
Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Black Prince: Empathy and ego

I've been reading The Black Prince, by Iris Murdoch. I thought this was an interesting reflection from the protagonist on having helped out his sister, whom he does not like, but feels that he must “do what one has to do,” and how that is motivated ultimately by a self-love:
That human beings can acquire a small area of unquestioned obligations may be one of the few things that saves them: saves them from the bestiality and thoughtless night which lies only a millimeter away from the most civilized of our specimens. However if one examines closely some such case of ‘duty’, the petty achievement of some ordinary individual, it turns out to be no glorious thing, not the turning back by reason or godhead of the flood of natural evil, but simply a special operation of self-love, devised perhaps even by Nature herself who has, or she could not survive in her polycephalic creation, many different and even incompatible moods. We care absolutely about that which we can identify ourselves. A saint would identify himself with everything. Only there are, so my wise friend tells me, no saints.
And one more about ego, the nature of being "good," and the role of "morality" (or at least "duty" or "habit") in a functioning society:
The natural tendency of the human soul is towards the protection of the ego. The Niagara-force of this tendency can be readily recognized by introspection, and its results are everywhere on public show. We desire to be richer, handsomer, cleverer, stronger, more adored and more apparently good than anyone else. I say 'apparently' because the average man while he covets real wealth, normally covets only apparent good. The burden of genuine goodness is instinctively appreciated as intolerable, and a desire for it would put out of focus the other and ordinary wishes by which one lives. Of course very occasionally and for an instant even the worst of men may wish for goodness. Anyone who is an artist can feel its magnetism. I use the word 'good' here as a veil. What it veils can be known, but not further named. Most of us are saved from finding self-destruction in a chaos of brutal childish egoism, not by the magnetism of that mystery, but by what is called grandly 'duty' and more accurately 'habit'. Happy is the civilization which can breed men accustomed from infancy to regard certain at least of the ego's natural activities as unthinkable. This training, which in happy circumstances can be of life-long efficacy, is however seen to be superficial when horror breaks in: in war, in concentration camps, in the awful privacy of family and marriage.


  1. i didnt read all that faggot shit i never feel like i have to do anything i do what i want when i want an if any one tries to tell me what to do i make there life real shit til they stop my sis kept naging me not to tip the cows so when she gets bullyd at school I just sit back an laugh cos I sell the bullys photocopys of her diaries an shes so dumb she hasnt worked it out yet

  2. jc, your train of thought reminds me of a monkey. Plus you write like one too.

  3. whatever frank the wank u have nothing intersting to say ur just a faggot who wishs u culd be a sociapath like me cos every one says i am the best an all the chicks want me an ur just a vergen looser frank the wank cos even billy goats hate u

  4. Thank you for proving my point jc.

  5. i hate frank the wank jc is the best

  6. Frank go wank u wanker.

  7. Sis told JC not to tip the cow's LOL.

    Gilrl's laughing at you and loving you are 2 different

    JC, why do you care if they love you any way?

    And selling your sister's diary pages will show everyone at some point not to trust you. Double edeged sword.

  8. only faggots care about luv tik the dik i care about getting into chicks pants an i culd care less if loosers dont trust me they know not to mess with me cos i will fuck them over if they do speshally cos i have the teachers code to the photocopyer so i can do heaps of unlimated bad shit

  9. persistent critic of altruismJune 12, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    JC, in regards to Nietzsche's Master-slave morality you are a monkey-slave boy. Some crime lord is just going to use you for his muppet while he masterminds behind you.

  10. for JC; you have got to be the most boring git ive ever had to listen to. and if you talk like you write... then the only chicks your getting are in your dreams!!! you cant even spell right... your the loser..BIG TIME. and school??? good lord how many times have you been held back?? ha ha.. and if you are a kid, get off this site. your clueless either way;

  11. The evolutionary advantage the sociopath is not that he/she does not altruism but that everyone else does.

  12. r u a sado masachist faggot cos i am not a slave i am a wolf an i dont know who ur dirty immagrant friend nietblabla is but what the fuck do they know about being gangsta u have watched to many tv shows an are so stupad u probs beleeve them u have no idea what ur talkng about an what the fuck do dumb chicks care if i can spell when my cock is in there mouth u r obveeusly a virgen looser who wants to be a sociapath like me but u will never be so cool

    1. Fuck off patsy. You arent a soiopath, you maligned narcissist faggot. You are trying to hard to fit the profile, you're nothing more than some easily impressioned simple minded cock sucker. I bet it will get under your skin that I can so easily get into your head, the fact you care is proof of your emotional affect. Go see a therapist, you have oppositional defiant disorder you little twat

  13. jc, get out of here you filthy retard. You're so stupid that you're not even entertaining.

