But to think of them as "opposites" or diametrically opposed is also inaccurate, I think, because although light may be the "opposite" of dark, they have much more in common with each other than light does with, for example, either pleasure or pain. In my mind they are more like two sides of the same coin, opposite in only the most technical, narrow definition. So I guess I believe in good and evil, but they are also sort of interchangeable to a certain extent, and I personally wouldn't necessarily know whether something was good or evil, or whether anything ever has an inherent quality of good or evil about it. So I guess to me the issue of whether there is good and evil is sort of moot because it has no practical relevance to my life. Or it probably actually does, I’m sure, in some earth spins once every 24 hours sort of way.
As to the religion, I feel like my life is like a big game of Blindman's Bluff and I’m "it". I’m not sure why I’m playing it and the targets seem to always be moving. Believing the religion is sort of like thinking that eventually I’ll get to take the blindfold off and see things as they truly are. It seems like a plausible belief to me, although certainly not convincing. Having at least one part of me believe it gives me a lot more patience for what seems like a very tiresome endeavour. I guess I get the same sort of pleasure in living my religion that I get from saving for my retirement (which was already fully-funded by the time I was 30). Only part of me actually believes I will live to retirement age, but it's such a small sacrifice to put away a little money here and there. And if I do actually retire, that would have been a very "smart" thing for me to do. In other words, it’s just another version of playing the game well, capitalizing on all available opportunities, and coming up with back-up plans. And, of course, it has its perks.
(Like free exorcisms.)
I think good and evil is all about perspective. What a person dictates is good and evil. Sometimes these perspectives are wide-scale on a cultural level, but for many issues, it really depends on how a person perceives a situation.
ReplyDeleteAs far as religion, it's iffy for me. I grew up with it, so it's sort of mole that never leaves my skin, no matter how many times I cut it off. I've had a select few, very odd things happen in my life that defy explanation other than ridiculous luck whilst mind-fucking myself. Maybe it's all hogwash, maybe it's legit. I don't know, nor care much, to be frank.
Religion doesn't bug me so long as it doesn't stand in my way. Whether it's stupidity, like a six thousand year old planet and Moses sipping tea with dinosaurs, or imposing even MORE ridiculous laws and morals onto me, if it gets in my way, I'll step all over it.
why in god's name is children's tv always so trippy? god, my brain doesn't get it.
ReplyDeleteTo my mind, evil isn't so much morally objectionable behaviour, as it is unprovoked behaviour driven by malicious intent.
ReplyDeleteBut that's just semantics - essentially I believe that there's nothing black and white about such behaviour.
I also believe that human beings are animals, made up of predators and prey of various classifications, just like any other organism in ecologies.
So to me you're not 'evil' M.E., and I'm not 'good' – but yes, you *are* one of my predators, and I am one of your prey.
Learning about detection, attack, capture and consumption in the animal kingdom has been more useful to me than psychology with regards to my adapting, surviving, and learning how not to advertise 'profitability' as a target of attack.
As for theistic definitions of 'dark' and 'light' they mean nothing to me personally as I have no religious indoctrination.
When I was 5 years old I asked a teacher, "If God made you who made God?" and was reprimanded for it, so for all my school years my mother removed me from every religious class.
But, that said, I adore the imaginative symbolism, iconography and storytelling that theistic definitions of 'dark' and 'light' inspire especially in old art.
When is this self diagnosis going to stop? You peeps are not sociopaths!
ReplyDeleteSome people are born evil, like serial killers.
ReplyDeletedictionary definition of evil:
ReplyDelete1 Morally bad or wrong;
2 Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful
So yeah evil exists and it's all around you.
Evil is such primordial word. There is no such thing as evil. Some of us are sick in the head or we are not. Or we perceive things as this or that. Believing in God is a good investment because we don't know for sure either way. And if believing has anything to do with an afterlife then we're going to benefit. There's no risk in believing. Some people say if we believe then there will be but if we don’t then there won’t be. If that's true, I have no idea, we have more control than we think.
ReplyDeleteStupidest bumper sticker...'God said it, I believe it, that settles it!"
ReplyDeleteWtf? Isn't that like a cult mentality? Aren't cults bad?
