
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Choosing the sociopath

A reader writes:

Just read your book, and I thought it was fascinating stuff.

I have a question about Morgan, though. You talk about her losing her job, falling into eating disorders and drug abuse. You say you can't take all the "credit" for her decline, and I know you don't feel an ounce of remorse, but do you think her decline would have occurred if you had never met?

My response:

Actually, in this case, I think it would have. You may be surprised to hear that we are still very good friends, we probably talk a few times a week on the phone. After she went to several treatment facilities and spend some time in 12 step programs, she really turned her life around and is now making six figures in a high-powered job with a side business that is her passion and that fulfills her creative outlets.

I certainly don't think that messing with her during that time somehow led her to this good result. But I do feel like as a result of our interactions she adopted a lot of my ways of thinking and looking at herself with a harsh brutality that allowed her to, finally when she was ready, look at herself with unflinching honesty and make the changes necessary -- to eliminate her personal obstructions to her success and continued growth as a person.

The thing is, and this is what I had hoped to communicate in the book but maybe was unclear on, people like that are seeking self-destruction and they will get it in any form, whether it is from me their friendly sociopath friend, or from drugs and alcohol, or from cutting, or from self sabotage of any other form that seems to appeal to them in that moment. When someone seems hellbent on self destruction, it's easy to villainize the drug dealer (or bartender? or Hostess cupcakes? or gambling establishments? or escort for hire?) or the the sociopath friend because they're a handy target but they're of course more the method than the root cause in a guns don't kill people sort of way. This may not actually be true, but I have found that people on this path to obliterate themselves or their life, at least partially and for whatever reason, will continue that way no matter what you do or how you react to them until they are ready themselves to change. I'd be very interested to hear other people's opinions about this, but am less interested in bystanders' random thoughts than from people who have actually experienced this first hand. 

(It's a little popular on this blog to take the Sam Harris side of life and say that people don't have as much choice as we often think we do, but I think when it comes to people's involvement with sociopaths I think there is often more choice and responsibility there than some would like to acknowledge. It's not like sociopaths have an otherworldly superhypnosis ability to compel people into engaging in activities that they would never do without compulsion.) 

Perhaps surprisingly, I think that because I was willing to indulge her on these activities rather being preachy, I am one of the few friends that she still has from that time period. With the other friends of that era, I believe that she either gave up on them, or they gave up on her. In fact, I know that I am one of only a few friends from longer than a couple years that she stays in regular contact with, and that she would consider me her best friend.

For some reason this reminded me of this recent comment on a not so fresh post:

My father is narcissistic. I was his favoured child, his very best billboard. Which is as much as to say I was the most codependent. 

No one can keep up with my father.

I won't labour the details other than to say I was fertile ground for the most charming of seductive sociopaths.

That whole affair woke me the fuck up. I like referring to this gentleman (with whom I still work) as our Friendly Neighbourhood Psychopath (FNP).

He gave me the red pill stuffed inside a Koko Black chocolate. Delicious. He set me free in the Matrix while everyone else dreams. I see the world in an utterly different way now; in which society is a context rather than a constraint; that rules are mere control; that morality is instinctive, a social adaptation to keep us cooperating and not excluded from our place by the campfire; that we are merely organisms in a perennial competition for resources. All that PLUS neurotypicals *are* wired for connection. And we dwindle when we don't get it (hence all the weeping socios cause). You know, I really didn't know this last point. 

I crave the FNP 'cause his games and his sex hit some dopamine high notes. Not to mention his beauty and intelligence. His intelligence and thrill seeking are - surprise, surprise - reminiscent of my father's.

Yet not even the FNP could keep pace with my narcissistic father (the food chain, the food chain, oh that is a story!) No one can. And I wonder if the rhythms my father set as the cadence of my life can ever be changed.

