Do sociopaths actually have personalities? I mean clearly defined, stable personality types. Is there much variance from person to person? I've personally been drawn toward the ISTP of Myers-Briggs. Under all the bullshitting and such this is close to what I am. Under all the lies are we clones? Or are our core personalities changed by our experiences? Or does empath profiling relate to us at all?My response: Ha, I'm sort of glad that you feel like you are more ISTP; people sometimes ask me if sociopaths aren't just INTJs.
I like to model my outward self after people I admire. I do admire some people. I look at them and I think, I could be you. I sometimes recognize myself in the actions of empaths, but I usually find disappointment when I look closer. The reasons why they do so many things make no sense to me. It is like looking at an alien species sometimes. They are afraid of everything. But I have also been disappointed when I come across low-functioning or low-IQ sociopaths. They may not have the same drives as empaths, but the results are the same. They do idiotic things with no thought of purpose. So is that the only difference between us, level of intelligence?
I think that is one positive about being the way I am: I can be whatever I am supposed to be, in any given situation. Ha if I didn't pay any attention to what people wanted out of me, I would have screwed everything up by now. I feel like a salesperson: the customer knows best.
I hate taking personality tests. I never know what to answer to questions like "do you have an emotional attachment to your friends?" Part of me does, but I also think it can't be that deep of an attachment if I cast them aside like used paper napkins when I'm done with them. An easier question would be, "Do you sometimes feel infatuation for things and people?" Because personality tests are not really designed for people like us, I answer most of them in radically different ways depending on context or my mood.
Maybe we do have personalities/selves but just multiple ones? The weirdest thing for me is to not know which self would be most appropriate in a given situation. Charming? Straightforward? Commanding? Cautious? It helps for me to have a buzzword to focus on, one primary goal, like the cliché actor asking the director "what's my motivation?" Because without it, I frequently can wander blindly when in a new situation or meeting a new person, slipping through several different "approaches" until I find one that works. This is never the first impression I want to make, but it is what it is.
I don't have a default setting, to my knowledge.
ReplyDeleteI always get different scores on that Meyer Briggs every few years. I think a lot of it is based on my impressionability due to those who are currently within my circle.
I've taken a gazillion personality tests and it's always very difficult for me to answer the questions. i.e. mercy or fairness? I dunno, depends on the person and the situation. Humans are never so black and white in every situation, socio or no.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, I usually end up straddling INTP and INTJ.
Which means I probably should have been some kind of scientist like half the members of my family are. I would have been damn good at it, too.
Imagine a borderline taking one, they would get a different personality every two hours.
ReplyDeleteI took mine along time ago, i can't remember specifically what one i got but i think it was called "the doer" or something like that, anyways it began with an E I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the Myers Briggs test i think sociopaths can all get different personality types.
Personality is a bit of an abstract concept, is it not? Arguably a Sociopaths tendency towards using and abandoning is as much a personality as anything else.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Medusa. Personality test questions are normally too black and white for my liking. With many of the questions I could answer both yes and no, depending on how I feel at the time of taking, or what real life experience I may be thinking of to find an answer.
ReplyDeleteAnyone feeling christmassy yet? I'm certainly not.
I feel a bit of the Christmas spirit. It's just because I have a little kid so I have no choice. I don't want to subject him to my real personality!
ReplyDeletethe world’s a stage and we are merely players...song from rush.
I love christmas. I've been wrapping presents. This is the time of year that everyone is forced to take a bribe
ReplyDeleteI'm not participating. I'll be alone on Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMostly because there's something I want to get done by the end of the year.
Wrapping 2010 up with a big ol' red fuckin' ribbon instead.
Christmas: As every year, I can't wait until it's passed. I'm happy it will be over soon.
ReplyDeleteExactly how bad is it to dump someone at Christmas?
ReplyDelete"Exactly, how bad is it to dump someone at Christmas?"
ReplyDeleteIn your case they will be relieved.
Go play somewhere else. You should know by now that you are never going to score any "bad" points here.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't bad at all. After you dump them they can cheer themselves up with presents and christmas specials.
ReplyDeleteI love the title of the article...a black hole personality.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and happy holidays everybody... No gifts for you though.
ReplyDeleteAh Christmas, a time of lying to children and wearing fake smiles amongst family members who still pretend have anything in common aside from genealogy.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say, I'm home.
I'm sitting on my couch, eating Ritz crackers and summer sausage. I couldn't care less.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have seen my girlfriend before she went back home for Christmas though. Damn being sick. =/
Arguably a Sociopaths tendency towards using and abandoning is as much a personality as anything else.
Very well said.
I spilt a drink all over this ugly skin-head earlier today. I thought that I was going to have to fight him, but then he just laughed and said it was alright. Then I ended up going and getting waisted with him and a couple of his friends. I was going to buy presents today, but I never got round to it, because I've been drinking all day long. I didn't buy anything for anyone last year either. They were alll pissed off, so I guess they're going to be really pissed this year. Fuck it though. My hand hurts as well because I cut it up in a drinking game that we were playing, but I've wrapped it up in some surgical tape. Merry christmas.
