
ReplyDeleteWell that's lovely for you, Medusa, I've been following your story with interest as well. I'm clearly not quite as involved as you but I do think I know where you are coming from. I still want an answer from Ukan.
ReplyDeleteahh, where'd you all go, you sneaky lil' psychopaths? Should we, perhaps, start talkin' about sweet lil' children? Oh my God where'd this come from? Tell me something really bad that happened, I don't, for one second, believe this 'born like it' shite!! Tell me! Tell me what happened before you were born, tell me? You want to be understood? Tell me?
ReplyDeleteMedusa said...
ReplyDeleteI notice my mania begins to peak in the fall. This time of year exactly. My depression is at it's worst in the early summer. It's like a delayed response to winter greyness.
weird. i wonder if there have been any studies of mood swings with respect to seasonal cycles?
ReplyDeletelol, you're a funny one, anon.
ReplyDeleteZoe: S.A.D.
ReplyDeleteso we have S.A.D.?
ReplyDeleteMaybe. Or maybe we are just perceptive/sensitive to our environments. Or maybe it's the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused Anon above. What exactly would you like to know..one or two sentences..because I don't get your point or question. UK may get it but I would like to understand it too.
And LOL @ the ":("
ReplyDeleteMedusa I get funky in the early summer too. I don't know why. I don't like the summer much, unless I'm sitting under a palm tree with a cool drink:)
ReplyDeleteI love the fall though and the holidays.
How can I answer such rubbish. You are a rambling mess. Here's my suggestion: Get on medication.
ReplyDeleteIronically anon your answer is already stated:
"I notice my mania begins to peak in the fall. This time of year exactly. My depression is at it's worst in the early summer. It's like a delayed response to winter greyness."
Your's appears to be at a extreme. See a doctor before you shoot up a bunch of children.
So you know that's directed at anon, Medusa. Not yourself.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I'm not being clear. I am a 38 year old female. Until quite recently I wasn't able to feel. Now I can. I do realise that I have talked a tonne of shite to get around to my original question, which I don't believe I actually asked in the first place! hmmmm, what I am asking is: to all, sociopaths - do you ever think about what might happen if you ever 'feel' the things you have done to people? Can you concieve of the look of horror and the feelings that accomany that look to the 'feeling' that inside you 'made that look' oh ffs why can't I articulate this? This is what happens when you move away from pure 'logic' - it get's confusing, but no matter how small anybody makes me feel again, I will never go back to not feeling
ReplyDeleteHurry, I get bored very quickly
ReplyDeleteHow would I? Why would I since I dont even know what it would feel like? Nobody changes in the direction you are speaking of, unless you are talking about suppresed emotions. That is not a sociopathic issue. The issue is biological with sociopathy.
ReplyDeleteUkan, are you talking to me? should I leave a name? I'm not trying to take the piss, I'm trying to learn, I don't want to go back there. No matter what you say, I will always feel sorry that you don't 'feel'
ReplyDeleteBy the way Carl Jung discovered that surpressed guilt in extreme cases is what causes schizophrenia. Something you seem to have tendencies of.
ReplyDeleteYes I am.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is biological with sociopathy.
ReplyDeleteI wonder about that.
It's like how it's so trendy these days to blame all of depression on a "chemical imbalance". What a cop out!
No doubt brain chemistry has a lot to do with it, but it's a chicken/egg issue. And what's the point in blaming your problems on something you can do very little about in a direct "self-empowered" way? That's like empaths blaming their sociopaths for everything that went wrong.
I'm not doubting the possibility of being "born a sociopath", but I also think that perspective has lot to do with it. And "perspective", in my mind, is not a disorder in and of itself.
No, I don't think about it, Anon. Why should I? I feel all sorts of things. If guilt and shared pain suddenly come into the equation, I'll just deal with it the same way I deal with all feelings... logically.
ReplyDeleteThat said, there is some research that suggests that sociopathy can fade between 30 and 40, but that may just be when the sociopath becomes too good to be noticed. :D
In the old post that Medusa reposted, I think the poster is saying that she realizes she was coming from a place of disadvantage being an ultra-empath. The things she learned from the sociopath's views helped to balance her out to a point where she feels she was brought up to what is referred to as "normal". Her sociopath was on the opposite end of the spectrum and although he may have benefited from their relationship, he did not benefit in the way that she did. To her, balancing herself out energetically and spiritually, so to speak, was a valuable thing to take away from the relationship. When she says that she was unable to help the sociopath, she is speaking of wishing she could have helped him to balance out his personality in the way she feels she did. Personality and spirituality are the commodities that she values and she has assumed that these things should matter as much to everyone as they do her.
