
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Empath Song: Not Your Kind of People

From a reader:

I was listening to this song recently and the lyrics reminded me of how many empaths, particularly those who have been the "victim" of a sociopath, feel towards the sociopath.

We are not your kind of people.
You seem kind of phoney.
Everything's a lie.
We are not your kind of people.
Something in your makeup.
Don't see eye to eye.

We are not your kind of people.
Don't want to be like you.
Ever in our lives.
We are not your kind of people.
We fight when you start talking.
There's nothing but white noise

Ahhh.... Ahhh.... Ahhh.... Ahhh....

Running around trying to fit in,
Wanting to be loved.
It doesn't take much.
For someone to shut you down.
When you build a shell,
Build an army in your mind.
You can't sit still.
And you don't like hanging round the crowd.
They don't understand

You dropped by as I was sleeping.
You came to see the whole commotion.
And when I woke I started laughing.
The jokes on me for not believing.

We are not your kind of people.
Speak a different language.
We see through your lies.
We are not your kind of people.
Won't be cast as demons,
Creatures you despise.

We are extraordinary people.


  1. I would NEVER sing a song like that to M.E., for she is BEAUTIFUL!
    A person could NEVER go wrong with a living doll like M.E. for a friend.
    "Winter, spring, summer, or fall all you got to do is call, and I'll be there...
    Hey ain't it good to know you've got a friend?
    People can be so cold, they'll hurt you, and desert you. They'll take your soul
    if you let them, o but don't you let them.

    All M.E. want's is to be loved and have a child to mold. But NOT with another
    women. God made them male and female. Homosexuality is of the devil.

    1. I think anonymous wants to make ME his "Precious".

  2. this is rather just a neurotipical song.
    true empaths can understand and sympathize with anyone, including sociopaths. because you know..that's the definition of an empath :D
    the one who can only understand the "victim" is not an empath.

  3. Hi. I'm a psych student and I'm conducting what may turn into a study (if I get a decent sample) regarding differences in emotional reaction between (merely) anti-socials and psychopaths in successful (non-convicted) psychopaths and anti-socials. I'm nearly half-way through the sample size I need. I would appreciate you cooperation. For you to participate, you just need to fill in this form:
    It's short, won't take long.

    Note that I'm looking for people who were diagnosed by a mental health professional and were abused as children/teens, as defined here:
    I know, it's a broad definition, but it's used in many countries in Europe and seems consistent with the definitions used in the us - at least in some states, and I wanted to be as inclusive as possible within the limits of what's reasonable.

    If you were ever convicted you can also respond (it may be useful for comparison), but what the study really needs right now is people who weren't convicted.

  4. "Won't be cast as demons,
    Creatures you despise."

    I don't know - I think these lyrics work from either side. But thanks for the song (another download for the list lol).

  5. When u r done listening to the OP's song. Favor from someone listen to this song and tell me what it's about. Listen to the lyrics. Because I'm trying to prove my husband wrong on this one. Lol...

    1. It's about a girl who is in love with a guy and she's obsessed with the girl the guy actually loves ... Wishes she were her. This is *not* a song about a girl that has a crush on another girl. The girl in this song is totally hetero ...

    2. Yes, exactly got it. Trying to tell my hubs that today. It was on the radio. And I'm like it's right in the lyrics, listen!!

    3. I agree - that's how I hear it.

  6. I think the song works both ways- sung with rage by the scorned empath, or with cool amusement by the sociopath (especially the last verse).

    Both think they see the other side realistically, but both lack understanding of the motivation structure that drives the other and conclude that the other is a fraudulent individual. Empaths think sociopaths are evil when sociopaths violate rules the empaths consider inviolable.

    Sociopaths see empaths as acting against utilitarian reasoning because they are having a sentimental experience that renders them too weak to act expediently.

    Both sides are disgusted with each other. Kind of a cool song actually because it illustrates how value judgments about the other sides actions/reactions are the fuel for hatred to begin.

  7. This might be a better "from the 'path's' perspective" least to me.


  9. Noooo! Once I look for one song, I get all these other suggestions and often like them, and then... (joking of course, but there's a grain of truth in there - I could do this all day and never get any work done :D) Thanks for all the links.

    Here's my contribution (somewhere in between but just because I love the song):

    1. NB I tried to find the full version of this song, but wasn't able to do so.

  10. We should try to agree on what we call empath because it seems to be quite blurry as onewoman said quite fairly.

    It is very interesting to observe those phenomenon through music and arts, thanks ! it's a wide path. The poetic path.

  11. Here there is no rage, there is pain, and sadness, and connecting with those deeper feelings to prevent the rage which prevents any inner connection, which is directed to the outside.

    You're not real, girl

    You never close your eyes
    When I am near you
    You never say you know me
    When I am inside of you
    Girl you know it's only a feeling
    Girl you know you lie and you steal
    When you take my trust in your body
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    You are another person
    When you are alone
    Nothing moves inside you
    No one holds you down
    Girl you know it's only a feeling
    You should never trust what you feel
    When you forget your body
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    Nothing inside you is real
    You're not real
    You're not real

  12. We are victims only of our own making,

  13. I don't even think about empaths anymore. Feels like we're all sociopaths and sometimes we just get confused into identifying with our emotions.. ability to perceive things psychically? Just athought,

  14. Oh hell no... I know Garbage like the back of my scathing hand...
    The song that is about us is "Temptation Waits"


    I'll tell you something
    I am a wolf but
    I like to wear sheep's clothing

    I am a bonfire
    I am a vampire
    I'm waiting for my moment

    You come on like a drug
    I just can't get enough
    I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
    And there's so much at stake
    I can't afford to waste
    I never needed anybody like this before

    I'll tell you something
    I am a demon
    Some say my biggest weakness
    I have my reasons
    Call it my defense
    Be careful what you're wishing

    You are a secret
    A new possession
    I like to keep you guessing

    When I'm not sure what I'm living for
    (When I'm not sure who I am)
    When I'm not sure what I'm looking for
    (When I'm not sure who I am)
    When I'm not sure what I'm living for
    (When I'm not sure who I am)
    When I'm not sure what I'm looking for
    (When I'm not sure who I am)

    When I'm not sure what I'm living for
    When I'm not sure what I'm looking for
    When I'm not sure what I'm living for.


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