An IM conversation with a friend about the nature of the blog.
Friend: [after many questions about the blog] Does it disturb you that I am reading your blog now? And commenting in real time? If so, I will stop.
M.E.: No it’s fine, if you’re interested, I’m interested.
Friend: All this stuff is very self-aggrandizing, but it seems consistent with your analysis of sociopaths, which I think you should address somewhere because I bet it is a major critique of clinicians.
M.E.: What do you mean?
Friend: The generalizations, the pronouncements about tendencies, reasons, etc., they are dubious, and so clinicians must be like, ugh, I dont think so. But the point is that sociopaths are nuts.
M.E.: Yeah, I can see that. I write so self-assuredly, answering people’s questions as if I have all of the answers and the clinicians must be thinking that I’m deluded or just plain wrong. But you’re right, that’s part of the portrayal, I think. Everything is just my point of view. This is how I see things, and if my opinions are deluded, they are deluded in an interesting way, I hope.
Friend: Right.
M.E.: I'm not trying to go for balanced info, I'm just talking out of my ass basically.
Friend: Yeah, I think that is the best rebuttal. You never really sell yourself as a scientist or whatever. Honestly this makes me question psychological diagnoses in general.
M.E.: Why? By the way, I am too, they seem sketchy. But then they are better than thinking we are all the same.
Friend: I don’t know, they seem like a random collection of symptoms.
M.E.: Right, it's not clear to me what being a sociopath really means, e.g. whether it's just a personality type, or caused by low fear response or shallow emotions or whatever, what the boundaries are, the outer limits, the root causes. That's why it would be impossible for me to give a whole and accurate account of what a sociopath is. I can just write about what it feels like to me.
Friend: Yeah.
Well it's not as if their diagnostic criteria has sound foundation, otherwise they would have done more research into ASPD and Psychopathy instead of lumping all names into the same category.
ReplyDeleteThe APA, for the purpose of society, forced these terms together to more accurately assess a diagnosis for the dangerous individuals.
There are still many psychologists who believe in their research on psychopathy/sociopathy, and of course the research differs.
I won't credit any sources here as I cannot remember where I exactly I read these (but I'm sure going to the APA website would help), but these are obvious conclusions.
We're making loose connections to grasp at specific straws. Again, I refer to Kernberg when I mention the source of personality disorders. This is highly agreed upon and the best resource if desiring insight (or for what others should look for).
How did you kill the cat? Did you know the cat before?
ReplyDeleteAre you talking to Michael Moore M.E.?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know how many sociopaths experience doubt. I see little mention of it here.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone/type experiences doubt. Some just don't dwell on it for too long and choose to stay with more familiar and predictable concepts.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is different. Everyone has different experiences. There’s no reason why your thoughts and blogs should be encompassing of every socio. I like what you have going here. As you said, it’s all about how you see things.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think a lot of the DSM and psych diagnosis are for the benefit of insurance companies. If they can’t label it, they can’t bill it. Though it does help to label some things if it can point you down a path towards recovery. If recovery is something you’re looking for that is.
You won't be bored watching this - documentary on Rodney Alcala, a genius serial killer. Tell me what you think after you watch it.
Thats a pragmatic view Haven, I was just listening to a podcast about the explosion of asperger's diagnosed when it was included into DSM. A large number being cases of abusing the system to cover costs of extra tuition for kids who were qualified as having 'special needs'.
ReplyDeleteGag, did you like my documentary?
ReplyDeleteThat you GRK? Haven't been here in a while.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of anons on here, the name of the website "sociopathworld" isn't exactly hidden.
ReplyDeleteIt would be awesome if ME made another survey, this time with some better questions. The last one was not exactly the most accurate I've seen.
ReplyDeleteDo other socios experience anxiety? I get it a lot for no reason. Sometimes it feels good. Usually though its just an annoying distraction.
ReplyDeleteLoki I'm also curious how and whos cat you killed. (I also posted that on the last thread)
Oh, one more question. I listen to practically the same music over and over. I rarely add anything new (like once every two years will I add a new album). That similar to other socios?
I remember from another thread about non-fiction vs fiction. Personally I enjoy fiction. Its usually more violent and gory. And it helps me escape my life easier. Personally I don't enjoy my life much. But not enough to kill myself. Although I have considered that a pragmatic option.
Have you read Thomas Szasz? I found his arguments extreme but thought provoking. The key criticisms of mainstream psychiatry from the anti-psychiatrist movements of the 1960s are interesting too.
