
Thursday, July 17, 2014

A cold dish of revenge

This is a really amazing story in the New York Times of an incredibly elaborate revenge scheme:
When Mr. Ramrattan, dressed in a suit and tie, first entered her restaurant in 2006 and introduced himself as a police detective, Ms. Sumasar, a single mother, recalled being impressed.

The two began dating, and Mr. Ramrattan eventually moved into Ms. Sumasar’s house. At first, he seemed attentive, but she grew suspicious of him. He lied constantly, she said.

“I said to Jerry, ‘You tell so many lies, I think you actually believe what you are saying,’ ” Ms. Sumasar said.

Throughout 2008, she said she begged him to leave but he refused.

After Ms. Sumasar said she was attacked, on March 8, 2009, she pressed rape charges against Mr. Ramrattan, who was arrested and released on bail. Soon after, Mr. Ramrattan sent friends to intimidate her, prosecutors said.

They said that when she would not back down, he vowed to put her away.

The key to his scheme, prosecutors said, was to spread fake clues over time, fooling police into believing that all the evidence pointed to Ms. Sumasar.

They said he coached the supposed victims, driving them past Ms. Sumasar’s house so that they could describe her Jeep Grand Cherokee and showing them her photo so they could pick her out of a police lineup.

The setup began in September 2009, prosecutors said. An illegal immigrant from Trinidad told the police that he had been handcuffed and robbed of $700 by an Indian woman who was disguised as a police officer and had a gun, according to court documents.

Prosecutors said Mr. Ramrattan had persuaded the immigrant to lie, telling him that he could receive a special visa for victims of violent crimes.

Six months later, another man said he had been robbed in Nassau County by two police impersonators and described the main aggressor as an Indian woman about Ms. Sumasar’s height. The man said he had managed to take down the first three letters of the Jeep Grand Cherokee’s New York license plate — AJD.

All the while, Ms. Sumasar had a strong alibi, including cell phone records showing that calls were made from her phone at a casino in Connecticut on the day of the robbery.

But Sheryl Anania, executive assistant district attorney in Nassau County, said Ms. Sumasar’s business was foundering, so she appeared to have a motive.

The final fake crime was conjured in May 2010, officials said, when an acquaintance of Mr. Ramrattan said she had been held up by a couple posing as police officers. She said they were driving a Grand Cherokee, but she gave a full Florida license plate number.

She said she heard the pair call each other by name — “Seem” and “Elvis.” Elvis was the nickname of another former boyfriend of Ms. Sumasar, who owned the Jeep.

When the police looked into the Florida plate number, they found that the day after the purported March robbery, the title and the plate for the Cherokee had been transferred from Elvis to Ms. Sumasar’s sister in Florida.

Ms. Sumasar, who holds a Florida driver’s license, had driven the car to Florida to register it. To the police, she seemed to be covering her tracks.

With all the evidence pointing to Ms. Sumasar, the police arrested her. Bail was set at $1 million.

Prosecutors said the scheme unraveled in December 2010 — just weeks before Ms. Sumasar was to go on trial — when an informer told the police that Mr. Ramrattan had staged the plot. The informer gave detectives a number for a cellphone owned by Mr. Ramrattan.
On the one hand this shows the sheer ingenuity and potential determinedness of someone like Ramrattan. On the other hand, it sort of reminds me of an episode of Scooby Doo for over the top nefariousness ("and I would have gotten away with it too..."). Still, it's a cautionary tale for those who might underestimate the potential harm from engaging with a sociopath.


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  3. Motherfuckers I hate you all!

  4. I have anger issues. But that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is what causes them. THE MOTHERFUCKERS OF THE WORLD. If they all died horribly I wouldn't even stress about world hunger or shit. KILL THE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!

  5. That was Jason at 3:40, but I agree with him, I am pathetic.

  6. I think somebody should take a break spending too much time sitting in front of your computer screen might cause problems, such as obesity and high levels of homosexuality.
    Which will cause you to fail at life, if it is not inexistent.

  7. Jason got my picture.Jason,you don't know when being a little turd goes in to being a major AH.You have crossed over and now I will have to get a personal picture.
    Thanks a lot for all your hassle and grief Jason!

  8. my initial thought was she was the culprit. She has those bug eyes.

  9. Thanks alot Jason
    You stupid ass
    Now I have to call the computer store or mess with my computer all day cuz you are a stupid F##$#$## ing Moron!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It's more a tale illustrating the typical hair-brained schemes of the sociopath. The real reason many people fall prey to S is not so much due to the S reading the psych makeup of the target and manipulating it, but more due to a lack of awareness of the existence of S, what it is, how it behaves and its prevalence.

