
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tearing things apart

I got a question on Twitter about what might be so beautiful about seeing another person torn down. I thought this comment from a not so recent post explored that question in an interesting way.

As a comment on the idea of all being aspects of a whole:
This makes sense. The human brain has a distinct base form, but naturally it has evolved to produce all shades of expression- from the person who cares deeply and personally for another, to the person who is categorically non-empathetic- and each acts according to his nature, most of the time without conscious consideration of the essence of his activities.

As for tearing down vs. building up:
I think on a basic level the human species has a need to find patterns. It was advantageous to survival in primitive times, and continues to be so. Generally we don't think about it much, instead it is a natural, maybe even inescapable tendency. (When was the last time you looked at a cloud and didn't see some kind of shape?) We also have both a supportive and a destructive instinct; consider the predatory animal, which rips apart prey and then brings the best part to her cubs before cuddling with them and playing with them gently. These instincts enforce social bonds, or take down dangerous others. M.E.'s love of ruining others could come from destructive social energy- as a highly successful woman she has few real threats. Or it could come from destructive predatory energy- people nowadays have no need to take down animals with claw and tooth, and often this innate drive is redirected into more socially acceptable outlets, such as football, or law. There's an element of empowerment involved as well- again, the chosen pursuit of many a primitive human. It could be her logic- she's good at ferreting out inconsistencies, recognizing masks and lies for what they are. Perhaps it feels good to rip apart that holey pattern to reveal the form underneath. (Ever take apart a theory, remove the bits that don't make sense, and come through with something more elegant? Elegance of articulation is categorically rewarding, I find.) Or, it could refer back to that basic pattern-solving mind- what's more fun than figuring out how something works, taking it apart, and experimenting with what you can make it do?

I say not that M.E. is primitive or base, save in that sense we all are. We are all the animal, shoved through the sieve of the social model, and this must be taken into account when attempting to understand the human mind.


I wonder a little at people's expressed inability of seeing the beauty in seeing things torn down. I feel like 90% of popular film, literature, television, etc. are based on people's desire to be thrilled in this way, so it can't really be an unpopular phenomenon? You wonder what made a television show like Breaking Bad popular, one where arguably this is what was happening to every character almost at all times. Whether schadenfraude or an aesthetic and even intellectual appreciation for seeing these disassembled and deconstructed, the pleasure or satisfaction or excitement that people get in seeing things torn apart seems so common to me that I wonder why some people claim to not feel it at all and to not understand it. 


  1. It's not socially acceptable. Or at least not socially acceptable to enjoy it. Realistically though if people couldn't deconstruct then bad social structures would never face upheaval. There's a place for it but not acceptance.

    1. Hello Everyone, I am Daniel Steve by name and i live in Texas USA, i will like to talk about the goodness of God in my life after so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was been scammed so i became desperate in getting a loan from a legit lender online. But as God would have it, i saw a comment from a friend called William Ken and he talked about this legit loan company where he got his loan fast and easy without any stress so he introduced me to a man called Mr Mason Diego who controls a firm called Diego Loan Company, So i applied for a loan sum of ($170,000.00USD) with low interest rate of 2%, so the loan was approved and deposited into my bank account in less than 48hrs, that was how i was able to get my loan to keep my broken business running and also to pay off my bills so i am advising everyone of you who is interested in getting a loan fast and easy to kindly contact them via email: { } to get any kind of loan you need today, thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life.

  2. When are people going to learn that M.E. is actually a nice woman
    unless she has loathing contempt for weaklings? Everyone, empath or
    sociopath, hates a weakling. (An "ill prepared person.") They are easy to expliot.
    It's like the "Empror has no clothes" or a mentally retarded person out of their
    Remember the opeaning scene from the film "Carrie?" Her only "crime" was
    being "stupid." People love to stare at "train wrecks." Makes them think they're
    Human nature cannot be changed collectively, and "lessons" are soon unlearned. So we must change (watch) our REACTIONS to percieved affronts.
    The best solution is simply to get away if possible. For example, a few years
    ago a retired ex-cop got into an altercation with a man in a movie theater about
    "texting." The young man (his wife was present) threw popcorn on the cop, who
    pulled out a gun and killed him. Tragic.But why was the young man in the
    movie theater to begin with? He should have been home reading "spiritual" books. If he wasn't seeking entertainment outside his own enlightened mind, he
    would have stayed home and enhanced his spiritual comprehension. The same
    rule applies to bars, ball games, night clubs, etc... Activity and accqustion are
    ways that people distract themselves from MISERY, which only brings MORE
    MISERY. If he was spritual, he would have married another spiritual person who
    would have been content to stay home with him. They would have been making
    love instead of being in a dirty dark theater. And she wouldn't be a widow.

    1. "The young man (his wife was present) threw popcorn on the cop, who
      pulled out a gun and killed him. Tragic."

      Something tells me that there is "more" to this story (some corners have been "conveninetly" snipped).

      "Human nature cannot be changed collectively, and "lessons" are soon unlearned."


    2. "Human nature cannot be changed collectively, and "lessons" are soon unlearned."

      Or learned.

  3. HLHaller is romanian.

    1. In this case, Romanian stands for:
      Renaissance - Of - Man - Albeit - Not - In - Accustomed -Notions

    2. You're welcome, HLHaller!

    3. Seeing a person as a "train wreck" is not enjoyable at all. I am a counselor and viewing success stories brings joy to my life. Real life stories of sadness breaks my heart. It is not humane to enjoy viewing a person at their lowest point. Have you no heart?

  4. What makes you think that someone wants to see someone else torn down. Conflicts happen for reasons that have nothing to do with wanting to see someone torn down.

    1. Most reality TV (Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, Kardassians, Maury, Court TV, Cops) are watched because they are train wrecks. The viewers want to see these people FAIL. The reason? So they can feel superior to them. People enjoy watching others fail or "sin" so they can feel morally or intellectually superior to them. Human nature at it's finest.

      However that is not, I think, what M.E. is talking about. I like her very much enjoy stories and movies where a character is destroyed. 90% of fanfiction is modeled upon this. Most authors and actors like it when their characters BLEED. Physically, mentally and from the soul. I too find it beautiful. I love how a human can be deconstructed. It is an artform in itself. So is the reconstruction though. It is in the deconstruction and reconstruction of the character that truth and strength is found. or madness sometimes.

      Take the "Ironman" movies for example. Tony Stark is constantly being broken and each time he recreates himself. Without being broken he would not have become a hero. It is how we as humans handle adversity that defines us. This both the essence of true drama and of life.

      There was a show I doubt anyone has ever heard of called Wizards and Warriors. There was an evil prince and a good one, the wonderful thing about this show though was they both had the exact same basic personality even though their actions were diametrically opposed. It was their upbringing that defined them. Swap them as babies and you have the same result. The good prince was nurtured and valued and the "evil" prince was basically abused and tortured all his life until he turned the tables on his "family".

      Just my two cents.

  5. I've been thinking (HLH, lol) about this. I'm of the opinion that I am someone who enjoys building up, not tearing down, but maybe I should stop saying that as I have no problem with tearing down when building up or leaving the scene is not possible or acceptable to resolve a conflict for me.

    Even when I think I'm building up I maybe in that effort tearing down because

    - the style I'm going about building up is causing exacty the opposite effect on the other party, or
    - it really has nothing to do with me and the other party is somehow of the opinion that people do that, they just tear you down and with this belief interaction is leading the whole effort to tearing down and this keeps repeating over and over, and this person has these 'see, I knew it' moments at the end each time.

    There is a certain enjoyment in tearing down when what we are tearing down is someone we believe to be in the wrong-doing. That's why The American Sniper is making so much money in the USA right now. Because that sniper is targeting what Americans consider people who are wrong, and that sniper is perceived as a great guy, a patriot family man who is just doing his job. Except, as the movie is really cool to depict he has problem in target practice when he aims at paper targets but no problem when going after something 'that breathes,' he says. Ouch... That's not just some good shooter, that's a wolf. His humanity is only added when he has trouble shooting a kid and a woman.

    In just about every story (real or fiction) there is conflict and we're siding with the person that we believe to be right and we're enjoying resolving the conflict by tearing down the opponents of this person. So, it really is not right to say that we don't enjoy tearing down as people, the degree of it may change, and the form of it may change (gun or pen) but we get satisfaction at the end by tearing down. Some of us should even enjoy doing more of that to preserve the self, no matter what the degree of sophistication is in us-- from ape to pure brain.

    Maybe it's not enjoying the tearing down maybe it is the hating of tearing down of the self or a concept or a person that is close to your heart, that this is only when you'd tear down. Hard to know really. I guess we all can try to see ourselves in pure honesty, as it is so hard to tell unless we are really out there to tear down people as entertainment.

    1. "I'm of the opinion that I am someone who enjoys building up, not tearing down, but maybe I should stop saying that as I have no problem with tearing down when building up or leaving the scene is not possible or acceptable to resolve a conflict for me.

      Even when I think I'm building up I maybe in that effort tearing down."

      The answer to your conundrum is seeing clearly with a productive purpose in mind. That is the motivational and deciding factor.

  6. This is an interesting perspective that delves into basic human nature. It's true that people enjoy tearing things apart -- just watch kids at play, destroying sand castles. I think the urge to destroy may be part of the overall desire to prove to oneself that one has power over the material world. Once that power is felt, many people find ways to channel their power in constructive ways, realizing that to pursue the power to destroy does not make them the Almighty, or the world a more friendly place, and may bring home nasty chickens to roost.