ReplyDeletebored while all family go to church, they don't make a fuss i refuse any more :)
ReplyDeletejust did myers-briggs.
in 8 of the 16 categories i scored over 65%. all 4 I**P and all 4 *N*P and a bit of IN*J... i guess i'm a bit of a mix...
@grace you do know that mr shakespeare got there before rush don't you?
lol. Are your family all fundies, Res? What made you turn away from the church? Or were you never a "believer"?
ReplyDeleteHow can all of you hate christmas? I love this holiday. After so many attempts at giving me a gift someone is always bound to get it right.
ReplyDeleteI got my girlfriend a snowflake diamond necklace (her name has to do with snowing), and a kitchen aid mixer (she always wanted one..how domestic).
no not fundies, or i would definitely not be here for xmas.
ReplyDeletethe shock for me was one day i realised other people took it seriously. it never occurred to me to believe.
i don't mind if they go to church, it gives me to to nip out for a joint - i don't smoke cigs so sometimes frustrating to uphold the family-mask.
*gives me time to
ReplyDeleteukan, for me anyway it is feeling obligation to act in a certain way that i don't like. i have to act sociable and interested in family over an extended time. and right now i have a cross between man-flu and swine-flu and when i'm sick it's trickier to keep the mask on - i'm likely to snap...
going out. merry xmas.
I like doing Christmas with other people's families more than my own. But given the option not to participate, I might take that instead.
ReplyDeleteHell, I haven't even celebrated my birthday for the last several years.
If I want to party and have fun, I can do it any day of the year. I live in a city that allows that sort of nonsense.
I love Christmas. I enjoy all festive occasions. I'm an atheist, but most of the celebrating is secular anyway. Plus my grandma is still with us and a stellar cook!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy giving fun or thoughtful gifts. I don't always have great ideas, though and this can make gift-giving a chore. I find that I rarely receive truly inspired gifs from others, though. I've most enjoyed when someone creates a song or painting just for me. (though I wouldn't turn up my nose at something expensive and sparkly.....)
Eating, boozing and time off of work....what's not to like?
Word Verification- "jawly" seriously? Ho Ho Ho!
I need to break up with my bf. Should I leave it till after New Year? Is it so cruel to do it today? I've broken up with him four times this year and he keeps coming back. Why does he keep doing this? He's expecting my call and I'm nervous. He NEVER gets the message.
ReplyDeleteAnon, seriously? What are you doing here? just rip that band-aid off and go have some spiked egg-nog. And stop taking him back FFS unless it provides some benefit that you can't get in any other way.
ReplyDeleteanon 1:18--if you come to a place called to sociopathworld to ask whether something is cruel or not, you're probably fishing for a particular answer. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's me Notme btw. (I got access to a computer today.) You're right. But why do they not get it for christ's sake. I don't enjoy those conversations at all. They're torturous.
ReplyDeleteBut I won't take him back this time. Thanks Amelia.
Zed, lol. It's true. very true.
I suck and hate myself today. :(
Ive been loving myself all week.
ReplyDeleteI've been browsing through this site, and I have to say, I'm a little skeptical about the posters here labeling themselves as sociopaths. I'm sure you've already heard that before, and I'm not trying to say that you're all wrong, just that I'm hoping for more of an explanation, I guess. I'm just genuinely curious about this, and I'm a little confused as to what a sociopath is, according to everyone here. I'm not saying I think that all sociopaths have to be violent or criminal. Only, sometimes the posters here seem merely detached and unemotional, or just really strong thinking rather than feeling types. Maybe I'm just stereotyping because I keep thinking that sociopaths aren't so introspective as they seem here, or so aware. But then again, maybe that's just what comes with labeling anything. It seems there are so many posts about different "levels" of sociopathy, about high-functioning and low functioning sociopaths, about it existing on a spectrum, but then I see comments that seem (though maybe I'm misreading) to make such black-and-white distinctions between empaths and sociopaths, as if sociopaths are so intensely different and isolated from the rest of humanity.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty positive I'm not a sociopath, but I can be manipulative and hurtful and feel nothing about it. Other times I can feel extremely guilty about really small, insignificant things that I've done. One time I ran over a raccoon and felt nothing. I didn't really care at all and I found it strange that the friends I was with were so upset about it. I actually faked feeling guilty about it. However, a few weeks ago I found an injured bird in the middle of the road and I felt so bad for it I almost cried. I couldn't walk away without helping it, and even when I did I felt guilty for not doing enough. Those aren't the best examples, but it's what comes to mind right now. I've always just considered both of these types of reactions, and how they contradict each other, as merely human. I don't really want to label one or the other as so distinct from the minds of a certain half of the population.
I can kind of understand, though, how some sociopaths look at "empaths". I have some friends that are extremely moral-driven people. They get really angry with people who break certain values they hold. I don't understand this and I often feel uncomfortable (as if I have to be someone else) whenever I'm with them. It's not that I don't have a set of ethical standards myself, I just don't see them as so set in stone. When people break them, I can often understand why they do and I see their actions more as human rather than wrong or immoral.