    Increase awareness, lessen the harm of sociopathy.

  11. "Thanks alot Jason
    You stupid ass
    Now I have to call the computer store or mess with my computer all day cuz you are a stupid F##$#$## ing Moron!!!!!!!!!!!"

    LMAO this one's funny jason...

  12. Hy my name is Erin and when I was nine I had the boobs of a 40 year old. I started menstruating at 9 and at 12 I entered menopause. My mom molested me but that's ok cause I wasn't too sane to start with. I had a socio boyfriend that was REAL not imaginary like everyone thinks.

  13. I feel depressed all the time because I feel numb but it has nothing to do with all the painkillers I take. I like to tell you everything that's going on in my life because no one else will even look at me in real world.

  14. I am 30 years old and just like Pinnocchio I wish I was a REAL boy.

  15. So my s/p might be an exception.

    He works hard and makes a blue-collar wage, pays his bills and sometimes is left with nothing foe a few days until the next pay check. He has never asked or conned for money.

    The pride he has in being self sufficient makes me love him more.

    The ones that don't work and take what other's work for should have no pride, they have to lie and create themselves into an image of either someone who can be trusted or pathetic and in need of help.

    Doesn't matter if the game is fun, your just lazy and I can't believe intellegent.

  16. toy, you're full of bullshit. Your s/p is nothing but a loser. If you are an idiot it doesn't mean that you are sociopathic.

  17. @toy
    Your guy bears no semblance to this guy. This may be a totally stupid question but what IS the difference?

  18. Anon 5:32
    "If your an idiot it doesn't mean that you are sociopathic"

    You realize that statement makes you an idiot!

    Apparently you have reading comprehension problems.

    I was saying in simpler terms, that not all socio's are lazy idiot's.

  19. @ toy

    No, you were saying that a guy that does hard labor for a shitty pay is a sociopath and that's idiotic bullshit, idiot.

  20. And you weren't saying it in simpler terms, you were saying in more complicated terms. Idiot.

  21. You said it in simpler terms the second time, idiot.

  22. Whatever Anon, just skip over the part where he has pride in being self sufficient.

    Oh, you already did.

  23. Let's say that that ("the part where he has pride in being self sufficient.") is ok. You still talk a lot of bullshit that shows the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    But it isn't ok. A sociopath doesn't need to be self-sufficient to be proud. Pathologic narcissism is a trait of sociopathy. Idiot.

  24. Why does sociapaths argue with themselfs

  25. Makes me proud of him.

  26. anon 5:53, this isn't . When you feel like posting a comment, eat your poo or something.

  27. @toy 5:54, Well that's something else. If you're proud of him, good for you, not that it does you both any good. I say you tell him to get a real job with a real pay. See if you're proud of him then...

  28. How does paying his own bills mean he doesn't have a real job?

    He has his own house, his own vehicle, both are nice and he's in great shape wears nice cloths.

  29. That doesn't make him a sociopath.

  30. Oh dear! But...I thought this WAS It has ALL the hallmarks of it! No? Then toodle-pip moron *flashes shit-eating grin*

  31. refugeeJuly 29, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    pls to may i rest my weery head hear i am seeking a hom

  32. Glad you could realize that, shit eating retard guy...

  33. Oh, so you're a retarded faggot now. Keep it coming shit-eater...

  34. Your right it doesn't.

    His lack of conscience in dealing with people, lying, no respect for others, wearing masks, manipulating others reality and abusive temper tantrums do, just to name a few of his sociopathic traits.

  35. Toy. So your sociopath boyfriend workes hard, never tells lies, nevers wears masks or cons anyone and is generally a trust worthy guy? That does sound like shit. We need more details if we're going to form an opinion on him. Is something that he did which hurt you specifically the reason why you've come up with this? How nice can his house and car really be if he earns such shitty pay?

  36. Thank you Misanthrope.

  37. He just doesn't lie or con for money at least from women.

    Seems he needs to work hard and pour some physical energy into that.

  38. I dont con people for money... if i dont need to why should i?
    Are you mad not all sociopaths are conman?
    Although, toy if he finds a really rich girl your tits are not hold him.
    Unless he is committed to you. You could make him think that he must be loyal.