    Sports in particular seem to provide a way for people to vicariously experience the urge to pummel and to win. Then are also people, some I know, who say they love watching stuff blow up. They claim to enact little explosions that don't hurt others but give the bomber a feeling of having committed a controlled violent act. When they describe what it's like to watch an explosion, it's as if they were describing great sex. Very animated.

    I myself enjoy watching horror films and such, and I know I get a thrill watching some fictional character bite the dust. However, in real life I've seen enough blood and guts to know how sickening violence truly is. I suppose watching scary movies also gives me a chance to analyze the tactics/ploys that "evil" employs to pull the wool over our eyes. Personally, whenever I witness violence upon the frail and innocent, I get enraged. I don't think about my own safety at all; I jump right in and try to stop the conflict, because I really can't stand seeing anyone get hurt in real life, not even assholes.

    There is a terrible irony at work in societies today: Our laws preach civility and peace, but our entertainment, as pointed out by ME, is 90% violent. Course, sex and violence always sell . . . but I wonder if these contradictions in our culture point to a kind of splitting, where on the surface we are told to be law-abiding, kind and compassionate while underneath the entertainment industry is both embodying and fostering our will to destroy. Freud called the death instinct Thanatos, and said that it was as much a part of our psyche as the desire to live. If that's true, the fascination with destruction will never go away. We simply have to find a proper, constructive way to channel it.

    I still like the idea of "gaming for good." Find a jerk who's destroying financial markets, a teacher or priest who's hurting children, for a target. And destroy away. The world will love you for it. There are always mini - Hitlers sleuthing around somewhere that need tending to.

    1. :) Right on...

      Faust, you pointed out the learning potential in watching horror movies. I have avoided them in my adult years thinking exactly the opposite and now I'm second-guessing myself (when younger I used to accompany dad to these because he liked them). Any suggestions (with that learning goal in mind)?

    2. Faust,

      "Freud called the death instinct Thanatos, and said that it was as much a part of our psyche as the desire to live. If that's true, the fascination with destruction will never go away. We simply have to find a proper, constructive way to channel it."

      Eros and Thanatos interact and converge with each other, in that one is "not the other." The two interface, and one can turn into the other, such as the flipping of love and hate/destruction, crying and laughter. By the same token, eating preserves life, but destroys that which is eaten.

      Melanie Klein, for instance, ran counter to Freud, since she believed that humans are born with a weak and entirely unintegrated "ego." She also claimed that the most basic human fear is that of disintegration and ultimate death. What is your opinion on this point?

      I also believe in channeling one's power in "constructor" ways (i.e., I like using the "I" as constructor/creator as opposed to the more general/prevailing "constructive" attribute), but, at the same time, I deeply like the idea of doing so unconventionally - a quirk, an eccentricity, or a waywardness of mannerisms.

    3. Sceli, I, too, avoided dark movies for years. Didn't even watch TV for about 15 years. There's an interesting French film called The Horde. Betrayal amongst two groups: rogue cops who attempt to assassinate some gansters at the sudden start of a zombie uprising. The original Texas Chainsaw massacre. And my present favorite movie of all time: Under the Skin, which is brilliant and can be taken so many ways. Dancer in the Dark isn't horror, but it sure made me feel horror when fey Bork caved in the head of her landlord with a metal banker's box in a maternal frenzy. I'm sure I can think of lots more, but, I'm off to lunch with friends.

      SS, Eros and Thanatos forever entwined. Guess that's why the world is such a soap opera.

      Back later to comment on Klein -- I haven't read her in years.

    4. My comment in this thread @ 12:45 PM below.

    5. SS,

      Fear of death certainly ranks high. But some people flirt with death for a living -- firemen, cops, soldiers, etc. So, I guess for some that fear does not play as big a role as for others.

      Personally, being wired astrologically in a strange way to my Martian side, (Aries/Scorpio are both 'ruled' by Mars), I myself have flirted with death by hitchhiking, living in the bush, befriending people of questionable character. And so on. I know that, despite a fear of dying, I'd willing die to protect certain people without thinking twice.

    6. Faust,

      "...being wired astrologically....I myself have flirted with death by hitchhiking, living in the bush, befriending people of questionable character."

      The most peculiar, albeit interesting, part of this is being "wired astrologically." I must admit that I've never conversed with anyone like you before, taking into account the "outre" astrological wiring. I'm quite sure that you have many stories to relate about living in the bush and hitchhiking. In reference to the former, how did you possibly manage such a living, and did it have to do with astrological "undertakings" (i.e., you did mention death/Thanatos before) of any type? In other words, can you describe "a day in your life of living in the bush" or "in left field" as connected to nebulous, astrological junctures/transits?

      "I'd willing die to protect certain people without thinking twice."

      Applause. It's quite noble of you. :)

    7. SS,

      Lol. I've never conversed with anyone like you before, too. But, as I'm sure you know from my posts, I like wild things. People, plants and animals. Iconoclastic people and ideas charm me. :)

      I can see how you would be confused and intrigued by the phrase, "astrological wiring," but, I meant it in a literal sense: My Mars in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, combined with an Aries Moon opposite Neptune, the god of frenzy, chaos, imagination, the collective unconscious, among other things, translates as someone who's inclined to being conflicted in regards to taking action. Neptune wants to sacrifice itself, thus attain immortality and further the nebulous spirit of the universe, (who gets sacrificed depends on the person's awareness: Jim Jones had no problem commanding mothers to kill their children. Aries is pure Shining or Dark Knight stuff, You rush in where angels fear to tread. Out of good, to protect, or, out of revenge.

      Revenge creates boomerangs, so I let time, the reaping, take its own course.

      The kin are here so I can't write further about a day in the bush. But I promise to give you a tale or two. :) I'm enjoying our exchange.

    8. One more thing before I forget. It's not noble to die for another when their death is equal or worse than your own.

    9. Thank you for the movie references, Faust.

  7. Tearing down and building up are both about power and control – it's about deciding whether the object deserves to be improved or destroyed.

  8. This web site is going down in five minutes.

    1. RA, Are you familiar with time dilation? It endures and extends.

    2. "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch,
      You really are a heel!
      You're as cuddly as a cactus,
      You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch.

      You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!

      You're a monster, Mr. Grinch!

      You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
      You have termites in your smile!
      You have all the tender sweetness
      Of a ... crocodile, Mr. Grinch.

      You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
      You're a three-decker sauerkraut and ... sandwich..."

    3. Time dilation simultaneously takes way too long yet is way too slow. It's rather like traveling to another star system through a time machine.

  9. Faust,

    "I, too, avoided dark movies for years. Didn't even watch TV for about 15 years."

    You're not alone when it comes to this behavior. In fact, many people in this world don't watch a "bit" of TV. At it were, their reasons vary.

    Yes, Eros and Thanatos combine. Thanatos in post-Freudian thought complements Eros. However, this term was not used in Freud's own work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers, Wilhelm Stekel.

    I actually like these lines from Björk's last song in that movie: "They say it's the last song/They don't know us, you see." This reminds me of a more philosophically-inclined question I pondered not too long ago, having to with whether we can ever truly know a person completely.

    The world can be a labyrinth at times. :)

    1. It has been known to men that women watch more TV than men.

      It is also darker in the woods than the cities. I say this because I know how.

      I read quickly at wiki, and to impress you people here I make minor changes. For a good example, see

      There it says, and here I quote
      " The death drive is sometimes referred to as "Thanatos" in post-Freudian thought, complementing "Eros", although this term was not used in Freud's own work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers, Wilhelm Stekel."

      But in my post right above, at 12:45, I repeat this as if my own contribution as:
      Yes, Eros and Thanatos combine. Thanatos in post-Freudian thought complements Eros. However, this term was not used in Freud's own work, being rather introduced by one of Freud's followers, Wilhelm Stekel.

      I mean, I am so knowing, am I not? Give that to me. Don't tear me down. Tear me up. I am just a little narcissist, a little insecure, nothing bad. I am so much younger than you, you old pharts, that is all. What is wrong with plagiarism?

      I told you you're noble, did I not? I am noble too. I am.

    2. * Well, without doubt, this is who you truly are then:

      Sceli January 20, 2015 at 3:22 PM

      Stay Smart, you're mixing me with some anon. I'm surprised and disappointed. I saw some anon had that interchange with you, lol. You assumed it was me? Bad assumption.

      ....unless I hear something truthful and interesting for me.

      Sceli January 11, 2015 at 2:32 PM

      "While this is a good strategy I now think it's best to apply a hybrid strategy, meaning ignore and just be the high you (idealistic, direct, honest, the child within me) sometimes and hit behind the scenes as they deserve (sneaky, avenging, the adult within me) at other times. The latter could also be stated as 'keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer,' and keeping enemies closer means hit them as they deserve but don't let'm see that it's you who is doing it."

    3. Sceli,

      "I mean, I am so knowing, am I not?....What is wrong with plagiarism?

      I told you you're noble, did I not? I am noble too. I am."

      While this will surely not sound surprising to you, showing knowledge on this topic was not what I tried to convey through my message to Faust, since we were having a different type of exchange (i.e., although dealing with a different nature and tone as opposed to my comments, you seem to understand that quite well in your comments). After all, both Faust and I have our "quirks" and ways of speaking to each other (i.e., "I did what I did" on purpose, and my reason for doing is none of your business). Explaining this in greater detail would further "insult your intelligence and your age." At least I would feel insulted if I were you.

  10. SS,

    No. I don't think we ever know anyone completely. Least I haven't known any I've meet fully or deeply. Always, when I think I know someone very well (like my best friend of 41 years), they say or do something that surprises me in some way.