I guess I've just thought that every person, at times, has the ability to manipulate and the desire to control other people. It seems like everyone I know fails (maybe fails is the wrong word... ?) sometimes to feel guilty about the mistakes they make or the ways that they hurt people. But that doesn't mean they always do, and it doesn't always mean they're sociopaths.
Mostly I'm just trying to find out everyone's opinion about this, because I have a hard time understanding how sociopaths (at least the ones here, who I can actually discuss this with) are so different from so-called "normal" people. I don't really know what that is
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ReplyDeletePeople with empathy aren't geysers of emotions and morals. They can be cold and cruel, too. They're not even obliged to feel remorse.
ReplyDeleteIt's the fact that they can, is what separates.
Capitalizing your name today, notme?
Yes, i'm out of sorts. I even signed in as Anon! My family have thrown me off-kilter, again.~
ReplyDeleteI love them really, my cousins and siblings and aunties that is. There's loads of us. CRAZY!
How you doing TNP?
Out of crackers ;(
ReplyDeleteYou can't be a sociopath, they only eat broken glass.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Anon. I'm clearly a psychopath.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, and which psychologist diagnosed you?
ReplyDeleteyou and your americanisms. What's a cracker? like a chinese cracker?
ReplyDeleteJust smoke a cigar. :)
I finally got to smoke one. yay me!
But without the whisky. :(
I learnt a new word today - geyser.
Thanks Note.
Notable, do you like a woman's nipples? In your mouth?
ReplyDeleteI like them gently wedged between my lips with warm breath constantly hitting them as I lick them with the tip of my tongue, sometimes doing light circles around the areola. A whole mouthful of boob is all good fun but neither party is really having intense physical reactions to it...
ReplyDeleteA cracker is... basically it's a small, usually salted, thin, biscuit. Google Ritz Crackers. They're quite popular State-side.
That was pretty sleazy, i think i just vomited in my own mouth, ew. :/
ReplyDeleteoh god that got me going...
ReplyDeleteI hate you so much for that.
yes, i know ritz crackers.
I thought maybe it was something else.
on that note, i best be off. catch you later. :)
stop trolling 'notme' for flips sake.
thanks for the details Notable:)
ReplyDeletethat was sleazy? oh.
ReplyDeleteYou should write an erotic novel, Notable.
ReplyDeleteNotable panicking and using the "Grace" alias.
ReplyDeleteI've avoided psychologists since I was a young adolescent. I did however get a 34 on the PCL-R, which apparently qualifies as an extreme psychopath.
ReplyDeleteThe prospect of having it on paper in my medical records doesn't sound very appealing, to be frank...
Anyone could say that duh, okay ill play too.
ReplyDeleteI've avoided psychologists since I was a young adolescent. I did however get a 34 on the PCL-R, which apparently qualifies as an extreme psychopath.
If I told you Dr. Michael Wolfe diagnosed me eight years ago, would you have believed me with the same level of infantile deflective logic? No.
ReplyDeleteYour games sucks. Enjoy playing with yourself.
Why did you allow yourself to be diagnosed, Notable?
ReplyDeleteI forgot my password Anon. It's me. I'll have to reset it.
ReplyDeleteI have a red mark on my forehead from face-palming. Enjoy that image, after the nipple licking episode.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone here use facebook..can people really see who looks at their profile or is it a scam?
ReplyDeleteIs notme on vacation?
ReplyDeleteYou fucking fags and borderline sluts don't like christmas because you are all alone. Lol. Your christmas is spent eating crackers and shoving summer sausage in and out of your asshole. Its winter prick. You can't fuck yourself with summer sausage in the winter. go ahead and admit it. You hate christmas because it shows you how alone you really are.
ReplyDeleteoops. Misread Notable's comment.
ReplyDeleteNo worries, Misanthrope.
ReplyDeleteNotable, you made my Christmas fun already. That's what I was talking about, soft and warm and slowly swirling, tiny soft bites once in a while. One, then the other, and once in a while both. Thanks.
ReplyDeletenotme... your reaction to Notable's enjoying nipples... Pretty weird. You don't let men do that? If so, which is really hard to believe, try sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Santa bringing you Nippy?
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ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all those lovely little psychotic girls.
ReplyDeleteGrace didn't forget her password and notme and Misanthrope have no one to blame but themselves.
ReplyDeleteTNP looks like you have been babysitting the kid by yourself this afternoon.
Broseph has some legit moxie. Shit's boss, even behind the eight ball, yo.
I'm trying to upload a photo but it's taking too long for some reason. But it's me Anon.
ReplyDeletewow..a delete icon. cool.
ReplyDeleteYe olde delete button be all up in this beeswax. Bumping gums in the hizzie be making thou thizzie! Fare thee well, bitches.
ReplyDeleteand that comment makes me dizzie.
ReplyDeletefo shizzle
ReplyDeleteGrace, I used to be on facebook and from what I remember no they can't. That would be absurd. Where else would all the stalkers go otherwise?~
ReplyDeleteIt's a myth.