Let's take two words; responsibility and expectation. Before your words became nouns, they were first my words, nouns with movement andexperience buried inside them; the ability to respond and expectancy. My words are alive and dynamic-full of life and possibility; yours are dead, full of law and fear of judgment. That is why you won't find the word responsibility in the Scriptures.
Let me ask you, when something happens how do you determine whether it is good or evil?
ReplyDeleteAnd how confident are you in your ability to determine what indeed is good for you and what is evil?
It is you that determines what is good and what is evil. You become the judge.And to make things even more confusing that which you determine to be good will change over time and circumstances. Then beyond that and even worse, there are billions of youeach determining what is good and what is evil. So when your good and evil clashes with your neighbor's, fights and arguments ensue and even wars break out.
I'm also of a mind that nothing is so clear cut and black and white. Without one, you can't have the other. They are a compliment to each, a balance. Nature is all about balance in order to maintain itself. In nature you do not have good or evil, because there is no intent or motivation behind it. In man or sentient creatures there is intent thay can be malicious but who is to qualify whether it is good or evil? Religious law? Civil Law? Morality is imposed to create order in order for society to function as a whole. Disrupting this order is often percieved as 'evil' but that does not make it necessarily so, it just makes it a deviation from the accepted norm. (No, I am not condoning murder, rape, molestation or any of the other human atrocities that we inflict on one another.) Who defines good and evil, and whether you believe in the precepts of the originator is a personal choice. Good and evil can therefore be seen as a personal choice. A personal perception. But what is good to one person may not be good to another. What is evil to one, not to another.
ReplyDeleteWhat's more, from 'evil' deeds may come beneficial, good, opportunities (i.e. bringing people together). And everyone know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Too long didn't read ^
ReplyDeleteI believe in evil, but not exactly the way you'd explain it or want to read my explanation. I believe THEY believe in it. If I ask them their concept of good and evil, while they believe they are more good than evil what I see is a blend of BOTH inside each and every one of them that is pretty balanced and usually not more than the other. Expressing one's self is a completely different story, for you can never truly know the other person until you've tried :)
ReplyDeleteOh and M.E., "(Like free exorcisms.)", you of all people should know that nothing is free :)
ReplyDeleteOf course, gratification is not monetary.
GOD, 'good' and ‘evil’ are indeed entirely subjective, and absolutism for the purposes of good *or* evil often leads to evil itself, such as any creed of fundamentalism.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I determine evil (which I define as malicious intent) by asking myself if an action was done with the clear intent to cause me harm, without just cause, and if I conclude it was I judge it to be bad for me. If I incorrectly conclude it wasn't, physical symptoms of stress correct me, and I protect myself.
Of course there's a spectrum of malicious intent, but I never judge it as being 'good' for me, I judge it as a predator being within striking distance if not actively hunting me.
Similarly, I look for malicious intent in a politician, a nation, or an organisation's interpretations of 'good' and 'evil', and adopt strains of their ideologies accordingly. Where fundamentalism of any sort falls down is an ideology needs a steady state and life in general, not to mention the universe, is fluid.
For me nature is our ruler, and while I judge natural disasters as tragedies, I don't judge them as being due to the 'immoral' actions of mortals or immortals, I judge them as natural processes.
That said, I do find myths and legends tantalising in their 'explanations' of the inexplicable, and I've often wished I had the capacity to be devoutly religious so that I could experience the comforting illusion that by adopting the dogma of (so-called) 'moral certainty' I can control that which I cannot.
Edit: physical symptoms *and intuitive messages often* correct me
ReplyDeleteAll things are a choice, not all things are benificial.
ReplyDeleteIt is not rules, dogma, laws or religion that I desire.
It is a relationship.
I found my eternity in cryo freezing.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about good and evil. Its all subjective and easily manipulated. People excuse my evil. Some don't believe other people when their told what I've done. They come up to me asking and I show them how the evil I've done is for the greater good.
ReplyDeleteAlmost ALL serial killers were brought up in very brutal environments. There is no evidence of them ever being born that way. That's not to say that you socios and psychos may not have some genetic predisposition but your fucked up childhoods and parents are who we can all thank! Same thing goes with the whiny assed empaths!
ReplyDeletePlenty of 'good' has been done with malicious intent. I wonder, do you think proper revenge is evil? To never stand up against an 'evil' that is stepping all over you? And isn't sitting there like a coward, not taking care of yourself definitely not 'good'? Especially when the collateral hurts others?