    The world and the world of the psyche inside each individual seems to me a labyrinth. I pluck threads attached to others along the way to see what happens, where they lead. Like shaking a tree, I want to see what fruits fall to earth. Some are bitter, some sweet. All of them interesting.

    Bjork's song "I've seen it all" is my favorite. It's how I've felt these many past years -- sounds both jaded and full of hubris I know; and I know I haven't seen it all, it simply sometimes feels that way. Anyway, when she sings I've Seen it All, a lovely song, on the train there's a scene that beautifully foreshadows her fate.

    1. Faust,

      Unbelievable, you've actually had a best friend for 41 years! In my mind, that is a very long and far-reaching time....

      Yes, I know what you mean, especially when "they say or do something that surprises me in some way." Coincidentally, it takes a lot of tree shaking, thread plucking and iWatching to deeply comprehend things. I am quite aware of this as well, having experienced something similar in my life.

      Correlative to life (i.e., once in a while, that is), a large number of Björk's songs seem like labyrinths.

    2. Bjork is incredible, If I were a younger and a man . . . She uses micro-rhythms from the environment in some of her songs (Like Dancer in the Dark, where she uses the sound of the machines to set a beat for the song in her head). My first job was in a factory, assembling small motors, and I sang and danced on the line all day, doing the same thing. So, Bjork, in her fey way of looking at life (Nothing ever bad happens in a musical or, as I would say, in a factory) resonates on a personal level.
      I find Bjork to be utterly original, a musical rebel and a visionary.

      Yes, 41 years is a bit of a stretch on the ball field of one's existence. These days people can't comprehend having a close friend for that glacial period of time. My friend Alice is a gem, very different from me and yet not. She's practical, into crafts and other down-to-earth-stuff, and I'm the one always playing with abstract ideas (Now that I'm no longer building cabins and knitting my own socks). Yet we met in a small town, on the very edge of the wilderness, and that back-to-the-land consciousness we shared, and a raunchy sense of humor about love and death, still binds us. That, and we like to cackle. Nothing quite like a good cackle at the absurdity of the human condition. Especially at our age. We really don't care what other people think; it's very liberating eating out with Alice.

      I don't have lots of friends, but the ones I have been in my life for a very long time. I'd die for them -- that's probably why they keep me around. ;) I keep them around because they are fatntastic humans and make my life more beautiful. Btw, I met Alice when we were both twenty. She's born just two days after me, same year. Our horoscopes are very similar. Just a couple different things and genes, and we turned out very different when it comes to what we like to explore.

    3. Faust,

      "(Like Dancer in the Dark, where she uses the sound of the machines to set a beat for the song in her head)."

      Yes, her artistic technique is highly creative, and what is verily compelling is that she approaches and molds her art, all the way to the finished product, as a progressive visionary.

      "Yet we met in a small town, on the very edge of the wilderness, and that back-to-the-land consciousness we shared...."

      It would be great if you would continue this story as you've begun it, adding even more life and details to it. Again, your sense of humor is really good, and I find myself wanting to read more of it. :)

      "'s very liberating eating out with Alice."

      I wonder how some of the dialogue and/or a conversation between you and Alice would sound like, keeping the same tone, style and humor that you've used so far. Give them voices and develop the characters into something more life-like and elaborate. I think that you have the potential, and would do quite well if you'd give them more life. :)

      "I don't have lots of friends, but the ones I have been in my life for a very long time. I'd die for them..."

      Again, quite noble of you.

    4. SS,

      Thanks. My weird humor, which pops out spontaneously, usually isn't met with such grace.

      Found this about Occulmency:

      “Think of milk before it's been processed... the cream rises to the top and can be siphoned off. (The cream being emotions.) When mixed with the milk (the milk being ordinary and mundane thoughts), the mind is a jumble. But get rid of the cream... siphon it off... and there would be the protection needed. Thoughts are still there, but they're so boring that a Legilimens can't grab them. With the emotions cleared away, all that is left is a peacefulness that provides the protection.”

      I love cream. And high fat milk.

      Oh, I could give life to many a conversation. But, Alice would kill and gut me if I ever posted snippets of our conversation. without severe editing. Privacy for people like us, from small towns, has to be discreet, I'm afraid.

    5. Faust,

      Your take on occlumency is a bit different, but, yes, people's thoughts can take them into all sorts of directions, which is where creativity springs forth.

      "Privacy for people like us, from small towns, has to be discreet, I'm afraid."

      I certainly feel the same way when it's not fiction or astrological. Good thinking. :)

  11. For me it depends on the nature of the destruction (physical or emotional - doesn't really matter). What does matter is that there is something interesting and/or artful about it.

    I really enjoy Mythbusters (Jamie Hynaman a member of the club?...thoughts? comments?) - in no small part because of all the destruction. It's not just blowing stuff up - how you blow it up (e.g. water heaters, gas in a sewer, etc.) but why it would even be of any practical interest. And they give fair dinkum to methods, outcomes, etc. (they overdo the "this is science" angle, I think). Their destruction is artful and therefor of continued interest to me.

    And, a wonderful take down like the one in progress for Bill Cosby (the meme generator still makes me giggle...) is a beautiful example of someone that looks like a "good" person (role model, community leader, etc.) and is exposed as someone doing some pretty nasty things (if true - hard to believe they aren't at this point, but...). But it's the how...that meme generator and the subsequent dog pile... (the exposition of Elliot Spitzer is another fine example - mmmm...delicious - )

    Am I not entertained?!?!?! Why, yes! Yes I am.

    You can catch me in "just the right mood" and with the right set up/execution to get a good laugh out of seeing someone kicked in the balls. Not very high brow, but hey - a couple of beers with guy friends and we're laughing like 13 year olds watching "Jackass." I'm not above that.

    But really, I like to see something interesting - that's where the real pleasure is.

    1. "But really, I like to see something interesting - that's where the real pleasure is."

      I like seeing such things as well, HLHaller.

    2. The flip side - building someone up, is a bit different to my mind.

      The reason being that actually being able to make a true and lasting impact in "building someone up" is much harder and much less appreciated (as M.E. points out) endeavor. Short term "build up" is really the same as "set up" since the house of cards would come crashing down without the "input."

      So, if you're after cheap attention (as are most people), tearing someone down is a whole lot easier and building them up and the expected "payoff" is higher for tearing down.

      Why this is? The most likely reason is that we simply need an outlet for our aggression that is socially acceptable (as is suggested above). Seeing other people torn down both sublimates the aggression and (in the time of mass media anyway) you have to have something interesting enough to be worth the risk/cost (e.g. go viral).

      Lets be real, the videos of people getting hurt still outnumber those "inspirational" videos - we have a lot of aggression to cope with as a society.

    3. Glad I am not the only one to have suspicions about Jamie Hynaman being part of our club.

    4. Glad I am not the only one to have suspicions about Jamie Hynaman being part of our club.

  12. I like it when I see these strong emotions expressed by the characters in movies or shows and I cant help but get curious to the feeling. Not saying I don't feel emotions but I don't know what its like to feel it in that way. I have seen many people in my life break and it's amazing. I have tried to get myself in the same position from reading things or listening to music that hit my emotions but I have not managed to get myself that upset. Maybe I'm not hitting my emotions with the right material? In movies I have noticed the way they look around the room as if it is closing in on them, they want to rip out their hair (I think this because of the way their hands gravitate towards their hair with force) or maybe from thinking their mind will explode, sometimes they collapse on their knees with tears in their eyes. There have been occasions where I have had to mimic these actions to get myself out of trouble but its difficult to connect with my emotions in the way they show.

  13. Anon 5:21: Perhaps you can get an empathy transplant. Do you really want to? This is the future. A few things are barely possible now. Welcome to Mars, the planet of the future.

  14. @Faust: "I would not change anything. Because without these things I wouldn't be the person I am, and though far from perfect, I love myself for growing through these things."

    This is the sort of attitude that I appreciate and share. I had a very chaotic (to say the least) childhood. While it's not what I would choose for my kids (as you said, "I'm far from perfect"), the life I've had has been interesting none the less.

    I am sure that the chaos helped to bring out my aggression and blunt my empathy - it had to. And, as a result I've had some interesting times (ah the stories...). But I've also not gone as far in life as I think I would have had I been better regulated emotionally. My mouth has betrayed my career (and personal life if I think about it) more times than I want to count -

    It's a trade off, but I'm happy with the outcome - even if it's not "optimal"...and it's still a work in progress.

    1. Haller, I am sure there are finishing schools for sociopaths to smooth out the "rough edges."

    2. LOL!!! Thanks RA - that's great.

      ...don't even get me started on the prison industrial complex...

    3. Harry,

      "But I've also not gone as far in life as I think I would have had I been better regulated emotionally."

      Yes we all share this "interesting" past and struggle with regulation, here, on SW. Actually, I think everyone is limited in their potential by their mental, physical and emotional frailties. I don't know saints, only sinners. :) No one I know can absorb, digest and reflect the totality of being if they're not in touch with every aspect, dark and light, of their psyche.

      I betray myself all the time. That's life in the cosmic fast lane -- having a grand cardinal cross, etc., etc.. Least mine. Being true to yourself is a lot more slippery and precarious than I first imagined. ;)

      I'm strangely happy, too. Real and alive. Pure. Naked under the stars. Can't hide from the universe. Lol.