'notme... your reaction to Notable's enjoying nipples... Pretty weird. You don't let men do that? If so, which is really hard to believe, try sooner than later'
er, that wasn't me. I was quite aroused. dammit. I wanted more. ;)
and yes, whoever asked, I am on vacation. (I'm always on vacation, it's a state of mind). why'd you wanna know?
regarding the original post, I don't come out consistently on personality tests. I struggle over some of the questions since there's never an option for 'sometimes.' sometimes i'm introverted sometimes i'm extraverted. sometimes i'm this sometimes i'm that. is that so damn strange! stoopid tests.
ReplyDeletesome questions i can answer confidently, some i can't. no one cares but there you go. i won't charge.
Nice try anon but being half Jewish gives me the best excuse ever.
ReplyDeleteFucking loving having the house to myself. Being alone is the snizznizzle.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everybody!
ReplyDeleteMisanthrope said...
ReplyDeleteYou should write an erotic novel, Notable.
He reads a lot of different books.
Earache in both ears all day. I'm feeling merry.~
ReplyDelete(i wonder if anon 1:44 still thinks everyone here is unusually detached? :D)
ReplyDeletemerry xmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's Aspie.
ReplyDeleteFamily is gone for now and all is quiet and after cleaning up the (whole) turkey from the floor and running out to buy fried chicken 7 minutes before the store was closing, I would say it was a success.
Anyone hae an extra summer sausage?
Time to smoke a little bud and have a little ummmm fun.
Fried Chicken
ReplyDeleteOy vey I'm out of weed and so is my supplier.
ReplyDeleteKid can play
ReplyDeletesome pot would be nice right now
ReplyDeletebetween the bars
ReplyDeletethe grateful dead... i guess that's the ultimate smoke-band. (although sometimes i think you have to be high to appreciate them.)
ReplyDeletei used to like hippies. now i shake them.
where do you find hippies to shake?
ReplyDeleteNice, Aspie.
ReplyDeleteBrings back memories of going to see The Song Remains The Same every Saturday night at the midnight movie. That was a big deal; people smoking and drinking in the theater; throwing up in the aisles and seats. Good times.
ReplyDeletehope this works
ReplyDeleteworked good :)
ReplyDeleteyay it so worked. me happy. thanks boys! :D
ReplyDeletethanks aspie. you're a legend!
ReplyDeletehope you like the song too.
great song! thanks notme
ReplyDeletemy pleasure. ho ho ho :)
ReplyDeleteI'm off to give santa a big sloppy kiss! Ciao bello!
Merry Christmas, UKan.
ReplyDeleteAnd to other people, too ;)
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ReplyDeleteI'm probably watch Human Centipede (finally) and go see some family in the evening.
ReplyDeleteJust saw Teeth. It wins the award for the most severed genitals I've seen in a single movie.
Same to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna watch these two documentaries on/interviews with hitman Richard Kuklinski for Christmas.
Good times.
High five to us, TNP, for our Christmas spirits and love of mankind!
ReplyDeleteI'll probably be watching this too. It's an alchemist device style vampire movie as opposed to undead, and Ron Perlman is the antagonist with Guillermo del Toro directing. I can't believe I've never heard of it before.
ReplyDeleteApparently, two movies about Kuklinski are in the works, one starring creepy Michael Shannon and the other Mickey Rourke.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing the first one will be better, although I do like Mr. Rourke.
Have you seen Shannon in Boardwalk Empire? The man is positively deranged in the best way.
ReplyDeleteIceman teaser trailer scene thing.
ReplyDeleteI've only seen the first episode of Boardwalk Empire so far. His face is hard to forget.
Will watch the rest when I'm done with Breaking Bad (which is what inspiring my Kuklinski interest).
I'm really loving BB.
Ahhh Christmas... The time of year where my whole family gets together and basically exchanges cash! The worst part is sleeping on an air mattress while my twin sister sleeps on a twin bed in the corner... Watching myself sleep, CREEPY. The best part is ... When it's over I get to go home and redeposit different money?
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ReplyDeleteI wish she was a Sociopath, then maybe she'd still be awake right now and wouldn't have cried the whole way here because something our step sister said "really just makes her feel so unworthy"...is breaking bad any good? Yeah that sentence just happened, it's 2 am!
ReplyDelete@aspie--i know it was a million posts back, but i got distracted. the local organics store usually does just fine.
ReplyDeletemickey roarke? love him. but i still want to shake him.
good night. sorry about the air mattress.
Breaking Bad is pretty good.
ReplyDeleteBreaking Bad is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThe first few minutes of the pilot is one of the best series beginnings ever.
I like it more than Dexter. Superior character development, writing, cinematography and plot.
ReplyDeleteI've avoided psychologists since I was a young adolescent. I did however get a 34 on the PCL-R, which apparently qualifies as an extreme psychopath.