  39. Anon 6:24, you don't con people for money cause you're a pussy. And you're stupid. Take it from me, I know what I'm saying ;)

  40. If you're anything like me you don't care about a fair days work for a fair days pay. You'd do anything to get ahead. Any sociopath out there who tells you that they're content with working dead end jobs for minimum wage is just telling another lie. Sociopaths a greedy and and all of us want more and more and nothing is ever enough. Your bf doesn't even sound like he's trying to get ahead. This is starting to sound like another one of those "sociopaths with a code stories".

  41. toy, that guy you're talking about is not sociopathic. Believe me. He might have issues that make him act weird or stuff but treat him like a normal guy, cause that's what he is.

  42. Not mad at all, I think it's admiralble to not con others out of money.

    Commitment to me? Who knows. He does think he's a god.

    How do you make him think that he must be loyal?

  43. Look at the couple --- the socio guy and the uber empath woman. That works.
    It is very special actually more special than most "normal" relationships.

  44. She begged him to leave. Should of just told him to get the fuck out of her house.

  45. @anon 6:40

    It's "Should've just told him"
    Not "Should of just told him", that doesn't make any sense.


  46. I've thought he was normal for the first month's but he was mirroring me. Then he stopped the grooming phase and became agressive, I backed away his anger was full-blown then. Took more month's of on and off.
    He doesn't fit any other criteria. But who knows.

    I spend so much energy trying to keep from getting physically hurt by him that I don't play with the emotional side at all.

    Maybe it doesn't make sence to you and I'm sorry for that.

    After 3 year's I'm still not sure what he holds onto me for. I was just giving him some praise for one thing that seemed like a plus in our relationship.

  47. All the stupid motherfuckers on this blog can start acting stupid now cause I'm off to work.

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  49. What goes through a Sociopath's mind about they way they are different about themselve's, when their not self-aware?

    Think back to when you weren't.

  50. Getting other people to play victim for you is a great form of manipulation. Especially since you are the one that profits and watches them crash and burn as a result of their ignorance.

  51. He works...
    Why do you think sociopaths are greedy Misanthrope?
    I dont even care about money if i get an opportunity to make some i might consider it but i just dont see why need it? I dont like to work i dont want to work i simply use the system to survive it offers many ways to get easy money without doing anything.
    I dont get it you make psychopathy sound like all sociopaths behave the same way are you all sure you are not narcissists?
    Why should you consider it? You just cant.

    Well toy you cant even try to put a leash on him, he has to willingly put the leash on himself and give it to you.
    Just find a way to do that.

  52. Oh Cosette do you have a story to tell?
    Lets play im bored here.

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  54. @Anon

    Oh I don't think you want to here how I got 2.3 grand off of one of my exes as revenge money.

  55. I stayed with my ex because there was something I needed to see.

  56. @Anon

    Oh poor soul. Is he one of those alpha babies that cry after a breakup?

  57. Cosette, with details please?

    Erin toy is damaged if what you say is true then i think you should know how she feels...
    Damaged people are really adorable.
    The easiest to manipulate you are easy to satisfy, naive, will literally do anything your master tells you to, notice how i just said master. funny
    I know im not describing you, you are too fake, toy on the hand seems to fit.

  58. Well then what do you care about? I've been dirt poor before and mabye I will be again. It didn't bother me that much. But once you have some money it feels much better and you just want more and more. There are ways of making money without working yourself dead. Life's full of shortcuts, you just have to find them. I can't lead a normal life like everyone else. It's boring. I think I'm greedy because I constantly want new things to have and do. Once I possess something I think "why the fuck did I want this in the first place" and then I set my sights on something else. Everything loses it's value after a while and then I find something to replace it. You need some more ambition. Everyone's a greedy fucker in one way or the other it just depends on what you want. What do you want?

  59. He is the sexiest man I ever met.

    But I can't ever see him being owned.

    He doesn't say he's a socio. In fact he says he's not evil or a psycho. I don't know if he's self aware. I try not to play games with him to see if he knows.

  60. I grinned when i read "why the fuck did I want this in the first place" happens to me all the time.
    I don't really want anything besides manipulating people that's the one thing i really enjoy doing.
    I care about knowing i like learning new things once in a while i get a psychology book and i start to read it never finished one thou i end up getting sick of it eventually philosophy too anything that can keep me occupied i guess

  61. @Toy
    Mine is the sexiest man I ever met.
    He is super erotic which is different than pure animal passion,obviously.
    The eroticism of him is like being drunk.It is so intense.
    Mine has other sides which I love but the eroticism was a pure drug and prolly my hook to be totally honest.
    I think I will never have it with another man like I did with him.
    It is like mourning a death but I have no choice cuz mine was so bad to me when his mask came off that unless he apologizes I cannot go back

  62. Mine was the weirdest man I have ever known.
    In the end I would feel physically ill just talking to him.

  63. Erin if all it takes is an apology you are pathetic. Sociopaths lie. Constantly. Tell you what you want to hear to get what is wanted.