  15. Make sure you take the complete tour. Although they surely deserve it, don't just pick on the French.

  16. I "dated" (had sex with) a girl for a short period of time and I remember one day in bed she suddenly told me she loves seeing when people fail. Huge warning sign, that I didn't take notice of at the time. But I'm pretty sure the reason she enjoyed watching other people fail was because she was bullied as a kid for having braces, and still carried that pain.

    I don't think enjoying stuff like this makes someone a sociopath though.

    I don't see myself as a sociopath but I can still get a pretty high score on the PCL-R despite not answering yes to obvious questions that go against my morals.

    So what is a sociopath really?

    I think being a sociopath is sort of like an illness. It's not cool, it doesn't get you ahead in life, it only gives you problems, like any other illness. So why try to glorify this shit.

  17. Is she ill? I would like to know. Also I genuinely fell guilt and remorse about things and would never hurt an animal, so I don't think im a socio. Maybe an aspie. (A year is a long time)

  18. It's not rocket science, but the most accepted definitions and distinctions are that psychopaths are born and sociopaths are created. As a person who is borderline (though probably not borderline personality disorder), I think it's a consideration whether empaths and psycho-socios have a parasitic or mutually compatible.relationship. A society of nothing but "paths" would soon destroy itself. (Neither Naziism nor Communism would have long survived without the victims they preyed upon.) On the other hand, sometimes empaths are far too squeamish to do what "needs to be done" in a crisis. So "we" all need each other. In just the "right mix" and proportions. A witch's brew to calculate.

    1. Calculate? Why not enjoy the chaos?

  19. Stay Smart borrows from not only wiki but also from spark notes below without quoting, often verbatim

    STAY SMARTJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:22 AM

    Yes, Virgil's patience is noteworthy when it comes to these sentencing punishments. As Virgil continues the dark voyage, Dante creates an unconventional correspondence between the sin of a soul on Earth and the punishment s/he receives in Hell. Quite enterprisingly, the Sullen choke on mud, the Wrathful attack one another, those who charge interest on loans sit beneath a rain of fire, and the Gluttonous do the "unspeakable."

    The structure of the work is craftily created to emphasize this correspondence: in its plot, it advances from minor sins to major ones (i.e., a matter of degree); and in the "geographical" structure it conceives, the diverse regions of Hell are tied to specific kinds of sins (i.e., a matter of "kind"). In this way, punishments become a matter of nearly scientific formula, tied in to geographical locations.

    In many ways, Dante’s Inferno can be seen as a kind of taxonomy of human evil, the various types of which Dante explores, isolates and judges. Come to think of it, we are invited to question its organizing principle, wondering why, for instance, a sin punished in the Eighth Circle of Hell, such as accepting a bribe, should be considered worse than a sin punished in the Sixth Circle of Hell, such as murder. Surprisingly (i.e., a bit of a "twisted head" here with a "mysterious" purpose in mind), Dante considers violence less evil than fraud: of these two sins, fraud constitutes the greater opposition to God’s will. God wants us to treat each other with the love he gives us as individuals, whereas violence acts against this love, fraud signifies an outright perversion of it.

    Dante places much emphasis in his work on the concept of immortality through storytelling. A few shades ask Dante to recall their names and stories on Earth upon his return. They hope, perhaps, that the retelling of their stories will let them to live in people’s memories. Having said that, which "shade" do you see as truly deserving of immortality?

    Magic realism sounds like an area to be fully explored. What else can you add about it? I'm rather interested in hearing more about this topic from you.

    1. Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat

      While this will surely not sound surprising to you, showing knowledge on this topic was not what I tried to convey through my message to Faust, since we were having a different type of exchange (i.e., although dealing with a different nature and tone as opposed to my comments, you seem to understand that quite well in your comments). After all, both Faust and I have our "quirks" and ways of speaking to each other (i.e., "I did what I did" on purpose, and my reason for doing is none of your business). Explaining this in greater detail would further "insult your intelligence and your age." At least I would feel insulted if I were you.

    2. Call me Scelli all you want
      Stay Smart liar fat momma
      Pathetic you are
      For all to see
      Pretending to be
      Wishing to be
      Only but a liar
      Stay with your own words from now on
      Better yet stay anon

    3. "After all, both Faust and I have our "quirks" and ways of speaking to each other"

      No, bitch. Faust uses her own words, you use wiki, spark notes, cliff notes. You post a combo of idiocy (your words) and others' already published words.


    4. " "I did what I did" on purpose"

      And your purpose is
      Or, must be
      Quite so noble
      To Stay Smart

      Inauthentic bitch


    5. Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat,

      I am not posting this comment for you. I am posting this for everyone else who happens to read it.

      That only applies to a few of the comments that I posted especially for Faust, with a specific, quirky purpose in mind (i.e., context/code as opposed to display of knowledge). Everything else that I posted in previous posts has been my words/work, and I quoted and provided a reference, such as a name, whenever I needed to do so. Generalizing on Sceli's/Stay Smart copy cat's part serves no purpose, and it is quite malicious. Like I said, if I were him, I would feel insulted for putting on this puerile and simpleminded show.

      This is Sceli's character in his own words. Need I say more?

      Sceli January 11, 2015 at 2:32 PM

      "While this is a good strategy I now think it's best to apply a hybrid strategy, meaning ignore and just be the high you (idealistic, direct, honest, the child within me) sometimes and hit behind the scenes as they deserve (sneaky, avenging, the adult within me) at other times. The latter could also be stated as 'keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer,' and keeping enemies closer means hit them as they deserve but don't let'm see that it's you who is doing it."

      There are many other comments posted by Sceli, or Sceli using other names, which show much more than the comment above.

    6. "I quoted and provided a reference, such as a name, whenever I needed to

      'Albeit' not often

      Dig your own hole deeper

      How many original new sentences do you have above?

      Posting regulars' notes out of context in addition to wiki/spark/cliff, Copy Cat?

      Clean up your trash



    7. * This is also Sceli's/Stay Smart copy cat's work in his own quoted words, absolutely no use of wiki, spark notes, cliff notes. "You post a combo of idiocy (your words)..."

      Again, need I say more?

      "November 11, 2014 at 4:16 AM

      Seriously, I've taken plenty of lumps for positing unpopular opinions on
      various sites. The only reason why I am so forthright is because I know my
      days are numbered. So tragic! Not for you, but for me.
      But I'd like to leave the world knowing that I did one good thing. I would LOVE
      to play a part in bringing THE TWO GREATEST LIVING SOCIOPATHS
      TOGETHER! M.E. & K.C.!
      This is NOT an unattainable fantasy. This could be a theoritical reality!
      Think of it. K.C. is "free" in a manner of speaking. True, she cannot leave
      Florida until the lawsuits against her have been concluded. But M.E. can
      certainly get to her. Would you actually say that it is an IMPOSSIBILITY for
      the "crafty" M.E. to make accquaintace with K.C. if she REALLY wanted to?
      M.E. has told us that she could quit her work NOW if she wanted. There are
      worse places to set up shop then Florida. Look at the advantages:

      1) M.E. has a REAL LIFE study case that she has acess to. She no longer
      is dependant on dry clinical studies of what a genuine sociopath is like. The
      most infamous Sociopath alive is her's to study up close. Possible new book?
      You better believe it.

      2) M.E. can demonstrate for herself, her powers of seduction. K.C. would fall
      into her hands like a piece of fruit from a tree. M.E. could also "free" K.C. in a
      variety of ways. She could provide her with employment. (M.E. would have to
      pick up K.C. for work in the morning and take her home.) M.E. could help
      reform Casey and bring her back into the fold of humanity.

      3) What does M.E. gain? The satisfaction of knowing she could have such a
      positive influence. Her goal is to promote sympathy for Sociopaths. The most
      imfamous, hated, but AVAIBLE Sociopath could be the means to do this.
      M.E. is NOT an example of a heartless, ICE COLD Sociopath. (Unless
      someone is hassling her.) I've done enough personality studies on M.E. to see
      that she is really a sincer, good natured, person who only wants to help.

      Casey a poor risk? Not worth the effort? She HAS NOT recidivated in almost
      4 years. There's a vestage of a human being left WORTH rescuing.
      If M.E. doesn't want to do it for whatever reason, maybe a high functioning
      Cluster B person, like Dr. Ginger or Radical Atheist could do it. Also, no one
      stops anyone from giving to the "Casey Fund."
      BTW, has anyone who critised , "Sunshines: The Astorolgy of Being Happy,"
      read the book? Look up your birth date and see if it isn't true. It described Casey
      and Jodi Arias to a tee."

    8. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:51 PM

      STAY SMARTJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:44 PM
      * This is also Sceli's/Stay Smart copy cat's work in his own quoted words, absolutely no use of wiki, spark notes, cliff notes. "You post a combo of idiocy (your words)..."

      Again, need I say more?

      "November 11, 2014 at 4:16 AM

      Seriously, I've taken plenty of lumps for positing unpopular opinions on
      various sites. The only reason why I am so forthright is because I know my
      days are numbered. So tragic! Not for you, but for me.
      But I'd like to leave the world knowing that I did one good thing. I would LOVE
      to play a part in bringing THE TWO GREATEST LIVING SOCIOPATHS
      TOGETHER! M.E. & K.C.!
      This is NOT an unattainable fantasy. This could be a theoritical reality!
      Think of it. K.C. is "free" in a manner of speaking. True, she cannot leave
      Florida until the lawsuits against her have been concluded. But M.E. can
      certainly get to her. Would you actually say that it is an IMPOSSIBILITY for
      the "crafty" M.E. to make accquaintace with K.C. if she REALLY wanted to?
      M.E. has told us that she could quit her work NOW if she wanted. There are
      worse places to set up shop then Florida. Look at the advantages:

      1) M.E. has a REAL LIFE study case that she has acess to. She no longer
      is dependant on dry clinical studies of what a genuine sociopath is like. The
      most infamous Sociopath alive is her's to study up close. Possible new book?
      You better believe it.