ReplyDeleteYou try to be so open minded, yet threw a padlock on your mind when you were done. How very amusing.
I just decided to start carrying a two headed coin to show me that everyone is two faced. Theres the good side and bad side to everybody. Im amazed by the post cause i was thinking about this before i came to the site today. There are two realities people live with. The one that they present to the world, and the true self that has to be regulated. Everybody hides there true intentions and only show the face that everyone wants to see. Here's a twist maybe there is no good or evil only personal motivations and intentions. There are two sides to everything and it isnt heads or tails light or dark, black and white, its exactly the same.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly are you talking about when you say "plenty of good has been done with malicious intent"? Please give an example.
ReplyDeleteAnd what exactly is "proper revenge"?
Most of you on this site give such vague examples.
"You try to be so open minded, yet threw a padlock on your mind when you were done. How very amusing."
Your vagueness is much more amusing.
Maybe it doesn't have a rhyme or reason until all is said and done, TNP. Sometimes if people follow their noses and not their intellect/logic, if a stick is thrown in one's spoke, out comes a different side of the coin?
ReplyDeleteI can't really understand how "good" and "evil" relate to "God" or "religion" without the exclusive exception that the conjurer of those thoughts would have to be predisposed to hate of "God" or of "religion" but simultaneously favor stupid people in their hearts, and only if such favoring avoids rationality and common sense as means for attraction to said thought process. It smells of self-defeat to me.
ReplyDeleteEvery single serial killer had a fucked up child hood FACT.
ReplyDeleteI really like the picture at the blog top today.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:40, Get that idea from Dark Knight?
ReplyDeleteI don't like this new background ME. The paintings you showed as ideas a while ago where much nicer.
Ammy, I'm not going to speak for TNP but I would suggest when he fathoms a mind wanting to be open yet shut with a padlock it can mean the following:
ReplyDeleteKilling is evil, right?
We can argue all day and we're always going to come to the same conclusion, that it's "wrong".
What if I kill someone to prevent your death? Is it wrong then? What if we decide that it was a GOOD thing to do because your would be killer is BAD and I am GOOD as a savior of sorts? What if I then admit I enjoyed it thoroughly? What if it was more about the excuse to kill someone rather than saving you? But we agreed the outcome is good?
While I'd enjoy such a debate until I won, I think that what a padlock can mean is an inability to fathom this scenario. Should you not be able to take what's vague and construct any supporting scenario yourself, either for or against, then you would fall within his definition of a locked or otherwise lazy mind.
I doubt that. My childhood was absolutely charming.
ReplyDeleteI generally like the new background, it is very aspie like why shall we get involved in such petty affairs when there is a whole universe to explore? I do not live in realm of reason, never have, i want power, instant gratification,and i want it right now! That is why I'm a sexy bastard.
ReplyDeleteEveryone here can fuck my holes, i have no sense of self worth, spit in my asshole too.
ReplyDeleteI find everything hilarious, even at funerals ill be splashing out the did he died jokes, ha I don't know how people can be so serious, if someone annoys me i will fume with rage but it's short lived, but id be plotting this persons death while I'm pissed off, it reminds me of the KKK leaders, they just wanted to see violence they didn't give a shit about the niggers, they used the retarded wife beaters who actually did hate the blacks to induce chaos, while they laughed.
ReplyDeleteFucking inferiority complexed ridden bastards the lot of them!
ReplyDeletewhoa! the background is, a bit, black! I don't like it at all M.E. It's very oppressive.
ReplyDeleteOh, and to the guy above me somewhere, you really need to grow a brain. I have a strong sense of self-worth you big fat twirp. :P
I don't get the obsession with good and evil. It's interesting i guess, for about five minutes. But i tend to find that those most obsessed with the subject are the 'questionable' ones, if you know what I mean. Irony!
But carry on. Someone's gotta discuss it i suppose, it might as well be sociopaths.
I was reading without conscience the other morning, and i found some parts hilarious, there was a part when Hare interviewed a psychopath, they installed this red button so he could push it if anything happened, anyways the interview doesn't even begin and the guy takes out a knife ha ha ha sorry, you won't get it but i found it hilarious, can you imagine that little faggot reaching for the button hahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteprove me wrong hunnie, how many times have you had your ass railed?