ReplyDeleteSo are any other socios attracted to weapons and blood of all kinds? OTOH I dislike fist fights (But UFC or such is fun) because fist fights are retarded waste of energy and discipline (unless they're martial artists.) I only care to learn to better be able to kill (not that I have) or overpower anyone I want. Its an ego thing I think. Do other socios study martial arts?
ReplyDeleteOh, also, do other socios know just how to abuse drugs and alcohol? I do it for the feeling but can easily reel myself in if I'm getting addicted. In fact I'm not sure I can get addicted.
We sound very similar. Obsessed with weapons, defense techniques, quick reaction times, easy but effective disarms. And, I use drugs and alcohol quite a bit but have Absolutely no feeling of being "addicted". It takes a weak being to succumb to such basic feelings. Also, I have studied various martial arts for 11 years now. Im not trying to sound pretentious, I'm just being honest.
DeleteIt's possible for all kinds of co morbid mental illnesses in ASPD, although i doubt the anxiety would be overwhelming in a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteCrossposted for the benefit of the question:
ReplyDeleteWhat is this ridiculous "test if I'm a sociopath" bullshit? You either are or you aren't. How does killing a cat prove anything other than that, surprise, you're higher on the food chain? If you have to prove it to yourself, that seems like as good an indication as any that you actually suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome.
Well how am I supposed to tell? I'm going to see some fucking shrink. I don't think they know as much as they think anyway. Besides that it might put me on the radar of cops or mental health institutes. (its different for each state, don't deny it)
ReplyDeleteI like using alcohol in social settings, once i start drinking i can't stop though. I'm not addicted to any substances nor never have been.
ReplyDeleteMeh, as for martial arts, I'm not into the whole self discipline thing, you can have a whole lot more fun when you don't have discipline, providing you have good situational awareness of course.
Either "The Question" is completely missing the point of this blog post, or is being purposefully ironic in the attempt to play some kind of metameta game. It's been done before, though. Yawn.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, I think this is one of the more insightful blog posts so far.
notme is an alter ego of thenotablepath.
ReplyDeleteQuestion, if you become the next neighborhood cat killer, all the more power to you. But I also recommend badminton to help pass the days instead.
ReplyDeleteIf you can kill a cat and not give a dang, you have the ability to kill a human.
ReplyDeleteI recommend that cat killers spend time mutilating their own genitals or walk around in public with a sign hanging from your neck declaring that you are so bad ass that you kill animals and you dare anyone to challenge you. That should relieve your boredom for a while.
ReplyDeleteAnd if my genitals came pre-mutilated?
ReplyDeleteIf you can kill a cat and not give a dang, you have the ability to kill a human.
ReplyDeleteI fukken lol'd.
Yeah we kill cats to be bad ass, how'd you figure us out so quick?
ReplyDeleteWhy does your little ego feel threatened by anyone claiming to have ASPD?
ReplyDeleteTwo questions:
ReplyDelete1. Is killing animals a childhood symptom?
2. Are there mentally retarded adult psychopaths?
Anon, I believe you're confusing me with NotAble. What I'm trying to figure out is what's so bad about killing a cat. You act like it's some kind of litmus test, and I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteLoki, you were born with disfigured/malformed genitals? That's a birth defect and different than genital mutilation.
ReplyDeleteI'm not question. Animal torture is an indicator of a lack of empathy and possible sadism, I'm not taking side, just stating the obvious.
ReplyDeleteWhy does your little ego feel threatened by anyone claiming to have ASPD?
You probably weren't talking to me but I'll take any moment to regurgitate knowledge.
Most people with ASPD who are not diagnosed by a professional would not believe there is a problem with their behavior and/or thought process. Whatever their views on the world, no matter how skewed, are the fault of said world. Someone with ASPD coming on here to figure out if they're a sociopath is very unlikely. Not impossible I give you, but I'd like you to understand how very unlikely that is.
Is that a problem? I thought everybody's genitals looked like this?
You came on here yesterday saying that you were diagnosed ADHD, then stated that you were a sociopath. How do you know he thinks it's wrong? You contradicted yourself you fool.
ReplyDeleteLoki, what your genitals look like is your business and not a problem for me. That's why they are called "private parts". You have to deal with it alone.
ReplyDeleteAnimal torture is an indicator of a lack of empathy and possible sadism, I'm not taking side, just stating the obvious.
ReplyDeleteAs well you should. The only thing I object to is the idea that being able to kill a cat somehow qualifies as a diagnosis of anything, ASPD or otherwise. It's not a scientifically valid experiment, is all.
