
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Child sociopath in the news?

From a reader:

Child sociopath?  The Chinese reaction to his attempted murder is strange - he got a stern talking-to and bought the victim a new rope to replace the one he cut.  (?!)


  1. If it works, it works

  2. Most children at a young age behave, think and act much like sociopaths. Responsibility and empathy increases with maturity and age. All children can by being viewed via the antisocial personality disorder checklist be defined as sociopaths or part sociopaths. It is expected that when you are mature enough to understand the weight of your actions, you are judged fully by your actions. Until then, you get let easier off the hook. The way I understand it; the sociopath understands but does not care. He is determines his actions only by what is practical and/or entertaining to him/herself because of carelessness. The child does not understand, and therefore does not care. Also here there is carelessness, but different so when the ability to conceive the actions are different.

    But yes, I agree that this article borders to what is to be expected by a child. The final caclculation of if the boy is sociopathic or not really depends on his previous and future behavior. If this is a repeating pattern where he does not learn to change, I would believe he stands out different then other kids.

    1. Children at his age already know right from wrong...

    2. No children that age really don't have a complete grasp on "right" and "wrong". When we are young we are completely self centered. Almost all children are narcissistic. We don't naturally grow out of it either, selflessness is learned behavior. The family dynamic sometimes reinforces the narcissism or, in some cases, makes it worse. As we have seen there seems to be a genetic competent to sociopathy. Therefor if the child is genetically predisposed and the narcissism is reinforced instead of being discouraged you end up with this kind of situation.

    3. He's a ten-year-old kid, for crying out loud. Most ten-year-old kids would not do that because they know it's wrong.

    4. I never saw the video. I will later.

  3. Cast the mirror on yourselves. There are chimps in this society who
    imagine that they are "holy warriors" and behead human females.
    Something like this happened in 1974 in San Francisco California.
    Murder, and dismember 15 white males, and get your "gold star."
    Murder, (And likely rape) 10 white women and get your "gold star." Don't
    forget to take photographs as proof.
    Murder and dismember 5 white children and get your "gold star."
    You are not suppost to rape and rob these "devils," but boys will be boys.

    1. what the fucking fuck are you talking about...

    2. I love the "suppost". I'm not really sure why that amused me so much.

      Are you one of those people who sees an act of terrorism in every crime?


  4. Of course the entire episode makes lots of sense. 1. There are too many Chinese. (Actually there are too many people in general, but too many of those are Chinese.)

    2. Recognizing this, for quite a while, the Chinese became fond of abortion as a method of birth control. Chairman Mao became fond of mass murder as a form of "late-term" abortion. The Chinese are very pragmatic. The little boy cutting the rope is practicing to be the next Chairman Mao. Unfortunately, the Chinese are getting soft. Otherwise, they would have let the workman who almost died take the boy and drop him into the street.

    Somebody reading this, go to China, find that little boy, and . . . well, you know what to do. Please be sure to take a video and upload it to YouTbe, catching the instant the brat splats. M.E. please upload a video of that kid hitting the ground, but I am sure one child falling off a tall building looks like another so any old fake will do.

  5. I tried to find an inappropriate video of someone hitting the ground, but as usual, everything on YouTube is a scam. Don't watch this. You will be disappointed.

  6. Best I could find is a web site (and I have no connection to or financial interest in) called Enjoy before it gets banned or you get arrested.

  7. More worrying than the child's behavior is the comments section. Read them if you skipped them. The general consensus of harm the child or just kill him or incarcerate him for life instead of getting him some therapy is the main reason I am on this site. The man was interrupting the child's pleasure. The kid decided to use the most expedient/practical means of eliminating the problem. Unless children are taught to understand that other life has value they will act this way.

    Two things bother me about this incident. One is the authorities reaction to this incident. I think a more reasonable way to impart to the child the extent of his error is to have him spend time with the man he almost killed. Teach him to understand that the man had a life, that he had value and family and that he is a "real" person. I "fixed" my lack of empathy by coming to a understanding that all people have worth. That all people have THE SAME WORTH regardless of social, economic, intelligence, genetic, or any other illusory criteria we use to separate ourselves from the rest of the herd.

    The ridiculous thing about the "string him up" mentality of the commentators is the hypocrisy that drives them. They want him killed/punished because he lacks empathy. Their comments demonstrate that they have no empathy themselves. Perhaps they have selective empathy. Empathy for the "victim" but not the perpetrator. People do this, identify with the victim, as a self defense mechanism. They think that by identifying with the victim it makes them somehow "better than" more pure, less sinful. Yet I can guarantee that at some time in their lives every single one of them contemplated murdering/killing someone for simply doing something that annoyed them. You all have. You know you have.children have poor impulse control and often do not have the brain development necessary to understand the long term consequences of their actions.