ReplyDeletein a blog about morals and sciopaths.
no-one has mentioned the word amoral as opposed to immoral and moral?
fuck sake.
there is no such thing as morality, there is the ethics of living in society. there are actions and consequences (in this, the only, life).
and ME on religion:
...having at least one part of me believe it...
what a pussy.
can you tell i'm in a bad mood, lol?
ReplyDeleteIve never sat down and analyzed morality or religion, by nature i am agnostic and i never had morals, i don't have a philosophical standing on religion, i could read any book for five minutes, then Id explain it better than the person who wrote it, but i wouldn't have a clue about the technical detail.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck did you say Res? I will pwn you fuckwit.
ReplyDeletelol ME impostor, what I said was pertinent and clearly stated.
ReplyDeletewhat you said was retarded and pointless.
sociopath song of the day -
You are both retarded and pointless. One is trying to shock us (pointless) and the other is intellectualising loose morals. I'm tired of people theorizing on here, both the intellectuals and retards. Id rather hear just how dispicable you really are or are not.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has dark thoughts. Where's the acts to go with them?
I love to have people sit and have to come up with reasons to justify me. I love seeing people offended and horrified. I love seeing people come to the brink of realizing who I really am, and then getting them to slowly accept that what I'm doing is right.
This hippy owner of the club asked me why I was so violent. I told him that I don't know anything else and that I'm slowly learning his new way of living in my association with his business. He's so proud of himself for changing me. Meanwhile I'm still doing the exact same thing. While he's sitting in his office I run the whole show. He told me he wanted to open the market and share my business with the competitors. While he isn't looking anyone who comes and tries gets pushed on by my people until they grovel. Some think I'm security when I tell them they can't be there. Others are scared.
There is no morality. There's just the smarter and stronger feasting on the weak. We are heading for a global upheaval. In the chaos that ensues there will be no protection and no classes. There will just be prey at the mercy of the predators acting on their whims.
You sound like a Disney villain.
DeleteAre we your audience UKan? If you're looking for applause you won't find it. Not because you're not ruthless, not because you're not cruel. You're just a little to narcissistic and a little too simple.
ReplyDeleteNo I'm your audience, and you're boring me. Even with inspiration you have nothing to say.
ReplyDeleteNope. My audience pays.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, there are no real morals, UKan. Though I fail to see why nobody should bother with interesting discussion and instead sit there boasting about what 'bad' things they've done - wouldn't that get boring?
ReplyDeleteNo we did that last night. It was very entertaining hearing people stories about how they did shit to people. Its better than hearing a bunch of garbley bullocks about intellectual babble. Let's be honest, its quite a disappointment. You come here to find people as amazing and awful as you and all we get is these bloody college students that are nothing more than apolagists for people like us. People who walked the straight and narrow their whole lifes and read some fucking Nietzsche, now they want to spread their wanna be immorality like they're some kind of rebel. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteOr this bloke who is GRK, or is so stupid he sounds just like him. 'Look in my eyes and all you see is hell', and all this about pissing in his arse. Why, you are so shocking.~ When I read your words I see someone who's afraid. Pathetic.
I wouldn't pay to see your foolishness. I would pay someone to take you from my sight.
When I created IT, IT was only good, because that is just the way I am.
ReplyDeleteA created being can only take what already exsists and from it fashion something different.
We created YOU knob.
ReplyDeleteSuch a powerful ability , the imagination! But without wisdom, imagination is a cruel taskmaster.
ReplyDeleteIf I may prove my case, do you think humans were designed to live in the present or the past or the futher?
I think that "GOD" has taken a break out of his busy schedule of smearing shit all over the walls of his padded cell to visit this site. Last night was defiantly the most interesting for a while now.
ReplyDeleteTell me where do you spend most of you time in your mind, in your imagination, in the present,in the past or in the future?
ReplyDeleteShouldn't you already know all the answers, GOD?~
ReplyDeleteFuck off my patch God.
ReplyDeleteAl looking backthough much can be learned by but only for a visit it should not be an extended stay.
ReplyDeleteLiving in the future is a desperate attempt to get some control over something you can't. It's impossible for you to take power over the future because it isn't even real, nor will it ever be real.
You try to play God, imagining the evil that you fear becoming reality, and then you make plans and contingencies to avoid what you fear.
"How could there even be a concept "light" if there is no concept "dark"?"