  64. i'm an honest, decent hard working person, so i'm a socio.

  65. @Erin
    Maybe he wasn't a socio and it was your own behaviour that made him treat you badly.
    Cause seriously, you do tend to get under peoples skin here.

  66. If he apologized It would only be fake to get back in and cause damage.

    If you took him back it would be worse then the first time. He already showed what his motive's were.

    Took me a year to realize what mine was. And then I was scared of him. It took another year to accept him. Now the only way I have to keep things from sprialing down is to back off when he becomes physically agressive.

    It works and continues because he hasn't let go.

    I live two lives the one when I see him (pure fantasy) and my own where people love and respect me.

    That works for me. He's my dangerous exciting side.

    If it stops then I have my memories and maybe I can use it later to make life exciting again.

  67. I agree with anon 8:09, it could be that but Erin will never hear of it.

    LMAO @ anon 8:06

  68. Spoon Bender said...
    @7:57am FAIL

    FAIL? Pleas explain.

  69. OMG these bitches think that domestic abuse = sociopathy. Bitches, it AIN'T like that.

  70. Of course Erin is pathetic i can see it just by reading what she writes i am just not sure if she or maybe even he is telling the truth.
    After spending all this here talking to psychopaths and perfectly normal insane people, she basically says that if the guy were to come back to her (not going to happen) all it would take was an apology for her to suck his cock again.
    I have apologised to many people many times i dont remember a single time when i meant it.
    There is two kind of apologies
    Im sorry. (Now fuck off)
    Im sorry. (Shit i almost screwed everything, i need this.)

  71. Erin, the only way to stop mourning is to get out and start living. Your wasting time waiting for an apology.

    Don't think I don't know how you feel, I do. But your alienating yourself by talking about him and nothing else. I know that part too.

    It's summer and it'll be over before you know it. Go outside.

    Your not chaning anything in your life even if you are gaining some understanding.

  72. Mine has paranoia up the wazzu. He'd never believe a thing I said even if I came crawling back on my knees.

    Not that that would matter. He's done and has no use for me. It's his pattern. -says all women leave him, playing pity. He fucked up so bad and won't admit a mistake. He still denies a lie - a big one. This in itself is the manipulation. He wants me to say I believe him. Until I do, I'm unacceptable. This says to me , he could not care less for me. I've seen him erase a text without replying to a "friend" He washhes his gands of people and women all the time. Boy was he brazen with his mask slipping. He was VETTING me, ofcourse.

    I could be dying on the street, and if there weren't people around he could impress, he'd pretend I was a stranger.

    Cause I huwt him, poor baby (He's say hello BS) He always had one foot out the door with me. I knew that. He'd tell me "I will be the guy who did this/that" so I would be prepared for this only being temporary. Then he's switch it up and cause me to think it would be long term. He was only fucking with me from day one. Boy did he think I was an idiot. I had my mouth hanging open in disbelief most of the time.

    I asked a mutual friend what the hell was wrong with this picture. Guess what? That friend wouldn't reply to my question. See, 'normals' get what they want from socios, too, and people are loyal to them. ALL people use people.

  73. Anyone who thinks I am annoying enough to drive anyone to be a Socio

    I only wish I was that powerful

  74. Why are the Sociopaths SO erotic lol

  75. Erin said...
    Anyone who thinks I am annoying enough to drive anyone to be a Socio

    I only wish I was that powerful

    You complain about been treated badly, yet you want too be treated badly.
    Your a fake, aint ya?

  76. Erin no one said that.

    Point was; taliking about him non stop drives the people you talk to about him away.

  77. To many women here throw the word sociopath arond too easily. Just because your relationship was shit doesn't mean your partner is a sociopath. Mabye you should start to examine your own faults and ask yourself why you allow other people to use you to wipe their as al the time. If you take abuse you deserve it.

  78. Oh my god Bella, where are you from?

  79. I agree, once again with Misanthrope. That story of Bella, along with the other ones seem to be some material about fake impressions of sociopathy. You girls found this blog and now every guy who disappoints you is a sociopath. That guy in Bella's story seems to me to be just a stupid human being who can't figure himself out.