  14. JC, I can sing the score to Three Penny Opera with your cock, balls, and part of your taint in my mouth.

    1. @ jc' gf- So well said , lmao!

      Too good of a topic brought up by M E to waste with horseshit like what is above.

  15. Wet . . . regarding alturism and spirituality. Both are social lubricants. And to your advantage.

    Yet when advantage is aligned with mastery, self-awareness, and self-discipline and not self-destruction can power flourish. (many spiritual traditions in their most potent form- discipline the mind, provide self-reverence and form community).

    Todays Post
    Author Iris Murdock's father was a sheep herder, her mother a operatic diva. Great mind, beautiful genes.

    "Most of us are saved from finding self-destruction in a chaos of brutal childish egoism, not by the magnetism of that mystery, but by what is called grandly 'duty' and more accurately 'habit'."

    True, the difference between a ranting child and a capable adult is found in duty and habit. Three cheers for "self-manipulation" Love, Mom.

  16. ur so stupid u sound like a faggot sebada an i dont have a gf an if i did she wuld not sing opra she wuld rap u no nothing about being a sociapath an i have way bettar shit to do than talk to loosers like u i am going to pick up a hot ps3 bet ur dik hungry ass is jelus now

  17. Soulfulpath

    Were you an English major?

  18. Humanities, the social sciences and neurology.

    And you?

  19. the 2 biggest lines of shit/fiction ever created by society to control the people are:



    classifying "personality disorders"

    who the fuck is to dictate anything about god or personality?......

    that's right......fucking no one, certainly not the jokes that are "society".

    other control/scams by society include:

    making hemp illegal (big pharma didn't want competition. this one thing would have solved food and energy, and many other problems.)

    shows there are some malevolent 'paths up in gov't.

    in outcomes, there is the hugest divide between "benevolent" 'paths and "malevolent" 'paths.

    the only link between them is the "ability" to see society is completely "full of shit", and only one's own code shall apply.......this can be used in a way which respects the well being of other beings, or the opposite.

  20. Which one of the humanities? Neurology is tough.

  21. Dabbled in all the various humanities.

    Neurology makes sense.

    Your turn Wet . . . your studies. Or you autodidactic?

    Anon@ 11:09. Strong opinions deserve a name, be it benevolent of malevolent. Anon is beneath you.

  22. Anon, i somewhat agree. It is a bad joke. But, at least being 'disordered' comes with an automatic inability or desire to do as we are always told. To answer your statement, therapy is not for me at the moment. Drugs, yes please. Speaking of neurology, it's that I believe in. Go to any psychology forum for personality disorders, you'll see heaps of 'neurotypicals' as well as disordered people themselves hammering in the idea that we are sick and that we need therapy, and all shall be well from that point.
    I'm not saying clarification and self-awareness are not important, but I find the idea that we are 'fixable' utterly erroneous. Munchausen by proxy comes to mind on these sites. Lol.

  23. *to NOT do as we are told.

    lol. Mistake.

  24. i didn't need to edit that. My bad. I'm a little not with it right now.

  25. The idea of how the book is written - if it was written that way - is interesting.

    But I have to say that what the text ponders is not new to me. I think it's true, morals and "good deeds" are basically a "special operation of self-love".

    The line about the saint who identifies with everything could be understood in two ways, though I think it's the one that points to 'the collective universal soul' that is meant here. And not the psychopath who can identify with every role we choose to be at the time. Would've been nice, though, if it was.

    Finally I also have no doubt that most people wouldn't want real 'goodness' to be reality. They think they want it, and they love to see themselves as better by keeping minorities in the role of the devil, the source of everything bad.

    Well if psychopaths are capable of being more bad than common people, we're capable of being better too! That's my claim!

    There's nothing wrong with people being "bred" to different roles. Being bred to be all alike and then having to do things that aren't for us, for our mindset or personality, is what creates unhappiness, and I think it's in the end what makes psychopaths so destructive. I can certainly see a link in my own background. I did the only things I could do, because my personality doesn't take well to forced monotony, or any monotony for that matter. There're many details in my personality, but they could only get outlet in a destructive way.