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone always so keen on separating biology from mental processes?
ReplyDeleteUkan, please expand upon what you were saying about Carl Jung? Weird as this is to you I'm not trying to score points I'm trying to learn
ReplyDeleteRE: my previous comment, I believe that this is the single largest failing of medical science today.
ReplyDeleteHow do you mean, Medusa? Most of the research I've seen doesn't try to split the two at all, instead usually trying to relate them. Some of the studies on free will are especially interesting.
ReplyDeleteReading what's being discussed here, now, between Anon and our resident sociopaths, I see that what I said about the older post seems to tie in perfectly. Anon is dealing in the commodity of feelings. The socios are not dealing in that commodity. People are different and different things motivate them. It's like a cat lover trying to understand why a dog lover may not feel as strongly about cats as they do.
ReplyDeleteI'm not here to fill in the blanks anonymous. My advice is to see a therapist.
ReplyDeleteBoth fields are important. I don't blame biology, because I don't have any problems. People are different for a reason. Everyone has a purpose. If every brain was chemically balanced there would be no variety.
medusa, are you one of those sorts of girls that you see in shit films? Okay, your defences may be up at this but could you please try to explain why this isn't the case for you?
ReplyDeletePMS, my issue is that most people don't see the possibility of the issue as being a "choice".
ReplyDeleteThe studies you read (and the discussions here) are probably quite a bit more progressive than mainstream science and popular belief.
The studies on free will are indeed interesting, and I would be interesting in reading more. I think concentrating on the "free will" or the "there is no free will" dichotomy to probably be more relevant, if not entirely useful.
Ha ha, wtf Anon? Please clarify.
ReplyDeleteIf you are commenting in this thread as Anonymous, could I please see a show of hands? I think there may be more than one of you at the moment. One of you uses the word "shite" and one of you uses the word "shit".
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I like most about this blog is that there are enough crazy people here that I don't feel the least bit weird carrying on a conversation with myself ;)
ReplyDeleteEither does anon
ReplyDeleteaerianne, that really is the best thing about it, isn't it? Just chatting away to who knows who
ReplyDeleteThough I mean no harm I am the one that seems to be causing harm in here - please explain, preferably Ukan?
Aww, UKan's got a secret admirer! How cute.
ReplyDeletehmm, the comment I just left got deleted, how do you feel about dirty play?
ReplyDeletewhy am i banned from this? too real cowards?
ReplyDeletehey PMS! did you enjoy your birthday, alone in a bar, masturbating into a paper cup?
ReplyDeleteGlitches on the blog this week, is all.
ReplyDeleteJust got my antidote resupply. Whee!
dont keep me waiting biatch
ReplyDeleteYay! Medusa scored, lol!
ReplyDeleteI just remembered that decaf coffee exists.
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth are you all talking about? I asked a simple question, quite some time ago now.... nobody has answered. Sweet to see the bitching and biting, but ffs, please answer what I orignally asked, if that isn't too difficult?
ReplyDeleteDecaf? I never touch the stuff, personally; but I was getting ready to have a cup of "leaded'.
ReplyDeleteI love the choreography of this, it's really sort of beautiful!! You all pass this imaginary thing to each other, none of you see what you are doing, of course.
ReplyDeletewhat would that be?
ReplyDeleteI having a cup of regular right now. That's why I remembered that decaf exists.
ReplyDeleteyou all think youre so important, but all you can talk about is coffee?
ReplyDeleteAnon. I replied to your question a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteI said, "Clarify."
State your question clearly.
If coffee doesn't interest you, feel free to keep moving.
ReplyDelete"What on earth are you all talking about? I asked a simple question, quite some time ago now.... nobody has answered. Sweet to see the bitching and biting, but ffs, please answer what I orignally asked, if that isn't too difficult?"
ReplyDeleteWhich question? If it's that important to you, restate it succinctly, without all the tangential rambling that makes it less than coherent, and therefore difficult to decipher, much less answer.
And get used to the cross-talk. Socios aren't the only ones who get bored and start talking amongst themselves.
i believe there are coffe websites. why dont you go on there and stop cluttering up this place with you inconsequential hippy twaddle?
