
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Female and sociopath: double-edged sword

There was something about this comment that I thought illustrated well how a female sociopath both plays to and fights against gender-based expectations:


I assure you I am not deeply sad or troubled.

Actually, I feel pretty. Very pretty. I think you would find me very pretty too.

I can look deeply into your eyes and immediately find your gentle, delicate soul. I will know exactly how you wish to be held, caressed.

My touch will be tender as I run my hands over the soft swell of your adorable derriere. My lips moist and yielding. My tongue hot and seeking.

You will want to consume me, but I will consume you.

Now that I have your attention, please take note: I do not want or need your pity, unless, of course, I can use it to my advantage.



  1. Replies
    1. In some important ways, sex, as in gender - trumps charm or looks.

      A female sociopath can "out" herself and people will think it is cute or sexy. Whether or not they'll admit it, the consider her deviancy and immediately think, "hey, maybe that means she'll have sex with me."

      Take, for instance, Casey Anthony or Jody Arias. If you didn't pay attention to their crimes, but rather, "hey, there's a woman here who did a horrible crime, and it was premeditated. She's remorseless."

      A typical guy's next thought is, "how hot is she?"

      On the other hand, if one here's about a guy who apparently has deviant psychology, a guy might think, "does he look identifiably creepy?" or "what race is he?" or "how big and strong is he?"

      The point is, with the guy predator, you're thinking skews to the size of the threat and the ability to detect the threat. With the woman, the question is, "how hot is she?"

      So, for instance, if a guy sociopath wants to talk to a shrink about his psychology, and he's done some criminal things, the shrinks get scared and want to refer him to people who deal with kid rapists and other criminal sociopaths. They'll report that when they met the guy, he gave them the creeps. They'll talk about the "penetrating" eyes, etc.

      An attractive woman sociopath can go to her therapist and tell him, "I told my husband that if we had a kid and it had birth defects, we'd have to murder it and make it look like an accident," and the shrink will say, "I've noticed you tend to be more logical and thought-oriented than feeling oriented. How about for the next few weeks, you keep a journal of how you feel over the course of the day?"

      I doubt any of the shrinks involved are aware of how their biases are influencing their feelings, thoughts and actions. As a male sociopath, concerned more with fairness than anything, I'm troubled about this double standard. But c'est la vie. Women, even sociopaths are a lot less likely to hurt you than men. That's just a fact. People's feelings of being scared or creeped out exist for a reason: they work really, really well.

    2. I think that clearly depicts the male/ female biases in diagnosing PDs. A friend told me how he is a male borderline. It presents itself as NPD/ASPD. Is he lying, the doctor lying, or are his symptoms disguised by substance abuse.

      As a bipolar, I can come off as ASPD,NPD, or BPD, depending on if I am manic or depressed.

      I think a lot of BPD women, could easily fit the DSM diagnosis of ASPD. And they might not kill you, but they will break your heart, act like a gold digger.

  2. is that like being back and a woman?
    i like being a white male
    and so does Louis CK

  3. lets face it once they don't need men to reproduce
    they will be absolete
    they are all ready disposable
    there a reason men go to war and wimmen need protecting

    1. anny female sociopaths would take avantage of that and pretend to be more of a damsel in distress than an apex predator

  4. They have pity. I don't. You know I'm very easily amused. Like also I get really bored. So here I am in this time and pplace. And I use you guys whether youre sociopath or empath or whatever I use you guys cuz thats what you're there for.

  5. But like I don't wanna hurt you guys...

  6. Yup that comment got me mush and attentive - can't deny it. ;-)

  7. Sounds like the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.
    Seriously, the female sociopath's asiprations are no different from the
    empath's. She is looking for "Mr. Right" as well. The difference is, like
    the Black Widow, once she uses him, he is "disposible" and she moves
    on to her next victim.
    The only man who can keep the loyality of a high maintence woman is
    a high maintence man. So they work together until the man gets
    bored, or they slip up and turn on each other.

  8. I only like me i dont like them... I only like me and the fact that they exist.

  9. I dont wanna over complicate things with gender and stuff

  10. And I don't listen. I don't listen to advice.

  11. I watch you though. All the time. Every day 24/7 (well sometimes i get distracted)

  12. I have schizoid personality disorder. I was wondering what some thoughts are on people like me, although we're pretty much aspies, we have a tendency to adapt to social situations when we need to.

  13. Accept me into your sociopath coven of witches and evil

  14. I have all the problems. ANy problme you name it I got it.

  15. Okay seriously. There is no disorder.

  16. People all the ti talk so intellectually.. I hate it. You can see its just the regurgitation of information.

  17. Like people come to me as if I have answers? I don't...

  18. People like you though, okay people like you are sacred. Theres not much more to say.

  19. Female sociopaths (as presented here) seem a bit like naughty spies that James Bond must hunt down, ravage, and then dispose of.

    1. They seem to pride them selves on looks, as if it's their very being, when really a nice pair of tits will get a guys attention. Self elevation to feed the narcissism I suppose. Those whom I have come across, play the 'untouchable' game, in the end they enjoy the feeling of being disposable and used. Quite boring after the unsaid desire is exposed.

    2. "They enjoy the feeling of being disposable and used."

      Wow, you picked some very weak females. Your choice, huh?

  20. Your mask is delusional, I don't believe for a second your that good in bed. Your not as clever and interesting as you think you are. Get over yourself, it's pathetic!

    You can't even face yourself...or me. Can't even have a fucking conversation!

    1. I would say you're referring to the male narcissist/sociopath, right?

    2. A comment not unlike those I see on facebook. Supposedly directed at a specific person yet share it with everyone for attention. Now that is pathetic.

  21. Please don't be confused, I DON'T have any pity, there is no one in their to pity, just an empty shell.

  22. The comment sounds like most of the women I go out with.

  23. Male and sociopath, if anyone's wondering...

    "The allure of the psychopath is that we are somewhat more similar to women in a way than to other men."

  24. Many of the advertised socio traits in here, strength in will and otherwise, intelligence, ruthlessness in aim, are not only for the emotionally cold. These traits can be found in the general population as well.

    1. I think that is why strong women/ feminists are sometimes described as sociopaths.


  25. There is no real point in fixated on a sociopaths external gender, because they can pretend to be whichever gender type fits you.

  26. I think any female prostitute could have written that. Don't see anything unique about it.


    1. Melissa, will you marry me?

      You just see straight through the bullshit and tell it like it is with humour and style. I really admire that.

    2. Bite Me,

      Are you a boy or a girl? That limits where we can get married.


    3. :D How about New Zealand?

      Bite me aka G.E.

  27. It's somewhat embarrassing, but cute at the same tme.

  28. La la la, hello sociopath world. Feels good to be among like-minded people again.

  29. haha luv the latest tweet bout the bodies


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