    Yet I believe it is reasonably easy to see the constructive parts of my personality also. The ones that allow me to interact in a social group, f.x., or the ones that allow me to find an interest in giving advice to some people.

    You should've written if you like the book, and if so, why, or if not, why. Now it's too late, since you don't engage in debate or answer questions. lol


    JC, in regards to Nietzsche's Master-slave morality you are a monkey-slave boy.

    Very true!

    Anon 11:09,

    making hemp illegal (big pharma didn't want competition.

    That's the case everywhere. Drugs and whether they're legal or not has nothing to do with health.

  26. Anonymous you sound like some idealistic hippy who doesn't know how the world works.
    'Society' is the people you cunt hair, not some imaginary governement councel ruling over people. I know you try to seperate yourself from jc, but you are actually as dumb as you portray through that character.
    Marijuana wasn't banned worldwide, which is funny because you think the pharmaceutical companies had something to do with marijuanas illegality in your country. Marijuna was banned in countries aligned with the league of nations, due to america pushing the other countries to adopt laws against it at the Geneva Trafficking Convention in 1936. The United States was against marijuana with a passion because the politics of the nation was extremely right wing and nationalist.
    It was racism by whites in the United States against Mexicans that actually got marijuana on the table to be banned not some pharmaceutical conspiracy. In fact the doctors at the time, and even now, are against it being illegal. Racist reactionary whites in America saw mexicans smoking it all the time and thought it made them crazy, violent, and overtly sexual. When other more liberal whites started smoking it too the right wing brought down the hammer on it. Not long after that they brought marijuana laws to the convention mentioned earlier in Geneva.
    Fuckibg pot smoking hippies never have their facts straight. I hate listening to them speak on history because all they know about it is false information passed to them word of mouth from some other idiot stoner who made it up while he was high.

  27. Religion was also not created by some secret society you speak of. In fact Neanderthals are widely believed to have had religion. Anthropologists say as the primates brains became larger the need to understand mortality arose and thus comes religion. Religion actually started with burial rites and moved on from there. Again no conspiracy just human nature you fucking dumb stoner.

  28. :) I have not been here for a while. nice to see the same old go on. cheers, SW...

  29. Ukan, you don't have to think it's a conspiracy to have a problem with it. Besides, it's an aspect of human nature, but it isn't universal by any means.

    Chill out and smoke some weed. And why don't u go see what happened to your bff Note while you're at it. :P

  30. Soulful,

    political sci changed to business

  31. I just finished smoking weed. I was trying to see if it woukd make me as stupid as notme or anonymous, and it didn't. I guess it was nature not nurture that brought you to the point of being a absolute muppet.
    Notme please dont comment on shit you can't comprehend. Nobodies talking about universal application of religion. Matter of fact I just said yesterday that if you are spiritual, you are a complete idiot. We are talking about origins. In actuality I was really just putting someone down to make him feel small. Now go cut your wrists you nutty cunt.

    1. Ukan, My goodness, you've gotten anonymous' (June 12, 2011) panties in a tangled wet mess!

  32. ohh-kayy........UKan.....previously,for some reason that has escaped me now, i though u "might" be i can see you are a closed-minded idiot....please...don't speak....just might....if you haven't smoked anything...if you try, really, really, REALLY hard...learn a tiny bit? are sooooo stupid....:

    "which is funny because you think the pharmaceutical companies had something to do with marijuanas illegality in your country"

    you "think" big pharma wouldn't fight legality?

    what planet r u from?

    "society" meaning all who aren't me, is totally stupit and full of shit....

    "Religion was also not created by some secret society you speak of."

    you think religion wasn't unwittingly created to be a fictional answer and a "blanket solution" to the fear crippling the fearful....or to justify the most unlawful actions against man? might be to stupit to b a 'path.....don't call yourself one anymore....or you will REALLY seem like a loser.

  33. Smoking weed brings out the brilliant executioner in you. Your points are valid. Leave notme alone. You just miss Notable and are taking your sorrow out on the weak.

  34. Notme, we all have our stellar days and other days of woe.

  35. ukan is a douchbag like misanthrope and adam and this jc fucker. they got nothing good to say so they just rage.