Nah. I've explained this already. Currently seeing psychiatrist who I've fooled into thinking I have ADHD. She provides me with meds I use to study. My previous psychologist diagnosed me with ASPD and said he could no longer treat me. I can see how you would get confused though.
ReplyDeleteI agree post. Loki is stating that sociopaths can't be self aware, kinda of funny considering that all he/she has said since being here is how much of a bad ass child he was.
ReplyDeleteWhy did you go to a psychiatrist at first?
ReplyDeleteWhen did I say that? Being self aware and having a conscious knowledge of a "problem" are two completely different things. Lol
ReplyDeleteIf you'd like further explanation then I can provide it.
Random question.
ReplyDeleteIf some was constantly told they were stupid by a parent as a kid, and in their 40s freaks out when someone insinuates they are dumb, makes a point to let people know that he doesn't define himself by how well-read he is and whatnot, yet at the same time quickly changes the subject when you try to tell them they are smart, what gives?
I think I know the answer but I want to hear others'
Why did you see a psychiatrist? You are like all the slime balls on this site.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you fuck with people?
"Oh, i can't I'm high functioning"
Lol. What's there to fuck with?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you see a psychiatrist?
ReplyDeleteSheesh a lot of loki hate! I'm with you bro!
ReplyDelete(using this to get further my ends to get more information. Don't take it personally)
I just mentioned it earlier, and purposefully avoided the question because I did so.
ReplyDeleteI get ADHD meds from my psychiatrist. It helps for studying. I went to see her initially because I wanted a prescription for amphetamines. I didn't want to have to buy them from some peddler.
That's introspection, small but still, you see you have a problem with ADHD, yet if you killed a cat you wouldn't see it as a problem? Lol dumb.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they're sensitive about talking about it period. Or maybe they think you’re just patronizing them and don't believe you. OR they know they’re smart and just being modest, OR pretending to be modest..lol. What do you think the reason is?
ReplyDeleteRandom question.
ReplyDeleteWhat happens when people who are stoned out of their minds think they are on the same page?
I completely don't know the answer.
Lol. Yes, exactly. Your ability to interpret others words into some cryptic reasoning truly makes you a scholar among men.
ReplyDelete@GR - I just lol'ed.
What's the deal with thinking sociopaths are dumb? And have no introspection? Once we're adults we notice a big difference in our interaction socially. Even if we haven't done the classic childhood stuff of abusing pets.
ReplyDeleteI bet a lot of sociopaths see psychs and manipulate them for whatever meds they want. Its easy for us.
You said you were a diagnosed sociopath Low key.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been stoned in a while. Reality sucks.
ReplyDeleteJust kill the goddamn cat and shut up. What is this whole discussion revolving around a goddamn cat?
ReplyDeleteDiagnosed ASPD.
ReplyDeleteAnd the fucking cat is his idol, Mike. I don't think you should use its name in vain like that. After talking with this guy for much longer than expected, I can say first hand that his proof methods are impeccable.
Yep anon that's exactly why therapy is useless. If anythng, it adds to the already 'dysfunctional' functioning.
ReplyDeleteMore info to be dysfunctional with, yay!
Who are we talking about? me? Everything seems like its about me so...
ReplyDeleteI guess since no one is answering my random question, I will assume the answer is "douchbag"
ReplyDeleteMy comment 11:15 was in response to anon 11:10
ReplyDeleteI answered you Medusa. Unless you're just looking for a sociopathic perspective.
ReplyDeleteIs it a family member, Medusa?
ReplyDeleteOh Grace I'm sorry I didn't see it. I'm on my phone.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think he thought I was being patronizing, but I wasn't.
I think the only useful therapy is dbt.
ReplyDeleteHow did you get diagnosed ASPD low key?
ReplyDeleteHe seems to want really badly to seem smart or convince himself of it, but thinks he's dumb deep down, but the truth is he's really smart.
ReplyDeleteBut also dumb.
Not family member, but ex.
Some people's intelligence isn't obvious because they might not have the confidence to use it. So only a few, that are smart themselves, can see it and would say something. Chances are they don't believe it.
ReplyDeleteDid he go to college?
Your ex is a self harming gimp, it's already been noted.
ReplyDeleteLol! @Loki's cat worshipper
ReplyDeleteStop beating on me, Mearow......
ReplyDelete"notme is an alter ego of thenotablepath."
ReplyDeletelmao. you cheeky monkey. ;)
weird dream last night. I went on a trip to the moon! twice! Apparently kylie Minogue had thrown some litter down which was a big no-no. The arrogance of humanity. sheesh.