ReplyDeletei think she wanted an elaboration on Carl Jung. i want a coffee.
ReplyDeleteMmmmmm, Coffee.
ReplyDeleteand gabriel, shut the fuck up. less talking, more reading. follow th thread from the beginning and then you might know what you're talking about
ReplyDeleteAnon. This little jaunty conversation about coffee is actually relevant to this thread.
ReplyDeleteRe-read if necessary.
i think she wanted an elaboration on Carl Jung.
ReplyDeleteI thought he/she wanted to know if I starred in scat films.
Ukan. You will never win.
ReplyDeleteI hear there are websites for scat films.
ReplyDeleteyou probably do
ReplyDeleteYou narcisstic wankers, you willing to take a walk with me, by the river?
ReplyDelete...but keep fighting the good fight.
ReplyDelete"and gabriel, shut the fuck up. less talking, more reading. follow th thread from the beginning and then you might know what you're talking about"
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm wounded to the core! Someone with no name is being mean to me! Of course, I wasn't talking, I was asking which question was to be answered, but any old pretext will do for being a bitch.
Only if there is a van involved.
ReplyDeletesorry that wasn't even aimed you little flowers, that was another projection of bile!!
ReplyDeletehey, sweet lil things, I know how it feels, y'all okay?
ReplyDeleteI'm all coffee'd up now and ready to twadddle!
ReplyDeletemmmm, i may put on a pot..
ReplyDeletehow does it feel, anonymous?
Zoe, I can't answer for Anon, but if I put my empathetic powers to the test, I'd say it probably feels inconsequential.
ReplyDeletewhich anonymous, there are so many?Not sure what you are referring to sweety?
ReplyDeleteOh, wow, did you ever get me, wankers. You're such a clever devil. I suppose I should just give you the sort of response you're after and get it over with.
ReplyDeleteRage rage rage, your grammar is terrible, rage rage rage. Oh, my, you certainly have gotten a rise out of me. Look how simple it is to destroy my precious sociopathic composure. Bravo, you should work for the CIA.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, anyway. Glad to know you're still thinking about me, lover.
ReplyDeleteAww, you got me, Medusa.
PMS, you are right. You guys are just too smart for little ol' me!
ReplyDeleteVisions of Ukan doing his best Bugs Bunny-faking-dying impression for us.
ReplyDeleteWait... was UKan a fake incarnation of "you narcissistic wankers", or is he just confused about who I was talking to? Or is the Ukan immediately above (notice that UKan capitalizes the K, but the above does not) just taking his name to stir up shit?
ReplyDeleteThis really has just devolved into unending bullshit.
Anon 7:14 what's your malfunction? These people aren't going to stop and communicate to you just cause you dropped in...especially if we can't understand your question and now you're nasty. I don't like you.
Post, I'll go with option 3, but please don't pull a Monty Hall on me! I'm not a sociopath and I'm not smart enough to play that.
ReplyDeletePostModernSociopath said "Wait... was UKan a fake incarnation of "you narcissistic wankers", or is he just confused about who I was talking to? Or is the Ukan immediately above (notice that UKan capitalizes the K, but the above does not) just taking his name to stir up shit?
ReplyDeleteThis really has just devolved into unending bullshit."
And you still fall for it. Ha
this is like some bitchin game or somethin!!! - orignal anon
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but I'm The Original Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteThat is not me. I don't hide my distain for people under anonypussy names. Its someone whos mimicking me again. Its flattering, but its not even close to my style. You have to make it personal or your just a dumb troll. I doubt you have the talent wanker.
ReplyDeleteFell for what? Not only did I already see through what you were doing, but then you outed yourself. How exactly is that "ha"-worthy?
ReplyDeletegames are fun. especially when you play them with poers. Watch them correct my grammar
ReplyDeleteno! im the original anonymous!
ReplyDeleteoh look at the rats scatter!!! it's fucking beautiful and I'm not a sociopath!!! I just know how not to feel when i need to know how not to feel. Don't hurt your sweet lil heads? truly concerned
ReplyDeleteYou guys are all a bunch of weirdos.
ReplyDelete@Daniel Birdick
ReplyDeleteI don't think sociopaths should pretend to be "normal" persons or pretend to or try to learn to think like "normal" people. I'm saying sociopaths should learn from empaths, and that empaths should learn from sociopaths, while maintaining their own personal identity which has nothing to do with these labels.