      2) M.E. can demonstrate for herself, her powers of seduction. K.C. would fall
      into her hands like a piece of fruit from a tree. M.E. could also "free" K.C. in a
      variety of ways. She could provide her with employment. (M.E. would have to
      pick up K.C. for work in the morning and take her home.) M.E. could help
      reform Casey and bring her back into the fold of humanity.

      3) What does M.E. gain? The satisfaction of knowing she could have such a
      positive influence. Her goal is to promote sympathy for Sociopaths. The most
      imfamous, hated, but AVAIBLE Sociopath could be the means to do this.
      M.E. is NOT an example of a heartless, ICE COLD Sociopath. (Unless
      someone is hassling her.) I've done enough personality studies on M.E. to see
      that she is really a sincer, good natured, person who only wants to help.

      Casey a poor risk? Not worth the effort? She HAS NOT recidivated in almost
      4 years. There's a vestage of a human being left WORTH rescuing.
      If M.E. doesn't want to do it for whatever reason, maybe a high functioning
      Cluster B person, like Dr. Ginger or Radical Atheist could do it. Also, no one
      stops anyone from giving to the "Casey Fund."
      BTW, has anyone who critised , "Sunshines: The Astorolgy of Being Happy,"
      read the book? Look up your birth date and see if it isn't true. It described Casey
      and Jodi Arias to a tee."

    9. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:52 PM

      STAY SMARTJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:33 PM
      Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat,

      I am not posting this comment for you. I am posting this for everyone else who happens to read it.

      That only applies to a few of the comments that I posted especially for Faust, with a specific, quirky purpose in mind (i.e., context/code as opposed to display of knowledge). Everything else that I posted in previous posts has been my words/work, and I quoted and provided a reference, such as a name, whenever I needed to do so. Generalizing on Sceli's/Stay Smart copy cat's part serves no purpose, and it is quite malicious. Like I said, if I were him, I would feel insulted for putting on this puerile and simpleminded show.

      This is Sceli's character in his own words. Need I say more?

      Sceli January 11, 2015 at 2:32 PM

      "While this is a good strategy I now think it's best to apply a hybrid strategy, meaning ignore and just be the high you (idealistic, direct, honest, the child within me) sometimes and hit behind the scenes as they deserve (sneaky, avenging, the adult within me) at other times. The latter could also be stated as 'keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer,' and keeping enemies closer means hit them as they deserve but don't let'm see that it's you who is doing it."

      There are many other comments posted by Sceli, or Sceli using other names, which show much more than the comment above.

    10. Who the hell is Casey?

    11. Now this is what I call FAILURE (Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat's words).

      "January 20, 2015 at 5:28 AM

      We take illusions for realities, and don't know how to distinquish between the
      two. That's what hypnosis is about. There are MANY types of hypnosis.
      Optical illusions, and superstitutions. Reinforcement also promotes delusion.
      And role playing as well.
      We learn this in school. Our reality is DEFINED for us and to excell and be
      admired, we must acced to brainwashing.
      This works fine with mechanical stuff. But it's awful for long lasting feelings of
      contentment. The mind is NOT a material thing. It can't be described, unless the
      person has a brain disease.
      Our bodies must be maintained and protected. That's were the mechanical comes in. But HAPPINESS CANNOT BE BASED ON EXTERIOR CAUSE,
      as a "Loser" and I am wandering the desert dying of thurst, and someone gives
      me something to drink, I'm going to smile, because I have an instinctual desire
      to live. When I return to society, I resume being a miserable "loser."
      So here is my genious advice:
      Learn a practical skill that brings in income so that the body is fed clothed and
      protected. Also learn some "patchwork" skills like how to change a tire and get
      your car to a service station if you have need to. Carry a gun or mace, to at least get out of hazardous situations.
      Be informed from realistic information sourses about how much danger you might be in, White Girl Bleed A Lot, is the best information sourse. How does it
      feel do know that you are unsafe anywhere, anytime?
      As far as the mental/spiritual side of life goes, study "mind science." Mind
      science IS NOT psychology. Mind science is more a kin to philosphy. Mind
      science is self observation. It's like George Gegildorff. Self awareness. It
      really can't be explained with words. It can only be experieced. A Guru is NOT
      the Moon, but points the way TOWARDS the Moon. In fact, you don't even need
      a Guru, and don't have to perform traditional meditation. Juddi Krishnuritti told
      us this, but his teaching are VERY DIFFICULT to comprehend. He regretted on
      his deathbed that "no one understands what I'm trying to say."

    12. FAILURE

      By Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat

      January 13, 2015 at 3:58 AM

      "I'm only asking ONE FAVOR of the posters here: If a person wants the
      answer to a question, they should ask the most knowledgable people, namely,
      the sociopaths themselves.
      Four years have gone by, and Casey Anthony is mostly forgotten. Even back
      in 2011, many people only payed perifiral attention to Casey's story. Some
      readers here might remember her better then other's: A young mom who saw her
      baby as excess baggage, and tossed her a few feet away from her home in a
      wooded area. People couldn't get their heads around a person who could do that,
      so through a combination of adroit jury selection, and pursuasive psychology
      and LUCK for a person born in the Year Of The Tiger, she got off.
      Many STILL hate her, but as we get firther and firther away from the case, people forget. There are people who do everything in their power to see that she
      doesn't profit, but because she is no O.J., most have moved on. She might make a quick financial score, but the lawsuits would follow like rice on rye.
      She's thought to be in hiding now, but nobody REALLY knows what her day is
      like. I hope that M.E. knows, because I hope she is actually corresponding with
      M.E. M.E. (Or some other astute, intelligent person posting here) is her only hope.
      In any case, I ask the TRUE EXPERTS, "What do you see for her?" Does she
      REALLY have to hide for the REST of her life? Do you think she is getting around with a few minor alterations? Does she live as normal a life as she can
      given the circumstances. Some say they've seen her in bars, but somehow,
      photos are never snapped. You'd think she's had sex from 2011 till now, since
      she is suppost to be so sex crazy? Why hasn't anyone talked? And why hasn't
      someone from her old circle of friends not talked?
      Radical Agnostic used to be in law enforcement. He would know. And the
      intelligent female posters here would know.
      If someone would come forth and seriously answer just ONE of these questions,

    13. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:59 PM

      STAY SMARTJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:54 PM
      Now this is what I call FAILURE (Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat's words).

      "January 20, 2015 at 5:28 AM

      We take illusions for realities, and don't know how to distinquish between the
      two. That's what hypnosis is about. There are MANY types of hypnosis.
      Optical illusions, and superstitutions. Reinforcement also promotes delusion.
      And role playing as well.
      We learn this in school. Our reality is DEFINED for us and to excell and be
      admired, we must acced to brainwashing.
      This works fine with mechanical stuff. But it's awful for long lasting feelings of
      contentment. The mind is NOT a material thing. It can't be described, unless the
      person has a brain disease.
      Our bodies must be maintained and protected. That's were the mechanical comes in. But HAPPINESS CANNOT BE BASED ON EXTERIOR CAUSE,
      as a "Loser" and I am wandering the desert dying of thurst, and someone gives
      me something to drink, I'm going to smile, because I have an instinctual desire
      to live. When I return to society, I resume being a miserable "loser."
      So here is my genious advice:
      Learn a practical skill that brings in income so that the body is fed clothed and
      protected. Also learn some "patchwork" skills like how to change a tire and get
      your car to a service station if you have need to. Carry a gun or mace, to at least get out of hazardous situations.
      Be informed from realistic information sourses about how much danger you might be in, White Girl Bleed A Lot, is the best information sourse. How does it
      feel do know that you are unsafe anywhere, anytime?
      As far as the mental/spiritual side of life goes, study "mind science." Mind
      science IS NOT psychology. Mind science is more a kin to philosphy. Mind
      science is self observation. It's like George Gegildorff. Self awareness. It
      really can't be explained with words. It can only be experieced. A Guru is NOT
      the Moon, but points the way TOWARDS the Moon. In fact, you don't even need
      a Guru, and don't have to perform traditional meditation. Juddi Krishnuritti told
      us this, but his teaching are VERY DIFFICULT to comprehend. He regretted on
      his deathbed that "no one understands what I'm trying to say."