ReplyDeleteoh yeah, there were a bunch of cat killing sociopaths there as well...
or something.
Cool story Notable.
ReplyDeleteAm waiting for this cat compulsion to run out of steam. Gonna check on some dbt links meantime. Cheers grace.
ReplyDeletei saw that doc anon. How those police departments don't cross-reference is beyond me.
He said he has a degree in history and lit, but I think it might be a lie. Not sure.
ReplyDeletewv: localit
ReplyDeleteI think being told your smart after claiming you are feels patronizing. It's really a stupid position to put himself in since once he's said he doesn't accept other people's definitions of intelligence he can't easily accept another person saying he's smart without looking like he's happy to accept other people's opinions, but only when they agree with his own.
Sounds to me like he reacted quickly to a sore subject and as soon as he wasn't on the defensive tried to drop the whole thing. People often go off saying things that aren't in their best interest when you hit a nerve like apparently someone did.
I need movie recommendations to torrent. Anyone?
ReplyDeleteEvery one of you're posts are boring.
That is all.
word - fag
Gag, i would suggest you download - If they are old enough to put them on they are old enough to take them off. Great great movie.
ReplyDeletenot enough info to tell whether or not he thinks of himself as dumb, but his reaction definitely suggests he thinks that you think he is dumb and that you were being patronising.
@dead cat
whoa! a talking dead cat!
not to get back on topic or anything, but i think most people on here recognise sociopathy as a way of thinking, not necessarily as a mode of behaviour.
Wouldn't that be so dissappointing for some?
ReplyDeleteIs anyone around here a psychologist ?
ReplyDeleteNot legally.
ReplyDeleteHow is it for normal people and their emotions ?
ReplyDeleteDo they feel a constant thing ie. emotion that shifts ?
Or is it like they feel blank and when the situation arises for an emotion to pop up it pops ?
'the question' is obviously still a bit green, but he has the right attitude - self knowledge. if you're still there the only advice i'd give to you is that you won't change; don't wait around expecting to grow out of it and want to settle down etc. you will always be a malcontent.
ReplyDeletei agree that the questionnaire M.E. posted could have been much better if he had solicited suggestions. initial thoughts for questions:
Good looking?
Good body?
Ever religious?
Stable upbringing?
more attracted to science / arts?
Night / Day?
Lefthanded / Righthanded?
How often do you shit?
How many hours sleep would you like to get on average?
Tortured/killed a healthy animal? Still do?
How does cocaine affect you relative to other people?
How does ecstasy affect you relative to other people?
How does alcohol affect you relative to other people (incl. hangover strength)?
Do you earn more than your age (US$k)?
How many people do you live with?
Died in a dream? Have dreams?
Lol. That just brought up something. Do you guys dream? Mine are so rare. People always explain dreams so vividly, or at the very least with enough detail to be convincing. I have one dream (that I can remember) every 5-7 months.
ReplyDeleteI never dream, nor can i remember any except for some parts of nightmares, even when i was a kid i never dreamed.
ReplyDeleteI honestly think the rapid hair growth thing in psychopaths in majorly overlooked, some people see it as an insignificance. If you look at any serial murderer, you will notice their rapid hair growth. No kidding.
ReplyDeletebecause there are no coiffeurs in jail.
Deleteyeah i dream. never had a nightmare. but i have died in dreams (just wake up).
ReplyDeleteBTW - i haven't come across Kernberg before; is there any actual evidence (e.g. a proven treatment for BPD) that his theory of the mind has any merit?
How quickly does you're hair grow ResCogitans? And what is you're opinion on this trait? I am trying to put my finger on the cause. Perhaps higher testosterone levels?
ReplyDelete3.5mm per week.
ReplyDeleteanon - is there a proven link between hairspeed and testosterone? first things first!
actually i think testosterone levels in the womb may be linked with atypical emotional responses. it certainly fits the correlation with bisexuality and there are some theories to do with this explaining the preponderance of males who have autism.
i thought men with high testosterone can also lose their hair prematurely?
Well, i'm not really that 'normal' since i feel emotions very strongly. But, I'd say that i'm usually always experiencing emotion of some sort. It's pretty much like what Notable said about strong and weak emotions. So, some of the time i feel relatively weak emotion, and then suddenly, a strong one. But, i think that i'm mostly, always experiencing some emotion or another. I just try to substitute the sad ones for happy ones.