  36. only niggers, faggots, the homeless, crack-heads, ?-heads, prostitutes, strippers, minorities, low-wage earners, loners, geeks, trannies, and sometimes myself smoke weed "legitimately".....anyone else who claims to smoke are really just puttin' on a front, a fake git!
    ...................../..../ /
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  37. Its ironic that you mispelled stupid. I'm hoping you don't speak english because if you can't master your native tongue you grew up with to even make cohesive sentences you truely are retarded. How do you woo these women you always speak of? I work in a club enviroment and work with hundreds of people a month. I will tell you from experience that you pay for pussy because no bird would go for a ignorant loser such as yourself.
    Your grasp of history obviously is as pathetic as your grasp on english. You have no idea what you are talking about and all you can do is sling around a insult you can't even spell.
    You are insecure. Everytime you talk its to try to get attention. Not by saying anything intelligent of course because that is beyond your capability. By trying to shock a bunch of sociopaths and codepndants. Do you think your shocking? You think these codependants haven't heard worse from their boyfriends, or sociopaths really can't see what you really are saying behind your bravado. Your pathetic. You haven't done anything worthy in your life that can be called a accomplishment. You're a loser. You have no life experience and your naive. The desperacy you have to get attention tells me you have a low self esteem so you need to prove yourself. That tells me youre all talk because if you need to constantly prove yourself you havent even got your feet wet yet. You don't know power just servitude. Forever trying to be something your not.

  38. I have a question. Does anything scare sociopaths? Meaning is it possible, I guess if conditioned, to be scared of somethng or maybe someone?

  39. Ukan, your spiel hasn't worked since the end of that conflict with Notable.

    Just leave.

  40. JC are you black? Or live in a project? Or collect welfare?

  41. UKan.....keeping sayin'....your're totally cracking me the fuk up....i am laughin' right now....

  42. anyway....what's all societies shit about "self-esteem"?

    society nothing but a big fuck-all.

    really, everyone has massive self-esteem, but often it is smothered because people have been "brainwashed" by society to think they have to "be" a "certain" way.....

    fuk that shit......

  43. history...ha....what a fucking joke.....

    did the us really get attacked at the gulf of tonkin?

    no....but likely UKan would give a definite "yes".

    "history" is only "whatever" they "wrote".....just like the "news" is only "whatever" they "say".....

    and i am "whatever you say i am".......

    ...................../..../ /
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  44. haha thanks SOulful.

  45. Ukan why do you think all the bipolars see religious icons ,holy threes, hallucinations about being pregnant immaculately even when they'e not even religious?

  46. because he thinks that religion is inborn?

  47. People aren't generalized. Bipolars all believe this? Please.
    History is a lesson. You would be well to learn it. Ignorance is a cop out.

  48. Excessive dopamine leads to "religious" hallucinations. "Generally" bipolars have issue regulating this hormone among others.

  49. historie is 4 fags-like-u

  50. People will always operate from percieved self advantage. There is a
    difference between doing good and being good.
    Could someone Google the song, "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight?"
    That's my song for M.E.

  51. Has this blog helped any of you? What actionable steps have you taken because of this blog that are now a daily practice?

  52. how about opening a blog where we can all post on? i wanna write here sometimes but well, i can't. we can all write. we should all write. just let me know wut y all think.

    this is one of the best tests i've seen : personality disorder test.

    1. lolol I took the personality disorder test, and it basically says I'm a narcissistic schizotypal :P :P Personality Disorder Test Results

      Paranoid |||||||||||| 41%
      Schizoid |||||||||| 36%
      Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 87%
      Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 68%
      Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62%
      Histrionic |||||||||||||||||| 75%
      Narcissistic |||||||||||||||||||||| 91%
      Avoidant |||||| 24%
      Dependent |||||||||| 34%
      Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 55%

    2. You perfect Dr. Ginger y take test. no disorder. pathology all shit.

    3. These games are fun! Here's mine:

      Paranoid |||||||||||||| 57% 50%
      Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 62% 40%
      Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 88% 56%
      Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 65% 46%
      Borderline |||||||||||||| 59% 45%
      Histrionic |||||||||||| 48% 52%
      Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 60% 40%
      Avoidant |||||||||||||| 54% 48%
      Dependent |||||||||||||| 51% 44%
      Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 56% 45%

      These things are a riot!

    4. lol everyone's a schizotypal :P

    5. Given that we're all sitting around typing on computers, they might have a point.

      What's funny is that I'm "above" the average test taker on everything but Histrionics - that's about all that makes sense to me...