ReplyDeleteWait... what? Am I the only one who sees the inherent problem in this statement? Unless Quizilla is suddenly an accredited mental health body, these two claims cannot both be valid.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnyone could say that duh, okay ill play too.
I've avoided psychologists since I was a young adolescent. I did however get a 34 on the PCL-R, which apparently qualifies as an extreme psychopath.
Notable: I've avoided psychologists since I was a young adolescent. I did however get a 34 on the PCL-R, which apparently qualifies as an extreme psychopath.
ReplyDeleteAn extreme psychopath, you say? Please, do enlighten me as to what levels of psychopathy there are. Is this similar to the deviations between IQ scores?
TheNotablePath said...
ReplyDeleteI don't have a default setting, to my knowledge.
I always get different scores on that Meyer Briggs every few years. I think a lot of it is based on my impressionability due to those who are currently within my circle.
Extreme Psycopath and impressionable?
Compared to The Wire, breaking bad is a kids show. I hate to say it but their portrayal in BB of the criminal world is silly.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say you are a psychopth Notable. You are a narccissist. That is how I got you and GRK. I got you into a pissing contest where you turned out to be the only contestant. You guys always fall for it, because you can't see past your own ego. Observation not a insult.
I got this game Dark Tower for christmas from my folks. It was a childhood game and they only made it for a year in the early eighties. My folks found it online after I was telling them I wish I had the game again. Its a rare collectors item and I was pretty honored to hold onto the family boardgame.
Thought I would spread my cheery christmas to all you muppets.
No, it's not The Wire, but it's the characters I'm more interested in rather than any realism that is being portrayed in this case. It's very creatively written and the acting is great.
ReplyDeleteIt's a character show, not a crime show. It addresses some deeper psychological stuff that is rarely seen in other shows.
The Wire is mostly based off of true stories and direct experience, while I highly doubt that BB is.
Similar weight on the muddy difference between Good and Evil, though.
The Wire addresses society, while BB addresses the individual, when you boil it down. Two different shows with two different purposes. Plot realism is more important in one than in the other.
ReplyDeleteOkay that's enough BB talk from me for a while.
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ReplyDeleteBesides the father, the acting is sub par. The characters are not believable and over the top. Those corny twin hitmen, the corny mexican tweeker drug kingpin, the corny attorney, the corny Jesse Pinkman, and the corny DEA/Brother in law really got to me after a while.
ReplyDeleteWith the wire the was no good and evil. It was just the system's bare bones.
I know a lot about and a lot of american criminals. Trust me, they don't act like Jesse or that over the top cartel guy on the first one that was screaming and acting crazy.
ReplyDeletePlus I never said I was irish ;)
Deleted my last comment due to irrelevancy.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how far you got into the show, but the DEA guy actually gets really interesting.
And of course the lawyer is a stereotype; he's comic relief.
With the wire the was no good and evil.
Well I guess I would say that part of the point was that there is no such demarcation line. People are people, shit is what it is.
At least that's what I got out of it.
2 sides of the same coin. Might be a worthy new year's resolution to learn more about that.
ReplyDeleteThought I would spread my cheery christmas to all you muppets.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to be all yours...lol
I liked how similiar it is to my world. Its one show I think I've seen where a lot of it was accurate.
ReplyDeleteI saw how the brother in law turned into a weepy little girl. Not surprising since he was a little girl at heart. Pinkman cusses like he has never uttered a curse word his entire life. I think that's what annoys me so much. He sounds so fucking fake and he's all over the show.
Its like that ugly guy on Boardwalk, who's always a crony in every movie. Now he's a boss? He doesn't fit the part at all. Everytime he has to get tough or intimidate someone it sounds like a joke.
The premise of the show is ridiculous. If I had a wife and son like that I would be thinking of how I could get rid of them, not take care of them. He's got this huge opportunity and he is wasting it to make sure his retarded son and slut wife are set for life? Please, sell it elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteTNP is gonna be pissed we are giving away so much of the plot, lol.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I like Buscemi, but it's a weird casting choice. It's the main reason that's been holding me back from watching the rest of the show.
He should be playing someone with Asperger's or some shit, or just some general weirdo like he usually does.
Merry christmas medusa and niki
ReplyDeleteIt was obvious a deliberate twisted irony thing that was written into the script. Who knows whether an insecure kid can really pull off an impossible feat. I like the messiness of his character.
ReplyDeleteI know. The show is awesome, except him. What the fuck were they thinking. They should have put James Gandolfini, or whatever the fuck his name is, in there.
ReplyDeleteIts like Moriarty in the new sherlock holmes. What the fuck? That blokes a fucking child molestor not a consulting criminal. The show was fucking brilliant till this tart comes out on the last one, sounding like a total fruitcake.
Of course the premise is ridiculous, as well as most of the plot. That's part of why I like it. "Kafkaesque" and shit. Probably on purpose. I mean opening scene of the pilot... when would that ever happen? But I loved it anyway.
ReplyDeleteI just can't figure out his motivation for thinking that his choices would benefit his family in the long run. For a smart guy he sure is an idiot in almost every single way (including choice of wife). He's fucked up the lives of every single person around him, whilst telling himself he's only thinking of his family. Whatever, bullshit.