So, shifting emotions, yes, probably. It's sort of difficult for me to dissect, since emotions are so much a dominating part of me. I think i can have 'emotionally still' moments. But i don't know if that's an absence of emotion, or just emotional quietness.
I guess i can experience blankness in a way, sort of catatonic. Partly from emotional exhaustion. lol. I dunno. It's all a bit of a mystery.
Kernberg specialized in Personality disorders. He wrote a few books as well. I forget which book he goes into the detail of how it emerges, but I do know that he is one of few who has merit with the origins of Personality Disorders. He's up there with Millon on the subject.
ReplyDeleteI'm going grocery shopping and I'll look when I get back.
I'm talking about when they are young. Did you see that Rodney Alcala doc? He had it going on and so did many many other psychopaths, it's weird talking about something as small as hair growth but it's a factor fersure.
ReplyDeleteyeah, his hair was funny! a bit distinctive for a man trying to evade capture.
ReplyDeletewell, i have fast hair growth, and thick hair. So watch out.
Saw that discovery channel documentary about neuroscientific studies of high levels of testosterone causing deccelleration of growth of the left brain (which controls logic).
ReplyDeleteyes, and i was talking about premature baldness. my socio ex was young and bald. Just saying. I'm not suggesting you're wrong. I just don't get male hair. lol.
ReplyDeleteHow about balding in socio men? The 2 suspected socios I know have full heads of hair at 32(age of death) and 39(currently). One has rapid hair growth, the other...not so much.
ReplyDeleteyes high testosterone (of your own - not in your mother's womb) is proven to be linked to male pattern baldness, and also to having female children.
ReplyDeletemaybe Rodney didn't see the point in keeping his hair nice - he wasn't wooing girls... (except when on TV).
ha. I was catching up when I posted that. Didn't realize the thread had gone in precisely that direction. I'd say that nothing is absolute when it comes to sociopathy, it seems. But there seems to be a frequency with certain things.
ReplyDeleteI'm the real notme! I don't really know how to say this. I'm TheNotablePath too! Lordy!
ReplyDeleteare you saying we've morphed into each other? Lordy, don't know what he'd think of that.
ReplyDeleteI think someone is jealous of your online flirtation and needs to get a life.
ReplyDeletehmph. My ex sent me an email at 4am. This pleases me.
HA! WV-"holla"
Ever notice growing up that these people force beliefs onto you, rapists are bad so are child molesters and sometimes you believe it because you don't have you're own moral compass, i guess you adapt a small one.
ReplyDeleteYou then find out years later that this loser who was smashing all these beliefs into you had commit suicide lol.
oh ferfecksake notme, just take 20s to open a blogger account if you don't want your name hijacked. although i'd guess pomo might have bagged it already to stop you doing that...
ReplyDeletei guess the only reason you haven't is because you are flattered that you are important enough to be impersonated?
no actually, although anon's obsession is charming.
ReplyDeleteI'm currently deleting an old blog and had to wait for it to process for a few days.
Plus, i'm shit with this technical stuff!! ANY OBJECTIONS?!
Anyway, gonna grab some food. not eaten all day.
I love it when you refer to anons as the one person. Did it ever occur to you that maybe every anon here is a misogynist lunatic?
ReplyDeleteI swear, the name of this place should be changed to Psycho Central. There is more going on here than a little APSD.
ReplyDeleteLOL, another anon. I think you could be right.
ReplyDeleteit's actually about as flattering as having a fly buzzing around your ear.
ReplyDeleteAnon, lame deflection. There are at most two constant misogynistic lunatics here. I keep track of the crap that spews out of them.
I'd say you are my favorite though.
To answer Mike's question about emotional state:
ReplyDeleteI am not aware of an emotion of one kind or another coursing through me constantly.
I guess I'd describe the blank emotional state as "neutral".
To answer Mike's question about emotional state:
ReplyDelete8=========D <<<< eat ur mom
When people ask me what I do, I tell them that I test rape alarms. It's alot easier than telling them that I'm a rapist.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete< groan> 10mins < /groan>
ReplyDeletebut i'll prob re-use the joke anyway...
The truth is I am a gay, male prostitute.
ReplyDeleteI think you have to pay attention to the little orange icon and not the fact that a name is blue.
ReplyDeleteIf you can create a blog, notme and "track" anons (unless you mean just by paying attention to their style) you can create an account here with ease, I'm guessing.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I'm gonna speculate that the impostor poster may still use your name, not in the hopes of fooling anyone but just to take jabs at you. Predictable troll is predictable.
What in the world are you trying to say about blogger accounts?