All this stuff about love - I learnt many things from the FNP and the best thing I learned was self-sufficiency. By this I mean integration, living in accordance with your own nature. An adult should be able to look after their own emotional needs and for a neurotypical, this involves thriving in community. Socios must live in community too and it is a tension for them.

We all have our struggles. I take my lessons from running head on into life and to be frank, it's the best way to change. Emotional and novel experiences provide fertile ground for remodelling the brain. 

I keep a vision of being integrated, adventurous and thriving... but those games, baby, are better than sex (and that's saying something!) Dear me, perhaps I still have some lessons to learn the hard way (counts down to next meeting in T - 10d while we are both obliged by the court to refrain from contacting the other)

Yeah, so that's my struggle. I do want a companion. And it's better to be honest about that lest the FNP play his pipe again to that tune. 


  1. I'm personally think those "How my sociopath husband destroyed me" stories are subjective. Yes, that was their experience but it doesn't meant that everyone will experience the same thing with the same person.

    I have great friends that like my companionship and see me as an interesting person with loads of energy and perhaps an out of the box way of thinking. These people are usually inspectors. They look at the world objectively with great curiosity and without prejudgment. They say it when they disagree with me (which I love) but they acknowledge that there is no universal truth.

    Then there are people that see me as this terrible thing that has somehow caused great destruction and hurt them badly at some point. These people are people that usually have regular melt-downs, they are very unstable and have perhaps addictions too. They are not inspectors because they are right in the middle of their own reality. They have a very subjective way to look at things.

    I know two women that both dated the same person. One of them suffered badly and accused him of being a narcissist that destroyed her life. After several years she is still recovering. The other one doesn't let this man have the same affect. She acknowledges that the man is selfish but that's it. She can deal with it.

    1. People only have emotional power over someone if that person gives it to them (I'm speaking as one of those who has come out the other side of association with at least one narcissist and one possible sociopath).

      I own the responsibility for not waking up sooner with both of the above, most particularly the second one. Yes, they both behaved like assholes, but I behaved like a fool for not being realistic and cutting them out of my life sooner. So in the end it was six of one and half a dozen of the other :D

      And now I have my 'off switch', which is a definite bonus. So I look on it as a learning experience.

    2. Couple of interesting points here.

      The idea that there is no universal truth is very difficult for most people because it precludes all certainty. Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach captures the fear perfectly:

      Ah, love, let us be true
      To one another! for the world, which seems
      To lie before us like a land of dreams,
      So various, so beautiful, so new,
      Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
      Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
      And we are here as on a darkling plain
      Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
      Where ignorant armies clash by night.

      Curiosity is perhaps the most positive and useful human characteristic and you're right that without a robust sense of self it's largely absent. A human must then rely on cloaking themselves in rules, usually supplied by society. Then they feel somewhat cosy and can exist without fragmenting totally.

      Regarding the varying impact of the narcissist: my mother is still not completely free of him after 32 years of separation. Neither is his second wife. Yet his current partner seems to have his measure. It's extraordinary. She just works around him and with him and he is a far easier person to deal with because of it. She's just unphased by him and maintains her independence. I'm really amazed by her actually because I think he has impacted my mother and his second wife more than he has even me.

    3. "Dover Beach" is a great poem. There is no god. Life is meaningless. The physical universe we experience is all there is. We are animals who know we will die. Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" describes our existence. Without air, air will be all we think about because in a few seconds we will die. Without liquid, it's everything, because we won't live long without it. Same for food. As we progress up the hierarchy, the pressure is less intense, but still dominates our thinking and attention. We can live without sex, but our evolution drives us to pass on genes so after a while we think "fuck fuck fuck, I must fuck something."

      Eventually, "lower" needs satisfied (at least for the moment) we crave meaning. The universe provides no meaning. We create meaning. We compose symphonies, we paint paintings, we build pyramids, we invent gods. If we're kindly psychopaths we write books and create blogs; if we're nasty sociopaths we slit throats and pile up bodies.