    14. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 21, 2015 at 10:00 PM

      STAY SMARTJanuary 21, 2015 at 9:57 PM

      By Sceli/Stay Smart copy cat

      January 13, 2015 at 3:58 AM

      "I'm only asking ONE FAVOR of the posters here: If a person wants the
      answer to a question, they should ask the most knowledgable people, namely,
      the sociopaths themselves.
      Four years have gone by, and Casey Anthony is mostly forgotten. Even back
      in 2011, many people only payed perifiral attention to Casey's story. Some
      readers here might remember her better then other's: A young mom who saw her
      baby as excess baggage, and tossed her a few feet away from her home in a
      wooded area. People couldn't get their heads around a person who could do that,
      so through a combination of adroit jury selection, and pursuasive psychology
      and LUCK for a person born in the Year Of The Tiger, she got off.
      Many STILL hate her, but as we get firther and firther away from the case, people forget. There are people who do everything in their power to see that she
      doesn't profit, but because she is no O.J., most have moved on. She might make a quick financial score, but the lawsuits would follow like rice on rye.
      She's thought to be in hiding now, but nobody REALLY knows what her day is
      like. I hope that M.E. knows, because I hope she is actually corresponding with
      M.E. M.E. (Or some other astute, intelligent person posting here) is her only hope.
      In any case, I ask the TRUE EXPERTS, "What do you see for her?" Does she
      REALLY have to hide for the REST of her life? Do you think she is getting around with a few minor alterations? Does she live as normal a life as she can
      given the circumstances. Some say they've seen her in bars, but somehow,
      photos are never snapped. You'd think she's had sex from 2011 till now, since
      she is suppost to be so sex crazy? Why hasn't anyone talked? And why hasn't
      someone from her old circle of friends not talked?
      Radical Agnostic used to be in law enforcement. He would know. And the
      intelligent female posters here would know.
      If someone would come forth and seriously answer just ONE of these questions,

    15. By Sceli, also using Stay Smart copy cat/Stay Smart for the record

      January 2, 2015 at 3:57 AM

      This probably isn't a topic of much interest to the people here, but I'd like
      to call your attention to a website called "White Girl Bleed A Lot." They have
      intentions of banning the site. It reports on concealed stories of black on white
      In one recent story, a beautiful blond from Ireland is visiting the U.S. She is out
      until 1AM in the Bronx. She has no idea of the danger she might be in because
      of media blackouts about black crime. She passes a black on the street. Suddenly, she is struck in the face by a peice of concreate. That gorgeous, lovely face is BASHED IN by a sub-human POS that is supported by US. We
      PAIED for the attack on that magnificant radiant creature.
      Our angel endured numerous surgeries in putting her face back together. She
      had to RETURN to the Bronx to testify at the savage's trial.
      A life ruined. A gorgeous life ruined! If you could see how beautiful she looked
      prior to the attack, you would fall to your knees!
      They want to censor the website. The Jews would rather you see the website:

    16. Why are people being unkind to Stay Smart?

  20. Was she ill? No I don't think so.

    Did she possibly have issues, since she felt this way? Probably.

    Was her behaviour sociopathic? No.

    Was that behavior she showed, something a sociopath would? No.

    The reason I brought it up is because M.E's post reminded me of her.

    I'm saying that alot of these posts here remind me more of a person with certain issues, than a sociopath.

    A sociopath is defined as a person with the following traits:

    - Showing disregard for other people's feelings.
    - Lacking responsibility and not respecing social norms.
    - Lacking ability to maintain relationships with other people.
    - Having a hard time dealing with frustration and being quick to anger / be aggresive.
    - Not able to learn from punishment or feel guilt .
    - Tendency to be projecting: for example, blaming other's for own failures.

    Now does a person like M.E. fit this profile? Possibly.

    I'm sure a lot of people can at least fit some parts of that profile though.

    Is it in society's best interest to distinguish between "empaths" and "sociopaths/psychopaths"?

    Is a blog like this actually contributing anything positive to society, or should we just see it as a form of entertainment, for example: is it just an outlet for this person - and should it only be treated as fiction?

    I think it's best to just simply see it as fiction, nothing more. A lot of the posts on this blog are of a negative nature. How M.E. indulges in narcissistic delusions of her "power" - how she is able to ruin people, manipulate others, etc.

    Does that mean every "sociopath" is that way? I don't think so at all.

    It reminds me more of a person with some deep issues and insecurities, more than anything else. But the problem is that this blog has a lot of readers, and any angsty teenager can google and find it, and implement this negative way of thinking - which I think is sort of sad in a way...

    Whatever you are or think you are, try to find a way to bring something positive into this life. I encourage M.E. to try and post more positive stuff, instead of all the negative posts I've seen in the times I've been reading it every now and then.

    1. M.E.,

      Having read this comment in its entirety, it is evident that it was posted by the same commentator who was highly malicious toward me tonight (Sceli along with the other names of Stay Smart for the record and Stay Smart copy cat). Although I'm not surprised and even though it sounded so important to him, he did not have the courage to post this particular comment in his own name. The irony in this case is that he is asking to be "built up" while he is being negative and offensive toward you as a human being (i.e., negative being an understatement). Also ironically, he is asking you to post more positive "stuff" (i.e., he has neither writing skills, nor an elevated vocabulary) while he has been posting a great deal of negative/malicious comments for a long time. Overall, there is a huge "disconnect" when it comes to this person.

    2. No I only made 2 posts here.

      My mental condition does have me frightened to come back though after reading all these comments. It is probably better I don't visit this site again. At least not the comment section. Everyone here seems crazy.

    3. * I wanted to include my comments at 1:54 PM and 1:55 PM (continuation) in this thread. So, here they go again (i.e., as I said before, I like placing things where they belong):


      I know that you are a strong person, having had colossal quantities of nonsense and insults being directed toward you, both recently and during the past several years. I also know that you're an intelligent person who had the courage to be herself, the fortitude and fearlessness to create and publish your own memoirs, and the capacity to provide the world with a great deal of knowledge on more than one topic. You have also created and maintained a blog for a long time, which is also a large part of your achievements. I am also a strong individual, and as you can see, two very toxic persons commenting on your blog have taken it upon themselves to attempt to bully and break my spirit, which has been highly unsuccessful on their part. They do not know my qualifications, achievements, and my full potential as both a writer and person (i.e., one of them has a degree in "acting," and he is insecure, envious and bullying those who write better than he does - a psychological state of mind that needs to mature in him). I do not "copy" information, and the reason for what I did had nothing to do with their puerile and accusatory thinking, nor did it have anything to do with my authenticity or lack thereof. After all, I was not writing my thesis or dissertation on any topic, but, as you can also see, all of this was beside the point. In addition to my primary purpose, which was "quirky" and done for a private reason which I can't explain, it was really innocent on my part, too, since I quickly read the information and basically, in part, wrote what I had read, keeping in mind that, in some places, I actually improved the way it sounded in the wiki or cliff notes (i.e., these were only a few comments to begin with, and I find it ludicrous that these persons seemed so excessively enraged and malicious about it). Nonetheless, my point was neither to exhibit my knowledge on those topics, nor did I think that this insecure person, who wanted to revenge, would actually check to see where these things came from (i.e., they were not even meant for him), and with so much rage and/or excessive anger/insults in his tone/writing. Instead of going through all of that in order to feel better about himself, my advice to him would be to take a writing class, or to try to improve his writing on his own by reading more and by striving to write in ways that are actually legible/coherent. Honestly, I still can't believe that this inexperienced writer/person has tried to bully me and "pick on" (i.e., these are the only words that can possibly characterize his insignificant and failed attempt in its most simpleminded form) my writing, ridiculously saying that I copied ALL of my words from some other place. Regardless, and in spite of what they've said, I know that as a person, I am original and authentic, just like I am in writing this comment to you. Basically, they've taken all of my strengths and tried to undermine my abilities.

      Sceli January 22, 2015 at 9:07 AM

      "I must have said something that really got her."

      No, it did not work, since I know myself well, I know my abilities and talents, and I am a strong and confident person.

      (continued in the following comment)

    4. To M.E. (continued from prior comment),

      Looking at the big picture, their comments have meant absolutely nothing to me, since I don't internalize rubbish. I learned to do so a long time ago, and have become rather proficient in it. Having said that, don't ever let anyone break your spirit, always be yourself and continue to post what you deem appropriate/suitable for your own blog. They have no right to say what you should or should not post, and what your own blog should sound like on a daily basis. What's more, and this is equally important, don't let anyone influence you in their ways, since no one should have this type of power over you, especially when it is meant in a toxic and highly offensive manner. In essence, they are trying to influence your thinking, but little do these two misinformed and irrational/displaced individuals know that they have no power over me, over you, or over anyone else commenting on this blog. It is empowering and important for you to continue to be yourself, overcome any and all obstacles, and always stand firm by your own beliefs. More power to you!

    5. Sceli,

      I'm telling you - with a post like that, I can't help but picture Chris Crocker...

    6. HLH, you're picturing the way you or Sceli have reacted so far, and how you would react in other situations. Get your tough skin on!
      Also, your "assumptions" are off, just like you.

    7. Right. The human brain imagines things as they would respond to them, when in fact, others can remain completely unmoved. I am one of those people.

    8. Are you flirting with me?

    9. HLH: "Are you flirting with me?"


      2nd answer to your question:

      An inquisitive person decides to run a series of detailed experiments, coupled with insightful messages/demonstrations, on the commentators of Sociopath World. Said experiments include demonstrations/“mock trials” entailing human emotions and empathy, testing a myriad of responses/corollary, and focusing on how others displaying specific mentalities and alleged personality disorders react to diverse methods, such as hypothetically feeling “hurt,” offended or even “slighted” at times (i.e., this was the initial experiment); “pinpointing” creativity and/or creative techniques and their ensuing effects; testing patience versus anger/rage and the tendency/predisposition toward revenge/violence; and, exploring the “shakable” notion of reality versus fiction within the context of human relationships. Needless to say, the results are quite revelatory, reflecting phases of thought-patterns and influence/affect. As the series continues and as the methods are continuously designed to do so, the commentators are continuously (i.e., seemingly intermittent) tested on an array of topics designed to reveal and expound upon the inner workings of the psyche as presented by the traits and psychological states of said individuals. As it were, the experiments and findings are planned to be used within the broader context of an insightful, albeit “fictional” to some degree, article in a monthly periodical.

  21. * Google my comment below, Sceli/Stay Smart Copy Cat/Stay Smart for the record, and stop speaking untruths in connection to false generalizations about my writing.

