With the holidays upon us, a story about being out with your family. From a reader:
You're going to love this. Dad's a US Army chaplain (former civilian pastor), Mum's in seminary getting her M.Div, and younger sister's, well, she's still an innocent high school student. That would make me a sociopath pastor's kid. Once everyone got over the initial shock of my nature, we had a good laugh about the irony. Parents are empaths by occupational hazard, whilst my kid sister is an empath by nature. They all know about it, and they don't necessarily dislike talking about it. I'll ask for their perspective on certain things, and they respond with wholehearted earnest. They just dislike hearing about my exploits and modus operandi, haha. Perhaps it's less dislike and more morbid curiosity due to our brains being wired so radically differently, because they always ask about the outcome. I guess you could say that they're my greatest cheerleaders. Just not when I'm lying to lie, manipulating others for my benefit, or pursuing sexual relationships since I'm not married, etc. That's why it's kind of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, haha. And I do things for them, like putting up a believably genuine front for Dad's congregation, people I have to impress at university, etc. The thing that bothers them most is the characteristic lack of conscience. No surprise there.
My own family is equal parts disbelief and acceptance about who I am. I guess that way they get the best of both worlds -- deniability, but also an easy excuse for my ill behavior that doesn't necessarily reflect poorly on them. My parents are religious too. Sometimes my mother asks me about the blog, says do I ever have the chance to share my religious beliefs with others. I tell her yes. They think I'm helping others, and I don't think that is wrong, necessarily. The older they get, the funnier they get. Like at a recent family reunion, they were talking about my cousin having a viral youtube clip. My mother started telling them about my blog and about how crazy "technology" is these days. I didn't realize what was going on until she yelled over to me, "What's the name of your blog again? Psycho something?" in front of my entire extended family.
I'm really grateful for my family. I think they have helped me more than anything else to feel like I am an integral part of the human race and that my choices define me more than anything else. Whether or not those things are actually true, I think it makes my life better to believe them (even compartmentalize-believe them) and act on them (for the most part).
I'm fairly certain my mother has at least an inkling. My younger brother almost definitely considers it. But am I out with my biological family? No. I've tried to get there once or twice over the years, but it doesn't really work. I don't think they're aware of the relative commonness of sociopathy given the population of the country. And I don't think their perception of the word allows them to attach it to someone they love. Too stigmatized, I suppose. If nothing else, it makes the mask easier. Though my mother has made some rather unsettlingly poignant comments of late, which make me wonder.
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ReplyDeleteYou're going to die alone and in pain, and there will be no God to greet you on the other side. All your actions are equally meaningless.
ReplyDeleteGod, I need a pipe. That would sound so much cooler if I were smoking a pipe.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI will re-iterate later when I make sense.
ReplyDeleteI think sociopathy is a form of demonic possession. It's the only explanation for the abnormality in the brain. What sociopath's should do is get the demon cast out of them and accept Jesus. Only then can they be redeemed from all their sins.
ReplyDeleteWOW, really? I am not a sociopath but I really fucking hate when people blame Satan and demons!
ReplyDeleteWhy not just take responsibility for your actions?
No it's easier to say, "It's not their faults, SATAN made them do it." If that were true, then why have prisons? Just do exorcisms!
FML, there are plenty of God-fearing Jesus screaming empathic assholes who are pedofiles and theives and bad people and THEY DID IT, not Satan, not demons.
JUST HURT, sorry you got hurt and it's great that have faith in higher powers and all, but people are capable of good and evil on their own.
Even sociopaths know the difference between right and wrong, so it's a choice.
Whoever hurt you was a dick/bitch; and exorcism and Jesus aren't going to make things better.
Have a blessed day y'all! Don't forget that Jesus loves you!
ReplyDeletelol, when I first read the title I thought it was a coming out gay story. Wasn't aware that socios actually tell their families about their disorders. I don't know how I would feel if one "came out" in my family. I'd be a little paranoid of their intentions.
ReplyDeleteSee what unconditional love can do?
ReplyDeleteI really like this post it's not negative but inspiring.
Obvious troll is too obvious.