It's cool to see a character with a neurological difficulty being portrayed with an actual personality, for once.
Are you really from the emerald isle UKan? =o
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, UKan ;)
ReplyDeleteI never watch shows where the characters are in some way better off that i am, I'm way too envious for that, i like watching shows with humble or poor people.
ReplyDeleteAnd Gag, that was a really good point you made.
ReplyDeleteAnd Merry Christmas right back to all you crazies.
I just realized that the episode with "kafkaesque" as the catchword was immediately followed by an episode centered around Walt's obsession with a fly.
For a guy who suddenly found another way of using his calculator that obviously shifted his way of processing reality, I do wonder why the main character didn't process his family in a new light. I mean wouldn't he be questioning the functionality of them?
ReplyDeleteMerry merries to all the messed up! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas!
ReplyDeletewhat, no post for christmas ??
ReplyDeleteYou choose the topic mike.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to all of you! I'd pass out some joints if I could.
Merry Christmas everyone :)
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ReplyDeleteI consider Breaking Bad to be a dark comedy, not a straight drama.
ReplyDeleteOn the PCL-R: I located the questions, the scoring system, and read up on it. I scored them in a way that matches my level of tendencies. I'm aware this isn't considered valid. Thanks for the input.
@UKan: How do you figure? I don't match any of the origin criteria for NPD, and only 3 out of the 9 trait criteria on the DSM, all three of which co-exist in ASPD. I'll agree with you that I'm narcissistic, but that's fairly prevalent within ASPD and SPD, too, not just NPD. I might be missing one or two PDs, but those are the ones that come to mind.
I don't match any of the origin criteria for NPD.
ReplyDeleteDon't you? I'm sorry, your backstory shifts so much that it's hard to keep track.~
I don't. You can datamine if you want.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Crazies! ~
ReplyDeleteWhen you diagnose yourself, you get the answers that you want. The fact that you spend so much time talking about yourself to the point where you are blinded to the other people around you shows. Sociopaths in social situations make people gravitate towards them, because they spend time listening to people and figuring them out while creating a identity that makes that person not only comfortable, but enthusiastic.
ReplyDeleteNarcs on the other hand haven't a clue on what people want to hear or see from them. They say anything that they think will make them look amazing. The reason people get annoyed with them is that they can't see that their opinion on who would be amazing is not everyone elses so they screw up sometimes socially.
Narcs are not socially inept as their confidence carries the day, and with the lack of the extreme anti-social traits of sociopaths, they tend to fair a lot better in the long run in organizations. Your lack of self destructive tendencies, poor impression management, and lack of any manipulitive skills to the point of being manipulated (through your own words) tells me who you are.
As opposed to your gigantic walls of text exclusively about yourself and your antics as opposed to speculation and theory?
ReplyDeleteIf telling an anecdote is narcissism, then you take the cake.
In regards to Impression Management, I take that fairly serious offline, or in an online setting where it is necessitated (social networks, work hubs). As far as self destructive behavior, not everyone enjoys telling their little stories about how they fuck up, unless it is relevant, which you often do when it isn't to gain attention. You won't manipulate me into sharing such wonderful annals of history to prove a point. If it's pertinent to a topic, then at some point in time I might share.
The only thing you've done is essentially fill in blanks without warrant. You have an irrational loathing of me, and have since day one. To take an armchair diagnosis from you would be laughable.
Did you miss this part? "When you diagnose yourself, you get the answers that you want."
ReplyDeleteI don't see a response to this tidbit. Do respond, if you are comfortable.
I was pointed towards psychopathy by a professional friend. I didn't just hop on the interwebz one day and play Wheel of Personality Disorders.
ReplyDeleteNotable is trying his hardest to validate his fragile self.
ReplyDeleteYes. Answering questions equates to validating 'my fragile self', and not answering a question equates to avoidance. This isn't a new game you're playing.
ReplyDelete"I was pointed towards psychopathy by a professional friend. I didn't just hop on the interwebz one day and play Wheel of Personality Disorders."
ReplyDeletePardon me, but it sounds as though you feel your credibility is being threatened. Even if you were, and I mean this in a very respectful way, directed to this personality disorder by a professional friend, your self diagnosis is still as invalid as anyone else's. Do you understand this?
I will only believe him if I see hard evidence.
ReplyDeleteYes I do, 2.
ReplyDeleteThen, If I may ask, why do you have a blog that has the central theme of your self-diagnosis? It seems as though there is apparent contradiction in this course of events. I realize you may be speculating, but this amounts to zilch, given the lack thereof of a diagnosis from a mental health professional. In a roundabout way of succinctly stating this, since you are not diagnosed as a psychopath, your blog is not an accurate representation of psychopathy and your speculations are very likely to be invalid.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between my wall of text and yours is that people read it, including you. The reason people read it is because I never talked about myself for the two years I've been here, because I didn't come here to validate myself and it shows. When you speak it flares someone who needs validation from other people. Your history shows the same. Don't compare yourself to me, because you my friend are nothing.