    STAY SMART January 18, 2015 at 9:03 PM


    You are a proficient writer, and I must say that I like your style.

    My creativity has taken several paths as well, having changed and/or inevitably altered quite a lot throughout the years. I am a writer of fiction, and, honestly, there is so much to be said about developing and carefully crafting my voice and/or style. I developed a combination of my own craft, my style having taken a turn that makes me feel content at the present time. I am currently working on something that I have a great feeling about, and I hope that my vision will turn into everything that I have envisioned. It is having a vision and planning that has given me a great deal of confidence and belief in what I try to accomplish. Becoming part of the creative force is both a gift and a true calling. I have always been aware of my calling, a drive that I can call my own. It is tied in with being original and innovating every single day/night of my life, and not just through writing, but in all areas of my life. I find that it also fuels one with a tendency toward inspiring others to do great things with their lives.

    True, not many people can live deeply alone, which is something that very few can possibly understand and cope with on a certain level. Likewise, my time alone is essential, and it does create conflict when it comes to the demands of others. I firmly believe that it takes generous understanding on the part of another who leads a less solitary life. However, being aware of one’s nature is important in all types of relationships. People will always ask for your attention, and that is a part of life, especially when living in the wild.

    When it comes to the “contradiction” that I mentioned earlier, I call it so because others have outwardly and forthrightly made me aware of it. In truth, it never feels like a contradiction to me, because this natural/uncommonness, along with its intensity, is my true nature, and I find that others have a difficult time understanding it. What’s more, I’ve had people who mistake it to be a weird attitude, so to speak, but it goes much deeper than that with me, since I don’t force it or try to make it seem as though I am different. I am sure that you are aware and highly familiar with the “weird” image that some artists/writers try to uphold. It is planned in their minds and behavior, which is never something that I do. This is truly one thing that I don’t need to work toward or control. Instead, it outwardly flows through/from me, and that is how I connect it to everything that I do. In other words, it is the most innate and familiar state that I know, and it makes me who I really am as a person. I believe that you can understand what I mean, since you’ve expressed something similar in your writing.

    Yes, open and creative minds achieve great things. You know so from reading, which I do as well, both through books and online material. “The librarians laugh at the stacks I haul home.” You have a good sense of humor, though.

    Your intentions sound visionary, and I can relate to the feeling of watching others suffer. It is hard, especially when people come to you for help, and you do your best to ensure that they feel more satisfied.

    The story you wrote about the vampire sounds quite dark, which is something that I can understand. Based on what you’ve written about it, I can see the way you combine the horror component with the humor aspect of it, which is quite entertaining. I can relate to that, although my voice/style has developed in a different direction as well. The unconscious can bring forth a variety of ideas and plots, which can be quite useful as one creates a story.

  22. How sad. I wrote a masterpiece explaining why I am not those two individuals
    you say I am. I pressed the wrong button, and the words went "poof."
    I"m presently eating junk food by the bucketful and it's affecting my thought
    processes and motor skills.
    I can't repeat what I wrote, and I don't even know if what I'm posting now will get
    through, if it doesn't, so long and good luck. If I still can post, I'll say:

    1) You can believe anything you want about my idenity. It's a waste of time,
    trying to convince people of something they can't be convinced of.

    2) I hope that Casey Anthony IS posting here, or has been in contact with M.E.
    Her future is with "kindred spirits.

    3) M.E. is a wonderful, beautiful person. I hope she has found love or will find

    1. Hi, Anon. I have no idea what's going on here, why I'm combined with your character and also some others according to SS. I also don't understand why s/he thinks s/he is protecting ME, as you are not against ME, and I'm not against ME..

      Anon, are you SS? Maybe s/he has split personality.
      Maybe I'm SS too, lol... Maybe, ME is SS, too...

      Thank you, Stay Smart copy cat. I was warned about SS before that s/he should be ignored. I cannot believe I actually thought this D Webb character is some authentic aspie speaking with big words. I now believe some of D Webb postings with big words must also be copied from the web. The same goes with the discussion s/he had with HLH. Unf'ing believable.

      And to remember my shout out where I asked to keep SW weird, and somewhat protect this SS character is hilarious as I laugh at myself. I thought s/he was genuine. I even thought s/he was going deep trying to connect (now I sense s/he was trying to prove ability to say something significant). S/he definitely has proven fake. Ouch. I'm not sure anymore if s/he fits in my call of keep SW weird. It's true s/he's still weird, just not genuine or capable of trusting her own words.

      I wish UKan was here, s/he is perfect bait for him. He'd tear this narc down so skillfully that s/he would learn a lot about who s/he is. In my mind s/he is

      seriously delusional and paranoid;
      aspies are typically highly intelligent and truthful, s/he is not;
      just for shits and giggles here I diagnose SS as a malignant narc.

      Does anyone know SS' coordinates?

    2. Hi Sceli,

      LOL! I wasn't sure about your interest in Smartie -

      I don't know about the diagnosis - really, I get the sense that s/he is just your basic troll. Someone that got took/hurt by someone that they want to call a sociopath because it helps them to paint the person black. There's probably some OCD in there too -

      They come here to keep reliving that pain that they socio caused them - maybe because it's what they really miss: the sociopath and the abuse. Makes them feel connected to that person that ruined them -

      @Smartie: You keep saying that your days are numbered - can you hurry it along? And, do make it interesting - we want to be entertained after all.

    3. Good morning, HLH. Nothing like sense of normalcy, thank you. I didn't have enough longitudinal analysis on this character.

      I do err on the side of believing someone but they sure have a way of showing how they are eventually, it feels so good that this person is not in my physical space. I can ignore her here, no probs.

      I do feel sorry for her (I'm starting to think this is a woman or a high-estrogen man). This may indeed be her only outlet, but, hey, the woman has somehow singled-me-out, surely off my book.

      Your explanation makes a lot of sense, and I honestly think all of that also leads the way to becoming malignant. Yikes.

      I'm yet to figure out why she's singling me out, though. I must have said something that really got her. No idea what it was, must be against one of her characters here. I sure kind of liked the D Webb character at tthe beginning, assuming he's a young sweet virgin male. Hmmm, virgin part of that may still be true, who knows.

      Had my plate is not as full as it is I'd like to go back and see what s/he was doing over time. I really love this sort of trying to understand what with this person who is so clueless about herself/himself.

    4. "You keep saying that your days are numbered - can you hurry it along? And, do make it interesting - we want to be entertained after all."


      I never said such a ludicrous and false thing. My life and days are peaceful and fine.

      "Makes them feel connected to that person that ruined them -"

      No one ruined me. As to the rest of your comment, I am just going to ignore it. You, as a person, need to be ignored as well, since I don't have time to waste on your absolute rubbish.

    5. "Anon, are you SS? Maybe s/he has split personality.
      Maybe I'm SS too, lol... Maybe, ME is SS, too..."

      My time is too precious to waste it on your lies, bullying and ridiculousness, Sceli. M.E. and others know who you are - a person of a very low character, filled with insecurities, writing/writer-envy, excessive anger and serious mental issues. Overall, you need to be ignored.

  23. Is Broken Promise Land by The Weeping Willows a song about an encounter with a female psycho? Or is it just plain "empath heartbreak"?

  24. Why not make clear as to what it is that you want. For example"go away it aint happenin", or "perhaps we can exlore this later". it would make things alot easier. Again with the mixed signals. Although im certain i already know the answer (highschool kids whose parents bought cars them ) are not on my level and never wil be. come with me to rio,miami,la, and lets see my value in a free democratic soceity with diffrent demographs.

  25. M.E.,

    I know that you are a strong person, having had colossal quantities of nonsense and insults being directed toward you, both recently and during the past several years. I also know that you're an intelligent person who had the courage to be herself, the fortitude and fearlessness to create and publish your own memoirs, and the capacity to provide the world with a great deal of knowledge on more than one topic. You have also created and maintained a blog for a long time, which is also a large part of your achievements. I am also a strong individual, and as you can see, two very toxic persons commenting on your blog have taken it upon themselves to attempt to bully and break my spirit, which has been highly unsuccessful on their part. They do not know my qualifications, achievements, and my full potential as both a writer and person (i.e., one of them has a degree in "acting," and he is insecure, envious and bullying those who write better than he does - a psychological state of mind that needs to mature in him). I do not "copy" information, and the reason for what I did had nothing to do with their puerile and accusatory thinking, nor did it have anything to do with my authenticity or lack thereof. After all, I was not writing my thesis or dissertation on any topic, but, as you can also see, all of this was beside the point. In addition to my primary purpose, which was "quirky" and done for a private reason which I can't explain, it was really innocent on my part, too, since I quickly read the information and basically, in part, wrote what I had read, keeping in mind that, in some places, I actually improved the way it sounded in the wiki or cliff notes (i.e., these were only a few comments to begin with, and I find it ludicrous that these persons seemed so excessively enraged and malicious about it). Nonetheless, my point was neither to exhibit my knowledge on those topics, nor did I think that this insecure person, who wanted to revenge, would actually check to see where these things came from (i.e., they were not even meant for him), and with so much rage and/or excessive anger/insults in his tone/writing. Instead of going through all of that in order to feel better about himself, my advice to him would be to take a writing class, or to try to improve his writing on his own by reading more and by striving to write in ways that are actually legible/coherent. Honestly, I still can't believe that this inexperienced writer/person has tried to bully me and "pick on" (i.e., these are the only words that can possibly characterize his insignificant and failed attempt in its most simpleminded form) my writing, ridiculously saying that I copied ALL of my words from some other place. Regardless, and in spite of what they've said, I know that as a person, I am original and authentic, just like I am in writing this comment to you. Basically, they've taken all of my strengths and tried to undermine my abilities.