      OK - back to the kitchen with me - I've got dinner to put on...

    6. Lol that’s a funny observation. It made me look at mine and compare. I’m below the average test taker on paranoia, schizoid, avoidant, and dependent.

    7. me too! but yeah haller seriously has it ALL :))

    8. HLHaller - The Complete Sociopath!!! ROTFLMAO!!!

      Seriously, most everyone that knows me will usually say something along the lines of, "yeah, you pretty much know what's going on with Harry - he doesn't hold much back." I like to say I'm a "rock out with your cock out kinda guy..." *grin*

      I thought the high schizotypal score was just plain weird - I am a lot of things, but of the "Clusters," I'm squarely in the B category. "Dramatic" personality is something that most people that have known me for some time would agree with.

      But, it's on the internet, so it must be true... *smirk*

    9. I"m wonder how accurate the schizotypal score is:

      Paranoid |||||||||||| 43% 50%
      Schizoid |||||| 29% 40%
      Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 85% 56%
      Antisocial |||||||||||||||||| 76% 46%
      Borderline |||||||||||||||| 64% 45%
      Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 68% 52%
      Narcissistic |||||||||||||||||| 79% 40%
      Avoidant |||||||||| 34% 48%
      Dependent |||||||||| 38% 44%
      Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 33% 45%

    10. Welcome to the (not always)Schizotypal party -

  53. @ all of ones who hate us and are here to just try and break us (which is a useless thing to do, it doesn't affect us and i'm sure y know that already) : why do y do this? why do y care so much?

    i'm gonna open a blog and i'm gonna wrie in it. and i'll post the password and everything here and there's only 1 rule : after each post we should wait at least 2 days before posting again. wut do y think?

  54. there's sth else guys. i'm sure all the real socios have noticed it but i'm gonna "say" it too. this place isn't the SOCIOPATHWORLD any more. it's been a while that it's not. it's not our world, it's not just us, it's not for us, and it has many fake people in it. it's not real anymore. it doesn't help anymore. it's just a play thing now. it's fake.

    1. Yea, I've been thinking the same thing, and feeling bad. It's spose to be for sociopaths so I've been thinking of finding another haunt on the net.

    2. A friend of mine had a similar complaint when gay bars started becoming fashionable.

      That's the down side of raising awareness -

    3. so that's wut happens. so we should open a new gay bar :)) maybe a gay cafe!

    4. Dr. Ginger and HL, Please. Don't. Leave.

      Monsters get lonely, too.


    5. why aren't y telling me not to leave too? :-W

    6. Don't leave, Tessa. Stay and play. :-)


    7. Grendel, are you a socio?

    8. @Anon, Only when I'm pissed off.


    9. Grendel, can you expand on that. It's refreshing to find someone who can write one or more coherent paragraphs at a time...

    10. "It's fake"... well according to the author of this blog the whole world is a fake, so why shouldn't this be fake too?

    11. @DocSciFi,

      Not much else to say. I'm your best friend so long as you don't cross me or those I care about, or, hurt those who are too weak to defend themselves. If you pull that crap in my presence and I'm in a certain mood, I will rip your face off. I have no fear -- not of going jail certainly, and I rather relish the thought of going out in a hail of bullets, as a monster-hero -- when I'm riled. I once let a rapist live and he went on to rape and kill a 9-year-old. That will never happen again. A monster was born in me when I heard the news that day. Of course, the monster was there all along, buried inside his cave. I just didn't know it. I had hid that knowledge from myself.


    12. "I have no fear -- not of going jail certainly, and I rather relish the thought of going out in a hail of bullets, as a monster-hero" ohhhh me likes Grendel :):):):)

    13. @Dr. Ginger. Thanks. You sticking around a while longer then? We can xchange stories. I like adventure tales that take place on the dark side of the moon. Monsters like me eat stories. How 'bout y? :P

    14. I engage in an incredible amount of self-discipline at this point. You don't really have any choices in the age of forensic science, and when every little teeny tiny thing is a violation of law, and you could go to jail or prison which can end up ruining your career, or your ability to find work of any kind. Our laws are absolutely ridiculous and out of control. I know some people think I'm being dramatic when I say we live in a police, but it's really true. I'm always happy to hear your stories :)

    15. @Dr. Ginger, Forgot to sign, Your monster Grendel. : )))

    16. Police state for sure. The world over. The creeping Five Eyes (U.S. Zealand, Canada, Britain and Australia) gather info on FB! In the U.S., Britain, Canada and in other countries we see the militarization of local and state police, citizens getting tasered, shot and beaten for engaging in civil acts of disobedience. Anyway, don't get me going. Grrr! Like I said, A Hail of Bullets.