  2. People are motivated by the pleasure principle. If you can manulipate this
    correctly you can compel them to do ANYTHING.

  3. M.E., you're not to blame at all, but when you take even partial credit for someone's demise people are going to point fingers at you, especially being that you're a sociopath.

    I went through something similar when my wife died of an overdose. People blamed me because I stupidly prepared her last dose and put it into her port. Those people ignored the fact that the doctors had recently prescribed her benzodiazapams even though she was already on opiates (a combination notorious for causing fatal overdoses). They ignored the severe infections that led to her having a port in the first place. They ignored the fact that she had sickle cell anemia, a gastric bypass and two babies in under two years. Throw an eating disorder and alcoholism into the mix and so on....

    Addiction is the result of multiple complex factors. There is no blame beyond a person's bad decisions, although even those are only part of the problem.

    This isn't something you need to feel remorse for.

  4. I wasn't seeking destruction, but I did need it. I met her here, and thought myself stronger than I was. She saw my weaknesses like big red bullseyes. Her arrows struck true, and I was in love, so long as love can be described as a heart-wrenching, twisted need to focus every waking moment on her, and her alone. Perhaps it's closer to obsession, but it was great and terrible, wonderfully awful, deliciously painful. I was so used to possession and control, yet she slipped between my fingers and dodged every net I tossed her way. She wouldn't be tied down. She used me for what she needed, but all the time she clung fiercely to independence and ensured she always had an easy exit. She was fucked up, and she fucked me up. I have no regrets, though I can't say it without gritting my teeth and begrudgingly admitting that I craved the breaking and needed to be broken.

    The lessons were profound. I learned remorseless confidence, to demand to be taken as I am lest I take myself away. I learned the logic of deceit, that what people don't know can't hurt them, but what you tell them can and will. I learned the emptiness of lust without passion, that taking most people once is enough to sate it, and twice removes all desire for a third course. I learned that I am not the precious, beautiful snowflake I thought I was. I'm not a knight in shining armor, meant to save damsels in distress. I am a face in the crowd, as easy to replace as anyone else. I learned that it is boring and annoying to need and be needed, and all the fire of relationships and life is in wanting and being wanted.

    1. Not sure who your comment is directed too at all... but it was truthfully nicely written. For what its worth, I think your awesome yourself even though we at times butted heads. It was seldom, not always. You do make me smile because were all more alike than not if we really care to admit. No hard feelings, just come as you are. It was not my intention to bend you that way, just ego to ego sometimes reacts. Be well in everything you do. Best wishes. In pain, thought I'd sleep in... but my body has other plans waking me up to it. ;) just cruising the site. And noticed your comment.

  5. Please comment.

    Christopher Scarver was on death row when he beat to death Jeffrey Dahmer at the sudden chance to do so. Jeffrey Dahmer was a convicted canibalistic serial murderer that quickly became very unpopular in the prison he was in as a result of the behaviour that he showed there. This behaviour included forming food as body parts to salute himself, and eating it. The created friction with inmates and guards would be the reason to his death.

    It gets to me that a person with what seems to be the sense of right and wrong and the need to justify the wrongs that a serial murderer did, can still show no empathy towards his victim both in the case of this killing and else.

    A antisocial personality personality disorder might be a distinct set of behaviour and symptoms that can be traced back to childhood, but it still does a poor job at describing the world as a black and white picture in this regard.

    1. The theme has shown up here many times, in that once you dehumanize someone you can morally justify any sort of punishment, including torture and murder. Dahmer, being a sociopath, probably never felt that what he was doing was wrong, but neither did he feel that he was doing what was right. To him, no such equivalents exist, there is only what he desires and what he does to get it.