    He won't admit a mistake? Whoa, like there's not a million more normal people who do that. Girls on this blog talk and are SHIT.

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  81. @ Mis

  82. Tell me Rope what do you do when someone you are involved with tells you, NO?

  83. @Anon 8 :31
    DUH? I mean if you are with a Socio you want to be treated badly.
    Exactly or you would be with a normal guy.
    I mean--- Don't let the moss grow on you,Brother.

  84. calling yourself 'toy' is utterly vomit-worthy. I've seen a few who do that on forums, calling themselves 'narc-victim' or 'narc-toy.' Ffs where's your pride?

  85. @ Erin
    Hahahaha at ya, not with ya.

  86. Depends who it is and why there saying no. Sometimes I'll flare up. Other times I'll smile an nodd politely but in the back of my mind I'll be thinking about how I can make them do what I want later on. Either way no isn't really an option I allow people to take if I've got something in mind that really needs doing. Relationships are a pain in a way. To be frank most of the time all I want from women is sex and I can get that anywhere. Most women I meet are annoying chatterboxes. I'm not interested in them I'm interested in thier bodies. If it's not sex I want from a woman then it will be something else, but I don't normally spend time around anyone just for the enjoyment of there company. There always has to be something.

  87. Misanthrope said...
    To many women here throw the word sociopath arond too easily. Just because your relationship was shit doesn't mean your partner is a sociopath. Mabye you should start to examine your own faults and ask yourself why you allow other people to use you to wipe their as al the time. If you take abuse you deserve it.

    Thats a very sociopathic thing to say.

  88. I agree that your name says alot about you toy.

  89. At this site you get exactly whats written on the tin anon. I think what I said there is true though. Most people stand around feeling sorry for victims of abuse or whatever but not many people stop to think about what's wrong with them. Nobody is ever really blameless.

  90. Blame can never belong to one solo entity.
    String theory.

  91. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    @ Erin
    Hahahaha at ya, not with ya

    Thank you for making that fine distinction

  92. I've been on places like lovefraud, and recently I signed up for a psychopath abuse recovery forum. I go on there to further torment victims of psychopaths because I find their pain amusing. They are so pathetic. The psychopaths aren't the ones with the problems, they are doing just fine. Its the broken victims like toy, erin, and bella that have the real issues. You started by giving uncle fiddles what he wanted and then carried that into the rest of your life. If you are going to be spineless, than expect a life of servitude.

  93. @Ukan
    Truer words were never spoken.Good job

  94. "I go on there to further torment victims of psychopaths"


  95. I agree with that UKan. It's not my fault if I break somebody it's their fault for being so fragile. That's what I've been trying to say.

  96. 'It's not my fault if I break somebody it's their fault for being so fragile.'

    'I go on there to further torment victims of psychopaths because I find their pain amusing.'

    yooooouuu bastards... lol. sociopath quotes of the day me thinks!

  97. Ok Tell me what you think?
    Are the Socios so erotic cuz it is their lure like the ice cream cone to the molested kid.
    My guess is "Yes"
    Everyone has strings or eroticism which can be pulled.
    Most people are afraid of their passions,afraid to let loose.
    However,people want to go to that taboo place very badly.It is like a drug that we all know is there but few have experienced.
    All yearn to, though.

    So,my question is "Does the Socio use eroticism as a lure, a bait for the fish who could only go there in their dreams?"

    Can the Socio be so erotic cuz he does not have the taboos other people do?
    Is that how they master the art of eroticism so well?

    All this is making me miss my Socio.Thanks Guys

  98. Indeed. How many depressed sociopaths do you see? None. I mean, lets be real here. I'm easily liked, people follow me, I don't have to work yet live above middle class, I get what I want, Its not difficult for me to get laid, and in relationships I'm the boss, I do anything I feel like on a fluke, I wont be told what to do, but I tell others what to do. Can anyone honestly tell me that I'm the one who's insane? Or that I need help?

  99. oooooooo, today is good.

  100. @Ukan
    What if anything do you suffer--depression? mania? drug addiction? alcoholism?
    Does your "condition" come out and make you pay in any way or do you get off scot free?

  101. all the socios come here to jerk their ego's off.