      Would you prefer a true story or one that I made up? I write stories because they give voice where I in my life cannot. Brute that I am. Leave a message and I'll get back with a story tomorrow. A company of family sprites'll soon be knocking on my door.


    17. "Would you prefer a true story or one that I made up?" I live vicariously through fictional characters that I can, in some way, identify with. The scientist in me however, would prefer a true story. I can go either way :)

    18. "You don't really have any choices in the age of forensic science," I think this makes it a more interesting challenge for some people.

      Grendel, truth or fiction, how would we know? I look forward to whatever you choose to write.

    19. @ scifi: the world isn't fake, we're not fake, why should this be fake?
      @grendel: i like y :)) seriously! it's obvious that y write often. and i wanna here yr stories too!! as scifi said, "how would we know?" and actually, wut difference does it make? we can be inspired :)) i like writing too. i did write years ago and i'm trying to start again!
      y doooon't leeeeave too :))

    20. Hi Grendel,

      I'm not likely to be going anywhere any time soon. The sequel to the story is that my friend and I kept meeting at the same bar because it suited us.

      As to living in a police state - yep, I'm on that page. (shaking head sadly).

      As to the whole "fake" thing - I'm not sure what that's all about.

      Also, you and many of the others, regardless of empathic capacity, are a comfortable group for me. If things change (and things always change...), well, we'll talk then.

      I get the nostalgia - have you read the old posts? A whole different forum...

    21. What other places are there on the web for sociopaths?

    22. "you and many of the others, regardless of empathic capacity, are a comfortable group for me" too. the fake thing, is that sometimes we're not here. sometimes fakes run this web, fake posts, and then, well, there's no empathic capacity group. they're some other kind of aliens from some other planet, so they don't get us the way we get each other.

      when i'm out, when i'm between normal people, in class, or wherever, i don't say many things. cause they don't get it, they get it wrong, and many other things happen. so i pretend. here, we don't have to. so.. that's wut "getting each other" meant.

      here, i can say that i steal when i get bored when we're out shopping and i put it back. here i can say i actually sometimes think about killing someone with a knife and i really like it and there's this feeling that comes with it, like i'm getting high. i can say i like drugs. i can say i don't get why we shouldn't do many things. i don't think that it's too far from me to actually kill some one -and i know i won't do that.- but it's only here, and y, all, get wut i'm saying. y get why we would wanna kill. y get it's not showing off to say i like to kill! y probably won't ask me why i go to places and pretend i'm some one else, just because i CAN'T want my days to be similar.

    23. maybe, we should stay in the fake gay bar, but the posts are making me go crazy :))

      (do y think cristina yang is a sociopath? )

    24. @Grende 12:58l: I've always liked the idea of dying with {ones} boots on - seems...dignified to me.

    25. Damaged, there is an AsPD subforum at psychforums.

    26. A lot of those people came over the the SW forum.

    27. @HL, Boots on beats bending over. :))))


    28. "Boots on beats bending over"

      ROTFLMAO!!! LOVE it!!! I will be using that -

    29. BO beats Other types of BO.

      Heh heh.


  55. y we like you. y you help us y you can't leave this place.

  56. y tell fakes go away. y do they like to play.

  57. y I tell them to go away far away so you can be here. Y mother fucker do this. Y I'm gonna cry. Y shit potluck .

  58. @ tessa select a doll : mm...wut's happening to y exactly?
    @ ginger: so let's do that! seriously!

    Paranoid |||||| 28%
    Schizoid |||||| 21%
    Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 85%
    Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 67%
    Borderline |||||||||||||| 54%
    Histrionic |||||||||||||| 60%
    Narcissistic |||||||||||||||||||| 85%
    Avoidant || 10%
    Dependent |||| 20%
    Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 39%

  59. I'm a narcissistic schyzotypal too :)) so i guess that's wut we should be!

  60. Lol. y u so funny. wut u take test for me. Y ur my twin. Yay!

  61. Y u notice that borderline is not prominent. Y that. I thought we all Y borderline. Wat wong with test. I feel unregulated. I smash my phone. It lied to us. Give me link to take test again twin tessa? Pwease.