ReplyDeleteI tell people this on an almost daily basis.
I was wondering about your relationship with religion, M.E., and it's nice to have your description.
Where Good and Evil is concerned you and I agree. But I don't see Religion as a possible way to get the blindfold off, not even as an insurance kind of part of 'playing the game well'.
I don't believe there is an Absolute Truth. I only believe there is the possibility of experiencing and creating a wider reality, and that's my approach to religion.
For the same reason I have no God. I might get myself one some day, if I find one who believes in me, but there's no preset on my part to believe in one God rather than another.
Cappala, f.ex., is a great system and it seems to work. (I'm not referring to the popular version, nor to the more established Jewish versions. I'm referring to it as an occult technique).
ReplyDelete"Some don't believe other people when their told what I've done."
This made me chuckle. Ah, memories, memories, lol.
People believe you when you lie, when you tell them stories that lean towards the reality they know. Don't tell them the truth, to them truth is TV and fiction, that's why they worship celebrities.
Don't tell them about truths in their own lives, don't tell them you've killed people or tortured, or about the crimes you've done. If they ask you, lie!, for they will not have the truth. to them Truth is only words, not reality they can encounter through somebody they know or meet.
I see our beloved Sociopath World is being frequented by the usual trolling dip-shits. *sigh*
But by all means, show us all how pathetically effective you are at wasting bandwidth and space. I'm sure we're all going to bow in recognition of your sociopath-likenesses.
ReplyDelete"why in god's name is children's tv always so trippy? god, my brain doesn't get it."
Uhm, what has that got to do with anything?
Anyway, children TV is so trippy because those who create it have forgotten what it's like to be children. Children are another version of people who must learn to be 'real human beings', much like they'd like "us" sociopaths and psychopaths to do.
In short: TV is that way because children to most people are unfathomable, children's worlds and minds are unfathomable to them.
(yeah, and THEY know what it is to be human. Riiight)
As for children's TV...
DeleteI think most adults forgot how it is to be children, this is why they're puzzled over "why can't we get through them?" (i.e. - getting them to do what we want). I don't think I'll ever forget how to be a child, since, to be honest, I don't think I'm much different, just better informed. Those who make children's programs today don't care to remember how it is to be kids - it is not useful to them.
Once TV shows for kids were just to entertain. Later came the educational programs (I liked the science/history related ones). Today they make children's TV mostly to... Promote crap the parents could spend a buck on. Every TV character on children's television is designed to... Have products based on it, and preferably with a stupid live show.
I guess the makers of television finally got it through their thick skulls that children are a great consumer audience, getting to the milking cow (i.e - the parents) through them.
Zhawq you've told and been told so many lies, the difference is I just didn't believe them.
ReplyDeleteSea Witch,
ReplyDelete"So to me you're not 'evil' M.E., and I'm not 'good' – but yes, you *are* one of my predators, and I am one of your prey."
You seem so sweet when you write that. ^^
I like what you say in your comment.
I've had the same experience with pointing out the logical paradox about (the Christian) God's creation.
Actually a lot of kids t.v. is designed to teach kids to explore the world around them and teach them the morals this world lives by. It's been said before, socios are a lot like children, selfish, self-absorbed. The difference is that most children have the capacity to learn and feel the things kids t.v. is teaching them. Like if one kid steals candy from another or is mean to them, the lesson is how would you like to be treated the same way, you wouldn't, so you feel bad about it. Socio children would probably have thought, 'so what? it's not me.' even if we recognised that everyone else are people with feelings we didn't care.
ReplyDelete"Killing is evil, right?"
"We can argue all day and we're always going to come to the same conclusion, that it's "wrong"."
Anonymous 7:42PM:
ReplyDelete"if one kid steals candy from another or is mean to them, the lesson is how would you like to be treated the same way, you wouldn't, so you feel bad about it. Socio children would probably have thought, 'so what? it's not me."
Exactly. How you would feel if someone did to you what you just did to someone else is beside the point, it WASN'T done to you.
I'm not disputing that children TV is loaded with illogical lessons about mores, but notme was asking about the 'trippy' quality of so many of those TV series and that's what I tried to answer to.
"Zhawq you've told and been told so many lies, the difference is I just didn't believe them."