ReplyDeleteLOL, poor baby.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies to everyone. I didn't mean that Jesus can't help you or he doesn't love you, I'm just saying stop blaming everyone else and learn from your mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI've recently read about 7 books on sociopathy. They can go long periods without acting out in bad behaviour, but then something happens. They loose complete control, and they can't stop themselves. It's kind of like an addict or alcoholic, they MUST have their 'fix'.
DeleteIt might not be a bad idea to study up on the brain differences of sociopaths, and read some credible books about it.
Just Hurt, are you serious? and if so, when you say that sociopaths should get the demons cast out of them are you talking about exorcisms? Accepting Jesus can't help anybody. All faiths are nothing but superstition, and without a doubt alot more destructive than sociopaths.
ReplyDeleteReligion is more destructive than sociopaths? Basically Human you are lost. If God let's you in heaven it will be a accident.
ReplyDeleteIf these people accepted Jesus to begin with they wouldn't have left themselves open for demonic attack. Now you can see what they've turned into. Homosexual swingers and pedophiles.
Look at the story where he talks about stalking a young woman. What do you think is getting him aroused? It's Satan trying to draw him further and further until he's running around murderering people.
"..my choices define me more than anything else."
ReplyDeleteI would say that's correct. Not our hearts or lack there of and most certainly not our minds.
"Religion is more destructive than sociopaths?"
ReplyDeleteYes, it is. How many people have been murdered because of religion? (I lose count.)
Just hurt. You speak of abnormalities in the brain being the cause of sociopathy. You go on to say that if these people would have accepted Jesus in the first place they wouldn't have left themselves open to demonic attack. Is this to say that you believe that these abnormalities were not present at birth, but were instead formed by the evil demons later on after the rejection of christ? Are you also saying you believe that all sociopaths are homosexul, pedophile swingers? And if sociopaths only became sociopathic after rejecting christ whats to stop all atheists and others who practice faiths wich do not involve Jesus from becoming sociopaths? And of course religion is more destructive then sociopaths. Just look at all the wars that have been waged, and blood shed in the name of religion and all the conflict an devision that it has caused between different cultures. Your the one who is lost Just Hurt. You don't seem to understand the world at all. Shit this post is way to long, and I haven't used paragraphs
ReplyDeleteAmmy and Just hurt, did you ever think that the demon's we're trying to hurt you and that the S/P we're just the opened door that they used to get into your life to destroy what they can't have? Your not destroyed your saved and that is really something that can't be taken away. For whatever reason you will be better for your meeting them.
ReplyDeleteI think sociopathy is a form of demonic possession.
ReplyDelete"Obvious troll is obvious" aside, there is a point that can be gleaned from this.
Meaning, where do you think the concept of "demonic possession" arose? Probably from contact with sociopaths (as well as the mentally ill).
It's just another (albeit simplistic and useless) way of conceptualizing amorality. You know, religion and stuff.
Why do you think this M.E. is telling all of you about his walk on the town, while he's stalking women? Do you really think he stopped there? He probably plunged his knife in that poor girls throat, because of his urges.
ReplyDeleteThat girl Arieanne told us about her deviant sex life she had with some demon possessed sociopath who convinced her to CHEAT on her husband. This is behaviour we should condone?
Basically Human some people were put here to do evil. If you do evil things and are attracted to the darkness, then you will be dragged further. Its only a matter of time. They do have children that are evil. They had a 9 year old the other day that suffocated his little sister because she annoyed him. He showed no remorse at all. His parents were so evil that they bred evil into the world.
This I know, I don't think that Ammy expressed any of Just Hurt's worthless views or opinions herself so why is it that you say "Ammy and Just Hurt"?. And Just Hurt, in the bloodlust story the author doesn't express arousal in relation to the actual stalking, he seems to express excitement.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a "dark" side. And if they don't, I do not trust them.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Freud we do. It's part of the human condition.
DeleteJust Hurt, I don't believe in evil. I believe that there are certain actions and behaviours which most humans perceive as evil, but these perceptions have no real basis or validity outside of the human brain.
ReplyDelete"I was surprised at how much pleasure I was feeling from my little fantasy."
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that YOU get pleasure from stalking women and imagining that you cut their throat Basically Human? Do you relate to this article? What depraved thing have you done to warrant hanging around this den of iniquities?