      Our 'moral criminal' was able to easily justify the murder by labeling Dahmer an inhuman monster. He has a sense of right and wrong, and felt that he was doing what was right. Why do you think character assassination is so effective, especially in criminal cases? If you dehumanize the victim, by characterizing him as a rapist, pedophile, serial killer, etc., you strip that person down to a blank slate and carve 'monster' into it. No other aspect of that person is visible. The act of killing such a person becomes more justified, and the killer gets leniency, and even public support in many cases.

      An interesting question to ask is whether it's better to have no sense of morality (sociopath) or a twisted sense (everyone else). Justification is a game, a social construct. In the end, everyone should be accountable for their actions, regardless of the reasons behind them. However, if you play the game right, sociopath or empath, you can get off easy by lying to everyone else around you. Empaths believe their own lies to assuage their guilty conscience, and sociopaths have no inner moral sense they feel obligated to deceive.

    2. Tank you for your reply. It was a good one, and a good description of what goes on. The twisted sense of morality you describe is easily perceivable in society, but put into the right context here.

      I discussed with a Christian man the reasons of what he called evil, or what I called plain stupidity. The tendency of people to build the perception of the world around them through theyr emotions, to an extent that they will risk theyr lifes or valuables to fulfill this blind perception of reality despite all other factors. Almost as we were children who do not govern a capable mind able to override our basic insticts.

      The way he saw it; the mind was not the problem as being easily fooled, and not very self-reflecting. But the egocentric needs and thought patterns of the human being.

      In a sense sociopathy gives the impression of being a sort of great egoism without emotional attachment to the world around. But as a contrast to his theory of egoism being the problem, the sociopathic mind seems to be far from the sheeplet I described as the real source of the problem.

  6. Narcissistic parents aren't much for hugs and kisses (at least not when the cameras are off), but they are terrific for making sure their kids have good lighting. It's when they start killing cheerleaders that they give narcissism a bad name.

    A little disappointed with the restraining order, though. That seems like an attention grabber of the worst kind. Maybe it's time to wean off the larger than life image of dad and grow up. You seem super bright and creative. Try looking at life through your own eyes.

    1. Indeed! Thanks.

      Yes, it's a long process and as I say, I'm still learning my lessons. Actually, anytime he orbits near me, it's like the mirror is held up, revealing every blindspot and vulnerability.

      Which is cool in it's way; there's always something I'm working on. But to keep progressing, yes, I need to have my own vision.

      I don't trust myself completely but the legal deal gives me another 10 months to sort myself out. He has already touched me, mimicked me, compelled me with those dark, compelling orbs. However, I am not that silly.

    2. Just to be clear, he applied for an order against me, not the other way around. I sent him a text saying "please give me an adventure"... He obliged....

  7. Devil in the detail & socio in the small things. This always exposed them in the past. The little things, even if a whole lifetime (school) was spent together. They enjoyed taunting retarded people. They saw somebody weak, maybe just for a moment, and this "set them off", sort of transformed the person into a mark. They adminstered internet forums & abused their petty "power", tyrants and despots even if they just ruled an ice-cream van. That´s how we first recognized them for what they were.

  8. Cannot children be named "Lucifer" for some reason? Lucifer Lindstrom. I´ve never heard/read about anyone with such name..

  9. This comment is re influencing someone with destructive traits or not. I used to work in a high powered job, earning lots of money, but working my a.. off, oftentimes I was surrounded by fierce competition- and friends were usually friends because they needed me or I needed them in exchange for something. Usually that worked as a career-ladder to the next big project. At some point I started drinking heavily. It was also part of my job to be social. I was surrounded by a lot of people I disliked and some I suspected of malice. I had probably started drinking regardless, but I did feel a low, perhaps because analyzing them was too close for comfort, I sometimes reflected on the saying it takes one to know one to be true, and sometimes it was not a pretty sight. On the other hand, my self-destructive traits may also draw sociopaths into my life, like some kind of magnetism. I do not feel emotionally detached from my own feelings, nor from other people´s feelings that I sense very quickly. I do however experience that I can´t always react properly to other people´s emotions, and that I sometimes need to study other people to learn how to behave in an acceptable way. I thought for a long time, that I was emotionally intelligent, and for the heck of it I did some testing- and guess what. My scores were very very low. I had told myself over the years that popularity must equal emotional intelligence, but my fantasy equation simply did not add up.