ReplyDeleteSo you suggest I seek out a health professional to have the potential of psychopathy in my mental health records? TO which purpose would this serve in my self interest and preservation? Have you read my blog and disgree with most points on a fundamental level, or are you arguing for agreement sake? Does ME have clinically diagnosed sociopathy, and if he didn't why are you even here? He has remarked in the past that he wasn't, unless something has changed.
ReplyDeleteNotable, I do believe you have incorrectly responded to my well performed logical execution of this conclusion. You already accepted the premises required, but it seems that the conclusion infuriates you. Let it be known that you are attempting to distract from this conclusion, which is known as a Red Herring. This is a classic logical fallacy.
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt, you have completely ignored my conclusion that I have shown to be logically sound. Every single question you just postulated was completely irrelevant to the subject matter. I believe this discussion is over, now that I have proved my point.
Please, have a nice day.
What a co incidents, myth busters is on! :)
ReplyDeleteNotable, I do believe you have incorrectly responded to my well performed logical execution of this conclusion. You already accepted the premises required, but it seems that the conclusion infuriates you. Let it be known that you are attempting to distract from this conclusion, which is known as a Red Herring. This is a classic logical fallacy.
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt, you have completely ignored my conclusion that I have shown to be logically sound. Every single question you just postulated was completely irrelevant to the subject matter. I believe this discussion is over, now that I have proved my point.
Please, have a nice day.
Notable, I do believe you have incorrectly responded to my well performed logical execution of this conclusion. You already accepted the premises required, but it seems that the conclusion infuriates you. Let it be known that you are attempting to distract from this conclusion, which is known as a Red Herring. This is a classic logical fallacy.
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt, you have completely ignored my conclusion that I have shown to be logically sound. Every single question you just postulated was completely irrelevant to the subject matter. I believe this discussion is over, now that I have proved my point.
Please, have a nice day.
Notable, I do believe you have incorrectly responded to my well performed logical execution of this conclusion. You already accepted the premises required, but it seems that the conclusion infuriates you. Let it be known that you are attempting to distract from this conclusion, which is known as a Red Herring. This is a classic logical fallacy.
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt, you have completely ignored my conclusion that I have shown to be logically sound. Every single question you just postulated was completely irrelevant to the subject matter. I believe this discussion is over, now that I have proved my point.
Have a nice day.
P.S. ME, you need to fix this blog. It deletes comments.
P 1
ReplyDeleteNotable, I do believe you have incorrectly responded to my well performed logical execution of this conclusion. You already accepted the premises required, but it seems that the conclusion infuriates you. Let it be known that you are attempting to distract from this conclusion, which is known as a Red Herring. This is a classic logical fallacy.
P 2
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt, you have completely ignored my conclusion that I have shown to be logically sound. Every single question you just postulated was completely irrelevant to the subject matter. I believe this discussion is over, now that I have proved my point.
Please, have a nice day.
Nice picture 2, reminds me of the silent hill video games.
ReplyDeleteTo which, you've completely sidestepped the question which is in fact completely relevant to the topic. It's not called a Red Herring. It's called you avoiding a corner that you put yourself in.
ReplyDeleteThe only point you've proven is that you have a fixation with me in regards to a point you posit is relevant, and disregard such a point to the very author of this blog and anyone else who is not professionally diagnosed. So, in essence you're saying, your very existence here is irrelevant, thus making your soapbox all the more slippery.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's a strawman. This game is fun!~
The moon is made of cheese implies all dogs are lemons! Yay, logic.
If you took impression management so 'seriously', how come almost everyone here looks down on you with contempt? I can't spell for shit, and my grammar is terrible. Since you are comparing yourself, how is a illiterate criminal looked at more favorably then you? What does that say for your personality?
ReplyDeletelol Ukan. Not everyone reads everything you write and the fact you assume so is rather indicative of the size of your ego.
ReplyDeleteI learn a great deal from Notable's blog since he delves into the topics quite thoroughly. You offer something valid yourself but the fact you disparage others is silly.
What does it matter what labels people have or don't have if what they say is about sharing information so that we understand each other better?
It's either jeolousy or irrelevant fastidiousness and prejudice that makes you challenge Notable every single step of the way. It's tedious.
And I'll echo the point that M.E. has not been diagnosed either, so why come here?
And so what if someone is a narcissist as opposed to a sociopath? You're similar enough to me in real life. Both pains in the arse. ;)
Now go eat some mince pies and smoke some weed. :) Chiiillll!
2's conclusion: In a roundabout way of succinctly stating this, since you are not diagnosed as a psychopath, your blog is not an accurate representation of psychopathy and your speculations are very likely to be invalid.
ReplyDeleteMy question: and if he didn't why are you even here? He has remarked in the past that he wasn't, unless something has changed.
Apparently, not relevant to his very conclusion...
Surely, a classic strawman. *rolls eyes*
Apparently you don't know what a strawman is.
ReplyDeleteAren't they those funny little men in corn fields?