Don't even think about it UKan. I know where you stand. You can't troll me I have God on my side. BTW I have been reading this a few months so if you guys want to play tricks I'm ready
ReplyDeleteI guess a religous zealot is a little hard to coop. Carry on then gents.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I said that at all UKan, actually I can't really relate to that article. I've gotten into fights in the past but i've never felt bloodlust or even the need to act violently. I don't know why i've come to this forum, just bored I suppose. Why are you here?
ReplyDeletehmm? accept Jesus to avoid being a sociopath? tough luck for Jews, Muslims, and Hindus.
ReplyDeleteJust Hurt said,
ReplyDelete"That girl Arieanne told us about her deviant sex life she had with some demon possessed sociopath who convinced her to CHEAT on her husband."
You're confusing me with someone else.
"I didn't realize what was going on until she yelled over to me, "What's the name of your blog again? Psycho something?"
ReplyDeleteHow'd you answer that?
It's probably funnier without an answer. I know I laughed out loud, even more than I did at Mr Demonic Possession.
Deleteonce again the posts have flown into obscurity, if you don't get in early there is no point.
ReplyDeleteSome people use religion as a mask, actually I would say a large majority use it as a mask, I am a religious person because my wife is, I like to think that maybe if someone is right some where about the presence of a god at least I can be seen to be trying regardless of my own sense of grandeur, and my own....dark behaviours.
heh as for coming out, my father is diagnosed APSD they thought he was bipolar until he changed doctors, mother is an empath, little brother is manic depressive my older brother is a high functioning autistic married to an aspie with a 1 year old who seems normal, welcome to the circus.
Yeah you're right, once the fundies start spouting crap and a couple of socios decide to have a bit of fun with them the original post may as well have not been written. Never mind that it raises a fascinating subject that hasn't been touched on much before, let's all just play with the God squad for a change. Then again, scrolling down I see you've joined in with it all as well. I despair! :/
DeleteASPD I meant.
ReplyDeleteTell you what, Just Hurt. If you aren't just an S/P trying to stir up a little excitement, and if you really are so keenly in touch with God, then why don't you pray for us and ask God to cast out our demons? Instead, you do the very thing your Jesus told you not to do, which is judge. Jesus never lost his temper with "sinners," even the demon-possessed, mad Legion. He only lost his temper with religious zealots like you, if you are indeed being genuine. Go back and read the red print in the New Testament. I think you must have missed a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteNieve little socio's, they think they can see peoples weakness, yet are blind to their own. Unconditional love? (Translation)I will put up with your behaviour,as long as you give me what I want,cause I don't give a shit about you.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it socio's don't see how their own parents play them?
That was called sarcasm Basic. I don't believe in god.
ReplyDeleteAh, the bible, fact or fiction?, and who is the author?
ReplyDeleteI guess it gives people something to believe in, and helps somewhat to keep people in their place.
It's also a good way of making money in many different ways.
Just Hurt, you bother me. I don't speak through you.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that "nieve" is anonymous-speak for "naive".
I found Jesus.
Legion was cast out of the poor soul they possessed. It was that mans fault for being with evil to begin with. Fortunatly Jesus saved him and showed him the way. I'm here to try to rescue some of you from your affliction. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP. Whatever you've done can be forgotten. Like Gabriel said. Jesus is here to forgive. Satans power is temporary, but Jesus has been here forever.
ReplyDeleteReading comprehension is obviously not your forte, Just Hurt. I said, in essence, that you were an abomination to Jesus. However, I await your rescue from my affliction. Is it done yet? I still feel so ... sociopathic. As a matter of fact, I'm having all sorts of immoral urges as I type this. You are so very much like my type, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteSatan as a specific entity is a concept made up by the lower forms of New Testament people. (I suspect Judas had something to do with it, but I'm not sure.)
"Satan" is actually not meant to be a proper pronoun, just a noun, and merely means "adversary".
Not "evil".
^ This person is correct.
ReplyDeleteJesus, as long as you're here, I was wondering: what, exactly, was God envisioning as the purpose for fleas? Was it to make animals miserable? Does he hate them? Or is it their fault for having fleas in the first place? Perhaps sin brought fleas to torment them. It's just something I've always wanted to ask you.
ReplyDeleteNot a lot of thought went into it, actually. They are just around to keep everyone on their toes. Literally and figuratively.