    Sceli January 22, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    "I must have said something that really got her."

    No, it did not work, since I know myself well, I know my abilities and talents, and I am a strong and confident person.

    (continued in the following comment)

  26. To M.E. (continued from prior comment),

    Looking at the big picture, their comments have meant absolutely nothing to me, since I don't internalize rubbish. I learned to do so a long time ago, and have become rather proficient in it. Having said that, don't ever let anyone break your spirit, always be yourself and continue to post what you deem appropriate/suitable for your own blog. They have no right to say what you should or should not post, and what your own blog should sound like on a daily basis. What's more, and this is equally important, don't let anyone influence you in their ways, since no one should have this type of power over you, especially when it is meant in a toxic and highly offensive manner. In essence, they are trying to influence your thinking, but little do these two misinformed and irrational/displaced individuals know that they have no power over me, over you, or over anyone else commenting on this blog. It is empowering and important for you to continue to be yourself, overcome any and all obstacles, and always stand firm by your own beliefs. More power to you!

  27. One word for you: irrational.

  28. Never blame the duck for being a duck.

  29. A "Quack!" (or "Qauck" in his jumbled street-talk)

  30. Nietzsche stated that only weaklings wants revenge. Did he know much about life outside the academic world with its pen-fencing?

    1. The strong do not need revenge because they realize an eye for an eye makes the world blind. Nietzsche believed in having empathy and compassion.

  31. "Lovely" european tv-programs about crime stating that drug-dealers do this because nobody will employ them. Really, are they sure about this? Jailbirds couldn´t get jobs either and just sat like drugged mummies in their shitstained-apartments with no future. Could they not be mistaken about these things? Folks having no options, just dead-ends everywhere. And then what?


      Translation (for 2nd video):

      I just am so glad I shed any such f'iing expectation from myself early on after observng what was happening to those who had more than ten algorithms to their names. Screw that. Life is precious, and no one is f'ing born owing any algoirthms to humanity. I'll be glad if I die without harming anyone, no more ambitions after that, no chance of schizophrenia either, lol.

      Sceli January 11, 2015 at 5:40 PM

      I guess what I'm saying is had I started sneaky and vengeful I probably would have to learn to correct some of that later. I nmy case I started unrealistically and to an extent of self-disserving level of good that correction needed me to learn to not burn bridges, shut up and don't declare all truth, manage people (and in terminology is sneaky and vengeful but not what a socio would mean when s/he said these things)...used to be against guns, and the new is ready to use one (but no one knows, why announce, I have not only one but two guns...

    2. what if the gorilla looks better than you.

    3. (if a dude posted this)

  32. did u earn the "status" u have. pseudo status is NO status. Status is only status if you have EARNED it or else it is just a monitary gift in what ever capacity you received it (job,car,money) Don't fool yourself kid

  33. Life is not a competition, in a competition all participants have a equal opportunity to win. u are just ahead in a game and PLAYGROUND that was designed for you too win. Thus u have not won anything because you have never proven that your any better than my dog's shit in the corner. U have just been successful at YOUR game.

  34. Funny how they happened to fool you into thinking that they are dominant. ROFL hahaha (weaklings, ill prepared) how can the physical and intellectually superior person be the weakling.

  35. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM

    STAY SMARTJanuary 22, 2015 at 2:02 PM
    To M.E. (continued from prior comment),

    Looking at the big picture, their comments have meant absolutely nothing to me, since I don't internalize rubbish. I learned to do so a long time ago, and have become rather proficient in it. Having said that, don't ever let anyone break your spirit, always be yourself and continue to post what you deem appropriate/suitable for your own blog. They have no right to say what you should or should not post, and what your own blog should sound like on a daily basis. What's more, and this is equally important, don't let anyone influence you in their ways, since no one should have this type of power over you, especially when it is meant in a toxic and highly offensive manner. In essence, they are trying to influence your thinking, but little do these two misinformed and irrational/displaced individuals know that they have no power over me, over you, or over anyone else commenting on this blog. It is empowering and important for you to continue to be yourself, overcome any and all obstacles, and always stand firm by your own beliefs. More power to you!

  36. Stay Smart for the recordJanuary 22, 2015 at 8:21 PM

    STAY SMARTJanuary 22, 2015 at 1:54 PM

    I know that you are a strong person, having had colossal quantities of nonsense and insults being directed toward you, both recently and during the past several years. I also know that you're an intelligent person who had the courage to be herself, the fortitude and fearlessness to create and publish your own memoirs, and the capacity to provide the world with a great deal of knowledge on more than one topic. You have also created and maintained a blog for a long time, which is also a large part of your achievements. I am also a strong individual, and as you can see, two very toxic persons commenting on your blog have taken it upon themselves to attempt to bully and break my spirit, which has been highly unsuccessful on their part. They do not know my qualifications, achievements, and my full potential as both a writer and person (i.e., one of them has a degree in "acting," and he is insecure, envious and bullying those who write better than he does - a psychological state of mind that needs to mature in him). I do not "copy" information, and the reason for what I did had nothing to do with their puerile and accusatory thinking, nor did it have anything to do with my authenticity or lack thereof. After all, I was not writing my thesis or dissertation on any topic, but, as you can also see, all of this was beside the point. In addition to my primary purpose, which was "quirky" and done for a private reason which I can't explain, it was really innocent on my part, too, since I quickly read the information and basically, in part, wrote what I had read, keeping in mind that, in some places, I actually improved the way it sounded in the wiki or cliff notes (i.e., these were only a few comments to begin with, and I find it ludicrous that these persons seemed so excessively enraged and malicious about it). Nonetheless, my point was neither to exhibit my knowledge on those topics, nor did I think that this insecure person, who wanted to revenge, would actually check to see where these things came from (i.e., they were not even meant for him), and with so much rage and/or excessive anger/insults in his tone/writing. Instead of going through all of that in order to feel better about himself, my advice to him would be to take a writing class, or to try to improve his writing on his own by reading more and by striving to write in ways that are actually legible/coherent. Honestly, I still can't believe that this inexperienced writer/person has tried to bully me and "pick on" (i.e., these are the only words that can possibly characterize his insignificant and failed attempt in its most simpleminded form) my writing, ridiculously saying that I copied ALL of my words from some other place. Regardless, and in spite of what they've said, I know that as a person, I am original and authentic, just like I am in writing this comment to you. Basically, they've taken all of my strengths and tried to undermine my abilities.

    Sceli January 22, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    "I must have said something that really got her."

    No, it did not work, since I know myself well, I know my abilities and talents, and I am a strong and confident person.

    (continued in the following comment)

  37. It looks like the frustrated commenter from yesterday has returned, repeating Stay Smart's comments for no apparent reason. What a loser!

    1. It really amazes me to see what some losers can do in order to get to another person or try to bring them down, not knowing that, unlike them, some people are just unmoved, no feelings. I stand by that. The funny part is that they walk away thinking that they've somehow affected things.

  38. Hello. I randomly read your blog from time to time. I am not a sociopath, at least, I don't think I am, haha, but I'm just interested in people. Anyhow...
    I don't buy for one fraction of a second that the "ordinary" person doesn't get satisfaction of seeing people torn down/built up to be torn down.

    You did a fine job of drawing attention to how people seek this phenomena in entertainment...but even beyond entertainment... let's talk about the car crash scenario. God, how many people stop and gawk at a car crash. (I personally try not to do this no matter how intense my curiosity is, because I think it's rude. If I was wounded on the side of the road, the last thing I would want is an audience) And -- for anyone who would want to counter or challenge that scenario with the suggestion that people are stopping to yield caution to the situation (yeah, right, like people are ever really that careful when they drive) -- let's then take for example a situation that happened in my neighborhood last summer: an ambulance arrived at my next door neighbor's house. Obviously, I looked out the window to see where the ambulance was and what was going on. But when I looked out the window I saw more than just an ambulance at my neighbor's house. I saw half the neighborhood LITERALLY standing out at the ends of their driveways...watching...watching...the entire situation.

    When we consider entertainment again, the most popular shows, movies, etc. are some of the most dramatic. Who doesn't love a good fight. Or watching a character lose their entire family in a car crash for eff's sake. This is what sells...not just to the entire world.

    People wouldn't want to admit that they enjoy watching people be torn down, suffer, etc. That would go against all that they have learned about being a "good" person.

    Maybe the stark difference between a sociopath and an "empath" is not necessarily that the two always FEEL differently... but maybe it's how honest/dishonest the two are about their feelings, how they process them, and what they do with them. The experience itself may be the same/similar between the two, but interpreted and expressed

    That is where I think the term "empathy" comes in. An "empath" may secretly enjoy watching people be torn down/suffer -- whether in real life or the media -- but they also feel "badly" about it...guilty. The sociopath it seems, takes it for what it is, and does not organize it mentally as "good" or "bad". It simply is-- sociopath thinks "I enjoy watching this" and empath says "I don't enjoy this, I don't enjoy this" but keeps watching, because, they do enjoy it, but feel that it's morally "wrong" to.

    Am I understanding?

    That mental "moral line", I think, is why so many claim that they have no interest what so ever in seeing that sort of thing occur -- even though simple observation of human behavior shows us differently -- and really, shows us that they are most likely lying that they don't enjoy it.

    Thoughts? Or did I just completely state the obvious?

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