  10. This reminds me of Rumpelstiltskin from Once Upon a time. He is able to use people by analyzing them. He notices their patterns, what they want, their weaknesses and introduces anything he feels necessary to gain a desired result. It doesn't hurt that he has the ability to get glimpses of the future. So if a person is on a self destructive path (the evil queen who was obsessed with destroying snow white) he knows how to use that to his advantage (getting her to cast a curse to get him closer to finding his son)

  11. Without giving too many details, I had a boyfriend who had this image of being the most liked. He was always smiling, would talk to anyone and went out of his way to help people. I noticed this as his desperate desire to be accepted and a way for him ignore his weaknesses. I showed him his flaws and after we broke up his name was a complete mess. People hated him, some were actively seeking him to hurt him, he was on drugs and quickly spiraling. The last time I saw him, he was in prison. I think he would have ended up like that, even without me. He was a ticking time bomb and I did get a lot of pleasure in watching him spiral. Especially when he finally realized my part in it. It seemed like he had a panic attack because he knew no one would ever believe him about the kind of person I am.

  12. @M.E.:

    I have often been "that friend" that everyone goes to when they have something deviant on their mind. It might be smoking pot for the first time or having an affair or whatever. I'm the person who is always up for the adventure.

    In a way, I'm trying to set myself up as "that uncle" that will help you do the things your folks say you shouldn't, but it's best if there's someone around that is interested in positive outcomes...or at least damage containment.

    I don't particularly judge and I will reflect back to them what it is they are saying they want - point it out at times and even offer reasons why they should follow their desires. When asked for advice on pulling "it" off, I'm usually ready with ideas and alibi's.

    I figure if they are going to get into trouble anyway, its a chance for us to get into trouble together - build some history. And, maybe my deviant ways might even come in handy for getting out of a fix - them's the fun stories.

    In one case, a couple that was miserable with each other - both complaining to me - finally needed a "solution." I thought she was sexy and she appreciated the attention (isn't that the easiest way?) and so we hooked up and the marriage collapsed. Somehow, he never found out (there's actually an amusing anecdote that I'm working into my project around this) and ended up helping them both along the way.

    This was almost 20 years ago and we've lost touch - but not because of the divorce.

    I kind of like the idea that I helped them get away from each other - near as I know they are still with the people they got together with after the drama subsided.

    I might be an asshole, but I like to think I'm a useful asshole.

  13. And I enjoy Harris as much as anyone who likes to think about that sort of stuff. I'm not bought in on his whole notion of no choice. I think her raises interesting ideas, but, at the very least, I'm not up for actually debating him. But I am interesting in hearing the debates - even if it really is just a big mental jerk off.

  14. "I have found that people on this path to obliterate themselves or their life, at least partially and for whatever reason, will continue that way no matter what you do or how you react to them until they are ready themselves to change."


    When I met the FNP, I was actively seeking chaos. My life was in a painful, unsustainable place but I'd recently had a huge hit of dopamine and adrenaline on an intense work project that masked the pain. I wanted more, I wanted my life to explode. He wasn't the person I sought but he made himself interesting enough. I just thought of him as a distraction for a while, didn't take him seriously. But he upped the ante until I fell for him. And after he was done with me, I deliberately smashed the rest of my world to start again from scratch.

    Which I'm doing now.

    I was cognisant of this throughout, but not of the reasons why. That came later.

    So while I was fertile ground for him, he was, in fact, the catalyst I was eagerly seeking.

    You know what they say in tantric traditions: sexual union is required for the energy to transcend your own ego, to find enlightenment. Well, he had the energy alright.