    1. wow y have it all :)) Haller! R y messed up?

    2. y're officially my toy - doll from now on dear :))

    3. Okay. y I like you playing with my doll haha. :))

  62. Looks like y guys have been having fun.

    Regarding the Niagara of self love, altruism, saints, oxytocin and enthocentricism in the Black Prince: Everything depends on how we identify the Self, our ego awareness. The ego in isolation is very fragile and small; merged with another source it becomes enlarged. In nature, all beings must love first themselves if they want to survive, and if circumstances and genes permit they will extend that 'love' to members of their clan. As consciousness grows more complex and moves up the food chain, it tends to extend its ego even further, to others beyond their gene pool and even to other species. This marks a turning point in evolutionary awareness, involving many possible branches and different ways of living and being. The individual is aware that he is different from others but may still identify with others, and beyond others, with the sun, moon and stars. This mystical feeling of oneness appears to exist beyond the oxytocin/enthocentricism theory.

    If all matter stems from one source (Big bang), then all matter is connected by fundamental forces, as shown by quantum mechanics. If all matter (beings) are invisibly connected, then the saint is a person who sees that connection, thus protects and loves that source in all of its many forms. No matter what form it takes.

    Consider the extreme, non-enthocentric love shown to bridges, buttons and other materials by objectophiles. (Google The Red Fence for confessions by objectophiles). How can a person love a red fence? Marry a bridge? The love they describe is incomprehensible: the bridge, they say, has a personality, a soul, that they identify with. Some say that objects possess more soul than do most people.

    Btw, "psyche" comes from the Greek word meaning soul. Psychopath literally means soul sickness.


    1. Y very interesting . Thanks for sharing. :)

    2. @Tessa, Thank you. Y are cannily entertaining. ))


    3. y're darkly entertaining :)) i can be both ways :)) can y?

    4. @ tessa select a doll: that's why y're my toy :))

    5. Hi Grendel,

      If you want to have a fun romp along those lines, read, The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Tielhard de Chardin. It's a nice, but rather dense, discussion of convergent evolution. What makes it kind of fun is that the guy was a the 1930's...

      Then you have a whole slew of Philosopher/Physicists producing all manner of media (which I enjoy to no end). On guy you might enjoy is Max Tegmark - he floated the idea in a recent book that what we perceive as consciousness is just how information processed in a certain way feels. I'm still chewing on that one.

      By the by, is it me, or am I the only male PD here? ...not that I'm complaining. *grin*

    6. i think ginger is a male too!

    7. Really? I got the impression that Dr. G. was a mom...

    8. @HL, I'm familar with Chardin, but not Tegmark. Thanks. I read voraciously. :))

      As for gender, I'm asexual. :-P

      As for Dr. Ginger, I'd bet she's a mom, too. Moms emote in a certain tone I've come to recognize, as my namesake implies. She may be a ginger snap, but I like her. She seems authentic.


  63. fun and excitement, yah rawr

  64. Haha ^ imagine y being in a session with him. I'd fall asleep. He'd put me to a y cozy sleep on the couch. y cute though. Monotone voice. I wonder if he blinks if I snap my fingers quick. Boo ! y boo !

  65. Why are all the world winning full-of-themselves Socio's doing here on a Thanksgiving Day when you should be the most sought-out Important persons around in your adoring fans world not out & about spewing your nonsense of manipulation and convincing others of how wonderful and great you are but instead here. Surely your world and life is better than this on an important Holiday.

    1. none of yr business but we don't do it that directly and also we're not all american or European! (aslo have y noticed the "antosocial" part by any chance?)

  66. Just did the test:


    Haha maybe all that DBT is working y to get into middle ground...... weird. Wtf, I'm suppose to have a personality disorder. Y

    1. You may be better adjusted than just about everyone I've ever been romantically involved with. ;p

    2. Mr. Haller, blushes. :D I reassure you... I have the traits, but maybe your right, I'm shifting over to middle ground. :p

    3. Actually you know what's neet, we all have these traits, every single one of us. What makes up a personality disorder (as they say -- the professionals) :-) is when you stay stuck in them for long periods at a time. So it's neat to know that I'm shifting over. But even when I got tested for borderline. They mentioned I wasn't full blown, just traits like all of us, whatever that means. You need 5 out of 9 traits for a borderline diagnose. I probably stay stuck in 3-4 of the traits longer than average person without the disorder. They noticed fluctuations in traits. Glad I did the test.