What I said applies equally to sociopaths who wish to learn from empaths. A lot of the things empaths do are irrational and stupid, like being clingy to abusers and deliberately sabotaging their own interests so as not to hurt their own feelings, a lot of empaths are their worst enemy and sociopaths do not need to learn this, but there are a lot of social skills that sociopaths can only learn from empaths, such as the behaviors associated with love.
An empath can learn from a sociopath certain behaviors if the sociopath is of the successful type. An empath can learn how to manage other peoples perceptions of them, how to maintain a good reputation in their community, how not to get caught looking like an idiot, and how to deal with cut throat individuals in cut throat environments.
Neither should want to think like the other but each can learn from the other how to act in certain situations. I wouldn't want other people to think like me, and I don't want to think like other people, but I do recognize that learning to mirror certain people works in a certain context and I recognize what you are trying to show me.
Did you mean "Posers"?
ReplyDeleteI'm loving this!! Let's watch the rats scatter again!! anonymous, don't really give a shit
ReplyDeletehey PMS youre back!! we all love you and everything you have to say.
ReplyDeletePS did you really spend your birthday masturbating into a paper cup???
PPS Anonymous- get to bed xx
It entertains me to no end that someone is getting a feeling of victory over making people stop paying attention to him.
ReplyDeleteI feel so calm now, despite the coffee.
ReplyDeleteI need to listen to more John Denver.
ReplyDeleteI spent my birthday getting hammered, like any proper human being. I'm not sure how to respond to this obsession of yours with details of my masturbation habits. It's flattering, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome, Medusa! Wanna twaddle?
ReplyDeleteif you really want to feel that victory you should probably stop replying, lonely boy. Starbucks do very big paper cups
ReplyDeleteHe got what he wanted: attention on a safe forum where all his deficiencies can't be seen. It is a victory for his goal.
ReplyDeleteStarbucks do very big paper cups
ReplyDeleteLols. You should write be writing copy for a living.
Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy
ReplyDeleteI can tell you're feeling calm Medusa..your comments are getting shorter...I'm coming over with cookies!
ReplyDeleteHe's right I don't kbow why people keep replying.
ReplyDeleteYum cookies. I think I saw an article the other day about Cookie Monster being diagnosed with ASPD.
ReplyDeletePMS you spent your 21st birthday crying to a disinterested stripper about how no one understands you because you're so much more intelligent than human beings. Give it up and resume your yoga practise so you can suck your own cock.
ReplyDeletePs looking forward to grammattical correction x
PPs the captcha fr this is "bries", so apt. its the taste in your sordid mouth xxxxxx
lol..Yeah well they wanted to remove him from the show because they thought he had a bad influnce on the kids with his cookie obsession. Can you imagine..the Cookie Monster is the problem. What a sad situation.
I'm off to buy cigarettes. Hopefully when I get back, it'll be quiet or I'll have cancer. Either one works for me.
ReplyDeleteAnd wankers, if you'd prefer (failing at) trolling me via email, it's postmodernsociopath@gmail.com
You're sort of clogging up the comment section. Just saying.
and now they're talking about cookies. the correct word is "biscuits", americans.
Hegel explains the Cookie Monster
Wow, if Cookie Monster is ASPD, what would that make Oscar The Grouch???
ReplyDeleteAnon's alternate ego is apparently British.
ReplyDeleteHey Pms, sorry ami clogging up 'your' comment space? I thought this was an open forum. Still. you're off to buy cigarettes, like a bad boy. everyone knows smoking is what the coolk kids do, but obviowsly you started that trend. unless you're just a weak addict? anywayvthe opium pipe is calling me. take care babycakes xxx
ReplyDeleteCookie Monster asking, "Is Me Really Monster?" is like Danzig asking, "Am I Demon?"
ReplyDeleteok..which anon is which..can you peeps give yourselves a name?
ReplyDeletewhich witch is which?
We can talk about whatever we want Anon. Run to your pipe now.
ReplyDeleteI din't even think you could buy opium anymore. Wow.
About thinking I've noticed that there are empaths who can think rationally and who aren't bipolar or emotionally driven. I think this kind of empath in specific is the kind of empath I speak to in a lot of my posts, as the other kind of empath is incapable of understanding certain things that sociopaths and rational minded empaths both can grasp.