Well, neither did I, and I'm fairly sure we're not that rare in these parts. :)
Well then that's just because everyone loves surreal purple furry monsters with Australian accents of course!
ReplyDeleteIf they wanted to teach kids the world around them then they need something based in reality not some fucking fantasyland where jimmy gives tommy back his favorite muppet. The real world is cutthroat and what you call evil has always thrived, not good. Good people are pawns in the game of those in power.
ReplyDeleteThanks for saving me the trouble, Anon at 1145.
ReplyDeleteI had an image of Satan as Clint Eastwood growling at God to get off his lawn.
Damn kids...
Abibymous 3:04PM:
ReplyDelete"Are we your audience UKan?"
You're an idiot. If you don't understand what he's saying, why not just leave it alone? You're just proving his point: You became offended, you just call it something else.
Yeah, maybe a superfluous comment on my part, but I felt like saying it. So, there!...
UKan if you taught kids the real world you'd end with people like us. And I heard that isn't a good thing.
ReplyDeleteIn my fiances dream last night some guy hit on her at a fancy party, and she left. She came upstairs and I was doing dishes. She said I looked angry. I turned around and lifted a gun and shot her in the leg. Then I walked up and stood over her for a minute and shot her two more times in the arm and head. She said it was so vivid she could swear she felt the warmth going through her body as she died.
ReplyDeleteShe came up from her body confused why I shot her. God came up to her and she became gabriel. She asked god why I shot her. He told her that she had excused me for so long she had become blind. He said that the time had come for her to let me be judged for the things I've done and that the longer I stayed the more people would suffer.
She told him that she saw hope in me still. He pointed to me and I looked like a demon, but she said there was a small part of me that looked human. She pointed it out to god who told her he could not see it. She told him she would not give me up.
Actually it was a different anon to the one who previously spoke. So not offended cause it wasn't actually directed at me. It's a flaw, I know, but stupidity annoys me.
ReplyDeleteShe cme back to earth on a high rise. I was standing there ready to blow the neighboring building up. She tried to talk me out of it, but she said I told her that after she died I became a teacher, but lost my job. I told her that god was right about me and she pulled out a missle launcher of some sort and it got James Bond.
ReplyDeleteWhen everythin blew to hell she was back in the party again, but this time nothing was wrong and we were happy.
I asked her what she thought it meant and she told me that everything ends where it begins.
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallly wish the moon was down here as well. This white straight on black is not good for the eyes. M.E, could you replicate the moon down the page? Pretty please!
ReplyDeletelots of love and thankfulness, notme. xoxoxox :D
P.S, the moon is a great touch.
btw Zhawq (you never said what your name means), I mentioned kids tv since i happened to be watching it when i commented, and on mute, after having had no sleep, which made it all the more of a mind-f*ck.
ReplyDeleteUkan, I think your girl is right on the money. I fell in love with a socio/narc. In the beginning I was blown away by his strangeness, his ability to hurt without remorse. I was freaked out. Then I got used to it. But in the end, after it was over, I had a dream that wasn't even a dream. -I just jolted out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night to this sick chill of feeling my hair catching on fire at the nape of my neck.
ReplyDeleteIt is Mila. Hello.
hey Mila. how are you?
ReplyDeleteHi Notme. Just came back from a walk.
ReplyDeleteI'm just fine, thanks.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
Have a good night!
You too Mila. :)
ReplyDeleteZhawq 7:35pm: ^^ ;)
ReplyDeleteNice eclipse effect, M.E. [note to self: do not mention Twilight.]
In Viking myth, a wolf named Hati ("He Who Hates, Enemy") chases the moon across the night sky, and if he sinks his teeth into it a lunar eclipse occurs.
Just saying, like.
UKan, tell your lovely girl, it's not my purpose to punish sin but to cure it.
ReplyDeleteM.E. Can we please have more of this picture at the top of our blogs?
ReplyDeleteGood and evil are constructs created by man's imagination, that have evolved as he has.
ReplyDeleteThe idea of a "greater good" brings humans together I think, and allows droves to live together, but the world is changing and the lines between good and evil are getting more blurred every day.
If you thing about it really the idea of "Good" is quite a selfish one, the things people consider good are generally the things that aid themselves or others they consider "good" (like themselves)
Good is a farce imagined to add more meaning to the fact that what it really is, is "I help you, and you all help me."