    If there was no social consequence to murder there would be a lot more of it. It makes little difference whether The desire to punish derives from a need to avenge the damage our personality perceived they suffered from the action of another. It is a mean little urge. People on the other side of the planet who were in no way harmed form this child's actions wish him dead/harmed for something he did (that in actuality caused very little lasting harm) to a man they have never met. WHY? To make themselves feel better. That is the whole of it. They want to feel they have contributed to the punishment of a "wrong". What he did made them feel powerless and to restore their power they must let people know they "understand" and condemn his actions. They want their power back and so lash out with "helpful" suggestions on how to "fix" this. It is a disgusting demonstration of ego masturbation.

    1. Love this. I could listen to your thoughts forever.. :)

    2. Love this. Reflective.. :)

    3. Oops double take. Never thought it posted. I'm trying to make coconut milk whipcream, and I botched it for my pumpkin pies in the oven, I feel like murdering someone now. Jk. ;) Forgot one step, refrigerate the coconut milk overnight. Grrr. Now what the fuck do I do, since I live far far away in a cave.


    4. They do try so hard.

  8. Radical Agnostic:

    You are hysterical!

    I'm also delighted to see that I'm not the only one with morbid opinions. You generally can't share those kinds of opinions with just anyone without consequence, though. So it does make me wonder how much more common those kinds of opinions really are.


    1. TBH, now I'm thinking about what would be the sound of a child hitting the tarmac at terminal velocity. I think it would sound a lot like a melon splitting. I find it hilarious

  9. "Mr Tang also revealed he is considering taking his son to anger management therapy due to the incident..."

    I wonder what it would take to convince him to take his son to therapy. Another attempted murder?

  10. "Anger management" is an interesting phrase. I've been involved with two trials (making me an "expert" on the legal system, natch). Once as I've told infinitum where my wife and I swindled the second biggest cult leader in Oregon history out of almost a 100 grand. In the second (in Seattle) I was on the jury of a "he said," "he said" trial where there was too little evidence to convict the defendant, so being good little jurors we found him innocent (even if he probably was guilty).

    Case involved truck driver making deliveries to Port of Seattle. Arriving close to closing time. Driver makes delivery five minutes to closing. Officious gate won't let truck in so close to closing. Guard: "He threatened to crush my skull with a pipe." Truck driver: "I yelled at him, but I didn't strike him or threaten to strike him." No witnesses.

    We (the jury) quickly decided: The driver is an angry asshole in general. No concrete evidence; no witness; gotta rule innocent. We had a bad feeling.

    But life turns weird sometimes. After we delivered our verdict, the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney and the defendant all came to the jury room. The two attorney (both young and inexperienced) asked the jury (with the judge's approval) for feedback on how they had done. Wasn't much to say. "For beginners, you both didn't walk in shit" was the basic consensus. Then I asked, "Can we talk to the defendant a little bit?"

    "Sure," everybody said. I said, "It was quite apparent to all of us on the jury that you have a very bad temper in general. As far as evidence goes, there was 'reasonable doubt,' so we acquitted you of the 'menacing' charge that probably would get you fired, but unless you get a grip on your temper -- perhaps take an anger management class or something -- you are going to get yourself in a lot of trouble.”

    The acquitted defendant truck driver put on a face of humility, gratitude, and repentance. Said he was grateful, had learned a lot, and would really work on dealing with his congenital anger.

    As I walked away from the courthouse, I had an image of the truck driver sitting in his favorite truck stop bar laughing to his buddies uproariously, "I sure fooled those dumb jurors!" 

    Maybe he learned. Maybe he got fired. Maybe he got killed in a drunken brawl. We get little slice of other people's lives. We seldom know how it turns out. "In the long run . . ." as Keynes said . . .

  11. Children are smarter than we give them credit for, and I could be mistaken, but it really does sound like this kid had a real sense of entitlement and knew what he was doing to this man. Not the kid's fault, or his parents but his parents need to change their game because he has to learn to conform a little if he doesn't want to end up in prison.

    1. Good point. As he gets older and learns to be a little more judicious, he might become a high official in the Chinese Communist Party. As I tried to indicate earlier, one can imagine Mao (and many of his close buddies) being much like this little kid when they were tykes.

  12. So he got away with it...

    Smart kid.

  13. A theory I've read about is goes, Western punishment is built on guilt, Eastern punishment is built on shame, and people won't do something that would cause them.

    Obviously this kid doesn't feel any shame about what he did.

  14. Fantastic work and very well-written article. I will recommend reading it to all my friends |


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