  102. My husband doesn't have hang-ups and he is not overly eager..Two of the biggest turn-offs known to man. His confidence is what makes sex with him so powerful and mind-blowing. The never quite knowing where you stand is a turn-on for me and he's pretty fucking imaginitive. We have a very secretive sex life that involves many games and adventures. Normal men couldn't go there without a bunch of insecurites. Oh, and hes pretty hot which doesn't hurt either.
    Erin, why don't you just have sex with him with no strings..if you enjoy sex with him, just keep your emotions out of it. I am an empath and I can certainly do that.

  103. sociopaths can be depressed.

  104. @bette
    NEVER.I would be hooked like heroin. I can not imagine the degree with which I would be hooked.
    They say there are some doors from which one can never return .
    Drugs like heroin open gates from which one spends one's whole life trying to re-enter .
    This may sound dumb but I never want to go there and then have him drop me.
    That pain would be so bad for me that I would never go there willingly.
    Bette ,if I could find a guy like yours I would love what you have.
    Do you think that you guys work cuz you are life long friends like childhood friends and so he could trust you.
    If so, this in itself makes your situation very hard to replicate.

  105. Ukan, your wrong again ha ha.

    Notme your name says it all about you to, at least I'm having fun.

  106. This is like what I was arguing with my wife in the car last night about. She called me a demon again and I had enough of her negativity. I just got back from meeting up with some business associates who gave me a bunch of money and each one had something really good to say about me. I felt pretty good driving back to pick up my wife from school. I get complimented a lot, usually I blow it off, but these were the specific kinds of compliments. Those ones make me feel like gods gift to humanity.
    My wife gets in the car and I tell her about all these compliments. She tells me that they don't know me, and I have them all fooled. That I'm a demon. I guess her psych classes didn't inform her that I don't do evil deeds on a constant basis. Its all perception. Hers is so negative.
    For instance, I changed this one girls life. She was nothing before I met her. She was a poor dope fiend. I taught her the game and all the while my wife told me I was too hard on her and that I was using her. Now, three years later, she's getting her own place and has a great income. She changed from a spineless people pleaser into a shrewd businesswomen. She's not a professional yet but she's getting there. My wife and one of my friends said I brainwashed her. Brainwashed her? She's making money! I trained her.

  107. @Toy
    Don't sweat your name.
    So what if people think it is stupid?
    It's not your real name.Now,if it were ,then they may have a point ;)

  108. sex is power need to change your can just be can use him for what you want and then he can't hurt you..perhaps that can be your cold served dish, only he doesn't need to know.

  109. Sociopaths are not suffering. If any tell you that they are lying to get sympathy to pull a fast one on you or they are not a sociopath. If you feel sorry fpr me you are a idiot.

  110. UKan, chico, take it easy. You are not suffering? You'll suffer like you don't even know the word. You'll never hear your woman say 'I'm proud of you." You know very well money is an illusion, you can't gain people's respect, you're a demon to your poor wife for good. The first chance you get under the influence you'll kick her for the mistake she made, you low life. That evil in you will turn against you, soon.

  111. Sex is power only if you're willing to play the game.

    If you don't care and it's all for fun, there's nothing to be had over you.

    Just enjoy. It always comes to an end.

  112. @IOSE: Don't tell him that dude cause he might do something to prevent it :)

  113. @IOSE: Don't tell him that dude cause he might do something to prevent it :)

  114. @Blog

    Fun story! Made me smile.

  115. where's that faggot kesu? i want to call him a faggot, stupid fuckin' faggot.

  116. lol, he is a faggot isn't he ?

  117. @Eden, sorry to not get back to you last night. I fell asleep. As for the type of partner I typically attract I can't say. No one I've ever dated has been similar. I just tend to attract all types of people in general. My PD isn't apparent at first as I've learned to hide a lot of it quite successfully. When I'm out I have something of a magnetic character and just draw people in.

  118. I hear I'm proud of you from my wife every week, and if I didn't I wouldn't care. I don't need people to tell me anything good about myself because I'm secure enough with who I am. When they do it just adds to my knowledge of how great I am. That's suffering? Don't project your need for approval on me. Normal sane people don't have your needy dependencies.

  119. why does sociapaths angry all the time?

  120. StrongerThanBeforeJuly 29, 2011 at 11:01 AM

    "calling yourself 'toy' is utterly vomit-worthy. I've seen a few who do that on forums, calling themselves 'narc-victim' or 'narc-toy.' Ffs where's your pride?"

    u mad?

  121. iz u gunna rite gangsta shit on ur blog ukan?

    thug life! OG

  122. No he's disgusted at pathetic victims like you and your complete failure at having any control of even your own sad life.