Of course you have people that do "good" things such as donate to charity, but even that is selfish, on the most primal level, it only serves to let them sleep more peacefully.
I am of the same bandwagon as ME (with the exception of not practicing a religion). I am both simultaneously agnostic/atheist. If there is a God, then doing good acts is good for me (like the investing for retirement). If there is no God, then good acts are still good for me (reputation, future opportunities, living in society successfully). Either way, the more good I do, the better. It's a no-fault situation.
DeleteAs for the basis of Good, it has significant sociocultural bias. A good in North America is not necessarily a good in the Middle East, or China. Does that make the people out east less good, or just more different? Either way we're all the same bipedal sentient mammal - different cultures, same egos.
By the way, there is a difference between Evil and psychopathology. One criticizes without rational self-responsibility, while other one does.
evil is a subjective point of view (subject to change)
ReplyDeleteWell, let me ask you: Was Ted Bundy "evil" when he murdered all those
ReplyDeletegirls, and returned to the dump sites and had sex with their decaying
bodies? Was Philp Chism evil when he carefully planned the vicious
rape/ murder of his teacher, slashed her with a box cutter, and shoved
a 3 foot tree branch in her vagina? He filmed it.
The wisest man I ever knew told me: "They do these things because they
are "evil," and evil doesn't need a reason."
Hollow folks are not christian, that´s a do-gooder religion! Hollow folks many times pose as christians (especially in prisons), but that´s another story. Kneeling down in front of all-mighty supernatural beings thanking for scraps of food...its really provocative stuff for cold people. De Sade wanted to rip down the sun from the sky & piss on it, that is most likely the genuine reaction psychos experience when lectured about meek mangods sacrificing themselves so they could later claim that others must pay their debt to them..
ReplyDeleteThe gateway to evil is anything but emotionless- even for a sociopath. It is an all pervasive hunger to consume, or it is annihilating rage, or it is a fear so great it must lash out like a rabid animal. Maybe some combination of these things. Whether the action inspired by these emotions is frantic and full of passion (empath), or cold and methodical(sociopath) is immaterial in the grand scheme of things.
ReplyDeleteThe incredible release of emotion through destructive action is the point where the threshold of evil is crossed. It is an incredibly satisfying rush and in that moment, all is right for the person who was experiencing those overpowering urges.
But on the other side of the threshold- the satisfaction of release evaporates into nothing once the release is complete. And so evil is best defined as the nothingness that comes on the other side the release.
Feeling "nothing" is what comes after the euphoria of feeling all powerful with the expulsion of your human emotions through a destructive act.
And so the cycle continues... This is why petty hatreds must be nursed, paranoid fantasies ruminated on, and envy pondered to the point of pain. So there will be something to release before the nothingness comes back.
Both empaths and sociopaths engage in repeated cycles of this if they are on a downward spiral. Unfortunately, until the addiction to the euphoria that comes at the moment of release is broken, the enslavement to evil will grow progressively harder to escape.
Problem with religion is that its fake/ fake is not fake/real. I like fake/real things like Tmac (Jesus), superchick (my messenger), and myself. Fake/fake & real/real things have no fluidity, tooo rigid, too stuck with their pre/misconceived notion. They can be dangerous.
ReplyDeleteLife is too short for fake butter, cheese, and people.
My comment was not directed at you, but yes, you are a fake/fake person. You make a good a crusader! Always on a holy mission. I guess this is the only way you can feel good about yourself, but I highly recommend that you find another way to get your fake butter & cheese.
DeleteBeing “for”/against anyone or anything is not me. I don’t have that type of “need”. Sadly, many women like you do!
Delete" Believing the religion is sort of like thinking that eventually I'll get to take the blindfold off and see things as they truly are." "Having at least part of me believe it gives me a lot more patience for what seems like a very tiresome endeavour."
ReplyDeleteWow, that's honesty!
Everyone has a choice, every day, of how they act and treat other people, religious or not. If you manipulate people, express hatred, and hurt other people and that works for you, keep right on doing it. If that's not working for you, make a different choice.
ReplyDelete"Believing the religion is sort of like thinking that eventually I’ll get to take the blindfold off and see things as they truly are. It seems like a plausible belief to me, although certainly not convincing. Having at least one part of me believe it gives me a lot more patience for what seems like a very tiresome endeavour."