ReplyDeleteNot everything has some BIG GREAT purpose behind it.
He had all eternity to plan this shit out, and didn't give much thought to how annoying and utterly useless fleas would be? Surely there's some great spiritual mystery to that.
ReplyDeleteGabriel, Fleas were part of God's great plan to spread the Black Plague and other diseases to kill humans.
ReplyDelete^He's such a creative mass murderer, isn't he?
ReplyDeleteGod: the greatest purely psychopathic character in all of fiction! Or at the very least, one of the top 10. I imagine he'd score a perfect 40 on Hare's nifty little checklist.
Normal people don't need socio's to survive, yet socio's need them.
ReplyDeleteYour all weak,needy,crazy and delusional, thats all their is to it.
This is my oppinion, and I don't care what anybody else thinks.
ReplyDeleteSociopaths need normal people in order to survive?
Yeah, Dad's pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteAll light and flowers and shit like that gets pretty boring for everyone involved.
Empaths need sociopaths as well. Otherwise nothing would ever get done. Or, at least, it would take a lot longer.
ReplyDeleteI can see that you don't care what anyone else thinks. You also cannot spell or punctuate, so I assume you also didn't care what any of your teachers thought, or whether you could communicate effectively with others.
Not caring about what others think is a symptom of what "personality disorder(s)?"
I guess the little church flea hopped away. Oh well.
ReplyDeletehmm, such a touchy subject. get it touchy because priests like to touch children get it ? I'm so funny :D
ReplyDeleteNo church or organized religion should ask another person to go against the way our biological bodies are meant to operate. We are supposed to reproduce, not sacrifice that process in order to do what?...good and serve the church, make themselves look more powerful because they can go without sex? It's against God if you ask me. But that's typical of me to think evolution rules….and that doesn’t mean there is no God either.
ReplyDeleteI like what M.E. said about being grateful towards his family. I think that’s God right there. No amazing miracle..simple.
Can't get into the demon thing...there're just ideas and scare tactics. Only people scare me.
Sex is a sin but to have babies you have to do it and that's why having a baby just hurts. If you have sex for anything other than making babies it's a demonic force at work.
ReplyDeleteInteresting reply to my post.
So, how was that supposed to make me feel? lol
^That's not me.
ReplyDeleteMock me all you want, but you know you have a empty hole inside you. You keep trying to fill it up with sex, money, deciet, drinking, and drugs but your still plagued. Plagued with boredom. Your bored because you don't have the Lord.
See evolution is where I start to get a bit, mmm, lets say aggravated.
ReplyDeleteDNA, look it up, look at how complex it is, one cubic inch of DNA can hold up wards of 1 trillion Cd's which equates like so -
700MB * 1000000000000 = 7.0 × 10(little 14 goes here) or 700000000000000 mb's of data which equals exactly 683593750000 gigs which in turn brings us too 683593750 terabytes which if you used a regular computer case with 4 hdd bays would bring us to 170898437.5 computers with 4 terabyte drives in them, tell me did evolution do that by chance ? evolution is my champion then, maybe it can evolve my disorders away or maybe it can evolve sickness away, or maybe death ? o o o o or maybe even get rid of crime! could it please please evolve me a new world without so much pointless fucking bickering ?
I doubt it.
Some other Me: Only Jesus can change the world and bring peace for all mankind. Have you asked him for forgiveness? he can show you love. Don't you feel alone in life? He will fill that empty hole.
ReplyDeleteMy S/P was evil. He destroyed my life, because I abandoned God. I let a demon in, like he let a demon in his life, because of how he lived. Medusa gets it.
Jesus is the mirror. That is all that I am.
ReplyDeleteThis troll's not even very good. And if it's serious... I think lovefraud has a whole section for proselytizers.
ReplyDeleteGood to see you, Jesus. Do you think you could skip the wine and turn my water into tequila? And maybe turn my bread and fish into something useful like cocaine?
SOM: Huh? Were you trying to make a “DNA’s too complicated to have been a product of evolution, therefore gawd exists” argument? Or what?
ReplyDeleteJust Hurt: Are you lampooning Xtians? If so, it’s kind of funny. Kind of. I’d suggest you attach an avatar of someone (male or female) wearing a bouffant hair style and sporting a tear stained facial expression. That look seems to work really well for the evangelicals selling their false hope on TBN to the desperate and the gullible. Plus it’ll be a perfect match for your satirical comments about demons and Satan and Jesus, oh my.