  123. No my blog is something I started making and quickly got bored of.

  124. word, strate up home slice. im down with that shit.

  125. You sound like a fat nerd.

  126. yo B, dont be showin no luv to ur homies, we both compton originals, dats wuz up, word.

  127. @Jason
    You were very funny even if it was at my expense. Good humor is good humor
    What can I say? Try to beat this one Baby :)

  128. @Haven

    It doesn't offend me when people don't respond to me right away. Yesterday's thread was so very dull anyway. I knew you'd get back to me when you wanted. :)

  129. erin is one of those crazy old ladies who live alone with their pets.

  130. i'm masturbating.

  131. still masturbating.


    Here is a picture of the guy.

  133. Hello world.
    Today i will get a guy fired.
    Probably beat 3 or 4 guys.
    And probably end up being beaten afterwards.
    What are you guys doing this Friday night?

  134. I got myself a new picture, a personal one. This way Jason won't be able to terrorize me anymore. The stuff that I said earlier about menopausing at 12 was true. I'm not ashamed by it. At least I was contraceptive all the time. Though my pussy wasn't getting wet anymore so I had to use motor oil.

  135. Ukan, it's too bad you're not doing anything with you blog. I bet you'd have a lot of really interesting things/experiences to talk about.

  136. Hey, anon masturbating, were you by any chance thinking about me? *wink*

  137. HOW did you do that???? I am screwed forever. May as well throw myself out the window.
    Some one tell me how Jason can copy a personal picture?

  138. OMG I just shitted and I have diarrhea. It splashed the whole bathroom and at the moment I'm covered in poo. I'm so depressed.

  139. @Jason
    I give UP
    Off to take care of my hundred cats.
    Damn all this cat piss

  140. LOL you can't stop whoever it is. You want to know how to do it? Pretty simple. It is called view image info.

  141. hey, kesu, you're a faggot!

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. I know I am a faggot but there's nothing I can do. I hate it also.

    Anyway, I'm trying to appear normal so, Erin, are you up for some *bang bang* in the anus?

  144. UKan, if you were that sure of yourself you would not have spent your time telling your wife what others think of you and then come here and spell out your disappointment in the situation.

    If you were really secure of yourself you would put none of the fights out here with all the other attackers, sunny boy. You are their level, you choose your fights among those that are your level, not higher, not lower.

    By the way, do tell us when she said she is proud of you? Maybe when you couldn't perform in bed and she needed to protect your man pride?

    You probably have a thick skull, I'll give you that. Tick skull, thick neck. Cracked on crack or to be cracked by another socio, cracked nevertheless.

  145. Do I have TO become a computer genius not to have my personal habits OUT in the open.

  146. I'm a fag fag fag. Faggity faggity fag. GAY. Tonight we're gonna stay at the Y M C A \:D/

  147. Erin, will you sleep with me? Please, I beg you. I have never slept with a woman. I wonder how a pussy looks like. I can only imagine.

  148. @Kesu
    Are you asking ME for a date *quickly washes off poo to appear more socially acceptable *

  149. Yes I am asking you out on a date Erin. *pulls his finger out his ass*

  150. "HOW did you do that???? I am screwed forever. May as well throw myself out the window."


  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. @Kesu
    Ummm are you INTERESTED or just playing with ME

  153. over reaction much, erin?

    ps that's not kesu.

  154. I told you, I am gay. I have 3 guys pissing all over my face right now so it's hard to type but yeah, I'd like to go out on a date with you. I am so curious about how a pussy looks like.

  155. Well have not had an attractive man interested in me since my Socio.FORGIVE ME IF I GOT A LITTLE EXCITED.

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. Give me your email Erin.

  158. Well don't get too over-excited cause I'm not really that attractive. I have been voted as the best male on

  159. Give me your email Erin.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. @ anon


  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. You like crew cuts or the bearded look?
    I can do a hat

  164. I can make you feel alive, alive like you were never before.
    I know want to.

  165. *I know you want to.
    Give in Erin let me show a new world a place where its worth living.

  166. What's happening here isn't that much out of line or expectation. Sociopaths are known for identity theft.

  167. BAM! Your time is over now Erin i waited for too long.
    You missed your chance just like you are missing your pathetic life in your pathetic world.

    I could have been your tool.