ReplyDeletePlus, if anons want to be taken into consideration as individuals then they can just use a name, even if it's a different one every time they comment on something new. Otherwise they can suck it up.
ReplyDeleteIt sux here. UKant take a damn thing serious.
ReplyDeleteSomebody trying to turn the place into a joke. Who would want to run off ME's following?
ReplyDeleteVerification Word - prics
somebody here has a blog of their own and there are people posting there that don't post much here anymore. maybe everybody got tired of the trolls here and ran over to that blog. i hope the trolls don't go there.
ReplyDeletePLEASE DON'T.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching American Greed on CNBC and they're talking about the hacker Iceman. It's pretty interesting how this stuff works. I think Iceman is a sociopath. He's proud of the work he has done.
ReplyDeletenew study
ReplyDelete"The amygdala is responsible for some of your most sensitive emotional process: trusting strangers, recognizing emotional facial expressions, reacting to threats, and memories related to emotional events."
yeah, i think i have an oversized amygdala. Thanks Pythias, that was pretty cool.
ReplyDeletethanks Pythias!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome ladies :)
ReplyDeleteOf course the psychopathic amygdala had been studied before.
Glenn (but not the puppy-loving Irish one)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI watched all of the Iceman tapes/interviews last week. Good stuff. Especially the part where he is talking to the psychiatrist dude and he's all "I guess it's time to die."
ReplyDeleteHe's the prototypical sociopath, methinks. No doubt
After watching that documentary, i think Rod Alcala is worse than the iceman. Alcala was one dark dude.
ReplyDeleteHe received a light sentence considering what he managed to pull off. Where's the justice there? But once he's out his life will really be over. I mean who would give him a job? Unless he turns into a narc for the government..maybe. He’s so handsome!! Of course he is.
ReplyDeleteWho are you talking about? Alcala received the death penalty. He had two death penalties overturned in the past, sometimes you have to look at dudes like him and ask, is there something out there protecting this person.
ReplyDeletelol. i just wondered how funny it would be if i hung out on uber empath sites and started lauding all the saintly greats of our world. 'Oh yeah, Ghandi, whataman. Definately one of the most saintly, but then, mother theresa, she was pretty selfless' lulzies
ReplyDeletedo you girls have a link for this guy?
that was me. kinda drunk
ReplyDeleteprotecting him? please elaborate. this'll be funny
ReplyDeleteoh, the hacker. sorry ignore me.
ReplyDeleteMother Teresa was, I think, some kind of weird Munchausen-by-Proxy or narcissist. She was totally self-absorbed. (Says the raised Catholic empath)
ReplyDeletei was just making an analogy. I heard about her being suspect.
ReplyDeleteAll very strange at the end of the day.
That and the fact that Ghandi chose a 'peaceful' form of defiance since it was the only means the occupied nation had access to.
he was definately a hero-figure, even though the british were about to pull out of india anyway. I guess it sped up the process.
ReplyDeleteYes. I'm more prone to think Gandhi was sincere.
ReplyDeleteYou want a sociopath cat killing test? How about you beat the owner to death with the cat. Please record it. I'd also like %49 of any profits made with it. You're taking the risk but it was my idea. Bonus points for making a cat-o-ninetails from nine cats.
ReplyDeleteWhat does it matter if they were sincere? They helped people. If you were destitute and dying and a bad man offered you enough money to get off your feet without having to pay him back, would you not take it? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. I couldn't give a shit about your petty pride.
i don't disagree. I think the point Amelia was making (I think) is that Mother theresa was criticised for her attitude to poverty and suffering as a whole.
ReplyDeleteThat's possibly what Amelia is referring to.
Of course you don't. How could you disagree with yourself?
ReplyDeleteLoki, I've written something tonight that might be relevant to you and wonder if you're willing to give it a look and provide me some feedback.
ReplyDeleteMother Teresa was all about "ushering souls to heaven". Not curing the sick. Administering to the dying. She'd rather usher a child to the bosom of the lord than give him antibiotics. She was truly frightening to me as a child.
ReplyDeleteI left something, Notable.
ReplyDeleteAnd it wasn't smoldering at my doorstep, either. You're so considerate.
ReplyDeleteAmelia, i just saw your comment.
ReplyDeletePredictable yes. They do take jabs at me and others, but perhaps i get it a bit more.
I usually find it funny. And i hope that people can discern when it is and isn't me.
But anyway, i'll set up an account when i can - perhaps in the next week or so.
I'm not above silliness myself so it usually makes me chuckle.