Whatever: whatever.
Someone’s having a little fun playing ‘crazy normal’, only using three different handles methinks.
"...I await your rescue from my affliction. Is it done yet? I still feel so ... sociopathic. As a matter of fact, I'm having all sorts of immoral urges as I type this. "
ReplyDeleteGabriel, you are quite lovely and your words are tasty.
Anyone heard of a spiritual following called "Gnosticism"?
ReplyDeleteBasically, there are Higher Gods, and Lower Gods. The Higher Gods created spirits/souls, while the Lower Gods created the world of flesh. Lower Gods are evil, and capture spirits from heaven in order to trap them into fleshy bodies to wander the earth in excess and suffering with no knowledge of their past lives.
Guess who the Lower God is? Your one and only Christian/Catholic God is this evil, scheming, thieving, malevolent Lower God. According to Gnosticism, the Serpent from the Garden of Even was in actuality Jesus, who was sent by the Higher Gods to reveal the truth about their existence. The Lower God discovered this and as a result punished Adam and Eve for learning of their past from the Tree of Knowledge.
...and they lived happily ever after.
I love bedtime stories, just never became obsessed enough to believe and worship them.
ReplyDeletewhere did you copy and paste that from?
If you're suggesting our God is a computer/math geek then that's cool. We will never know this. We know more about evolution than creation and that's what works for us. Nothing wrong with believing in a computer guy who wrote and programmed a video game and we are all the stars in it but at some point evolution took over and here we are. Life is so meaningless!!
Never heard of that garden or that story, hummm.
ReplyDeleteYawn, bedtime stories make me tired too.
no one said, "I love bedtime stories, just never became obsessed enough to believe and worship them."
ReplyDelete'Holy' books like the New Testament and the Koran are basically fanfic gone wild.
And the Gnostics were right. Yahweh is one bad motherfucker. NOBODY disses Yahweh and gets away with it.
It's your choice.
ReplyDeleteSo, Just Hurt, you filled your empty hole with a demon? How was the sex?
ReplyDelete'Holy' books like the New Testament and the Koran are basically fanfic gone wild.
ReplyDeleteSo very true; just watered down versions of the originals, which had far richer character development and originality.
Marduk is my personal favourite, although Yahweh is certainly up there.
@No one: Marduk is definitely old school cool. Yahweh is my fave only because he’s still so influential. He inspires so much devotion. And commerce. I mean really, talk about a merchandising bonanza! It never ends: he’s the protagonist of the greatest bestselling novel EVAR (and the merchandising tie in with hotels certainly helped in this regard), then there are the weekly Trekkie-convention like meetings on Sunday mornings held in his honor, the boogey man scare tactics his peeps use which are remarkably effective, the movies, etc. It's a bottomless pit made of money and inanity. Yahweh is a meme-master! Plus, his acts of terrorism and multiple genocides show a fairly nice range of creativity for a serial killer. In fact, I don’t think he ever kills in the same way more than once in all of the Old Testament. Lastly, he was a perfect inspiration for Allah.
ReplyDeleteOther’s on my list include Cthulhu, Zeus, Loki, Obatala (the nicest god on my list) and Q.
Aerianne said, “So, Just Hurt, you filled your empty hole with a demon? How was the sex?”
Hmmm, maybe that’s why Just Hurt is… just hurt. A demon poker up the bum probably would burn a lot. Remember JH, true love waits.
Yahweh was awesome, because he took power from the other gods. From a lowly serpent among many gods, to the last god standing. Yahweh is a champ. Devestating flood, fire and brimstone, turning people to salt, the list of wonders goes on. He butchered his way to the top and destroyed the other gods. He's like the Stalin of the mythological world.