    4. But that's where two doctors argued about my diagnose. One psychiatrist says, bi-polar; another one says, no bi-polar --just bpd traits. Family doc, says no, just ocd. I swear I'm like my father. Like Dr. Ginger mentioned, I'm jello, I will be a chameleon to my surroundings. Before they get to me, I've shifted. So peculiar. Apologies for the thought after thought. ;)

    5. Orrr maybe I have ALL 5-9 of the traits but never hit a full blown diagnose, just right underneath them. Idk. Okay busy day... bye . I'll stop talking. LOL

    6. Dernd gremilns...I liked what I wrote too...OK, I'll try again...

      Don't you even worry your pretty select-a-doll-head. You just keep posting your thoughts - I am enjoying them. 8)~

      One of the things I like about my borderline self (and I did have to learn to like and love myself, so I fully understand that I acquired taste) is that it keeps life interesting. And I need life to be interesting.

      For example, I have come to see changing jobs as a good, I have found a way to make that work for me rather than be a subject of "discussion." I consult and I find small, dysfunctional companies that I can do interesting work in (often start ups). No one even asks - they are usually looking for someone like me in that case. Everyone wins.

    7. Aww, well Mr. Haller. Thank you. I enjoy listening to your posts as well. :D My English not the greatest here because it wasn't the prominent language growing up, but I try. Us borderline need challenge, , change & stimulation...excitement. Sounds like your job provides that for you.

  67. even if y're half-fake stick around we like y :))

    1. Why thank ya docy - Tessa !! :))

  68. I know I promised a story. @ Dr. Ginger, I will relate a legacy that your scientific bent will appreciate. Tessa, Dr.Scifi, HL, etc., I apologize. A monkey crisis in the family.




    2. The comments are just too funny!

    3. @HL, Lol. My little monkeys keep me way too busy, playing not in but with traffic, hanging from lamp posts. Double double toil and trouble.


    4. :)) I want a finger monkey. They exist that small as babies. And grow not that much bigger. I think 5 inches, , not including tail.

  69. It's ok grendel
    Wut makes y think she's a Mom? I couldn't find out. Maybe cause I don't know any moms and im too young. Hum?

  70. @tessa, Dr. Ginger talked about her son in a way that sounded like a worried mom.

    Enjoy your weekend. As for not knowing any moms, sometimes it's easier to live your life without one, depending on the mom.


  71. i have my birth mother in our house but she isn't a "mom". (she's a sociopath too, but she has been going to pshy and using drugs, so she has changed a bit) she doesn't act like one and everyone says i'll never understand wut a mom is like. and they're right.
    sounds like yr mother wasn't very nice.

    oh, i never read all the comments so i never noticed that.

    i like you, grendel. dunno even why. do y like math?

  72. I'm am sorry to hear about your mom not being a mom. You're not alone -- lots of kids go through that, unfortunately. Hang in there.

    Actually, my mother was incredibly lovely, compassionate, smart and funny as hell; I adored her. Too bad the world didn't 'get' her and tried to fry her. It was my dad who was the troll.

    Math is a gorgeous language I barely grasp. You obviously like and know something about it. The hairs on my ears are stirring in anticipation.


  73. oh no y got it wrong. i'm veeerrryyy happy i don't have a mom. i really am. i could never stand some one else. i coud never stand a "mom".
    why, what was she trying to do?
    i guess i like y because y sound like the opposite of me. it sounds like y're patient. it sounds like y care and y understand and feel all the things i don't get and feel and y also get me too.
    yeah, it's wut i get. it's all i care about. it's wut i get. like my books, math's my friend, family, world. they're all who i like to talk to. my books are full of people like me. so..!
    how old are y?
    wut happens if they-people who know us- know that we're sociopaths? i live among open-minded people.

  74. @Tessa, Thank you for the compliments. My age: ancient. An old soul.

    Outside of people you know well and trust, keep your socio cards close to your chest. Prejudice against outsiders of all stripes and persuasions is often lethal.


  75. y know, i'm not a native speaker, and y speak poetic.
    tnx. maybe that's the second reason of why i like y. that y're an old soul.


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