Lol, Loki left you something. Sounds nasty. :D
ReplyDeleteI try. Had I known your address the five paragraphs may have been neatly and nicely spray painted on your driveway. That seems like a lot of work though....
ReplyDeleteOh and ResC, go ahead and check out Severe Personality Disorders by Otto F. Kernberg. He writes all of his books with a distinctly clinical style. He states theories or hypotheses and backs them up with multiple patients as examples. When it comes to personality disorders the source is still a mystery but this is probably the closest I've seen for an explanation. It's reasonable, logical, and thoroughly done. Is it fact? Hardly. But this is psychology we're talking about. Compared to other scientific studies it's still a toddler.
They actually were sent to my spam box. Your verbosity annoys the Spam filter, apparently.
ReplyDeleteFunny, that's what people say when I speak to them normally.
ReplyDeleteI've nothing against your comments or their length.
ReplyDeleteMy spam filter on the other hand, she's sort of a bitch.
she? your spam filter is a he, like you, and is full of spam, or shit, one would say
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing that you do give a statement about how you view the topic you have a blog about, M.E., and you do it in a very neat manner as well.
ReplyDeleteWell done!
Let's face it. Nobody would give a rat's ass about M.E.'s
ReplyDeleteviewpoints about sociopathy or any other topic if she wasn't
a very attractive woman. We can see that from Dr. Phil and
the pictures that leaked out.
M.E. is also very intelligent as we can see from her writings.
No dumb and undisciplined person gets where she got to in life.
But why should she fall on her sword for other sociopaths?
For people like Jerry Sandusky and Philp Chism? They are not
worth the time of the day!
It's so sad that for our next president we are going to have to
choose between a pesudo conservative that has NO chance of
winning, and the probable enshrinement of Hillary Clinton who
was the sociopathic assistant to her sociopathic husband Bill.
If M.E. could only find some way to "emerge," she would make a
wonderful president! Sadly, I don't see it.
First-hand experiences still provide some basis of validity. Besides, numerous sociopaths (myself included) have commented on how many personal viewpoints are similar to their own.
ReplyDeleteAnd let's it face it, few psychologists (with the exception of, for example, James Fallon) actually know what it is like outside of a pre-ordained diagnostic checklist. A checklist whose inventor admits is flawed.
A first-hand account may not be of comprehensive utility, but it does have utility. Like a walking case study, it might not be usable by itself, but it can be used to ask questions.
As an aside, since Bite me asked, here is a name to attach some measure of identity.
It appears this conversation was in 2011. Interesting that ME admits to her friend that
ReplyDeletesociopaths are nuts. That's basically what the clinical literature states also. I'm sure the clinicians that visit this site were entertained with the recent 'hypothetical' recently posted.
You are cherry-picking the answers, like sound biting. ME was admitting to generalizations, tendencies, and reasons as if an authority. The clinical literature doesn't also state insanity/craziness at all.
DeleteNext time you invent a new truth, try using better construction materials.
My references are good. I stand behind my statement.
DeleteHow can you even say that? You haven't actually given any references whatsoever.
DeleteThe joy the socio experiences by humiliating someone is really unsane/crazy and even childish.
DeleteTo see the joy and a certain excitment in his face while telling a story in which he had some little power over so., who was in a weak situation: i recognized that there is something WRONG.
Yeah, play-acting and always on the scout. What a pity.
DeleteHumiliation is about inflicting pain (and in this case particularly, suffering).
DeleteThat is a sadistic trait, not a sociopathic one.
Read the book The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley from cover to cover , and then respond.
DeleteCleckley's interpretations are out of date. Keep in mind he first wrote this in 1941. His studies were based purely from institutionalized and criminal psychopaths. While there are a few fundamentals which are still used, there are several aspects which are not. Cleckley himself states that sadistic traits in psychopathy is a separate pathology. Hare also affirms this as well.
DeleteSadism is an additional trait that can appear in psychopaths. Or non-psychopaths. It is not a part of the psychopath paradigm, no more than the bicycle rack on top of your car.
I suggest you update yourself on current studies. While Cleckley provides the first significant publication on the study, it is not the most recent.
Sadism is about feeling pleasure when inflicting pain.
Sociopathy is about feeling ambivalence when inflicting pain.
They do inflict pain and have joy ("destroying is so delishious"). It is not sadism, they like feeling superior.
DeleteAgain, that is the textbook definition of a sadistic trait. There are sociopaths who don't have that trait, myself included. Cleckley and Hare remark on this.