ReplyDeleteThis would explain a lot:
ReplyDelete(Taken from http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Hq7uKWa3s-UJ:www.eaec.org/cults/gnostic.htm+gnosticism+higher+gods+lower+gods&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
They believe the Supreme Father god or Supreme god of Truth is remote from human affairs; he is unknowable and undetectable by human senses. She/he created a series of supernatural but finite beings called Aeons. One of these was Sophia, a virgin, who in turn gave birth to an defective, inferior creator-god, also known as the Demiurge (public craftsman). This lower god created the earth and its life forms. This is the God of the Old Testament, a deity who was viewed as fundamentally evil, jealous, rigid, lacking in compassion and prone to genocide. The Demiurge "thinks that he is supreme. His pride and incompetence have resulted in the sorry state of the world as we know it, and in the blind and ignorant condition of most of mankind."
HAHAH grace copy and paste, sure, if you actually looked at some research done on DNA you could do the math yourself, and Danny boy, the argument I was making is everyone is up in arms about a god not helping I was merely going against the grain, you have two factions not doing a whole lot of anything.
ReplyDeleteCite your sources and show your work, SOM. Claiming a preponderance of evidence without providing any is such a filthy habit. The burden of proof is on you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Gnosticism is so delightful. It's as if Lovecraft wrote the Bible.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I get home to my wonderful abode, I will site the books and page numbers k. but for now you will have to just simply deal with my inane ramblings, you have exactly 10 hours before I am home from work, keep your calendars open!
ReplyDeletePoint being, the evolutionists believe in a similar crazy idea, that a whole bunch of random anomalies came together to form a protein which in turn came together with the protein for a second time to form an amino, to which then goes forth again to create a strand of RNA, but the RNA had to be there to create the protein synthesis... o wait what :S so your telling me I need RNA to make protein to make amino's, but to make RNA I need amino's and protein ? so here I am cluster fucking myself to make the three basic cells found in o I don't know EVERYTHING!
My argument is this, we really don't know if a god created or if we evolved, its something we most likely will never know, and for a group of open ended socios to directly fall down one path of knowledge is ridiculous to me, because lets face it knowledge is knowledge regardless of what the subject is, I don't know about any of the rest of you but I like to know everything I can wrap my narcissistic little brain around.
Postmodern Sociopath said, "Also, Gnosticism is so delightful. It's as if Lovecraft wrote the Bible."
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, it does sound a bit like that, Post.
Pick up a grammar and style manual while you're at it, Some Incoherent Me.
ReplyDeleteAs for the dna bit well lets try it from the net shall we, I'm sure all of you university educated, intelligent beings will afford me some net references. And Yes grace the following will be copy and pasted so as to not add my own flavour to it.
ReplyDeleteOne cubic inch of DNA can hold up wards of 1 trillion Cd's worth of data -
Leonard Adleman, a computer scientist at the University of Southern California, introduced the idea of using DNA to solve complex mathematical problems. Adleman's findings and past research show that DNA is similar to computers in the way it stores permanent information about our genes. Helping give credence to the movement, he also discovered that one gram of DNA can hold as much data as one trillion CDs--that's a lot of MP3s. Adleman used his DNA computer to solve the Hamiltonian Path problem that most of us likely encountered in junior high or high school math class. Also known as the "traveling salesman" problem, the goal is to find the shortest route between seven cities going through each only once.
As for my calculations I will show you how I came upon those.
One cd contains 700mb of data - The 100 disc stack in front of me or http://www.verbatim.com.au/en_AU/products/--cd/cd-r/94904/cd-r-700mb-50pk-white-inkjet-52x
The Number 1 Trillion - http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/Numbers/Math/Mathematical_Thinking/how_big_is_a_trillion.htm
700MB * 1000000000000 = 700000000000000 - A calculator.
683593750000 gigs How many MB in a gig 1024mb http://www.associateprograms.com/discus/ftopic4312.html
So 700000000000000mb / 1024mb = 683593750000 GB'S - Calculator
683593750 TB how many GB in a TB ? confusingly enough 1000GB = 1 TB (the 24 was dropped because it was causing hd's to be poo)
So 683593750000gb / 1000gb = 683593750 TB'S - Calculator
The average case of a computer has 4 Hard drive bays in it, based of how many pc's I have, forgive me.
683593750 tb's or 683593750 one terabyte drives / 4 = 170898437.5 - common sense and a calculator
Erm yer schools out now ?
Someone is getting touchy over there ay PMS? Resorting to a lesser form of rebuttal ? its OK I'm sure someone finds you irritating.