ReplyDeleteI didn't refute 2's point. I asked a question. One which he has not answered and completely avoided, up until probably after the fact to cover his own ass.
Picking sides won't help notme, we all know you are his bff, which is sort of pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI think it's kind of funny that everybody's fighting each other on christmas day. Good see that you've all gotten into the festive spirit guys. (;
ReplyDeleteNot Ables retarded comments, shameless links to his idiotic blog, racist comments, assumption that I'm black, clueless responses, and the fact that someone so naive such as yourself is his only protection is the reason I pick on Not Able.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't read it? I sure couldn't tell. I have a ego so big it couldn't fit in a building. The difference is I know. I know exactly who I am, faults and strengths. Not Able is confused. If you want to suck his dick because you are hoping he will be like your ex boyfriend, go for it. When you find out how weak he is do us the courtesy of coming on here and telling us that you were wrong.
I'm not picking sides. I'm not defending Notable, I'm defending good sense.
Notable's blog is about someone without empathy. In my books, that is as close to a sociopath as it needs to be, since this platform is about communicating to outsiders who DO have empathy and want to understand what it's like not to have it.
You are under the impression that this place is exclusively for you guys to show who the bigger man is.
It's not just about that, though you are welcome to carry on and I'm sure you will.
notme reminds me of the good teacher, stopping the kids from beating on the geek.
ReplyDeleteI think UKan is just challenging TNP, Notme. That's what they do. This is a blog for sociopaths and without that kind of dialogue it would be a blog of some other nature. Don't worry , TNP can take of himself.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll echo the point that M.E. has not been diagnosed either, so why come here?
ReplyDeleteBecause they can.
the anon comment 3:38is from me
ReplyDeleteBefore Not Able gets jumped on:
ReplyDelete"Thanks UKan, there's something in that story for everyone."
After Not Able gets picked on:
"Not everyone reads everything you write. The fact that you assume so is rather indicative of your large ego."
"I'm not picking sides. I'm not defending Notable. I'm defending good sense."
Really, because when people contradict themselves it is anything but good sense. I do see why you get along with Not Able, though.
I'd be inclined to say that most people who are regulars read posts from other regulars. However, the casual passerby, seeing a huge wall of texts with no paragraph usage would probably be less inclined to read your posts.
ReplyDeleteThis of course doesn't apply to everyone that regularly lurks/comments. Just a thought. I'd think people would be more tolerable with bad grammar than a skyscraper of text.
"Thanks UKan, there's something in that story for everyone."
ReplyDeletei don't know where you got that quote from and i don't remember saying it.
even if i said it, it still wouldn't make what i've said here nonsensical.
"tolerant of" not "tolerable with" ;)
ReplyDeletei read everything on here with a pinch of salt. Some posts are purely entertaining, some are informative, and some are in the middle. TNP's are at the informative end and UKan's at the entertainment end. both can be interesting. what is a waste of reading time is pointless childish namecalling.
merry xmas everyone.
Really Not Able, because you commented on my wall of text. Are you just defending yourself right now, or was this yet another pathetic attempt at winning my favor.
ReplyDeleteThe regulars here have been bagging on you since you arrived, Not Able. They even changed your name to reflect how ridiculous you are. In fact, it was a lurker that did it (Nikita). The only people that can't see through your sad attempts at validation are naive, broken, and vulnerable.
Look at the bright side. There haven't been empath contests and wars and nobody trolling with bullshit empath stories. It could be worse.~
ReplyDeleteReally Not Able, because you were one of the people who commented on my 'wall'. Are you just being defensive or was that just a pathetic attempt to try to gain my favor? I told you that a slight acceptance from me will have you eat out of my hand, and that I would backslap you again. The hilarious thing is that I told you ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteWhat part of "I'd be inclined to say that most people who are regulars read posts from other regulars," did you not understand?
ReplyDeleteOh, wait, you didn't actually read it. Silly me.
No I didn't. You're not a regular. You are a outcast at best.
ReplyDeleteYou want people to stop fucking with you, stop bullshitting us. I'm not speaking for everyone, but I can speak on the observation that most people start picking on you when you say something that's complete bullshit about yourself.
The only people that defend you are people who haven't been here long enough to see the pattern of people like you. These are the same people that were duped, so they came to this site looking for answers. Now go chomp on your fucking popcorn all alone on christmas and go contemplate some real answers, instead of complete bullshit.
thank God for that Aerianne!
ReplyDeleteThis place feels like home...lol
ReplyDeleteIn my view, anyone who claims superior intelligence obviously lacks it, and is, in fact, a damn fool. One sign of real intelligence, as has been known and understood forever, is understanding how little one knows, certainly not claiming superiority to others.
ReplyDelete< a href="http://blogs.app.com/saywhat/2009/06/19/woman-on-trial-for-raping-10-men/" >Hmmm...< / a >
ReplyDeleteshit, didn't work. i'll try AGAIN.
ReplyDeletedammit work.
Wow, notme. I guess it must've been really difficult for her to find a willing partner.