DeleteYou can have a sociopath who also possesses sadistic traits, but that is separate from a prototypical "plain" sociopath. Prototypical sociopaths are ambivalent - they neither feel joy or guilt inflicting pain. Like the bicycle rack, it's an add-on.
Ok i get that. Let's take sadism aside. There is some odd pleasure in winning. Maybe the "winning-thing" is pronounced or left, because its counterpart "benevolence" is missing.
DeleteHow is benevolence the counterpart for winning?
DeleteI think the approach to other people is influenced by the system "security" (caution, defense, winning...) on the one hand and "benevolence" (sympathy, attachement...) on the other hand. The latter may block the first system partly.
DeleteYour responses can generally be best described as cocky. You are deluded. You really don't know what you're talking about-- you only know your own gestalt. And you are often wrong. But your blog does make me think. Even as someone who is both a credentialed clinician and bearing significant sociopathic traits (sans diagnosis), I've found myself thinking differently diagnostically and clinically after reading some of your blog posts. You're definitely not and never will be (thankfully) a mental health professional, but your blog (albeit semi-poorly written, like your book) is still interesting and entertaining.
DeleteNext time you pretend to be a clinician, do your homework. You used the words "delusion" and "gestalt" improperly. You haven't supported your argument of being "often wrong" with anything. A good clinician would support their subjective observations, wouldn't be contradicting themselves, and would actually not attack in the format you have given. You also wouldn't call yourself "The Therapist".
DeleteTry to be less obvious next time. It's more stimulating that way.
Therapist...I agree.
DeleteBob...this is a blog. No one is under any obligation to support any opinion, especially if it is a demand.
What Bob says throughout this thread.
DeleteI fully agree. Well said.
It's not the lack of support that is of issue. Plenty of people, like yourself, critique. And rightfully so, since that is the environment we have with our discussions. It's the false representation in this case.
DeleteI can't decide whether the author of this blog is a psychopath or just a liar with a very rich fantasy life. Either way he or she isn't to be trusted in any respect.
ReplyDeleteI must say this is probably the first time a blog entry by ME doesn't make much sense to me . What is this "friend" talking about? self-aggrandizing ? Mediocre empaths are the ones who are self-aggrandizing to me. Especially in America. I am a Northern European living in the US and I am constantly stunned by how completely regular people seem to think they matter in any way. How deluded... I thing this so called "friend" is mistaking ME:s self awareness and interest in( and search for) genuine knowledge for being "self-aggrandizing". She seems very open to listening and learning from other people and I haven't seen any sign she thinks she know more about things than she actually does. yes, on occasion she gets things wrong, but who doesn't? She doesn't have to be right all the time. It is the search for an understanding that matters. How many medicore empaths are able to listen and learn from others? Seems to me they can have the wisest person on the planet knocking them on the head with wisdom and wouldn't notice because they are too busy talking about nothing on Facebook with their equally mediocre friends. I sincerely think that empaths are more likely to think they are worth something than sociopaths- they are too stuck in their own head.
ReplyDeleteBtw, does ME have Swedish ancestry? I have 3 strong reasons to believe so
1. Her real last name is Swedish
2. She has blogged about visiting Sweden at least once
3. Statistically, a Mormon American is more likely to have Swedish ancestry than an average American , for historical reasons .
Keep up the good work ME! The world needs more people who introspect. I see very little of that in America. You rock ;-)
There is a lot about the law I don't understand or agree with. I've haven't gone to law school, but my observations about the law and what other non-lawyers have told me about the law are just as accurate as anything a lawyer could tell me.
Wouldn't it be better to say "can be almost as accurate"? It's like any educated profession - there is a degree of breadth and depth that can only be known and understood with the necessary education and experience.
DeleteThere is only so much you can learn from Law & Order.
Ya reckon?
Point being, unless you are a sociopath, you can theorize as to the mentality only so far. The opposite is also true.
Delete"The therapist"- you are joke. There is no chance in hell you are a therapist. The way you write and use terms incorrectly gives you away. you are most likely unemployed wishing you were a real professional.
ReplyDeleteI have been pondering lately if sociopaths were a majority and empaths minority - would it be the empaths "wearing a mask" and the sociopaths who´d "be themselves " (whatever that means) ? It seems to me the only reasons socios need to wear a mask all the times is because we live in a world where empaths are a majority. In morally bankrupt countries like Russia , most parts of Africa etc. empaths have to pretend to be socios in order to survive because they live in a sociopathic environment
ReplyDeleteOne thing to account for are the social and cultural differences. That, and economic prosperity.