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ReplyDeleteYour terminology with regard to storage space is wrong. There are 1000 megabytes (10^6 or 1,000,000 bytes per megabyte) in a gigabyte (10^9 or 1,000,000,000 bytes). This is a convenient decimalization for human consumption. However, computers don't understand decimal numbers; they only function in binary. There are 1024 mebibytes (2^20 or 1,048,576 bytes per mebibyte) in a gibibyte (2^30 or 1,073,741,824 bytes). This is why you can buy a drive advertising 500 GB but your computer will report its size differently (except on newer computers which do the binary to decimal conversion for you).
ReplyDeleteThe 24 on 1 TB was not "dropped because it was causing hd's to be poo". It was never there to begin with. 1 TB = 1000 GB, but 1 TiB = 1024 GiB. You have major calculation errors derived from your unwitting shift between number bases.
So, while 700 MB * 10^12 does indeed equal 700,000,000,000,000 MB, to convert to GB requires division by 1000, not 1024. This results in 700,000,000,000 GB. Dividing again by 1000, as you did, we reach 700,000,000 TB. Dividing by your arbitrary number of hard drive bays per computer, four, yields 175,000,000.
I would like to see where they got these questionable figures on the storage capacity of DNA, as they only mention "some experts".
I won't even address the problems with your understanding of evolution (it doesn't "evolve things away" during the lifetime of a single creature).
(*EDITED for a few dropped letters*)
PostModern said, “I won't even address the problems with your understanding of evolution…”
ReplyDeleteI will.
First of all SOM, you are conflating two separate concepts, abiogenesis and evolution. As Medusa likes to say, Google is your friend.
Second, who said randomness had anything to do with evolutionary theory? Evolution by natural selection is the exact opposite of random.
Third, we do indeed know, as much as we can be confident of any scientific theory, that evolution is the entirely natural process that generated all life on this planet.
Fourth, all theories are not created equal. Any gap in current scientific knowledge does not make it any more likely that the theory called ‘gawd did it’ is true.
Fifth, your talk about DNA is really the ‘life is too complex therefore gawd did it’ argument in drag. On the face of it, this argument is fallacious in two ways: it makes use of the argument from ignorance and it is not falsifiable and therefore unscientific.
I am not going to provide you with the ample evidence for evolution, evidence that spans across several fields of scientific inquiry. It’s not my job to school you in biology 101. I do however take pleasure in revealing to you the errors in your thinking.
My suggestion then is read and even more importantly, learn some critical thinking skills.
A correction to my third point: I should have said evolution by natural selection and genetic drift sufficiently explains the history of life on this planet, once the process got kick started (see abiogenesis) rather than 'evolution generated all life'.
ReplyDeleteInteresting reply to my post.
So, how was that supposed to make me feel? lol"
My reply was not supposed to make you feel anything. It was intended to make you think -- no doubt a quixotic endeavor on my part.
In 36 words, you managed three misspelled words and six punctuation errors. Lack of normal language standards could easily be overlooked if only you had something intelligent to say.
Plus, his acts of terrorism and multiple genocides show a fairly nice range of creativity for a serial killer. In fact, I don’t think he ever kills in the same way more than once in all of the Old Testament.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting how the new derivations of the Old Testament have tried so hard to denounce the violence depicted in it, only to create new literature that only further justify brutality with religion, as if this time it's "better," more noble, and in the end they continually contradict themselves. It's all the same really, only one is better written. In fact, someone should write a graphic novel based on it, I'm sure it'll be fantastic.
(I'm sure those of you with common sense already know this, but the best way to deflate an inflated ego is to simply ignore it.)
After looking into your post, you are correct and I apologize for the wrong calculations, the point being relevant still that the small amount of DNA can still contain a hell of a lot of data regardless of my incorrect math skills.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am trying to point out is, everyone says its impossible for a god to exist but its ok to believe in a complete randomization of our complete makeup happening on a frequent basis. It would be silly to believe in one complete and whole aspect of theory wouldn't you agree ?
PMS Said I won't even address the problems with your understanding of evolution (it doesn't "evolve things away" during the lifetime of a single creature).
I understand it doesn't evolve things away in a single life time I was being using a hyperbole to illustrate that while god cannot stop the things happening today neither can evolution.