This sounds like a wonderful coping skill. Maybe one morning you'll wake up and realize that even though you have a blindfold on it's not as dark as the day before, and you can start to see through it, or, you can peak out of the corner of your eye. Wink! Wink!
Yeah, there's hope. I like it.
DeleteCold folks are on/off, against/for people. Never troubled by teenage questions about who they are or meaning of life. School has no real impact on these people, cold young folks find it very provocative when middle-aged teachers speak to them like the stuff going on in that place has some sort of profound meaning, as it is anything but a long tedious experience with other ultimate lesson than: never let others bore you/control your time again like this ever again. Nihilists don´t find any comfort in church talk. They´re almost minor antichrists when it comes to christian stuff, they feel like con-men are trying to reach for their wallet. Many psychos likely has secret fantasies about "debasing" holier-than-thou church-goers, tempt them with "apples" & when they fall and hiss forth: "-Not so high and noble now, eh??" comments. Cain somehow gets raised by so much goody-good stuff..
ReplyDeleteThis is a very thought provoking comment. It illuminates "cold" thinking which I must admit I am terrible at. All of my thinking is vulnerable to my feelings. I have never heard some state so directly the link between binary thinking and a hyper rational outlook. I will have to ponder that.
DeleteIt's less about binary thinking than it is a clear distinction between likes and dislikes. Hyper-rational thinking helps make decisions, but not necessarily wants/desires. Many of which are common throughout - stimulation through novel and intriguing experiences, while avoiding people and things that are not wanted. That can appear binary when the decisions are made, but that is not actually so. Confidence and lack of regret allow for confident decisions. I have decided on "this", and am now going to do it.
DeleteLikes and dislikes are delineated, however hyper-rationality recognizes that nothing is straight-forward, categorical, unbiased, or free. Sociopaths are not black and white, not in the least. We live in the grey areas. Empaths are typically black and white, with typical false admittance of "I recognize it isn't as simple as black an dwhite, but it is still (insert black/white statement here)." This is because of vanity, that admitting inflexibility is a weakness they reject. This is a generalization, but it is very prevalent.
I would like to respectfully disagree with you. I think empaths get more worked up about things so that's why they take strong positions. They invest more emotionally and have a harder time giving up false perceptions when cognitive dissonance presents itself because they care so much. But the more sources of input anyone has (E or S) that they are willing to admit- the less possible it is to see things as black and white. Logic lends itself to neater (more black and white) conclusions than feelings do.
DeleteA different way to think about black and white thinking (of the s or e) is- how comfortable is this individual with exploring nuance? The more comfortable, the less black and white the person will be.
Cold folks are exactly like the zodiac sign Scorpio when it comes to be being either for or against, friend or enemy, liking chocolate or vanilla. Strong, extreme views.
DeleteLogic may lend itself to distinct conclusions, but as keen observers of human behavior we more readily see granularity. There is a difference between logic and rational behavior. This is why sociopaths (not just myself) don't see Good or Evil in any clear and indisputable way. Instead it is seen as a sociocultural phenomenon - a human construct. Sociopaths are don't see hard rules, while other disorders (eg. Aspergers) prefer them.
DeleteWell said Mach !
ReplyDeleteWell said Anon 347 also
DeleteBlindman's Bluff and I’m "it". Totally. When I think of evil I think of: Doubt and criticism. Mostly criticism. Criticism is the worst thing.
ReplyDeleteLike if you are constantly criticising either yourself or others, thats as evil as you can get.
ReplyDeleteOh father Jesus, that’s what everyone exactly does here. They approve/disapprove stuff. approving someone while disapproving someone else. Its just sheer evil!!
DeleteParents who criticize their children are the worst parents.
ReplyDeleteLike when i think of the word EVIL I think of LIVE. I think of vital existence. I think of all the good stuff. I think of the present moment and tuning into other realities. I think of harmony. I think of happiness. I think of who we really are. I think of Love.
ReplyDeleteI also think of reptilians, and Gods. I think of the fact that most of the things people think of evil are actually good. I think of sinning (which is good). I think of an ideal world with no restrictions.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWhen I think of Dark I think of safety I think of wet, I think of dank and slimy. I think substantial.
ReplyDeleteI exorcise. All the time.
ReplyDeleteFirewalking from the Inside
That's Anneliese Michel in the photo isn't it?