ReplyDeleteSo if the goal is to bridge the psychological divide and develop a level of communication between the thinking style of empath and sociopath the best mechanism for communication would be reason and logic, just as both sociopath and empath can recognize that a math formula is correct, and just as we both can recognize that grammar is correct, there are certain situations that we can discuss and agree upon that certain behavior is correct or incorrect. We start from the outcomes of situations and discuss the correct or incorrect actions.
If a successful sociopath tells their rational empath friend that they are socially engineering (manipulating) a specific person who happens to be important or powerful, the rational empath can learn a lot of political tactics, strategies, or social tactics that they could never learn from a fellow empath. If the sociopath was successful in what they are doing then the rational empath knows the sociopath is doing something right, and can apply the same tactics and methods to their situation. They make each other smarter and more successful as long as they each openly share the tactics which work in a knowledge exchange.
But you do have some sociopaths and empaths who are too difficult to deal with to learn from. The sociopaths in prison, they aren't very successful so what can we learn from them? And the empaths who are their own worst enemy due to their inability to be rational, why would I want to learn how to screw myself?
Anon said "anywayvthe opium pipe is calling me."
ReplyDeleteThat would explain so much, but I had figured it more to be crack.
to anon
ReplyDeletewhats your graceful name?
crack is rubbish, opium is where its at. empires were built on opium. you'd do it if you could get it
ReplyDeleteI was going to say crack Aerianne but I didn't want to hurt his/her feelings with that. People who smoke crack are very sensative..lol.
" you'd do it if you could get it"
ReplyDeleteNo...I wouldn't. Believe me.
Ah, well that explains it, Grace.
ReplyDeleteits ok grace/anaon. im not sensitive at all. this is a forum for sociopaths remember?
ReplyDeleteyou know how women who are into gay men are called fag
hags? what is the slang for empaths into socios? if there isnt a term i would like to tender 'cashpoints'. Or ATMs for you americans out there
And what are you Anon? empath or sociopath? I don't know just asking. Are you new here?
actually, 'blowjobs' would be a better term
ReplyDeleteI believe the regulars here, the ones who don't have their lips around a pipe of some sort, already know that we coined the phrase "Psychophant" from Sycophant some weeks ago.
ReplyDeletesay what? blowjobs? how's that?
Open your eyes, ladies and gentlemen.
ReplyDelete...ladies and gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteYeah, wierdos.
ReplyDeleteMedusa, is that UK?
It's kind of funny to watch one person use three identities just to work out their hostility. Tell me, wankers, who hurt you? Was it your mum?
ReplyDeleteIn better news, I got my cigarettes.
All is good for you now Postmodern. I grubbed one from my girlfriend before and I smoked it while chatting on here but I got nauseous. I think it was from the chatting though.
PMS, remember how I said that I found it hard to believe that you were 20 (at the time)?
ReplyDeleteI no longer find it hard so to believe. You are clearly very intelligent and well-read, but I think you are lacking in real world experience.
It's not really expected at your age, though, so it's nothing to feel bad about.
Jesus Christ this has gone off topic! When I was here last there were 30 replies, now we have almost 200! I'm going to have to come back and read all of this lol.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean that in any hostile way, just to be clear.
ReplyDeleteNo hostility taken, Medusa. I freely admit that I lack some life experiences. I have quite a few unique ones, too, so it evens out. And anything I don't have direct experience with tends to be something of which I have an academic understanding, so I get by.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, what convinced you? And I was never clear whether you thought I was younger or older. You said younger, but it read like you were joking.
Oh to be young AND smart. You're a lucky man Postmodern.
ReplyDeletedid we hit 200 comments yet?
PMS, yes, I was joking about you seeming younger.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I say you lack real world experience is that you couldn't see that you were being played here. By more than one person. One of them wasn't even a sociopath.
I find this curious. I can see an empath being tricked by this, but a sociopath should know and therefore be able to spot the "game".
Clearly you have the theory, but applying it to reality is a whole other discipline.
It's not as nice as it sounds, Grace. Being as much of a statistical anomaly as I am doesn't exactly improve my ability to interact with normals.
ReplyDeleteI won't give you a number (unless you really want it), partly because it's a stupid thing to brag about and partly because I can't provide any proof without handing out my name in the process.
@Medusa: I think a few of my comments did indicate that I saw through the game hours ago. The fact that I played along was just ego, I suppose. But on the other hand, from any perspective but mine that just sounds like self-delusion, so take it as you will.