  168. I am going to a wine testing tonight .
    I will be off the computer for 2 whole hours

  169. the current state of things.

    notme = gay
    medusa = gay
    haven = gay
    soulful = faggot
    ukan = faggot
    misanthrope = faggot
    tnp = faggot
    R. = faggot
    eden = faggot
    erin = faggot
    kesu = extreme faggot
    zwak = extreme faggot

    jason = ERROR ERROR off the charts level of faggyness

    congats, toy. you're the newest entry

    toy = faggot

    it's official.

  170. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    BAM! Your time is over now Erin i waited for too long.
    You missed your chance just like you are missing your pathetic life in your pathetic world.

    I could have been your tool

    Serious Question
    This Anon reminded me
    My Socio would love to dangle ANYTHING in front of me and then when I wanted it,he would take it away.

    Is that a Socio trait

  171. My Socio loved to punish.

  172. Don't worry guys, he gets a reality/ego check every time he accidentally punches his wife.

  173. He is a narc. There is no checking his reality.

  174. Narc:

    The equivalent to the N word in socio language.

    What people seem to forget here is that sociopaths are just as narcissistic as narcissists. Of course they may come of as more narcissistic than socio here, because we cant see how they behave.

  175. I am contemplating putting myself out at a bar so some guy can pick me up, and I can steal his CC number.

  176. I am drunk from the wine tasting. Dessert wine rules :)
    This is what I think.The Socio wants you to be perfect=body and mind.
    Who can be perfect ? Not me
    I told my Socio that before I left.

    How can I never have cellulite,never have a flaw?
    I can't do it.
    That was the last time we talked.
    I can't be perfect.
    I am so far from perfect it is not funny--body and mind

  177. Sounds more narc (ideal love) than socio.

    A socio would use your non-perfectness to his advantage and not complain about it so much.

  178. "A socio would use your non-perfectness to his advantage and not complain about it so much."

    In fact a Socio "love" you for your imperfections. A socio would only use it against you when he really wanted to hurt you or make you do something. Other than that it is what makes you, you and so special and dear to them.

  179. @ Medusa
    My Socio wanted ideal.Who can live up to ideal?Who wants to ? Why should one try?
    It is over before it begins if the Socio wants only that which has no flaw.
    When you fail ,I suppose he can hate you like you failed him.
    Why even try when the game is rigged?
    Who made him so perfect he can want that even or expect it?
    I can never reach it ,not by any stretch or any way.
    Did you guys ever see" Six Feet Under " where the black guy loses his wife of 40=50 years.
    He sits by her coffin.In the morning he is dead.
    He said 'I took care of her when she was sick,dirty ,ugly." That is love, the ugly ,the sick.
    The socio wants beauty and no flaws.
    Who wants that?
    Yes,he can take you to erotic places like a drug but then when you come down from the drug. Then what?
    Does he chase the newer model?
    Mine told me he would stay with me if I slept with him .If not, he went off with someone else.
    So, he did just like that
    Who can live that way?
    After he got tired of me, then what?
    The newer model?

  180. The truth emerges.
    Someone is going to regret this in the morning.... ;)

  181. @Kesu
    What do you mean? They save up your insecurities and use them on you when they want to manipulate you?
    Mine did this--if this is what you mean

  182. In fact a Socio "love" you for your imperfections. A socio would only use it against you when he really wanted to hurt you or make you do something. Other than that it is what makes you, you and so special and dear to them

    What do you mean by this Kesu? Are you kidding/serious lol

  183. erin. who is hurting you my beloved? who is trying to put your light out?

  184. @Erin

    Yes, but let me give you the sociopath modus operandi. I tend to find something that the person I'm dating is ashamed of. It could be something as simple as them not liking their feet to something as deep as a particular sexual fetish.

    In the form of the feet I will rub their feet and tell them how cute their feet are. In the case of a particular sexual fetish I may help them act it out or watch porn of it while we have sex. Either way I am going to not only accept it but praise you for it.

    This makes you open to me. It allows me access to you. You will trust me and aren't afraid of me not accepting a part of you. I use it to build you up and tear you down. I will make you emotionally dependent on me. I will be able to guilt you into things with it and I will be able to hurt you with it if you make me mad. All through it though you will think of me as the only guy who truly accepts you. So you are bound.

    One size does not fit all in socios or norms.

  185. @Anon 4:33
    So sweet
    I don't care if it is not even real.It feels so good to be talked to like that?I am gonna take it and clutch it to my heart and get off this thing for awhile

    <3 to you Anon :)

  186. don't leave me erin. not yet. ive been away too long already.

  187. @Anon 4:39
    I am here :)


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