The makeup of DNA is not random by any definition. 99.9(9?) percent of DNA is identical among humans. The parts that aren't are determined by the particular makeup of the parent DNA and a small amount of mostly predictable protein mutation.
ReplyDeletewas using sorry, I am at work and I am not looking it over before posting.
ReplyDelete*Sigh* - Oh, how I do love smart guys.
ReplyDeleteDo I detect a hint of a swoon, dear Aerianne?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Post, I'm all swoony.
ReplyDeleteCreationism and evolution aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
ReplyDeleteIt's disappointing to me that most people fail to understand that all of that Adam and Eve jazz is mostly just allegories.
What, were we supposed to include a bunch of scientific details and proofs and studies and all kinds of non-layman jargon like that in the book of Genesis? Good God that would have been a boring read, and Judeochristianity would have failed immediately. Many of my worshippers aren't necessarily the smartest people and they wouldn't have understood a word of it. It most certainly would never have been the Number One Bestseller Of All Time.
And it would never fit in a hotel nightstand.
Don't feed us that Clockmaker claptrap, Jesus. You know as well as I that clocks are tools of the Devil.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, most of your worshippers aren't exactly literate in the first place, so it hardly matters what's between the covers. A thicker Bible give a heartier thump, I dare say.
Good point on the nightstand issue, though I imagine if God had filled the Bible with proofs you could've just carpentried up a larger standard nightstand.
You forget. If you want people's attention, then you need a good story.
ReplyDeleteA plot. A protagonist. A couple of villians. A bunch of wars. Falls from grace. And old man with a bag of magic tricks. Revenge. Extreme weather conditions. Prostitutes. Sex.
Lots of action, lots of sin. Things that everyone can understand and get excited about.
Jesus, forget the old guy with the bag. I'd be excited if you send me a couple of guys that look like the guys pictured at the top of this blog entry, with brains like the guys writing toward the end. Thank You. Amen.
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer a tall skinny pale sickly looking thing. Jesus is probably pretty hot under that hipster beard.
ReplyDeleteMedusa loves Goth-boy Jesus :P
ReplyDeleteNo, not goth boys. I don't like goth boys.
ReplyDeletePardon; my bad.
ReplyDeleteMore like Nathan Explosion. That guy is perfect.
ReplyDeleteCan't argue that, Medusa.
ReplyDeleteYou can use Science and you can use your highly intellegent brain's but you'll never figure it all out. That's why it's called FAITH. I'd be more intrested if someone did a Datamining on God and really looked into what they think He's all about. That would take really reading the Bible on your own instead of what other's have tryed to teach you or you think you remember.
ReplyDeleteThink about it all this negative talk and mocking of God and He hasn't stuck you deaf, dumb, blind or dead. Hummmmmmm. Maybe He actually give's you the time and love to wait till you need Him to prove He is real.
None of us deserve's His acceptance of us or His forgiveness. But there it is for us without any clause's. Free gift of eternal life. You make everything else to fit into your own advantage why not make God. You just might get it right if you do.
gues who you got if from?
ReplyDeletemom or dady
so you have to out them 2
(just for the hell of it)
my dad can kill your dad
DeleteBut where does M.E. go from here? She's been at this since 2008.
ReplyDeleteM.E.'s book might not be a smash best seller, but she does have
believability and respect of most people. Why hide? M.E. is a
wonderful spokesperson for her "cause." It's a very noble cause, but
it's doomed for failure because people are "sexually afraid." When
people are sexually afraid, they are not rational and won't listen to
I can see their point however. Popular culture and genetics are
encouraging women to breed with "bad boys." The end result of this
will be a nation of cutthrought bastards. Nobody wants that.
were does anny sociopath go?
Deletethey fuck up/implode/explode/move on
and start somewhere els
There is something about very religious families that makes a kid more likely to be a sociopath. I think it's the control and the shame. Certain kids just get fed up with the excessive and heavy handed moralizing and check out to be spared the endless guilt trips.
ReplyDeleteMmm alterboys
Deletei tend to believe so also. i find misogynist-patriarchy type religion the nastiest out there. religion is a knife that will always kill, it gets darn right abusive swinging far to the right. faith is something else though.
Deletehttps://www.facebook.com/catzu.cristi?fref=ts this guy is a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteyou're not a psychopath you're a narcissist