  15. I can't see M.E. deliberately hurting ANYONE, NOW.
    I just want M.E. to stay away from major non-white cities.
    The ________ is about to hit the fan.

    1. If the shit is supposed to hit the fan, make sure the fan is pointed at the compost bin. We're animals and shit is usually a dark color. If you're blind, you don't know what the color is, but you can smell it when you're covered in it.


  16. Totally unrelated. But it would be neat to participate in this brain scan. Specially when hypersexual season hits.

    1. I think something can only be characterized as "disordered" if it causes significant distress. If you are hypersexual but manage to contain it within a monogamous relationship (or an open one in which there are mutually agreed upon boundaries) I would call it a "high sex drive", as opposed to "sex addiction"- although physiologically, the same processes are taking place.

      I have a very high sex drive... But it does not cause my partner any significant distress, lol- except the good kind, or, more seriously, when I violate our boundaries. I will be honest and say that I am tempted to do so almost all the time, because our comfort zones are different. I wouldn't have as many boundaries as he needs, but my relationship is important to me, so I try to honour his wishes.... And convince him to open up incrementally... Slowly.... Until eventually, I finally get what I want. :) And *that* process of uncovering and unlocking hidden depths of depravity has a certain seductive appeal... A deliciousness all of its own.

  17. "(It's a little popular on this blog to take the Sam Harris side of life and say that people don't have as much choice as we often think we do, but I think when it comes to people's involvement with sociopaths I think there is often more choice and responsibility there than some would like to acknowledge. It's not like sociopaths have an otherworldly superhypnosis ability to compel people into engaging in activities that they would never do without compulsion.) "

    Another good point. I said to the FNP that I only allowed him to manipulate me to the point I wished to go. There were plenty of other things I'd have done with him - we hit "stalemate" (his word) because I wouldn't do the particular thing he wanted. This gives me a lever I know would work.

    1. I was raised by a sociopathic/psychopathic (im not sure which really) mother. She was very indifferent to me and often just cruel. She was very emotionally cold and calculating...playing family members off one another...but distant...more interested in her own needs. Im pretty sure my stepfather was BPD. I have BPD as well...i find that I repeatedly am attracted to sociopaths. In general...I lack empathy to other people. I am loyal to my children...and a few very close friends (though if truth be told ...i have to conscientiously try to be empathic with them) my therapist says this is more from complex ptsd from my childhood than anything else. I do have some trouble regulating anger...but I am often gaslighted by my own mother so she can play the victim. (It took me YEARS to figure this out...because mothers are supposed to love their children?) Anyway...with most of the world I am indifferent. I will toy with normal men once in awhile but I try not to inflict too much I can ALWAYS walk away from them at will. I like sociopaths. ..they are are emotionally STRONG...I like them because they don't get TOO close to me...which I cannot handle. The problem I have found is that they dont get close ENOUGH. ..or rather they dont allow me to control them...which i as a BPD need a certain degree of control. We end up IN HUGE POWER struggles...and in the end they often trigger implicit memories of childhood that make me unravel....seriously unravel and inable to walk away because I havent won. I have recently come to believe I need someone on the lower spectrum of sociopathy. Anyway...this is my take on why some people seem to unravel a little more than others.

  18. How exactly would ME know that you look at yourself with "brutal honesty" if ME has never experienced anything else?


  19. Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.
    He cast spells for different purposes like
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dream
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (10) is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery

    Contact him today on:


  20. Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.
    He cast spells for different purposes like
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dream
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (10) is the only answer to that your problem of winning the lottery

    Contact him today on:

  21. Second time I ran into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs today... Great commentary, Radical Agnostic. I was giggling like a little schoolgirl for a good five minutes.


  22. My Name is Carol Williams ..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years...So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me...The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this...he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him CONTACT THIS GREAT AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER CALLED ... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS CONTACT HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.

  23. Truly it's awesome! Keep up working! You'll make a success!

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